RFP #19-7320
Job Order Contracting & Facilities Construction Services
Southern California
Allied States Cooperative
Best Value, On-Demand, Quality Repair, Renovation, & Minor New Construction Services delivered On-Time, and On-Budget
Resource Page
This is an annual contract to providing public sector and not-for-profit organizations to procure Job Order Contracting Facilities Construction Services.
INNOVATIVE LEAN 4BT OpenJOC™ Tools & Services
The 4BT OpenJOC™ UPB shall be used for the area in which work is being performed. There are twelve (12) designated zones for Southern California and the same number of UPBs. Members and Vendors shall use the appropriate Zone UPB in which the work is being performed. A corresponding Regular Working Hours and Non-Regular Working Hours coefficient is provided by the Vendor (JOC Contractor).
Associated classroom-based training is also provided and required of all awarded JOC contractors. Training, 4BT UPB, and associated cloud-software must be purchased by all vendors upon contract award and appropriately updated.
MTM Construction, Inc
MTM Construction, Inc
Attn: Howard Lee or John Moon
16035 Phoenix Dr. City of Industry, CA 91745
P:(626) 934-1112
howardlee@mtminc.us / www.mtmconstruction.com

Join the rapidly growing ASC Network!
Allied States Cooperative Job Order Contracting Construction Services provide MAJOR ADVANTAGES to Public Sector Owners and Awarded JOC Contractors…
Dependable – Quality construction services consistently delivered on-demand, on-time, and on-budget.
Financially transparent – Based on the locally researched 4BT OpenJOC(TM) Unit Price Book and detailed line item estimating as the cost basis.
Compliant – Administered and supported by a Government Agency that is EDGAR compliant, and not owned by a for-profit corporation. Every JOC Project also receives a mandatory Informal Compliance Review, ICR(TM).
Proven – Job Order Contracting is used by universities, school districts, municipalities,, counties, and transportation agencies statewide and nationally.
Mutually Beneficial – The ASC/4BT OpenJOC contract structure, tools, and processes are LEAN, responsive, compliant, and easy-to-use for owners that need to deal with numerous renovation projects and deferred maintenance in a timely, cost-effective manner. Awarded JOC Contractors also benefit through the development of long-term, mutually beneficial owner/contractor relationships yielding greater financial visibility and cost stabilization.
ORDERING INFORMATION for Public Agencies – Allied Stated Cooperative Job Order Contracting Services
If you are an ASC Member, contact your vendor(awarded JOC Contractor) of choice…once awards have been made… and request Construction Services/JOC Contractor and a Detailed Line Item Proposal.
Non-ASC Members, simply contact ASC and join. There is no cost for membership. ASC contacts:
Becky Hernandez
Procurement Director
(915) 780-5021 | E-mail