Attention Construction Contractors – Collaboration is Key to Customer Experience

Collaboration is Key to Customer Experience and to your bottom line.

Early and ongoing collaboration with building owners, facilities management, procurement, and associated technical teams is the single most important element to driving improved outcomes and long-term, mutually beneficial outcomes.

Attaining and maintaining internal and external collaborative relationships requires leadership & organization-wide commitment.    This commitment specifically involves the following elements with respect to repair, renovation, and new construction builders…

  1. Best Value – An understanding that best value is the over-riding driver with respect to meeting client needs.  Provide exactly what the client needs, when they need it, and at a reasonable cost.
  2. Financial and Project Composition Transparency –  The use of a locally researched line item detailed unit price book, UPB, organized using CSI Masterformat (50 Division).  This provides enhanced understanding of the scope of work, and mitigates both errors and omissions.   Change orders and legal disputes can virtually be eliminated.
  3. LEAN Construction Delivery Methodology – Lean construction delivery methods such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and Job Order Contracting, JOC, for repair,renovation, sustainability, maintenance, and minor new construction have been proven for decades and are far superior to traditional design-bid-build and also outperform design-bid, construction manage at risk, etc.

Improving collaboration, customer experience, and your bottom line is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Time for you to get started?   All the tools, training, and information is at your fingertips.

Reduct Costs and Risks

