Here is the latest Coast Guard Infrastructure Report from the GAO.
As has been reported for decades, the gaps between budget requests and funding targets for shore infrastructure persist.
Nearly Half of Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure is Beyond Its Expected Service Life
Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure: Project Backlogs Reportedly Exceed $7 Billion
GAO-25-108064, Published: Mar 05, 2025. Publicly Released: Mar 05, 2025.

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“In order to fully address all four of the open recommendations, the Coast Guard will need to;
(1) develop goals and baselines for tracking the effectiveness of its maintenance and repair efforts;
(2) implement new guidance to align its assets with mission needs;
(3) fully employ models to help prioritize decision-making; and
(4) find new ways to inform Congress about the various projects alternatives and trade-offs that the Coast Guard faces when deciding how best to allocate its shore infrastructure resources. We believe that fully addressing our 2019 recommendations will help the Coast Guard to better manage its resources, identify cost savings, and provide Congress with better information to address shore infrastructure challenges.”
Furthermore the cost information being provide by the Coast Guard is likely inaccurate as it do not rely up current, granular, standardized, and verifiable labor, material, and equipment costs researched specifically for each local site.
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