Built environment management resources, tools, services, training materials, articles, research, guides, and more to help to share knowledge and support continuous improvement.
Efficient lifecycle management of the built environment requires continuous, capable, and accountable leadership, and collaborative teams working towards well-defined, mutually beneficial goals.
The LEAN Construction Library helps to support efficient built environment management practices by presenting the core elements of LEAN / collaborative construction and sustainable life-cycle techniques spanning the domains of BIM, Cost Estimating Best Management Practices, Real Property / Facilities Management, (FM) Standards, FSRM / Sustainment, Life-Cycle Total Cost of Ownership Asset Management, Construction Delivery Methods, LEAN Construction, Lifecycle / Total Cost of Ownership Asset Management, Operations/Maintenance, Root Causes of Construction Project Management Failure, and Sustainability/Energy Management,
- Cost Estimating Best Management Practices
- DoD Real Property Management
- Facilities Management (FM) Standards
- FSRM / Sustainment
- Life-Cycle Total Cost of Ownership Asset Management
- Construction Delivery Methods
- Alliance Partnering
- Collaborative Construction
- Job Order Contracting – JOC
- Integrated Project Delivery – IPD
- LEAN Construction
- Lifecycle / Total Cost of Ownership Asset Management
- Operations/Maintenance
- Root Causes of Construction Project Management Failure
- Sustainability/Energy Management