Public Sector Facilities Stewardship & Fiduciary Responsibility
We know you can’t currently fully accomplish the above. Isn’t it time you did?
It is the responsibility of every public sector procurement and facilities management professional to optimally allocate limited repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction funds.
To accomplish the above requires the implementation and consistent application of LEAN construction procurement and delivery methods in full compliance with applicable requirements.
The 4BT OpenJOC(TM) Toolkit integrates robust, proven LEAN processes with locally researched cost data, support services, and fully secure and technology to enable public sector professionals to significantly improve construction services procurement and delivery outcomes.
Here are just a few of the innovative and exclusive features of the 4BT OpenJOC Solution (TM).
- Instant access to data. The latest (and correct version) construction cost estimates, drawings, issues, or reports are instantly available. No searching through emails, files, or notes. Overall project delivery times reduced including critical path activities such as: •Requests for Proposals • Joint Site Visits • Contractor Detailed Estimate Creations • Estimate Reviews & Negotiations • Issuance of Notices to Proceed • Job Site Mobilization & Demobilization • Quality Control & Daily Inspections • Substantial Completion & Punch Lists • Warranties & Close out packages
- Standardize processes and reports across the agency/organization and among service providers. Owners, contractors, and oversite groups all use the same common data environment, forms, procedures, timelines, and technology: • Appropriate views and privileges assure everyone is speaking the same language. • Data is no longer being located in silos in individual apps.
- Locally researched detailed unit price cost data assures full financial transparency. Its important to understand that not all construction cost data is created equal. While “national average” cost books and associated “localization factors” have their role in conceptual estimating, there is little room for error in creating budget for and estimating actual renovation, repair, or construction projects. Having access into current and actionable cost data across projects, rather than just a single project, means owners and contractors can truly… • Prioritize projects and resources. • Monitor performance. • Schedule projects in stages for more efficient, value-added construction. • Valid subcontractor & contractor proposals. • Meet compliance regulations for financial transparency.
- Leverage key performance indicators to pinpoint issues and leverage successes. Having access and insight to detailed line item costs, project timelines, and spend rates allows public sector owner to gain full project visibility: • See which suppliers have had problems with either delivery or quality requirements. • Perform trend analysis to see which suppliers are top performers. • Avoid small mistakes turning into massive costs.
- Archive information and distribute required historical or current data, documents, or images to project stakeholders. All participants can access virtually any format of data and take a more proactive approach, based upon there assigned privileges: • Information and reports are available to anyone with access to the cloud and appropriate credentials. • The reports can be run enterprise-wide to give stakeholders greater visibility and insight rather than project-by-project. • All forms of documents, Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word/Excel, etc., and drawings, DWG, JPG, TIFF, PNG, RVT, etc., can be viewed. (…)
- User tasks and incident reporting. Appropriate forms can be accessed via computer, smart phone, and tablet to post tasks and incidents. Internal system notifications eliminate problems associated with email: • Appropriate workflows and sign offs can be incorporated. • Documents the incident reports with photos that can be immediately posted and time stamped. • Automatically updates any changes to forms enterprise wide.
Additional White Papers / References: ASSET LIFE-CYCLE MODEL – Total Cost of Ownership Management – A framework for facilities life-cycle management. Building Information Modelling BIM in the Construction Industry – Technical Report TR-1405 BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE) – A strategic tool for sharing information and managing a team within a BIM / LEAN Construction Delivery environment. BIM, PROJECT DELIVERY METHODS, WASTE, & LACK OF LEADERSHIP – Traditional design-bid- build (DBB) contracting techniques, and even more recent attempts to improve DBB such as design-build (DB), CM@R, etc. should not be considered LEAN efficient construction delivery methods. COAA – Owners Perspective – BIM for FIM, BIFM – BIM for FM and a “Building Information Management Framework” – BIMF includes a laser sharp focus on integrated functional planning and cost metrics. The framework’s value for stakeholders includes: a) transformational change effected by a capital planning philosophy that emphasizes integration of professional practice; b) delivery models that emphasize lean construction practices; and, c) transparent standardized construction and facility operations data and taxonomies that contain cost by providing access to building information whether stored or linked to a building model. How to Select a JOC Unit Price Book – White Paper – Download – Select a JOC UPB – A JOC Unit Price Book, UPB is very important to the quality, integrity, productivity, and transparency of any Job Order Contract. JOB ORDER CONTRACTING – Overview & Best Management Practices – Job Order Contracting White Paper 2016801 – Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a competitively bid, firm-fixed price, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) LEAN construction delivery method.