Alliance Job Order Contracting 2025

Alliance Job Order Contracting has multiple benefits over traditional JOC.

While traditional JOC Programs use national average cost data and location factoring or pay “JOC Consultants” a percentage of total JOC construction volume, neither maximize the potential of Alliance Job Order Contracting.  The older methods, while prevalent and arguable the ‘status quo, do not provide requisite levels of cost visibility and/or cost management.   Nor do they generally provide the level of support and collaboration required to maximize return on investment in mutually acceptable manner for both real property owners and JOC design/builders.

What is Alliance Job Order Contracting?

  1.   A form of integrated project delivery specifically designed to maximize efficiency of repair, renovation, maintenance, or new build projects.
  2.   A fully support framework that focuses upon an integrated vs. current silo-based Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery approaches.
  3.   Validated financial transparency supported by objective, verifiable, and current labor, material, labor, and productivity information (no use of location or economic factoring).
  4.   Multi-formant, multi-level training and support for all participants and stakeholders.
  5.  A methodology that enables owners to build and retain knowledge vs. dependency upon “JOC consultants”.
  6.  Superior replacement to traditional JOC Programs and up to 10x less costly, while providing 30%-40%+ enhanced cost visibility.

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Alliance Job Order Contracting

  • Auditable Procurement Process
  • Verifiable, current, and dynamic cost information
  • Superior capacity utilization
  • Enhanced collaboration
  • Unparalleled support
  • Realtime management feedback