JOC Programs that make sense.

JOC Programs that make sense deliver comprehensive, integrated robust processes, professional services, and enabling software solutions to enable public sector facilities management teams to more efficient mange building and other structure in concert with mission goals. 

The True Origin of LEAN

The True Origin of LEAN begins with Henry Ford, the first person to truly integrate an entire production process was Henry Ford. At Highland Park, MI, in 1913 he married consistently interchangeable parts with standard work and moving conveyance to create what he called flow production.

Valid Construction Cost Estimate Creation

Valid construction cost estimate creation is the goal of every professional estimator.

Any professional construction cost estimator worth their salt will not talk about “accuracy”.    In fact, it may be best to avoid any person or vendor that makes claims about the accuracy of their estimate or cost information.    The reason is simple, an estimate, by nature, is an approximation.  Furthermore, measuring accuracy is impossible as there is no datum.  Using the final construction cost, for example, is just plain silly as there are far too many variables involved in the outcome.

Facilities Preventive Maintenance

Facilities Preventive Maintenance requires the following information to minimize downtime and unscheduled maintenance and repairs. Installed model and features of each system. […]

Innovative Solution Integrates Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery to Improve Construction Productivity

The innovative 4BT OpenBuild/OpenJOC(TM) Framework integrates planning, procurement, and project delivery to improve construction productivity. Leverage robust lean processes, locally researched detailed […]

Program Transparency Drives Best Value Facilities Project Outcomes

Program transparency drives Best Value facilities project outcomes by empowering owners and design-builders alike. Internal and external planning, procurement, and project delivery […]

Test the Bounds of Job Order Contracting?

California Contractor Tests the Bounds of Job Order Contracting By Garret Murai, February 15, 2021 (source: Most contractors have heard of design-bid-build, design-build, construction […]


Facilities management professionals… here is an introduction to a LEAN Implementation ROADMAP for CONSTRUCTION, including all the processes, tools, and support services […]

What is a Successful Construction Project?

What is a successful project? Whether its a repair, renovation, maintenance, or new build, understanding what constitutes success is a fundamental starting […]

Why LEAN Construction Matters

The answer to why lean construction matter includes…

Owner experience, qualifications, and capability
Magnitude, form, function and complexity of facilities/built environment repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction
Establishing the project timelines
Fast-tracking priority requirements
True financial visibility and transparency
Measurably improving financial, environmental, and quality outcomes as well as overall satisfaction for participants and stakeholders