If you aren’t using the Allied States Cooperative for Job Order Contracting then the odds are good that you are paying 300% to 400% more in administrative fees than necessary!
The Allied States Cooperative only carries a two percent (2%) fee payable by awarded JOC contractors. Other cooperatives charge threes times (3X) or higher for equivalent, or in some cases less robust JOC Programs. The Allied State Cooperative (ASC) JOC Program provides the following features and benefits to owners and awarded JOC contractors. Do your research and make sure your money is being spent wisely!
- Locally researched OpenJOC(TM) Unit Price Cost Data (no use of national averages or localization factors)
- Compliance audits on EVERY JOC Project
- EDGAR Compliance
- Mandatory annual training for ALL awarded JOC Contractors
- Cloud technology with Project, Estimate, Document, Issues/Task Management and more…
via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford