Relearn Construction Cost Estimating – 4 Critical Learnings

Relearn Construction Cost Estimating – 4 Critical Learnings. Technology will not solve your problems.  Tech is an enablers.
People, Process, and Information are the three kings.  Focus on working with professions with experience, yet willing to learn, listen, and share information.  Robust process is critical.  Move away from “project-based thinking”, to program thinking.  This simply means, fundamental steps/workflows work for ALL projects.  Stick with them.  As to information, there is only one critical aspect.   Use and share objective, granular, current, and locally researched line item data that is organized using a standard data architecture (for example, expanded CSI Masterformat). 
Focus on a developing a detailed Scope of Work from day one and work collaboratively with all constituencies (owners, design-builders, planners, procurement, facilities management…).
Work as part of an integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery team.