Construction Advanced Work Packaging AWP

Construction advance work packaging isn’t really “advanced”, but the application of common sense by skilled professionals.

Cost overruns and delays result in the 80%+ of all repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build projects being 30%-40% over budget.

Construction advanced work Packaging is a construction-driven planning and collaboration system for building capital projects that is sharply focused on creating a constraint-free work environment in the field. It requires that detailed work packages be created early in the project life cycle; i.e., in advance.

85% of construction “failures”* are the result of poor preconstruction planning and disjointed procurement, and/or failure to implement a robust, collaborative project delivery method.  Construction advanced work packing is a mandatory component of a any resolution framework.

Focus upon front-end defintion of project requirements and teams enables the higher likelyhood of project success. Seting setting clear directions, and deliverables at a granular level ensures cost-effective and timely project delivery.

While “flow” methods and philosophies such as last planner, takt, etc., have significant value, the requirement for detailed construction task data at a granular level, complete with current, local market labor, material, and equipment data, based upon commerical construction requirements and a standardized data architecture (i.e. expanded CSI Masterformat) is mandatory.  This approach is ideal for the fastest and most economical project outcome, and associated mitigation of communication errors, omissions, and change orders.

Establishiing an ideal schedule and alignment with AEC and owner participants requires a detailed understanding of project line items, crews, and associated productivity. Collaboration among these teams through onging interactive planning sessions to identify gaps and explore opportunities to build and accelerate schedules using a common, shared, and reliable detailed local market construction cost database is a proven pathway to project success.

Active Construction Cost Management active construction cost management Construction Advanced Work

It’s no secret that cost proposals are highly dependent upon perceived risk on the part of design-builders.   A detailed and shared understanding of construction requirements significantly lowers perceived risk.

Changing the Way Projects are Defined, Procured, and Run

Construction advanced work packaging, in conjunction with integrated project delivery and collaborative job order contracting and/or alliance partnering is a transformative methodology that redefines project planning and execution.   Planning, Procurement,  and  Project Delivery, inclusive of  collaborative scheduling, tracking, and other process define success.

The shortcomings of the traditional approaches, where planning, procurement, and project delivery teams and objectives are disjointed and conflicted  lead to delays, change orders, and cost overruns.   The only way to stop pervasive financial and environmental waste is to leverage robust, integrated frameworks and common data environments based on “lessons learned” through decades of experience, identified key project influences, and leverage front end AWP and integrated internal and external planning, procurement, and project delivery teams.  This approach enables owners and service providers to deliver the fastest and most cost-effective projects  without compromising quality or safety.


*A construction “failure” is a renovation, repair, maintenance, or new build activity that is over budget, late, or result in dissatisfaction of one or more project participants.


“The earlier project participants get involved, and leverage advanced work packaging and a common data environment the more they can contribute to the beneficial influence on any project” 

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