Benefits of Collaborative Job Order Contracting

The Benefits of Collaborative Job Order Contracting far exceed  “traditional” JOC Programs and their sole focus upon procurement.

Most current JOC Programs focus exclusively on procuring construction services faster.  As a result, they fail to provide the major benefits afforded by a collaborative approach and the use of objective, current, and verifiable labor, material, and equipment cost and task information, including…

  1.   Enablement and support of change management
  2.   Support for continuous improvement
  3.   Enhanced cost visibility and cost management capability
  4.   Development of long-term mutually beneficial relationships
  5.   Repeatable enhanced business processes
  6.   The basis for developing a shared knowledge base
  7.   Development of a new standard of asset management

Learn more about LEAN construction and 4BT’s OpenJOC (TM) collaborative Job Order Contracting solution.

Collaborative Job Order Contracting


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