Construction Cost Estimating PRIMER
Unit costs / Bill of quantities
Unit cost component level estimating provides the requisite level of cost visibility for proceeding to the procurement phase.
The level of detail in decomposing a “construction activity” into individual granular tasks and the validity of the core local market condition dataset jointly determine the level of credibility for the overall cost estimate total.
A unit cost is assigned to each of the facility components or construction tasks as represented by the bill of quantities. The total cost is the summation of the products of the quantities multiplied by the corresponding unit costs. The unit cost method is straightforward and can be greatly aided in terms of time savings and error mitigation using a locally researched granular construction cost database.
The initial step is to break down or disaggregate a demolition, repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction project into discreate tasks required per the accepted detailed Scope of Work (SOW). Collectively, these tasks represent all requirements listed in the project’s detailed SOW as mutually agreed upon by the real property owner and the design-builder.
Once these tasks are defined and quantities representing these tasks are selected, a unit cost is assigned to each and then the total cost is determined by summing the costs incurred in each task. Each unit cost task also must include individual labor, material, equipment, and crew/productivity data sets to ensure a high degree of confidence.
A Source for RELIABLE Construction Cost Data
Construction costs change rapidly due to inflation, supply chain issues, material shortages, labor demand, the availability of equipment, and multiple other factors. Your construction cost data can now keep pace!
Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the only source for reliable, objective, and current granular construction task data, complete with separate demolition information, line-item modifiers, and preventive maintenance costs for multiple frequencies with associated checklists for each. All construction task information is LOCALLY RESEARCHED and UPDATED QUARTERLY, without the use of location factoring or economic indexing.
(Note: Location factoring has been demonstrated to introduce significant error.)
If you are familiar with CSI Masterformat, there is virtually no learning curve, as repair, renovation, and construction line items are organized using expanded Masterformat. This also significantly improves information sharing, lowers the cost of updating, expanding, and reuse, and enables knowledge building. Similarly preventive maintenance tasks are organized using expanded UNIFORMAT II.
4BT OpenCOSTTM databases can be used within 4BT collaborative cloud platforms or provided in a common format for your organizations technology platform of choice. In either case, having objective, current, verifiable granular construction task data is a real game changer.
Transparently build and share technical and cost information for any size project
Benefits of using 4BT OpenCOSTTM construction cost data.
- Local market cost data, updated quarterly
- Granular line-item costs ensure an improved Scope of Work
- Ability to cost effectively retain and share critical knowledge
- Validate lump sum contractor/subcontractor quotes
- Create and maintain custom cost lines
- Create and maintain estimate templates
- Create and maintain assemblies that link to line items
- Improved cost visibility
- Improved cost management
- Faster proposal development
- Faster proposal reviews
- Develop and easily maintain a common data environment (CDE)
- Decrease reliance on costly consultants
- Fully auditable and compliant in support of fiduciary responsibilities
- Virtually eliminate change orders due to errors/omissions or misunderstandings
All OpenCOSTTM information uses common industry standard terms, definitions, and units of measure. Descriptions and line items are presented using plain English without excessive use of acronyms or abbreviations.
Join hundreds of other organizations and individuals now leveraging the cost visibility and reliability of consistently organized locally researched costs data versus ad-hoc methods, or national average data and location factors.
Request an informational session at your convenience…
Construction Cost Estimating Glossary

3D – The representation of construction elements intended to be used in the actual physical construction that digitally and virtually represents size, geometry, and spatial relationship in an X, Y, and Z coordinate system.
4D – The inclusion of time coordinated with the 3D objects to produce a construction sequencing simulation.
5D – The inclusion of cost either embedded into or linked to the 3D objects for budget management as it relates to time, materials, and methods.
ACEC – American Council of Engineering Companies.
Addenda – An update to a set of Bid Documents issued before bids are received.
AGC – Associated General Contractors of America.
Agency CM – A construction management system that manages the process of a construction project on behalf of the owner without physically delivering a construction project.
AIA – American Institute of Architects.
Allowance of Costs – The transfer of costs from one cost item to one or more other cost items.
Allowance – A sum of money defined in the documents, to be included in the bid to cover the cost of work not fully defined by the documents.
Alternates – Amount to be added or deducted from the base bid if the corresponding change in project scope or alternate materials and/or method of construction is accepted.
ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers.
Basis of estimate (BOE) – a document which describes the scope basis, pricing basis, methods, qualifications, assumptions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Bid Documents – The documents used to obtain pricing from prospective contractors. In a competitive bidding process, these documents include the advertisement or invitation to bid, instruction to bidders, the bid form and the proposed construction contract documents including an addenda issued prior to receipt of bids.
Bill of materials (BOM) – a list of materials required for the construction of a project or part of a project, which may include quantities.
Bill of quantities (BOQ) – a document used in tendering in the construction industry in which materials, parts, and labor (and their costs) are itemized. It also (ideally) details the terms and conditions of the construction or repair contract and itemizes all work to enable a contractor to price the work for which he or she is bidding.
BIM (Building Information Modeling) – A BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward.
BIM Execution Plan – A plan that is developed by the key stakeholders of a project at the inception of the project to identify the goals of the project, as they relate to the implementation of BIM, including who will implement what, and when the implementation will occur, in order to achieve the identified goals of the project.
Bond – A performance bond, which is a surety bond issued by an insurance company or a bank to guarantee satisfactory completion of a project by a contractor. Other types of guarantees, such as a bid bond or a materials bond, are sometimes also required by a project owner.
Books Architect / Engineer Act – Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 which provides guidelines for Qualifications Based Selection of firms.
Builder’s Risk Insurance – Property insurance that covers against physical damage to the work while construction is in progress.
Best Value – A procurement method in which qualifications and price are weighted to select the constructor whose proposal represents the greatest value to the owner.
Central Model – The primary repository of information associated to a model, which re-incorporates the parts and pieces that are passed along to others for editing and updating via the use of worksets.
Certificate of Substantial Completion – The document that is prepared by the design professional, after an inspection of the work, to establish that the work, or portion of the work, is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Construction Contract Documents that the owner can occupy or utilize the work for its intended use.
Change Order – A written order to the contractor signed by the owner, or an authorized representative of the owner, authorizing changes in the work or adjustments in the contract sum and/or contract time. The change order must also be signed by the contractor to indicate acceptance of the adjustment in the contract sum and/or contract time. The contract sum or contract time may be changed only by change order.
Chart of accounts (Code of accounts) (COA) – A created list of the accounts used by a business entity to define each class of items for which money or the equivalent is spent or received. It is used to organize the finances of the entity and to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets and liabilities in order to give interested parties a better understanding of the financial health of the entity.
City cost index (CCCI) – A factor that is intended to localize cost information. Factors do not provide sufficient cost visibility to enable cost management.
Clash Detection – The ability to electronically review the objects in a model for confirmation that more than one object does not physically occupy a given space (coincide), or that the necessary clearances exist between two adjacent objects.
CM (Construction Manager) – An entity that typically contracts with the owner to provide construction management services. The CM may provide construction expertise, estimating and scheduling services. Additionally the CM may perform contracting, purchasing and supervising of construction.
CM-@-Risk (Construction Management At Risk) – A delivery method which entails a commitment by the construction manager to deliver the project with a Guaranteed Maximum Price. The CM acts as a consultant to the owner in the development and design phases, and acts as the equivalent of a general contractor during the construction phase.
COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) – A process that involves entering material information into the BIM as it is created during design, construction, and commissioning that primarily supports facilities management and building operations processes.
Competitive (Sealed) Bidding – A sealed bid process to demonstrate fairness and objectivity.
Constructability – Ability to construct the designed work in a timely and cost effective manner. The extent to which the design of a facility provides for ease of construction yet meets the overall requirements. The integration of construction knowledge and experience in the planning, design, procurement and construction phases of projects consistent with overall project objectives.
Construction cost – The total cost to construct a project. This value usually does not include the preplanning, site or right of way acquisition, or design costs, and may not include start-up and commissioning costs. This total or subtotal is usually identified as such in an estimate report. Also known as Total Estimated Contract Cost (TECC).
Construction – A process that consists of the creation, modification, or demolition of facilities, buildings, civil and monumental works, and other physical infrastructure.
Consumables – Goods that are capable of being consumed; that may be destroyed, dissipated, wasted, or spent (also known as consumable goods, nondurable goods, or soft goods). In construction, these may include such materials as weld rod, fasteners, tape, glue, etc.
Contingency – When estimating the cost for a project, product or other item or investment, there is always uncertainty as to the precise content of all items in the estimate, how work will be performed, what work conditions will be like when the project is executed and so on. These uncertainties are risks to the project. Some refer to these risks as “known-unknowns” because the estimator is aware of them, and based on past experience, can even estimate their probable costs. The estimated costs of the known-unknowns is referred to by cost estimators as cost contingency.
Cost index (or factor) – A value used to adjust the cost of from one time to another on a rough basis. There are various published cost indexes, listed by year, quarter, or month.
Cost – The value of currency required to obtain a product or service, to expend labor and use equipment and tools, or to operate a business.
Costing – The process of applying appropriate costs to the line items after the take off.
Crew hour (ch) – A single crew’s effort for one hour of time.
Crew – A group of people (workers) who execute a construction activity. The crew may also include construction equipment required to execute the work.
Database – A repository of information. In the case of BIM, the model is built around a database, allowing for objects to incorporate data describing the object (known as metadata), which provides an additional layer of intelligence to the information that can be shared via the model.
DBE ( Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) – An entity that is at least 51% owned and operated by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individual (s).
Deliverable – A term used in project management to describe a tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external).
Delivery Method/System – The means by which design and construction work are provided.
Design BIM Authoring Tool – A computer program interface capable of generating parametric modeling components that contain physical, technical and spatial information in a relational database form that can be exchanged by open-source metadata.
Design-Assist – A procurement process in which prior to completion of a design, a constructor is hired to assist a design professional of record in completing the design.
Design-Bid-Build – A project method in which the owner engages a designer to prepare the design of the complete facility, including construction documents and other contract documents. Once completed, the bid package is presented to interested general contractors who in turn prepare a bid for the work.
Design-Build – A project delivery method in which a single team develops a project, including design and construction.
Direct costs – Costs directly attributable to the cost object. In construction, the costs of materials, labor, equipment, etc., and all directly involved efforts or expenses for the cost object are direct costs.
Distributables – A classification of project costs which are not associated with any specific direct account.
Duration – The amount of clock or calendar time which is required to execute a work activity or task.
Effort – The work done in accomplishing a task or project. May be a measurement of the hours required.
Equipment – (1) a category of cost for organizing and summarizing costs, (2) construction equipment used to execute the project work, (3) engineered equipment such as pumps or tanks.
Escalation – Changes in the cost or price of specific goods or services in a given economy over a period. In estimates, escalation is an allowance to provide for the anticipated escalation of costs during construction.
Estimation The processes of detering the cost of an activity using the appropriate techniques.
Facility – An installation, contrivance, or other thing which facilitates something; a place for doing something. A building, plant, road, reservoir, etc.
Fast Track – Any project and process where there is an overlap between two or more project phases.
Federated Model – A composite BIM that links together models produced by various project participants to perform more comprehensive project analyses such as coordination, logistical planning and cost/budget. Federated BIM recognizes the fact that most current project delivery models do not support the collaborative process of Integrated BIM.
Field Supervision (or field non-manual) – Supervisory personnel and all other non-manual staff at the construction site.
Foreman – The worker or tradesman who is in charge of a construction crew. The foreman may be a hands-on worker who contributes to the work completion or a non-working foreman. A general foreman may be in charge of all or some crews.
Fringe Benefits – Labor cost elements which are provided to pay for benefits received by workers, such as health insurance, pension, training, etc.
General & Administrative Costs (G&A) – The costs of operating a construction business. These costs include such things as office space, office staff, operating facilities, etc. They are not associated with any specific project, but may be allocated across projects in a cost estimate. See also Overhead, Indirect cost.
General contractor- Organization responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site, management of vendors and trades, and communication of information to involved parties throughout the course of a building project.
General Liability Insurance – The most common form of insurance carried by constructors.
General requirements – Costs for general requirements (Division 1) of the project execution which are actually part of the deliverable. Examples: project management & coordination 47, temporary facilities & controls, cleaning & waste management, commissioning.
Georeference – A coordinate system and base point that will be common between all models to ensure that all models are referenced properly.
GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) – The owner agrees to reimburse the costs of the work, up to a prescribed ceiling amount.
IDP (Integrated Project Delivery) – An approach to a project where all parties sign a multiple party contract that includes the owner, the primary architect (s), the prime contractor (s) as well as other key members of the construction team. This incentivizes collaborative behavior and team risk-sharing to enhance project success.
IFC (Industry Foundation Class) – An international standard that establishes information data exchange protocol for building elements, allowing for the use of files created in one software platform (i.e. Bentley Systems) to be utilized in a different software platform (i.e. Autodesk).
Indirect costs – Costs that are not directly accountable to a cost object (such as a particular project, facility, function or product). See also, Overhead, General & Administrative Cost, Distributable.
Integrated BIM – A model that is produced collaboratively between project participants in an environment where data is openly shared and continually refined throughout the participants so that they may work collaboratively and requires a consistent BIM authoring platform.
Interoperability – The ability of technology used in the BIM process to exchange data without data loss or data repurposing. Interoperability between all involved parties should be outlined in the BIM Execution Plan.
Labor benefits – Additional costs (such as holiday pay or health insurance) which the employer pays directly to the employee or into a fund on behalf of the employee.
Labor burden -The cost of payroll taxes and insurances (such as workers’ compensation) which the employer must pay to employ workers.
Labor rate – The amount of currency per unit of time which is required to employ people (workers, crafts, trades, etc.) in the execution of construction work activity. The rate may represent the wage rate only, or may include various benefits and labor burdens.
Labor – A category of cost which is incurred to employ people (workers, crafts, trades, etc.) in the execution of construction work activity.
Lean Construction – A management approach that focuses on maximum value and minimum waste. A system intended to manage and improve overall performance by using input from all team members.
LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) – Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, the LEED Rating System is a voluntary national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.
LEED AP (LEED Accredited Professional) – LEED accreditation is awarded to building industry practitioners with detailed knowledge of LEED project certification requirements and processes and a command of integrated design principals.
Level of Development – The extent of the physical and functional characteristics that are included in a 3D object representation of a building intended to be constructed. The amount and extent of information provided, as well as who is responsible for providing this information, should be fully defined as is expected through the design, fabrication, construction, and occupancy (life-cycle) of physical structure.
Line item – One granular element of specific construction task in an estimate which is listed in the estimate spreadsheet. A line item is a comnponent of an Assembly.
Location cost index (or factor) – The ratio of the cost in one location to that in another location. These may include or exclude currency exchange rates. Factors do not provide sufficient cost visibility. Example: 223 in Boston / 187 in Austin = 1.19. The location cost factor is used to adjust the cost from one location to another. To adjust a known cost in Austin to that in Boston, multiply the Austin cost by 1.19.
Lump Sum – The lump sum is a fixed price for the scope of the work described in the contract documents. The general contractor assumes the risk of cost increases to perform the work required to complete the scope of the work described in the original contracts documents.
Man-hour (mh) – OPne person’s (worker, craftsman, tradesman, etc.) effort for one hour of time. Note: some attempt to make this gender neutral by renaming this as work hour or job hour or person hour, or something similar.
Man-hour norms – A set of standard man-hour rates for work tasks, given normal working conditions.
Man-hour rate – The amount of man-hours which are consumed executing one unit of work activity. Man-hour rate = man-hours required for work / completed work quantity. Example: Excavation 0.125 mh/cy. The man-hour rate is related to the inverse of the production rate times the number of workers in the crew performing the work. Example: Excavation at 8 cy/day (8 hour day) with 2-man crew = 2 x 8 / 8 = 2 man-hours/cy. See also Production rate. Note: some sources call this Productivity, an unnecessary confusion.
Manual labor – Physical work done by people involved in construction the project. All of the various trade workers are included in manual labor, including foremen.
Mark-up -The difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price. A markup is added on to the total cost incurred by the producer of a good or service in order to create a profit.
MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) – An entity that is at least 51% owned and operated by a minority.
Means & methods – The techniques and processes used in executing work.
Metadata – Data that is associated to the parts and pieces that make up the contents of a model.
Multiple Prime Delivery – Instead of contracting with a single entity, the owner contracts with multiple trade contractors for the completion of the work and the owner assumes the responsibility for the coordination.
NBIMS (National Building Information Modeling Standard) – A living document drafted to promulgate standards for consistency in BIM. The document is a result of a project committee of the buildingSMART Alliance, which is a council of the National Institute for Building Sciences.
Neutral Schema – A collection of database objects, including tables, views, indexes, and synonyms that are non-proprietary.
Non-manual labor – Work done by people who are not classified as manual labor.
Non-productive time – Work time which is paid but does not contribute to the production of work. Examples: safety meeting, travel time, clean up time, wash up time, etc.
OmniClass – An emerging standard for comprehensively classifying the built environment that is attempting to unify the Uniform and MasterFormat systems.
Open shop -A place of employment at which one is not required to join or financially support a union (closed shop) as a condition of hiring or continued employment. Open shop is also known as a merit shop.
Overhead – In business, overhead or overhead expense refers to an ongoing expense of operating a business; it is also known as an “operating expense.” See also General & Administrative Cost, Indirect Cost.
Overtime- The amount of time someone works beyond normal working hours.
PA Separations Act – Enacted in 1913, this law requires a public owner to bid and award at least four (4) separate and multiple prime contracts for one (1) construction project. Pennsylvania is one (1) of only three (3) states in the country to abide by such a requirement.
Parametric – The ability to make a change to a single view of a model and have the change automatically translated to all other views of the model, maintaining uniform relationship in all aspects of the model.
Payment Bond – A surety bond that secures a constructor’s obligations to pay subcontractors, supplies and other lower tier entities beneath a general contractor.
Per diem –A daily allowance for expenses, a specific amount of money that an organization gives an individual per day to cover living and traveling expenses (allowance) in connection with work done away from home or on tour. (Latin for “per day” or “for each day”)
Phasing – The ability to breakdown a model into chronological layers, allowing for the isolation of new items created / demolished during a particular phase, or the sequential build-up of a project from start to finish.
Plug number –A value inserted in an estimate as a place holder and an approximation of the cost for a scope element which has not been detailed yet. See also Allowance.
Premium pay – The extra portion of wages paid when a worker works overtime. Example: Wage rate is 10.00/hour, overtime is paid at time and a half, or 15.00/hour, the premium pay is 5.00/hour.
Price – The quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or services.
Pricing – The function of determining the amount of money asked in consideration for undertaking the project. Depending on the market and profit considerations, etc., the price may be more or less than the cost.
Prime Contractor – A contractor on a project that has direct agreement with the owner.
Production rate – The quantity of work which is completed in one unit of time. Production rate = completed work quantity / duration. Example: Excavation 8 cy/day = .5 cy/hour (in an 8 hour day). Daily Output. See also Man-hour rate. Note: some sources use the term productivity for the production rate or man-hour rate, an unnecessary confusion.
Productivity factor – The ratio of a selected production rate to a reference production rate. Example: selected rate = 102, reference rate = 80, productivity factor = 102/80 = 1.28. Alternatively – the ratio of a reference man-hour rate to a selected man-hour rate. Example: selected rate = 0.104, reference rate = 0.125, productivity factor = 0.125/0.104 = 1.20. A productivity factor is often used to adjust a set of standard or normal (norm) production or man-hour rates to a set of rates for a specific project, location, or set of working conditions (see Labor Productivity Factor).. Example: Specific type of excavation – standard = 150 cy/day. For specific project, location, or conditions the productivity factor is 0.80. The resulting production rate for that is 150 x 0.8 = 120 cy/day. The actual productivity factor for a project or subset of production rates (or man-hour rates) is the ratio of the actual production rate to the estimated production rate.
Productivity- The term which relates one rate to another rate, given two differing sets of conditions for the same work. A production rate greater than the reference production rate indicates a higher productivity. A production rate less than the reference production rate indicates a lower productivity. A man-hour rate greater than the reference man-hour rate indicates a lower productivity. A man-hour rate less than the reference man-hour rate indicates a higher productivity. (The economic concept of productivity is an average measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it (inputs).)
Profit margin- A measure of profitability. It is calculated by finding the net profit as a percentage of the revenue.
Profit – In accounting, is the difference between revenue and cost. In estimates, it is an allowance to provide for anticipated profit upon completion of the project.
Project Manual – Contracting requirements and specifications usually bound into one or more volumes.
Project – A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result..
Punch List – A list made near the completion of work, indicating items to be furnished or work to be performed by the contractor and/or subcontractor in order to complete the work as stipulated in the construction contract documents.
QBS (Qualifications Based Selection) – Selection based on qualifications of a firm, team, experience and project capability.
Quality – A degree of excellence (“a quality product”) or a degree of excellence or the lack of it (“work of average quality”).
Quantify – see: Take off
Quantity surveyor (QS)- A professional working within the construction industry concerned with building costs, in the U.K. and some other areas. A QS employs standard methods of measurement to develop a bill of quantities.
Quantity Take-Off – The ability to automatically generate and extract quantities from the objects within a model, from the individual selection of an object within a model, the creation and export of a schedule, or the user of third-party software that automatically extracts the information from the model.
Quantity -A property that can exist as a magnitude or multitude. For example 1200 mm or 10 each.
Resources – What is required to carry out a project’s tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, materials, tools, supplies, or anything else capable of definition required for the completion of a project activity.
Retainage – Money earned by the constructor but held by the owner pending completion of the project.
RFI (Request For Information) – A written request for more specific information about a certain aspect of a project.
RFP (Request For Proposal) – A written request from an owner, architect or constructor for cost proposal for design, management or construction services. The RFP defines the scope of proposed work.
RFQ (Request For Qualifications) – A written request from an owner, architect or constructor documenting a scope of work and requesting professional qualifications for that scope of work.
Schedule of values – A detailed statement furnished by a construction contractor, builder or others outlining the portions of the contract sum. It allocates values for the various parts of the work and is also used as the basis for submitting and reviewing progress payments.
Schematic Design – The stage at which the design is developed on a conceptual basis.
Scope of a project – The sum total of all of its products and their requirements or features.
Shop Drawings – Detailed drawings by suppliers and manufacturers of various material and equipment. They must confirm to the original drawings, but not construction contract documents.
Solibri Model Checker – A software solution that analyzes BIMs for integrity, quality and physical safety and provides some rudimentary code checking capabilities.
Spatial Coordination – Also called “clash detection”, a model review that identifies interferences between objects within the BIM prior to work in the field.
Specification – An explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.
Specifications – A description of the performance, materials and workmanship required for a construction project. The written material containing the standard provisions and special provisions as may be necessary, pertaining to the types and qualities of material to be furnished under the contract.
Standards – A rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgement as established by authority, custom or general consent as a model or example.
Subcontractor- An organization or individual hat signs a contract to perform part or all of the obligations of another’s contract.
Submittals – Shop drawings, product data, samples, certifications, calculations and project closeout documents prepared and submitted to the design professional by the contractor / subcontractor. Submittals more fully describe the work the contractor will install that the design professional needs to review for general compliance with the design intent. The information is typically more detailed than what is shown in the construction contract documents and provides specific data on the material to be used. Submittals are not construction contract documents but they are contract requirements.
Substitution – This allows for the constructor to recommend different products from those specified.
Supplier – A distributor or other company which supplies materials, parts, equipment, etc.
Take off – The process of reviewing and understanding the design package and using the project scope drawings and documents to itemize the scope into line items with measured quantities.
Task – A distinct piece of work performed.
Tool – any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process.
Tri-Party Agreement – An agreement between Owner, Designer, and the Contractor that creates a new single entity for the duration of a project, in which all members of the project team share in the potential risk and reward for a project, for the promotion of collaboration (see also Integrated Project Delivery).
Uniformat II – ASTM E1557 Standard that provides a common structure linking the building program, specifications, and estimates through its classification for building elements and related site work.
Unit Cost – The cost for one measured unit of completed work activity.
Unit Prices – These are used to identify costs of materials or activities when actual quantities can only be estimated prior to construction.
Value Engineering – A process whose objective is to affect economy in the cost of constructing a project or to improve the constructability without detrimental impact on project quality.
Virtual Design & Construction – A synonym of BIM.
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) – The use of integrated multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), Work Processes and Organization of the design – construction – operation team in order to support explicit and public business objectives. In VDC (BIM is one method) the modeling consists of the usual three dimensions, plus the time dimension and the cost dimension.
Wage rate – The agreed monetary compensation per hour for a person to accomplish work. This is the pay provided to the worker, excluding any fringe benefits or other labor burdens. Labor unions typically have negotiated agreements which define the wage rates for workers, as well as the rates for fringe benefits.
WBE (Woman Business Enterprise) – An entity that is at least 51% owned and operated by a woman.
Work breakdown structure (WBS) – A deliverable oriented decomposition of a project into smaller components. It defines and groups a project’s discrete work elements in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project.
Work – (1) The amount of effort applied to produce a deliverable or to accomplish a task, (2) Everything required or supplied to complete a construction project.
Worker – A person engaged in the accomplishment of work. In cost estimating, the hands-on workers contribute to the production and are counted in calculations of the production rate. Other workers supervise or support the hands-on work in some way.
Worksets – The ability to breakdown a model into related parts and pieces, which can be temporarily separated, edited, and brought back together, allowing multiple people to “checkout” and work on different aspects of the project simultaneously.
XD – Any use of BIM that is not currently categorized as 3D, 4D or 5D (i.e. the incorporation of as-built documentation into a model).
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 5.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 5.
- Standard Estimating Practice Sixth Edition Americal Society of Professional Estimators. BNI Building News. 2004. pp. 121–134. ISBN 1-55701-481-7.
- Waier, Philip (2013). Building Construction Cost Data (71st annual ed.). R.S. Means Company, LLC. p. 730. ISBN 978-1-936335-56-5.
- Standard Estimating Practice Sixth Edition Americal Society of Professional Estimators. BNI Building News. 2004. p. 23. ISBN 1-55701-481-7.
- Jelen & Black (1983). Cost and Optimization Engineering Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company. p. 334. ISBN 0-07-032331-3.
- Waier, Philip (2013). Building Construction Cost Data (71st annual ed.). R.S. Means Company, LLC. p. 729. ISBN 978-1-936335-56-5.
- Philip R. Waier, PE et al. (2012). Building Construction Cost Data (70th annual ed.). R.S. Means Company, LLC. p. vii. ISBN 978-1-936335-29-9.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 27.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 36.
- MasterFormat 2010 Update Master List of Numbers and Titles for the Construction Industry. The construction Specifications Institute, Construction Specifications Canada. 2010. pp. 43–61. ISBN 978-0-9845357-0-5.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 59.
- 0s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 75.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 76.
- Waier, Philip (2013). Building Construction Cost Data (71st annual ed.). R.S. Means Company, LLC. p. 5. ISBN 978-1-936335-56-5.
- 10s-90 Cost Engineering Terminology. AACE International. 2010. p. 53.
- Project Management Institute (2004). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK Guide (3rd ed.). Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute. p. 5.
- Philip R. Waier, PE et al. (2012). Building Construction Cost Data (70th annual ed.). R.S. Means Company, LLC. p. vii. ISBN 978-1-936335-29-9.
AA Achieved Availability
A&AS Acquisition and Advisory Services
AAA Army Audit Agency
AAC Air Armament Center (Air Force) (Obsolete—See LCMC [Life Cycle Management Center] [Air Force])
AAE Army Acquisition Executive
ABCA American-British-Canadian-Australian
AC Active Component
ACAT Acquisition Category
ACC Acquisition Community Connection; Air Combat Command (Air Force)
ACD&P Advanced Component Development and Prototypes (Budget Activity [BA] 4)
ACE Acquisition Center of Excellence
ACI Allocated Configuration Identification
ACMC Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
ACNO Assistant Chief of Naval Operations
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
ACRN Accounting Classification Reference Number
ACS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACSA Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement
ACSN Advance Change Study Notice
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed
ADA Anti-Deficiency Act
ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum
ADP Automated Data Processing
ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment
ADR Alternate Dispute Resolution; Alternative Dispute Resolution
AEA Atomic Energy Act (of 1954)
AECA Arms Export Control Act (1976)
AECB Arms Export Control Board
AFAE Air Force Acquisition Executive
AFALC Air Force Air Logistics Complex
AFARS Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AFCAA Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFFARS Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement AFI Air Force Instruction
AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology
AFMC Air Force Materiel Command
AFNWC Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center AFPD Air Force Policy Directive
AFRB Air Force Review Board
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AFROC Air Force Requirements Oversight Council
AFSC Air Force Sustainment Center
AFTC Air Force Test Center
AI Artificial Intelligence
AI Inherent Availability
AIS Automated Information System
ALDT Administrative and Logistics Delay Time
ALMC Army Logistics Management College
ALO Authorized Level of Organization (Army)
ALT Administrative Lead Time
AM Materiel Availability
AMC Air Mobility Command; Army Materiel Command
AMCOM Aviation and Missile Command (Army)
AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency
AMSDL Acquisition Management Systems Data List
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO Operational Availability
AoA Analysis of Alternatives
AOTR Assessment of Operational Test Readiness
AP Acquisition Plan; Advance Procurement
AP/A/N/AF Aircraft Procurement (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force
APA Additional Performance Attribute
APB Acquisition Program Baseline
APBA Acquisition Program Baseline Agreement
APPN Appropriation
APUC Average Procurement Unit Cost (also see AUPC [Average Unit Procurement Cost])
AQAP Allied Quality Assurance Provision
AQL Acceptable Quality Level
AR Army Regulation
ARCIC Army Capabilities Integration Center
ARL Army Research Laboratory
ARRT Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (Services)
AS Acquisition Strategy
ASA(AL&T) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and
ASAF(A) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council
ASBCA Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
ASC Aeronautical Systems Center (Air Force) (Obsolete—See LCMC [Life Cycle Management Center] [Air Force])
ASD(A) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition) ASD(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) ASD(LA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
ASD(L&MR) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) ASD(NCB) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological
ASD(OEP&P) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Operational Energy Plans and
ASD(R&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) ASF Army Stock Fund
ASN(M&RA) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) ASN(RD&A) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and
ASP Acquisition Strategy Panel (Air Force)
ASR Acquisition Strategy Report; Alternative Systems Review
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AT Anti-Tampering; Acceptance Trials (Navy)
ATC Air Training Command
ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration (or Development)
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ATEC Army Test and Evaluation Command
ATO Authorization to Operate
ATP Acceptance Test Procedures
ATPS Automated Test Planning System
ATSD Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
AUPC Average Unit Procurement Cost (also see APUC [Average Procurement Unit Cost])
AV All Viewpoint
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System (Air Force)
AWE Advanced Warfighting Experiment
B&P Bid and Proposal
BA Battlespace Awareness; Budget Activity; Budget Authority
BAA Broad Agency Announcement; Buy American Act
BAC Budget at Completion
BAFO Best and Final Offer
BBP Better Buying Power
BCA Board of Contract Appeals; Business Case Analysis
BCC Budget Classification Code
BCE Baseline Cost Estimate (Army)
BCEFM Business, Cost Estimating, and Financial Management
BCS Baseline Comparison System
BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BE Baseline Estimate
BES Budget Estimate Submission
BFM Business and Financial Manager
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BIT Binary Digit; Built-In Test
BITE Built-In Test Equipment
BLRIP Beyond Low-Rate Initial Production
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BMA Business Mission Area
BMD Ballistic Missile Defense
BOA Basic Ordering Agreement
BOD Beneficial Occupancy Date
BOIP Basis of Issue Plan (Army)
BOSC Base Operating Support Contract
BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement
BPCh Best Practices Clearinghouse
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
BRAC Base Realignment and Closure
BRP Basic Research Plan
BT Builder’s Trial (Navy)
BY Base Year; Budget Year
C2 Command and Control
C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
C3ISR Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence, Surveillance, and
C4 Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
C4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
CA Certification Authority; Competition Advocate; Contract Award; Control Account
CAAC Civilian Agency Acquisition Council
CAD Capabilities and Acquisition Division (J-8–Joint Staff [JS]); Computer- Aided Design
CADD Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
CAE Component Acquisition Executive; Computer-Aided Engineering
CAIV Cost As an Independent Variable
CALS Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support; Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing; Control Account Manager
CAO Contract Administration Office
CAP Contractor Acquired Property; Critical Acquisition Position
CAPE Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (Office of the Secretary of Defense–Director, CAPE)
CAR Command Assessment Review (Air Force); Component Appointed Representatives (JCIDS); Configuration Audit Review
CARD Cost Analysis Requirements Description
CAS Contract Administration Services; Cost Accounting Standard
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided System Engineering
CAST Computer-Aided Software Testing
CAT Computer-Aided Testing
CATEX Categorical Exclusion
CATM Computer-Aided Technical Management
CBA Capabilities-Based Assessment; Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBD Chemical Biological Defense
CBDR Contractor Business Data Report
CBM+ Condition-Based Maintenance +
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological; Concurrent Budget Resolution
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
CBS Cost Breakdown Structure
CBTDEV Combat Development/Combat Developer (Army/Marine Corps) CCA Clinger-Cohen Act
CCASS Construction Contract Appraisal Support System
CCB Configuration Control Board
CCD Category Code Directory; Contract Completion Date
CCDR Combatant Commander; Contractor Cost Data Report(s)/Reporting CCE Component Cost Estimate
CCJO Capstone Concept for Joint Operations
CCMD Combatant Command (Also see COCOM)
CCN Configuration Change Notice; Contract Change Notice
CCP Consolidated Cryptologic Program; Contract Change Proposal
CCPO Consolidated Civilian Personnel Office
CD Capability Drop
CDD Capability Development Document
CDD-V Capability Development Document-Validation
CDR Contract Design Review (Navy); Contractual Data Requirement; Critical Design Review
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List
CDTM Capability Development Tracking and Management (Tool)
CE Cost Estimate; Current Estimate
CEAC Cost and Economic Analysis Center (Army)
CEC Civil Engineering Corps
CECOM Communications and Electronics Command (Army)
CEP Circular Error Probable; Contract Estimating and Pricing
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CER Cost Estimating Relationship
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund)
CETS Contractor Engineering and Technical Services
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
CFE Contractor-Furnished Equipment
CFEN Contractor-Furnished Equipment Notice
CFM Contractor Financial Management; Contractor-Furnished Materiel
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations; Contractor Funds Report
CFSR Contract Funds Status Report
CG Commanding General
CGA Capability Gap Assessment
CI Commercial Item; Configuration Item; Counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIC Critical Intelligence Category
CICA Competition in Contracting Act (1984)
CID Commercial Item Description
C-IED Counter-Improvised Explosive Device
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIP Component Improvement Program; Critical Intelligence Parameter
CITA Commercial or Industrial Type Activities
CITIS Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual
CLIN Contract Line Item Number
CLR Contingent Liability Report or Record; Customer Liaison Representative
CLS Contractor Logistics Support
CM Configuration Management; Contract Management
CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps
CMIS Configuration Management Information System
CMM Capability Maturity Model
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMMI-ACQ Capability Maturity Model Integration–Acquisition Organizations
CMMI-DEV Capability Maturity Model Integration–Development Organizations CMMI-SVC Capability Maturity Model Integration–Service-type Organizations CMO Contract Management Office
CMP Configuration Management Plan
CNA Center for Naval Analysis
CNAD Conference of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Armaments Directors
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
CO Change Order; Commanding Officer; Contracting Officer
COAA Course of Action Analysis
COAR Contracting Officer’s Authorized Representative
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
COC Certificate of Competency; Certification of Compliance
COCO Contractor-Owned, Contractor-Operated (Facilities)
COCOM Combatant Command (Also see CCMD)
COD Cooperative Opportunities Document
COI Critical Operational Issue
COIC Critical Operational Issue Criteria
COMDT Commandant
COMMINT Communications Intelligence
COMOPTEVFOR Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force (Navy) COMPT Comptroller
CONOPS Concept of Operations
CONUS Continental United States
COP Common Operational Picture; Community of Practice
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CP Change Proposal; Critical Path
CPA Chairman’s Program Assessment (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [CJCS])
CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee
CPAM CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Program Assessment Memorandum (Navy)
CPAR Contractor Performance Assessment Report
CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
CPC Corrosion Prevention and Control
C/PD Cost/Pricing Data
CPD Capability Production Document
CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee
CPI Consumer Price Index; Cost Performance Index; Critical Program Information
CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee
CPIPT Cost Performance Integrated Product Team
CPM Contractor Performance Measurement; Critical Path Method
CPO Civilian Personnel Office
CPPC Cost Plus Percentage of Cost
CPR Chairman’s Program Recommendation; Contract Performance Report
CPS Competitive Prototyping Strategy
CPSR Contractor Procurement/Purchasing System Review
CPU Central Processing Unit
CQC Construction Quality Control
CR Change Request; Continuing Resolution; Cost Reimbursement
CRA Chairman’s Risk Assessment; Continuing Resolution Authority
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRAG Contractor Risk Assessment Guide
CRC Control Reporting Center
CR-IPT Computer Resources-Integrated Product Team
CRISD Computer Resources Integrated Support Document CRLCMP Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan CRS Computer Resources Support
CRWG Computer Resource Working Group
C/S/A Commands/Services/Agencies
CSA Chief of Staff of the Army
CSAF Chief of Staff of the Air Force
CSB Configuration Steering Board
CSC Computer Software Component
CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item (Also called SI [Software Item]) CSD Computer Software Documentation
CSDR Cost and Software Data Reporting
CSI Construction Specifications Institute; Critical Safety Item
CSOM Computer Software Operator’s Manual
CSP Critical Safety Process
CSS Contractor Support Services
CSU Computer Software Unit
CTA Capstone Threat Assessment
CTEA Cost and Training Effectiveness Analysis (Army)
CTEMP Capstone Test and Evaluation Master Plan
CTO Chief Technology Officer
CTP Critical Technical Parameter
CUPS Council on Uniform Procurement System
CV Capability Viewpoint; Cost Variance
C-V-P Cost-Volume-Profit
CWA Clean Water Act
CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure
CY Calendar Year; Current Year
D&F Determination and Findings
DA Department of the Army; Design Activity; Developing Activity/Agency
DAA Designated Approving Authority
DAB Defense Acquisition Board
DAC Defense Acquisition Circular
DACM Director, Acquisition Career Management
DAE Defense Acquisition Executive
DAES Defense Acquisition Executive Summary
DAF Department of the Air Force
DAG Defense Acquisition Guidebook
DAMIR Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (System) DAP Defense Acquisition Portal
DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation
DARS Department of Defense Architecture Registry System
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAS Defense Acquisition System
DASC Department of the Army Systems Coordinator
DASD Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
DAU Defense Acquisition University
DAWG Deputy Secretary’s (of Defense) Advisory Working Group (Obsolete— see DMAG [Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group])
DAWIA Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act
DBC Defense Business Council
DBDD Data Base Design Document
DBS Defense Business Systems
DBSMC Defense Business Systems Management Committee
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCADS Defense Contracting Action Data System
DCAPE Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
DCAS Defense Contract Administration Services
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DCMO Deputy Chief Management Officer (of DoD)
DCMR Defense Contract Management Regions
DCNO Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
DCOR Defense Committee on Research
DCR DOTmLPF-P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities-Policy) Change Recommendation
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
DCS(I&L) Deputy Chief of Staff, Installations and Logistics (Marine Corps) DDN Defense Data Network
DDR Deputy Director for Requirements
DEF Defense Exportability Features
DEMIL Demilitarization DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense
DESC Defense Electronic Supply Center
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAD Defense Intelligence Agency Directive
DIAI Defense Intelligence Agency Instruction
DIACAP Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and
Accreditation Process
DIB Defense Industrial Base
DID Data Item Description
DIPEC Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISAM Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management
DISN Defense Information Systems Network
DISR Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology Standards Registry
DIV Data and Information Viewpoint
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
D Level Depot Level of Maintenance
DMAG Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group
DMEA Damage Mode and Effects Analysis
DML Depot Maintenance Level
DMR Obsolete—See Data Services Environment (DSE)
DMS Data Management Strategy; Defense Materials System; Defense Messaging System
DMSMS Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages DoC Department of Commerce
DoD Department of Defense
DoDAF Department of Defense Architecture Framework
DoDD Department of Defense Directive
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
DoDIE Department of Defense Information Enterprise
DoDIN Department of Defense Information Network
DoDIC Department of Defense Identification Code
DoDIG Department of Defense Inspector General
DoDIIS Department of Defense Intelligence Information System DoDISS Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards DOE Design of Experiments
DoE Department of Energy
DON Department of the Navy
DoS Department of State
DOT&E Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD])
DOTmLPF–P Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (JCIDS [Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System])
DPA Defense Production Act (of 1950)
DPAP Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System
DPESO Defense Product Engineering Services Office
DPD Distributed Product Description
DPG Defense Planning Guidance
DPM Deputy Program Manager
DPML Deputy Program Manager for Logistics (Air Force)
DPP Defense Program Projection
DPPG Defense Planning and Programming Guidance (Obsolete—See DPG [Defense Planning Guidance])
DPS Decision Package Sets; Defense Priorities System
DR Decision Review
DRFPRD Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision DRMO Defense Reutilization Marketing Office
DRPM Direct Reporting Program Manager
DSAA Defense Security Assistance Agency
DSB Defense Science Board
DSE Data Services Environment
DSLC Defense Senior Leadership Conference
DSMC Defense Systems Management College
DSN Defense Services Network; Defense Switched Network
DSP Defense Standardization Program; Digital Signal Processor
DSSP Defense Standardization and Specification Program
DT Developmental Test; Developmental Testing
DT&E Developmental Test and Evaluation
DTAP Defense Technology Area Plan
DTC Design to Cost
DTIC Defense Technical Information Center
DTLCC Design to Life Cycle Cost
DTM Directive-Type Memorandum
DTO Defense Technology Objective
DT/OT Developmental Testing/Operational Testing (combined effort) DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
DTUPC Design-to-Unit Production Cost
DUSD Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
DUSD(I&E) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) DUSD(L&MR) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) DWCF Defense Working Capital Fund
E3 Electromagnetic Environmental Effects
EA Economic Analysis; Electronic Attack; Environmental Assessment; Evolutionary Acquisition; Executing Authority; Executive Agent
EAC Estimate at Completion (Cost)
EAPROM Electronically Alterable Programmable Read-Only Memory ECAC Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center
ECC Estimated Construction Cost
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
ECD Estimated Completion Date
EC/EDI Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange
ECM Electronic Countermeasures
ECN Engineering Change Notice
ECO Engineering Change Order
ECP Engineering Change Proposal
ECR Embedded Computer Resources
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDM Engineering Development Model
EDP/E Electronic Data Processing/Equipment
EEIC Element of Expense Investment Code
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EFA Engineering Field Activity
EFD Engineering Field Division
EI Enterprise Integration
EIT External Information Technology
EIC Engineer in Charge
EIR Equipment Improvement Recommendation (Army)
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EISP Enhanced Information Support Plan
ELINT Electronic Intelligence
ELP Estimated Launch Point
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development (Phase of the Defense Acquisition System [DAS])
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
ENSIP Engine Structural Integrity Program
EO Executive Order
EOA Early Operational Assessment
EOM End of Month
EOQ Economic Order Quantity; Economic Ordering Quantity; End of Quarter EOY End of Year
EP Electronic Protection
EPA Economic Price Adjustment; Environmental Protection Agency
EPR Economic Production Rate
EPRA Enterprise Performance Review and Analysis
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPS Electronic Posting System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ESA Engineering Support Activity
ESC Electronics Systems Center (Air Force) (Obsolete—See LCMC [Life Cycle Management Center] [Air Force])
ESH Environment, Safety, and Health
ESI Enterprise Software Initiative
ESOH Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health
ESS Environmental Stress Screening
ETBA Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis
ETP Enterprise Transition Plan
ETR Estimated Time to Repair
EVM Earned Value Management
EVMS Earned Value Management System
EW Electronic Warfare
EWG Environmental Working Group
F3 Form, Fit, and Function
F3I Form, Fit, and Function Interface
FA Force Application
FAA Federal Aviation Administration; Foreign Assistance Act (1961)
FAC Federal Acquisition Circular
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FARA Federal Acquisition Reform Act (1996)
FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (1994)
FAT Factory Acceptance Test; First Article Testing
FC Fixed Cost
FCA Functional Configuration Audit
FCB Functional Capability Board
FCBWG Functional Capability Board Working Group
FCI Functional Configuration Identification
FCRC Federal Contract Research Center
FCT Foreign Comparative Testing
FD Full Deployment (Business Systems)
FDD Full Deployment Decision
FDE Force Development Evaluation (Air Force); Functional Domain Expert
FDDR Full Deployment Decision Review (Software-Intensive Systems [SISs]) FDP Funded Delivery Period
FDR Final or Formal Design Review
FDTE Force Development Testing and Experimentation (Army) FEDBIZOPPS Federal Business Opportunities System
FFB Federal Financing Bank
FFF Form, Fit, and Function—See F3
FFP Firm-Fixed-Price
FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center
FFS Fee For Service
FFW Failure-Free Warranty
FIT Fault Isolation Tree
FLE Future Logistics Enterprise
FLOT Flotilla; Forward Line of Troops
FM Financial Management
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis
FMF Fleet Marine Force
FMP Fleet Modernization Plan (Navy)
FMS Flexible Machining System; Foreign Military Sales
FMSA Foreign Military Sales Act
FMSP Foreign Military Sales Program
FOC Full and Open Competition; Full Operational Capability
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact
FoS Family of Systems
FOT&E Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation
FOUO For Official Use Only
FP Force Protection
FPAF Fixed-Price Award-Fee
FPBD Functional Plan Block Diagram
FPDS-NG Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation FPEPA Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment
FPI Fixed Price Incentive
FPIC Fixed Price Incentive Contract
FPIF Fixed Price Incentive (Firm Target)
FPIS Fixed Price Incentive (Successive Target)
FPO Functional Process Owner
FPR Final Proposal Revision
FQR Formal/Functional Qualification Review
FR Federal Register; Foreign Releasable
FRR Flight Readiness Review
FRACAS Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System FRP Full-Rate Production
FRPDR Full-Rate Production Decision Review
FS Flexible Sustainment; Force Support
FSA Functional Systems Audit
FSCAP Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Part
FSCM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
FSG Federal Stock Group
FSM Firmware Support Manual; Functional Service Manager
FSN Federal Stock Number
FSP Flight Safety Part
FSS Federal Supply Schedule
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
FUE First Unit Equipped (date)
FUSL Full-Up System-Level
FY Fiscal Year
FYDP Future Years Defense Program
G&A General and Administrative
GAO Government Accountability Office
GAQA Government Acquisition Quality Assurance
GAT Government Acceptance Test
GBL Government Bill of Lading
GCCS Global Command and Control System
GCS Ground Control Site; Guidance Control Section
GDA Government Design Activity
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GE Government Estimate
GEF Guidance for Employment of the Force
GES Global Information Grid (GIG) Enterprise Services
GESP GIG (Global Information Grid) Enterprise Service Profiles
GFAE Government-Furnished Aeronautical Equipment
GFE Government-Furnished Equipment
GFF Government-Furnished Facilities
GFI Government-Furnished Information
GFM Global Force Management; Government-Furnished Material
GFP Government-Furnished Property
GFS Government-Furnished Software
GIDEP Government-Industry Data Exchange Program
GIG Global Information Grid (Obsolete—See Department of Defense Information Network [DoDIN])
GIP Ground Intercept Point
GNP Gross National Product
GOCO Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated (Facility)
GOGO Government-Owned, Government-Operated (Facility)
GOTS Government Off-the-Shelf
GPETE General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment
GPLR Government Purpose License Rights
GPPC Government Property in the Possession of Contractors
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act (1993)
GPS Global Positioning System
GS General Schedule
GSA General Services Administration
GSBCA General Services Board of Contract Appeals
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GTG Global Information Grid Technical Guidance
GTG-F Global Information Grid Technical Guidance – Federation
HAC House Appropriations Committee
HARDMAN Manpower Planning for Hardware (Navy/Marine Corps) HASC House Armed Services Committee
HAZCOM Hazard Communication
HAZMAT Hazardous Material
HBC House Budget Committee
HBCU/MI Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions HCA Head of Contracting Activity/Agency
HCI Hardness Critical Item; Human-Computer Interface
HCP Hardness Critical Process
HD/CS Homeland Defense/Civil Support
HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
HFE Human Factors Engineering
HHA Health Hazard Assessment
HNA Host-Nation Approval
HNS Host-Nation Support
HOL High-Order Language; Higher-Order Language
HOOH Home Office Overhead
HPSCI House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
HQ Headquarters
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps
HRI Hazard Risk Index
HSI Human Systems Integration
HTI Horizontal Technology Integration (Army)
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language HUBZones Historically Underutilized Business Zones HW or H/W Hardware
HWCI Hardware Configuration Item
HWIL Hardware-in-the-Loop
I&L Installations and Logistics
IA Information Assurance
IB Industrial Base
IBR Integrated Baseline Review
IC Investment Category
ICA Independent Cost Analysis
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces
ICD Initial Capabilities Document; Intelligence Community Directive; Interface Control Drawing/Document
ICDT Integrated Capabilities Development Team (Army)
ICE Independent Cost Estimate
ICEP Information Certification Evaluation Plan
ICG Interactive Computerized Graphic
ICP International Cooperative Program; Inventory Control Point
ICPG Intelligence Community Policy Guidance
ICS Interim Contractor Support; Inventory of Contractor Services
ICT Integrated Concept Team (Army)
ICTO Interim Certificate to Operate
ICWG Interface Control Working Group
IDA Institute for Defense Analyses
IDD Interface Design Document
IDDQ Indefinite Delivery Definite Quantity
IDE Integrated Digital Environment
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
IE Industrial Engineer
IEAC Independent Estimate at Completion
IED Improvised Explosive Device
IER Information Exchange Requirement
IES Industrial Engineering Standard
IF Industrial Fund
IFB Invitation for Bid
IG Inspector General
IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate
IIPT Integrating Integrated Product Team
I LEVEL Intermediate Level of Maintenance
ILA Independent Logistics Assessment
ILM Intermediate-Level Maintenance
ILS Integrated Logistics Support
ILSMT Integrated Logistics Support Management Team
IM Item Manager
IMP Integrated Master Plan
IMS Integrated Master Schedule
INF Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
INFOSEC Information Security
IO Information Operations
IOC Initial Operational Capability
IOT&E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
IP Intellectual Property
IPA Independent Program Assessment (Space Systems)
IPD Integrated Product Development
IPE Industrial Plant Equipment
IPF Initial Production Facilities
IPL Integrated Priority List
IPMR Integrated Program Management Report
IPP Industrial Preparedness Planning
IPPD Integrated Product and Process Development
IPR In-Progress/Process Review; Interim Program or Progress Review
IPS Integrated Product Support
IPT Integrated Product Team
IQC Indefinite Quantity Contract
IRB Investment Review Board
IRCO Intelligence Requirements Certification Office
IR&D Independent Research and Development
IRM Information Resources Management
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IRS Interface Requirement Specification
IS Information Systems; Initial Spares
IS-CDD Information Systems-Capability Development Document IS-ICD Information Systems-Initial Capabilities Document
ISA Instruction Set Architecture; International Security Affairs (Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD]); International Standardization Agreement
ISC Integrated Security Construct
ISO International Standards Organization
ISP Information Support Plan; Internet Service Provider
ISR In-Service Review
ISSA Inter-Service Support Agreement
IT Information Technology
ITA Information Technology Architecture
ITEA Initial Threat Environment Assessment
ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act (1996)
ITOPS International Test Operations Procedures
ITP Integrated Test Plan
ITR Initial Technical Review
ITS Information Technology System
ITWA Initial Threat Warning Assessment
IUID Item-Unique Identification
IV&V Independent Verification and Validation
IW Information Warfare
J&A Justification and Approval
JA Job Analysis
JC Joint Concept
JC2 Joint Command and Control
JCA Joint Capability Area
JCALS Joint Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support
JCB Joint Capabilities Board
JCD Joint Capabilities Division (of Joint Staff [JS]/J-8)
JCDE Joint Concept Development and Experimentation
JCIDS Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCSFL Joint Common System Functional List
JCTD Joint Capability Technology Demonstration
JEDMICS Joint Engineering Data Management Information Control System JEON Joint Emergent Operational Need
JFC Joint Force Commander; Joint Functional Concept
JFCOM Joint Forces Command
JG-PP Joint Group on Pollution Prevention
JIAB Joint Intelligence Acquisition Board
JIC Joint Integrating Concept
JIE Joint Information Environment
JIEDDO Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Office
JIEO Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization
JIT Just-in-Time
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Command
JLB Joint Logistics Board
JLC Joint Logistics Commanders
JMETL Joint Mission Essential Task List
JMNA Joint Military Net Assessment (Joint Chiefs of Staff/Office of the Secretary of Defense [JCS/OSD])
JO Job Order
JOA Joint Operating Agreement; Joint Operational Architecture; Joint Operations Area
JOC Job Order Contract; Joint Operating Concept
JOE Joint Operating Environment
JON Job Order Number
JOP Joint Operating Procedures
JOpsC Joint Operations Concepts
JPG Joint Programming Guidance (Obsolete—See DPG [Defense Planning Guidance])
JPO Joint Program Office
JRAC Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell
JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council
JROCM Joint Requirements Oversight Council Memorandum
JS Joint Staff
JSC Joint Spectrum Center
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
JSD Joint Staffing Designator
JSPS Joint Strategic Planning System
JSR Joint Strategy Review (Joint Chiefs of Staff [JCS])
JT&E Joint Test and Evaluation
JTD Joint Test Director
JUON Joint Urgent Operational Need
JWCO Joint Warfare Capability Objective
JWE Joint Warfighting Experiment
JWG Joint Working Group
JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration
JWSTP Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan
K Contract
KBS Knowledge-Based Services
KM/DS Knowledge Management/Decision Support (Tool)
KO Contracting Officer (Also CO)
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KPP Key Performance Parameter
KR/Kr/KTR/Ktr Contractor
KSA Key System Attribute
LA Legislative Affairs; Legislative Assistant (Congress); Logistics Assessment
LAN Local Area Network
LBTS Land-Based Test Site (Navy)
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LCCE Life Cycle Cost Estimate
LCL Life Cycle Logistics
LCM Life Cycle Management
LCMC Life Cycle Management Center (Air Force)
LCSP Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
LCSS Life Cycle Software Support
LD Liquidated Damages; Logistics Demonstration
LEM Logistics Element Manager
LFP Logistics Funding Profile
LFT&E Live Fire Test and Evaluation
LL Legislative Liaison; Long Lead
LLI Long Lead Item
LLT Long Lead Time
LM Logistics Management
LMDP Life-Cycle Mission Data Plan
LMI Logistics Management Information; Logistics Management Institute
LOA Letter of Authorization; Letter of Offer and Acceptance
LOB Line of Balance
LOC Letter of Credit; Line(s) of Code; Lines of Communication
LOE Letter of Evaluation (Air Force); Level of Effort
LOG Logistics
LOGCAP Logistics Command Assessment of Projects
LOGO Limitation of Government Obligation
LOI Letter of Instruction; Letter of Intent
LORA Level of Repair Analysis
LP Limited Procurement
LPTA Lowest Price Technically Acceptable
LRE Latest Revised Estimate
LRG Logistics Review Group (Navy)
LRIP Low-Rate Initial Production
LRRDAP Long-Range Research, Development and Acquisition Plan (Army) LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LS Logistics Support
LSI Large Scale Integration
M&O Maintenance and Overhaul
M&P Manpower and Personnel
M&S Modeling and Simulation
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group
MACOM Major Command (Army)
MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology
MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force
MAIS Major Automated Information System
MAJCOM Major Command (Air Force)
MANPRINT Manpower and Personnel Integration (Army) MANTECH Manufacturing Technology—See also MT
MAOPR Minimum Acceptable Operational Performance Requirement MAP Military Assistance Program
MAR MAIS (Major Automated Information System) Annual Report; Management Assessment Review; Monthly Activity Report
MARCORMATCOM Marine Corps Materiel Command MARCORSYSCOM Marine Corps Systems Command MAS Military Agency for Standardization
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MATCOM Materiel Command
MATDEV Materiel Developer (Army)
MATE Modular Automatic Test Equipment
MBI Major Budget Issue
MC/A/N/AF/MC Military Construction (MILCON) (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air
Force/Marine Corps
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command
MCCR Mission-Critical Computer Resources
MCCS Mission-Critical Computer System
MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board
MCLC Marine Corps Logistics Command
MCOTEA Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity MCP Military Construction Plan; Mission Coordinating Paper
MCTL Military Critical Technologies List
MDA Milestone Decision Authority; Missile Defense Agency
MDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program
MDD Materiel Development Decision (of the Defense Acquisition System [DAS])
MDEB Missile Defense Executive Board
MDR Milestone Decision Review
MDT Mean Down Time
MEV Military Equipment Valuation
MFHBF Mean Flight Hours Between Failure
MFIPT Multi-Functional Integrated Process Team
MFP Major Force Program; Materiel Fielding Plan (Army)
MIB Military Intelligence Board
MILCON Military Construction (Appropriation)
MILDEP Military Deputy
MIL-HDBK Military Handbook
MILPERS Military Personnel (Appropriation)
MILSCAP Military Standard Contract Administration Procedure MILSPEC Military Specification
MILSTAMP Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures MILSTD Military Standard
MILSTEP Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedures MILSTRAP Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
MIP/A/N/AF Missile Procurement (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MIPS Modified Integrated Program Summary (Army)
MIS Management Information System
MLA Military Liaison Assistant (Congress)
MLDT Mean Logistics Delay Time
MMI Man-Machine Interface
MMT Manufacturing Methods Technology; Mean Maintenance Time
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOD Ministry of Defence (Allied); Modification
MOE Measure of Effectiveness
MOP Measure of Performance
MOR Military Occupational Requirement; Military Operational Requirement MOS Measure of Suitability
MOSA Modular Open Systems Approach
MOT&E Multi-Service Operational Test and Evaluation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MP Mission Profile
MP/A/N/AF/M Military Personnel (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine
MPT Manpower, Personnel, and Training
MR Management Reserve
MRA Manufacturing Readiness Assessment
MRB Mission Requirements Board
MRL Manufacturing Readiness Level
MROC Marine Corps Requirements Oversight Council
MS or M/S Milestone
MSA Materiel Solution Analysis (Phase of the Defense Acquisition System [DAS])
MSC Major Subordinate Command (Army); Military Sealift Command
MSD Material Support Date
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MT Manufacturing Technology—See also MANTECH (Manufacturing Technology)
MTBDE Mean Time Between Downing Events
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTBM Mean Time Between Maintenance
MTBMA Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
MUA Military Utility Assessment
MYP Multiyear Procurement
NAC Naval Avionics Center; North Atlantic Council
NAD National Armaments Director
NAE Navy Acquisition Executive
NAF Naval Air Facility; Non-Appropriated Fund; Numbered Air Force
NAFI Navy-Air Force Interface
NAICS North American Industry Class System
NAPR NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Armaments Planning
NAS National Aerospace Standard; Naval Air Station
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command
NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command
NAVSUP Naval Supply Systems Command
NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center
NCA National Command Authority
NCC Negotiated Contract Cost
NCCA Naval Center for Cost Analysis
NCES Net-Centric Enterprise Services
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act
NDI Non-Developmental Item
NDP National Defense Panel; National Disclosure Policy
NDS National Defense Strategy
NDU National Defense University
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NET New Equipment Training
NETWARS Network Warfare Simulation
NFIP National Foreign Intelligence Program
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NIAB National Intelligence Acquisition Board
NIB National Industries for the Blind
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NIGA Nuclear Indirect Gamma Activity
NIP National Intelligence Program
NIPRNET Nonclassifed or Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
NMCARS Navy and Marine Corps Acquisition Regulation Supplement NMS National Military Strategy
NOI Notice of Intent
NPV Net Present Value
NR Net-Ready
NRC Non-Recurring Cost
NR-KPP Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter
NRL Naval Research Laboratory
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NROC Navy Requirements Oversight Council
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
NSCCA Nuclear Safety Cross Check Analysis
NSD National Security Directives
NSF Navy Stock Fund
NSN National Stock Number
NSS National Security Strategy; National Security System
NST New Source Testing
NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center
NTE Not to Exceed
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIS National Technical Information Service (Department of Commerce [DoC])
NTP Navy Training Plan; Not to Proceed
NULO Negative Unliquidated Obligation
NWC National War College; Navy War College; Nuclear Weapons Center; Nuclear Weapons Council
NWSC Naval Weapons Support Center
O&M Operation and Maintenance
O&S Operations and Support (Phase of the Defense Acquisition System [DAS]); also a Life Cycle Cost [LCC] Category)
OA Obligation Authority; Operational Assessment
OARL Operating at Risk List
OASD Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
OB Operating Budget
OBE Overcome by Events
OCD Operational Concept Document (Air Force)
OCLL Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison (Army)
OCI Observable Critical Item
OCO Overseas Contingency Operations
OCP Observable Critical Process
OCR Office of Collateral Responsibility; Optical Character Recognition
OCSA Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
ODC Other Direct Cost; Ozone Depleting Chemical
ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
OE Operational Effectiveness
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFPP Office of Federal Procurement Policy (Office of Management and Budget [OMB])
OGC Office of the General Counsel
OIPT Overarching Integrated Product Team
OJT On-the-Job Training
OLA Office of Legislative Affairs (Navy)
OM/A/N/AF/MC Operation and Maintenance (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force/
Marine Corps
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMIS Obsolescence Management Information System (Navy)
OMS Operational Mode Summary
ONR Office of Naval Research
OP/A/N/AF Other Procurement (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force OPEVAL Operational Evaluation (Navy)
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
OPNAVINST OPNAV [Office of the Chief of Naval Operations] Instruction (Navy) OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
OPSEC Operations Security
OPTEVFOR Operational Test and Evaluation Force (Navy)
ORLA Optimum Repair Level Analysis (See LOR/A [Level of Repair/Analysis])
OR/SA Operations Research/Systems Analysis
OS Open Systems; Operational Suitability
OSA Open Systems Architecture
OSBP Office of Small Business Programs
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSE Open Systems Environment
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act; Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSIA On-Site Inspection Agency
OSIP Operational System Integration Plan
OT Operational Test or Testing
OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation
OTA Operational Test Agency
OTP Operational Test Plan
OTRR Operational Test Readiness Review
OUA Operational Utility Assessment
OUSD Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
OUSD(AT&L) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics)
OV Operational Viewpoint
P&A Price and Availability
P&D Production and Deployment (Phase of the Defense Acquisition System [DAS])
P&L Profit and Loss
P&T Personnel and Training
P/B Program/Budget
P3I Preplanned Product Improvement
PA Partnering Agreement; Preparing Activity/Preparing Authority (Air Force); Product Assurance
PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation (Army)
PAC Production Acquisition Cost
PARCA Performance Assessments and Root Cause Analysis
PAT Process Action Team
PAT&E Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation
PAUC Program Acquisition Unit Cost
PB President’s Budget
PBA Performance-Based Acquisition; Performance-Based Agreement
PBBE Performance-Based Business Environment (Air Force)
PBC Performance-Based Contracting
PBL Performance-Based Life-Cycle Product Support; Performance-Based Logistics
PBR Program Budget Review
PBSA Performance-Based Services Acquisition
PBWS Performance-Based Work Statement
PCA Physical Configuration Audit; Pre-Certification Authority
P-CMM Personnel Capability Maturity Model
P-CDRA Post-Critical Design Review Assessment
PCO Procuring Contracting Officer
PCR Procurement Center Representative; Program Change Request
PD Program Director (Air Force)
PDP Procurement Data Package; Program Development Plan
PDR Post-Deployment Review; Preliminary Design Review; Program Deviation Report
PDSS Post-Deployment Software Support
PDUSD Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
PE Planning Estimate; Procurement Executive; Program Element
PEM Program Element Monitor (Air Force)
PEO Program Executive Officer
PEP Producibility Engineering and Planning
PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique
PESO Product Engineering Services Office
PESHE Programmatic Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation PGI Procedures, Guidance and Information (Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement [DFARS])
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PHL Preliminary Hazard List
PHS&T Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation
PI Product Improvement
PIN Part Identification Number; Part or Identifying Number
PIP Product Improvement Plan/Program/Proposal
PIPT Program-Level Integrated Product Team
PIR Post-Implementation Review
PK Public Key
PK Probability of Kill
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PL Public Law
PLT Procurement Lead Time; Production Lead Time
PM Product Manager; Program Manager; Project Manager
PMA Program Management Agreement
PMB Performance Measurement Baseline
PMD Program Management Directive (Air Force); Program Management Document
PMJEG Performance Measurement Joint Executive Group
PMO Program Management Office
PMP Program Management Plan
PMR Program Management Review
PO Program Office; Project Order; Purchase Order; Purchasing Office
POA&M Plan of Action and Milestones
POC Point of Contact
POE Program Office Estimate (Army)
POL Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
POM Program Objectives Memorandum
POMCUS Prepositioned Overseas Materiel Configured to Unit Sets POP Period of Performance; Proof of Principle (Army)
PoPS Probability of Program Success
POR Program of Record
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (process)
P-PDRA Post-Preliminary Design Review Assessment
PPI Past Performance Information
PPIRS Past Performance Information Retrieval System
PPL Provisioning Parts List
PPP Program Protection Plan
PPQT Pre-Production Qualification Test
PPS Post-Production Support; Precise Positioning Service
PPSP Post-Production Support Plan
PPSS Post-Production Software Support (Army)
PQT Production Qualification Test
PR Procurement Request; Purchase Request
PRS Performance Requirement Summary
PRA Paper Reduction Act
PRAT Production Reliability Acceptance Test
PROD Production
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
PRR Production Readiness Review
PSA Principal Staff Assistant; Product Support Arrangement
PSC Product Service Code
PSE Peculiar Support Equipment
PSCM Portfolio-Specific Commodity Manager
P-SDRA Post-System Design Review Assessment (Space Systems) PSI Product Support Integrator
PSM Practical Software Measurement (Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD]); Product Support Manager; Professional Staff Member (Congress)
PSP Product Support Provider
PSR Program Support Review
PSS Product Support Strategy
PTAP Procurement Technical Assistance Program
PTD Provisioning Technical Documentation
PTTI Precise Time and Time Interval
PUC Procurement Unit Cost (Also see Average Procurement Unit Cost [APUC] and Average Unit Procurement Cost [AUPC])
PV Project Viewpoint
PWBS Program Work Breakdown Structure
PWC Public Works Center
PWD Public Works Department
PWRMS Prepositioned War Reserve Materiel Stocks
PWS Performance Work Statement
PY Prior Year
QA Quality Assurance
QAE Quality Assurance Evaluator
QAR Quality Assurance Representative
QASP Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QBL Qualified Bidders List
QC Quality Control
QCR Qualitative Construction Requirement
QDR Quadrennial Defense Report; Quadrennial Defense Review
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QML Qualified Manufacturers List
QPL Qualified Products List
QQPRI Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information
QRC Quick Reaction Capability
QT Qualification Test
R&D Research and Development
R&M Reliability and Maintainability
RAA Rapid Acquisition Authority
RAD Request for Authority to Develop (an international agreement); Required Availability Date; Resource Allocation Display (Navy)
RAM Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
RAM-C Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Cost (Rationale Report) RAP Resource Allocation Process
RBL Reliability-Based Logistics
RC Reserve Component
RCM Reliability-Centered Maintenance; Requirements Correlation Matrix (Air Force)
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RCS Radar Cross Section
RDA Research, Development, and Acquisition
RDP Requirements Definition Package
RDT&E Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation RDT&E/A/N/AF RDT&E (Appropriation), Army/Navy/Air Force RFB Request for Bid
RFI Ready for Issue; Request for Information
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quotation
RIO Risk, Issue and Opportunity (Management)
RIW Reliability Improvement Warranty
RM Materiel Reliability
RM Requirements Manager; Risk Management
RMA Revolution in Military Affairs
RMB Risk Management Board
RMCT Requirements Management Certification Training
RMD Requirements Management Division (J-8, Joint Staff [JS]); Resource Management Decision
RMP Risk Management Plan
RO Requirements Officer (Navy)
ROD Record of Decision
ROI Return on Investment
ROM Read Only Memory; Rough Order of Magnitude
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RRC Requirements Review Council (Army)
RS Replenishment Spares
RSI Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability
RSSP Replaced System Sustainment Plan
RTO Responsible Test Organization
RTP Request for Technical Proposal
S-D Spectrum Dependent
S&T Science and Technology
S/V Survivability/Vulnerability
SA Secretary of the Army; Services Acquisition; Supportability Analysis; System Analysis
SAC Senate Appropriations Committee
SADBU Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
SAE Service Acquisition Executive
SAF Secretary of the Air Force
SAF(AQ) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) SAG Study Advisory Group (Army)
SAIE Special Acceptance and Inspection Equipment
SAIP Spares Acquisition Integrated with Production
SAM System Acquisition Management
SAP Simplified Acquisition Procedures; Special Access Program
SAR Safety Assessment Report; Selected Acquisition Report; Special Access Required
SASC Senate Armed Services Committee
SAT Simplified Acquisition Threshold
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SAW Services Acquisition Workshop
SBA Small Business Administration
SBC Senate Budget Committee
SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (Army) SBE Single Best Estimate
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research (Program)
SBIRS Space-Based Infrared Systems (Air Force)
SBP Small Business Program
SBS Small Business Specialist
SBTT Small Business Technology Transfer
SCA Service Contract Act
SCBCA Small Claims Board of Contract Appeals
SCC Standards Coordinating Committee
SCCB Software Configuration Control Board
SCE Software Capability Evaluation
SCI Software Configuration Item
SCIB Ship Characteristics and Improvement Board (Navy)
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SCN Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy (Appropriation); Software Change Notice; Specification Change Notice
SCP Service Cost Position
SD Spiral Development
SDB Small Disadvantaged Business
SDBUP Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program
SDCE Software Development Capability Evaluation
SDD System Development and Demonstration (Budget Activity [BA] 5 within the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation [RDT&E] Appropriation)
SDF Software Development File
SDL Software Development Laboratory/Library
SDP Software Development Plan
SDR Software Design Review; System Design Review (Space Systems)
SE Support Equipment; Systems Engineering
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy SECNAVINST Secretary of the Navy Instruction SEI Software Engineering Institute
SEM Systems Engineering Management
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan
SEP Systems Engineering Plan; System(s) Engineering Process
SERD Support Equipment Recommendation Data; Support Equipment Requirements Document
SETA Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance
SF Standard Form
SFR System Functional Review
SHA System Hazard Analysis
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
SI Software Item (also called CSCI [Computer Software Configuration Item]); Special Intelligence
SIA Special Interest Area
SIC Standard Industrial Classification (Code) (Obsolete—See NAICS [North American Industry Class System])
SIG Senior Integration Group
SIGINT Signal Intelligence
SIGSEC Signal Security
SIOH Supervision, Inspection, and Overhead
SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
SIS Software-Intensive System
SISMS Standard Integrated Support Management System
SLEP Service Life Extension Program
SLOC Source Lines of Code
SLRG Senior Leader Review Group
SMC Space and Missile Systems Center (Air Force)
SMDC/ARSTRAT Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command SMDP Standardized Military Drawing Program
SME Subject-Matter Expert
SMI Soldier-Machine Interface (Army)
SMIP Spares Management Improvement Program
SMP Strategic Management Plan (DoD)
SOAL Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics (Center)
SOC Solutions Order Contract; System Operational Concept
SOCOM Special Operations Command
SOF Special Operations Forces
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
SOO Statement of Objectives
SOP Standard Operating Procedure; Standing Operating Procedure
SoS System of Systems
SOW Statement of Work
SPA Special Priorities Assistance
SPAWAR Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPD System Program Director (Air Force)
SPE Senior Procurement Executive
SPEC Specification
SPG Strategic Planning Guidance (Obsolete—See DPG [Defense Planning Guidance])
SPM Software Programmer’s Manual; System Program Manager (Air Force)
SPO System Program/Project Office (Air Force)
SPS Software Product Specification
SQEP Software Quality Evaluation Plan
SQL Structured Query Language
SRA Shop Replaceable Assembly
SRD Software (or Systems) Requirements Document
SRDR Software Resources Data Report
SRO System Readiness Objective
SRR System Requirements Review
SRRB Services Requirements Review Board
SRS Software Requirement Specification
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit; Subassembly Repairable Unit
SS System Supportability (Key Performance Parameters [KPPs]); System Survivability
SSA Software Support Agency; Source Selection Authority; Support for Strategic Analysis
SSAC Source Selection Advisory Council
SSCI Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
SSEB Source Selection Evaluation Board
SSET Source Selection Evaluation Team
SSG Special Study Group (Army)
SSHA Subsystem Hazard Analysis
SSM Senior Services Manager
SSP Source Selection Plan
SSPM Software Standards and Procedures Manual
SSR Software Specification Review
SSS System/Subsystem Specification
SST Source Selection Team
SSWG System Safety Working Group
ST Special Tooling
STA System Threat Assessment
STANAG Standardization Agreement (North Atlantic Treaty Organization
STA&P System Threat Assessment and Projections
STAR System Threat Assessment Report
STCC Special Termination Cost Clause
STD Software Test Description; Standard
StdV Standards Viewpoint
STE Special Test Equipment
STEP Simulation, Test, and Evaluation Process
STLDD Software Top-Level Design Document
STP Software Test Plan
STPR Software Test Procedures
STR Software Test Report; Software Trouble Report
SUM Software User’s Manual
SUPSHIP Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair SV Schedule Variance; Systems Viewpoint
SvcV Services Viewpoint
SVR System Verification Review
SW or S/W Software
SWARF Senior Warfighter Forum
SWCI Software Configuration Item
SW-CMM Software Capability Maturity Model
SYSCOM Systems Command (Navy)
T&E Test and Evaluation
T&M Time and Materials
TAAF Test, Analyze, and Fix
TAB Total Allocated Budget
TACOM Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (Army) TAD Technology Area Descriptions
TADSS Training Aids, Devices, Simulations, and Simulators
TAFT Test, Analyze, Fix, and Test
TAMD Theater, Air, and Missile Defense
TAT Turn-Around Time
TAV Total Asset Visibility
TBM Tactical Ballistic Missile; Theater Ballistic Missile; Theater Battle Management
TBD To be Determined/Developed
TBIM Trigger-Based Item Management
TC Type Classification (Army)
TCO Termination Contracting Officer
TCM Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Capability Manager (Army)
TD Technical Data; Technical Director; Test Director
TDL Technical Data Link
TDP Technical Data Package; Test Design Plan
TDR Technical Data Rights
TE Test Equipment
TECHEVAL Technical Evaluation (Navy)
TECHMOD Technology Modernization
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TEMSE Technical and Managerial Support Environment
TFC Termination for Convenience
TFD Termination for Default
TIM Technical Interchange Meeting
TINA Truth in Negotiations Act
TIWG Test Integration Working Group (Army)
TL Termination Liability
TLCSM Total Life Cycle Systems Management
TM Technical Management; Technical Manual
TMDE Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment
TMRR Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (Phase of the Defense
Acquisition System [DAS])
TMP Technical Management Plan
TO Technical Order
TOA Table of Allowance; Total Obligation Authority
TOC Tactical Operations Center; Task Order Contract; Total Ownership Cost
TPM Technical Performance Measurement
TPS Test Package Set; Test Program Set
TPWG Test Planning Working Group (Air Force)
TQM Total Quality Management
TRA Technology Readiness Assessment
TRACE Total Risk Assessing Cost Estimate
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command (Army)
TRANSCOM Transportation Command
TRD Technical Requirements Document
TRI Toxic Release Inventory
TRM Technical Reference Model
TRL Technology Readiness Level
TRR Test Readiness Review
TSIR Total System Integration Responsibility
TSPR Total System Performance Responsibility
TTP Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures; Technology Transition Plan
TTRA Technology Targeting Risk Assessment
TY Then Year
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCA Undefinitized Contract Action
UCC Unified Combatant Command
UCF Uniform Contract Format
UCP Unified Command Plan
UCR Unit Cost Report
UDF Unit Development Folder
UE Unit Equipment
UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle
UI Unit of Issue
UID Unique Identification
UII Unique Item Identification/Unique Item Identifier
UJTL Universal Joint Task List
UMC Unspecified Minor Construction
UMD Unmatched Disbursements
UNDEX Underwater Explosives
UNK/UNKS Unknown/Unknowns
UNSECNAV Under Secretary of the Navy
UON Urgent Operational Need
UPC Underutilized Plant Capacity
UPS Uniform Procurement System
U.S. United States
USA United States Army/Under Secretary of the Army
USAF United States Air Force
USASAC United States Army Security Assistance Center
U.S.C. United States Code
USCG United States Coast Guard
USD Under Secretary of Defense
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
USD(C) Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence)
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) USG United States Government
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command UTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle
UUT Unit Under Test
UXO Unexploded Ordnance
V&V Verification and Validation
VV&A Verification, Validation and Accreditation
VAMOSC Visibility and Management of Operation and Support Costs VC Variable Cost
VCJCS Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
VCNO Vice Chief of Naval Operations (Navy)
VCSA Vice Chief of Staff (Army)
VCSAF Vice Chief of Staff (Air Force)
VDD Version Description Document
VE Value Engineering
VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal
VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
WAN Wide Area Network
WARM Wartime Reserve Modes (Navy)
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WCF Working Capital Fund
WIP Work in Place
WIPT Working-Level Integrated Product Team
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
WOSB Woman-Owned Small Business
WP Work Package
WP/N Weapons Procurement (Appropriation) Navy
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WRA Weapon Replacement Assembly
WRM War Reserve Materials
WSARA Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act
WSE Weapon Safety Endorsement
WSESRB Weapon System Explosives Safety Review Board WSMP Weapon System Master Plan (Air Force)
WTCV Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles (Appropriation) (Army)
3GL Third Generation Language
4GL Fourth Generation Language
5GL Fifth Generation Language
5Ms Machinery, Manpower, Material, Measurement, and Method
8A Section 8A of the Small Business Act (SBA) pertaining to minority and other disadvantaged businesses
The act of an authorized representative of the government by which the government, for itself or as agent of another, assumes ownership of existing identified supplies tendered, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of the contract on the part of the contractor.
A measure of the relative ease of admission to the various areas of an item for operation or maintenance.
Accounts Payable
Amounts owed by an accounting entity for goods and services received.
Accounts Receivable (From the Government)
Amounts due from U.S Government organizations or funds.
Amounts Receivable (From the Public)
All accounts receivable arising from the sale of goods and services and from operations involving other than Federal Government organizations. Examples are debts owed by military personnel and civilian employees, contractors, and Foreign Military Sales (FMS).
Accrual Basis of Accounting
A method of accounting in which revenues are recognized in the period earned and costs are recognized in the period incurred, regardless of when payment is received or made. There have been many initiatives over the years to convert the Federal Budget to an accrual accounting basis.
Achieved Availability (AA)
Availability of a system with respect to operating time and both corrective and preventive maintenance. It ignores Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) and may be calculated as Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) divided by the sum of MTBM and Mean Maintenance
Time (MMT), that is, AA = MTBM/(MTBM + MMT). See Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM), Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT), and Mean Maintenance Time (MMT).
The conceptualization, initiation, design, development, testing, contracting, production, deployment, Logistics Support (LS), modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy DoD needs, intended for use in, or in support of, military missions.
Acquisition Category (ACAT)
Categories established to facilitate decentralized decision-making and execution and compliance with statutorily imposed requirements. The categories determine the level of review, decision authority, and applicable procedures.
ACAT I programs are Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs). A MDAP is a program that is not a highly sensitive classified program and that is designated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) as an MDAP; or that is estimated to require eventual expenditure for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), including all planned increments, of more than $480 million (Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 constant dollars) or procurement, including all planned increments, of more than
$2.79 billion (FY 2014 constant dollars). ACAT I programs have two sub-categories:
1.) ACAT ID for which the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) is the USD(AT&L). The “D” refers to the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), which advises the USD(AT&L) at major decision points.
2.) ACAT IC for which the MDA is the DoD Component head or, if delegated, the DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE). The “C” refers to Component.
The USD(AT&L) designates programs as ACAT ID or ACAT IC.
ACAT IA programs are Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). A MAIS is a DoD acquisition program for an Automated Information System (AIS) that is either designated by the MDA as a MAIS, or estimated to exceed:
- $40 million (FY 2014 constant dollars), for all increments, regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, and deployment, and incurred in any single FY; or
- $165 million (FY 2014 constant dollars), for all expenditures, for all increments, regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, and deployment, and incurred from the beginning of the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) phase through deployment at all sites; or
- $520 million (FY 2014 constant dollars) for all expenditures, for all increments, regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, deployment, Operation and Maintenance (O&M), and incurred from the beginning of the MSA phase through sustainment for the estimated useful life of the
AISs do not include computer resources, neither hardware nor software that are an integral part of a weapon or weapon system; are used for highly sensitive classified programs (as determined by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)); used for other highly sensitive Information Technology (IT) programs (as determined by the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO)); or determined by the USD(AT&L) or designee to be better overseen as a non-AIS program.
ACAT IA programs have two sub-categories:
1.) ACAT IAM for which the MDA is the USD(AT&L) or as designated by the USD(AT&L). The “M” (in ACAT IAM) refers to MAIS.
2.) ACAT IAC which the USD(AT&L) has delegated to the head of the DoD Component, the CAE. The “C” (in ACAT IAC) refers to Component.
The USD(AT&L) designates programs as ACAT IAM or ACAT IAC.
ACAT II programs are defined as those acquisition programs that do not meet the criteria for an ACAT I program, but do meet the criteria for a major system. A major system is defined as a program estimated by the DoD Component head to require eventual expenditure for RDT&E of more than $185 million in FY 2014 constant dollars, or for procurement of more than $835 million in FY 2014 constant dollars or those designated by the DoD Component head to be ACAT II. The MDA is the DoD CAE.
ACAT III programs are defined as those acquisition programs that do not meet the criteria for ACAT II. The MDA is designated by the CAE. This category includes less-than-major AISs.
ACAT IV (Navy and Marine Corps only) ACAT programs in the Navy and Marine Corps not otherwise designated as ACAT III are designated ACAT IV. There are two categories of ACAT IV programs: IVT (Test) and IVM (Monitor). ACAT IVT programs require Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) while ACAT IVM programs do not.
Abbreviated Acquisition Program (Navy and Marine Corps only) ACAT programs in the Navy and Marine Corps not otherwise designated as ACAT III or ACAT IV and which do not require Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E).
Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)
Supports the Defense Acquisition Workforce by providing a collection of publicly accessible collaborative knowledge spaces, including Communities of Practice (CoPs), Special Interest Areas (SIAs) and workspaces. Each of the many CoPs, SIAs and workspaces is dedicated to a specific DoD acquisition topic, such as contracting, program management, risk management, space acquisition, etc. The ACC also houses the Acquisition Encyclopedia and other major tools such as the Defense Acquisition Guidebook and the Program Managers e-Toolkit. It is available online through the Defense Acquisition Portal (DAP).
Acquisition Cost
Equal to the sum of the development cost for prime mission equipment and support items; the procurement cost for prime mission equipment, support items, and initial spares; and the system- specific facilities cost.
Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM)
A memorandum signed by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that documents decisions made as the result of a Milestone Decision Review (MDR) or other decision or program review.
Acquisition Environment
Internal and external factors that impact on, and help shape, every defense acquisition program. Often these factors work at opposite extremes and contradict each other. The factors include political forces, policies, regulations, reactions to unanticipated requirements, and emergencies.
Acquisition Executive
The individual within each DoD Component charged with overall acquisition management responsibilities.
Acquisition Life Cycle
See Defense Acquisition System (DAS).
Acquisition Logistics
Technical and management activities conducted to ensure supportability implications are considered early and throughout the acquisition process to minimize support costs and provide the user with the resources to sustain the system in the field. See Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) and Product Support (PS).
Acquisition Management
Management of any or all of the activities within the broad spectrum of “acquisition,” as defined above. Also includes training of the Defense Acquisition Workforce and activities in support of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process for defense acquisition systems and/or programs. For acquisition programs, this term is synonymous with program management.
Acquisition Managers
Persons responsible at different levels for some activity related to developing, producing, and/or fielding an Automated Information System (AIS) or weapon system. Includes senior-level managers responsible for ultimate decisions, Program Managers (PMs), and commodity or functional-area managers.
Acquisition of Services
Advisory and assistance services, including Information Technology (IT), that are acquired from private-sector entities, by and for the DoD, to support Research and Development (R&D) or construction activities or an acquisition program that already has achieved Full Operational Capability (FOC), if those services were not subject to previous milestone reviews. (DoDI 5000.02)
Acquisition Phase
All the tasks and activities needed to bring a program to the next major milestone occur during an acquisition phase. Phases provide a logical means of progressively translating broadly stated capabilities into well-defined, system-specific requirements and ultimately into operationally effective, suitable, and survivable systems. See Defense Acquisition System (DAS).
Acquisition Plan (AP)
A formal written document reflecting the specific actions necessary to execute the approach established in the approved Acquisition Strategy (AS) and guiding contractual implementation. (FAR, Subpart 7.1 and DFARS, Subpart 207.1) See Acquisition Strategy (AS).
Acquisition Planning
The process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. It is performed throughout the life cycle and includes developing an overall Acquisition Strategy (AS) for managing the acquisition and a written Acquisition Plan (AP).
Acquisition Process
See Defense Acquisition System (DAS).
Acquisition Program
A directed, funded effort that provides a new, improved, or continuing materiel, weapon, information system, or service capability in response to an approved need. Acquisition programs are divided into categories established to facilitate decentralized decision making, execution, and compliance with statutory requirements. (DoDD 5000.01) See Acquisition Category (ACAT).
Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)
An agreement between the Program Manager (PM) and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that reflects the approved program and contains schedule, performance, and cost parameters that are the basis for satisfying an identified mission need. The first APB is approved by the MDA prior to a program entering Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), or at program initiation, whichever occurs later. As a minimum, the APB contains the objective and threshold values for major milestones and significant schedule events, Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) from the approved requirements document, and the Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE) approved for the program. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Additional Performance Attribute (APA), Key Performance Parameter (KPP), Key System Attribute (KSA) and Initial Operational Capability (IOC).
Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT)
An automated job assistance tool used to write performance-based requirements following the requirements roadmap process as outlined in the DoD Guidebook for the Acquisition of Services. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Acquisition Risk
See Risk.
Acquisition Strategy (AS)
Describes the Program Manager’s (PM’s) plan to achieve program execution and programmatic goals across the entire program life cycle. Summarizes the overall approach to acquiring the
capability (to include the program schedule, structure, risks, funding, and the business strategy). Contains sufficient detail to allow senior leadership and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) to assess whether the strategy makes good business sense, effectively implements laws and policies, and reflects management’s priorities. Once approved by the MDA, the Acquisition Strategy provides a basis for more detailed planning. The strategy evolves over time and should continuously reflect the current status and desired goals of the program. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Acquisition Plan (AP).
Acquisition Streamlining
Any effort that results in a more efficient and effective use of resources to design, develop, or produce quality systems. This includes ensuring that only necessary and cost-effective requirements are included, at the most appropriate time in the acquisition cycle, in solicitations and resulting contracts for the design, development, and production of new systems, or for modifications to existing systems that involve redesign of systems or subsystems.
1.) A bill or measure after it passes one or both Houses of Congress. 2.) A law in place.
Action Officer
The person responsible for taking action on a project, for coordination of all staff activities, and assembling the action package for decision by higher authority.
Active Repair Time
That portion of down time during which one or more technicians are working on the system to accomplish a repair. This includes preparation time, fault location time, fault correction time, and final checkout time for the system.
A task or measurable amount of work to complete a job or part of a project. See Task definition 2.
Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)
The costs actually incurred and recorded in accomplishing the work performed within a given time.
Actual Time
Time taken by a worker to complete a task or an element of a task.
Additional Performance Attributes (APA)
Performance attribute of a system not important enough to be considered a Key Performance Parameter (KPP) or Key System Attribute (KSA), but still appropriate to include in the Capability Development Document (CDD) or Capability Production Document (CPD). APAs are expressed in a threshold/objective format, using parameters which reflect Measures of Performance (MOPs). APAs must be measurable, testable, and support efficient Test and Evaluation (T&E). (JCIDS Manual)
Administrative and Logistics Delay Time (ALDT)
See Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT).
Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO)
The government Contracting Officer (CO) responsible for government contracts administration. See Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO).
Advance Buy Funding
That part of the procurement funding for an end item that is separately identified in an earlier year as advance procurement.
Advance Funding
Budget Authority (BA) provided in an appropriation act to be used, if necessary, to cover obligations incurred late in the Fiscal Year (FY) for benefit payments in excess of the amount specifically appropriated in the act for that year, where the BA is charged to the appropriation for the program for the FY following the FY for which the appropriations act is passed. When such BA is used, the budget records an increase in the BA for the FY in which it is used and a reduction in the BA for the following FY.
Advance Procurement (AP)
Authority provided in an appropriations act to obligate and disburse during a Fiscal Year (FY) before that in which the related end item is procured. The funds are added to the Budget Authority (BA) for the FY and deducted from the BA of the succeeding FY. AP is used in major acquisition programs to obtain components whose Long Lead Time (LLT) requires early purchase in order to reduce the overall Procurement Lead Time (PLT) of the major end item. AP of long-lead components is an exception to the DoD “full funding” policy and must be part of the President’s Budget (PB) request.
Advanced Component Development and Prototypes (ACD&P)
Budget Activity (BA) 4 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account that includes efforts necessary to evaluate integrated technologies and
representative modes or prototype systems in a high-fidelity and realistic operating environment, and system-specific efforts that help expedite technology transition from the laboratory to operational use. The emphasis is on proving component and subsystem maturity prior to integration in major and complex systems and may involve risk-reduction activities. Program Elements (PEs) funded under this BA typically involve pre-Milestone B efforts and are referred to as advanced component development activities and include technology demonstrations. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Advanced Development
Research and Development (R&D) category 03 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Includes all efforts that have moved into development and integration of hardware for field experiments and tests. Projects in this category have a direct relevance to identified military needs. Advanced Development is system specific (particularly for major platforms such as aircraft, ships, missiles, tanks, etc.), and includes Advanced Technology Development (ATD) used to demonstrate the general military utility or cost-reduction potential of technology when applied to different types of military equipment or techniques. These efforts also include evaluation of synthetic environment and proof-of-principle demonstrations in field exercises to evaluate system upgrades or provide new operational capabilities. Projects in this category do not necessarily have to lead to subsequent development or procurement phases.
However, program/budget justification must identify rough order of magnitude estimates of potential additional development and production costs consistent with the DoD’s full funding policy. See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD)
A demonstration of the maturity and potential of advanced technologies for enhanced military operational capability or cost effectiveness. ATDs are identified, sponsored, and funded by military departments and defense agencies. ATDs are funded by the Advanced Technology Development (ATD) Budget Activity (BA) within the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation.
Advanced Technology Development (ATD)
Budget Activity (BA) 3 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account that includes development of subsystems and components and efforts to integrate subsystems and components into system prototypes for field experiments and/or tests in a simulated environment. ATD also includes demonstrations of components and subsystems or system models. The models may be Form, Fit and Function (F3) prototypes or scaled models that serve the same demonstration purpose. Projects typically have a direct relevance to identified military needs. The results of these types of efforts are proof of technological feasibility and
assessment of subsystem and component operability and producibility rather than the development of hardware for Service use. Program Elements (PEs) funded under this BA typically involve pre-Milestone B efforts such as system concept demonstrations, joint and Service-specific experiments or technology demonstrations. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Advisory and Assistance Services
Pertains to the details provided under contract by nongovernmental sources to support or improve organizational policy development, decision-making, management and administration, program and/or project management and administration, or Research and Development (R&D) activities. It can also involve providing professional advice or assistance to improve the effectiveness of federal management processes or procedures, including those of an engineering and technical nature.
1.) The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Services’ overseers whose jobs are to encourage, monitor, enforce, and report progress in attaining certain disciplines and goals. 2.) Persons or organizations actively supporting and “selling” an acquisition program.
1.) A determination that the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of an acquisition program is in consonance with the long-range investment and force structure plans of the DoD or individual DoD Components. 2.) Conducting a program at a cost constrained by the maximum resources that the DoD or DoD Component can allocate for that capability.
Affordability Analysis
Long-range planning and decision making that determines the resources a Component can allocate for each new capability by ensuring that the total of all such allocations—together with all other fiscal demands that compete for resources in the Component—are not above the Component’s future total budget projection for each year.
Affordability Caps
Binding unit procurement and sustainment constraints for a program set at the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point, Milestone B, and beyond. Affordability caps provide fixed-cost requirements functionally equivalent to Key Performance Parameters (KPPs). (DoDI 5000.02) See Affordability Constraints and Affordability Goals.
Affordability Constraints
A program’s unit procurement and sustainment cost goals or caps dictated by a Component’s affordability analysis. Constraints are determined in a top-down manner by the resources a Component can allocate for a system given inventory objectives and all other fiscal demands on the Component—not by cost estimates. When approved affordability constraints cannot be met, then technical requirements, schedule, and required quantities must be revisited. (DoDI 5000.02) See Affordability Caps and Affordability Goals.
Affordability Goals
Unit procurement and sustainment constraints set early in a program to inform capability requirements and major design tradeoffs needed to define the product being acquired. They are reviewed at the next major decision review. (DoDI 5000.02). See Affordability Caps and Affordability Constraints.
Agency Acquisition Executive (AAE)
See DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE).
The totals relating to the whole budget rather than a particular function, program, or line item. The seven budget aggregates are Budget Authority (BA), outlays, revenues, deficit/ surplus, level of public debt, new direct loan obligations, and new guaranteed loan commitments.
Performing adjustments that are necessary to return an item to a specified condition.
All Viewpoint (AV)
DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF)-described Models that provide information pertinent to the entire Architectural Description rather than representing a distinct viewpoint. AV-described Models provide an overview of the architectural effort including such items as the scope, context, rules, constraints, assumptions, and the derived vocabulary that pertains to the Architectural Description. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Allocable Cost
Cost that (a) is incurred specifically for the contract; (b) benefits both the contract and other work, and can be distributed to them in reasonable proportion to the benefits received; or (c) is necessary to the overall operation of the business, although a direct relationship to any particular cost objective cannot be shown. (FAR, Subpart 31.201)
Allocated Baseline
Documentation that designates the Configuration Items (CIs) making up a system and then allocates the system function and performance requirements across the CIs (hence the term “allocated baseline”). It includes all functional and interface characteristics that are allocated from those of a higher-level CI or from the system itself, derived requirements, interface requirements with other CIs, design restraints, and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of specified functional and interface characteristics. The performance of each CI in the allocated baseline is described in its item performance specification. See Item Performance Specification.
Allocated Budget
See Total Allocated Budget (TAB).
Allocated Configuration Identification (ACI)
Currently approved performance-oriented specifications governing the development of Configuration Items (CIs) that are a part of a higher-level CI, in which each specification defines the functional characteristics that are allocated from those of the higher-level CI; establishes the tests required to demonstrate achievement of its allocated functional characteristics; delineates necessary interface requirements with other CIs; and establishes design constraints, if any, such as component/part standardization, use of inventory items, or Logistics Support (LS) requirements.
An authorization, by a DoD Component designated official, making funds available within a prescribed amount to an operating agency for the purpose of making allotments (i.e., allocation is the first subdivision of an apportionment).
An authorization by either the agency head or another authorized employee to incur obligations within a specific amount. Each agency makes allotments pursuant to specific procedures it establishes within the general requirements of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, Part 4. The amount allotted cannot exceed the amount apportioned or allocated. See Apportionment.
Allowable Cost
Several factors are considered when deciding whether a cost is allowable on a government contract. These factors include reasonableness; allocability; standards promulgated by the Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB), if applicable—otherwise, generally accepted accounting
principles and practices; and terms of the contract. (FAR, Subpart 31.201) See Allocable Cost and Reasonable Cost.
Alternate Live-Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Plan
For programs under Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) LFT&E oversight where Full-Up System Level testing is deemed unreasonably expensive and/or impracticable, the program office may submit an Alternate LFT&E Plan for DOT&E approval. The approved Alternate LFT&E Plan is part of the waiver package submitted to the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) who is the approval authority for the waiver and who will notify Congress. The waiver is due at Milestone B or as soon as practicable after program initiation. (DoDI 5000.02)
Alternative Systems Review (ASR)
A multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that requirements agree with the customers’ needs and expectations and that the system under review can proceed into the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) phase. The ASR should be completed prior to Milestone A. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Analogy Cost Estimate
An estimate of costs based on historical data of a similar (analogous) item.
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)
Assessment of potential materiel solutions to satisfy the capability need documented in the validated Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). It focuses on identification and AoA, Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs), cost, schedule, concepts of operations, and overall risk, including the sensitivity of each alternative to possible changes in key assumptions or variables. The AoA also assesses critical technologies associated with each proposed materiel solution, including technology maturity, integration risk, manufacturing feasibility, and, where necessary, technology maturation and demonstration needs. The AoA will also address the fully burdened cost of energy for each alternative when appropriate. The AoA is normally conducted during the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), is a key input to the Capability Development Document (CDD), and supports the materiel solution decision at Milestone A. The AoA may be updated for Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point and Milestone C review if there are changes to the design of the system that impact AoA assumptions. (DoDI 5000.02 and JCIDS Manual)
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Guidance
Provides direction to the AoA sponsor on what the AoA must include. The study guidance requires, at minimum, full consideration of possible trade-offs among cost, schedule, and
performance objectives for each alternative considered. The study guidance also requires an assessment of whether or not the joint military requirement can be met in a manner consistent with the cost and schedule objectives recommended by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC). For potential and designated Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and IA programs, the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE) approves study guidance and the study plan for the AoA prior to the Materiel Development Decision (MDD). After the MDD review, the MDA directs that an AoA be conducted by the responsible DoD Component or Principal Staff Assistant (PSA). For ACAT II and III programs, Component AoA procedures apply. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) phase, and Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Plan.
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Plan
Based on the AoA Study Guidance. The AoA Study Plan establishes a roadmap of how the analysis must proceed, who is responsible for the different elements, and why they are doing them. The Study Plan is a “living document” and must be updated throughout the AoA effort to reflect new information and changing study perceptions and direction. By design, the AoA Study Plan is structured so it can evolve into the AoA Final Report. For Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and IA programs, the AoA Study Guidance and AoA Study Plan are approved by the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE) prior to the Materiel Development Decision (MDD). Following the MDD, the organization responsible conducts the AoA and submits a report to the DCAPE, the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), and the Joint Staff (JS) prior to the Milestone A review. For ACAT II and ACAT III programs, Component AoA procedures apply. See Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Guidance, and Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase.
Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA)
Legislation enacted by Congress to prevent the incurring of obligations or the making of expenditures (outlays) in excess of amounts available in appropriations or funds; to fix responsibility within an agency for the creation of any obligation or the making of any expenditure in excess of apportionment or reapportionment or in excess of other subdivisions established pursuant to Title 31 United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 1341 and 1517; and to assist in bringing about the most effective and economical use of appropriations and funds.
Anti-Tampering (AT)
Systems Engineering (SE) activities intended to prevent and/or delay exploitation of critical technologies in U.S. systems. These activities involve the entire life cycle of systems acquisition including research, design, development, testing, implementation, and validation of anti-tamper measures. Properly employed, anti-tamper measures add longevity to a critical technology by
deterring efforts to reverse-engineer, exploit, or develop countermeasures against a system or system component.
A request for reconsideration of an action taken to adjust, reduce, or delete funding for an item during the congressional review of the defense budget (authorization and appropriation).
Applied Research
Budget Activity (BA) 2 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account. It translates promising basic research into solutions for broadly defined military needs and includes studies, investigations, and non-system specific technology efforts. It also may include design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet general mission area requirements. Program elements funded under this BA typically involve pre-Milestone B efforts. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Apportioned Effort
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), an effort that, by itself, is not readily divisible into short-span work packages, but which is related in direct proportion to measured effort.
A distribution made by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of amounts available for obligation in an appropriation or fund accounts of the Executive Branch. The distribution makes amounts available on the basis of specified time periods, programs, activities, projects, objects, or any combinations of these. The apportionment system is intended to achieve an effective and orderly use of funds, and the apportioned amount limits the obligations that may be incurred. An apportionment may be further subdivided by an agency into allocations, sub-allocations, allotments, and sub-allotments. (OMB Circular A-11)
Appropriation (APPN)
Statutory authority provided by an Act of Congress that permits federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments from the Treasury. An appropriation usually follows enactment of authorizing legislation. An Appropriation Act is the most common means of providing Budget Authority (BA) (see Budget Authority [BA]). Appropriations do not represent cash actually set aside in the Treasury; they represent limitations of amounts that agencies may obligate during the time specified in the respective appropriation acts. Major appropriation types are listed below:
- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriations fund the efforts performed by contractors and government activities required for the Research
and Development (R&D) of equipment, material, computer application software, and their Test and Evaluation (T&E) including Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E). RDT&E also funds the operation of dedicated R&D installation activities for the conduct of R&D programs.
- Procurement appropriations fund those acquisition programs that have been approved for production (to include Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) of acquisition objective quantities), and all costs integral and necessary to deliver a useful end item intended for operational use or inventory upon delivery.
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M) appropriations fund expenses such as civilian salaries, travel, minor construction projects, operating military forces, training and education, depot maintenance, stock funds, and base operations support.
- Military Personnel (MILPERS) appropriations fund costs of salaries and other compensation for active and retired military personnel and reserve forces based on end
- Military Construction (MILCON) appropriations fund major projects such as bases, schools, missile storage facilities, maintenance facilities, medical/dental clinics, libraries, and military family
Appropriation Account
Subdivisions with an appropriation. For example, the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation funds several RDT&E accounts including Army RDT&E (2040A), Navy RDT&E (1319N), and Air Force RDT&E (3600F). There are also Defense-wide RDT&E accounts. The Army and Navy usually refer to their RDT&E appropriation accounts as “R&D money” while Air Force personnel usually refer to their RDT&E appropriation account by its numerical designator, that is, “3600 money.”
Appropriation Limitations
Statutory and other special restrictions which impose a restriction on the availability of funds, or the authority to obligate or expend appropriations for certain objects or purposes, as determined by Congress within an appropriation.
Appropriation Warrant
An official U.S. Treasury document that provides the dollar amounts established in the general and detailed appropriation accounts of the U.S. Treasury pursuant to Appropriation Acts authorized by law. It serves as a convenient source document for entries into accounts that establish the amount of money authorized to be withdrawn from the U.S. Treasury.
Appropriators (Appropriations Committees)
The Senate and House Appropriations Committees. They recommend legislation granting funding for federal agencies and also have oversight authority to monitor how funds are spent.
Approved Programs
The technical and operational, schedule, and quantity requirements reflected in the latest approved Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM), or other document reflecting a more current decision of the USD(AT&L) or other appropriate approval authority (such as the President’s Budget (PB), the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP), and supporting documentation). See Program of Record (POR).
Approved Project
A cooperative project under Title 22, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2767 that has DoD Component approval for implementation, or a cooperative Research and Development (R&D) project under U.S.C., Section 2350a that has approval of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for implementation, before any formal agreements have been negotiated or concluded and funds are released.
The structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. (DoDI 8330.01)
Architecture Data
Selected Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) viewpoint models that are required to support Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs), Capability Development Documents (CDDs), and Capability Production Documents (CPDs). (JCIDS Manual) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Architecture Design
Trade and synthesis process that translates the outputs of the Stakeholder Requirements Definition and Requirements Analysis processes into alternative design solutions and selects a final design solution. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Stakeholder Requirements Definition and Requirements Analysis.
Architecture Viewpoints and Models
Visualizing architectural data is accomplished through models. Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) describes models are grouped into viewpoints. Models can be documents, spreadsheets, dashboards, or other graphical representations and serve as a template
for organizing and displaying data in a more easily understood format. When data are collected and presented as a “filled-in” model, the result is called a view. Organized collections of views (often representing processes, systems, services, standards, etc.) are referred to as viewpoints and, with appropriate definitions, are collectively called the Architectural Description. (DoDAF Viewpoints are: All, Capability, Data and Information, Operational, Project, Services, Standards, and Systems. (DoDAF Version 2.02)
Weapons with lethal capability (e.g., missiles, rifles).
Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA)
Board established to act as the authorized representative of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or Department Secretaries, in deciding claims under the disputes clause of government contracts.
Armed Services Committees (Senate and House)
Standing committees of the Senate and House, respectively, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and the House Armed Services Committee (HASC). They authorize DoD programs and conduct oversight.
Arms Export Control Board (AECB)
An interagency board, chaired by the Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance (Science and Technology [S&T]), that advises the Secretary of State on matters relating to security assistance program levels and arms transfer policies.
Arms Transfer
Defense articles and defense services (arms, ammunition, and implements of war, including components, training, manufacturing licenses, technical assistance, related Technical Data (TD) provided by the government under the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended.
A computer program that translates assembly language programs into their machine language equivalents.
Assembly Chart
Portrays the proposed sequence of assembly operations constituting the assembly process in producing goods composed of many components.
Assembly Language
A programming language that corresponds closely to the instruction set of a given computer. Typically used for those portions of real-time systems that must be highly optimized in some dimension (e.g., time or memory). Since assembly language is hardware-dependent, its use must be carefully controlled.
Assessment Approach (Supporting an Urgent Operational Need)
Documents the plan to ensure that capabilities to be fielded in response to an urgent need, or capabilities already fielded, address the requirements of the urgent need. The Assessment Approach also documents the actions necessary to determine what capabilities were delivered to the requester, any limitations of the capabilities and safety issues, including those that may have not been resolved.
Assessment of Operational Utility
For any rapidly fielded capability solution delivered to operational users in response to a Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) or Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON), the original requirement sponsor will generate an assessment of the capability solution no later than 6 months after delivery to facilitate transition to a Program of Record (POR), sustainment, or other alternate approaches. To facilitate follow-on development efforts, the assessment also may document applicable shortcomings in the fielded capability solution and what might be improved in a follow-on effort. (JCIDS Manual)
Systematic examination of records and documents to determine adequacy and effectiveness of budgeting, accounting, financial, and related policies and procedures; compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, policies, and prescribed procedures; reliability, accuracy, and completeness of financial and administrative records and reports; and the extent to which funds and other resources are properly protected and effectively used.
Represents the cognizant audit office designated by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) or Service audit activities for conducting audit reviews of the contractor’s accounting system policies and procedures for compliance with the criteria.
Authority for Systems Acquisition
The framework granting authority for DoD to develop, produce, and field weapon systems emanates from two sources: the law (legal basis), and executive branch policy that includes executive direction (Executive Orders [EOs]) of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars, and National Security Council (NSC) Directives), and other directives
and regulations such as DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.01 and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
An Act of Congress that permits a federal program or activity to begin or continue from year to year. It sets limits on funds that can be appropriated, but does not grant funding, which must be provided by a separate congressional appropriation.
Authorized Work
Effort that has been definitized and is on contract, plus that for which definitized contract costs have not been agreed but for which written authorization has been received.
Authorizers (Authorization Committees)
The standing committees of Congress that have legislative authority, authorize programs, and conduct oversight over agency programs. The primary authorizers for DoD are the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and House Armed Services Committee (HASC).
Authorizing Legislation
Legislation enacted by Congress to permit establishment or continuation of a federal program or agency. Authorizing legislation is normally required before enactment of Budget Authority (BA).
Automated Data Processing Equipment (ADPE)
See Information Technology (IT).
Automated Information System (AIS)
A system of computer hardware, computer software, data, or telecommunications that performs functions such as collecting, processing, storing, transmitting, and displaying information.
Excluded are computer resources, both hardware and software, that are an integral part of a weapons system; used for highly sensitive classified program as determined by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF); used for other highly sensitive Information Technology (IT) programs (as determined by the DoD Chief Information Officer [CIO]); or determined by the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE), that is, the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (USD[AT&L]), or designee to be better overseen as a non-AIS program (e.g., a program with a low ratio of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funding to total program acquisition costs or that requires significant hardware development). (DoDI 5000.02)
Automatic Identification Technology (AIT)
The broad term given to a host of technologies used to help machines identify objects. AIT is often coupled with automatic data capture to identify items, capture information about them, and input that data into a database without manual entry. Technologies that fall under the AIT include bar codes, smart cards, voice recognition, some biometric technologies (e.g., retinal scans), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and Item- Unique Identification (IUID). (Logistics Assessment Guidebook)
Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
Any automated device used for the express purpose of testing prime equipment—usually external to the prime device (e.g., support equipment).
A measure of the degree to which an item is operable and can be committed at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) point in time. See Inherent Availability (AI), Achieved Availability (AA), and Operational Availability (AO).
See Materiel Availability (AM) and Operational Availability (AO).
Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC)
Calculated by dividing total procurement cost by the number of items to be procured. Total procurement cost includes flyaway, rollaway, sailaway cost (that is, recurring and nonrecurring costs associated with production of an item such as hardware/software, Systems Engineering (SE), engineering changes and warranties), plus the costs of procuring Technical Data (TD), training, support equipment, and initial spares.
Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC) Objectives
Established at formal program initiation, usually Milestone B, and expressed in constant dollars.
Average Unit Procurement Cost (AUPC)
See Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC).
Notification to bidder of acceptance of bid.
Award Fee
See Contract, Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF).
The addition of new equipment to the configuration of operating systems or the installation of equipment in production systems delivered without such equipment. Also called retrofitting.
Known work input that is beyond the workload capability of an organization or segment of an organization for any given period of time.
Balanced Line
A series of progressive, related operations with approximately equal standard times for each, arranged so that work flows at a desired steady rate from one operation to the next.
Ball Park Estimate
Very rough estimate (usually cost estimate), but with some knowledge and confidence. (“Somewhere in the ball park.”)
Bandwidth Requirements Review
Requirement for all Information Technology (IT) programs to ensure that the bandwidth capacities and capabilities needed to support the program are available, or will be available, and how they will be met. The bandwidth requirements review is normally conducted as part of the review of the Information Support Plan (ISP). See Information Support Plan (ISP).
Bar Chart
The detailed graphical representation of a working plan for a part providing a sequence and time scheduled for the job showing progress to date.
Base Program
The program described in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) base file, updated to conform to the budget presented to Congress. It constitutes the base from which all Current Year (CY) program changes are considered.
Base Year (BY)
A reference period that determines a fixed price level for comparison in calculating economic escalation and cost estimates. The price level index for the BY is 1.000.
Defined quantity or quality used as a starting point for subsequent efforts and progress measurement, it can be a technical, cost, or schedule baseline. See Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) and Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS).
Baseline Comparison System (BCS)
A current operational system, or a composite of current operational subsystems, which most closely represents the design, operational, and support characteristics of the new system under development.
Baseline Cost Estimate (BCE)
See Program Office Estimate (POE). (Army)
A process whereby all managers concerned collectively agree on the specific description of the program, requirements, and funding and make a commitment to manage the program along those guidelines.
Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)
An instrument of understanding (not a contract) between a procuring activity and a contractor that sets forth negotiated contract clauses that will be applicable to future procurements between the parties during the term of the agreement. It includes a description, as specific as possible, of the supplies or services and a description of the method for determining pricing, issuing, and delivering future orders. (FAR, Subpart 16.703)
Basic Research
Budget Activity (BA) 1 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account that funds scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. Program Elements (PEs) funded under the BA typically involve pre-Milestone A efforts. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Basic Scientific and Technical Information
Information relating to fundamental theories, designs, and data for theoretical or experimental investigation into possible military applications. It does not include manufacturing knowledge or information on operational or developmental systems.
Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP)
Document that establishes the distribution of new equipment and associated support items of equipment and personnel, as well as the reciprocal displacement of equipment and personnel. (Army)
Benefits Analysis and Determination
The Benefits Analysis (sometimes called Consolidation and Bundling Benefit Analysis) makes the case for an Acquisition Strategy (AS) that consolidates and/or bundles requirements. It identifies, quantifies, and compares the benefits arising from the strategy’s implementation to benefits that would result from alternative strategies on cost savings, quality improvements, reductions in acquisition cycle times, better terms and conditions, etc., and is part of the AS. After reviewing the Benefits Analysis, a Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) makes a Determination either in favor of or against the issuance of the solicitation based on whether the benefits described substantially exceed the necessary thresholds (for consolidated requirements) or are measurably substantial (for bundled requirements). (Title15 U.S.C, Section 644 (e)(f))
Best Practices Clearinghouse (BPCh)
A living knowledge base that provides an authoritative source for practices and lessons learned, as well as risks to avoid. It is constantly updated, expanded, and refined and is supported by consistent, verifiable, and validated evidence. It is designed to improve all of DoD’s acquisition processes by helping users select and implement proven practices. The BPCh also integrates closely with the knowledge communities in the Acquisition Community Connection (ACC). It is available through the Defense Acquisition Portal (DAP).
Best Value
The expected outcome of an acquisition that, in the government’s estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirement. It represents the most advantageous tradeoff between price and performance for the government. Best value is determined through a process that compares—in accordance with selection criteria—strengths, weaknesses, risk, price, and performance to select the value that is most advantageous to the government. An agency can obtain best value in negotiated acquisitions by using any one or a combination of source selection approaches. (FAR, Subpart 2.101)
Best Value Continuum
An agency can obtain best value in negotiated acquisitions by using any one or a combination of source selection approaches. In different types of acquisitions, the relative importance of cost or price may vary. For example, in acquisitions where the requirement is clearly definable and there is minimal risk of unsuccessful contract performance, cost or price may play a dominant role in source selection. The less definitive the requirement, the more development work required, or the
greater the performance risk, the more technical or past performance considerations may play a dominant role in source selection. Tradeoff Process and Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) source selection process are part of the Best Value Continuum. (FAR, Subpart 15.101) See Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) and Tradeoff Process.
Better Buying Power (BBP)
A continuing effort by the Office Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L]) to increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of DoD’s acquisition, technology and logistics efforts. The current iteration is BBP 3.0 announced on April 9, 2015, and included 34 principal actions organized into the following eight major areas: 1.) Achieve Affordable Programs, 2.) Achieve Dominant Capabilities While Controlling Life Cycle Costs (LCCs), 3.) Incentivize Productivity in Industry and Government, 4.) Incentivize Innovation in Industry and Government, 5.) Eliminate Unproductive Processes and Bureaucracy, 6.) Promote Effective Competition, 7.) Improve Tradecraft in Acquisition of Services, and 8.) Improve Professionalism of the Total Acquisition Workforce. This iteration of BBP places a stronger emphasis on innovation, technical excellence, and the quality of DoD products.
Beyond Low Rate Initial Production (BLRIP) Report
Obsolete. See Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Report on Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E).
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
A simplified acquisition method that government agencies use to fill anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services. BPAs are negotiated on an individual agency level, and generally only a few agency offices can place orders on them. One advantage of traditional BPAs is that a buyer can use them to acquire a full range of services under one BPA rather than purchase them through multiple contracts. The BPA establishes a contractual relationship between the government and vendors that have been awarded a contract under the BPA. Tasks are then competed under the BPA contract without issuing a new contract.
Brassboard Configuration
An experimental device (or group of devices) used to determine feasibility and to develop technical and operational data. It normally will be a model sufficiently hardened for use outside of laboratory environments to demonstrate the technical and operational principles of immediate interest. It may resemble the end item, but it is not intended for use as the end item.
Breadboard Configuration
An experimental device (or group of devices) used to determine feasibility and to develop Technical Data (TD). It normally will be configured for laboratory use only to demonstrate the
technical principles of immediate interest. It may not resemble the end item and is not intended for use as the projected end item.
Break-Even Analysis
1.) The study of cost-volume-profit (C-V-P) relationships. 2.) The analysis of proposed procurement and facilitization to compare potential costs of establishing a second source with potential savings resulting from competitive pressure from the second source.
Break-Even Point
1.) In business enterprises, the point at which revenues from sales exactly equal total incurred cost—i.e., Revenues = Variable Costs + Fixed Costs. 2.) In decision making—such as make versus buy, lease versus buy, etc.—it is the point of indifference, meaning that level of activity in which either method results in exactly the same cost. These types of break-even decisions often involve making assumptions about levels of activity such as number of units needed.
Execution of Acquisition Strategy (AS) to convert some parts or system components from contractor furnished to government furnished. Rather than have the prime contractor provide from its sources, the government procures items directly and provides them to the prime contractor.
Bridge Contract
A non-competitive contract or contracting action undertaken to bridge the time between the end of one contract action and the beginning of another. Includes the non-competitive increase of contract ceiling and extension of the period of performance. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
1.) A comprehensive financial plan for the Federal Government encompassing total federal receipts and outlays (expenditures). 2.) A plan of operations for a fiscal period in terms of estimated costs, obligations, and expenditures; source of funds for financing, including anticipated reimbursements and other resources; and history and workload data for the projected program and activities.
Budget Activity (BA)
Categories within each appropriation and fund account that identify the purposes, projects, or types of activities financed by the appropriation or fund. See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Budget Authority (BA)
Authority provided by law to enter into obligations that will result in immediate or future outlays of government funds.
Budget Estimate
Cost estimate prepared for inclusion in the DoD budget to support acquisition programs.
Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
The DoD Component’s budget submissions to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) showing budget requirements for inclusion in the DoD budget during the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process.
Budget Execution
See Execution.
Budget for Work Packages
See Work Package Budgets.
Budget Resolution
See Concurrent Budget Resolution (CBR).
Budget Year (BY)
The Fiscal Year (FY) for which funding is requested in the budget submission.
Budgeted Cost
The sum of the budgets for completed work packages and portions of open work packages, plus the appropriate portion of budgets for Level of Effort (LOE) and apportioned effort.
Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)
A measurement of the work completed (in the context of Earned Value Management [EVM]). BCWP is the value of work performed, or “earned,” when compared to the original plan, that is, the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS). The BCWP is called the Earned Value.
Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS)
The sum of the budgets for all work (work packages, planning packages, etc.) scheduled (including in-process work packages), plus the Level of Effort (LOE) and apportioned effort scheduled within a given time period. Also called the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB).
The process of translating resource requirements into a funding profile.
Builder’s Trial (BT) (Navy)
Evaluation trials and inspection conducted by the builder to assure the builder and the Navy that the ship is, or will be, ready for acceptance trials. This trial should be a comprehensive test of all the ship’s equipment and approximate the scope of the acceptance trial.
Consolidating two or more requirements for supplies or services previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts, into a solicitation for a single contract that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern due to:
- The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;
- The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;
- The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or
- Any combination of the factors
(FAR, Subpart 2.101)
Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)
Any device permanently mounted in the prime equipment and expressly used for testing the prime equipment, either independently or in association with external test equipment.
Costs that cannot be attributed or assigned to a system as direct cost. An alternative term for Overhead.
Burn Rate
The monthly rate at which a contractor’s funds are expended during the period of the contract.
The operation of an item under stress to stabilize its characteristics.
Business, Cost Estimating, and Financial Management (BCEFM)
Management of acquisition funds including, but not limited to: cost estimating; formulation of input for the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM), the budget, and other programmatic or financial documentation of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process; and budget execution (paying bills).
The number of end items to be procured either over a certain period or in total.
Buy American Act (BAA)
Provides that the U.S. Government generally give preference to domestic end products. (Title 41, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 10A–10D). This preference is accorded during the price evaluation process by applying punitive evaluation factors to most foreign products.
Subsequently modified (relaxed) by Culver Nunn Amendment (1977) and other 1979 trade agreements for dealing with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Allies.
Submission of an offer, usually substantially below estimated costs, with the expectation of winning the contract.
Comparison of an item against a known standard.
Canceled Appropriation
An appropriation that is no longer available for the adjustment or payment of obligations. Appropriations are canceled after being in expired status for 5 years. Once canceled, no payments or adjustments can be made from that appropriation account. See Appropriation (APPN) or Expired Account.
Capabilities and Acquisition Division (CAD)
A division of the Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate (J8) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). Provides program evaluations and assessment, systems acquisition policy matters and advice, acquisition documentation and coordination, and coordinates support of Department- level acquisition review forums and boards. Also ensures integration of acquisition-related data in Functional Capabilities Board (FCB) discussions and analyses. (CJCSI 5123.01G)
Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA)
A Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) analytic process. The CBA identifies capability requirements and associated capability gaps. Results of a CBA or other study provide the source material for one or more Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs), or other JCIDS documents in certain cases when an ICD is not required. (JCIDS Manual)
The ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under specified conditions and level of performance. (JCIDS Manual)
Capability Development Document (CDD)
A CDD (includes the Information System (IS) CDD variant) specifies capability requirements in terms of developmental Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), Key System Attributes (KSAs), Additional Performance Attributes (APAs), and other related information necessary to support development of one or more increments of a materiel capability solution. A sponsor-approved draft CDD is necessary for a Milestone A acquisition decision and each Request for Proposal (RFP) release in support of the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS). A validated CDD is also necessary for each Development RFP Release Decision Point and Milestone B acquisition decision. The CDD format is in
the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Manual, which is available online. (DoD 5000.02 and JCIDS Manual)
Capability Development Document-Validation (CDD-V)
Key decision point during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase. The requirements validation authority will validate the CDD (or equivalent requirements document) for the program. This action will precede the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point and provide a basis for preliminary design activities and the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) that will occur prior to Milestone B (unless waived by the Milestone Decision Authority [MDA]). The MDA (and Component Acquisition Executive [CAE] when the MDA is the Defense Acquisition Executive [DAE]) will participate in the validation authority’s review and staffing of the CDD (or equivalent requirements document) prior to validation to ensure that requirements are technically achievable, affordable, and testable, and that requirements trades are fully informed by systems engineering trade-off analyses completed by the Program Manager (PM) or the DoD Component.
Capability Drop (CD)
Specifies the performance characteristics of a relatively small increment of capability included in a software build necessary for partial deployment of the capability solution, typically developed and fielded within a short time. A CD could be developed directly from the definitions in the Information Systems-Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD) in the event of a more time- sensitive need for the capability. More commonly multiple CDs would be derived from a Requirements Definition Package (RDP), or IS-ICD, to deliver all of the capabilities defined in the RDP or IS-ICD. (JCIDS Manual) See Requirements Definition Package (RDP).
Capability Gap
The inability to meet or exceed a capability requirement, resulting in an associated operational risk until closed or mitigated. The gap may be the result of no fielded capability, lack of proficiency or sufficiency in an existing capability solution, or the need to replace a fielded capability solution to prevent a future gap. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Capability Gap Assessment (CGA)
Part of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process. It is a deliberate assessment of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) that evaluates alignment of DoD resource investments and other efforts with Warfighter needs, joint concepts, and strategic guidance. Initiation of the CGA is aligned with the annual submittal of Combatant Command (CCMD) Integrated Priority Lists (IPLs), which represent prioritized issues (capability gaps associated with validated or proposed capability requirements), that limit CCMD ability to successfully achieve assigned roles, functions and missions. The IPLs are the official submissions of these prioritized capability gaps to the Joint Staff for review under the CGA process. (CJSCI 3170.01I)
Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
Originally developed by DoD’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI), the Software CMM (SW- CMM) was extensively used for disciplined software process improvement efforts. While references to it are still encountered, a more comprehensive and integrated process model—the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)—has replaced the SW-CMM. The SW-CMM was retired effective Dec. 31, 2005, and all SW-CMM ratings expired Dec. 31, 2007. See Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Derived from the now-retired Software Capability Maturity Model (SW-CMM), the CMMI integrates a number of disciplines into a unified model useful for process improvement. There are three domain variations (so-called “CMMI constellations”) of the CMMI: one for development organizations (CMMI-DEV), one for acquisition organizations (CMMI-ACQ), and one for service-type organizations (CMMI-SVC). All the models share a common set of core processes with additional processes added as appropriate for the domain. While the CMMI models can provide ratings on a numerical scale (5 being the highest), DoD prefers to use them primarily in a process improvement role, de-emphasizing numerical ratings. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) manages the three CMMI product suites.
Capability Need
See Capability Requirement. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Capability Production Document (CPD)
Specifies capability requirements in terms of production Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), Key System Attributes (KSAs), Additional Performance Attributes (APAs), and other related information necessary to support production of a single increment of a materiel capability solution. A validated CPD is necessary for each Milestone C acquisition decision. To ensure that the production activities meet validated requirements in cases where the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) waives Milestone C, a CPD must be validated, or Capability Development Document (CDD) revalidated, prior to either the Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) decision or the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision in cases where LRIP is not applicable. The CPD format is in the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Manual, which is available online. (DoDI 5000.02 and JCIDS Manual)
Capability Requirement (or Requirement)
A capability required to meet an organization’s roles, functions, and missions in current or future operations. To the greatest extent possible, capability requirements are described in relation to tasks, standards, and conditions in accordance with the Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) or equivalent DoD Component Task List. If a capability requirement is not satisfied by a capability solution, there is also an associated capability gap. A requirement is considered to be “draft” or “proposed” until validated by the appropriate authority. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Capability Solution
A materiel or non-materiel solution to satisfy one or more capability requirements and reduce or eliminate one or more capability gaps. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Capability Viewpoint (CV)
The Capability Viewpoint (CV) and the DoD Acquisition Framework (DoDAF)-described Models within the CV were introduced into DoDAF V2.0 to address the concerns of Capability Portfolio Managers. In particular, the Capability Models describe capability taxonomy and capability evolution. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models. DoD Acquisition Framework
Capstone Test and Evaluation Master Plan (CTEMP)
A TEMP that addresses the testing and evaluation of a defense system consisting of a collection of individual systems that function collectively to achieve the defense system objectives.
Individual system-unique content requirements are addressed in an annex to the basic CTEMP.
Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO)
Describes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (CJCS) vision for how the Joint Force will defend the nation against a wide range of security challenges. The CCJO emphasizes the Joint
Force’s support of defense strategic guidance for the protection of national interests. As the foundational concept document, the CCJO’s development is similar to that of subordinate operating and supporting concepts; however, the guidance, reviews, evaluation, and approval processes for the CCJO are as directed by the Chairman. The CCJO helps establish force development priorities to implement the vision for the future Joint Force and provides a bridge between strategic guidance and joint operating concepts in support of Joint Force development. (CJCSI 3010.02D) See Family of Joint Concepts.
Capstone Threat Assessment (CTA)
Provides the analytic foundation for intelligence support to the defense acquisition process. The CTA projects foreign capabilities in particular warfare areas looking out 20 years. (Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directive 5000.200 and DIA Instruction 5000.002)
Centralized Management
The concept of using a single, designated management authority. It includes system management, program and/or project management, and product management.
1.) In the context of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process, a statement of adequacy by a responsible authority for a specific area of concern in support of the review and approval of capability requirements documents, e.g., Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) certification by J6/Joint Staff or Intelligence certification by J2/Intelligence Requirements Certification Officer (IRCO)/Joint Staff. (JCIDS Manual) 2.) The process within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for cooperative Research and Development (R&D) projects authorized under Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2350a, whereby candidate projects are screened and those meeting the selection criteria are certified (approved) for implementation pending negotiations and signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and release of funds. Program Elements (PEs) for these funds are controlled at the OSD and Component headquarters (HQ) staff levels.
Certification for Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
A Service process undertaken in the Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase resulting in the announcement of a system’s readiness to undergo IOT&E. The process varies with each Service.
Chairman’s Program Assessment (CPA)
Provides the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (CJCS) personal assessment to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) on the adequacy of each DoD Component Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) submitted in the most recent cycle and may be considered in refining the Defense program and budget. The CPA addresses risk associated with the programmed
allocation of Department resources and evaluates the conformance of POMs to the priorities established in strategic plans and Combatant Command (CCMD) priorities for capability requirements. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Chairman’s Program Recommendation (CPR)
Provides the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (CJCS) personal recommendations to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). It informs the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and influences resource decisions and development of the President’s Budget (PB). The CPR articulate issues the CJCS deems important enough for the Secretary to consider when identifying DoD strategic priorities in the DPG. The CPR is informed by the annual Capability Gap Assessment (CGA) activities executed under the Joint Capability Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process, and the assessment and prioritization of the capability requirement portfolios. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Chairman’s Risk Assessment (CRA)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (CJCS) assessment of the nature and magnitude of strategic and military risk in executing the missions called for in the National Military Strategy (NMS), and may include recommendations for mitigating risk, including changes to strategy, development of new operational concepts or capabilities, increases in capacity, or adjustments in force posture or employment. (JCIDS Manual)
Change Order (CO)
A unilateral order, signed by a government Contracting Officer (CO), directing the contractor to make a change under the provisions of the Changes clause.
Charter (Joint Program Manager’s [PM’s])
Formal document prepared by the lead Service with approval of the participating Services that delineates the PM’s responsibility, authority, and major functions; and describes relationships with other organizations that will use and/or support the program. The charter also describes and assigns responsibility for satisfying unique management requirements of participating Services.
Charter (Program Manager’s [PM’s])
Provides authority to conduct the program within cost, schedule, and performance constraints approved by the decision authority. Establishes manpower resources for the Program Office (PO) and includes assignment of personnel to perform the functions of technical management/systems engineering, logistics, business, and financial management, as well as the designation of a Contracting Officer (CO). It also defines the PM’s line of authority and reporting channels.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Compatibility
The capability of a system to be operated, maintained, and resupplied by persons wearing a full complement of individual protective equipment in all climates for which the system is designed and for the period specified in the Capability Development Document (CDD) or the Capability Production Document (CPD).
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Contamination
The deposit and/or absorption of residual radioactive material or biological or chemical agents on or by structures, areas, personnel, or objects. Chemical contamination involves chemical substances intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, incapacitate, or temporarily irritate or disable man through their physiological effects. Biological contamination consists of micro-organisms and toxins that cause disease in man, plants, or animals, or cause the deterioration of materiel. Radiological contamination is residual radioactive material resulting from fallout or rainout, and residual radiation from a system produced by a nuclear explosion (e.g., Nuclear Indirect Gamma Activity [NIGA]), and persisting longer than one minute after burst.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Contamination Survivability
The capability of a system to withstand chemically, biologically, or radiologically contaminated environments, decontaminants, and decontamination processes without losing the ability to accomplish the assigned mission. A CBR-contaminated survivable system is hardened against chemical or biological agent(s) or radiological contamination and decontaminants. It can be decontaminated and is compatible with individual protective equipment. CBR contamination survivability may be accomplished by hardening, timely resupply, redundancy, mitigation techniques (including operational techniques), or a combination thereof. The three elements of CBR contamination survivability are CBR hardness, CBR compatibility, and CBR decontaminability.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Decontaminability
The ability of a system to be rapidly and effectively decontaminated to reduce the hazard to personnel operating, maintaining, and resupplying it.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination
The process of making materiel safe by absorbing, destroying, neutralizing, rendering harmless, or removing chemical or biological agents and radiological contamination.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Environment
The environment created by CBR contamination.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Hardness
The capability of materiel to withstand the materiel-damaging effects of CBR contamination and relevant decontaminations.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Mission Critical
That subset of mission-critical systems with operational concepts requiring employment and survivability in a Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) or a nuclear environment.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability
The capability of a system to avoid, withstand, or operate during and/or after exposure to a Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) environment (and relevant decontamination) or a nuclear environment without losing the ability to accomplish the assigned mission. CBRN survivability is divided into CBR survivability, which is 1.) concerned with CBR contamination, including fallout; and 2.) nuclear survivability, which covers initial nuclear weapon effects, including blast, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and other initial radiation and shockwave effects.
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
An executive agency official responsible for providing advice and other assistance to the head of the executive agency to ensure that Information Technology (IT) is acquired and information resources are managed for the executive agency according to statute; developing, maintaining, and facilitating the implementation of a sound and integrated Information Technology Architecture (ITA) for the executive agency; and promoting the effective and efficient design and operation of all major Information Resources Management (IRM) processes for the executive agency, including improvements to work processes of the executive agency.
Concurrence acquired during coordination.
Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC)
One of two councils authorized to make changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The chairperson of the CAAC is the representative of the Administrator of General Services. The other members of this council are a representative (one per department) from the Departments of Agriculture; Commerce; Energy; Health and Human Services; Homeland Security; Interior; Labor; State; Transportation; and Treasury; and also a representative (one per organization) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Social Security Administration (SSA), Small Business Administration (SBA), and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). See Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR) Council.
Assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking adjustment or interpretation of an existing contract subject to the dispute clause on the contract.
A government exchange with an offeror on a competitively negotiated procurement solely for eliminating minor irregularities, informalities, or apparent clerical mistakes in a proposal when contemplating an award without discussions.
Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA)
Initially, Division D and Division E of the 1996 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Division D of the Authorization Act was the Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA) and Division E was the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA). Both divisions of the Act made significant changes to defense acquisition policy. The provisions of this Act have been incorporated in Title 40 and Title 44 of the United States Code (U.S.C.). See Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA) and Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA).
Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Compliance
Requirement for all programs that acquire Information Technology (IT), including National Security Systems (NSS), at any Acquisition Category (ACAT) level, that the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) not initiate a program or an increment of a program, or approve entry into any phase of the acquisition process that requires formal acquisition approval, or that the DoD Component not award a contract for the applicable acquisition phase until the sponsoring DoD Component or Program Manager (PM) has satisfied the CCA requirements. The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) and Component Chief Information Officer (CIO), or designee, approve CCA compliance. (DoDI 5000.02)
Closed Interfaces
Privately controlled system/subsystem boundary descriptions that are not disclosed to the public or are unique to a single supplier.
Systems or subsystems cooperatively designed and developed in two or more countries. Shared responsibilities include design and engineering, and may be expanded to include applied research.
Collaborative Environment
A tailorable framework of computer platforms, software tools, information bases, and communication means for the advanced exchange of information and simulations, usually between government-authorized users and industry teams, for the purpose of knowledge sharing, examination, deliberation, decision-making, task management, plan preparation (such as Test and Evaluation Master Plans [TEMPs]), and the conduct of design reviews in which many databases must be assembled to execute the business processes of acquisition.
Combat Developer
Command or agency that formulates doctrine, concepts, organization, materiel requirements, and objectives. May be used generically to represent the user community role in the materiel acquisition process. (Army and Marine Corps)
Combat Development (CBTDEV)
The process of analyzing, determining, and prioritizing requirements for doctrine, training, leader development, organizations, Soldier development, and equipment; and executing solutions, or in the case of doctrine, training, and materiel, initiating solutions, within the context of the force development process. (Army and Marine Corps)
Combat Support Agencies (CSAs)
Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities that fulfill combat support or combat service support functions for joint operating forces across the range of military operations, and in support of the Commanders of the Combatant Commands (CCMDs) executing military operations. CSAs are designated by public law or by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). (DoDD 5100.01)
Combatant Commands (CCMDs)
A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) CCMDs typically have geographic or functional responsibilities. (Joint Pub 1–02)
Commercial Item (CI)
Any item, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used for nongovernmental purposes and that has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; or has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public; or any item evolved through advances in technology or performance and that is not yet available in the commercial marketplace but will be available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy the delivery requirements under a government solicitation. Also included are services in support of a CI of a type offered and sold competitively in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace based on established
catalog or market prices for specific tasks under standard commercial terms and conditions; this does not include services sold based on hourly rates without an established catalog or market price for a specified service. (FAR, Subpart 2.101)
Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS)
See Commercially Available Off-the-Shelf.
Commercially Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS)
A Commercial Item (CI) sold in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace and offered to the government under a contract or subcontract at any tier, without modification, in the same form in which it was sold in the marketplace. This definition does not include bulk cargo such as agricultural products or petroleum. (FAR, Subpart 2.101)
An administrative reservation of funds in anticipation of their obligation based upon firm procurement directives, orders, requisitions, authorizations to issue travel orders, and equivalent instruments.
A group or range of items that possess similar characteristics, have similar applications, or are susceptible to similar supply management methods.
A quality that applies to materiel or systems possessing like and interchangeable characteristics enabling each to be utilized, or operated and maintained, by personnel trained on the others without additional specialized training; and/or having interchangeable repair parts and/or components. Applies to consumable items interchangeable without adjustment.
Comparability Analysis
An examination of two or more systems and/or their relationships to discover similarities or differences.
The capability of two or more items or components of equipment or materiel to exist or function in the same system or environment without mutual interference. See Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Compatibility.
Compensating Provision
Actions that are available or can be taken by an operator to negate or mitigate the effect of a system failure.
An Acquisition Strategy (AS) whereby more than one contractor is sought to bid on a service or function; the winner is selected on the basis of criteria established by the activity for which the work is to be performed. The law and DoD policy require maximum competition, to the extent possible, throughout the acquisition life cycle.
Competitive Proposals
A procedure used in negotiated procurement that concludes with awarding of a contract to the offeror whose offer is most advantageous to the government.
Competitive Prototyping Strategy (CPS)
Prototype competition between two or more contractors that incorporates a comparative side-by- side test.
A computer program that translates programs (source code) expressed in a High-Order Language (HOL) into its machine language equivalents (object code).
1.) Subsystem, assembly, subassembly, or other major element of an end item. 2.) Military department or agency of the DoD. Includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the military departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), the Combatant Commands (CCMDs), the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of the DoD, the defense agencies, DoD field activities, and all other organizational entities within DoD.
Component Acquisition Executive (CAE)
See DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE).
Component Breakout
See Breakout.
Component Cost Analysis (CCA)
Obsolete. See DoD Component Cost Estimate (CCE).
Component Cost Estimate (CCE)
See DoD Component Cost Estimate (CCE).
Component Cost Position
See DoD Component Cost Position.
Component Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report
A report that addresses the results of Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) performed in accordance with the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) or LFT&E strategy or equivalent document. For programs under Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) LFT&E oversight, the lead Operational Test Agency (OTA) will provide a DoD Component LFT&E report to DOT&E.
The process of increasing the future worth of a present amount. An application of the principle that future worth is greater than present worth when viewed from the future as a result of the payment of interest.
Comptroller (COMPT)
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the activity to which assigned. At the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) level, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD[C]) is responsible for all budgetary matters.
Computer Program
A combination of computer instructions and data definitions that enable computer hardware to perform computational or control functions.
Computer Resources
One of the 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements. Computer resources include the facilities, hardware, software, documentation, manpower, and personnel needed to operate and support mission critical computer hardware/software systems. The objective of this IPS Element is to identify, plan, resource, and acquire facilities, hardware, software, and manpower and personnel necessary for planning and management of mission critical computer hardware and software systems, coordination and implementation of agreements necessary to manage technical interfaces, management of work performed by maintenance activities, and establishment and update of plans for periodic test and certification activities required throughout the life cycle. (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Computer Resources–Integrated Product Team (CR-IPT)
An IPT established to assess computer resources risks, develop support strategies, specify metrics, and assess other relevant issues. Typically prepares a plan like the Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan (CRLCMP) or its equivalent.
Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan (CRLCMP)
A program management document that describes the development, acquisition, test, and support plans over the life cycle of computer resources integral to, or used in, direct support of systems.
Computer Resources Support (CRS)
Includes the facilities, hardware, software, documentation, manpower, and personnel needed to operate and support computer systems. One of the traditional elements of Logistics Support (LS).
Computer Software (or Software)
Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data pertaining to the operation of a computer system.
Computer Software Component (CSC)
Under some software development standards, a functional or logically distinct part of a Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) or Software Configuration Item (SCI). A CSC is typically an aggregate of two or more Computer Software Units (CSUs).
Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI)
Under some software development standards, an aggregation of software designated for Configuration Management (CM) and treated as a single entity in the CM process. Also referred to as a Software Item (SI) or Software Configuration Item (SCI).
Computer Software Documentation (CSD)
Technical Data (TD) information, including computer listings and printouts, that documents the requirements, design, or details of computer software, explains the capabilities and limitations of the software, or provides operation instructions for using or supporting computer software during the software’s operational life.
Computer Software Unit (CSU)
Under some software standards, the smallest subdivision of a Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) for the purposes of engineering management. CSUs are typically separately compilable pieces of code.
Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
The use of computers to aid in the software engineering process. CASE tools may include the application of software tools to software design, requirements tracing, code production, testing, document generation, and other software engineering activities. Assemblers and compilers are CASE tools.
Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. It is designed to give an overall picture of the
operation. It is also called the Commander’s Concept. (Joint Publication 1-02) See Mission Profile (MP) and Operational Mode Summary (OMS).
Part of an Acquisition Strategy (AS) that would combine or overlap phases (such as Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction [TMRR] and Engineering and Manufacturing Development [EMD]) or activities (such as Developmental Testing [DT] and Operational Testing [OT]).
Concurrent Budget Resolution (CBR)
Resolution passed by both houses of Congress but not requiring the signature of the President, setting forth or revising the congressional budget for the U.S. Government. Scheduled to be adopted by Congress on or before April 15 of each year. (Title 2, U.S.C., Section 632)
Concurrent Engineering
A systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related processes, including manufacture and support. Intended to cause developers, from the beginning, to consider all elements of the system life cycle from requirements development through disposal, including cost, schedule, and performance.
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
A form of maintenance based on real-time assessment of the system’s condition, obtained from embedded sensors and/or external tests and measurements, to forecast incipient failures for corrective actions. (Logistics Assessment Guidebook)
Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)
Expansion of the CBM concept encompassing other technologies, processes, and procedures, such as information system technologies, that enable improved maintenance and logistics practices. (Logistics Assessment Guidebook)
Conference of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Armaments Directors (CNAD) The CNAD and its subordinate bodies, including the main groups, cadre groups, ad hoc groups, and project steering committees, and any other bodies that may be established by the CNAD.
A collection of an item’s descriptive and governing characteristics, which can be expressed in functional terms—i.e., what performance the item is expected to achieve; and in physical terms—i.e., what the item should look like and consist of when it is built.
Configuration Identification
The process of establishing and describing the contractual baselines; e.g., identification of Configuration Items (CIs).
Configuration Item (CI)
An aggregation of hardware, firmware, computer software, or any of their discrete portions, which satisfies an end-use function and is designated by the government for separate Configuration Management (CM). CIs may vary widely in complexity, size, and type, from an aircraft, electronic or ship system, to a test meter or round of ammunition. Any item required for Logistics Support (LS) and designated for separate procurement is a CI.
Configuration Management (CM)
The technical and administrative direction and surveillance actions taken to identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a Configuration Item (CI), to control changes to a CI and its characteristics, and to record and report change processing and implementation status. It provides a complete audit trail of decisions and design modifications.
Configuration Steering Board (CSB)
Established by Component Acquisition Executives (CAEs) to review all requirements and significant technical configuration changes that have potential to impact cost and schedule of Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and IA programs. Generally, changes will be rejected and deferred to future increments unless funds are identified and schedule impacts are addressed. The Program Manager (PM), in consultation with the Program Executive Officer (PEO), will on at least an annual basis, identify and propose to the CSB a set of descoping options that reduce program cost and/or moderate requirements. Final decisions on descoping option implementation will be coordinated with the capability requirements officials. Required by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 for ACAT I and IA programs; required by Public Law (Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 814) for ACAT I programs.
Congressional Notification of Competitive Prototyping Waiver
Written notification to the Congress and the Comptroller General of the United States (if the basis of the waiver is excessive cost) when the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) decides to waive the competitive prototyping requirement at or prior to Milestone A for a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP). The letter typically summarizes what the program is developing and the cost benefit analysis provided by the military department that supports the MDA’s decision to waive the competitive prototyping requirement. (DoDI 5000.02)
Congressional Notification of Conducting Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Without an Approved Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)
Written Congressional notification submitted by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (USD[AT&L]) no later than 30 days after a decision is made to conduct Developmental Testing and Evaluation (DT&E) on a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) without an approved TEMP. The notification must include an explanation of the basis for the decision and a timeline for getting an approved TEMP in place. (DoDI 5000.02)
Congressional Notification of Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Cancellation or Significant Reduction in Scope
Written notification by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) to the congressional defense committees not less than 60 days before cancelling a Major Automated Information System (MAIS) program, or making a change that will significantly reduce the scope of a MAIS program that has been fielded or is post Milestone C. (DoDI 5000.02)
Congressional Notification of Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) Waiver of Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Before Milestone B
Written notification to the to the congressional defense committees by the MDA when the MDA waives the PDR requirement at or prior to Milestone B for a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP). The notification letter typically summarizes the determination and the reasons for the determination that support the decision to waive the PDR requirement. (DoDI 5000.02)
Congressional Notification of Post Milestone A Certification Program Deviations
Written notification by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) to the congressional defense committees not later than 30 days after notification from the Program Manager (PM) that a Pre- Milestone B Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) that has been certified in accordance with Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2366a is projected to have cost growth of at least 25 percent or Milestone A to Initial Operational Capability (IOC) schedule growth of at least 25 percent. (DoDI 5000.02)
In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue and Opportunity Management Process, impact to the program, that is, effect of a risk on program cost, schedule, and performance should the risk be fully realized. Consequences are measured as deviations against cost, schedule and performance baselines. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk, Risk Statement and Likelihood.
Consideration of Technology Issues
A requirement to monitor, evaluate, and promote acquisition programs for the communication and exchange of technological data among Defense research facilities, Combatant Commands (CCMDs), and other organizations involved in developing the technological requirements for new items for use by combat forces.
Constant Dollars
A method of relating dollars from several different Fiscal Years (FYs) by removing the effects of inflation and showing all dollars to the value they would have in a specific FY or Base Year (BY). Constant dollar series are derived by dividing current dollar estimates by appropriate annual price indices, a process generally known as deflating. The result is a time series reflecting prices as they would exist in the specified FY or BY—in other words, as if the dollar had constant purchasing power during that time. Any changes in prices would then reflect true changes in output. Constant dollar figures are commonly used for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) analysis and DoD cost-planning analysis studies.
Constant Year Dollars
See Constant Dollars.
Constructive Change
A contract change without formal written authority.
Administrative or housekeeping items, general purpose hardware, common tolls, or any item not specifically identified as controlled equipage or spare parts.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
A measure of change over time in the buying power of the dollar, derived by comparing the price of like items during different time periods. Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Contingency Testing
Additional testing required supporting a decision to commit added resources to a program when significant test objectives have not been met during planned tests.
Continuing Resolution (CR)
Legislation enacted by Congress to provide Budget Authority (BA) for specific ongoing activities in cases in which the regular Fiscal Year (FY) appropriation has not been enacted by the beginning of the FY. A CR usually specifies a designated period and maximum rate at which the agency may incur obligations based on the rate of the prior year, the President’s Budget (PB)
request, or an appropriation bill passed by either or both houses of the Congress. Normally, new programs cannot be started under a CR.
A mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish supplies or services (including construction) and the buyer to pay for them.
Contract Action
An action resulting in a contract or a modification to a contract.
Contract Adjustment Board
A department board (for example, Army Contract Adjustment Board) at the secretarial level that deals with disputes and requests for extraordinary relief under Public Law 85-804.
Contract Administration
All the activities associated with the performance of a contract from award to closeout.
Contract Administration Office (CAO)
The activity identified in the DoD Directory of Contract Administration Services (CAS) Components that is assigned to perform contract administration responsibilities.
Contract Administration Services (CAS)
All actions accomplished in or near a contractor’s plant for the benefit of the government, which are necessary to the performance of a contract or in support of the buying offices, system/Project Managers (PMs), and other organizations, including Quality Assurance (QA), engineering support, production surveillance, pre-award surveys, mobilization planning, contract administration, property administration, industrial security, and safety.
Contract Authority
A type of Budget Authority (BA) that permits a federal agency to incur obligations before appropriations have been passed or in excess of the amount of money in a revolving fund. Contract authority must be funded subsequently by an appropriation so that the commitments entered into can be paid.
Contract Award
Occurs when the Contracting Officer (CO) has signed and distributed the contract to the contractor.
Contract Budget Base
The Negotiated Contract Cost (NCC) plus the estimated cost of authorized unpriced work.
Contract Categories
There are two broad categories: fixed-price contracts and cost-reimbursement contracts. The specific contract types range from Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP), in which the contractor has full responsibility for the performance cost and the resulting profit (loss), to Cost Plus Fixed-Fee (CPFF), in which the contractor has minimal responsibility for the performance cost and the negotiated fee is fixed. In between are various incentive contracts, in which the contractor’s responsibility for the performance cost and the profit or fee incentives offered are tailored to the uncertainties involved in contract performance.
Contract Cost Overrun/Underrun
A net change in the contractual amount over/under that contemplated by a contract target price, estimated cost plus fee (any type cost reimbursement contract), or redeterminable price, as a result of the contractor’s actual contract costs being over/under target or anticipated contracts costs but not attributable to any other cause of cost growth previously defined.
Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL)
A DD Form 1423 list of contract data requirements that are authorized for a specific acquisition and made a part of the contract.
Contract Definition
A funded effort, normally by two or more competing contractors, to establish specifications, select technical approaches, identify high-risk areas, and make cost and production time estimates for developing large weapons systems.
Contract Performance Report (CPR)
Obsolete. See Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR).
Contract Requirements
In addition to specified performance requirements, contract requirements include those defined in the Statement of Work (SOW); the Performance Works Statement (PWS); specifications, standards, and related documents; the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL); management systems; and contract terms and conditions.
Contract-Type Determination
- A requirement for the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) of a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) to select the contract-type for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase of the
- In accordance with Public Law 112–239, Section 811, the prohibition of using a cost-type contract for production of an MDAP unless an exception is granted by the Under Secretary of
Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (USD[AT&L]) and written certification of the need for using a cost contract is provided to the Congressional Defense Committees.
Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)
A complete WBS for a contract. It includes the DoD-approved program WBS extended to the agreed contract reporting level and any discretionary extensions to lower levels for reporting or other purposes. It includes all the elements for the products (hardware, software, data, or services) that are the responsibility of the contractor. This comprehensive WBS forms the framework for the contractor’s management control system.
Contract, Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF)
A cost reimbursement type contract suitable for Level of Effort (LOE) contracts where mission feasibility is established but measurement of achievement must be by subjective evaluation rather than objective measurement. A CPAF contract provides for a fee consisting of (a) a base amount (which may be zero) fixed at inception of the contract and (b) an award amount, based upon a judgmental evaluation by the government sufficient to provide motivation for excellence in contract performance. A CPAF contract may not be used to avoid establishing a Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) contract when the criteria for CPFF contracts apply or developing objective targets so a Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) contract can be used.
Contract, Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF)
A cost reimbursement-type contract that provides for the payment of a fixed fee to the contractor. The fixed fee, once negotiated, does not vary with actual cost, but may be adjusted as result of any subsequent changes in the scope of work or services to be performed under the contract.
Contract, Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF)
A cost reimbursement-type contract with provision for a fee, which is adjusted by formula in accordance with the relationship that total allowable costs bear to target costs. The provision for increase or decrease in the fee, depending upon allowable costs of contract performance, is designed as an incentive to the contractor to increase the efficiency of performance.
Contract, Cost Plus Percentage of Cost (CPPC)
A form of contract formerly used but now illegal for use by DoD that provided for a fee or profit as a specified percentage of the contractor’s actual cost of accomplishing the work to be performed. Sometimes referred to as a “cost plus” or “percentage of cost” contract.
Contract, Cost Reimbursement Type
A category of contract types that provides for payment to the contractor of allowable costs incurred in the performance of the contract, to the extent prescribed in the contract. This type of
contract establishes an estimate of total cost for the purpose of obligating of funds and establishes a ceiling that the contractor may not exceed without prior approval of the Contracting Officer (CO). See Contract, Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF); Contract, Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF); and Contract, Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF).
Contract, Firm Fixed Price (FFP)
Provides for a price that is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractor’s cost experience in performing the contract. This type of contract places upon the contractor maximum risk and full responsibility for all costs and resulting profit or loss. Provides maximum incentive for the contractor to control costs and imposes a minimum administrative burden on the government.
Contract, Fixed-Price Incentive Firm (FPIF) Target
Uses an incentive whereby the contractor’s profit is increased or decreased by a predetermined share of an overrun or underrun. A firm target is established from which to later compute the overrun or underrun. A ceiling price is set as the maximum amount the government will pay. Necessary elements for this type of contract are: target cost—best estimate of expected cost; target profit—fair profit at target cost; share ratio(s)—to adjust profit after actual costs are documented; and ceiling price—limit the government will pay.
Contract, Fixed-Price Type
A category of contract types that provides for a firm price to the government or, in appropriate cases, an adjustable price. See Contract, Firm Fixed Price (FFP); Contract, Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment (FPEPA); and Contract, Fixed-Price Incentive Firm (FPIF).
Contract, Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment (FPEPA)
A type of contract providing for upward or downward revision of the stated contract price upon occurrence of a specified contingency. Adjustments may reflect increases/decreases in actual costs of labor or material, or in specific indices of labor or material costs.
Contract, Time-and-Materials (T&M)
Contract that provides for acquiring supplies or services on the basis of—
1.) Direct labor hours at specified fixed hourly rates that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit; and
2.) Actual cost for materials. A T&M contract may be used only when it is not possible at the time of placing the contract to estimate accurately the extent or duration of the work or to anticipate costs with any reasonable degree of confidence.
Contract, Labor-Hour
A variation of the Time-and-Materials (T&M) contract, differing only in that materials are not supplied by the contractor.
Contracting Activity
Certain commands designated by the Services as contracting activities. Also, the subordinate command in which the principal contracting office is located. It may include the Program Office (PO), related functional support offices, and contracting offices. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) lists the contracting activities. Examples are Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). Contracting activity is synonymous with procuring activity. The Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) has certain approval and authority responsibilities.
Contracting Officer (CO)
A person with authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings for the U.S. Government. In the DoD, these functions are often divided between the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) and the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO). See Administrative Contracting Officer and Procuring Contracting Officer.
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
An individual, including a Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR), designated and authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer (CO) to perform specific technical or administrative functions.
An organization, or an individual, that provides goods or services to another organization or individual under terms specified in a contract. In defense acquisition, a contractor is normally the entity that provides goods or services to the DoD under the terms of a contract.
Contractor Logistics Support (CLS)
Contracted weapon system sustainment that occurs over the life of the weapon system. Can also be defined as the performance of maintenance and/or materiel management functions for a DoD weapon system by a commercial activity or contractor sustainment of a weapon system that is intended to cover the total life cycle of the weapon system. CLS generally includes multiple Integrated Product Support (IPS) elements, but does not include Interim Contractor Support (ICS), a temporary measure for a system’s initial period of operation before a permanent form of support is in place. CLS also excludes contractor sustainment support for a specific sustainment task that a Service would otherwise conduct itself; a typical example would be a weapon system’s prime contractor providing sustaining engineering. Also called Long-Term Contractor
Logistics Support (CLS). (Logistics Assessment Guidebook) See Performance-Based Logistics (PBL).
Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated (COCO) (Facility)
A manufacturing facility owned and operated by a private contractor performing a service, under contract, for the government.
Contractor Performance Reporting
Method requiring periodic accounting and reporting by the contractor on performance under contract to date.
Contractor Support
An overarching term that applies to a contractor’s materiel and/or maintenance support for a system. See Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) and Interim Contractor Support (ICS).
Contractor-Acquired Property
Property procured or otherwise provided by the contractor for the performance of a contract, title to which is passed to the government prior to the acceptance of the deliverable end item in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Contractor-Furnished Equipment (CFE)
Standard items of hardware, electrical equipment, and other standard production or Commercial Items (CIs) furnished by a prime contractor as part of a larger assembly.
Contractual Data Requirement (CDR)
A requirement, identified in a solicitation and imposed in a contract or order that addresses any aspect of data (i.e., that portion of contractual tasking requirement associated with the development, generation, preparation, modification, maintenance, storage, retrieval, and/or delivery of data).
Control Account (CA)
A management control point at which budgets (resource plans) and actual costs are accumulated and compared to earned value for management and control purposes. A CA is a natural management point for planning and control because it represents the work assigned to one responsible organizational element on one Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) element. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Cooperative Logistics
This term is used to refer to any international cooperation between the United States and one or more allied or friendly nations or international organizations in the logistical support of weapons or other defense systems and equipment used in the Armed Forces of the cooperating partners.
Cooperative Logistics Supply Support
The Supply Support provided a foreign government or agency through participating in the DoD logistics system under security assistance procedures with reimbursement to the United States for support provided. See Supply Support.
Cooperative Opportunities
A part of the Acquisition Strategy (AS) (or Course of Action Analysis for urgent needs) that is required of all Acquisition Category (ACAT) programs due only at the first program milestone review. The term means a project involving joint participation by the United States and one or more countries and organizations under a memorandum of understanding (or other formal agreement) to carry out a joint research and development program to develop new conventional defense equipment and munitions, or to modify existing military equipment to meet United States military requirements. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2350a).
Cooperative Opportunities Document (COD)
The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) prepares a COD before the first milestone or decision point with respect to that project for review by the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) in order to ensure that opportunities to conduct cooperative Research and Development (R&D) projects are considered at an early point during the formal development review process. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2350a)
Cooperative Programs
Refers to a range of international projects/programs engaged in cooperative Research, Development, and Acquisition (RD&A) in which DoD and a foreign nation, or nations, jointly manage efforts to satisfy a common need or requirement by sharing work, technology, costs, and resulting benefits through an international agreement. These programs range in scope from small bilateral Science and Technology (S&T) agreements to multi-billion-dollar, multinational programs. (See the International Armaments Cooperation Handbook, Office of the Director, International Cooperation, OUSD[AT&L]).
Cooperative Project Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
A government-to-government (or international organization) international agreement setting forth the terms and conditions under which the signatories agree to cooperate in a specific Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); exchange; standardization; or production effort (including follow-on and logistical support).
Production of a defense system in two or more countries. Involves transfer of production technology and complex or sensitive subsystem components from the country of origin to countries producing the system. Recipient may expand production to include subsystems and components.
Co-Production Programs
1.) Co-production programs comprise those programs in which the U.S. Government enables an eligible foreign government, international organization, or designated commercial producer to acquire the Technical Data (TD) and know-how to manufacture or assemble in whole or in part an item of U.S. defense equipment for use in the defense inventory of the foreign government. 2.) Co-production programs so defined may be implemented through any one or a combination of international agreements, Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs), and direct commercial agreements subject to U.S. Government export licenses.
Core Logistics and Sustaining Workloads Estimate
See Core Logistics Determination
Core Logistics Capabilities
A capability that is Government-Owned and Government-Operated (GOGO) (including government personnel and GOGO equipment and facilities) to ensure a ready and controlled source of technical competence and resources necessary to effect an effective and timely response to a mobilization, national defense contingency situations, and other emergency requirements. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2464)
Core Logistics Determination
A determination (positive or negative) of whether the weapon system or military equipment being acquired is necessary to enable the armed forces to fulfill the strategic and contingency plans prepared by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). If the core logistics determination is positive, an estimate of those core capability requirements and sustaining workloads are provided, organized by Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and expressed in direct labor hours. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Core Logistics and Sustaining Workloads Estimate
See Core Logistics Determination.
Core Mission Area
DoD core mission areas identified under the most recent Quadrennial Roles and Missions (QRM) review are: Homeland Defense and Civil Support (HD/CS); Deterrence Operations;
Major Combat Operations (MCOs); Irregular Warfare; Military Support to Stabilization Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations; Military Contribution to Cooperative Security. (JCIDS Manual)
Corrective Action
Documented design, process, procedure, or materials changes validated and implemented to correct the cause of failure or design deficiency.
Corrective Maintenance
All actions performed as a result of a failure to restore an item to a specified condition. Corrective maintenance can include any or all of the following steps: localization, isolation, disassembly, interchange, reassembly, alignment, and checkout.
Cost Account
Obsolete. See Control Account (CA).
Cost Analysis
An analysis and evaluation of each element of cost in a contractor’s proposal to determine reasonableness.
Cost Analysis Improvement Group (CAIG)
Obsolete. See Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (D, CAPE).
Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD)
A description of the salient features of an acquisition program and of the weapon system itself. It is the common description and basis for analysis of the technical and programmatic features of the program used by the teams preparing the Program Office Estimate (POE), Component Cost Estimate (CCE), and independent Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCEs).
Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR)
The DoD system for collecting actual costs and software data and related business data. The resulting repository serves as the primary contract Cost and Software Data (CSD) repository for most DoD resource analysis efforts, including cost database development, applied cost estimating, cost research, program reviews, Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), and Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCEs).
Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)
Methodology used to acquire and operate affordable DoD systems by setting aggressive, achievable Life Cycle Cost (LCC) objectives and managing achievement of these objectives by trading off performance and schedule as necessary. Cost objectives balance mission needs with
projected out-year resources, taking into account anticipated process improvements in both DoD and industry.
Cost Avoidance
An action taken in the immediate time frame that will decrease costs in the future. For example, an engineering improvement that increases the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and thereby decreases operating support costs can be described as a cost avoidance action. It is possible for the engineering change to incur higher costs in the immediate time frame; however, if the net total Life Cycle Cost (LCC) is less, it is a cost avoidance action. The amount of the cost avoidance is determined as the difference between two estimated cost patterns, one before the change and one after.
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
An analytic technique that compares the financial costs and benefits of investments, programs, or policy actions in order to determine which alternative or alternatives maximize net financial benefits. Net financial benefits of an alternative are determined by subtracting the present value of the alternative’s costs from the present value of the alternative’s benefits. The basis for selection of an alternative is one or more financial measures such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return on Investment (ROI), or Breakeven Period, among others.
Cost Breakdown Structure
A hierarchical system for subdividing a program into is various components, e.g., hardware elements and sub-elements, functions and sub-functions, etc., to provide for more effective management and control of the program, especially cost control.
Cost Cap
The maximum total dollar amount DoD is willing to commit for acquiring a given capability. A cost cap consists of program acquisition costs only and is maintained in constant dollars. Cost caps are applied to selected baseline programs.
Cost Center
A field activity subdivision or a responsibility center for which costs identification is desired and which is amenable to cost control through one responsible supervisor.
Cost Effectiveness
A measure of system operational capability as a function of its cost.
Cost Estimate
An estimate of the cost of an object, commodity, weapon system, or service resulting from an estimating procedure or algorithm. A cost estimate has “context,” that is, whether it is the cost to develop and/or procure, and/or to support and/or maintain the item of service and whether it is an incremental, total or Life Cycle Cost (LCC), or some other cost perspective. A cost estimate may constitute a single value or a range of values.
Cost Estimating Methodologies
There are four principal cost estimating methodologies: 1.) Comparison/analogy. 2.) Parametric. 3.) Detailed engineering/bottom up. 4.) Extrapolation from actual costs. Other methodologies include Expert Opinion (from Subject Matter Experts) and catalogue pricing.
Cost Estimating Relationship (CER)
A mathematical relationship that defines cost as a function of one or more variables such as performance, operating characteristics, physical characteristics, etc.
Cost Growth
A term related to the net change of an estimated or actual amount over a base figure previously established. The base must be relatable to a program, project, or contract and be clearly identified, including source, approval authority, specific items included, specific assumptions made, date, and the amount.
Cost Incurred
A cost identified through the use of the accrual method of accounting.
Cost Model
A compilation of cost estimating logic that aggregates cost estimating details into a cost estimate.
Cost Objective
A function, organizational subdivision, contract, or other work unit for which cost data are desired and for which provision is made to accumulate and measure its cost of processes, products, jobs, capitalized projects, etc.
Cost Overrun
The amount by which a contractor exceeds the estimated cost and/or the final limitation (ceiling) of the contract.
Cost Performance Integrated Product Team (CPIPT)
An IPT established to perform cost performance tradeoffs. This IPT is normally required for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs).
Cost Performance Report (CPR)
Obsolete. See Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR).
Cost Reimbursement Contracts
In general, a category of contracts whose use is based on payment by the government to a contractor of allowable costs as prescribed by the contract. Normally only “best efforts” of the contractor are involved, such as cost, cost-sharing, Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF), and Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) contracts.
Cost Risk
The probability that a program will not meet its cost objectives established by the acquisition authority.
Cost Savings
An action that will result in a smaller-than-projected level of costs to achieve a specific objective. Incentive contracts where the contractor and government share in any difference in cost below the estimated target cost incurred by the contractor to achieve the contract objective is a cost savings. It differs from a cost avoidance in that a cost target has been set from which the savings can be measured. In a cost avoidance, the amount is determined as the difference between two estimated cost patterns.
Cost Variance (CV)
An output of the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) that measures cost overrun or cost underrun relative to the program Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). It is equal to the difference between Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) and Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)—that is, CV = BCWP – ACWP.
Cost/Pricing Data (C/PD)
All facts that prudent buyers and sellers would reasonably expect to affect price negotiations significantly as of the date of the price agreement. If applicable, the date of price agreement may also be an earlier date agreed upon between the parties that is as close as practicable to the date of agreement on price.
Cost-Based Budget
A budget based on the cost of goods and services to be received during a given period whether paid for or not before the end of the period. Not to be confused with an expenditure-based budget, this is based on the cost paid for goods and services received.
Course of Action Analysis (COAA) (Supporting an Urgent Operational Need [UON]) Developed during the Pre-Development Phase of the rapid acquisition of urgent needs process. The COAA is used to assess and document potential materiel and non-material solutions that can be acquired and fielded to satisfy the urgent need in the time required by the requester, generally the warfighter.
Covered System
A DoD term that is intended to include all categories of systems or programs requiring Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E). A covered system means a system that the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), acting for the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), has designated for LFT&E oversight. These include, but are not limited to, the following categories:
- Any major system within the meaning of that term in Title 10, S.C., Section 2302(5) that is user-occupied and designed to provide some degree of protection to its occupants in combat; or
- A conventional munitions program or missile program; or a conventional munitions program for which more than 1 million rounds are planned to be acquired (regardless of whether it is a major system); or
- A covered system modification likely to affect significantly the survivability or lethality of such a
Total life cycle of a given system, from concept through development, acquisition, operations phases, and final disposition. Also called “womb-to-tomb.”
Critical Acquisition Processes
The following are included in industrial and program critical acquisition processes: design, test, production, facilities, logistics, and management.
Critical Characteristic
Any feature of a Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Part (FSCAP) such as dimension, tolerance, finish, material or assembly, manufacturing or inspection process, operation, field maintenance, or depot overhaul requirement that if nonconforming, missing, or degraded, may cause the failure or malfunction of the FSCAP.
Critical Cost Growth Threshold
A 25 percent increase over the Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC) or Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC) in the current Baseline Estimate (BE) for the program or at least a 50 percent increase over the APUC or PAUC in the original BE for the program. See Unit Cost Report (UCR).
Critical Design Review (CDR)
A multi-disciplined technical review to assess design maturity, design build-to or code-to documentation and remaining risks, and establish the initial product baseline. It is used determine whether the system design is ready to begin developmental prototype hardware fabrication and/or software coding with acceptable risk Generally this review assesses the system’s design as captured in product specifications for each Configuration Item (CI) in the system’s product baseline, and ensures that each CI in the product baseline has been captured in the detailed design documentation. Normally conducted during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook and DoDI 5000.02) See Post-Critical Design Review Report (CDR), Post-Critical Design Review (CDR) Assessment (P-CDRA), and Product Baseline.
Critical Intelligence Parameter (CIP)
A threat capability or threshold established by the Program Manager (PM), changes to which could critically impact on the effectiveness and survivability of the proposed system.
Critical Issues
Those aspects of a system’s capability, operational, or technical and other aspects that must be questioned before a system’s overall suitability can be known. Critical issues are of primary importance to the decision authority in deciding whether to allow the system to advance into the next phase of development.
Critical Operational Issue (COI)/Critical Operational Issue Criteria (COIC)
COIs are key operational effectiveness or suitability issues that must be examined in Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) to determine the system’s capability to perform its mission. COIs must be relevant to the required capabilities and of key importance to the system being operationally effective, operationally suitable and survivable, and represent a significant risk if not satisfactorily resolved. A COI/COIC is normally phrased as a question that must be answered in the affirmative to properly evaluate operational effectiveness (e.g., “Will the system detect the threat in a combat environment at adequate range to allow successful engagement?”) and operational suitability (e.g., “Will the system be safe to operate in a combat environment?”).
COIs/COICs are critical elements or operational mission objectives that must be examined. COIs/COICs are related to Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) and Measures of Suitability
(MOSs) and are included in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP). See Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), Measure of Performance (MOP), Measure of Suitability (MOS), and Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP).
Critical Path (CP)
A sequence of discrete work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities) in the network that has the longest total duration through an end point calculated by the schedule software application. Discrete work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities) along the CP have the least float/slack (scheduling flexibility) and cannot be delayed without delaying the finish time. Essentially, CP has the same definition as Program CP with the exception that the end point can be a milestone or other point of interest in the schedule. For example, a CP could be run to Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Critical Design Review (CDR), and/or First Flight within a contract. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Critical Path Method (CPM)
A technique that aids understanding of the dependency of events in a project and the time required to complete them. Activities that, when delayed, have an impact on the total project schedule are critical and said to be on the Critical Path (CP).
Critical Program Information (CPI)
Elements or components of a Research, Development, and Acquisition (RDA) program that, if compromised, could cause significant degradation in mission effectiveness; shorten the expected combat-effective life of the system; reduce technological advantage; significantly alter program direction; or enable an adversary to defeat, counter, copy, or reverse engineer the technology or capability. Includes:
- Information about applications, capabilities, processes, and end-items
- Elements or components critical to a military system or network mission effectiveness
- Technology that would reduce the U.S. technological advantage if it came under foreign control
(DoDI 5200.39)
Critical Safety Item (CSI)
A part, assembly, installation, or production system with one or more critical safety characteristics that, if missing or not conforming to the design data, quality requirements, or overhaul and maintenance documentation, would result in an unsafe condition.
Critical Technical Parameter (CTP)
A measurable critical system characteristic that, when achieved, allows the attainment of a desired operational performance capability. CTPs are measures derived from desired user capabilities and are normally used in Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Critical Technologies
Those technologies that may pose major technological risk during development, particularly during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase of acquisition.
Critical Weakness Reliability Test
Determines the mode of failure when equipment is exposed to environments in excess of the anticipated environments. By this testing, critical levels can be determined for parameters such as vibration, temperature, and voltage that will adversely affect the component.
A relative measure of the consequences of a failure mode and its frequency of occurrence.
Criticality Analysis
Procedure by which each potential failure mode is ranked according to the combined influence of severity and probability of occurrence.
That function performed by one military Service in support of another military Service for which reimbursement is required from the Service receiving support.
Cumulative Average Cost Curve
A plot of the average cost of N units at any quantity N.
Current Estimate
Component and/or Program Manager’s (PM’s) most recent estimate of the program’s cost/schedule/performance parameters; this usually reflects the current President’s Budget (PB) as adjusted by fact-of-life changes (i.e., fact-of-life meaning things that have already happened or were unavoidable). For Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and ACAT IA programs, current cost/schedule/performance estimates of the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) parameters are reported quarterly in the Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES).
Current Level
The funding amounts provided or required by law as a result of permanent appropriations, advance appropriations, existing entitlement authority, and previous year outlays from discretionary appropriations. Credit authority provided by any of these laws also is considered part of the current level, as are direct loans that result from defaults on guaranteed loans.
Current Services
An estimate, provided each year by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the Budget Authority (BA) and outlays that would be needed in the next Fiscal Year (FY) to continue federal programs at their current levels. These estimates reflect the anticipated costs of continuing these programs at their present spending levels without any policy changes—that is, ignoring all new presidential and congressional initiatives not yet enacted into law.
Current Year (CY)
The Fiscal Year (FY) in progress. Also called the execution year. See Budget Year (BY).
Current-Year (CY) Dollars, Then-Year Dollars
Dollars that include the effects of inflation or escalation and/or reflect the price levels expected to prevail during the year at issue.
Cyber Attack
An attack, via cyberspace, targeting an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling a computing environment/infrastructure; or destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled information. (Committee on National Security Systems Instruction [CNSSI] 4009)
Prevention of damage to, protection of, and restoration of computers, electronic communications systems, electronic communication services, wire communication, and electronic communication, including information contained therein, to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. (DoDI 8500.01)
A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information systems infrastructures including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. (Committee on National Security Systems Instruction [CNSSI] 4009)
1.) The time required to complete a predetermined number of article(s) of production. 2.) Also refers to the Resource Allocation Process (RAP) occurring on a calendar basis.
DAB (Defense Acquisition Board) Program
Requires an Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) decision at each milestone or decision review point.
Damage Effects
The result(s) or consequence(s) of a damage mode upon the operation, function, or status of a weapon system or any of its components. Damage effects are classified as primary damage effects and secondary damage effects:
- Primary Damage Effects: Direct result(s) or consequence(s) that a damage mode has upon a system, subsystem, or
- Secondary Damage Effects: Indirect result(s) or consequence(s) that a damage mode has upon a system, subsystem, or
Damage Mode
Generally describes how damage occurs.
Damage Mode and Effects Analysis (DMEA)
Analysis of a system or piece of equipment to determine the extent of damage sustained from the given level of hostile weapon damage mechanisms and the effect of such damage modes on the continued controlled operation and mission completion capabilities of the system or equipment.
1.) Contracting: All recorded information, regardless of form or characteristic, delivered under contract. Technical Data (TD) exclude management and financial data. (See Limited Rights and Unlimited Rights.) 2.) Software: A representation of facts, concepts, or instruction in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automation.
Data Administration
An organizational function for managing an enterprise’s data resources, developing information policies, maintaining data and data quality standards, and developing data dictionaries for the organization. Within DoD, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) maintains a
repository of over 16,000 mandatory standard data elements for DoD systems. The repository is part of DoD’s Metadata Registry.
Data Call
In response to a Program Manager’s (PM’s) data call, Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) candidate items are developed by persons with data needs. Most are developed to fit under standard Data Item Descriptions (DIDs).
Data Center
A closet, room, floor or building for the storage, management, and dissemination of data and information. Such a repository houses computer systems and associated components, such as database, application, and storage systems and data stores. A data center generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (air conditioning, fire suppression, etc.) and special security devices housed in leased (including by cloud providers), owned, collocated, or stand-alone facilities.
Data and Information Viewpoint (DIV)
Models within the DIV provide a means of portraying the operational and business information requirements and rules that are managed within and used as constraints on the organizations business activities. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Data Item Description
A document that specifically defines the data required of a contractor in terms of content, format and intended use.
Data Management Strategy (DMS)
Obsolete. See Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy.
De Facto Standards
Standards set and accepted by the marketplace but lacking approval by recognized standards organizations.
1.) Any bookkeeping entry in recording a transaction, the effect of which is to decrease a liability, revenue, or capital account or increase an asset or expense account. 2.) Having a balance that represents an asset. 3.) The act of making such an entry. 4.) A debit memo or debit invoice used in dealings with customers or suppliers.
To detect, locate, and correct faults in a computer program.
Decision Authority (Services Acquisition)
The individual responsible for ensuring that a proposed services acquisition is consistent with DoD’s policies, procedures, and best practices guidelines for the acquisition of services through approval of the Acquisition Strategy (AS). (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Decision Points
As defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02, there are four decision points in the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) of phases, milestones and decision points. The decision points are:
- Materiel Development Decision (MDD): MDD review is the formal entry point into the acquisition process and is mandatory for all programs. A successful MDD may approve entry into the acquisition management system at any point consistent with phase-specific entrance criteria and statutory requirements but will normally be followed by a Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA)
- Capability Development Document-Validation (CDD-V): During the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase, the requirements validation authority will validate the CDD (or equivalent requirements document) for the program. This action will precede the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point and provides a basis for preliminary design activities and the PDR that will occur prior to Milestone B unless waived by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA).
- Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release: Considered the critical decision point in an acquisition program. MDA review of the results of the TMRR Phase prototyping effort and key related planning documents for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. Following a successful Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release decision, the MDA authorizes release of the final RFP and source selection for the EMD contract. (The EMD contract cannot be awarded until after a successful Milestone )
- Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR): MDA review to assess the results of Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and initial manufacturing and deployment to determine whether to approve proceeding to Full-Rate Production (FRP) or Full Deployment. Continuing into FRP or Full Deployment requires demonstrated control of the manufacturing process, acceptable performance and reliability, and the establishment of adequate sustainment and
See Milestones.
Directed funding level reduction for acquisition program(s).
Defective Pricing
Result of Cost/Pricing Data (C/PD) that was certified by a contractor to be accurate, current, and complete but was not.
Defense Acquisition Board (DAB)
The DAB is the Department’s senior-level forum for advising the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) on critical decisions concerning Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID programs, and selected ACAT IA programs. The DAB is composed of the DoD’s senior executives. The Board is chaired by the USD(AT&L). Other executive members of the Board include:
- Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS)
- Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD[C])
- Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) (USD[P])
- Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) (USD[P&R])
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) of DoD
- Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)
- Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE)
- Director, Acquisition Resources and Analysis (ARA) (also Executive Secretary of the DAB)
- Secretaries of the military departments
DAB advisers include the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition) (ASD[A]); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) (ASD[L&MR]); Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) (DUSD[I&E]); DoD Deputy General Counsel (Acquisition and Logistics); Director, Defense Research & Engineering; DoD Component Acquisition Executives (CAEs); the relevant Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT Leader(s); Director, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA); Deputy Director, Cost Assessment; Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP); Director, Systems Engineering (SE); Director, Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E); Director, Industrial Policy; Director International Cooperation; Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) (ASD[LA]); Chair, Functional Capabilities Board(s) (FCB[s]); Cognizant Program Executive Officer(s) and Program Manager(s) (PM). The USD(AT&L) may ask other Department officials to participate in reviews, as required. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE)
The person responsible for supervising the Defense Acquisition System (DAS). The DAE takes precedence on all acquisition matters after the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). (DoDD 5000.01) See Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]).
Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES)
DAES is the principal mechanism for tracking programs between milestone reviews. A DAES report is provided by the Program Managers (PMs) of Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) Acquisition Category (ACAT) I, and Major Automated Information Systems (MAISs), ACAT IA programs, to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) each calendar quarter.
Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG)
A Web-based resource for the Defense Acquisition Workforce, the DAG provides best practices, staff expectations, notional document formats (e.g., the Test and Evaluation Master Plan [TEMP]), and lessons learned.
Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR) System
A personal computer-based data entry and reporting system combining common and unique Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES), Selected Acquisition Report (SAR), and Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) components into a unified database from which DAES and SAR reports and APB documents can be printed. Access is restricted to DoD users who have a DAMIR account. Selected Program Manager/Program Executive Officer/Service Acquisition Executive (PM/PEO/SAE) users can create, edit, and review APB, DAES, and SAR data. Other users with an account may review and print.
Defense Acquisition Management System (DAMS)
Obsolete. See Defense Acquisition System (DAS). (DoDI 5000.02)
Defense Acquisition Portal (DAP)
The central point of access for all Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) resources and information that also communicates acquisition policy and best practices and links to education and training resources. As the primary reference tool for the Defense Acquisition Workforce, the DAP provides a means to link together information and reference assets from various disciplines into an integrated but decentralized information source.
Defense Acquisition Program Models
DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 describes four basic models that serve as examples of defense program structures tailored to the type of product being acquired or to the need for accelerated acquisition. Two additional hybrid models combine the features of multiple basic models. Each basic model is tailored to the dominant characteristics of the product being acquired (e.g., hardware intensive products such as most weapons systems). The hybrids are described because many products will require combining models, such as a weapons systems development that includes significant software development. The models provide baseline approaches. Acquisition
programs should use these models as a starting point in tailoring a program to the unique character of the specific product being acquired.
All of the models contain requirements and product definition analysis, risk reduction, development, testing, production, deployment, and sustainment phases punctuated by major investment decisions at logical programmatic and contractual decision points. Progress through the defense acquisition system depends on obtaining sufficient knowledge about the capability to be provided and risks and costs remaining in the program to support a sound business decision to proceed to the next phase.
- Model 1: Hardware Intensive Program. This model is suitable as a starting point for a hardware intensive development program such as a major weapons platform. This is the classic model that has existed in some form in all previous editions of DoDI 5000.02. It is the starting point for most military weapon systems; however, these products almost always contain software development resulting in some form of Hybrid Model A—see Model 5 below.
- Model 2: Defense Unique Software Intensive Program. This model is a suitable starting point for a program that is dominated by the need to develop a complex, usually defense- unique software program that will not be fully deployed until several software builds have been completed. The builds are a series of testable, integrated subsets of the overall software capability, which together with clearly defined decision criteria, ensure adequate progress is being made before committing fully to subsequent builds. Several software builds are typically necessary to achieve a deployable capability. Each build has allocated requirements, resources, and scheduled testing to align dependencies with subsequent builds and to produce testable functionality to ensure that progress is being achieved. The build sequencing should be logically structured to flow the workforce from effort to effort smoothly and efficiently, while reducing overall cost and schedule risk for the Examples of this type of product include military unique command and control systems and significant upgrades to the combat systems found on major weapons systems such as surface combatants and tactical aircraft.
- Model 3: Incrementally Deployed Software Intensive Program. This model is a suitable starting point for a Defense Business System (DBS). It may also be suitable for upgrades to command and control systems or weapons systems software where deployment of the full capability will occur in multiple increments as new capability is developed and delivered, nominally in 1- to 2-year cycles. The period of each increment should not be arbitrarily constrained. The length of each increment and the number of deployable increments should be tailored and based on the logical progression of development and deployment for use in the field for the specific product being acquired.
This model is distinguished from Model 2 by the rapid delivery of capability through multiple acquisition increments, each of which provides part of the overall required program capability. Each increment may have several limited deployments; each deployment will result from a specific build and provide the user with a mature and tested sub-element of the overall incremental capability. Several builds and deployments will typically be necessary to satisfy approved requirements for an increment of capability.
The identification and development of technical solutions necessary for follow-on capability increments have some degree of concurrency, allowing subsequent increments to be initiated and executed more rapidly.
This model also will apply in cases where Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software, such as commercial business systems with multiple modular capabilities, are acquired and adapted for DoD applications. An important caution in using this model is not to structure it so that the program is overwhelmed with frequent milestone or deployment decision points and associated approval reviews. To avoid this, multiple activities or build phases may be approved at any given milestone or decision point, subject to adequate planning, well-defined exit criteria, and demonstrated progress. An early decision to select the content for each follow-on increment permits initiation of activity associated with those increments. Several increments will typically be necessary to achieve the required capability.
- Model 4: Accelerated Acquisition Program. This model is a suitable as a starting point when program schedule considerations dominate over cost and technical risk This model compresses or eliminates phases of the process and accepts the potential for inefficiencies in order to achieve a deployed capability on a compressed schedule. This type of structure normally is used when technological surprise by a potential adversary necessitates a higher-risk acquisition program. Procedures applicable to urgent needs that can be fulfilled in less than 2 years are a subset of this model.
- Model 5: Hybrid Program A (Hardware Dominant). This model is a suitable starting point for a weapons system program that combines hardware development as the basic structure with a software intensive development that is occurring simultaneously with the hardware development program. In a hardware intensive development, the design, fabrication, and testing of physical prototypes may determine overall schedule, decision points, and milestones, but software development will often dictate the pace of program execution and must be tightly integrated and coordinated with hardware development decision points. Software development should be organized into a series of testable software builds. These builds should lead up to the full capability needed to satisfy program requirements and the Initial Operational Capability (IOC). Software builds should be structured so that the timing of content delivery is synchronized with the need
for integration, developmental and operational testing in hardware prototypes. The Milestone B decision to enter Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) and the Milestone C decision to enter Production and Deployment (P&D) should include software functional capability development maturity criteria as well as demonstrated technical performance exit criteria.
- Model 6: Hybrid Model B (Software Dominant). This model is a suitable starting point for a software intensive product development and can include a mix of incrementally deployed software products or releases that include intermediate software builds. All of the comments about incremental software fielding associated with Model 3 apply to this model as well. This is a complex model to plan and execute successfully, but depending on the product it may be the most logical way to structure the acquisition program.
(DoDI 5000.02)
Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR) Council
The DAR Council is one of two councils authorized to generate changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The Director of the DAR Council is the Deputy Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]). Council members include representatives from each military department, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), (FAR, Subpart 1.201–1) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). See Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC).
Defense Acquisition System (DAS)
Management process by which DoD provides effective, affordable, and timely systems to the users. It consists of phases containing major activities and associated decision points, during which a system goes through Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); production; fielding or deployment; sustainment; and disposal. Currently, there are five phases, three milestone decisions, and four decision points:
1.) A Materiel Development Decision (MDD) (Point), authorizing entry into the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase;
2.) Milestone A, authorizing entry into the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase;
3.) Requirements Decision Point (Capability Development Document-Validation [CDD- V]), supporting a decision to commit to a set of requirements (subject to reconsideration and refinement);
4.) Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point, authorizing release of the development RFP (typically for Engineering and Manufacturing Development [EMD] Phase);
5.) Milestone B, authorizing program initiation and entry into the EMD Phase; 6.) Milestone C authorizing entry into Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase,
authorizing Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) or Limited Deployment (for Information Technology [IT]);
7.) Full Rate Production (FRP) Decision (Point) authorizing FRP or Full Deployment (for IT); and
8.) Operations and Support (O&S) Phase. (DoDD 5000.01 and DoDI 5000.02)
Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
Authorized by Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 1746, and chartered by DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.57, the DAU provides a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals to deliver and sustain effective and affordable warfighting capabilities, thus enabling the Defense Acquisition Workforce to achieve better acquisition outcomes, now and in the future. DAU provides a full range of basic, intermediate, and advanced curricula training, as well as assignment-specific and continuous learning courses, and tailored training and consulting services to support DoD career goals and professional development.
Defense Business System (DBS)
An information system, other than a National Security System (NSS), operated by, for, or on behalf of DoD, including financial systems, management information systems, financial data feeder systems, and the Information Technology (IT) and cybersecurity infrastructure used to support business activities, such as contracting, pay and personnel management systems, some logistics systems, financial planning and budgeting, installations management, and human resource management. (DoDI 5000.02) See Problem Statement.
Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC)
Organization that provides oversight of defense business systems. The Chair of the DBSMC, the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF), is the final approval authority for all statutorily required DBS certification requests. See Defense Business System, Investment Review Board (IRB) and Pre-Certification Authority.
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Independent combat support agency within the DoD that performs the contract administration function.
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) (City/Area)
A DCMA contract administration office located in a city or area having cognizance over all government contractors in that city or area, unless they are covered by a team located within a specified contractor’s plant.
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) (Company Name)
A DCMA contract administration team located at a contractor’s plant full time.
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Contract Management Office (CMO) An organizational unit within DCMA that provides contract administrative and oversight functions. Normally co-located with or near major acquisition commands and customers, to include international customers.
Defense Cooperation
Defense cooperation is a generic term for the range of activity undertaken by DoD with its allies and other friendly nations to promote international security. Such activity includes, but need not be confined to, security assistance, industrial cooperation, armaments cooperation, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), training, logistics cooperation, cooperative Research and Development (R&D), Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT), and Host-Nation Support (HNS).
Defense Cooperation Country
A “qualifying country” that has a defense cooperation agreement with the United States and for which a Determination and Findings (D&F) has been made by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), waiving the Buy American Act (BAA) restrictions for a list of mutually agreed-upon items. (DFARS, Subpart 225.75)
Defense Industrial Base
See Industrial Base (IB).
Defense Industrial Cooperation
Activities undertaken pursuant to a government-to-government agreement to foster cooperation in Research and Development (R&D), production and procurement, and Logistics Support (LS) of defense equipment that emphasize joint production of systems to satisfy the military requirements of one or more allied or friendly nations in coordination with the United States.
Defense Information
Any document, writing, sketch, photograph, plan, model, specification, design prototype, or other recorded or oral information relating to any defense article, defense service, or major combatant vessel, but shall not include restricted data as defined by the Atomic Energy Act
(AEA) of 1954, as amended, and data removed from the restricted data category under section 142 of that Act.
Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
Product of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process’ planning phase. The DPG reflects the President’s National Security Strategy (NSS), the Secretary of Defense’s (SECDEF) National Defense Strategy (NDS), and the Chairman’s National Military Strategy (NMS). It also reflects results of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), and the annual Chairman’s Program Recommendations (CPR). The DPG drives the development of the Program Objective Memoranda (POM) and Budget Estimate Submissions (BES).
Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS)
A regulation administered by the Department of Commerce (DoC) that implements the priorities and allocations authority (Title 1) provided by the Defense Production Act (DPA) of 1950 with respect to industrial resources. The purpose of DPAS is to ensure the timely availability of industrial resources to meet national defense and emergency preparedness requirements. Certain national defense, energy, and homeland security programs are approved for priorities and allocations support. The DoC has delegated authority to DoD to place priority ratings on its contracts in accordance with DPAS and DoD issues approximately 300,000 rated orders annually. DoD uses two priority ratings: DX and DO. DX-rated programs and their orders are of the highest national defense urgency and are approved by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). DO-rated orders are of lower priority than DX- rated orders but take precedence over unrated orders. DPAS cannot be used to prioritize food, energy, health, water, or civil transportation resources. See Defense Production Act (DPA) of 1950.
Defense Production Act (DPA) of 1950
Title 1 of this Act is the statutory basis for the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS). Title 1 is also one of the nonpermanent provisions of the DPA that needs to be periodically reauthorized, which Congress has done in the past for periods of 1 to 5 years. The DPA authorizes the President to require acceptance and priority performance on contracts and orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities to support national defense and emergency preparedness requirements. The President has delegated his priority and allocation authority to the DoD and Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Energy (DoE) according to resource required.
Defense Senior Leadership Conference (DSLC)
One of the principal integrated civilian-military governance bodies of DoD. Meets at least semi- annually to address broad, cross-cutting issues affecting the Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD), the military departments, the Combatant Commands (CCMDs), and interagency efforts. The DSLC shall provide advice and assistance to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) on the strategic direction of the Department. (DoDD 5105.79)
Defense Systems Management College (DSMC)
An organizational element of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, the Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) is chartered to provide executive- level training, international acquisition management training, and requirements certification training. DSMC also performs consulting, and research.
Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF)
A revolving fund using a business-like buyer-and seller approach with the goal of breaking even over the long term. Stabilized rates or prices are generally established each Fiscal Year (FY).
DWCF stabilized rates or prices are adjusted for sales to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers to include an amount for unfunded civilian retirement and post-retirement health benefits costs.
Deferral of Budget Authority (BA)
Any action or inaction by any officer or employee of the United States that withholds, delays, or effectively precludes the obligation or expenditure of budgetary resources, including the establishment of reserves under the Antideficiency Act (ADA). BA may be deferred to provide for contingencies, to achieve savings or greater efficiency in the operations of government, or as otherwise specified by law. BA may not be deferred in order to affect a policy in lieu of one established by law or for any other reason. Deferrals must be communicated to Congress by the President in a special message. Deferrals may not extend beyond the end of the Fiscal Year (FY) in which the message reporting the deferral is transmitted and may be overturned by the passage of an impoundment resolution by either House of Congress. (Budget and Impoundment Control Act, section 1013)
1.) Operational need minus existing and planned capability. The degree of inability to successfully accomplish one or more mission tasks or functions required to achieve mission or mission area objectives. Deficiencies might arise from changing mission objectives, opposing threat systems, changes in the environment, obsolescence, or depreciation in current military assets. 2.) In contract management, any part of a proposal that fails to satisfy the government’s requirements.
Definite Quantity Contract
Provides for delivery of a definite quantity of specific supplies or services for a fixed period, with deliveries or performance to be scheduled at designated locations upon order. (FAR, Subpart 16.502)
The agreement on or determination of contract terms, specifications, and price, which converts the undefinitized contract action to a definitive contract. S, Subpart 217.7401(b))
Lowering of quality, performance, or status; also a gradual impairment in the ability to perform.
Delay Allowance
A time increment included in a time standard to allow for predictable contingencies and minor delays beyond the control of the worker.
Deliberate Staffing Process and Validation
One of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) staffing processes for other than emergent/urgent capability requirements and includes review and assignment of a Joint Staffing Designator by the Gatekeeper (Deputy Director, Joint Staff J8) upon receipt of a new JCIDS document via the Knowledge Management/Decision Support (KM/DS) System, review by the cognizant Functional Capability Board Working Group (FCBWG) and FCB, adjudication of FCBWG/FCB comments by the sponsor, and validation of the document and upload to the KM/DS system. The target for completion of a document deliberate staffing and validation cycle is 83 calendar days. (JCIDS Manual) See Urgent/Emergent Staffing and Validation Process.
Change or difference, e.g., a funding delta.
The act of destroying the military offensive or defensive capability inherent in certain types of equipment or materiel. The term includes mutilation, scrapping, melting, burning, or alteration designed to prevent the further use of this equipment and materiel for its originally intended military or lethal purpose. It applies equally to materiel in unserviceable or serviceable condition that has been screened through an Inventory Control Point (ICP) and declared excess or foreign excess.
Research and Development (R&D) category 04 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Includes all efforts necessary to evaluate integrated technologies in as realistic an operational environment as possible to assess the performance or cost reduction potential of advanced technology. This category is system specific and also includes advanced technology demonstrations that help expedite technology transition from the laboratory to operational use. A logical progression of program phases and funding (development and/or production) must be evident. Program Elements (PEs) in this category involve efforts between Milestone A and Milestone B. See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF)
Serves as the overarching, comprehensive framework and conceptual model enabling the development of architectures to facilitate the ability of DoD managers at all levels to make key decisions more effectively through organized information sharing across the DoD, Joint Capability Areas (JCAs), Mission, Component, and Program boundaries. The DoDAF serves as one of the principal pillars supporting the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) in his responsibilities for development and maintenance of architectures required under the Clinger- Cohen Act. It also provides extensive guidance on the development of architectures supporting the adoption and execution of Net-centric services within the Department. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Department of Defense Data Services Environment (DSE)
DoD registry that provides an on-line repository enabling developers to reuse, understand, and share existing data assets. It addresses structural and semantic metadata such as schemas, Web service description language, style sheets, and taxonomies; descriptive metadata about proposed and approved Authoritative Data Sources (ADS), including their relationships and their responsible governance authorities; and descriptive, semantic, and structural metadata about services and other functional capabilities, including service definitions and specifications that can be discovered for subsequent use. The DSE has a Web-based interface with streamlined metadata registration and discovery capabilities that support the visibility of DoD operational capabilities, data standards, and data needs. The DSE provides a number of service interfaces supporting both design-time and run-time access to metadata, and it interacts with other registries and repositories through Open Search federation. (DoDI 8320.02)
Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture (DEA)
A federation of descriptions that provide context and rules for accomplishing the mission of the DoD. These descriptions are developed and maintained at the Department, Capability Area, and Component levels and collectively define the people, processes, and technology required in the
“current” and “target” environments, and the roadmap for transition to the target environment.
(DoDD 8000.01)
Department of Defense Information Enterprise (DoD IE)
DoD information resources, assets, and processes required to achieve an information advantage and share information across the DoD and with mission partners. It includes: (a) the information itself and the DoD’s management over the information life cycle; (b) the processes, including risk management, associated with managing information to accomplish the DoD mission and functions; (c) activities related to designing, building, populating, acquiring, managing, operating, protecting, and defending the information enterprise; and (d) related information resources such as personnel, funds, equipment, and Information Technology (IT), including National Security Systems (NSSs). (DoDD 8000.01)
Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN)
The globally interconnected, end-to-end set of information capabilities for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. The DoDIN includes owned and leased communications and computing systems and services, software (including applications), data, security services, other associated services, and National Security Systems (NSSs). Non-DoDIN Information Technology (IT) includes stand-alone, self-contained, or embedded IT that is not, and will not be, connected to the enterprise network. (Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 4009)
Department of Defense Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR)
A registry of Information Technology (IT) standards which are selected through a defined governance process. It contains the minimal set of rules governing the arrangement, interaction, and interdependence of IT system parts or elements, whose purpose is to ensure that a conformant system satisfies a specified set of requirements. It defines the service areas, interfaces, standards (DISR elements), and standards profiles applicable to all DoD systems. Use of the DISR is mandated for the development and acquisition of new or modified fielded IT systems throughout the DoD. (DoDI 8330.01)
Department of Defense Metadata Registry (DMR)
Obsolete. See Department of Defense Data Services Environment (DSE).
Fielding a weapon system by placing it into operational use with units in the field/fleet.
Deployment Plan
A plan to provide for the smooth introduction of a system or equipment to the user.
Depot-Level (D-Level) Maintenance
Maintenance performed on materiel requiring major overhaul or a complete rebuilding of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, and end items, including the manufacture of parts, modification, testing, and reclamation, as required. Supports organizational and intermediate maintenance activities by more extensive shop facilities and personnel of higher technical skill than normally available at the lower maintenance levels.
Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group (DMAG)
One of the principal integrated civilian-military governance bodies of DoD. Meets at the discretion of the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF) to provide advice and assistance to the Deputy on matters pertaining to DoD enterprise management, business transformation, and operations; and strategic-level coordination and integration of planning, programming, budgeting, execution, and assessment activities within the DoD.
Using an item so that applied stresses are below the item’s rated values, i.e., stress values that the item would normally be expected to withstand.
Derived Requirements
These arise from constraints, consideration of issues implied but not explicitly stated in the requirements baseline, factors introduced by the selected architecture, cybersecurity requirements and the design. Derived requirements are definitized through requirements analysis as part of the overall Systems Engineering Process (SEP) and are part of the allocated baseline.
Design Control Activity
A contractor or government activity responsible for design of a given part and for the preparation and currency of engineering drawings and other Technical Data (TD) for that part.
Design Interface
The integration of the quantitative design characteristics of Systems Engineering (SE) (reliability, maintainability, etc.) with the functional logistics elements (i.e. Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements). Design interface reflects the driving relationship of system design parameters to product support resource requirements. These design parameters are expressed in operational terms rather than as inherent values and specifically relate to system requirements. Thus, product support requirements are derived to ensure the system meets its availability goals, and to effectively balance design and support costs of the system. The basic items that need to be considered as part of design interface include the following. (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
- Reliability
- Maintainability
- Supportability
- IPS Elements
- Affordability
- Configuration Management (CM)
- Safety requirements
- Environmental and Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) requirements
- Human Systems Integration (HSI)
- Anti-Tamper
- Habitability
- Disposal
- Legal requirements
Design Parameters
Qualitative, quantitative, physical, and functional value characteristics that are inputs to the design process, for use in design tradeoffs, risk analyses, and development of a system that is responsive to system requirements.
Design-to-Cost (DTC)
Management concept that historically emphasized cost-effective design (minimizing cost while achieving performance) and targeting an Average Unit Procurement Cost (AUPC). DTC concentrated on the contractors’ activities associated with tracking/controlling costs and performing cost-performance analyses/tradeoffs. Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) has refocused DTC to consider cost objectives for the total life cycle of the program and to view CAIV with the understanding it may be necessary to trade off performance to stay within cost objectives and constraints. DTC now is those explicit design actions undertaken to meet cost objectives. Contractual implementation of DTC should go beyond simply incentivizing the contractor to meet cost commitments—it should also incentivize the contractor to seek out additional cost reduction opportunities.
Design-to-Unit Production Cost (DTUPC)
Contractual provision that is the anticipated unit production price to be paid by the government for recurring production costs. It is based on a stated production quantity, rate, and time frame.
Detailed Cost Estimate
See Engineering Cost Estimate.
Determination and Findings (D&F)
A special form of written approval by authorized officials required by statute or regulation as a prerequisite to taking certain contracting actions.
Developing Activity/Agency (DA)
The command responsible for Research and Development (R&D) and production of a new item.
The process of working out and extending the theoretical, practical, and useful applications of a basic design, idea, or scientific discovery. Design, building, modification, or improvement of the prototype of a vehicle, engine, instrument, or the like as determined by the basic idea or concept. Includes all efforts directed toward programs being engineered for Service use that have not yet been approved for procurement or operation, and all efforts directed toward development engineering and test of systems, support programs, vehicles, and weapons that have been approved for production and Service deployment.
Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point
Considered the critical decision point in an acquisition program in the sense that this is the last point at which significant changes can be made without a major disruption. The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) reviews the results of the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase prototyping effort and key related planning documents for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. Following a successful Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release decision, the MDA authorizes release of the final RFP and source selection for the EMD contract. (The EMD contract cannot be awarded until after a successful Milestone B.) The MDA may also authorize the release of the RFP for Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) or Limited Deployment options for applicable programs.
Developmental Configuration
Includes the set of technical baselines (functional, allocated, product) that pertain to a system under development. The developing activity may iteratively design, release, prototype, and test a design solution until the Configuration Items (CIs) satisfy all functional and allocated baselines requirements. Configuration control of the evolving design remains with the developer. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook and MIL-HDBK 61-A)
Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E)
1.) Any testing used to assist in the development and maturation of products, product elements, or manufacturing or support processes. 2.) Any engineering-type test used to verify status of technical progress, verify that design risks are minimized, substantiate achievement of contract technical performance, and certify readiness for initial operational testing. Development tests
generally require instrumentation and measurements and are accomplished by engineers, technicians, or soldier operator-maintainer test personnel in a controlled environment to facilitate failure analysis.
Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Exception Reporting
An annual report to Congress submitted by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (USD[AT&L]) no later than 60 days after the end of each Fiscal Year (FY) that reports on each case in which a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) proceeded with implementing a Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) that included a Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) plan disapproved by Deputy Assist Secretary of Defense (Developmental Testing and Evaluation) (DASD(DT&E)); or in which an MDAP proceeded to Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) following an assessment by the DASD(DT&E) that the program was not ready for operational testing. (DoDI 5000.02)
A written authorization, granted prior to the manufacture of an item, to depart from a particular performance or design requirement of a specification, drawing, or other document for a specific number of units or a specified period of time.
Digital System Model
A digital representation of a defense system, generated by all stakeholders that integrates the authoritative technical data and associated artifacts which define all aspects of the system for the specific activities throughout the system life cycle. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Digital Thread
An extensible, configurable and component enterprise-level analytical framework that seamlessly expedites the controlled interplay of authoritative technical data, software, information, and knowledge in the enterprise data-information-knowledge systems, based on the Digital System Model template, to inform decision makers throughout a system’s life cycle by providing the capability to access, integrate and transform disparate data into actionable information. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Digital Twin
An integrated multi-physics, multi-scale, probabilistic simulation of an as-built system, enabled by Digital Thread, that uses the best available models, sensor information, and input data to mirror and predict activities/performance over the life of its corresponding physical twin. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS)
The loss, or impending loss, of manufacturers of items or suppliers of items or of raw materials. This can be caused by many factors including new or evolving science, detection limits, toxicity values, and regulations related to chemicals and materials resulting in significant impact on the DoD’s supply chain and Industrial Base (IB). This situation may cause shortages that endanger the life-cycle support and capability of the weapon system or equipment or that cause shortages that endanger an ongoing production capability and/or the life-cycle support of a weapon system or any training, support, or test equipment already in the field. Ultimately, DMSMS issues affect materiel readiness and operational availability, which, in turn, affect both combat operations and safety. This situation also may cause shortages that endanger the life-cycle support and capability of the weapon system or equipment. (SD–22 DoD Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages Guidebook) See Obsolescence.
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Program Capability Levels
Standardized, quantifiable evaluation of a program’s DMSMS capability by program levels:
- Level 1 represents minimal DMSMS management capability, largely reactive
- Level 2 represents a DMSMS management capability with practices somewhat proactive in situations where proactive practices are
- Level 3 represents a DMSMS management capability with proactive practices that are used when needed.
- Level 4 represents a robust DMSMS management capability, with comprehensive efforts applied whenever
(SD–22, Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages Guidebook)
Direct Cost
Any cost specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Is not necessarily limited to items that are incorporated into the end product as labor or material.
Direct Engineering
Engineering effort directly related to specific end products.
Direct Labor
Labor specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Manufacturing direct labor includes fabrication, assembly, inspection, and test for constructing the end product. Engineering direct labor consists of engineering labors such as reliability, Quality Assurance (QA), test, design, etc., that are readily identified with the end product.
Direct Labor Standard
A specified output or a time allowance established by industrial engineers for a direct labor operation.
Direct Materials
The cost of material used in making the product. Includes raw materials, purchased parts, and subcontracted items required to manufacture and assemble completed products. A direct material cost is the cost of material used in making a product.
Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE)
The functions and personnel from the Cost Analysis Improvement Group (CAIG) were transferred to the Office of the DCAPE within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) by the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA) of 2009. DCAPE is the Principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense and other senior officials in the DoD for independent cost assessment, program evaluation, and analysis. Within the office of DCAPE, the Deputy Director for Cost Assessment oversees policy and procedures for cost estimating and conducts independent cost estimates for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). (DoDD 5105.84)
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)
Principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) on Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) and Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) in the DoD. DOT&E is responsible for issuing DoD OT&E and LFT&E policy and procedures; reviewing and analyzing the results of OT&E conducted for each Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) and LFT&E for covered systems; providing independent assessments to the SECDEF, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics ([USD(AT&L]), and Congress on OT&E and LFT&E; making budgetary and financial recommendations to the SECDEF regarding OT&E and LFT&E; and overseeing major DoD acquisition programs to ensure OT&E and LFT&E is adequate to confirm operational effectiveness and suitability of the defense system for combat use.
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Report on Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
For programs under (DOT&E) oversight, the DOT&E will submit an IOT&E report to the Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense committees before a program may proceed beyond Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) or proceed beyond limited deployment. The report addresses the adequacy of the IOT&E performed and evaluates the operational effectiveness and suitability of the covered platform or weapon system. For systems under LFT&E oversight, a
combined IOT&E and LFT&E report may apply that evaluates the survivability and/or lethality of the system in addition to effectiveness and suitability.
Directive Type Memorandum (DTM)
One of several forms of a DoD Issuance (e.g., DoD Directives [DoDDs], DoD Manuals, DoD Instructions [DoDIs]) used to issue or change or cancel DoD policy. DTMs are usually issued when time constraints mandate. DTMs do not permanently change or supplement existing issuances, and are effective for not more than 180 days from the date signed, unless extended. Ultimately DTMs are incorporated into an existing DoD issuance, converted to a new DoD issuance, reissued, or canceled.
Amounts paid by federal agencies, by cash or cash equivalent, during the fiscal year to liquidate government obligations. The term “disbursement” often is used interchangeably with the term “outlay.” In budgetary usage, gross disbursements represent the number of checks issued plus the amount of cash, or other payments made less refunds received. Net disbursements represent gross disbursements less income collected and credited to the appropriation of fund account, such as amounts received for goods and services provided. For purposes of matching a disbursement to its proper obligation, the term disbursement refers to the amount charged to a separate line of accounting. See Outlays.
The process of reducing a future dollar amount to a present value.
Discrete Effort
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), a work package or planning package (or lower level task/activity) that is related to the completion of a specific end product or service which can be directly planned and measured. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
1.) The second effort of the Operations and Support (O&S) phase as established and defined by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. At the end of its useful life, a system shall be demilitarized and disposed of in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements and policy relating to safety (including explosives safety), security, and the environment. 2.) The act of getting rid of excess, surplus, scrap, or salvage property under proper authority. Disposal may be accomplished by, but not limited to, transfer, donation, sale, reclamation, demilitarization, abandonment, or destruction.
Disposition Authority’s Report to the Component Acquisition Executive (Urgent Need) Prepared by the Disposition Official who is appointed by the DoD Component to recommend disposition of an urgent need solution. The report is due to the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) no later than 1 year after the program enters the Operations and Support (O&S) Phase (or earlier if directed by the DoD Component). (DoDI 5000.02)
Distributed Product Description (DPD)
Central elements in a collaborative environment that authoritatively maintain the system design and behavioral information for alternative designs as needed for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) analyses by all authorized users. In particular, the DPD should possess strong inter- networking capabilities to maintain coordinated system design (structural) and performance views of the system under development. It should incrementally reflect changed performance parameters in response to design changes and address the resulting performance impacts on system operations.
1.) Documents used in oversight and review of acquisition programs, including Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), Selected Acquisition Report (SAR), and others. 2.) Documents used to determine suitability, e.g., operator and maintenance instructions, repair parts lists, support manuals, and manuals related to computer programs and system software.
Document Sponsor
The organization submitting a Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) document. Solution sponsors for successor documents–Capability Development Documents (CDDs), Capability Production Documents (CPDs), and Joint DOTmLPF–P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy) Change Recommendations (Joint DCRs)—may be different than the Requirement Sponsors for initial documents—Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs), Urgent Operational Needs (UONs), Joint UONs (JUONs), and Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEONs). (CJCSI 3170.01I)
DoD 5000 Series
Refers collectively to DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.01 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. See
DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.01 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02.
DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE)
Secretaries of the military departments or heads of agencies with the power of re-delegation. In the military departments, the officials delegated as CAEs (also called Service Acquisition Executives [SAEs]) are respectively, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition,
Logistics, and Technology (ASA[AL&T]); the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition (ASN[RD&A]); and the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition (ASAF[A]). The CAEs are responsible for all acquisition functions within their Components. This includes both the SAEs for the military departments and acquisition executives in other DoD Components, such as the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), which also have acquisition management responsibilities.
DoD Component Cost Estimate (CCE)
Documents the cost analysis conducted by the Service Cost Agency (SCA) in cases where the SCA does not develop an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE). Three types of CCEs are:
- SCA non-advocate estimate
- Independent SCA assessment of another government estimate such as the Program Office Estimate (POE)
- Other SCA cost analysis, as determined by the SCA and reflected in DoD Component policy
DoD Component Cost Position (CCP)
A cost position established by the DoD Component that is derived from the DoD Component Cost Estimate (CCE) and the Program Office Estimate (POE) per DoD Component policy prior to Milestones A, B, and C and the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision. Signed by the DoD Component Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cost and Economics (or defense agency equivalent) and include a date of record. See Full Funding Certification Memorandum.
DoD Component Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report
A report that addresses the results of the LFT&E performed in accordance with the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) (or LFT&E strategy or equivalent document). For programs under the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) LFT&E oversight, the lead Operational Test Agency (OTA) will provide a DoD Component LFT&E report to DOT&E. (DoDI 5000.02) See Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report.
DoD Component Pre-Certification Authority (PCA)
The military department Chief Management Officer (CMO), the Defense Agency Director, or a designee approved by the DoD Deputy CMO (DCMO). Prior to the Materiel Development Decision (MDD) or any subsequent milestone decision, the DoD Component PCA must determine that:
1.) The Defense Business System (DBS) is in compliance with the enterprise architecture. 2.) The business process supported by the DBS is or will be as streamlined and efficient
as practicable.
3.) The need to tailor Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) systems to meet or incorporate unique requirements or unique interfaces has been eliminated or reduced to the extent practical.
4.) The DBS is necessary to:
a.) Achieve a critical national security capability, or address a critical requirement in an area such as safety or security; or
b.) Prevent a significant adverse effect on a project that is needed to achieve an essential capability, taking into consideration the alternative solutions for preventing such adverse effect.
The PCA’s determination will be documented in a memorandum and provided to the Investment Review Board (IRB) as part of the certification review. The Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) must approve the IRB Certification prior to any action that would result in the obligation of funds. (DoDI 5000.02)
DoD Components
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD); the military departments; the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff (JS); the Combatant Commands (CCMDs); the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of the DoD; the defense agencies; DoD field activities; and all other organization entities within the DoD.
DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.01, The Defense Acquisition System
The principal DoD directive on acquisition, it states policies applicable to all DoD acquisition programs. These policies fall into five major categories: flexibility, responsiveness, innovation, discipline, and streamlined and effective management.
DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System
Establishes a simplified and flexible management framework for translating capability needs and technology opportunities, based on approved capability needs, into stable, affordable, and well- managed acquisition programs that include weapon systems, services, and Automated Information Systems (AISs). Specifically authorizes the Program Manager (PM) and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) to use discretion and business judgment to structure a tailored, responsive, and innovative program.
Domestic End Product
An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the United States or an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of its domestic (or qualifying country) components exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components.
DOTmLPF–P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy) Assessment
Possible non-materiel solutions identified as a result of a Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA) or other study to satisfy a gap in capability requirements. (JCIDS Manual)
DOTmLPF–P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy) Change Recommendation (DCR)
For non-materiel solutions that impact only the Sponsor organization, DCR is not required as Components manage Component-specific DOTmLPF–P at their discretion. For non-materiel solutions that impact more than just the sponsor organization, a Joint DCR is used to ensure all equities of all affected organizations addressed during review and validation. (JCIDS Manual) See Joint DOTmLPF–P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy) Change Recommendation (DCR).
Down Event
An event that caused an item to become unavailable to initiate its mission (that is, the transition from up-time to down-time).
Down Select
To reduce the number of contractors working on a program by eliminating one or more for the next phase.
Draft Request for Proposal (RFP)
Usually sent out to prospective industry bidders authorized by government to receive it in advance of final RFP. Solicits contractors’ recommendations to add, delete, or modify requirements; and gives them a heads-up on what is anticipated.
Dual Production
In North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) context, production of a weapon system in Europe and United States refers not only to independent production lines for entire systems, but also to interdependent components production. See Co-Production.
Dual Source
Two contractors producing the same components or end items for the same program.
Early On
An action or planning that should be accomplished at the beginning or early in system development to ensure adequate support. See Up Front.
Early Operational Assessment (EOA)
Typically an analysis, conducted in accordance with an approved test plan, of the program’s progress in identifying operational design constraints, developing system capabilities, and mitigating program risks. For programs that enter development at Milestone B, the lead Operational Test Agency (OTA) will (as appropriate) prepare and report EOA results after program initiation and prior to the Critical Design Review (CDR). (DoDI 5000.02)
Earned Hours
The time in standard hours credited to a worker or group of workers as a result of their completion of a given task or group of tasks.
Earned Value Management System (EVMS)
Industry-developed set of 32 standards adopted for use by DoD in 1996 for evaluation of contractor management systems. The EVMS replaced the Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria (C/SCSC), which had 35 standards for evaluation of contractor management systems. Contractors with systems formally recognized by the DoD as meeting the 35 C/SCSC standards prior to November 1996 are considered compliant with the 32 EVMS standards.
Economic Analysis (EA)
A systematic approach for evaluating the costs of a program or a set of alternatives. An EA evaluates the economic (financial) costs different technical alternatives, design solutions, and/or Acquisition Strategies (ASs), and provides the means for identifying and documenting their costs. Normally associated with Automated Information System (AIS) acquisition programs, it is a statutory requirement for Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS).
Economic Life
The period over which the benefits to be gained from a system may reasonably be expected.
Economic Lot Size
The number of units of materiel or a manufactured item that can be purchased or produced within the lowest unit cost range. Its determination involves reconciling the decreasing trend in preparation unit costs and the increasing trend in unit costs of storage, interest, insurance, depreciation, and other costs incident to ownership as the size of the lot is increased.
Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ)
The most economical quantity of parts to order at one time, considering the applicable procurement and inventory costs.
Economic Production Rate (EPR)
The most economically feasible rate at which an end item can be manufactured.
Economies of Scale
Reductions in unit cost of output resulting from the production of additional units stem from increased specialization of labor as volume of output increases; decreased unit costs of materials; better utilization of management; acquisition of more efficient equipment; and greater use of byproducts.
Effective Competition
A marketplace condition that results when two or more sources are acting (competing) independently of each other.
The extent to which the goals of the system are attained, or the degree to which a system can be elected to achieve a set of specific mission requirements. Also, an output of cost-effectiveness analysis.
Efficiency Factor
The ratio of standard performance time to actual performance time; usually expressed as a percentage.
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3)
The impact of the electromagnetic environment upon the operational capability of military forces, equipment, systems, and platforms.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Engineering term used to designate interference in a piece of electronic equipment caused by another piece of electronic or other equipment. Sometimes refers to interference caused by nuclear explosion.
Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
The employment of electronic devices and/or techniques with the objective of impairing the operational effectiveness of enemy activity.
Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM)
The division of Electronic Warfare (EW) involving actions taken to ensure friendly effective use of the electromagnetic, optical, and acoustic spectra despite the enemy’s use of EW, to include high-power microwave techniques.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The exchange of standardized information between business partners typically communicated electronically between computers. It is DoD policy that DoD Component EDI applications shall conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 standard.
Electronic Protection (EP)
The division of Electronic Warfare (EW) involving actions to protect personnel, facilities, or equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy employment of EW that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly capability.
A complete, integrated set of subsystems capable of accomplishing an operational role or function, such as navigation. It is the Configuration Item (CI) delivered by a single contractor.
Embedded Computer Resources (ECR)
Computer system physically incorporated (not necessarily within) into a larger system whose function is not purely data processing. ECR can be stand-alone but still integral to a larger system and used for other purposes, provided the primary function is to support weapon systems.
Embedded Instrumentation
Data collection and processing capabilities integrated into the design of a system for one or more of the following uses: diagnostics, prognostics, testing, or training.
1.) Action by the Congress on the President’s Budget (PB). Includes hearings, budget resolution, authorizations, and appropriations acts. Result is appropriations (funding) for Federal Government. 2.) Second of four phases in the DoD Resource Allocation Process (RAP). (The phases of the DoD RAP are: Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process; Enactment; Apportionment; and Execution.)
Collection of computing environments connected by one or more internal networks under the control of a single authority and security policy, including personnel and physical security.
Enclaves may be specific to an organization or a mission, and the computing environments may be organized by physical proximity or by function independent of location. Examples of enclaves include Local Area Networks (LANs) and the applications they host, backbone networks, and data processing centers. (DoDI 8330.01)
End Item
The final production product when assembled, or completed, and ready for issue or deployment.
Energy Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is intended to ensure combat capability of the force by balancing the energy performance of systems and the provisioning of energy to sustain systems/forces required by the operational commander in relevant threat environments. It includes, but is not limited to, considerations for optimizing fuel and electric power demand in capability solutions, in the context of the logistical supply of energy to the warfighter, as it directly affects the demand on the force to provide and protect critical energy supplies. The Energy KPP includes both fuel and electric power demand considerations in systems, including those for operating “off grid” for extended periods when necessary, consistent with strategic analysis products. In cases where energy demand reduction is impractical or insufficient to align with projected energy supply, complementary Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P) changes to the energy supply chain and associated logistics capability solutions must be addressed in the document to accommodate the increased energy demands and satisfy the Energy KPP. (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs).
Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD)
The third phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), usually beginning after Milestone B, as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. The purpose of the EMD Phase is to develop, build, and test a product to verify that all operational and derived requirements have been met and to support production or deployment decisions. EMD completes all needed hardware and software detailed design; systemically retires any open risks; builds and tests prototypes or first articles to verify compliance with capability requirements; and prepares for production or deployment. It includes the establishment of the initial product baseline for all configuration items.
Engineering Change Proposal (ECP)
A proposal to the responsible authority recommending that a change to an original item of equipment be considered, and the design or engineering change be incorporated into the article to modify, add to, delete, or supersede original parts.
Engineering Cost Estimate
Derived by summing detailed cost estimates of the individual work packages and adding appropriate burdens. Usually determined by a contractor’s industrial engineers, price analysts, and cost accountants.
Engineering Development
1.) Research and Development (R&D) category 05 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Includes those projects in Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) that have not yet received approval for Full-Rate Production (FRP). This area is characterized by major line-item projects. Program Elements (PEs) in this category involve efforts between Milestone B and Milestone C. (DoD 7045.7–H) See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Engineering Development Model (EDM)
A system acquired during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase that is built from approved Critical Design Review (CDR) drawings. EDMs are used for Developmental Testing (DT) and Operational Testing (OT) to demonstrate maturing performance prior to Milestone C and to finalize proposed production specifications and drawings. Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) required by statute or regulation for Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and II programs to support a Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR) is normally performed on Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) articles during the LRIP effort of the Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase. For other systems, or those that do not have an LRIP, for which Milestone C is the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision, production representative EDMs may be used as test articles. See Production Configuration System and Production Representative System.
Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI)
A DoD effort to implement a software enterprise management process within the DoD. The goal is to create DoD-wide Enterprise Software Agreements (ESAs) that substantially reduce the cost of DoD common-use, Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) software. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Entrance Criteria
Obsolete: Formerly phase-specific tasks described in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 that were to be accomplished before proceeding to the next phase. The tasks have been incorporated into the phase descriptions for each phase in the current version of DoDI 5000.02.
The aggregate of all external and internal conditions (such as temperature, humidity, radiation, magnetic and electric fields, shock vibration, etc.), either natural or man-made/self-induced that influence the form, performance, reliability, or survival of an item.
Environment, Operating
Used as an operational reference, environment includes the generic natural environment; e.g., weather, climate, ocean conditions, terrain, vegetation, electromagnetic, etc. Modified environment can refer to specific induced environments; e.g., “dirty” battlefield environment, Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) environment, etc. Environment includes those conditions observed by the system during operational use, stand-by, maintenance, transportation, and storage.
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Contains an estimate of whether a proposed system will adversely affect the environment or be environmentally controversial, in which case an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is prepared.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Detailed description of the effects, impacts, or consequences associated with designing, manufacturing, testing, operating, maintaining, and disposing of weapon or Automated Information Systems (AISs).
Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
A series of tests conducted under environmental stresses to expose weak parts and defects in workmanship so they may be corrected.
Equipment Scheduling and Loading
The effective and efficient loading of machines according to their capabilities to perform defined operations utilizing their maximum capability to ensure attainment of the manufacturing schedule.
Escalated Dollars
See Current-Year (CY), Then-Year (TY) Dollars.
Use of a price index to convert past to present prices or to convert present to future prices; also an increase because of inflation and outlay rates for the appropriation and the branch or the Service involved.
Estimate at Completion (EAC) (Cost)
Actual direct costs, plus indirect costs or costs allocable to the contract, plus the estimate of costs (direct and indirect) for authorized work remaining.
Denotes the process whereby data are logically assembled, analyzed, and compared to expected performance to aid in systematic decision-making. It may involve review and analysis of qualitative or quantitative data obtained from design reviews, hardware inspections, Modeling and Simulation (M&S), hardware and software testing, metrics review, and operational usage of equipment.
Evaluation Criteria
Standards by which accomplishments of required technical and operational effectiveness and/or suitability characteristics or resolution of operational issues may be assessed. See Source Selection Plan (SSP).
Event Maintenance
One or more maintenance actions required to effect corrective and preventative maintenance as a result of any type of failure or malfunction, false alarm, or scheduled maintenance plan.
Event-Based Contracting
Supports event-driven Acquisition Strategy (AS) by linking specific contractual events to the exit criteria for the acquisition phase, or to intermediate development events established for the acquisition strategy.
Event-Driven Acquisition Strategy
An Acquisition Strategy (AS) that links program decisions to demonstrated accomplishments in development, testing, and production.
Evolutionary Acquisition
An approach that delivers capability in increments, recognizing up front the need for future capability improvements. The objective is to balance needs and available capability with resources and to put capability into the hands of the user quickly.
Exclusive (Non-Exclusive) License
A license covering a patent(s), technical or proprietary data, technical assistance, know how, or any combination of these, granted by a U.S. firm to a foreign firm or government to produce, co- produce, or sell a defense article or service within a given sales territory without competition
from any other licenses or from the licenser. A non-exclusive license is a license as described as above, except that competition may be permitted with other licensees and/or the licenser.
Executable Program
A program is executable if the Program Manager (PM) has adequate near-term approved funding.
The outflow or other depletion of assets or incurrence of liabilities (or a combination of both) during some period as a result of providing goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activities related to an entity’s programs and missions, the benefits from which do not extend beyond the present operating period. In financial accounting and reporting, the costs that apply to an entity’s operations for the current accounting period are recognized as expenses for that period.
Executive Branch
One of the three branches of government defined by the U.S. Constitution. The others are the legislative branch and the judicial branch. The principal acquisition participants for DoD within the executive branch include the President, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Staff (JS), the military Services, the defense agencies, and the unified commands. The role of the executive branch is to formulate, direct, and execute national security policy, including defense acquisition policy.
Executive Direction
Authority and guidance for defense acquisition from within the Office of the President of the United States. Includes Executive Orders (EOs) issued by the President, directives issued by the National Security Council (NSC), and circulars issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Other executive branch officials also have the authority to issue policy affecting defense acquisition under the general policy-making authority of the executive branch, or as provided for in law (for example, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) and the head of the Small Business Administration [SBA]), but the term “executive direction” usually is reserved for the policy-making authority of the President.
Executive Service
See Lead Component/Service.
Exit Criteria
Program-specific accomplishments that must be satisfactorily demonstrated before a program can progress further in the current acquisition phase or transition to the next acquisition phase.
Exit criteria normally are selected to track progress in important technical, schedule, or management risk areas. They serve as gates that, when successfully passed or exited, demonstrate that the program is on track to achieve its final program goals and should be allowed to continue additional activities within an acquisition phase or be considered for continuation into the next acquisition phase. Exit criteria are some level of demonstrated performance outcome (e.g., level of engine thrust), the accomplishment of some process at some level of efficiency (e.g., manufacturing yield), or successful accomplishment of some event (e.g., first flight), or some other criterion (e.g., establishment of a training program or inclusion of a particular clause in the follow-on contract) that indicates that aspect of the program is progressing satisfactorily. Exit criteria are documented in the Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM).
An actual disbursement of funds in return for goods or services. Frequently used interchangeably with the term outlay.
Expense Limitation
The financial authority issued by a claimant to an intermediate level of command is an expense limitation. Amounts therein are available for issuance of operating budgets to responsibility centers.
The outflow or other depletion of assets or incurrence of liabilities (or a combination of both) during some period as a result of providing goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activities related to an entity’s programs and missions, the benefits from which do not extend beyond the present operating period. In financial accounting and reporting, the costs that apply to an entity’s operations for the current accounting period are recognized as expenses for that period.
Expired Account or Appropriation (APPN)
Appropriation or fund account in which the balances no longer are available for incurring new obligations because the time period available for incurring such obligations has ended. However, the account remains available for 5 years to process disbursements, collections, and within scope adjustments of original obligations. See Canceled Appropriation.
Exploratory Development
Research and Development (R&D) category 02 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Attempts to translate promising basic research into solutions for broadly defined military needs but short of major development projects. This may
vary from fairly fundamental applied research to sophisticated hardware, study, programming, and planning efforts that establish the initial feasibility and practicality of proposed solutions to technological challenges. It includes studies, investigations, and non-system specific development efforts. The dominant characteristic is that this category of effort is pointed toward specific military needs with a view to develop and evaluate the feasibility, practicality, and parameters of proposed solutions. Exploratory Development precedes system specific research. See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Extrapolation from Actual Costs
Extrapolation method requires prototype or preproduction actual cost data on the system considered. Primarily used in estimating the production cost of system hardware, and assumes a relationship (technical, performance) between cost of prototypes and production units. See Cost Estimating Methodologies.
The construction of a part from raw material; also the development of software code.
Facilities and Infrastructure
One of the 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements. It encompasses permanent and semi- permanent real property assets required to support a system, including studies to define types of facilities or facility improvements, location, space needs, environmental and security requirements, and equipment. It also includes facilities for training, equipment storage, maintenance, supply storage, ammunition storage, and so forth. The objective of this IPS Element is to identify, plan, resource, and acquire facilities to enable training, maintenance and storage to maximize the effectiveness of system operation and the logistics support system at the lowest total ownership cost. (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
This occurs when any part of an item does not perform as required by its performance specification. The failure may occur at a value in excess of the minimum required in the specification—i.e., past design limits or beyond the margin of safety.
Failure Mode
Describes the way the failure occurs and its impact on equipment operation.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
See Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA).
Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Procedure by which each potential failure mode is analyzed to determine its effects on the system and then is classified according to severity. It further attempts to identify all single points of failure; that is, those points where failure of the component can cause failure of the entire system.
Failure-Free Warranty (FFW)
A procurement methodology whose purpose is to bring the manufacturer or design control agent into the loop of continuously upgrading the field reliability of designated equipment(s).
Fallback Position
Alternative (second choice) position.
Family of Joint Concepts
There are three categories of joint concepts: the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO), Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs), and Supporting Joint Concepts. (CJCSI 3010.02D) See Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO), Joint Concept, Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs), and Supporting Joint Concepts.
Family of Systems (FoS)
A set of systems that provides similar capabilities through different approaches to achieve similar or complementary effects. For example, the warfighter may need the capability to track moving targets. The FoS that provides this capability could include manned or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with appropriate sensors, a space-based platform, or a special operations capability. Each can provide the ability to track moving targets, but with differing characteristics of persistence, accuracy, timeliness, etc. See System of Systems (SoS).
A physical weakening of material because of age, stress, or vibration.
Fatigue Allowance
Time included in the production standard to allow for decreases or losses in production that might be attributed to worker fatigue. (Usually applied as a percentage of the leveled, normal, or adjusted time.)
Feasibility Study
A study of the applicability or desirability of any management or procedural system from the standpoint of advantages versus disadvantages in any given case.
Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA)
Division D of the 1996 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It established exceptions for Commercial Item (CI) acquisitions (e.g., from Truth in Negotiations Act [TINA] requirements and Cost Accounting Standards [CASs]), authorized waiver of recoupment charges in Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of major defense equipment, and repealed redundant procurement ethics statutes.
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
The regulation for use by federal executive agencies for acquisition of supplies and services with appropriated funds. The FAR is supplemented by the DoD, the military departments, the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). The DoD supplement is called the DFARS (Defense FAR Supplement).
Federal Business Opportunities System (FedBizOpps)
Electronic interface designed to be a single point of entry for federal buyers to publish, and for vendors to find posted, federal business opportunities across departments and agencies. This capability provides an easy data exchange interface between FedBizOpps and each buyer agency’s electronic procurement system.
Federal Debt
See Gross Federal Debt.
Federal Financing Bank (FFB)
A government corporation created by Congress in 1973 under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. The FFB was established to centralize and reduce the cost of federal borrowing as well as federally-assisted borrowing from the public. Obligations are issued to the public by the FFB to finance its operations. Obligations are limited to $15 billion unless otherwise authorized by the Appropriation Acts. See Gross Federal Debt.
Fenced Funding
An identified aggregation of resources reviewed, approved, and managed as a distinct entity. The proposed program must be developed within directed resource limitations and the approved program must be implemented within specified resources.
Resource levels established for a particular program that provide a way by which the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), or the Service Headquarters (HQ), can exert functional influence. Also appropriately called ceilings and floors used to protect resources.
See Deploy/Deployment.
Figure of Merit
The numerical value assigned to a Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), parameter, or other figure, as a result of an analysis, synthesis, or estimating technique.
Final Assembly
The joining together of the major sections to perform a complete unit.
The combination of a hardware device and computer instructions or computer data that reside as read-only software on the hardware device. The software cannot be readily modified under program control.
First Article
First article includes preproduction models, initial production samples, test samples, first lots, pilot models, and pilot lots; and approval involves testing and evaluating the first article for conformance with specified contract requirements before or in the initial stage of production under a contract.
First Article Testing (FAT)
Production testing that is planned, conducted, and monitored by the materiel developer. FAT includes preproduction and initial production testing conducted to ensure that the contractor can furnish a product that meets the established technical criteria.
First Unit Equipped (FUE) Date
The scheduled date a system or end item, and its agreed-upon support elements, are issued to the designated Initial Operational Capability (IOC) unit, and training specified in the new equipment training plan has been accomplished.
Fiscal Guidance
Annual guidance issued by the President’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and for the DoD, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). Provides fiscal constraints that must be observed
by DoD Components in the formulation of their annual budget and by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Joint Staff (JS) in reviewing proposed programs.
Fiscal Year (FY)
Any yearly accounting period without regard to its relationship to a Calendar Year (CY). The Fiscal Year (FY) for the Federal Government begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.
Fitness for Use
The effectiveness of the design, manufacturing, and support processes in delivering a system that meets the operational requirements under all anticipated operational conditions.
Fixed Costs
Costs that do not vary with the volume of business, such as property taxes, insurance, depreciation, security, and minimum water and utility fees.
Flight Readiness Review (FRR)
A sub-set of the Test Readiness Review (TRR) that is applicable only to aviation programs. It assesses the readiness to initiate and conduct flight tests or flight operations. Typically, FRR approval requires the aviation system to be under Configuration Management (CM), have a flight clearance issued by the technical authority and approved flight test plan(s), and discrepancy tracking and risk assessment processes in place. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Part (FSCAP)
Any aircraft part, assembly, or installation containing a critical characteristic whose failure, malfunction, or absence may cause a catastrophic failure resulting in loss or serious damage to the aircraft, or cause an un-commanded engine shutdown resulting in an unsafe condition. See Critical Characteristic.
The period during which an activity may be delayed without becoming a critical activity.
Flow Diagram
The paths of movement of workers and/or materials superimposed on a graphical representation of the work area.
Flow Process Chart
A graphical representation of the sequence of all operations, transportation, inspections, delays, and storage occurring during a process or procedure.
A graphical explanation of a particular process. In a production process, it usually includes symbols to allow recognition of operations, inspections, storage, etc.
Flyaway Costs
Costs related to producing a usable end item of military hardware, originally associated with aircraft. Includes the cost of creating the basic unit, that is, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements of prime mission equipment (e.g., propulsion equipment, electronics, armament, etc.), system engineering, program management, system Test and Evaluation (T&E), warranties, engineering changes, nonrecurring start-up production costs, and other installed Government- Furnished Equipment (GFE). “Rollaway costs” and “sailaway costs” are analogous to “flyaway costs” for vehicles and ships, respectively.
Focal Point
In a particular organization (e.g., the headquarters (HQ) of a major command) the principal point of contact for coordination and exchange of information related to a particular issue or area.
Follow-On Operational Test and Evaluation (FOT&E)
The Test and Evaluation (T&E) that may be necessary after the Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR) to refine the estimates made during Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), to evaluate changes, and to re-evaluate the system to ensure that it continues to meet operational needs and retains its effectiveness in a new environment or against a new threat.
Force Levels
Number of aircraft, ships, troops, and other forces required to accomplish assigned tasks or missions. Normally identified by specified aircraft model, ship type, Army divisions, etc.
Force Protection (FP) Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is intended to ensure protection of occupants, users, or other personnel (other than the adversary) who may be adversely affected by the system or threats to the system. Although an FP KPP may include many of the same attributes as those that contribute to the System Survivability KPP, the intent of the FP KPP is to address protection of the system operator or other personnel against kinetic and non-kinetic fires, and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) and environmental effects, rather than protection of the system itself and its capabilities. (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs).
Force Structure
The composition of a Service, or all Services together, in terms of the number of major combat and support units and their relationship to each other.
Broadly, the fighting elements (combatant) of the overall defense structure; units, equipment, etc., shown in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).
Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program
A DoD Test and Evaluation (T&E) program that is prescribed in Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2350a(g), and is centrally managed by the Comparative Testing Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) (ASD[R&E]). It provides funding for U.S. T&E of selected equipment items and technologies developed by allied countries when such items and technologies are identified as having good potential to satisfy valid DoD requirements.
Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
That portion of U.S. security assistance authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, and the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). The recipient provides reimbursement for defense articles and services transferred from the United States. This includes cash sales from stocks (inventories, services, or training) by DoD.
Foreign Weapon
For the purpose of the Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) program, a foreign weapon is any conventional item of military equipment, system, subsystem, munitions, or major component manufactured by a friendly or neutral country that is available or soon-to-be available for procurement by the U.S. government.
Form, Fit, and Function (F3) Data
Technical Data (TD) pertaining to items, components, or processes for the purpose of identifying source, size, configuration, mating and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics, and performance requirements.
Formal Agreement
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), or the equivalent, as defined in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5530.3.
Forum for Armaments Cooperation
A formal body of accredited national representatives of two or more nations, with a definable membership and charter, meeting periodically—with proceedings documented for participants— for information exchange and discussion to harmonize operational concepts, doctrine, and procedures; standardize materiel requirements; explore opportunities for cooperative Research, Development, and Acquisition (RD&A); and/or agree on specific cooperative projects.
Forward Financing
A procedure to use X year money (primarily Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation [RDT&E]) in year X + 1. Primarily an Air Force term. See Forward Funding.
Forward Funding
Carryover of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funding (Budget Authority [BA]) into second year of appropriations availability. Requires permission from higher authority.
Forward Pricing
Prospective pricing of overhead and labor parts.
Front End/Up Front
Planning or resource commitment at the beginning of the development process to anticipate later requirements and reduce future problems. See Early On.
Fourth Generation Language (4GL)
A computer language designed to improve the productivity achieved by higher-order (Third Generation Languages [3GLs]) and, often, to make computer programming available to non- programmers. Features typically include an integrated database management system, query language, report generator, and screen definition facility.
Framing Assumption
Any supposition that is central in shaping cost, schedule, or performance expectations of an acquisition program.
Frequency Allocation Application (DD Form 1494)
Certification by the National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) that a candidate system conforms to the spectrum allocation scheme of the United States and its possessions. Requirements for obtaining spectrum support for new telecommunications systems, or major modifications of an existing system, are found in the NTIA Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management. Some host nations have similar certifications but requirements vary.
Front End
See Upfront.
Full and Open Competition (FOC)
All responsible sources are eligible to compete. The standard for competition in contracting. Required by the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) (1984).
Full Deployment Decision (FDD)
Decision made by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) of a Major Automated Information System (MAIS) acquisition program authorizing an increment of the program to deploy software for operational use. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2445A)
Full Funding
1.) The practice of funding the total cost of major procurement and construction projects in the Fiscal Year (FY) in which they will be initiated. The full funding policy requires the total estimated cost of a complete, military usable end item or construction project funded in the year in which the item is procured. If a future year’s appropriation is required for delivery of an end item, the end item is not fully funded. It prevents funding programs incrementally and provides a disciplined approach for Program Managers (PMs) to execute their programs within cost. (DoD 7000.14–R) 2.) A DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 requirement for program initiation of an acquisition program. In this sense, full funding means having the dollars and manpower needed for all current and future efforts to carry out the Acquisition Strategy (AS) in the budget and out- years of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) as one of the criteria for the transition into the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) at Milestone B, the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) must certify in writing to the Congress that the program is fully funded through the period covered by the FYDP, relative to reasonable cost and schedule estimates, and also meets other criteria. (Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2366b) For all acquisition programs, the MDA normally assesses full funding at all major decision points. See Full Funding Certification Memorandum.
Full Funding Certification Memorandum
A Memorandum that certifies that the DoD Component will fully fund the program to the DoD Component Cost Position (CCP) in the current Future Years Defense Program (FYDP), or will commit to full funding of the CCP during the preparation of the next FYDP with identification of specific offsets to address any funding shortfalls that may exist in the current FYDP. Required at Milestones A, B, and C and the Full Deployment Decision (FDD) or Full-Rate Production Decision Reviews (FRPDRs). The DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) and the DoD Component Chief Financial Officer (CFO) must sign the Full Funding Certification Memorandum. See DoD Component Cost Position (CCP) and Full Funding.
Full Operational Capability (FOC)
In general, attained when all units and/or organizations in the force structure scheduled to receive a system have received it and have the ability to employ and maintain it. The specifics for any particular system FOC are defined in that system’s Capability Development Document (CDD) and Capability Production Document (CPD).
Full-Rate Production (FRP)
1.) The second part of the Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 after Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) and following a successful Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR). The system is produced at rate production and deployed to the field or fleet. This phase overlaps the Operations and Support (O&S) phase since fielded systems are operated and supported (sustained) while Full-Rate Production (FRP) is ongoing. 2.) The production level contracted for once the production process has been stabilized. Ideally, it would coincide with the Economic Production Rate (EPR). See Economic Production Rate (EPR).
Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR)
Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) review to assess the results of the Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and initial manufacturing and deployment to determine whether to approve proceeding to Full-Rate Production (FRP) or Full Deployment. Continuing into FRP or Full Deployment requires demonstrated control of the manufacturing process, acceptable performance and reliability, and the establishment of adequate sustainment and support systems.
Functional Baseline
Documentation describing system/segment functional characteristics and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those specified functional characteristics. The system or segment specification establishes the functional baseline. See System Specification.
Functional Capability Boards (FCBs)
The FCBs are boards in the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) structure below the Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) that provide review and assessment of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents and adjudication of lower-level issues within their designated portfolios prior to review by the JCB, review/adjust Joint prioritization established by the FCB Working Groups, and perform other activities at the direction of the JCB or the JROC. Current FCBs are:
- Force Support (FS)
- Battlespace Awareness (BA)
- Force Application (FA)
- Logistics (LOG)
- Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4)/Cyber
- Protection (CJCSI 01G)
Functional Capability Board Working Groups (FCBWGs)
FCBWGs are the lowest level organizational structure of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC). The FCBWGs provide initial review and assessment of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents and issues within their designated portfolios prior to review by the FCB, establish Joint prioritization of capability requirements within their portfolios, and perform other activities at the direction of the FCB Chair. (CJCSI 5123.01G)
Functional Configuration Audit (FCA)
Verifies that all item or subsystem requirements established in the functional and allocated baselines, specifications, and test plans have been tested successfully, and corrective action has been initiated, as necessary. (Electronic Industries Association Standard 632)
Functional Configuration Identification (FCI)
The current approved or conditionally approved technical documentation for a system or Configuration Item (CI) as set forth in a functional specification and documents referenced therein.
Functional Domain Expert (FDE)
OSD-level official who serves as the DoD-level lead for his/her respective service portfolio group. Each FDE is responsible for actively overseeing and improving the life cycle processes of services acquisitions within his/her service portfolio group. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Functional Management
The process of planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, and directing efforts within a structure that groups responsibilities according to the type of work to be performed.
Functional Process Owner (FPO)
Joint Staff (JS) directorates that have the responsibility for the Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P)-selected joint processes are as follows: Joint Doctrine–J-7; Joint Organizations–J-8 (with J-1 and J-5 support); Joint Training–J-7; Joint Materiel–J-8; Joint Leadership and Education–J-7; Joint Personnel–J-1; Joint Facilities–J-4; and Joint Policy-J-5. (JCIDS Manual)
Functional Service Manager (FSM)
In the absence of a Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)-certified acquisition Program Manager (PM), FSMs with domain expertise for a given service requirement (e.g., transportation unit commander, installation commander, medical treatment facility commander) will exercise program management responsibilities. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Functional Specialists
Specialists who assist and exercise surveillance over lower levels of management. (For example, logisticians and Test and Evaluation (T&E) experts).
Functional Support
Systematized methodologies and procedures, or a common set of standards applied to materiel acquisition programs, which include but are not limited to personnel, technical requirements, security, Automated Data Processing (ADP), cost analysis, training, safety, audit, logistics, Product Assurance (PA), reliability, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), obligation planning and reporting, industrial preparedness, Value Engineering (VE), test, public affairs, legal, Inspector General (IG), mobilization, contracting, international cooperation, and small business.
Functional (Traditional) Organization
The classic organization. Typically a service or one product structure, with clear lines of authority in functional areas reporting ultimately to one head. Military Services are functional organizations. See Hierarchical Organization.
Fund Availability
The status of Obligation Authority (OA).
Fund Subdivision
A segment of an appropriation or other fund created by funding action as an administrative means of controlling obligations and expenditures within an agency.
Funding Profile
Program funding, usually displayed in columnar spreadsheet format by years, starting with previous year through Current Year (CY) and out years.
Funding Wedge
Initial funding estimate used to get a program recognized in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).
Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
A DoD database and internal accounting system that summarizes forces and resources associated with programs approved by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). Its three parts are the organizations affected, appropriations accounts (Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation [RDT&E]; Operation and Maintenance [O&M]; etc.), and the 11 major force programs (strategic forces, mobility forces, Research and Development [(R&D], etc.). The FYDP allows a “crosswalk” between DoD’s internal system of accounting via 11 major force programs and congressional appropriations. The primary data element in the FYDP is the Program Element (PE). The FYDP is updated twice during the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process cycle: submission of the concurrent Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)/Budget Estimate Submission (BES) (usually July/August), and submission of the President’s Budget (PB) to Congress (early February the year following). See Major Force Program (MFP).
Gantt Chart
A graphic portrayal of a project that shows the activities to be completed and the time to complete represented by horizontal lines drawn in proportion to the duration of the activity. Some Gantt Charts are able to show the float for the activity.
The Joint Staff (JS) J-8/Deputy Director for Requirements serves as the primary Gatekeeper for the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process and performs the following activities prior to documents entering staffing: 1.) Reviews each document submitted, regardless of actual/potential Acquisition Category (ACAT) designation, previous delegation decisions, or previous Join Staffing Designator (JSD) (or former Joint Potential Designator) decisions, to confirm that the document is complete and ready for staffing, 2.) Confirms that Capabilities-Based Assessments (CBAs), studies, and other similar supporting materials for the document have been uploaded to the Knowledge Management/Decision Support (KM/DS) Studies repository, or if not appropriate for the KM/DS studies repository, have been linked and/or appended as attachments to the document, 3.) May reject documents that are not properly formatted when the format issues cannot be easily corrected during post-staffing comment resolution. Document rejection terminates the Joint requirements process until corrective actions are taken, and the revised document is accepted by the Gatekeeper, 4.) Identifies lead Functional Capability Board (FCB) and supporting FCBs as needed, and 5.) Assigns a JSD based on actual/potential ACAT and Joint Staff (JS) equities (necessity of specific endorsements, leadership guidance, predecessor document JSD, etc.). (CJCSI 5123.01G and JCIDS Manual)
General and Administrative (G&A) Costs
Any management, financial, or other expense incurred or allocated to a business unit for the general management and administration of the business unit as a whole.
General Provisions
The mandatory (by law or regulation) clauses for all DoD contracts for the type of procurement involved—sometimes called “boiler plate.” The clauses devised for a particular procurement are called Special Provisions.
General Purpose Test Equipment
Mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, electronics, or other test equipment which, without modification or alteration, has more than one use and is not limited to a special or peculiar research, development, production, maintenance, or test application.
General Specification
A general specification covers requirements common to two or more types, classes, grades, or styles of products, services, or materials avoiding the repetition of common requirements in detail specifications. It also permits changes to common requirements to be readily effected. General specifications may also be used to cover common requirements for weapon systems and subsystems.
Get Well
To solve a program problem. Usually implies requirement for, or discovery of, additional funding.
A premise, fact, or assumption generally universally accepted at the outset.
Global Information Grid (GIG)
Obsolete. See Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN).
Go/No Go
The decision on whether to proceed (with a program).
Name given to the Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 that restructured certain aspects of DoD management. Named for co-authors Senator Barry Goldwater and Representative Bill Nichols.
Any articles, materials, supplies, or manufactured products, including inspection and test equipment. The term excludes Technical Data (TD).
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Formerly the General Accounting Office. An agency of the legislative branch, responsible solely to the Congress, GAO audits all negotiated government office contracts and investigates all matters relating to the receipt, disbursement, and application of public funds. Determines whether public funds are expended in accordance with appropriations.
Government Acquisition Quality Assurance (GAQA)
The function by which the government determines whether a contractor has fulfilled contractual obligations pertaining to quality and quantity.
Government Purpose License Rights
Rights to use, duplicate, or disclose Technical Data (TD) for government purposes only, and to have or permit others to do so for government purposes only. Government purposes include competitive procurement but do not include the right to permit others to use for commercial purposes.
Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE)
See Government-Furnished Property (GFP).
Government-Furnished Material (GFM)
Government property that may be incorporated into, or attached to, an end item to be delivered under a contract or which may be consumed in the performance of a contract. It includes, but is not limited to, raw and processed material, parts, components, assemblies, and small tools and supplies.
Government-Furnished Property (GFP)
Property in the possession of, or acquired directly by, the government, and subsequently delivered to, or otherwise made available to, the contractor.
Government-Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO)
A manufacturing plant that is owned by the government and operated by a civilian organization under contract to the government.
Government-Owned, Government Operated (GOGO)
A manufacturing plant that is both owned and operated by the government.
Gross Federal Debt
Also called the national debt or federal debt, it represents the total accumulated debt of the U.S. Government as a result of all federal borrowing from the founding of the United States to the present. Its two main components are debt held by the public and debt held by government accounts (also called intra-governmental holdings). Debt held by the public includes debt held by individuals, corporations, state, and local governments, the Federal Reserve System, foreign governments, and entities outside the U.S. Government less Federal Financing Bank (FFB) securities. Debt held by government accounts consists primarily of trust funds (e.g., Social Security and military retirement), revolving and special funds, and FFB securities. Debt held by the public is sometimes (erroneously) referred to as the Federal Debt. See Federal Financing Bank (FFB).
Congressional-language term for contractor warranty. See Warranty.
The coordination and integration of all operations embracing packaging, protection, and short- distance movement of materiel by available equipment.
See Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Hardness.
1.) Computers: The physical equipment that makes up a computer system, e.g., terminals and storage devices, as opposed to programming software. 2.) Weapons: combat equipment and support equipment.
Refers to the process, or results, of adjusting differences or inconsistencies in the qualitative basic military requirements of the United States, its allies, and other friendly countries. It implies that significant features will be brought into line so as to make possible substantial gains in terms of the overall objectives of cooperation (e.g., enhanced utilization of resources, standardization, and compatibility of equipment). It implies especially that comparatively minor differences in requirements should not be permitted to serve as a basis for the support of slightly different duplicative programs and projects.
Head of Agency
In DoD, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), and the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force are heads of agencies. Subject to the direction of the SECDEF, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]); the Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) and Strategic Sourcing; and the Directors of the Defense agencies have been delegated authority to act as head of agency for their respective agencies (i.e., to perform functions under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS) reserved to an agency head), except for such actions that by terms of statute, or any delegation, must be exercised within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.),, Section 167 provides the Combatant Commander (CCDR) of Special Operations Command (SOCOM) with head of agency authority similar to that of the Service secretaries.
Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)
Agency head authorized to contract for supplies and services. May be delegated to major command heads within an agency. Title is by virtue of position. See Contracting Activity.
Heartburn Appeal
An appeal issue that seeks to reverse or amend a decision by a congressional committee adversely affecting the budget. In particular, it is an appeal issue identified as being of major concern to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) that is addressed to the chairperson of the next committee scheduled to mark up the budget request. Also, any specific negative reaction to a proposal.
Hierarchical Organization
The classical or traditional type of organization with one person in charge (Program Manager [PM]) of functional areas (budget, engineering, logistics, etc.), which can be further broken into sub-elements.
Higher-Order Language (HOL)
A programming language that requires little knowledge of the computer on which a program will run, allows symbolic naming of operations and addresses, provides features designed to facilitate expression of data structures and program logic, and usually results in several machine language instructions for each program statement. Examples include Ada, BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, and ALGOL. Also called Third Generation Languages (3GLs).
Highly Sensitive Classified Program
An acquisition special access program established and managed in accordance with
DoD 5200.1–R, Information Security Program Regulation. See Special Access Program (SAP).
Move by the Congress or comptroller to reduce the Service or activity budget, usually by percentage of Total Obligation Authority (TOA) or a set amount.
Horizontal Integration
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), demonstrates that work is planned in a logical sequence considering the interdependencies among work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities), ensures that the overall schedule is rational, and provides methodology to evaluate the impact of current schedule status on subsequent work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities) and milestones. Horizontal integration depicts schedule dependencies and constraints and focuses on relationships within the same scheduling level, including those between different program elements such as hand-offs of products between Integrated Product Teams (IPTs). (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Horizontal Technology Integration (HTI)
Application of common enabling technologies across multiple systems within a force to increase force effectiveness. (Army)
Host-Nation Support (HNS)
Civil and military assistance provided by host nations to allied forces and organizations in peace, transition to war, and wartime.
Human Factors Engineering (HFE)
The systematic application of relevant information about human abilities, characteristics, behavior, motivation, and performance to provide for effective human-machine interfaces and to meet Human Systems Integration (HSI) requirements. Where practicable and cost-effective, system designs should minimize or eliminate system characteristics that requires excessive cognitive, physical, or sensory skills; entail extensive training or workload-intensive tasks; result in mission-critical errors; or produce safety or health hazards. (DoDI 5000.02) See Human Systems Integration (HSI).
Human Performance
The ability of actual users and maintainers to meet the system’s performance standards, including Reliability and Maintainability (R&M), under the conditions in which the system will be employed.
Human Systems Integration (HSI)
Includes the integrated and comprehensive analysis, design and assessment of requirements, concepts and resources for system manpower, personnel, training, safety and occupational health, habitability, personnel survivability, and human factors engineering. (DoDI 5000.02) See Human Factors Engineering (HFE).
Human-Computer Interface (HCI)
See Man-Machine Interface (MMI).
Idle Time
A time interval during which a worker, equipment, or both do not perform useful work.
The operational and support requirements a program must address (e.g., availability, maintainability, vulnerability, reliability, and logistics supportability).
The publication of directives, instructions, regulations, and related documents that define responsibilities and authorities and establish the internal management processes necessary to implement the policies or procedures of a higher authority.
Implemented Project
A cooperative project for which, subsequent to DoD Component or the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) approval, agreements with one or more allied or friendly nations have been signed and component funds or funds for cooperative Research and Development (R&D) under Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2350a, have been authorized and released.
An action by the President that prevents the obligation or expenditure of Budget Authority (BA). Deferrals and rescissions are the two types of presidential impoundment.
Impoundment Resolution
Whenever all or part of any Budget Authority (BA) provided by the Congress is deferred, the President must transmit a message to the Congress describing the deferrals. Either house of Congress may, at any time, pass a resolution disapproving this deferral of BA, thus requiring that the funds be made available for obligation. When no congressional action is taken, deferrals may remain in effect until, but not beyond, the end of the Fiscal Year (FY). If the funds remain
available beyond the end of a FY and continued deferral of their use is desired, the President must transmit a new special message to the Congress. See Deferral of Budget Authority (BA); Impoundment.
Motivating the contractor in calculable monetary terms to turn out a product that meets significantly advanced performance goals to improve on the contract schedule up to and including final delivery, to substantially reduce costs of the work, or to complete the project under a weighted combination of some or all of these objectives.
In the context of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), a militarily useful and supportable operational capability that can be effectively developed, produced, acquired, deployed, and sustained. Each increment of capability will have its own set of threshold and objective values set by the user. (JCIDS Manual) See Threshold Value and Objective Value.
Incremental Development
In the context of systems acquisition, see Evolutionary Acquisition (EA). In the context of software development, see Software Engineering/Development Approaches.
Incremental Funding
The phasing of total funding of programs or projects over two or more fiscal years based upon levels and timing of obligational requirements for the funds. This differs from the full funding concept where total funds for an end item, program or project are provided in the Fiscal Year (FY) of program or project initiation, regardless of the obligational requirement for the funds.
Indefinite Delivery Contract
There are three types of indefinite delivery contracts: 1.) definite quantity contracts, 2.) requirements contracts, and 3.) indefinite quantity contracts. The appropriate type of indefinite delivery contract may be used to acquire supplies and/or services when the exact times and/or exact quantities of future deliveries are not known at the time of contract award. (FAR, Subpart 16.501–2) See Definite Quantity Contract, Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC), and Requirements Contract.
Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC)
Provides for furnishing an indefinite quantity, within stated limits, of specific supplies or services, during a specified contract period, with deliveries to be scheduled by the timely placement of orders upon the contractor by activities designated either specifically or by class.
Independent Cost Analysis (ICA)
An analysis of Program Office (PO) and/or component Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCEs) conducted by an impartial body disassociated from the management of the program.
Independent Cost Estimate (ICE)
An ICE for a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) or Major Automated Information System (MAIS). The term “independent” refers to both organizational and analytic independence. Organizational independence means that the cost estimate is prepared by an entity not within any organization that would unduly influence the estimate. Analytic independence means that the cost estimate is free of any bias or preconceived notions about the likely cost. The estimate covers the entire life cycle of the program and includes sunk costs; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) costs; procurement; military construction; military pay; and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs. The Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE) conducts ICEs and cost analyses for MDAPs for which the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) is the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) and as requested by the MDA for other MDAPs. The ICE is also known as the “Will Cost” Estimate. (DoD 5000.02) See Life Cycle Cost (LCC).
Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE)
An estimate of the cost for goods and/or estimate of services to be procured by contract prepared by government personnel, i.e., independent of contractors.
Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA)
A disciplined and tailored review of a program’s supportability. During system design, the ILA is used to identify, control or mitigate features that are likely to drive future Operating and Support (O&S) costs (affecting a systems O&S affordability goal and cap), and to assess sustainment readiness to support fielding. After fielding, the ILA is used to assess product support performance (to include evaluation of each of the program’s Integrated Product Support [IPS] Elements) to meet warfighter needs, sustainment metrics, O&S affordability cap, and to identify O&S cost growth and cost drivers. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Independent Program Assessment (IPA)
An independent, systematic, and comprehensive review of major space system managerial and technical progress. IPAs are designed to identify program cost, schedule, and performance risks; formulate risk mitigation plans; and provide feedback both to the Program Manager (PM) and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA).
Independent Research and Development (IR&D)
Technical effort by industry that is not sponsored by, or required in performance of, a contract and that consists of projects falling within the areas of basic and applied research, development, and systems and other concept formulation studies. Also, discretionary funds that industry can allocate to projects. (Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 99, Section 9904.420)
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
An independent review of software performed by an organization that is technically, managerially, and financially independent of the development organization.
Indirect Cost
Costs that is not readily subject to treatment as a direct cost. Indirect costs are associated with two or more (contract) cost objectives, but not directly identifiable to a single contract, e.g., Overhead Costs, which are indirect costs that support a particular function of the company such as factory maintenance, and General and Administrative (G&A) Costs, which are indirect costs related the general management and administration of the business unit as a whole. Each contract has both direct and indirect costs allocated to it. See Direct Cost.
Indirect Cost Pool
A grouping of incurred costs identified with two or more cost objectives, but not specifically identified with any final cost objective.
Industrial Base (IB)
That part of the total private- and government-owned industrial production and depot-level equipment and maintenance capacity in the United States and its territories and possessions and Canada. It is or shall be made available in an emergency for the manufacture of items required by the U.S. military Services and selected allies.
Industrial Base Capabilities Considerations
Analysis that the skills and knowledge, processes, facilities, and equipment necessary to design, develop, manufacture, repair, and support a program are available and affordable. Defense industrial capabilities include private and public industrial activities.
Industrial Base (IB) Factors Analysis
Prepared to assess the near-term and long-range effect of a proposed international agreement on the U.S. Defense Industrial Base (DIB). The analysis is to address both the immediate effort and the projected development, production, and/or support of any proposed follow-on effort. Effects on prime and sub-tier industries are considered. This information is required for all proposed international agreements for research, development, and/or production of defense items.
Industrial Capability
That part of the total privately owned and government-owned industrial production and depot- level equipment and maintenance capacity in the United States and its territories and possessions, as well as capacity located in Canada, that is, or shall be made available in an emergency, for the manufacture of items required by the U.S. military Services and selected allies.
Industrial Capability Analysis
An analysis of the industrial capability to design, develop, support, and if appropriate, restart an acquisition program (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2440). It is a required part of the acquisition strategy for Acquisition Category (ACAT) I programs.
Industrial Engineering
The art and science of utilizing and coordinating personnel, equipment, and materials to attain a desired quantity of output at a specified time and at an optimum cost. This may include gathering, analyzing, and acting upon facts pertaining to building and facilities, layouts, personnel organization, operating procedures, methods, processes, schedules, time standards, wage rates, wage payment plans, costs, and systems for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services.
Industrial Facilities
Industrial property (other than material, special tooling, military property, and special test equipment) for production, maintenance, Research and Development (R&D), or test, including real property and rights therein, buildings, structures, improvements, and Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE).
Industrial Fund (IF)
A revolving fund established at DoD industrial-type activities where products or services are provided to external users. The purpose of the fund is to provide a more effective means of con- trolling costs; establish a flexible means for financing, budgeting, and accounting; encourage the creation of buyer-seller relationships; place budgeting, and accounting on a more commercial basis; and encourage cross-servicing between military departments. Charges to the fund are made for procurement of materials, services, and labor, and the fund is reimbursed by proceeds from the sale of products and services.
Industrial Mobilization
The process of marshaling the industrial sector to provide goods and services, including construction, required to support military operations and the needs of the civil sector during domestic or national emergencies. It includes the mobilization of materials, labor, capital,
facilities, and contributory items and services. Mobilization activities may result in some disruption to the national economy.
Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE)
That part of planned equipment exceeding defined acquisition cost thresholds, used for the purpose of cutting, abrading, grinding, shaping, forming, joining, testing, measuring, heating, treating, or otherwise altering the physical, electrical, or chemical properties of materials, components, or end items, entailed in manufacturing, maintenance, supply, processing, assembly, or Research and Development (R&D) operations.
Industrial Preparedness
The state of preparedness in industry to produce essential materiel to support the national military objectives.
Industrial Resource Analysis
A discrete analysis of Industrial Base (IB) capabilities conducted to determine availability of production resources required to support a major system production program.
The defense industry (private sector contractors) includes large and small organizations providing goods and services to DoD. Their perspective is to represent interests of the owners or stockholders.
Information Assurance (IA)
Obsolete. See Cybersecurity.
Information Operations (IO)
The integrated employment of the core capabilities of Electronic Warfare (EW), computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human or automated decision making while protecting our own. (Joint Publication 3–13)
Information Resources Management (IRM)
Process of managing information resources to accomplish agency missions and to improve agency performance, including the reduction of information collection burdens on the public. (Title 44, U.S.C., Section 3502)
Information Superiority
The operational advantage derived from the ability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. (Joint Publication 3–13)
Information Support Plan (ISP)
An information set supporting interoperability test and certification. It identifies and documents information needs, infrastructure support, and Information Technology (IT) and National Security Systems (NSSs), interface requirements and dependencies focusing on net-centric, interoperability, supportability, and sufficiency concerns. It is a requirement for all IT programs, including NSSs, which connect in any way to the communications and information infrastructure. The ISP is entered through the Global Information Grid Technical Guidance Federation (GTG-F) portal, and contains or links to the Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) along with supporting architectural data. Instructions for completion of the ISP are found on the GTG-F portal. (DoDI 5000.02 and DoDI 8330.01)
Information System
See Automated Information System (AIS).
Information Systems-Capability Development Document (IS-CDD)
A variant of the Capability Development Document (CDD) designed to facilitate more efficient and timely software development efforts by implementing the Information Technology (IT) Box model. If a CDD describes a capability solution with a significant IS component, the validation of an IS-CDD may permit alternate document formats and delegated approval authority for flexibility in managing the IS capability development under the CDD without needing to revalidate an Information Systems Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD). IS-CDDs are not appropriate for software embedded as a subset of a capability solution developed under other validated capability requirement documents. (JCIDS Manual)
Information Systems-Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD)
A variant of the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) that implements the Information Technology (IT) Box Model to provide IS programs greater flexibility to incorporate evolving technologies and achieve faster responses from requirement validation processes than is typical for other kinds of materiel and non-materiel solutions. IS-ICDs are used to document capability requirements and associated gaps where the intended solution involves research, development, and acquisition of applications system software, and the projected software development costs exceed $15 million. IS-ICDs with Life Cycle Costs (LCCs) less than $15 million may be submitted for review and validation if validated requirements are needed to support budgetary requests or other purposes. IS-ICDs are not appropriate for software embedded as a subset of a
capability solution developed under other validated capability requirement documents. (JCIDS Manual) See Capability Drop (CD), Information Technology (IT) Box Model and Requirements Definition Package (RDP).
Information Technology (IT)
Any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, used in the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the executive agency, if the equipment is used by the executive agency directly, or is used by a contractor under a contract with the executive agency that requires the use of: 1.) that equipment, 2.) that equipment to a significant extent in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product. It includes computers, ancillary equipment (including imaging peripherals, input, output, and storage devices necessary for security and surveillance), peripheral equipment designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources. It does not include any equipment acquired by a federal contractor incidental to a federal contract. (Title 40, U.S.C., Section 11101) See National Security System (NSS).
Information Technology (IT) Services
The performance of any services work related to Information Technology (IT) and the operation of IT, including National Security Systems (NSSs). This includes outsourced IT-based business processes, outsourced IT, and outsourced information functions. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Advisory and Assistance Services.
Information Technology (IT) Box Model
Presentation and management template for information systems being developed under an Information Systems Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD) consisting of a “box” with four sides: 1.) Requirements Organization and Oversight, 2.) Validated Capabilities and Initial Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs), 3.) Estimated Applications and Systems Software Development and Integration Costs (Lifetime), and 4.) Estimated Sustainment Costs (Lifetime). (JCIDS Manual) See Information Systems-Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD).
Information Technology Architecture (ITA)
An integrated framework for evolving or maintaining existing Information Technology (IT), and acquiring new IT, to achieve an agency’s strategic and Information Resources Management (IRM) goals. (Information Technology Management Reform Act [ITMRA])
Information Technology Infrastructure
Data, information, processes, organizational interactions, skills, and analytical expertise, as well as systems, networks, and information exchange capabilities.
Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA)
Division E of the 1996 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It repealed the Brooks Act; defined Information Technology (IT) and National Security Systems (NSSs); established the requirement to designate a Chief Information Officer (CIO) for each major federal agency; assigned the responsibility for management of IT to the Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB); and moved procurement protest authority from the General Services Administration (GSA) to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Frequently, but erroneously, referred to as the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA). See Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA).
Information Technology Management Strategic Plan
Plan that provides overall direction and guidance for the use and management of information resources across DoD.
Information Technology (IT) and National Security System (NSS) Interoperability Certification
A formal statement of adequacy provided by the responsible interoperability certification authority agency that a system has met its interoperability requirements.
Information Technology System
See Information Technology (IT).
Generally applicable for all fixed and permanent installations, fabrications, or facilities for the support and control of military forces. See Facilities and Infrastructure.
InherentAvailability (AI)
Availability of a system with respect only to operating time and corrective maintenance. AI ignores standby and delay times associated with preventive maintenance as well as Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) and may be calculated as the ratio of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) divided by the sum of MTBF and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), that is AI = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR).
Inherent Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Value
Any measure of reliability or maintainability that includes only the effects of item design and installation, and assumes an ideal operating and support environment.
Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)
Documents one or more new capability requirements and associated capability gaps. The ICD also documents the intent to partially or wholly address identified capability gap(s) with a non- materiel solution, materiel solution, or some combination of the two. An ICD may lead directly to a Capability Production Document (CPD), if capability requirements and associated and capability gaps can be satisfied though Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), Government Off-the- Shelf (GOTS), or Non-Developmental Items (NDI), with no significant development or integration efforts. (JCIDS Manual) See Non-Materiel Solution, Information Systems-Initial Capabilities Documents (IS-ICD) and “Information Technology (IT) Box” Model.
Initial Operational Capability (IOC)
In general, attained when selected units and/or organizations in the force structure scheduled to receive a new system have received it and have the ability to employ and maintain it. The specifics for any particular system IOC are defined in that system’s Capability Development Document (CDD) and Capability Production Document (CPD).
Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
Dedicated Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) conducted on production, or production representative articles, to determine whether systems are operationally effective and suitable to support a Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision. The term IOT&E is normally associated with programs on the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Oversight List.
Initial Provisioning
The process of determining the range and quantity of items (i.e., spares and repair parts, special tools, and test and support equipment) required to support and maintain an item for an initial period of service. Its phases include the identification of items of supply, the establishment of data for catalog, technical manual and allowance list preparation, and the preparation of instructions to assure delivery of necessary support items with related end articles.
Initial Spares
Items procured for Logistics Support (LS) of a system during its initial period of operation.
Initial Threat Environment Assessment (ITEA)
Identifies projected adversarial threat capabilities, including scientific and technological developments which could specifically affect program design or implementation. ITEAs will be consistent with the mission, scenario, associated tasks, conditions, or standards, and employment timeline described in the Capstone Threat Assessment (CTA). (DIA Directive (DIAD) 5000.200 and DIA Instruction (DIAI) 5000.002)
In-Process Inventory Control
The process whereby materials and parts are effectively and efficiently planned and controlled to assure their availability at the required stage of production.
In-Process Review/Interim Program Review (IPR)
Review of a project or program at critical points to evaluate status and make recommendations to the decision authority.
Insensitive Munitions
Munitions that minimize the probability of inadvertent initiation and the severity of subsequent collateral damage as a result of unplanned, external stimuli.
In-Service Review (ISR)
A multi-disciplined product and process assessment to ensure the system under review is operationally employed with well-understood and managed risk. This review is intended to characterize in-service technical and operational health of the deployed system. It provides an assessment of risk, readiness, technical status, and trends in a measurable form. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Visual examination of the item (hardware and software) and associated descriptive documentation that compares appropriate characteristics with predetermined standards to determine conformance to requirements without the use of special laboratory equipment or procedures.
A fixed or relatively fixed location together with its real estate, buildings, structures, utilities, and improvement thereon. It usually is identified with an existing or potential organization and missions or functions.
Integrated Baseline Review (IBR)
Review of a contractor’s Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). It is conducted by Program Managers (PMs) and their technical staffs, or Integrated Product Teams (IPTs), on contracts requiring compliance with DoD Earned Value Management System (EVMS) criteria requirements within 6 months after contract award. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Integrated Capabilities Development Team (ICDT)
An integrated team of key stakeholders and Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs) from multiple disciplines chartered by Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) to initiate the
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process through conduct of a Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA) to identify capability gaps in a functional area, identify non-materiel and/or materiel approaches to resolve or mitigate those gaps, and develop an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and/or a (Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities (DOTmLPF) Change Recommendation (DCR), when directed. (Army)
Integrated Diagnostics
An initiative for delivering weapon systems designed for ease of maintenance (with built-in diagnostics) with less test equipment and fewer maintenance specialists. Suggested by industry, it enhances military capabilities by increasing survivability of the support structure and by reducing the logistics task, which could degrade unit mobility. By combining the diagnostics equipment into an integrated system, maintenance quality improves.
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)
Obsolete. See Integrated Product Support (IPS).
Integrated Master Plan (IMP)
An event-driven plan that documents the significant accomplishments necessary to complete the work and ties each accomplishment to a key program event.
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)
An integrated and networked multi-layered schedule of program tasks required to complete the work effort captured in a related Integrated Master Plan (IMP). The IMS should include all IMP events and accomplishments and support each accomplishment closure criteria.
Integrated Priority List (IPL)
Annual submittal by Combatant Commands (CCMDs) which represent prioritized issues (capability gaps associated with validated or proposed capability requirements), that limit CCMD ability to successfully achieve assigned roles, functions and missions. The IPLs are the official submissions of these prioritized capability gaps to the Joint Staff (JS) for review under the CGA process. (CJCSI 3170.01I) See Capability Gap Assessment (CGA).
Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)
A management technique that simultaneously integrates all essential acquisition activities through the use of multidisciplinary teams to optimize the design, manufacturing, and support- ability processes. IPPD facilitates meeting cost and performance objectives from product concept through production, including field support. One of the key IPPD tenets is multidisciplinary teamwork through Integrated Product Teams (IPTs).
Integrated Product Support (IPS)
A key life cycle management enabler, IPS is the package of support functions required to deploy and maintain the readiness and operational capability of major weapon systems, subsystems, and components, including all functions related to weapon systems readiness. The package of product support functions related to weapon system readiness, which can be performed by both public and private entities, includes the tasks that are associated with the Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements which scope product support. (DoD Product Manager Support Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements
Product Support is scoped by the IPS Elements, which provide a structured and integrated framework for managing product support. They are considered during the development of the Product Support Strategy (PSS) and continuously assessed throughout a system’s life cycle and include: (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS).
- Product support management
- Design interface
- Sustaining Engineering
- Supply Support
- Maintenance planning and management
- Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation (PHS&T)
- Technical Data (TD)
- Support equipment
- Training and Training Support
- Manpower/personnel
- Facilities and Infrastructure
- Computer resources
Integrated Product Team (IPT)
Team composed of representatives from appropriate functional disciplines working together to build successful programs, identify and resolve issues, and make sound and timely recommendations to facilitate decision-making. There are three types of IPTs: Overarching IPTs (OIPTs) that focus on strategic guidance, program assessment, and issue resolution; Working- level IPTs (WIPTs) that identify and resolve program issues, determine program status, and seek opportunities for acquisition reform; and Program-level IPTs (PIPTs) that focus on program execution and may include representatives from both government and industry after contract award.
Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR)
Contains data for measuring cost and schedule performance on Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition contracts. It is structured around seven formats that contain the content and relationships required for the electronic submissions. It includes seven formats:
- Format 1 defines cost and schedule performance data by product oriented Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Format 2 defines cost and schedule performance data by the contractor’s organizational structure (e.g., Functional or Integrated Product Team [IPT])
- Format 3 defines changes to the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
- Format 4 defines staffing forecasts
- Format 5 is a narrative report used to provide the required analysis of data contained in Formats 1–4 and 6
- Format 6 defines and contains the contractor’s Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)
- Format 7 defines the time-phased historical and forecast cost submission
(Data Item Description [DID] DI-MGT-81861)
Integrated Security Constructs (ISCs)
Developed as part of the DoD Analytic Baseline in accordance with DoD Directive (DoDD) 8260.05 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8260.2. ISCs contain scenarios for major combat operations. Military objectives of the ISCs provide a source for developing the list of required capabilities.
Actions taken within a Program Office (PO) using the Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) process to ensure the various functional disciplines of systems acquisition management are appropriately considered during the design, development, and production of a defense system.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Includes inventions, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, copyrights, and technical information including software, data designs, technical know-how, manufacturing information and know-how, techniques, Technical Data Packages (TDPs), manufacturing data packages, and trade secrets.
Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy
Strategy to identify and manage the full spectrum of IP and related issues (e.g., Technical Data (TD) and computer software deliverables, patented technologies, and appropriate license rights) from the inception of a program and throughout the life cycle. The IP Strategy will describe, at a minimum, how program management will assess program needs for, and acquire competitively
whenever possible, the IP deliverables and associated license rights necessary for competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment over the entire product life cycle. The IP Strategy will be updated throughout the entire product life cycle, summarized in the Acquisition Strategy (AS), and presented with the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) during the Operations and Support (O&S) Phase. Program management is also responsible for evaluating and implementing Open Systems Architectures (OSAs), where cost effective, and implementing a consistent IP Strategy. This approach integrates technical requirements with contracting mechanisms and legal considerations to support continuous availability of multiple competitive alternatives throughout the product life cycle. (DoDI 5000.02)
Intended Environment
See Operational Environment.
When two or more items possess such functional and physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance and durability, are capable of being exchanged one for the other without alteration of the items themselves or of adjoining items, except for adjustment, and without selection for fit and performance.
The linking together of interoperable systems.
1.) The functional and physical characteristics required to exist at a common boundary or connection between persons, between systems, or between persons and systems. 2.) A system external to the system being analyzed that provides a common boundary or service necessary for the other system to perform its mission in an un-degraded mode; e.g., a system that supplies power, cooling, heating, air services, or input signals.
Interface Requirement Specification (IRS)
A type of Item Performance Specification that defines the required software interfaces for a given Software Item (SI) in the allocated baseline, the requirements for which are described by a Software Requirement Specification (SRS). The IRS frequently is combined with the SRS.
Interim Contractor Support (ICS)
Temporary contractor support in lieu of organic capability for a predetermined time (generally not to exceed 3 years) that allows a Service to defer investment in all or part of required support resources (spares, Technical Data [TD], support equipment, training equipment, etc.), while an organic support capability is phased in. ICS includes the use of commercial support resources
and the use of contractor support for initial fielding, and also is a method of support used in compressed or accelerated acquisition programs.
Intermediate-Level Maintenance (ILM)
That level of maintenance and/or repair of items that need not go to depot level for major work and are incapable of maintenance and/or repair at the organizational level.
Internal Audit
The independent appraisal activity within an organization for the review of the accounting, financial, and related operations as a basis for protective and constructive services to management.
Internal Control
Internal review and internal checks established by the Commanding Officer (CO) to safeguard property and funds; to check accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of accounting data to promote operational efficiency; and to ensure adherence to prescribed management policies and procedures.
Internal Replanning
Replanning actions performed by the contractor for the remaining effort within the recognized Total Allocated Budget (TAB).
International Agreement
An agreement concluded with one or more foreign governments or an international organization that is signed or agreed to by any DoD Component personnel; signifies the intent of the parties to be bound by international law; and is denominated as an international agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), exchange of notes or letters, technical arrangement, protocol, note verbal, aide memoir, contract, arrangement, or any other name connoting a similar legal consequence.
International Cooperative Program (ICP)
Any acquisition program or technology project that includes participation by the United States and one or more foreign nations, through an international agreement, during any phase of a system’s life cycle. (DoDI 5000.02)
International Involvement
The responsibility to integrate international acquisition and exportability considerations at each major milestone or decision point. This includes cooperative development or production, Direct
Commercial Sales, or Foreign Military Sales. (DoDI 5000.02) See Cooperative Opportunities and Cooperative Opportunities Document (COD).
The ability of systems, units, or forces to provide data, information, materiel, and services to, and accept the same from, other systems, units, or forces, and to use the data, information, materiel, and services exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. Information Technology (IT) interoperability includes both the technical exchange of information and the end-to-end operational effectiveness of that exchange of information as required for mission accomplishment. Interoperability is more than just information exchange. It includes systems, processes, procedures, organizations, and missions over the life cycle and must be balanced with cybersecurity (formerly Information Assurance [IA]). (DoDI 8330.01)
Inventory Control Point (ICP)
The organizational element within a distribution system that is assigned responsibility for system-wide direction and control of materiel including such management functions as the computation of requirements, the initiation of procurement or disposal actions, the development of worldwide quantitative and monetary inventory data, and the positioning and repositioning of materiel.
Inventory Objective
The quantity of an item of materiel that will satisfy the military requirement under specified mobilization conditions. It is based on threat analysis, approved U.S. force projections, combat usage, mobilization training usage, and production capabilities. It does not include quantities required to replace those units consumed, lost, or worn out in peacetime, which are included in programmed procurement objectives.
Investment Review Board (IRB)
Certification authorities for Defense Business Systems (DBSs) are required to establish and charter an IRB to provide oversight of investment review processes for business systems supporting activities under their designated area of responsibility. IRBs include representatives from Combatant Commands (CCMDs); the Components; and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), who will participate as appropriate based on the types of business activities and system modernizations being reviewed and certified. The IRB review of business systems also functions as the Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT) review in support of an acquisition Milestone Decision Review (MDR) for Acquisition Category (ACAT) IAM business systems.
Investments/Investment Cost
Investments are costs that result in the acquisition of or addition to end items. Such costs benefit future periods and generally are of a long-term character. Costs budgeted in the procurement and Military Construction (MILCON) appropriations are considered investment costs. Costs budgeted in the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation can be considered investment costs or expenses, depending on the circumstances.
Invitation for Bid (IFB)
A solicitation document used in sealed bidding.
1.) In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue and Opportunity Management Process, an event or condition with a negative effect that has occurred (such as a realized risk), or is certain to occur (probability of 1) in the future that should be addressed. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) 2.) In general usage, something in dispute or to be decided. See Issue Management.
Issue Cycle
A process followed during the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) review of the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM). It begins in May or June and extends into July and August.
Issue Management
In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue and Opportunity Management Process, the process for identifying and addressing events or conditions that have already occurred, are occurring, or are certain to occur in the future and which have a potential negative impact on the program. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Issue.
Issue Papers
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) documents defining issues raised during review of the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM).
Item Detail Specification
A program-unique specification usually approved as part of the product baseline (formerly called a “C specification” or “product specification”). Item detail specifications are applicable to any item below the system level, and define performance, functional and physical requirements, and design details of a Configuration Item (CI). Item detail specifications are intended to be used for the procurement of items, including computer programs.
Item Performance Specification
A program-unique specification usually approved as part of the allocated baseline (formerly called a “B specification” or “development specification”). States all necessary design requirements of a Configuration Item (CI) in terms of performance. Essential physical constraints are included. Item performance specifications state requirements for developing items below the system level. They specify all the required item functional characteristics and the tests required to demonstrate achievement of those characteristics.
Item-Unique Identification (IUID)
A system of marking items delivered to DoD with unique item identifiers that have machine- readable data elements to distinguish an item for all other like and unlike items. For items that are serialized within the enterprise identifier, the unique item identifier shall include the data elements of the enterprise identifier and a unique serial number. For items that are serialized within the part, lot, or batch number within the enterprise identifier, the unique item identifier shall include the data elements of the enterprise identifier; the original part, lot, or batch number; and the serial number. “Enterprise” means the entity (e.g., a manufacturer or vendor) responsible for assigning unique item identifiers to items. “Enterprise identifier” means a unique code that is assigned to an enterprise by an issuing agency. IUID applies to all items for which the government’s unit acquisition cost is $5,000 or more; items for which the government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000, when identified by the requiring activity as DoD serially managed, mission-essential or controlled inventory; when the government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000 and the requiring activity determines that permanent identification is required; regardless of value for (a) any DoD serially managed subassembly, component, or part embedded within an item and, (b) the parent item that contains the embedded subassembly, component or part. (DFARS 252.211, Subpart 252.211–7003 and DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items) See Unique Item Identifier (UII), Item-Unique Identification (IUID) Plan, and Unique Item Identification (UID).
Item-Unique Identification (IUID) Plan
Program Manager’s and Product Support Manager’s (PSM) plan for implementing IUID as an integral activity within Military Standard (MIL-STD)–130N item identification processes to identify and track applicable major end items and configuration-controlled items. IUID implemented in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8320.04 and IUID Implementation Plans are required for all Milestones and Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point as directed by DoDI 5000.02. IUID-specific design considerations are to be included in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP). IUID Implementation Plans also can be formulated at the organization, Service, or agency level. (DoDI 5000.02 and Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Item-Unique Identification (IUID), Unique Identification (UID), and Unique Item Identifier (UII).
Items of Intrinsic Military Utility
End items other than those identified in the DoD Militarily Critical Technologies List (MCTL), whose transfer to potential adversaries is controlled for the following reasons: the end product in question could significantly enhance the recipient’s military or war-making capability either because of its technology content or because of the quantity to be sold; or the product could be analyzed to reveal U.S. system characteristics and thereby contribute to the development of countermeasures to equivalent U.S. equipment.
Repetitive requirement—for example, numerous redrafts of a document or reworking a funding profile to satisfy everyone involved.
Job Lot
A relatively small number of a specific type of part or product that is produced at one time.
Job Order (JO)
1.) A formal instruction to perform certain work according to specifications, estimates, etc. 2.) Descriptive of a cost system whereby costs are accumulated by job orders.
Job Shop
A manufacturing enterprise devoted to producing special or custom-made parts of products, usually in small quantities for specific customers.
Connotes activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of two or more military departments participate. (Joint Publication 1–02)
Joint Acquisition Program
Any acquisition system, subsystem, component, or technology program with a strategy that includes funding by more than one DoD Component during any phase of a system’s life cycle. The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) decides whether to place the program under joint acquisition management. The MDA should make this decision and, if appropriate, designate the lead executive DoD Component as early as possible in the acquisition process. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Joint Capabilities Board (JCB)
The JCB is a board below the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and provides review and endorsement of documents and adjudication of lower level issues prior to validation by the JROC. The JCB has validation authority for Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents with a Joint Staffing Designator (JSD) of “JCB Interest.” The JCB is chaired by the Joint Staff (JS) Director, J-8. It is comprised of general or flag officers, or government civilian equivalent, from the Services and Combatant Commands CCMDs). (CJCSI 5123.01G)
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
Supports the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) in identifying, assessing, and prioritizing joint military capability requirements. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Joint Capability Area (JCA)
Collections of like DoD activities functionally grouped to support capability analysis, strategy development, investment decision-making, capability portfolio management, and capabilities- based force development and operational planning. JCAs are aligned with Functional Configuration Boards (FCBs). Currently, there are nine JCAs aligned with FCBs as shown below:
- JCA #1 – Force Support (FS) Force Support (FS)
- JCA #2 – Battlespace Awareness (BA) Battlespace Awareness (BA)
- JCA #3 – Force Application (FA) Force Application (FA)
- JCA #4 – Logistics (LOG) Logistics (LOG)
- JCA #5 – Command and Control C4*/Cyber
- JCA #6 – Communications and Computers C4*/Cyber
- JCA #7 – Protection Protection
- JCA #8 – Building Partnerships Force Support (FS)
- JCA #9 – Corporate Management and Support Not assigned
*C4 – Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
Corporate Management issues related to Defense Business Systems (DBS) are managed by the Deputy, Chief Management Officer (of DoD), along with gatekeeping processes with the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) via the Joint Staff (JS) Gatekeeper. (CJCSI 3100.01B, CJCSI 5123.01G, and JCIDS Manual)
Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD)
A demonstration of the military utility of a significant new technology and an assessment to clearly establish operational utility and system integrity. (JCIDS Manual)
Joint Concepts
Link strategic guidance to the development and employment of future joint force capabilities and serve as “engines for transformation” that may ultimately lead to Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P) changes. There are three categories of joint concepts: the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO), Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs), and Supporting Joint Concepts. Joint concepts examine the missions defined in defense strategic guidance in the context of the Chairman’s vision and the future joint operating environment. (CJCSI 3010.2D) See Family of Joint Concepts. (CJCSI 3010.02D)
Joint DOTmLPF–P (Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy) Change Recommendation (DCR)
For non-materiel solutions that impact more than the just the sponsor organization, a Joint DCR is used to ensure equities of all affected organizations are addressed during review and validation. The eight DOTmLPF–P areas are:
- Doctrine: Fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in coordinated action toward a common objective. Though neither policy nor strategy joint doctrine serves to make S. policy and strategy effective in the application of
U.S. military power. Joint doctrine is authoritative guidance and will be followed except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise.
- Organization: A joint unit or element with varied functions enabled by a structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to accomplish a common mission and directly provide or support joint warfighting capabilities. Subordinate units and elements coordinate with other units and elements and, as a whole, enable the higher- level joint unit or element to accomplish its mission. This includes the joint staffing (military, civilian, and contractor support) required to operate, sustain, and reconstitute joint warfighting
- Training: Training, including mission rehearsals of individuals, units, and staffs using joint doctrine or joint tactics, techniques, and procedures to prepare joint forces or Joint Staffs (JSs) to respond to strategic, operational, or tactical requirements considered necessary by the Combatant Commands (CCMDs) to execute their assigned or anticipated missions.
- materiel (“Little m” materiel): Previously fielded materiel required as part of a capability solution or as an enabler to allow the capability solution to be utilized to its
fullest potential. Previously fielded materiel may be leveraged in either their original capacity or in an adaptation or repurposing not originally envisioned.
- Leadership and Education: A learning continuum that comprises training, experience, education, and self-improvement. The role of joint professional military education is to provide the education needed to complement training, experience, and self-improvement to produce the most professionally competent individuals
- Personnel: Ensures that qualified personnel exist to support joint capability This is accomplished through synchronized efforts of Joint Force Commanders (JFCs) and DoD Components to optimize personnel support to the joint force to ensure success of ongoing peacetime, contingency, and wartime operations.
- Facilities: Real property consisting of one or more of the following: buildings, structures, utility systems, associated roads, and underlying land. Key facilities are defined as command installations and industrial facilities of primary importance to the support of military operations or military production programs. A key facilities list is prepared under the policy direction of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).
- Policy: Any DoD, interagency, or international policy issues that may prevent effective implementation of changes in the other seven DOTmLPF–P elemental (JCIDS Manual)
Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON)
Urgent Operational Needs (UONs) that are identified by a Combatant Command (CCMD) as inherently joint and impacting an anticipated or pending contingency operation. (JCIDS Manual)
Joint Force
A general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of two or more military departments operating under a single Joint Force Commander (JFC). (Joint Publication 3–0)
Joint Functional Concept (JFC)
See Joint Concepts.
Joint Information
See Joint Staffing Designator (JSD).
Joint Information Environment (JIE)
A secure environment, composed of shared Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, enterprise services, and a single security architecture, to achieve full-spectrum superiority, improve mission effectiveness, increase security, and realize IT efficiencies. The JIE is operated
and managed per the Unified Command Plan (UCP), using enforceable standards, specifications, and common tactics, techniques, and procedures. (DoDI 8320.02)
Joint Integrating Concept (JIC)
See Joint Concepts.
Joint Integration
See Joint Staffing Designator (JSD).
Joint Interoperability Test Certification
Provided by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) upon completion of testing. Valid for 4 years from the date of the certification or when subsequent program modifications change components of the Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) or supportability aspects of the system (when materiel changes [e.g., hardware or software modifications, including firmware] and similar changes to interfacing systems affect interoperability; upon revocation of joint interoperability test certifications; and/or non-materiel changes occur that may affect interoperability).
Joint Intelligence Acquisition Board (JIAB)
Term used to describe the National Intelligence Acquisition Board (NIAB) whenever the acquisition is a joint program. The Director of National Intelligence chairs the JIAB and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) co-chairs the JIAB for National Intelligence Programs (NIPs) executed within DoD. (DoDI 5000.02 and Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 105, and Intelligence Community Policy Guidance (ICPG) 105.1)
Joint Logistics Board (JLB)
Provides advice and recommendations regarding joint logistics concerns and issues that go before the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC), the Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group (DMAG), the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), and the Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) for discussion or decision. The JLB is chartered by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness (ASD[L&MR]) and Joint Staff (JS) Director for Logistics, who co-chair the JLB. Members of the JLB include the senior military service logistics representatives (Army G-4, Navy N-4, Air Force A-4, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics). Other members include: Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM); Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Deputy Commander, Army Materiel Command (AMC); Vice Commander, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC); Commander, Naval Supply Systems
Command (NAVSUPSYSCOM); Director Acquisition Resources and Analysis; and, others as identified by the co-chairs.
Joint Military Requirement
A capability necessary to fulfill, or prevent a gap in, a core mission area of the DoD. (JCIDS Manual)
Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs)
Broadly describe how the Joint Force will execute military operations within a specific mission area in accordance with defense strategic guidance and the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO). Collectively, JOCs describe required capabilities across the range of military operations and encourage further examination through wargaming, joint training, and a variety of studies, experimentation, and analyses. (CJCSI 3010.02D) See Family of Joint Concepts.
Joint Program
See Joint Acquisition Program.
Joint Programming Guidance (JPG)
Obsolete. See Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).
Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell (JRAC)
Reporting directly to the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (USD[AT&L]), the JRAC oversees (with the Joint Staff (JS), J-8), the implementation of Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUON) and Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEON). (JCIDS Manual) See Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) and Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON).
Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC)
Assists the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) in identifying, assessing, and validating joint military requirements to meet the National Military Strategy (NMS), and in identifying the core mission area associated with each requirement; ensuring consideration of trade-offs among cost, schedule, and performance objectives for joint military requirements; in establishing and assigning priority levels for joint military requirements; in reviewing the estimated level of resources required in fulfilling each joint military requirement and in ensuring resource levels are consistent with the level of priority assigned to such requirement; and in establishing an objective for the overall period within which an Initial Operational Capability (IOC) should be delivered to meet each joint military requirement. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS) is the Chairman of the JROC. Other JROC members are officers in the grade of general or admiral from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. The JROC oversees the Joint
Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), and validates JCIDS documents for JROC Interest programs. For these programs, the JROC also validates the Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Sustainment Key System Attributes (KSAs) included in the Capability Development Document (CDD), the Capability Production Document (CPD), and the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), and supports Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) reviews. (CJCSI 5123.01G) See Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), and Joint Staffing Designator (JSD).
Joint Staffing Designator (JSD)
A designation assigned by the Gatekeeper based on actual/potential Acquisition Category (ACAT) and Joint Staff (JS) equities (necessity of specific endorsements, leadership guidance, or predecessor document JSD). The JSD sets the staffing path and timeline for the document and identifies the validation authority. There are three categories of JSDs: (JCIDS Manual)
1.) Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) or Joint Capabilities Board(JCB) Interest. Applied to capability requirement documents which have a potentially significant impact to the joint force or otherwise require high-level oversight and coordination, including interoperability (other U.S. Government agency/department, allied/partner nation, coalition, etc.), and other aspects such as transportability and other joint force enablers not otherwise covered by joint certifications and endorsements.
— JROC Interest: Used for these documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT I/IA programs, or where the intended level of joint oversight cannot be satisfied by assignment of a lower level JSD. The JROC is the validation authority for JROC Interest documents.
—JCB Interest: Used for these documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs where the intended level of joint oversight cannot be satisfied by assignment of a lower level JSD. The JCB has independent validation authority for JCB Interest documents, except for U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) capability requirement documents for which the Special Operations Command Requirements Evaluation Board has independent validation authority.
2.) Joint Integration: Applied to all capability requirement documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs, which require one or more JS certifications or endorsements, but are below the level of JCB Interest. Joint Integration is the minimum JSD for weapons and munitions. The sponsor organization has independent validation authority for Joint Integration documents, once applicable Joint Staff certifications and endorsements are received.
3.) Joint Information: Applied to all capability requirement documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs, which do not need JS certifications or endorsements, and are below the level of JCB Interest. The sponsor
organization has independent validation authority for Joint Information documents and responsibility for applicable certifications and endorsements.
Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON)
Urgent Operational Need (UON) that is identified by a Combatant Command (CCMD) as inherently joint and impacting an ongoing contingency operation. (JCIDS Manual)
Joint Working Group (JWG)
Representatives for the combat and materiel developers and appropriate Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs). The primary purpose is to provide a forum for direct communication facilitating the coordination of requirements documents.
JROC (Joint Requirements Oversight Council) Interest
See Joint Staffing Designator (JSD).
Justification and Approval (J&A)
A document required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) that justifies and obtains approval for contract solicitations that use other than Full and Open Competition (FOC).
Just-In-Time (JIT)
A “pull” system, driven by actual demand. The goal is to produce or provide one part JIT for the next operation. Reduces stock inventories, but leaves no room for schedule error. As much a managerial philosophy as it is an inventory system.
Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
Performance attribute of a system considered critical or essential to the development of an effective military capability. KPPs are contained in the Capability Development Document (CDD) and the Capability Production Document (CPD) and are included verbatim in the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB). KPPs are expressed in term of parameters which reflect Measures of Performance (MOPs) using a threshold/objective format. KPPs must be measurable, testable, and support efficient and effective Test and Evaluation (T&E). Mandatory KPPs are specified in the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Manual. (JCIDS Manual) See Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), Capability Development Document (CDD), Capability Production Document (CPD), Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), Measure of Performance (MOP), Objective Value, Threshold Value, and Validation Authority.
Key System Attribute (KSA)
Performance attribute of a system considered important to achieving a balanced solution/approach to a system, but not critical enough to be designated a Key Performance Parameter (KPP). KSAs must be measurable, testable, and support efficient and effective Test and Evaluation (T&E). KSAs are expressed in terms of Measures of Performance (MOPs). (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key System Attributes (KSAs).
Knowledge Management/Decision Support (KM/DS) System
The authoritative system for processing, coordinating, tasking, and archiving Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) capability documents. JCIDS capability documents (Initial Capabilities Document [ICD], Capability Development Document [CDD] and Capability Production Document [CPD]) are posted by the sponsor to KM/DS. (JCIDS Manual)
Known Unknowns
Future situations in which it is possible to plan for or predict in part. For example, schedule changes are certain, but the extent of the changes are unknown.
Labor Productivity
The rate of output of a worker or group of workers per unit of time, usually compared to an established standard or expected rate of output.
Labor Standards
A compilation by time study of standard time for each element of a given type of work.
Land-Based Test Site (LBTS)
A facility duplicating/simulating as many conditions as possible of a system’s planned operational installation and utilization. (Navy)
Lead Component/Service
The DoD Component responsible for management of a joint acquisition program involving two or more DoD Components.
Leader-Follower Concept
A government contractual relationship for the delivery of an end item through a prime or subcontract relationship or to provide assistance to another company. Variants include: 1.) A prime contract awarded to established source (leader) who is obligated to subcontract to and
assist another source (follower). 2.) A contract is awarded requiring the leader to assist the follower who has the prime contract for production. 3.) A prime contract awarded to the follower for production, and the follower is obligated to subcontract with a designated leader for assistance. (The leader may be producing under another contract.)
Lean Six Sigma
A set of tools used to optimize processes by eliminating waste and reducing variation.
Learning/Improvement Curve
A mathematical way to explain and measure the rate of change of cost (in hours or dollars) as a function of quantity.
Legislative Affairs/Legislative Liaison (LA/LL)
The interaction between DoD (the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Services, and agencies) and Congress that includes responses to requests for information, preparation of reports, appearances at hearings, etc. Usually coordinated by and conducted through Service or agency LL offices.
Legislative Branch
Defense acquisition interests in the legislative branch (Congress) are overseen by the “congressional defense committees,” meaning the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), and the Senate and House Appropriations Committees (SAC and HAC, respectively). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 101(a)(16)) Others having legislative oversight of defense activities include the congressional staffs, individual members of Congress, the Congress as a body, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Lessons Learned
Capitalizing on past errors in judgment, materiel failures, wrong timing, or other mistakes to ultimately improve a situation or system.
The probability that a weapon will destroy or neutralize a target.
Letter Contract
An offer and acceptance that is specific and definitive enough to show the purpose and scope of the final contract to be executed. When accepted in writing by the contractor, documentary evidence exists to support the recording of an obligation. See Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA).
Level of Effort (LOE)
Effort of a general or supportive nature that does not produce definite end products or results, i.e., contract for man-hours.
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
An analytical methodology used to assist in developing maintenance concepts and establishing the maintenance level at which components will be replaced, repaired, or discarded based on economic/noneconomic constraints and operational readiness requirements. Also known as an Optimum Repair Level Analysis (ORLA).
Licensed Production
1.) Agreements by U.S. commercial firms with foreign governments/firms to produce foreign weapon systems. 2.) Overseas production of a defense article of U.S. origin based on transfer of technical information under commercial arrangements between a U.S. manufacturer and a foreign government or producer. U.S. government involvement is limited to issuing an export license.
Life Cycle (Weapon System)
All phases of the system’s life including Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); production; deployment (inventory); Operations and Support (O&S); and disposal.
Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
For a defense acquisition program, LCC consists of Research and Development (R&D) costs, investment costs, operating and support costs, and disposal costs over the entire life cycle. These costs include not only the direct costs of the acquisition program, but also indirect costs that logically would be attributed to the program. In this way, all costs that are logically attributed to the program are included, regardless of funding source or management control. The concept of Total Ownership Cost (TOC) is related but broader in scope. TOC includes the elements of LCC as well as other infrastructure or business process costs not normally attributed the program, e.g., support to military bases. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Total Ownership Cost (TOC).
Life Cycle Logistics (LCL)
Translates force provider capability and performance requirements into tailored product support to achieve specified and evolving life cycle product support availability, reliability, and affordability parameters. Includes life cycle product support planning and execution, seamlessly spanning a system’s entire life cycle, from Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) to disposal.
Life Cycle Management (LCM)
A management process applied throughout the life of a system that bases all programmatic decisions on the anticipated mission-related and economic benefits derived over the life of the system. It includes the implementation, management, and oversight by the designated Program Manager (PM) of all activities associated with the acquisition, development, production, fielding, sustainment, and disposal of a DoD system across its life cycle.
Life-Cycle Mission Data Plan (LMDP)
A statement of program needs that is applied throughout the life of an Intelligence Mission Data (IMD)-dependent acquisition program and potentially influences programmatic decisions based on the availability of IMD over the life of the program. (DoDD 5250.01)
Life Cycle Sustainment
Translates force provider capability and performance requirements into tailored product support to achieve specified and evolving life cycle product support availability, reliability, and affordability parameters. Life cycle sustainment considerations include supply; maintenance; transportation; sustaining engineering; data management; Configuration Management (CM); Human Systems Integration (HSI); environment, safety (including explosives), and occupational health; protection of critical program information and anti-tamper provisions, supportability, and interoperability. Initially begun during Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase and matured during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase, life cycle sustainment planning spans a system’s entire life cycle from MSA Phase to disposal. (DoDI 5000.02)
Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP)
Initially prepared for Milestone A and updated for the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point, Milestone B, Milestone C, Full-Rate Production Decision Review (FRPDR) and at least every 5 years after a system’s Initial Operational Capability (IOC). It contains the results of life cycle sustainment planning accomplished during the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase and the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase and spans the system’s entire life cycle from Milestone A to disposal. The LCSP addresses how the Program Manager (PM) and other organizations will acquire and maintain oversight of the fielded system. (DoDI 5000.02)
Life Units
A measure of use duration applicable to the item (such as operating hours, cycles, distance, rounds fired, and attempts to operate).
In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Process, the evaluated probability an event will occur given existing conditions. The estimated likelihood of the risk must be tied to a well-defined risk event or condition, and risk statement. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Consequence and Risk Statement.
Limited Rights
Rights to use, duplicate, or disclose Technical Data (TD) in whole or in part, by or for the government, with the express written permission of the party furnishing the data to be released or disclosed outside the government.
Line Authority
DoD officials in the direct chain of authority from the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to the Program Manager (PM), excluding staffs. The authority to give an order in each official’s own name.
Line Item (Budget)
A specific program end item with its own identity (e.g., F-22 aircraft).
Line of Balance (LOB)
A graphic display of scheduled units versus actual units produced over a given set of critical schedule control points on a particular day.
Line Production
A method of plant layout in which the machines and other equipment required are arranged in the order in which they are used in the process (layout by product) regardless of the operations they perform.
Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)
An essential support item removed and replaced at field level to restore an end item to an operationally ready condition. (Also called Weapon Replacement Assembly (WRA) and Module Replaceable Unit.)
Line Stock
Parts or components (screws, washers, solder, common resistors, etc.), that are physically identifiable with the product but which are of very low value and, therefore, do not warrant the usual item-by-item costing techniques.
Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E)
A test process that provides a timely assessment of the survivability and/or lethality of a conventional weapon or conventional weapon system as it progresses through its design and development. LFT&E is a statutory requirement for covered systems, major munitions programs, missile programs, or product improvements to a covered system, major munitions programs, or missile programs before they can proceed beyond Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2366) See Covered System.
Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report
1.) Report prepared by the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) on survivability and lethality testing. Submitted to the Congress for covered systems prior to the decision to proceed beyond Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). Prepared within 45 days of receiving the component LFT&E Report 2.) Report prepared by the Component on the results of survivability and lethality testing. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See DoD Component Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report.
Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Strategy
The strategy for conduct of a LFT&E program. LFT&E strategy should be structured and scheduled so that any design changes resulting from the testing and analysis, described in the LFT&E Strategy, may be incorporated before proceeding beyond Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). Part of the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Waiver From Full-Up System Level (FUSL) Testing The LFT&E statute (Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2366) requires a LFT&E program to include FUSL testing unless a waiver from FUSL is granted with a certification by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) or the DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) that FUSL testing would be unreasonably expensive and impractical. A waiver package must be sent to the congressional defense committees prior to Milestone B; or, in the case of a system or program initiated at Milestone B, as soon as practicable after Milestone B; or if initiated at Milestone C, as soon as practicable after Milestone C. Typically, this should occur at the time of Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) approval. The waiver package must include a Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) approved alternative plan for LFT&E of components, subassemblies, or subsystems; and, as appropriate, additional design analyses, Modeling and Simulation (M&S), and combat data analyses. (DoDI 5000.02) See Alternate Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Plan.
Local Purchase
Authorized purchase of materials, supplies, and services by a DoD organization from local commercial sources.
See Acquisition Logistics.
Logistics Assessment (LA)
See Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA).
Logistics and Readiness Capabilities
Parameters described in terms of mission requirements considering both wartime and peacetime logistics operations, including measures for mission capable rate, Operational Availability (AO) and frequency, and duration of preventive or scheduled maintenance actions. Also included are combat support requirements such as battle damage repair capability, mobility requirements, expected maintenance levels, and surge and mobilization objectives and capabilities.
Logistics Demonstration
A part of Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) used to evaluate the adequacy of the system support package and ensure the user unit has the logistical capability to achieve Initial Operational Capability (IOC). A logistics demonstration includes the nondestructive disassembly and reassembly of a production representative system using its related peculiar Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); tools; training devices; technical publications; and support equipment.
Logistics Funding Profile (LFP)
That portion of the program budget necessary to execute the acquisition logistics plan.
Logistics Support (LS) Elements
Obsolete. See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Long Lead Item (LLI)/Long Lead Time (LLT) Materials
Those components of a system or piece of equipment for which the times to design and fabricate are the longest, and therefore, to which an early commitment of funds may be desirable to complete the system by the earliest possible date.
Long Range Investment Plans
Broad plans based on best estimates of future top-line fiscal resources that form the basis for making long-range affordability assessments of acquisition programs.
A specific quantity of materiel manufactured under identical conditions and assigned an identifying lot number for use, technical, manufacturing, production, and supply purposes.
Lot Acceptance
A test based on a sampling procedure to ensure that the product retains its quality. No acceptance or installation of a lot should be permitted until a lot acceptance test has been successfully completed.
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)
A source selection process that is appropriate when best value is expected from selecting the technically acceptable proposal with the lowest price. The following factors apply when using LPTA: 1.) Evaluation factors and significant subfactors that establish the requirements of acceptability shall be set forth in the solicitation, and 2.) Tradeoffs are not permitted. (FAR Subpart 15.101–2) See Best Value, Best Value Continuum, and Tradeoff Process.
Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP)
The first part of the Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase. LRIP is intended to result in completion of manufacturing development in order to ensure adequate and efficient manufacturing capability and to produce the minimum quantity necessary to provide production or production-representative articles for Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E); establish an initial production base for the system; and permit an orderly increase in the production rate for the system, sufficient to lead to Full-Rate Production (FRP) upon successful completion of operational (and live-fire, where applicable) testing. See Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Quantity.
Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Quantity
The minimum quantity of the product needed to provide production representative test articles for Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) and efficient ramp up to full production. LRIP for Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) programs and other software systems is typically limited deployment or limited fielding. The preliminary LRIP quantity is determined at the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point and updated/confirmed at Milestone B. The LRIP quantity for a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) (with rationale for quantities exceeding 10 percent of the total production quantity documented in the Acquisition Strategy [AS]) shall be included in the first Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) after its determination. The LRIP quantity shall not be less than one unit. The Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), following consultation with the Program Manager (PM), determines the number of production or production-representative test articles required for Live- Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) of programs on the DOT&E Oversight List. For a system that is not on the Oversight List, the Operational Test Agency (OTA), following consultation with the PM, shall determine the number of test articles required for IOT&E. See Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP).
The day on which mobilization is to begin.
Machine Element
A work cycle subdivision that is distinct, describable, and measurable. The time is entirely con- trolled by a machine, and therefore, not influenced by the worker’s skill or effort.
Machine Language
A low-level computer language that can be recognized by the processing unit of a computer. Such a language usually consists of patterns of 1s and 0s. Higher-Order Languages (HOLs) typically use compilers to translate source code to machine language.
Machine-Controlled Time
That part of a work cycle that is entirely controlled by a machine and therefore not influenced by the worker’s skill or effort.
The ability of an item to be retained in, or restored to, a specified condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having specified skill levels, using prescribed procedures and resources, at each prescribed level of maintenance and repair. See Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) and Mean Maintenance Time (MMT).
Action necessary to retain or restore an item to a specified condition. See Corrective Maintenance, Event Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Scheduled Maintenance, and Unscheduled Maintenance.
Maintenance Concept
A brief description of maintenance considerations, constraints, and plans for operational support of the system/equipment under development. A preliminary maintenance concept is developed and submitted as part of the preliminary system operational concept for each alternative solution candidate by the operating command with the assistance of the implementing and supporting commands. A major driver in designing the system/equipment and the support planned.
Maintenance Levels
DoD recognizes two levels of maintenance: Field-level and Depot-level maintenance. Field-level is comprised of both organizational maintenance, which includes inspections, servicing,
handling, preventive and corrective maintenance, and Intermediate Maintenance, which includes assembly and disassembly beyond the capability of the organizational level. Depot-level maintenance includes any action performed on materiel or software in the conduct of inspection, repair, overhaul, or the modification or rebuild of end-items, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts. Depot-level maintenance generally requires extensive industrial facilities, specialized tools and equipment, or uniquely experienced and trained personnel that are not available in lower echelon-level maintenance activities.
Maintenance Plan
A more detailed description of maintenance decisions on each repairable item candidate within the system Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). There typically are a family of maintenance plans covering each major subsystem, e.g., the radar subsystem and hydraulic subsystem. The maintenance plan is based on the Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) and is the basis for each of the Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Maintenance Planning and Management
Maintenance Planning and Management establishes maintenance concepts and requirements for the life of the system for both hardware and software. It includes, but is not limited to the following: (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
- Levels of repair
- Repair times
- Testability requirements
- Support equipment needs
- Training and Training Aids Devices Simulators and Simulations (TADSS)
- Manpower skills
- Facilities
- Inter-service, organic and contractor mix of repair responsibility
- Deployment Planning/Site activation
- Development of preventive maintenance programs using reliability centered maintenance
- Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)
- Diagnostics/Prognostics and Health Management
- Sustainment
- PBL planning
- Post production software support
Major Assembly
An operation in the construction of a section that joins a number of subassemblies.
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Program
See Acquisition Category (ACAT)–ACAT IA.
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Annual Report (MAR)
An annual budget justification document reporting cost, schedule, and performance parameters for each major automated information system (MAIS)—whether baselined or not baselined—for which funds are requested in the President’s Budget. The initial submittal of these parameters constitutes the “Original Estimate” for purposes of quarterly reporting of variances and determination of Significant and Critical Changes according to Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2445c. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2445b) See Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Quarterly Report (MQR).
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Critical Change
Any one of the following constitutes a Critical Change to a MAIS: 1.) Cost growth of 25 percent or more compared to the initial baseline; 2.) Schedule growth of one year of more compared to the baseline schedule; or failure to achieve a Full Deployment Decision (FDD) within 5 years of Milestone A, or if no Milestone A was conducted, 5 years after the preferred alternative was selected (excluding bid protest time); 3.) Performance that undermines the ability of the system to perform the mission as originally intended (e.g. failure to meet a Key Performance Parameter [KPP]). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2445c(d))
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Critical Change Report and Certification
A written report to the congressional defense committees not later than 60 days after a MAIS Quarterly Report (MQR) indicates that a Critical Change has occurred in accordance with Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2445c(d). The Critical Change Report conveys the results of a program evaluation and contains Certifications by the Senior Official regarding continuing viability of the program. (DoDI 5000.02) See Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Critical Change and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Quarterly Report (MQR).
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Quarterly Report (MQR)
A written report to the Senior Official responsible for a MAIS program identifying any variance in cost, schedule, or performance parameters from the Original Estimate (which was established by submittal of a MAIS Annual Report (MAR) or Critical Change Report to Congress under Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2445b or 2445c(d), respectively). The Quarterly Report alerts the Senior Official to Significant and Critical Changes, and is submitted via the Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) process. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2445c) See Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Annual Report (MAR).
Major Automated Information System (MAIS Significant Change
Any one of the following constitutes a Significant Change to a Major Automated Information System: 1.) Cost growth of 15–25 percent compared to the initial baseline; 2.) Schedule growth of 6 months to 1 year of more compared to the baseline schedule; 3.) Performance—significant adverse change in expected performance. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2445c(c))
Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Significant Change Notification
A written notification to the congressional defense committees not later than 45 days after a MAIS Quarterly Report (MQR) indicates that a Significant Change has occurred in accordance with Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2445c (c). (DoDI 5000.02) See and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Quarterly Report (MQR) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Significant Change.
Major Budget Issue (MBI)
A top-level Service appeal of an Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Resource Management Decision (RMD) affecting a Service program, or programs, from the Service Secretary directly to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). The Service is usually required to provide funding offsets from other programs within the Service to “buy back” programs cited as MBIs.
Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP)
An acquisition program designated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) as an MDAP; or estimated to require an eventual total expenditure for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), including all planned increments, of more than $480 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 constant dollars or, for procurement, including all planned increments, of more than $2.79 billion in FY 2014 constant dollars. (DoDI 5000.02) See Acquisition Category (ACAT).
Major Force Program (MFP)
In the context of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP), an MFP is an aggregation of program elements that reflects a force or support mission of DoD and contains the resources necessary to achieve an objective or plan. It reflects fiscal time-phasing of mission objectives to be accomplished and the means proposed for their accomplishment. The FYDP is composed of 11 major programs. Those considered combat forces programs are marked by an asterisk. (DoD 7045.7–H) See Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).
Program 1—Strategic Forces* Program 2—General Purpose Forces*
Program 3—Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, and Space*
Program 4—Mobility Forces*
Program 5—Guard and Reserve Forces* Program 6—Research and Development Program 7—Central Supply and Maintenance
Program 8—Training, Medical, and Other General Personnel Activities Program 9—Administration and Associated Activities
Program 10—Support of Other Nations Program 11—Special Operations Forces*
Major System (DoD)
A combination of elements that shall function together to produce the capabilities required to fulfill a mission need, including hardware, equipment, software, or any combination thereof, but excluding construction or other improvements to real property. A system shall be considered a major system if it is estimated by the DoD Component head to require an eventual total expenditure for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) of more than $185 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 constant dollars, or for procurement of more than $835 million in FY 2014 constant dollars, or is designated as major by the DoD Component head.
Make-or-Buy Program
That part of a contractor’s written plan for developing or producing an end item that outlines the subsystems, major components, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts the contractor intends to manufacture, test-treat, or assemble (make); and those the contractor intends to purchase from others (buy).
Management and Support
Research and Development (R&D) category 06 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Includes R&D efforts directed toward support of installations or operations required for general R&D use. Test ranges, military construction (MILCON) and maintenance support of laboratories, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of test aircraft and ships, and studies and analyses in support of a R&D program are included in this category. Costs of laboratory personnel, either in-house or contractor-operated, would be assigned to appropriate projects or as a line item in the Research, Exploratory Development, or Advanced Development categories as appropriate. See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Management Control Objectives
The goals, conditions, or levels of control a manager establishes to provide reasonable assurance that resources are safeguarded against waste, fraud, and mismanagement. For Major Defense
Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), basic control objectives involve the ability to adhere to a weapon system’s cost, schedule, and performance baseline parameters.
Management Control Techniques
Any form of organization, procedure, or document flow relied on to accomplish control objectives. For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), the milestone review information and periodic program status reports specified in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 provide adequate control techniques to achieve control objectives.
Management Information System (MIS)
An orderly and disciplined accounting and reporting methodology, usually mechanized, which provides for the accurate recording of data, and the timely extrapolation and transmission of management information used in decision-making.
Management Reserve (MR)
An amount of the Total Allocated Budget (TAB) withheld for management control purposes, rather than designated for accomplishing a specific task or set of tasks. It is not a part of the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). Synonymous with reserve.
Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs)
The following KPPs are mandatory for all Capability Development Documents (CDDs) and Capability Production Documents (CPDs) unless the sponsor provides appropriate justification why the KPP is not appropriate: Force Protection (FP), System Survivability (SS), Sustainment, Net-Ready (NR), Training, and Energy. Nuclear Survivability KPPs are mandatory for systems covered under DoD Directive (DoDD) S–5210.81, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Command, Control, Safety and Security. (JCIDS Manual) See Energy Key Performance Parameter (KPP), Force Protection (FP) Key Performance Parameter (KPP), Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP), System Survivability (SS) Key Performance Parameter (KPP), Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP), and Training Key Performance Parameter (KPP).
Mandatory Key System Attributes (KSAs)
For those programs for which a Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP) is applicable, the Sustainment KPP has two primary components: Materiel Availability (AM) and Operational Availability (AO), and two Mandatory Key System Attributes (KSAs), Reliability and Operating and Support (O&S) Cost. (JCIDS Manual) See Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA) and Operating and Support (O&S) Key System Attribute (KSA).
The effort equal to that of one person during one hour/month/year.
Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
Degree of compatibility between the user (individual) and the equipment. See Soldier-Machine Interface (SMI).
Total persons available and fitted for service. Indexed by requirements including jobs lists, slots, or billets characterized by descriptions of the required people to fill them.
Manpower and Personnel (M&P)
The identification and acquisition of personnel (military and civilian) with the skills and grades required to operate, maintain, and support systems over their lifetime. Early identification is essential. If the needed manpower is an additive requirement to existing manpower levels of an organization, a formalized process of identification and justification must be made to higher authority. The terms “manpower” and “personnel” are not interchangeable. Manpower represents the number of personnel or positions required to perform a specific task. Personnel is indicative of human aptitudes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and sensory capabilities), knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience levels that are needed to properly perform job tasks. (DoD Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Manpower Estimate
An estimate of the most effective mix of DoD manpower and contract support for an acquisition program. Includes the number of personnel required to operate, maintain, support, and train for the acquisition upon full operational deployment. Once the Manpower Estimate is approved by the Component manpower authority, it serves as the authoritative source for reporting manpower in other program documentation. Required for all Acquisition Category (ACAT) I programs.
Manpower Scheduling and Loading
Effective and efficient utilization and scheduling of available manpower according to individual skills to ensure required manufacturing operations are properly coordinated and executed.
Manual Element
A distinct, describable, and measurable subdivision of a work cycle or operation performed by one or more human motions that are not controlled by process or machine.
Typically, a company that produces a product. Manufacturers are normally also vendors. See Vendor.
The process of making an item using machinery, often on a large scale, and with division of labor.
Manufacturing Engineering
Preproduction planning and operation analysis applied to specific projects. Other similar functions include sustaining (ongoing) engineering, production engineering, and production planning.
Manufacturing Management Production/Capability Review
A review accomplished by the Program Office (PO) during source selection to determine each competing contractor’s existing and planned manufacturing management system and production capacity to meet all known production requirements of the proposed system considering all current firm and projected business.
Manufacturing Readiness Assessment (MRA)
A structured evaluation of a technology, component, manufacturing process, weapon system or subsystem using Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs). It is performed to define the current level of manufacturing maturity, identify maturity shortfalls and associated costs and risks and to provide the basis for manufacturing maturation and risk management. (Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) Deskbook) See Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL).
Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL)
A measure used to assess the maturity of a given technology, component or system from a manufacturing prospective. The purpose of MRLs is to provide decision makers at all levels with a common understanding of the relative maturity and attendant risks associated with the manufacturing technologies, products, and processes under consideration. There are 10 MRLs— MRL 1 is the least mature and MRL 10 is the most mature. (Defense Manufacturing Guide for Program Managers) See Manufacturing Readiness Assessment (MRA).
Manufacturing Technology (MANTECH)
Refers to any action that has as its objective the timely establishment or improvement of the manufacturing processes, techniques, or equipment required to support current and projected programs, and the assurance of the availability to produce, reduce lead-time, ensure economic availability of end items, reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve reliability, or to enhance safety and anti-pollution measures.
Market Research
A process for gathering data on product characteristics, suppliers’ capabilities, and the business practices that surround them. Includes the analysis of that data to inform acquisition decisions. There are two types of market research, strategic market research and tactical market research. See Strategic Market Research and Tactical Market Research.
Line-by-line review and approval/disapproval/modification of the defense budget by congressional committees.
Elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made. It includes, but is not limited to, raw and processed material, parts, components, assemblies, fuels, and other items that may be worked into a more finished form in performance of a contract.
Material Specification
Applicable to raw material (chemical compound), mixtures (cleaning agents, paints), or semi- fabricated material (electrical cable, copper tubing) used in the fabrication of a product.
Normally, a material specification applies to production, but may be prepared to control the development of a material.
Equipment, apparatus, and supplies used by an organization or institution.
MaterielAvailability (AM)
One of the components of the Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP), defined as the percentage of the total inventory of a system operationally capable, based on materiel condition, of performing an assigned mission. This can be expressed mathematically as the number of operationally available end items/total population. See Operational Availability (AO) and Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP).
Materiel Developer
A command or agency responsible for Research and Development (R&D), production, and fielding of a new materiel system. (Primarily Army; however, also used in various DoD-level publications as a descriptive term for acquisition commands, agencies, and Program Offices [POs].)
Materiel Development Decision (MDD)
A review that is the formal entry point into the acquisition process and is mandatory for all programs. A successful MDD may approve entry into the acquisition management system at any point consistent with phase-specific and statutory requirements but will normally be followed by a Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase. The principal documents at this decision point are the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Guidance and Plan. A successful MDD normally does not mean that a new acquisition program has been initiated. (DoDI 5000.02) See Program Initiation.
Materiel Fielding and Training
The action of checking out equipment functions and operator and maintenance personnel training after production and before turnover to users.
Materiel Fielding Plan (MFP)
Plan to ensure smooth transition of system from developer to user. (Army)
Materiel Management
Direction and control of those aspects of logistics that deal with materiel, including the functions of identification, cataloging, standardization, requirements determination, procurement, inspection, Quality Control (QC), packaging, storage, distribution, disposal, maintenance, mobilization planning, industrial readiness planning, and item management classification.
Encompasses materiel control, inventory control, inventory management, and supply management.
Materiel Reliability (RM)
See Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA).
Materiel Solution
A new item (including ships, tanks, self-propelled weapons, aircraft, etc., and related spares, repair parts, and support equipment, but excluding real property, installations, and utilities), developed or purchased to satisfy one or more capability requirements (or needs) and reduce or eliminate one or more capability gaps. (JCIDS Manual)
Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase
The first phase of the Defense Acquisition Management System (DAMS) as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. The purpose of this phase is to conduct the analysis and other activities needed to choose the concept for the product that will be acquired, to begin translating validated capability gaps into system-specific requirements, including the Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Key System Attributes (KSAs), and to conduct planning to
support a decision on the Acquisition Strategy (AS) for the product. During this phase, an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) will be conducted and the initial AS and draft Capability Development Document (CDD) will be formulated. Also during this phase, the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) will select a Program Manager (PM) and establish a Program Office (PO), to complete the necessary actions associated with planning the acquisition program with emphasis on the next phase. This phase ends when a DoD Component has completed the necessary analysis and the activities necessary to support a decision to proceed to the next decision point and desired phase in the acquisition process. The next phase can be Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR), Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), or Production and Deployment (P&D), depending on the actions needed to mature the product being acquired. See Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), and Acquisition Strategy (AS).
Matrix Organization
Combines the advantages of the pure functional (traditional) structure and the product organizational structure. The Program Manager (PM) has total responsibility and accountability for program success. Functional managers provide technical and business assistance to the PM from outside the Program Management Office (PMO).
Maximum Production Rate
Maximum rate of production during a “surge” situation. It is not necessarily the same as the Economic Production Rate. See Economic Production Rate (EPR).
Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT)
Indicator of the average time a system is awaiting maintenance and generally includes time for locating parts and tools; locating, setting up, or calibrating test equipment; dispatching personnel; reviewing technical manuals; complying with supply procedures; and awaiting transportation.
The MLDT largely depends upon the Logistics Support (LS) structure and environment.
Mean Maintenance Time (MMT)
A measure of item maintainability taking into account both preventive and corrective maintenance. Calculated by adding the preventive and corrective maintenance time and dividing by the sum of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events during a stated period of time.
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
For a particular interval, the total functional life of a population of an item divided by the total number of failures (requiring corrective maintenance actions) within the population. The definition holds for time, rounds, miles, events, or other measures of life unit. A basic technical measure of reliability recommended for use in the Research and Development (R&D) contractual
specification environment, where “time” and “failure” must be carefully defined for contractual compliance purposes.
Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM)
A measure of reliability that represents the average time between all maintenance actions, both corrective and preventive.
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
The total elapsed time (clock hours) for corrective maintenance divided by the total number of corrective maintenance actions during a given period of time. A basic technical measure of maintainability recommended for use in the Research and Development (R&D) contractual specification environment, where “time” and “repair” must be carefully defined for contractual compliance purposes.
Measure of Effectiveness (MOE)
The data used to measure the military effect (mission accomplishment) that comes from using the system in its expected environment. That environment includes the system under test and all interrelated systems, that is, the planned or expected environment in terms of weapons, sensors, Command and Control (C2), and platforms, as appropriate, needed to accomplish an end-to-end mission in combat. See Operational Effectiveness (OE), Operational Suitability (OS), Measure of Performance (MOP), and Measure of Suitability (MOS).
Measure of Performance (MOP)
System-particular performance parameters such as speed, payload, range, time-on-station, frequency, or other distinctly quantifiable performance features. Several MOPs may be related to achieving a particular Measure of Effectiveness (MOE). See Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), Measure of Suitability (MOS), and Operational Suitability (OS).
Measure of Suitability (MOS)
Measure of an item’s ability to be supported in its intended operational environment. MOSs typically relate to readiness or operational availability and, hence, reliability, maintainability, and the item’s support structure. See Measure of Effectiveness (MOE) and Operational Suitability (OS).
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
1.) In contract administration, an agreement between a Program Manager (PM) and a Contract Administration Office (CAO) establishing the scope of responsibility of the CAO with respect to the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) criteria surveillance functions and objectives,
and/or other contract administration functions on a specific contract or program. 2.) Any written agreement in principle as to how a program will be administered.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
De facto agreement generally recognized by all partners as binding even if no legal claim could be based on the rights and obligations delineated therein.
Information describing the characteristics of data, data or information about data, or descriptive information about an entity’s data, data activities, systems, and holdings. For example, discovery metadata is a type of metadata that allows data assets to be found using enterprise search capabilities. Metadata can be structural (specifying the format structure), semantic (specifying the meaning), or descriptive (providing amplifying or interpretive information) for data, information, or IT services. (DoDI 8320.02)
Methods Engineering
The technique that subjects each operation of a given piece of work to close analysis to eliminate every unnecessary element or operation and to approach the quickest and best method of performing each necessary element or operation. It includes the improvement and standardization of methods, equipment, and working conditions; operator training; determination of standard times; and occasionally devising and administering various incentive plans.
Methods Study
Systematic recording of all activities performed in a job or position of work, including standard times for the work performed. Work simplification notes are written during the study.
Parameters or measures of quantitative assessment used for measurement, comparison, or to track performance or production.
1.) The notion, perceived or real, of closely detailed scrutiny of a program’s activities by one’s superiors in the chain of command, or by Congress. May result in second-guessing, reviews, changes, or further program justification. 2.) A usurpation of authority or responsibility.
An acquisition of supplies or services using simplified acquisition procedures, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold. “Micro-purchase threshold” means $3,000, except in the following cases it means—
1.) For acquisitions of construction subject to the Davis-Bacon Act, $2,000;
2.) For acquisitions of services subject to the Service Contract Act (SCA), $2,500; and
3.) For acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack, except for construction subject to the Davis-Bacon Act
- $15,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or any purchase to be made, inside the United States; and
- $30,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or any purchase to be made, outside the United States
(FAR, Subpart 13.2)
Midpoint Pricing
Uses a single set of rates that are the average of a pricing future period in lieu of progressively escalated rates to develop an escalated price estimate.
Midyear Review
1.) An update of the President’s original budget proposal by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and submitted to Congress by July 15. 2.) An examination of specific portions of the budget by the comptroller at approximately the middle of a Fiscal Year (FY). Primary examination of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) appropriations. Also used to release or expedite funding.
Milestone (MS)
1.) The point at which a recommendation is made and approval sought regarding starting or continuing an acquisition program, i.e., proceeding to the next phase. Milestones established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 are: Milestone A that approves entry into the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase; Milestone B that approves entry into the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase; and Milestone C that approves entry into the Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase. See Decision Points. 2.) In the context of scheduling, a specific definable accomplishment in the contract network that is recognizable at a particular point in time. Milestones have zero duration, do not consume resources, and have defined entry and exit criteria. A milestone may mark the start and/or finish of an interim step, event, or program phase. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Milestone Decision Authority (MDA)
Designated individual with overall responsibility for a program. The MDA shall have the authority to approve entry of an acquisition program into the next phase of the acquisition
process and shall be accountable for cost, schedule, and performance reporting to higher authority, including congressional reporting. (DoDD 5000.01)
Militarily Useful Capability
A capability that achieves military objectives through operational effectiveness, suitability, and availability, which is interoperable with related systems and processes, transportable and sustainable when and where needed, and at costs known to be affordable over the long term.
Military Assistance Program (MAP)
The U.S. program for providing military assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended, and the Foreign Military Sales Act (FMSA) of 1968.
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
An order issued by one military service to another to procure services, supplies, or equipment for the requiring service. The MIPR (DD Form 448) may be accepted on a direct citation or reimbursable basis.
Military Operational Requirement (MOR)
See Capability Requirement.
Military Property
Government-owned property designed for military operations. It includes end items and integral components of military weapons systems, along with the related peculiar support equipment, which is not readily available as a Commercial Item (CI). It does not include government material, special test equipment, special tooling, or facilities.
Military Utility Assessment (MUA)
See Assessment of Operational Utility and Operational Utility Assessment (OUA).
Minimum Buy
The purchase of material in standard bulk quantities even though the contract requirement is less than the standard quantity. This is done when price does not increase proportionately for quantities less than the standard quantity.
Missile Defense Executive Board (MDEB)
Recommends and oversees implementation of strategic policies and plans, program priorities, and investment options to protect the United States and its allies from missile attack; promotes continued improvement of a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) capability. Chaired by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]). The Director of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) provides the executive secretary.
The objective or task, together with the purpose, which clearly indicates the action to be taken.
Mission Element
A segment of a mission area critical to the accomplishment of the mission area objectives and corresponding to a recommendation for a major system capability as determined by a DoD Component.
Mission Equipment
Any item that is a functional part of a system or subsystem and is required to perform mission operations.
Mission Need
See Capability Requirement.
Mission Profile (MP)
Contains a time-phased, detailed description of the operational events (equipment usage) and environments (natural and man-made) that a formation or system experiences from the beginning to the end of a specific mission. There is a MP for each mission/combat operation in the equipment’s wartime Operational Mode Summary (OMS). The Army and Marine Corps normally provide the OMS and MP in one document. (Training and Doctrine Command, Army Capabilities and Integration Center: Action Officer Guide for the Development of the Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile [OMS/MP]) See also Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and Operational Mode Summary (OMS).
Mission Reliability
The probability that a system will perform its required mission-critical functions for the duration of a specified mission under conditions stated in the mission profile.
Mission Requirements Board (MRB)
Manages the national requirements process that reviews, validates, and approves national requirements for future intelligence capabilities and systems. It is the senior validation and approval authority for future intelligence systems funded within the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP), and provides advice and counsel on future requirements funded outside that body.
Mission-Critical Computer Resources (MCCR)
Computer resources whose function, operation, or use involves intelligence activities, cryptologic activities related to national security, Command and Control (C2) of military forces,
equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapon system, or is critical to direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions. See National Security System (NSS).
Mission-Critical Information System
A system that meets the definitions of “information system” and “National Security System” (NSS) in the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA), the loss of which would cause the stoppage of warfighter operations or direct mission support of warfighter operations. The designation of mission critical should be made by a Component head, a Combatant Commander (CCDR), or designee. (DoDI 5000.02)
Mission-Critical Information Technology System
See Mission-Critical Information System.
Mission-Critical System
A system whose Operational Effectiveness (OE) and Operational Suitability (OS) are essential to successful completion or to aggregate residual combat capability. If this system fails, the mission likely will not be completed. Such a system can be an auxiliary or supporting system as well as a primary mission system.
Mission-Essential Information System
A system that meets the definition of “information system” in the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA), that the acquiring Component head or designee determines is basic and necessary for accomplishing the organizational mission. The designation of mission essential should be made by the Component head, a combatant commander (CCDR), or designee. (DoDI 5000.02)
Mission-Essential Information Technology System
See Mission-Essential Information System.
Mobilization Base
The total of all resources available, or which can be made available, to meet foreseeable wartime needs.
Mock Up
A model, built to scale, of a machine, apparatus, or weapon. It is used in examining the construction or critical clearances, in testing a new development, or in teaching personnel how to operate or maintain the actual machine, apparatus, or weapon.
A representation of an actual or conceptual system that involves mathematics, logical expressions, or computer simulations that can be used to predict how the system might perform or survive under various conditions or in a range of hostile environments.
A configuration change to the form, fit, function, or interface (F3I) of an in-service, configuration- managed or produced Configuration Item (CI). Modifications primarily are defined by their purpose. A capability modification alters the F3I of an asset in a manner that requires a change to the existing system, performance, or technical specification of the asset. Such modifications generally are accomplished to add a new capability or function to a system or component, or to enhance the existing technical performance or Operational Effectiveness (OE) of the asset. A sustainment modification alters the F3I of an asset in a manner that does not change the existing system, performance, or technical specification of the asset. Such modifications generally are accomplished to correct product quality deficiencies, or to bring the asset in compliance with, or to maintain the established technical or performance specification(s) associated with the asset. Sustainment modifications may also include efforts that are accomplished for the primary purpose of improving the reliability, availability, maintainability, or supportability of an asset, or to reduce its ownership costs. Any modification that is of sufficient cost and complexity that it could itself qualify as an Acquisition Category (ACAT) I or ACAT IA program will be considered as a separate acquisition effort for management purposes.
Modular Contracting
A contracting technique that uses of one or more contracts to acquire information technology systems in successive, interoperable increments. Modular contracting is intended to reduce program risk and to incentivize contractor performance while meeting the U.S. Government’s need for timely access to rapidly changing technology. When using modular contracting, an acquisition of a system of Information Technology (IT) may be divided into several smaller acquisition increments that—
1.) Are easier to manage individually than would be possible in one comprehensive acquisition;
2.) Address complex IT objectives incrementally in order to enhance the likelihood of achieving workable systems or solutions for attainment of those objectives;
3.) Provide for delivery, implementation, and testing of workable systems or solutions in discrete increments, each of which comprises a system or solution that is not dependent on any subsequent increment in order to perform its principal functions;
4.) Provide an opportunity for subsequent increments to take advantage of any evolution in technology or needs that occur during implementation and use of the earlier increments; and
5.) Reduce risk of potential adverse consequences on the overall project by isolating and avoiding custom-designed components of the system. (FAR, Subparts 39.002 and 39.103)
An independently compilable software component made up of one or more procedures or routines or a combination of procedures and routines.
Multi-Service Test and Evaluation (T&E)
T&E conducted by two or more DoD Components for systems to be acquired by more than one DoD Component, or for a DoD Component’s systems that have interfaces with equipment of another DoD Component.
Multiyear Procurement (MYP)
A method of competitively purchasing up to 5 years of requirements in one contract, which is funded annually as appropriations permit. If it is necessary to cancel the remaining quantities in any year, the contractor is paid an agreed-upon portion of the unamortized non-recurring start-up costs. Must be approved by Congress.
National Defense Strategy (NDS)
Issued by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) in response to the National Security Strategy (NSS). It provides guidance for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) in developing the National Military Strategy (NMS) and also provides a foundation for the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).
National Disclosure Policy (NDP)
Promulgates national policy and procedures in the form of specific disclosure criteria and limitations, definitions of terms, release arrangements, and other guidance required by U.S. departments and agencies having occasion to release classified U.S. information. In addition, it establishes and provides for the management of an interagency mechanism and procedures that are required for the effective implementation of the policy.
National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP)
A collection of intelligence programs reviewed by the National Security Council (NSC) and modified by the President, as necessary, including programs of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Consolidated Cryptologic Program (CCP), and activities of the staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence. The Director of Central Intelligence is responsible for the
development and justification of the NFIP in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order (EO) 12333.
National Military Strategy (NMS)
Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) document developed by the Joint Staff (JS). Provides the advice of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), in consultation with the other members of the JCS and the Combatant Commands (CCMDs), to the President, the National Security Council (NSC), and the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF).
National Security Strategy (NSS)
Produced yearly by the National Security Council (NSC) and signed by the President. It provides grand strategy and overarching national security goals and objectives for the United States.
National Security System (NSS)
Any information system (including any telecommunications system) used or operated by an agency or a contractor of an agency, or other organization on behalf of an agency, the function, operation, or use of which:
1.) involves intelligence activities;
2.) involves cryptologic activities related to national security; 3.) involves the command and control of military forces;
4.) involves equipment that is an integral part of a weapons or weapons system; or 5.) is critical to the direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions.
Item 5.) above does not include a system that is to be used for routine administrative and business applications (including payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management applications). (DoDI 8000.01)
Near-Critical Path (CP)
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), the lowest float/slack paths of discrete work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities) in the network that have the longest total duration nearest to the CP. Using nearest paths, vice a set value, allows the near CP to range over different float values based on the latest status of the schedule—i.e., the float/slack values associated with near-CPs may differ from schedule update to schedule update, depending on the status of the schedule. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
See Capability Requirement.
Negligible Contamination Level
That level of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) contamination that would not produce militarily significant effects in previously unexposed and unprotected persons operating or maintaining the system.
Negotiated Contract
One obtained by direct agreement with a contractor without sealed bids.
Negotiated Contract Cost (NCC)
The estimated cost negotiated in a Cost-Plus Fixed-Fee (CPFF) contract, or the negotiated contract target cost in either a Fixed-Price Incentive (FPI) contract or a Cost-Plus Incentive-Fee (CPIF) contract.
Contracting through the use of either competitive or other than competitive proposals and discussions. Any contract awarded without using sealed bidding procedures is a negotiated contract.
Relating to or representing the attributes of a robust, globally interconnected network environment (including infrastructure, systems, processes, and people) in which data are shared timely and seamlessly among users, applications, and platforms. (DoDD 8000.01)
DoD Information Technology (IT) that meets required information needs, information timeliness requirements, has a cybersecurity (formerly Information Assurance (IA)) accreditation, and meets attributes required to support military operations, to be entered and managed on the network, and to effectively exchange information for both the technical and operational effectiveness of the exchange. (DoDI 8330.01)
Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is intended to ensure new and modified Information Systems (IS) fit into DoD architectures and infrastructure to the maximum extent practicable. The NR-KPP is applicable to Information System Initial Capabilities Documents (IS-ICDs), and all Capability Development Documents (CDDs) and Capability Production Documents (CPDs) addressing IS, regardless of classification or sensitivity of the data handled by the IS, unless defined as non- DoD Information Network (DoDIN) Information Technology (IT). (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) Attributes.
Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) Attributes
Net-ready attributes determine specific criteria for interoperability, and operationally effective end-to-end information exchanges which are traceable to their associated operational context, and are measurable, testable, and support efficient and effective Test and Evaluation (T&E). These attributes are: 1.) supports military operations, 2.) is entered and managed on the network, and 3.) effectively exchanges information. (JCIDS Manual) See Net-Ready and Network.
Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) Certification Process
The Joint Staff (JS) reviews and grants NR-KPP certification (via certification memo) on sponsor approved Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents prior to Milestones B and C. The JS certifies the NR-KPP using the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) architecture data, or the optional NR-KPP Architecture Assessment Template, and spectrum requirements compliance. (JCIDS Manual)
Information Systems (IS) implemented with a collection of interconnected components. Such components may include routers, hubs, cabling, telecommunications controllers, key distribution centers, and technical control devices. (Committee on National Security Systems Instruction [CNSSI] 4009)
Network Schedule
A schedule format in which the activities and milestones are represented along with the interdependencies between work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities). It expresses the logic (i.e., predecessors and successors) of how the program will be accomplished. Network schedules are the basis for Critical Path (CP) analysis, a method for identification and assessment of schedule priorities and impacts. At a minimum, all discrete work is included in the network. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
New Source Testing (NST)
The engineering testing required to validate that a part manufactured by an alternate vendor can meet the design performance and life requirements established by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
New Start
An item or effort appearing in the President’s Budget (PB) for the first time. A new start program for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) is a new Program Element (PE) or project, or a major component thereof, as determined by specific supporting information provided in the RDT&E Budget Item/Project Justification exhibits not previously justified by the
Department and funded by the Congress through the normal budget process. A new start program for Procurement is a new procurement line item or major component thereof, as determined by specific supporting information provided in the procurement budget line item exhibits not previously justified. (Financial Management Regulation) Often confused with “program initiation,” an acquisition term that describes the milestone decision that initiates an acquisition program. See Program Initiation.
Set or system of official names or titles given to items of materiel or equipment.
Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF)
Monies derived from sources other than congressional appropriations, primarily from the sale of goods and services to DoD military and civilian personnel and their dependents and used to support or provide essential morale, welfare, recreational, and certain religious and education programs. Another distinguishing characteristic of these funds is that there is no accountability for them in the fiscal records of the U.S. Treasury.
Non-Developmental Item (NDI)
1.) Any previously developed item of supply used exclusively for government purposes by a federal agency, a state or local government, or a foreign government with which the United States has a mutual defense cooperation agreement.
2.) Any item described in item 1 that requires only minor modifications or modifications of the type customarily available in the commercial marketplace in order to meet the requirements of the procuring department or agency.
3.) Any item of supply being produced that does not meet the requirements of items 1 or 2 solely because the item is not yet in use. (FAR, Subpart 2.101) See Commercially Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS).
Non-Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP)
A program other than an MDAP, i.e., Acquisition Category (ACAT) II, III and IV programs. See Acquisition Category (ACAT).
Non-Materiel (Capability Solution)
Changes in Doctrine, Organization, Training, (previously fielded) materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P), implemented to satisfy one or more capability requirements (or needs) and reduce or eliminate one or more capability gaps, without the need to develop or purchase a new materiel solution. (CJCSI 3170.01I)
Non-Recurring Costs (NRCs)
Costs that occur once or occasionally for a particular cost objective. NRCs include preliminary design effort, design engineering, and all partially completed reporting elements manufactured for tests.
Nuclear Hardening
The employment of any design or manufacturing technique applied to an item/system that allows it to resist malfunction (temporary or permanent) and/or degraded performance induced by nuclear weapon effects. Such systems are considered nuclear-hardened. (DoDI 3150.09)
Nuclear Survivability
The capability of a system to withstand exposure to a nuclear environment without suffering loss of ability to accomplish its designated mission throughout its life cycle. Nuclear survivability may be accomplished by hardening, timely re-supply, redundancy, mitigation techniques (including operational techniques), or a combination thereof. (DoDI 3150.09)
Numerical Control
Computer-controlled machine operation that provides high repeatability for multiple process steps.
Nunn-McCurdy Breach
Refers to Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2433, Unit Cost Reports (UCRs). This amendment to Title 10 was introduced by Senator Sam Nunn and Representative Dave McCurdy in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 1982. Requires that Acquisition Category I (ACAT I) Program Managers (PMs) maintain current estimates of Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC) and Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC). If the PAUC or APUC increases by 25 percent or more over the current Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) objective, or 50 percent or more over the original APB objective, the program must be terminated unless the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) certifies to Congress that the program is essential to national security. (DoDI 5000.02 and Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 10) See Unit Cost Report (UCR) and Acquisition Program Baseline (APB).
Object Code
Computer instructions and data definitions in a form that is output by an assembler or compiler. Typically machine language.
Objective/Objective Value
Value of an attribute that is applicable when a higher level of performance delivers significant increased operational effect, or decreased operational risk, if it can be delivered at an affordable Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The objective value is the desired operational goal that is achievable but at a higher risk in LCC, schedule, and technology. Performance above the objective does not justify the additional expense. (JCIDS Manual)
Obligated Balance
The amount of Budget Authority (BA) committed for specific purposes but not actually spent.
1.) Binding agreement that will result in outlays immediately or in the future. 2.) Amount representing orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during an accounting period that will require payment during the same, or a future, period. Includes payments for which obligations previously have not been recorded and adjustments for differences between obligations previously recorded and actual payments to liquidate those obligations. The amount of obligations incurred is segregated into undelivered orders and accrued expenditures—paid or unpaid. For purposes of matching a disbursement to its proper obligation, the term obligation refers to each separate obligation amount identified by a separate line of accounting. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Obligation Authority (OA)
The sum of Budget Authority (BA) provided for a given Fiscal Year (FY), balances of amounts brought forward from prior years that remain available for obligation, and amounts authorized to be credited to a specific fund or account during that year, including transfers between funds or accounts. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Budget Authority (BA).
A lack of availability of an item or raw material resulting from statutory and process changes, as well as new designs. Obsolescence deals with the process or condition by which a piece of equipment becomes no longer useful, or a form and function no longer current or available for production or repair. Implementation of new technology causes older technology to become less supportable because of the diminished availability of parts and suppliers. Mitigation practices include reviewing proposed parts lists for obsolescence and being proactive in the engineering design process prior to production. (SD-22 DoD Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages Guidebook) See Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS).
A response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract.
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Principal Staff Assistants (PSAs)
See Principal Staff Assistants (PSAs).
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L])
The OUSD(AT&L) is organized to meet the Under Secretary’s statutory and regulatory responsibilities. Several major organizational elements report directly to the USD(AT&L) including the Principal Deputy USD(AT&L); the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) (ASD[R&E]); the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (ASD[A]); the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness (ASD[L&MR]); the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological (ASD[NCB]) Defense Programs; Deputy USD for Installations and Environment (DUSD[I&E]); the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Operational Energy Plans and Programs); and the Director, Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Also, reporting to staff elements within OUSD(AT&L) are a number of Defense agencies such as the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). See Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]).
Offset Agreements
One of various industrial and commercial compensation practices required of defense contractors by foreign governments as a condition for the purchase of defense articles/services in either government-to-government or direct commercial sales. The responsibility for negotiating offset arrangements resides with the U.S. firm involved.
Procurement of existing systems or equipment without a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) program or with minor development necessary to make system suitable for DoD needs. May be commercial system/equipment or one already in DoD inventory. See Commercial Item (CI) and Non-Developmental Item (NDI).
One-Year Appropriations
Appropriations generally used for current administrative, maintenance, and operational pro- grams, including the procurement of items classified as “expenses.” These appropriations are available for obligation for one Fiscal Year (FY).
Open Architecture
A technical architecture that adopts open standards supporting a modular, loosely coupled and highly cohesive system structure that includes publishing of key interfaces within the system and full design disclosure. See Open System and Open Systems Architecture (OSA).
Open Standards
Widely accepted and supported standards set by recognized standards organizations or the marketplace. These standards support interoperability, portability, and scalability and are equally available to the general public at no cost or with a moderate license fee.
Open System
A system that implements specifications maintained by an open, public consensus process for interfaces, services, and support formats, to enable properly engineered components to be utilized across a wide range of systems with minimal change, to interoperate with other components on local and remote systems, and to interact with users in a manner that facilitates portability.
Open Systems Architecture (OSA)
A system that employs modular design, uses widely supported and consensus based standards for its key interfaces, and has been subjected to successful validation and verification tests to ensure the openness of its key interfaces.
Open Systems Environment (OSE)
A comprehensive set of interfaces, services, and supporting formats, plus aspects of interoperability of application, as specified by Information Technology (IT) standards and profiles. An OSE enables information systems to be developed, operated, and maintained independent of application-specific technical solutions or vendor products.
Operating Budget (OB)
The annual budget of an activity stated in terms of Budget Classification Code (BCC), functional/sub-functional categories, and cost accounts. It contains estimates of the total value of resources required for the performance of the mission including reimbursable terms of total work units identified by cost accounts.
Operating and Support (O&S) (Cost)
A Life Cycle Cost (LCC) cost category that includes all personnel, equipment, supplies, software, and services, including contract support, associated with operating, modifying, maintaining, supplying, training, and supporting a defense acquisition program in the DoD inventory. This includes costs directly and indirectly attributable to the specific defense program;
i.e., costs that would not occur if the program did not exist, such as mission personnel, unit level consumption, fuel and energy resources, intermediate-level maintenance, depot maintenance, contractor support, sustaining support, and indirect support. These activities are not bound to a life cycle phase or appropriation category. See Life Cycle Cost (LCC).
Operating and Support (O&S) Key System Attribute (KSA)
One of the mandatory KSAs that supports the Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP). Costs are to be included regardless of funding source or management control. The O&S cost value should cover the planned life cycle timeframe, consistent with the timeframe and system population identified in the Sustainment KPP. All O&S cost elements included in the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) Cost Estimating Structure must be considered. (JCIDS Manual) See Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA) and Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP).
Operating at Risk List (OARL)
Listing of all Informational Technology (IT) systems that were denied an Interim Certificate to Operate (ICTO), are operating on a DoD network without interoperability certification or ICTO, and have not received an appropriate waiver. Subject to any DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) and DoD Component guidance, individual enclave owners must determine whether to allow IT listed on the OARL to connect. Enclave owners may require some additional level of interoperability evaluation for risk mitigation purposes. For example, Urgent Operational Needs (UONs), (Joint Urgent Operational Need [JUON], Joint Emergent Operational Need [JEON], and Component Urgent Operational Needs [UONs]) that address information systems and were exempted from the Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter (KPP) and have not received interoperability certification must be identified on the OARL. (DoDI 8330.01)
Operating Costs
See Operating and Support (O&S) Costs.
Operating Time
The time during which the system is operating in a manner acceptable to the operator.
1.) The assembly or disassembly of parts or objects. 2.) The preparation of an object for another operation, transportation, inspection, or storage. 3.) Military action using deployed forces.
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Appropriation
Appropriations which fund expenses such as maintenance services, civilian salaries, travel, minor construction projects, operating military forces, training and education, depot
maintenance, working capital funds, and base operations support. O&M follows the Department’s Annual Funding budget policy. O&M appropriations are available for obligation purposes for one year. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Operation Process Chart
Identifies the successive operations, in their required sequence, for producing a product (component).
Operational Assessment (OA)
A test event that is conducted before initial production units are available and which incorporates substantial operational realism. An OA is conducted by the lead Operational Test Agency (OTA) in accordance with a test plan approved by the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) for programs subject to Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) operational test and evaluation (OT&E) oversight. As a general criterion for proceeding through Milestone C, the lead OTA will conduct and report results of at least one OA. An OA is usually required in support of the first limited fielding for acquisition models employing limited fieldings. An operational test, usually an OA, is required prior to deployment of Accelerated Acquisition Programs that are subject to OSD OT&E or Live Fire test and Evaluation (LFT&E) oversight.
An OA may be combined with training events. An OA is not required for programs that enter the acquisition system at Milestone C. (DoDI 5000.02)
Operational Availability (AO)
One of the components of the Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP). 1.) Percentage of time that a system or group of systems within a unit are operationally capable of performing an assigned mission and can be expressed as uptime/(uptime + downtime). (JCIDS Manual) 2.) Alternatively, can be considered as the degree (expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1, or the percentage equivalent) to which one can expect a piece of equipment or weapon system to work properly when it is required, that is, the percent of time the equipment or weapon system is available for use. This may be calculated using logistics parameters that consider the effect of reliability, maintainability, and Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) by dividing Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) by the sum of the MTBM, Mean Maintenance Time (MMT), and MLDT, that is, AO = MTBM/(MTBM + MMT + MLDT). It is the quantitative link between readiness objectives and supportability. See Materiel Availability (AM), Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM), Mean Maintenance Time (MMT), Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) and Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP).
Operational Capability
The measure of the results of the mission, given the condition of the systems during the mission (dependability).
Operational Constraints
Includes items such as the expected threat and natural environments, the possible modes of transportation into and within expected areas of operation, the expected Electronic Warfare (EW) environment, the potential for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) application, operational manning limitations, and existing infrastructure support capabilities.
Operational Effectiveness (OE)
Measure of the overall ability of a system to accomplish a mission when used by representative personnel in the environment planned or expected for operational employment of the system considering organization, doctrine, tactics, supportability, survivability, vulnerability, and threat. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Operational Environment
An environment that addresses all operational requirements and specifications required of the final system, to include its platform and packaging.
Operational Mode Summary (OMS)
Contains a description of the concept of employment, describes all types of operational modes that apply to a system, and shows the anticipated relative frequency of occurrence of these modes during the life of the system as it functions across the anticipated operational environment. The OMS is a roll-up of the piece of equipment wartime usage for the number of mission/combat operations (mission profiles) that are being analyzed to determine (as appropriate) the total operating time, alert time, and calendar time associated with each mission profile. The Army and Marine Corps normally provide the OMS and Mission Profile (MP) in one document. (Training and Doctrine Command, Army Capabilities and Integration Center: Action Officer Guide for the Development of the Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile [OMS/MP]) See also Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and Mission Profile (MP).
Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile (OMS/MP)
Component approved document that describes the operational tasks, events, duration, frequency and environment in which the materiel solution is expected to perform each mission and each phase of a mission. (DoDI 5000.02)
Operational Requirements
Validated needs that are generated by the user or user representative and developed to address mission area deficiencies, evolving threats, emerging technologies, or weapon system cost improvements. Operational performance requirements from the Capability Development Document (CDD) and Capability Production Document (CPD) provide the foundation for weapon system technical specifications and contract requirements. See Capability Need.
Operational Suitability (OS)
The degree to which a system can be satisfactorily placed in field use with consideration to reliability, availability, compatibility, transportability, interoperability, wartime usage rates, maintainability, safety, human factors, habitability, manpower supportability, logistics supportability, documentation, environmental effects and training requirements. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Operational System Development
Budget Activity (BA) 7 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account that includes development efforts to upgrade systems that have been fielded or have received approval for Full-Rate Production (FRP) and for which funding is anticipated in the Current Year (CY) or subsequent Fiscal Year (FY). A logical progression of program phases and development and production funding must be evident in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) consistent with DoD’s full funding policy. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Operational Test Agency (OTA) Report of Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E)
Report that documents the results of the Operational Test (OT) event(s) performed in accordance with the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) and the approved Operational Test Plan (OTP). It also addresses the adequacy and limitations of the OT performed, evaluates the operational effectiveness and suitability of the covered platform or weapon system, and documents the deficiencies found in system operation. The OTA Report is due within 60 days of the completion of OT.
Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E)
The field test, under realistic conditions, of any item (or key component) of weapons, equipment, or munitions for the purpose of determining the effectiveness and suitability of the weapons, equipment, or munitions for use in combat by typical military users, and the evaluation of the results of such tests.
Operational Test Plan (OTP)
Documents the objectives of the test Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) and Measures of Suitability (MOS); number, duration, and scope of each test event; and details of the operational conditions that will be varied during the execution of the described Operational Test
(OT) scenarios. It also documents the specific data to be collected, as well as the methods for gathering, reducing, and analyzing the data, and the detailed resources, threat simulation, and known test limitations.
Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR)
A multi-disciplined product and process assessment to ensure that the system can proceed into Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) with a high probability of success, and that the system is effective and suitable for service introduction. The OTRR is complete when the Service Acquisition Executive (SAE) evaluates and determines materiel system readiness for IOT&E. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Operational Utility Assessment (OUA)
The OUA report describes how a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration’s (JCTD’s) products affect the resolution of an Operational Problem (OP) and fulfill operational Desired Capabilities (DC). It declares the level of operational utility according to the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedure (TTPs); and provides post-JCTD transition, CONOPs and TTPS, and Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P) recommendations. The OUA report and applicable Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) [if required in lieu of OUA Report] and/or Capability Development Document (CDD) are needed to meet the requirements of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process. See Assessment of Operational Utility.
Operational Viewpoint (OV)
Models in the OV describe the tasks and activities, operational elements, and resource flow exchanges required to conduct operations. A pure operational model is materiel independent. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Operations and Support (O&S) Cost
See Operating and Support O&S) Cost.
Operations and Support (O&S) Phase
The fifth phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 after Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA), Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR), Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), and Production and Deployment (P&D). The purpose of the O&S Phase is to execute the Product Support Strategy (PSS), satisfy materiel readiness and operational performance requirements, and sustain the system over its life cycle (to include disposal). This phase has two major efforts: Life Cycle Sustainment and Disposal. The phase is not initiated by a formal milestone, but instead begins with the deployment of the first system to the field, an act that initiates the Life Cycle Sustainment part of this phase. The Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP), prepared, by the Program Manager (PM) and approved by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), is the basis for activities during this part of the phase. The Life Cycle Sustainment effort overlaps the Full-
Rate Production (FRP) or Full Deployment Decision (FDD) part of the P&D Phase. At the end of its useful life, a system will be demilitarized and disposed of in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements and policy relating to safety (including explosives safety), security, and the environment. (DoDI 5000.02)
Operations Security
Protection of military operations and activities resulting from identification and subsequent elimination or control of indicators susceptible to hostile operations.
In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Process, the potential future benefit to a program’s cost, schedule, and/or performance baseline, usually achieved through reallocation of resources. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Opportunity Management.
Opportunity Management
In the context of the DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Process, a process for planning, identifying, analyzing, handling, and monitoring initiatives that yield potential program cost reductions, schedule reductions, and/or performance improvements. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Opportunity.
Optimum Repair Level Analysis (ORLA)
See Level of Repair/Analysis (LOR/A).
A contractual clause permitting an increase in the quantity of supplies beyond that originally stipulated or an extension in the time for which services may be required.
Ordering Activity
An activity that originates a requisition or order for procurement, production, or performance of work or services by another activity.
Organic Support
The capability of a military Service or a Defense agency to sustain logistics operations through
U.S. Government organizational structures.
Organizational-Level Maintenance
The maintenance and repair performed by the activity level (organization), which uses the system’s equipment within the activity’s capability.
Original Budget
The budget established at, or near, the time the contract was signed, based on the Negotiated Contract Cost (NCC).
Other Plant
That part of plant equipment, regardless of dollar value, which is used in, or in conjunction with, the manufacture of components or end items relative to maintenance, supply, processing, assembly, or Research and Development (R&D) operations, but excluding items categorized as Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE).
Out of Hide
Means of funding a program, perhaps not planned or scheduled, out of existing Service funds without receiving any outside help from the Congress or Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).
See Provisioning.
The amount of checks issued or other payments made (including advances to others), net of refunds and reimbursements. Outlays are net of amounts that are adjustments to obligational authority. The terms “expenditure” and “net disbursement” are frequently used interchangeably with the term “outlay.” Gross outlays are disbursements and net outlays are disbursements (net of refunds) minus reimbursements collected. See Expenditure.
Out-of-Court Settlement
Resolves a major issue that, during the program review, presents an alternative to a proposal in the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM). It is known as out-of-court because the issue was resolved outside the deliberation of the Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group (DMAG). The settlement reflects agreement reached through working-level negotiations between members of the Services and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).
1.) In contracting, the desired results from the contractor. 2.) In Automated Data Processing (ADP), the result of what the computer is asked to do when activated.
Output Standard
Specifies the number of items or amount of services that should be produced in a specific time by a specific method.
Normally, the years beyond the year being worked in the upcoming budget. If the budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 is being prepared, out-years are FY 2019 and beyond. Also used to refer to years beyond the current Program Objectives Memorandum (POM). For example, the out- years of POM 2018–2022 are 2023 and beyond.
Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT)
An Integrated Product Team (IPT) led by the appropriate Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) director, and composed of the Program Manager (PM), Program Executive Officer (PEO), component staff, user/user representative, and OSD and Joint Staff (JS) members involved in the oversight and review of a particular Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID or ACAT IAM program.
See Indirect Costs.
Review activity by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Staff (JS), DoD Components, and congressional committees of DoD programs to determine current status, ascertain if the law or other desires of Congress are being followed, or as a basis for possible future legislation.
The process and procedures used to protect materiel. It includes cleaning, drying, preserving, packing, and unitization.
Packard Commission
The President’s 1986 Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management. It made a number of significant recommendations on re-organizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the defense command structure, and the defense acquisition process. Many of these were enacted into law or instituted within DoD.
Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation (PHS&T)
The combination of resources, processes, procedures, design, considerations, and methods to ensure that all system, equipment, and support items are preserved, packaged, handled, and transported properly, including environmental considerations, equipment preservation for the short and long storage, and transportability. Some items require special environmentally controlled, shock isolated
containers for transport to and from repair and storage facilities via all modes of transportation (land, rail, air, and sea). (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
A determining factor or characteristic. Usually related to performance in developing a system.
Parametric Cost Estimate
A cost-estimating methodology using statistical relationships between historical costs and other program variables such as system physical or performance characteristics, contractor output measures, or manpower loading.
Participating Service
A military service that supports the lead Service in developing a joint acquisition program by contributing personnel and/or funds.
Peer Reviews
Independent management reviews of supplies and services contracts. Pre-award reviews are conducted on supplies and services contracts; post-award reviews are conducted on services contracts. The Director, Defense Procurement, Acquisition Policy and Strategic Sourcing (DPAP), in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L]), conducts peer reviews for contracts with an estimated value of $1 billion or more (including options). DoD components conduct peer reviews for contracts valued at less than $1 billion.
Those operational and support characteristics of the system that allow it to effectively and efficiently perform its assigned mission over time. The support characteristics of the system include both supportability aspects of the design and the support elements necessary for system operation.
Performance Attribute
See Attribute.
Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
See Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS).
Performance Threshold
See Threshold/Threshold Value.
Performance Work Statement (PWS)
A work statement for performance-based acquisitions that describes the required product or service in clear, specific and objective terms with associated measurable outcomes.
Performance-Based Life Cycle Product Support
See Performance-Based Logistics (PBL).
Performance-Based Logistics (PBL)
Synonymous with performance based product support, where outcomes are acquired through performance based arrangements that deliver Warfighter requirements and incentivize product support providers to reduce costs through innovation. These arrangements are contracts with industry or inter-governmental agreements. Sources of support may be organic, commercial, or a combination, with primary focus optimizing customer support, weapon system availability, and reduced ownership costs. (DoD Product Support Manager’s Guidebook)
Performance-Based Payments (PBPs)
Method of providing financing to contractors performing under fixed-price contracts in which payments are based on achieving specific events or accomplishments that are defined and valued in advance by the parties to the contract. For another method of contract financing, see Progress Payments.
See Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT).
PERT Chart
A graphic portrayal of milestones, activities, and their dependency upon other activities for completion and depiction of the Critical Path (CP).
See Acquisition Phase and Defense Acquisition System (DAS).
Physical Configuration Audit (PCA)
Physical examination of the actual configuration of the item being produced. It verifies that the related design documentation matches the item as specified in the contract. The system product baseline is finalized and validated at the PCA. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Product Baseline.
Piece Part
A single piece not normally subject to disassembly without destruction or impairment of use, such as resistors, transistors, relays, and gears.
Pilot Line and Tooling Costs
1.) Costs associated with establishing an initial pilot line, necessary to acquire a limited number of representative items for test purposes, including the test items that will be funded by Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E). All items and costs beyond the quantity sufficient to test for operational acceptability will be financed by other appropriations. 2.) When an item under development has also been approved for procurement, operational use, and included in the force structure, then hard tooling requirements common to both development and procurement phases will be funded by procurement appropriations. When an item under development has not been approved for procurement, operational use, and included in the force structure, then tooling and other preliminary production facilities required to produce realistic development hardware for Test and Evaluation (T&E) will be financed by RDT&E, even though such tooling might later be used for procurement if the item is subsequently approved for procurement, operational use, and included in the force structure.
Pilot Line Items
Production items manufactured to confirm production feasibility.
Pilot Production
Production line normally established during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) or Production and Deployment (P&D) Phases to test new manufacturing methods and procedures. Normally funded by Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) until the line is proven.
Planning Package
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), a holding account (within a control account) for budget for future work that is not yet practicable to plan at the work package level. The planning package budget is time-phased in accordance with known schedule requirements (due dates) for resource planning and plans are refined as detail requirements become clearer and time to begin work draws nearer. A company may elect to break the work assigned to a control account into smaller groupings of tasks/activities, i.e., multiple planning packages, for internal planning and control reasons. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Process
The primary Resource Allocation Process (RAP) of DoD. It is one of three major decision support systems for defense acquisition along with Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) and the Defense Acquisition System (DAS). It is a formal, systematic structure for making decisions on policy, strategy, and the development of forces and capabilities to accomplish anticipated missions. PPBE is an annual process which produces the
Secretary’s Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), 5-year Program Objectives Memoranda (POMs), and 1-year Budget Estimate Submissions (BES) for the military departments and defense agencies, and the DoD portion of the President’s Budget (PB).
Point of Contact (POC)
Person serving as coordinator, action officer, or focal point for an activity.
Portfolio-Specific Commodity Manager (PSCM)
The individual who is responsible for management and effectiveness of acquisitions for services within a specific portfolio and who works closely with requiring activities and contracting agencies to ensure the acquisition actions fulfill user requirements. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Post-Critical Design Review (CDR) Assessment (P-CDRA)
For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), a formal review of the results of the Critical Design Review (CDR) and Post-CDR Report submitted by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) (DASD[SE]) to the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that provides an overall assessment of the conduct of the review and the technical risk. For Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID and IAM programs, DASD(SE) will conduct the CDR assessment. For ACAT IC and IAC programs, the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) will conduct the CDR assessment. This will be accomplished through DASD(SE) participation in the CDR and review of any program artifacts necessary to conduct the assessment. For non-MDAPs, Component policy applies. See Critical Design Review (CDR) and Post-Critical Design Review (CDR) Report.
Post-Critical Design Review (CDR) Report
For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), a brief assessment of the design maturity and technical risks which may require Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) attention prepared by representatives of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) (DASD[SE]) at the conclusion of the system-level Critical Design Review (CDR). For non- MDAPs, Component policy applies.
Post-Deployment Review (PDR)
Conducted by DoD components beginning at Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and then nominally every 3 to 5 years or when precipitated by changes in requirements/design or performance problems. These periodic assessments verify whether the fielded system continues to meet or exceed thresholds and objectives for cost, performance, and support parameters approved at the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision. In addition to comparing actual versus expected levels of performance and support, the reviews should at minimum include Product
Support Integrator/Product Support Provider’s (PSI/PSP’s) performance, including effectiveness of sustained materiel readiness implementation, product improvements incorporated, and configuration control. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Post-Deployment Software Support (PDSS)
Those software support activities that occur after the deployment of the system.
Post Implementation Review (PIR)
The Functional Sponsor, in coordination with the DoD Component Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Program Manager (PM), plans and conducts a PIR for all fully deployed Information Technology (IT), including National Security Systems (NSSs). PIRs report the degree to which Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities– Policy (DOTmLPF–P) changes have achieved the established Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) for the desired capability; evaluate systems to ensure positive Return on Investment (ROI); decide whether continuation, modification, or termination of the systems is necessary to meet mission requirements; and document lessons learned. If the PIR overlaps with Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation (FOT&E), the sponsor should coordinate planning of both events for efficiency. (DoDI 5000.02)
Post-Preliminary Design Review Assessment (P-PDRA)
Formal assessment of the results of the PDR, PDR Report, and Program Manager’s (PM’s) assessment by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) to determine whether remedial action is necessary to achieve Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) objectives. It may be conducted as part of Milestone B if the PDR and PDR Report are completed during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase, or soon after Milestone B. For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) programs, a post-PDR assessment will be conducted and provided to the MDA. For Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID and ACAT IAM programs, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) (DASD(SE) will participate in the program’s PDRs as the basis for preparation of the post-PDR assessment to inform the MDA of technical risks and the program’s readiness to proceed into detailed design. For ACAT IC and ACAT IAC programs, the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) will conduct the post-PDR assessment. See Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), Preliminary Design Review (PDR), and Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report.
Post-Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report
Formal documentation of the outcome of the PDR provided to the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). The report should include recommended requirements trades, as appropriate, and an
assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk associated with the system design. See Preliminary Design Review (PDR).
Post-Production Software Support (PPSS)
Those software support activities that occur after the production of the system has been completed. (Army)
Post-Production Support (PPS)
Systems management and support activities necessary to ensure continued attainment of System Readiness Objectives (SROs) with economical Logistics Support (LS) after cessation of production of the end item (weapon system or equipment).
Post-Production Support Plan (PPSP)
A plan to ensure continued economical logistical support and systems management after cessation of production of the end item.
Post-System Design Review Assessment (P-SDRA)
The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) for space systems conducts a formal program assessment following the System Design Review (SDR). Program Manager’s (PM’s) for space systems provide a post-SDR report to the MDA reflecting an overall assessment of design maturity and a summary of the system-level SDR results. The MDA reviews the post-SDR report and the PM’s resolution and/or mitigation plans, and determines whether additional action is necessary to achieve Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) phase objectives and satisfy the capability need specified in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). An Independent Program Assessment (IPA) supports the P-SDRA. See System Design Review (SDR) and Independent Program Assessment (IPA).
Pre-award Survey (Facility Capability Review)
Study of financial, organizational, and operational status made prior to contract award to determine a prospective contractor’s responsibility and eligibility for government procurement.
Pre-Certification Authority (PCA)
See DoD Component Pre-Certification Authority (PCA).
Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
A design review that assesses the maturity of the preliminary design supported by the results of requirements trades, prototyping, and critical technology demonstrations. The PDR establishes the allocated baseline (hardware, software, human/support systems) and underlying architectures to ensure the system under review has a reasonable expectation of satisfying the requirements
within the currently allocated budget and schedule, and confirms that the system under review is ready to proceed into detailed design (development of build-to drawings, software code-to documentation and other tasks) with acceptable risk. The review assesses the allocated design documented in subsystem product specifications for each Configuration Item (CI) in the system and ensures that each function in the functional baseline has been allocated to one or more system CIs. Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) are required to conduct this review prior to the completion of the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase. For MDAPs and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) programs, a post-PDR assessment will be conducted and provided to the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). For Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID and ACAT IAM programs, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering) (DASD[SE]) will participate in the program’s PDRs as the basis for preparation of the post-PDR assessment to inform the MDA of technical risks and the program’s readiness to proceed into detailed design. For ACAT IC and ACAT IAC programs, the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) will conduct the post-PDR assessment. Non-major programs also normally conduct this review prior to the completion of the TMRR Phase, but may conduct it early in the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase, if program circumstances warrant. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Allocated Baseline, Functional Baseline, Post-Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report, and Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA) of 2009.
Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report
See Post-Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report.
Preplanned Product Improvement (P3I)
Planned future improvement of developmental systems for which design considerations are effected during development to enhance future application of projected technology. Includes improvements planned for ongoing systems that go beyond the current performance envelope to achieve a needed operational capability.
Preproduction Prototype
An article in final form employing standard parts, representative of articles to be produced subsequently in a production line.
Pre-Production Qualification Test (PPQT)
The formal contractual tests that ensure design integrity over the specified operational and environmental range. These tests usually employ prototype or pre-production hardware fabricated to the proposed production design specifications and drawings. Such tests include contractual Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) demonstrations and tests required prior to production release.
Preproposal Conference
In negotiated procurement, a meeting held with potential contractors a few days after Requests for Proposals (RFPs) have been sent out, and held to promote uniform interpretation of work statements and specifications by all prospective contractors.
Preservation and Storage of Unique Tooling Plan
A plan approved prior to Milestone C and reviewed periodically by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) of Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) as part of the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP). Identifies a program’s unique production tooling (to include any contract clauses), facilities, and funding required for the preservation and storage of such tooling for the service life of the end item. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
President’s Budget (PB)
The budget for a particular Fiscal Year (FY) transmitted to the Congress by the President (no later than the first Monday in February) in accordance with the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended. Some elements of the budget, such as the estimates for the legislative branch and the judiciary, are required to be included without review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or approval by the President. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Presolicitation Conference
A meeting held with potential contractors prior to a formal solicitation, to discuss technical and other problems connected with a proposed procurement. The conference is also used to elicit the interest of prospective contractors in pursuing the task.
Preventive Maintenance
All actions performed in an attempt to retain an item in a specified condition by providing systematic inspection, detection, and prevention of incipient failures.
Price Level Index
A factor used to convert constant dollar amounts from one year to another.
Primary Damage Effect
See Damage Effects.
Prime Contract
A contract agreement or Purchase Order (PO) entered into by a contractor with the government.
Prime Contractor
The entity with whom an agent of the United States enters into a prime contract for the purposes of obtaining supplies, materials, equipment, or services of any kind.
Principal Staff Assistants (PSAs)
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) PSAs are the Under Secretaries of Defense (USDs); the Assistant Secretaries of Defense (ASDs); the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E); the General Counsel of the DoD; the Inspector General (IG) of the DoD; and the OSD Directors or equivalents, who report directly to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF).
A direct contractual relationship between the parties. A prime contractor has privity with an agent of United States and also with its subcontractors that are under contract to it. The government does not have privity with the prime contractor’s subcontractors by virtue of its contract with the prime contractor. See Prime Contract and Prime Contractor.
Probability of Kill (PK)
The lethality of a weapon system. Generally refers to armaments, e.g., missiles and ordnance. Usually the statistical probability that the weapon will detonate close enough to the target with enough effectiveness to destroy the target.
Problem Statement
Applicable to Defense Business Systems (DBSs). A stand-alone document to support the Materiel Development Decision (MDD), and later key decision events and milestones. The Problem Statement documents DBS requirements and is approved by the Investment Review Board (IRB) chair. It documents business and supporting analysis and evolves over time as those needs are refined. The Joint Staff (JS) (J-8) will review the initial Problem Statement to determine if there is JS interest. (DoDI 5000.02) See Defense Business System (DBS).
1.) The combination of people, equipment, materials, methods, and environment that produces a given product or service. A process can involve any aspect of a business. 2.) A key tool for managing processes is statistical process control, a planned series of actions or operations that advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. 3.) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials to the influence of one or more types of energy for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.
Process Layout
A method of plant layout in which the machines, equipment, and areas for performing the same or similar operations are grouped together, i.e., layout by function.
Process Sheet
A document originating in manufacturing engineering and sent to the production floor that describes and illustrates methods and tools to be used in fabricating or assembling specific parts or subassemblies.
Process Specification
This type of specification is applicable to a service performed on a product or material. Examples of processes are heat treatment, welding, plating, packing, microfilming, marking, etc. Process specifications cover manufacturing techniques that require a specific procedure in order that a satisfactory result may be achieved.
Act of buying goods and services for the government.
Procurement (Local)
Procurement of materiel or services by an installation or its satellite activities or smaller stations. Such procurement overseas is by a military command for consumption within the command area. (Distinguished from central procurement.)
Procurement Cost
Equal to the sum of the procurement cost for prime mission equipment, the procurement cost for support items, and the procurement cost for initial spares.
Procurement Data Package (PDP)
Includes documentation prepared expressly for the identification, description, and verification of items, materials, supplies, and services that are to be purchased, inspected, packaged, packed and supplied, or delivered to users.
Procurement Executive (PE)
See Senior Procurement Executive (SPE).
Procurement Lead Time (PLT)
The interval in months between the initiation of procurement action and receipt into the supply system of the production model (excluding prototypes) purchased as the result of such actions, and is composed of two elements: production lead-time and administrative lead-time.
Procurement Request (PR)
Document that describes the required supplies or services so procurement can be initiated. Some procuring activities actually refer to the document by this title; others use different titles, such as Procurement Directive. Combined with specifications, the Statement of Work (SOW) and Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), it is called the PR Package, a basis for solicitation.
Procuring Activity
Unless agency regulations specify otherwise, the term shall be synonymous with contracting activity.
Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO)
The individual authorized to enter into contracts for supplies and services on behalf of the government by sealed bids or negotiations, and who is responsible for overall procurement under the contract. The term “Procuring” was removed from the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR); however, it is still in widespread use to differentiate the buying office Contracting Officer (CO) from the Contract Administrative Office CO, who usually is referred to as the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO). The FAR uses the term ACO for those actions unique to post contract award; otherwise it uses then generic CO. See Contracting Officer.
The relative ease of manufacturing an item or system. This relative ease is governed by the characteristics and features of a design that enables economical fabrication, assembly, inspection, and testing using available manufacturing techniques.
Producibility Engineering and Planning (PEP)
Applies to production engineering tasks to ensure a smooth transition from development into production. PEP, a systems and planning engineering approach, assures that an item can be produced in the required quantities and in the specified time frame, efficiently and economically, and will meet necessary performance objectives within its design and specification constraints.
As an essential part of all engineering design, it is intended to identify potential manufacturing problems and suggest design and production changes or schedule trade-offs that would facilitate the production process.
Producibility Review
A review of the design of a specific hardware item or system to determine the relative ease of producing it using available production technology considering the elements of fabrication, assembly, inspection, and test.
1.) The result of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) in terms of hardware or software being produced (manufactured). Also known as an end item. 2.) The item stipulated in a contract to be delivered under the contract (i.e., service, study, or hardware).
Product Assurance Plan (PAP)
Implements a product assurance program including Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM); quality hardware and software; and system assessment to ensure user satisfaction, mission and Operational Effectiveness (OE), and performance to specified requirements.
Product Baseline
Documentation describing all of the necessary functional and physical characteristics of the Configuration Item (CI); the selected functional and physical characteristics designated for production acceptance testing; and tests necessary for deployment/installation, operation, support, training, and disposal of the CI. The initial product baseline is usually established and put under configuration control at each CI’s Critical Design Review (CDR), culminating in an initial product baseline at the system-level CDR. The system product baseline is finalized and validated at the Physical Configuration Audit (PCA). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Physical Configuration Audit (PCA).
Product Centers
Major Air Force acquisition commands: Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), Electronics Systems Center (ESC), and the Air Armament Center (AAC) report to the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). The Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) reports to the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC).
Product Configuration Identification
The current approved technical documentation that defines the configuration of a Configuration Item (CI) during the production, operation, maintenance, and support phases of its life cycle and that prescribes that necessary for Form, Fit, and Function (F3) characteristics of a CI; the selected functional characteristics selected for production acceptance testing; and the production acceptance tests.
Product Improvement (PI)
The procurement, installation, retrofit, modernization, upgrade, or rebuild of a component or subsystem of a weapon system platform or major end item that would improve the reliability, availability and maintainability, increase system or combat effectiveness, extend the useful life, enhance safety, lower maintenance costs, or provide performance enhancement of the weapon system platform or major end item. Usually results from feedback from the users.
Product Manager (PM)
Army or Marine Corps PM, who is delegated authority and assigned responsibility for centralized management of a development or acquisition program that does not qualify for project management. PM positions usually are at the rank of lieutenant colonel or GS-14.
Product Manufacturing Breakdown
Takes the product physical description and decomposes it into demands for specific types of manufacturing capability. This breakdown establishes the baseline for determining of the types of personnel and manufacturing facilities required. It can also serve as the basis for establishing the time requirements for individual manufacturing operations involved in developing the required schedule relationships.
Product Organization
An organizational structure centered on products or components of a major system with product managers reporting to a Program Manager (PM) or other central authority.
Product Specification
Obsolete—See Item Detail Specification.
Product Support (PS)
The package of support functions required to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of major weapon systems, subsystems, and components, including all functions related to weapon system readiness. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2337)
Product Support Arrangement (PSA)
A contract, task order, or any type of other contractual arrangement, or any type of agreement or non-contractual arrangement with or within the Federal Government, for the performance of sustainment or logistics support required for major weapon systems, subsystems, or components. The term includes arrangements for any of the following: Performance-Based Logistics (PBL); sustainment support; contractor logistics support; life cycle product support; or weapon systems product support. (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2337) See Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) and Performance-Based Logistics (PBL).
Product Support Business Model (PSBM)
Defines the hierarchical framework in which the planning, development, implementation, management, and execution of product support for a weapon system component, subsystem, or system platform will be accomplished over the life cycle. The PSBM effectively describes the methodology by which DoD will ensure achievement of optimized product support through balancing maximum weapon system availability with the most affordable and predictable total
ownership cost. The model provides a clearly delineated description of the roles, relationships, accountability, responsibility and business agreements among the managers, integrators, and providers of product support. (Product Support Manager Guidebook)
Product Support Integrator (PSI)
An entity within the Federal Government or outside the Federal Government charged with integrating all sources of product support, both private and public, defined within the scope of a Product Support Arrangement (PSA). A PSI can also serve as a Product Support Provider (PSP). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2337) See Product Support Arrangement (PSA) and Product Support Provider (PSP).
Product Support Manager (PSM)
The individual responsible for managing the package of support functions required to field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of major weapon systems, subsystems, and components, including all functions related to weapon system readiness, in support of the Program Manager’s (PM’s) Life Cycle Management (LCM) responsibilities.
Product Support Management
The development and implementation of product support strategies, and the planning and management of cost and performance across the product support value chain, from design through disposal, to ensure supportability is considered throughout the system life cycle. This is accomplished by balancing the performance outcomes of reliability, availability, maintainability, and reduced Total Ownership Cost (TOC). The scope of product support management planning and execution includes the enterprise level integration of all 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements throughout the life cycle commensurate with the roles and responsibilities of the Product Support Manager (PSM). (DoD Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Product Support Package (PSP)
The integrated product support elements and any sustainment process contracts or agreements used to attain and sustain the maintenance and support concepts needed for materiel readiness. See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Product Support Provider (PSP)
An entity that provides product support functions. The term includes an entity within the DoD, an entity within the private sector, or a partnership between such entities. A PSP can also serve as a Product Support Integrator (PSI). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2337) See Product Support Integrator (PSI).
Product Support Strategy (PSS)
The business and technical approach to design, acquire, and field the Product Support Package (PSP) to execute the sustainment strategy. It begins as a broad concept and evolves into a detailed implementation plan documented in the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP).
Product Support Strategy (PSS) Process Model
A 12-step model for the development or revision of a PSS. It represents the major activities required to implement, manage, evaluate, and refine product support over the life cycle. It is not a onetime process, but rather a continuing, iterative process in which the sustainment of a system (or systems) is adapted and evolved to optimally support the needs and requirements of the Warfighter in an effective and affordable manner. This model should not be confused with the 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements or the Product Support Business Model (PSBM). The PSS Process Model’s steps are shown below:
- Integrate Warfighter Requirements and Support
- Form the Product Support Management (PSM) Integrated Product Team (IPT)
- Baseline the System
- Identify/Refine Performance Outcomes
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Product Support Value Analysis
- Determine Support Method(s)
- Designate Product Support Integrator(s) (PSI)
- Identify Product Support Provider(s) (PSP)
- Identify/Refine Financial Enablers
- Establish/Refine Product Support Agreements
- Implement and Assess
(Product Support Manager’s Guidebook) See Product Support Business Model (PSBM) and Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
The process of converting raw materials by fabrication into required material. It includes the functions of production—scheduling, inspection, Quality Control (QC), and related processes.
Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation (PAT&E)
Test and Evaluation (T&E) of production items to demonstrate that items procured fulfill requirements and specifications of the procuring contract or agreements.
Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase
The fourth phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. The purpose of the P&D Phase is to produce and deliver requirements-compliant products to receiving military organizations. It begins after a successful Milestone C review. In this phase, the product is produced and fielded for use by operational units. The phase encompasses several activities and events: Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP), Limited Deployment, Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), and the Full-Rate Production (FRP) Decision or the Full Deployment Decision (FDD) followed by FRP or full deployment. In this phase, all system sustainment and support activities are initiated, and the appropriate operational authority will declare Initial Operational Capability (IOC) when the defined operational organization has been equipped and trained and it is determined to be capable of conducting mission operations. Also, during this phase “should cost” management and other techniques will be used continuously to control and reduce cost. (DoDI 5000.02)
Production Article
The end item under initial or Full-Rate Production (FRP).
Production Configuration System
A system that has been manufactured using the production equipment and techniques. It may be either a Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) or Full-Rate Production (FRP) item.
Production Control
The procedure of planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching, and expediting the flow of materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies within the plant from the start of production to the finished product in an orderly and efficient manner.
Production Engineering
The application of design and analysis techniques to produce a specified product. Included are the functions of planning, specifying, and coordinating the application of required resources; performing analyses of producibility and production operations, processes, and systems; applying new manufacturing methods, tooling, and equipment; controlling the introduction of engineering changes; and employing cost control techniques.
Production Management
The effective use of resources to produce, on schedule, the required number of end units that meet specified quality, performance, and cost. It includes, but is not limited to, industrial resource analysis, producibility assessment, producibility engineering, and planning, production engineering, industrial preparedness planning, post-production planning, and productivity enhancement.
Production Management Techniques
The technique utilized by the contractor to determine the progress of the production program.
Production Plan
The document that describes the employment of the manufacturing resources to produce the required products or systems on time and within cost constraints.
Production Plan Review
A review conducted to approve or disapprove a contractor-prepared and submitted production plan.
Production Planning
The broad range of activities initiated early in the acquisition process and continued through a production decision to ensure an orderly transition from development to cost-effective rate production or construction.
Production Prove Out
A technical test conducted prior to production testing with prototype hardware to determine the most appropriate design alternative. This testing may also provide data on safety, the achievability of critical system technical characteristics, refinement and ruggedization of hardware configurations, and determination of technical risks.
Production Qualification Test (PQT)
A technical test completed prior to the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision to ensure the effectiveness of the manufacturing process, equipment, and procedures. This testing also provides data for the independent evaluation required for materiel release so the evaluator can address the materiel’s adequacy with respect to the stated requirements. These tests are conducted on a number of random samples from the first production lot, and are repeated if the process or design is changed significantly and when a second or alternative source is brought online.
Production Readiness
The state or condition or preparedness of a system to proceed into production. This readiness occurs when the producibility of the design and the managerial and physical preparations necessary for initiating and sustaining a viable production effort have progressed to the point where a production commitment can be made without incurring unacceptable risks that will breach thresholds of schedule, performance, cost, or other established criteria.
Production Readiness Review (PRR)
A formal examination of a program to determine if the design is ready for production and if the prime contractor and major subcontractors have accomplished adequate production planning without incurring unacceptable risks that will breach thresholds of schedule, performance, cost, or other established criteria. PRRs are normally performed as a series of reviews toward the end of Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. A final PRR should occur at the completion of the EMD Phase and assess the manufacturing and quality risk as the program proceeds into Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP). Under some circumstances, a PRR may also be appropriate during the LRIP effort to assess manufacturing risk for Full-Rate Production (FRP). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Production Representative System
A system that accurately represents the production configuration system for both hardware and software, such as a mature Engineering Development Model (EDM), but not produced on a final production line, e.g., hand tooled, although some components may be from production tooling. System-Level Critical Design Review (CDR), qualification testing, all Functional Configuration Audits (FCAs) for major Configuration Items (CIs), and System Verification Review (SVR) should have been completed. While highly desirable, the item does not have to be manufactured on a formal production line to be considered production representative. Production representative articles must be demonstrated in their intended environment during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD Phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS).
Production, or production representative, articles also must be used for the dedicated phase of Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) that supports the Full-Rate Production (FRP) decision (or for Acquisition Category (ACAT) IA or other Automated Information System (AIS) programs, the Full-Deployment Decision (FDD).
Production Schedules
Chronological controls used by management to regulate efficiently and economically the operational sequences of production.
The actual rate of output or production per unit of time worked.
Productivity Enhancement
The use of contract incentives and other techniques to provide the environment, motivation, and management commitment to increase production efficiencies.
All items, materiel, materials, data, software, supplies, systems, assemblies, subassemblies, or portions thereof produced, purchased, developed, or otherwise used by DoD.
The excess amount realized from the sales of goods over the cost thereof in a given transaction or over a given period.
Profit (Excess)
Profit over and above an established dollar or percentage limit.
Profit Center
A discrete, organizationally independent segment of a company that has been charged by management with profit and loss responsibilities.
1.) A DoD acquisition program. 2.) As a verb, program means to schedule funds to meet requirements and plans. 3.) A major, independent part of a software system. 4.) A combination of Program Elements (PEs) designed to express the accomplishment of a definite objective or plan.
Program (Acquisition)
A directed, funded effort that provides a new, improved, or continuing materiel, weapon or information system, or service capability in response to an approved need. (DoDD 5000.01)
Program Acquisition Cost
The estimated cost of development Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); procurement; and system-specific Military Construction (MILCON) necessary to acquire the defense system. RDT&E costs are accumulated from the point in time when the DoD acquisition program is designated by title as a Program Element (PE) or major project within a PE. MILCON costs include only those projects that directly support and uniquely identify with the system. See Critical Cost Growth Threshold, Significant Cost Growth Threshold, and Unit Cost Report (UCR).
Program Acquisition Quantity
The total number of fully configured end items (to include Research and Development (R&D) units) a DoD Component intends to buy through the life of the program, as approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]). This quantity may extend beyond the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) years but shall be consistent with the current approved program.
Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC)
Computed by dividing the Program Acquisition Cost by the Program Acquisition Quantity. The PAUC and Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC) are the subject of the Unit Cost Reports (UCRs). Programs for which the current estimate of either the PAUC or APUC has increased by 15 percent or more over the currently approved Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) must report a unit cost breach to the congressional defense committees or 30 percent or more over the originally approved APB. See Critical Cost Growth Threshold, Significant Cost Growth Threshold and Unit Cost Report (UCR).
Program Baseline
See Acquisition Program Baseline (APB).
Program Budget Decision (PBD)
Obsolete. See Resource Management Decision (RMD).
Program Change Decision
A decision by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), issued in a prescribed format that authorizes changes in the structure of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).
Program Change Request (PCR)
Prepared in a prescribed format, it is a proposal for out-of-cycle changes to data recorded in the approved Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).
Program Cost
The total of all expenditures, in any appropriation and fund, directly related to Automated Information System (AIS) definition, design, development, and deployment incurred from the beginning of the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase through deployment at each separate site. For incremental and evolutionary program strategies, program cost includes all increments. Program cost does not include Operations and Support (O&S) costs incurred at an individual site after operational cutover of any increment at that site, even though other sites may exist that have not yet completed deployment.
Program Cost Categories
There are four cost categories as noted below:
- Research and Development (R&D): Cost of R&D from program initiation to the Full-Rate Production (FRP) (A certain amount of sustained R&D may occur while the system is in production and beyond.)
- Investment: Cost of procuring prime and support equipment, training, initial and war reserve spares, Preplanned Product Improvements (P3Is), and
- Operations and Support (O&S): All direct and indirect costs incurred in using the system, e.g., personnel, maintenance (unit and depot), and sustaining investment (replenishment spares). The bulk of the Life Cycle Costs (LCCs) are in this
- Disposal: Cost to dispose of the system after its useful life. This includes demilitarization, detoxification, long-term waste storage, environmental restoration, and related
Program Cost Reporting
Reporting requirements prescribed in DoD Instructions (DoDIs) that provide for comparable program costs and related data on Research and Development (R&D) activities and hardware items for use in program cost validation, progress, and status analysis.
Program Critical Path
A sequence of discrete work packages and planning packages (or lower level tasks/activities) in the network that has the longest total duration through the contract or project that is calculated by the schedule software application. Discrete work packages and planning packages (or lower-level tasks/activities) along the Critical Path (CP) have the least amount of float/slack (scheduling flexibility) and cannot be delayed without delaying the finish time of the entire work effort. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Program Decision Meeting (PDM)
Navy or Marine Corps review forum to advise the Navy Acquisition Executive (NAE) on decisions for acquisition programs at various levels.
Program Decision Memorandum (PDM)
Obsolete. See Resource Management Decision (RMD).
Program Deviation Report (PDR)
A report describing Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) deviations (also called “breaches”) to the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) and Component Acquisition Executives (CAEs).
Program Element (PE)
The basic building block of the 11 major programs of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). It is “an integrated combination of men, equipment, and facilities, which together constitute an identifiable military capability or support activity.” It also identifies the mission to be undertaken and the organizational entities to perform the mission. Elements may consist of forces, manpower, materials, services, and/or associated costs as applicable. A PE consists of seven digits ending with a letter indicating the appropriate Service.
Program Element Monitor (PEM)
Person within Headquarters (HQ), U.S. Air Force, office of primary responsibility who is directly responsible for a given program and all documentation needed to harmonize the program in the budget.
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
A technique for management of a program through to completion by constructing a network model of integrated activities and events and periodically evaluating the time/cost implications of progress.
Program Executive Officer (PEO)
A military or civilian official assigned program responsibilities for Acquisition Category (ACAT) I and IA and sensitive classified programs, or for any other program determined by the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) to require dedicated executive management. (DoDI 5000.02)
Program Initiation
The point at which a program formally enters the acquisition process. Under DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02, program initiation normally occurs at Milestone B, but also may occur at other milestones/decision points depending upon technology maturity and risk. At program initiation, a program must be fully funded across the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) as a result of the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)/budget process; that is, have an approved resource stream across a typical defense program cycle, for example Fiscal Years (FYs) 2018-2022. The Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase after the Materiel Development Decision (MDD), and the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase after Milestone A, typically are funded only for phase accomplishment and thus the MDD and Milestone A do not constitute program initiation of a new acquisition program in the sense of DoDI 5000.02. This term often is confused with the financial management term “new start.” See New Start and Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase.
Program Instability
The condition imposed on a program as a result of problems and/or changes in requirements, technology, and funding.
Program Management
The process whereby a single leader exercises centralized authority and responsibility for planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading the combined efforts of participating/assigned civilian and military personnel and organizations, for the management of a specific defense acquisition program or programs, throughout the system life cycle.
Program Management Directive (PMD)
The official Headquarters (HQ), U.S. Air Force document used to convey the guidance and direction of the decision authority and to identify the various organizations, along with their essential responsibilities, necessary for ensuring the success of a program or other effort. PMDs are required for funded programs contained in the Air Force Acquisition Program Master List.
Program Manager (PM)
Designated individual with responsibility for and authority to accomplish program objectives for development, production, and sustainment to meet the user’s operational needs. The PM shall be accountable for credible cost, schedule, and performance reporting to the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). (DoDD 5000.01)
Program Manager (PM) Charter
See Charter (Program Manager’s [PM’s]).
Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)
The final product of the programming process within DoD, a Component’s POM displays the resource allocation decisions of the military department in response to, and in accordance with, the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG). The POM shows programmed needs 5 years hence (e.g., in FY 16, POM 2018–2022). (DoD 7000.14–R)
Program of Record (POR)
1.) Program as recorded in the current Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) or as updated from the last FYDP by approved program documentation (e.g., Acquisition Program Baseline [APB], Acquisition Strategy [AS], or Selected Acquisition Report [SAR]). If program documentation conflicts with latest FYDP, the FYDP takes priority. 2.) May also refer to a program having successfully achieved formal program initiation, normally Milestone B. See Approved Programs.
Program Office Estimate (POE)
A Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE) prepared by an acquisition Program Office (PO).
Program Protection
The safeguarding of defense systems and Technical Data (TD) anywhere in the acquisition process, to include the technologies being developed, the support systems (e.g., test and simulation equipment), and research data with military applications.
Program Protection Plan
A risk-based, comprehensive, living plan to guide efforts for managing the risks to Critical Program Information (CPI) and mission-critical functions and components. See Program Protection.
Program Stability
A stable program is experiencing few, if any, perturbations in cost, schedule, performance, support, and other associated business or technical problems.
Program Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS)
The WBS that encompasses an entire program, including the Contract WBS (CWBS) and “other government” elements (for example, program office operations, manpower, Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), and government testing). It defines at a high level what is to be procured and consists of at least three program levels with associated definitions. The PWBS is used by the government Program Manager (PM) and contractor to develop and extend a CWBS. Examples of WBSs for various items of defense materiel that may be used as a guide for acquisition programs are contained in Military Standard (MIL-STD) 881C. (MIL-STD-881C) See Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS).
Program Year
The Fiscal Year (FY) in which authorization was provided and in which funds were appropriated for a particular program, regardless of the FY in which funds for that program might be obligated. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Pertains to the cost, schedule, and performance characteristics of an acquisition program.
Programmatic Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Evaluation (PESHE)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Executive Order (E.O.) 12114 Compliance Schedule
- Programmatic Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) Evaluation (PESHE) includes, at a minimum, identification of ESOH risks and their status, and the identification of hazardous materials, wastes, and pollutants (discharges/emissions/noise) associated with the system and its support, as well as the plans for minimization and/or safe disposal of these items. The PESHE contains the data generated by ESOH analyses conducted in support of program execution.
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Executive Order (E.O.) 12114 Compliance Schedule identifies all known or projected system-related NEPA/E.O. 12114 compliance requirements across the life cycle, specifying the activities, analyses, offices of primary responsibility, and approval authorities.
1.) The projection of activities to be accomplished and the resources that will be required for specified periods in the future, normally 5 years. 2.) The process of estimating and requesting resources for a program, especially in terms of quantitative requirements for funding manpower, materiel, and facilities for Program Office (PO) operations and for design, development, and production of a defense system.
Progress Payments
Payments made to a prime contractor during the life of a fixed-price type contract on the basis of a percentage of incurred total costs or total direct labor and material costs. See Performance- Based Payments (PBPs).
1.) Synonymous with program in general usage. 2.) Specifically, a planned undertaking having a finite beginning and ending, involving definition, development, production, and Logistics Support (LS) of a major weapon or weapon support system or systems. A project may be the whole or a part of a program.
Project Definition
The process of thoroughly exploring all aspects of a proposed project, particularly the relationship between required performance, development time, and cost. The areas of technical uncertainty are examined and possible tradeoffs are evolved in order to achieve a satisfactory balance between performance, development time, and cost.
Project Manager
See Program Manager (PM).
Project Viewpoint (PV)
Models within the PV describe how programs, projects, portfolios, or initiatives deliver capabilities, the organizations contributing to them, and dependencies between them. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Proprietary Right
A broad contractor term used to describe data belonging to the contractor. These data could be Intellectual Property (IP), financial data, etc. This is generally a term used in the submission of a proposal to protect the contractor’s sensitive information from disclosure and is not a category of rights applicable to Technical Data (TD) under all contracts.
A concern over the award of a contract, submitted to Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Procuring Contracting Office (PCO).
An original or model on which a later system/item is formed or based. Early prototypes may be built and evaluated during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase, or later in the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase, or be the result of a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) or Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD), and tested prior to Milestone C decision. Selected prototyping may continue after Milestone C, as required, to identify and resolve specific design or manufacturing risks, or in support of Evolutionary Acquisition (EA).
The process of determining and acquiring the range and quantity (depth) of spares and repair parts, and support and test equipment required to operate and maintain an end item of materiel for an initial period of service. Usually refers to first outfitting of a ship, unit, or system.
Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
In general, a cooperative arrangement between an organic product support provider and one or more private sector entities to perform defense-related work, utilize DoD facilities and equipment, or both. Other government organizations, such as program offices (POs), Inventory Control Points (ICPs), and sustainment commands, may be parties to such agreements. Under Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2474, a PPP for depot-level maintenance is a cooperative arrangement between an organic depot-level maintenance activity and one or more private sector entities to perform DoD or Defense-related work and/or to utilize DoD depot facilities and equipment. Also referred to as Public-Private Partnering (PPP). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2474 and DoDI 4151.21) See Product Support Arrangement (PSA).
Purchase Order (PO)
Offer by the government to buy supplies or services, including construction and Research and Development (R&D), upon specified terms and conditions, using simplified acquisition procedures. (FAR, Subpart2.101) See Micro-Purchase, Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) and Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP).
Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR)
A comprehensive examination of America’s defense needs to include potential threats, strategy, force structure, readiness posture, military modernization programs, defense infrastructure, and information operations and intelligence that is conducted, by law, every 4 years during the first year of a President’s administration. See Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Report.
Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Report
Contains the findings and recommendations of the QDR. The QDR Report is due to Congress concurrent with the President’s Budget (PB) submission during the second year of a new presidential administration. The Report is signed by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and includes an assessment by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). See Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).
The formal process by which a manufacturer’s product is examined for compliance with the requirements of a source control drawing for the purpose of approving the manufacturer as a source of supply.
Qualification Test (QT)
Simulates defined operational environmental conditions with a predetermined safety factor, the results indicating whether a given design can perform its function within the simulated operational environment of a system.
Qualified Manufacturers List (QML)
A list of manufacturers that have had their products examined and tested and that have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements for that product.
Qualified Products List (QPL)
A list of products that are pretested in advance of actual procurement to determine which suppliers can comply properly with specification requirements. This is usually done because of the length of time required for Test and Evaluation (T&E).
Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information (QQPRI) Organizational, doctrinal, training, duty position, and personnel information used to develop the Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP). (Army)
The composite of materiel attributes including performance features and characteristics of a production or service to satisfy a customer’s given need.
Quality Assurance (QA)
A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide confidence that adequate technical requirements are established, that products and services conform to established technical requirements, and that satisfactory performance is achieved.
Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)
The document government personnel use to assess contractor performance. The QASP identifies what is going to be inspected, the inspection process, and who will do the inspecting.
Quality Audit
A systematic examination of the acts and decisions with respect to quality in order to independently verify or evaluate the operational requirements of the quality program or the specification or contract requirements for a product or service.
Quality Control (QC)
The system or procedure used to check product quality throughout the acquisition process.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
A graphical technique that shows the relationships between system requirements and proposed design solutions. This technique identifies trade offs, shows where design solutions may conflict, and/or where proposed solutions will not meet requirements.
Quality of Conformance
The effectiveness of the design and manufacturing functions in executing the product manufacturing requirements and process specifications while meeting tolerances, process control limits, and target yields for a given product group.
Quality of Design
The effectiveness of the design process in capturing the operational requirements and translating them into detailed design requirements that can be manufactured (or coded) consistently.
Quality Program
A program developed, planned, and managed to carry out, cost-effectively, all efforts to affect the quality of materiel and services from concept through technology and system development, production, deployment, and disposal.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. The most common is to store a serial number that identifies a person or object, and perhaps other information, on a microchip that is attached to an antenna (the chip and the antenna together are called an RFID transponder or an RFID tag). The antenna enables the chip to transmit the identification information to a reader. The reader converts the radio waves reflected from the RFID tag into digital information that can then be passed on to other computer systems. (Logistics Assessment Guidebook)
Ramp Up
Usually used in the context of Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). It refers to starting production at less than an optimal rate, and then increasing the production rate over time as the production process is proven, the system’s effectiveness and suitability is verified, and additional procurement dollars are obtained.
Rapid Acquisition
A streamlined and tightly integrated iterative approach that acts upon validated urgent or emergent capability requirements to: conduct analysis and evaluate alternatives and identify preferred solutions; develop and approve acquisition documents; contract using all available statutory and regulatory authorities and waivers and deviations of such, appropriate to the situation; identify and minimize technical development, integration, and manufacturing risks; and rapidly produce and deliver required capabilities. (CJCSI 3170.01I) See Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON), Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON), and Urgent Operational Need (UON).
Rapid Acquisition Authority (RAA) Recommendation (Urgent Operational Need [UON]) A recommendation made by a DoD Component to the Director, Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell (JRAC) that the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) invoke special authority, subject to a Secretarial determination, to rapidly fulfill a Combatant Commander (CCDR) UON.
Rate Cost
A mathematical expression that measures the impact of a change in production rates on a program’s total cost.
Rating Factor
The percentage of skill, effort, and method displayed by an operator during the study with 100 percent representing normal skill and effort.
Raw Materials
Includes raw and processed material in a form or state that requires further processing.
State of preparedness of forces or weapon system or systems to meet a mission or to engage in military operations. Based on adequate and trained personnel, material condition, supplies and/or reserves of support system and ammunition, numbers of units available, etc.
Readiness Drivers
Those system characteristics that have the largest effect on operational readiness.
Real Time
1.) Software—Pertaining to a system or mode of operation in which computation must be performed during the actual time that an external process occurs in order to allow computational results to respond to external processes. 2.) An immediate response to an outside stimulus.
Realistic Test Environment
The conditions under which the system is expected to be operated and maintained, including the natural weather and climatic conditions, terrain effects, battlefield disturbances, and enemy threat conditions.
Realization Factor
The ratio of actual performance time to standard performance time, usually expressed as a decimal number.
A revision by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a previous apportionment of budgetary resources for an appropriation or fund account. A revision would ordinarily cover the same period, projects, or activity covered in the original apportionment.
Statutory authority to restore or extend obligational availability, whether for the same or different purpose, of all or part of the unobligated balance of Budget Authority (BA) that has expired or otherwise would expire in an annual or multiple-year appropriation. Reappropriation transactions require non-expenditure transfer of the funds involved from the expired or otherwise expiring account to the designated current account when the unobligated balance has not been withdrawn to the surplus fund of the U.S. Treasury. If the unobligated balance has been withdrawn, then the transaction requires a warrant. Reappropriations that provide funds to a Fiscal Year (FY) for which they were not previously available constitute new BA in the receiving account.
Reasonable Cost
Cost which, in its nature and amount, does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person in the conduct of a competitive business. In determining reasonableness of a specific cost, the Contracting Officer (CO) shall consider: (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Principles Guide)
- Whether it is the type of cost generally recognized as ordinary and necessary for the conduct of a contractor’s business or the contract performance;
- Generally accepted sound business practices, arm’s-length bargaining, and federal and state laws and regulations;
- The contractor’s responsibilities to the government, other customers, the owners of the business, employees, and public at large; and
- Any significant deviation from the contractor’s established
Reasonable Price
A business decision reached jointly by a buyer and seller, a product of judgment influenced by bargaining strength and economic realities dictated by the marketplace.
A formal appeal to the Service Comptroller or the Secretary of Defense’s (SECDEF’s) tentative budget decision on the Service budget estimates.
Directives to standing committees contained in congressional budget resolutions calling for certain dollar savings and a deadline for reporting legislation to achieve the savings. Omnibus reconciliation bill incorporating these changes is introduced and acted on in both Houses.
Involves forming, training, and fielding new fighting units. This includes initially drawing on cadre-type units and laid-up military assets; mobilizing previously trained or new manpower; and activating the Industrial Base (IB) on a large scale. Reconstitution also involves maintaining technology, doctrine, training, experienced military personnel, and innovation necessary to retain the competitive edge in decisive areas of potential military competition.
Recurring Cost
Costs for items and services that reoccur, especially at regular intervals. Recurring costs are incurred each time a unit of equipment is produced, such as direct labor and direct materials.
Recurring Effort
An effort repeated during a contract’s duration.
Repetition of parts or subsystems to assure operation if original (primary) part or subsystem fails.
Reimbursable Order
An order for services, supplies, material, or equipment placed by a requiring DoD Component (or federal agency) and furnished by another DoD Component (or federal agency) without separate identification of the items, or separate citation of the funds of the requiring DoD Component, and with subsequent delivery to, and reimbursement by, the requiring DoD Component. The requiring DoD Component makes a record of the reimbursable order as an obligation when the procuring DoD Component accepts the reimbursable order in writing.
Amounts earned and collected for property sold or services furnished either to the public or another federal accounting entity. To be an appropriation reimbursement, the collection must be authorized by law for credit to the specific appropriation or fund account.
Relevant Environment
Testing environment that simulates key aspects of the operational environment.
May be expressed initially as a desired failure-free interval that can be converted to a failure frequency for use as a requirement. (DoD Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Cost Rationale Report Manual) See Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM), and Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA).
Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA)
One of the mandatory KSAs that supports the Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP). It is a measure of the probability that the system will perform without failure over a specified interval, under specified conditions. Reliability must be sufficient to support the warfighting capability requirements within expected operating environments. Considerations of reliability must support both availability metrics, that is, Materiel Availability (AM) and Operational Availability (AO). More than one reliability metric may be specified as Key System Attributes (KSAs) or Additional Performance Attributes (APAs), as appropriate. For continuous use systems, such as aircraft, reliability should be measured in terms of its primary usage metric (e.g., operating hours, miles, or flight hours). For discrete systems, such as a single use munition, reliability should be measured as a probability. (JCIDS Manual) See “Reliability” for a more
general definition. Also see Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP) and Operating and Support (O&S) Cost Key System Attribute (KSA).
Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Accounting
That set of mathematical tasks that establish and allocate quantitative R&M requirements, and predict and measure quantitative R&M achievements.
Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Engineering
That set of design, development, and manufacturing tasks by which R&M are achieved.
Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM)
Requirement imposed on acquisition systems to ensure they are operationally ready for use when needed, will successfully perform assigned functions, and can be economically operated and maintained within the scope of logistics concepts and policies. RAM programs are applicable to materiel systems; test measurement and diagnostic equipment, training devices; and facilities developed, produced, maintained, procured, or modified for use. See individual definitions for Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability.
Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Cost (RAM-C) Rationale Report
For Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), the Program Manager (PM) will prepare a preliminary Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Cost (RAM-C) Rationale Report in support of the Milestone A decision. This report provides a quantitative basis for reliability requirements, and improves cost estimates and program planning. This report will be attached to the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) at Milestone A, and updated in support of the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point, Milestone B, and Milestone C. The RAM-C report will also document the quantitative basis for the three elements of the Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP) as well as the tradeoffs made with respect to system performance. (DoDI 5000.02 and JCIDS Manual) See Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP).
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)
A logical, structured process used to determine the optimal failure management strategies for any system based upon system reliability characteristics and the intended operating context. RCM defines what must be done for a system to achieve the desired levels of safety, operational readiness, and environmental soundness at best cost. RCM is a continuous process that requires sustainment throughout the life cycle of a system, utilizes data from the results achieved, and feeds this data back to improve design and future maintenance.
The restoration or replacement of parts or components of real property or equipment as necessitated by wear and tear, damage, failure of parts or the like in order to maintain it in efficient operating condition.
Repair Parts
Consumable bits and pieces; that is, individual parts or non-repairable assemblies required for the repair of spare parts or major end items.
Repairable Item
An item of a durable nature that has been determined by the application of engineering, economic, and other factors to be the type of item feasible for restoration to a serviceable condition through regular repair procedures.
Replaced System Sustainment Plan (RSSP)
A Component approved plan applicable to Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) that provides information on the sustainment of an existing system that the system under development is intended to replace. Submitted as an attachment to the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP). The plan identifies the budgeting required to sustain the existing system until the system being developed under the MDAP is fielded and assumes the majority of the responsibility for the mission of the existing system. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
See Internal Replanning.
The purchase of additional items following initial purchase, whether bought for support of additional end items, routine restockage, or other purposes.
Replenishment Spare Parts
Items and equipment, both repairable and consumable, purchased by Inventory Control Points (ICPs), required to replenish stocks for use in the maintenance, overhaul, and repair of equipment such as ships, tanks, guns, aircraft, engines, etc.
Realignment of Budget Authority (BA) from the purpose for which appropriated to finance another (usually emergent, unfunded) requirement. A necessary, desirable, and timely device during execution of defense programs for achieving flexibility in the use of DoD funds provided
in appropriation acts. Reprogramming is generally accomplished pursuant to consultation with, and approval by, appropriate congressional committees. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Request for Information
An information exchange technique used when the government does not presently intend to award a contract, but wants to obtain price, delivery, other market information, or capabilities for planning purposes, especially to prepare for releasing a Request for Proposal (RFP) at some future date. Responses to these notices are not offers and cannot be accepted by the government to form a binding contract. (FAR, Subpart 15.201(e))
Request for Proposal (RFP)
A solicitation used in negotiated acquisitions to communicate government requirements to prospective contractor and to solicit proposals. RFPs for competitive acquisitions describe the government’s requirement; anticipated terms and conditions that will apply to the contract; information required to be in the offeror’s proposal; and factors and significant sub-factors that will be used to evaluate the proposal and their relative importance.
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
A solicitation used in negotiated acquisition to communicate government requirements to prospective contractors and to solicit a quotation. A response to an RFQ is not an offer; however, it is informational in character.
Request for Technical Proposal (RTP)
Solicitation document used in two-step sealed bid. Normally in letter form, it asks only for technical information—price and cost breakdowns are forbidden.
1.) The need or demand for personnel, equipment, facilities, other resources, or services, by specified quantities for specific periods of time or at a specified time. 2.) For use in budgeting, item requirements should be screened as to individual priority and approved in the light of total available budget resources.
Requirements Analysis
Encompasses the definition and refinement of system, subsystem, and lower-level functional and performance requirements and interfaces to facilitate the Architecture Design process.
Establishes the functional architecture that expresses the detailed functional, interface, and temporal aspects of the system to unambiguously communicate system behavior in its intended environment, and the development of lower tier functional and performance requirements that
need to be allocated to the system physical architecture. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Architecture Design.
Requirements Contract
Contract that provides for filling all actual purchase requirements of designated government activities for supplies or services during a specified contract period, with deliveries of performance to be scheduled by placing orders with the contactor. (FAR, Subpart 16.503)
Requirements Creep
The tendency of the user (or developer) to add to the original mission responsibilities and/or performance requirements for a system while it is still in development.
Requirements Definition Package (RDP)
A first level decomposition of one or more capability requirements in the Information Systems- Initial Capabilities Document (IS-ICD) or Information Systems-Capability Development Document (IS-CDD) that is co-developed between the operational user (or representative) and the Program Office (PO). The RDP identifies the Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), including the Net-Ready KPP (NR-KPPs), Key System Attributes (KSAs), and Additional Performance Attributes (APAs) necessary to scope and cost a specific solution implementation. One or more RDPs together would represent the total set of capability solutions developed to satisfy the capability requirements in the IS-ICD or IS-CDD. (JCIDS Manual)
Requirements Manager
A military or DoD civilian employee charged with assessing, developing, validating, and prioritizing requirements and associated requirements products through the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process.
Requirements Scrub
1.) A review of user/government comments received in response to the announcement of an operational requirement. The scrub is used to validate and prioritize suggested or requested system functions and capabilities before release to industry. 2.) Review of a draft requirements document, such as a Capability Development Document (CDD), by the acquisition and user communities to determine adequacy and clarity of performance specified in the document.
Requiring Activity (Services Acquisition)
The organization charged with meeting a mission and delivering requirements. The requiring activity is responsible for obtaining funding or developing the Program Objective Memorandum (POM). The requiring activity may also be the organizational unit that submits a written requirement or statement of need for services required by a contract. The requiring activity is
responsible for delivering the services to meet the mission if a contract is not in effect. Finally, the requiring activity provides a trained and qualified Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) capable of determining whether service contract requirements are being performed in accordance with the contract. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
An action by the President canceling Budget Authority (BA) previously appropriated but not yet obligated or spent. The President is required to submit a special message to Congress reporting any proposed rescission of budgetary resources. This proposal may be accepted in whole or part by the passage of a rescission bill by both Houses of Congress. If both houses of Congress do not approve the proposed rescission within 45 days, the President must obligate the BA as intended by the Congress. (Budget and Impoundment Control Act)
Rescission Bill
A bill or joint resolution that provides for cancellation, in full or in part, of budgetary resources previously granted by the Congress. Under Section 1012 of the Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, unless the Congress approves a rescission bill within 45 days of continuous session after receipt of the proposal, the budgetary resources must be made available for obligation. (Budget and Impoundment Control Act)
Research and Development (R&D) category 01 under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. Program Elements (PEs) in this category involve pre-Milestone A efforts. (DoD 7045.7–H) See Research and Development (R&D) Categories.
Research and Development (R&D) Categories
Sub-divisions of Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) defined by DoD 7045.7–H as follows:
- Category 01: Research
- Category 02: Exploratory Development
- Category 03: Advanced Development
- Category 04: Demonstration/Validation
- Category 05: Engineering Development
- Category 06: Management Support
Research and Development (R&D) Costs
Those program costs primarily associated with R&D efforts including the development of a new or improved capability to the point where it is appropriate for operational use. These costs are funded under the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation.
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E)
1.) Activities for the development of a new system or to expand the performance of fielded systems. 2.) An appropriation.
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs)
Consists of all efforts funded from an RDT&E appropriation account. Titles and definitions are used for budgeting purposes and managed by the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD[C]). Coincident with the transmittal of the President’s Budget (PB), the USD(C) provides the DoD Oversight Committees of Congress a listing of all RDT&E Programs called the “R-1 Form.” There are seven RDT&E BAs as shown below:
- BA 1: Basic Research
- BA 2: Applied Research
- BA 3: Advanced Technology Development (ATD)
- BA 4: Advanced Component Development and Prototypes (ACD&P)
- BA 5: System Development and Demonstration (SDD)
- BA 6: RDT&E Management Support
- BA 7: Operational Systems Development
RDT&E BAs are often confused with the six R&D categories under Major Force Program (MFP) 6 of the Future Year’s Defense Program (FYDP). Although all MFP 6 categories are funded with RDT&E appropriations, not all RDT&E spending is included in MFP 6 of the FYDP. Specifically, RDT&E expenditures under BA 7, Operational System Development, are linked to the MFP in which the Program Element (PE) of system being modified is contained; for example, RDT&E expenditures related to the modification of the M1A1 Tank would be linked to MFP 2, General Purpose Forces, not MFP 6.
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Management Support
Budget Activity (BA) 6 within an RDT&E appropriation account that includes RDT&E efforts and funds to sustain and/or modernize the installations or operations required for general RDT&E. Test ranges, military construction, maintenance support of laboratories, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of test aircraft and ships, and studies and analysis in support of the DoD RDT&E program are all funded by this BA. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
Residual Value
The actual or estimated value of equipment at the end of the system’s economic life.
Resource Allocation Process (RAP)
Includes the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process, the congressional budget enactment process, the apportionment of appropriated funds, and budget execution.
Resource Leveling
A process whereby resources are sorted out among tasks and activities to identify and avoid conflicts between scheduling and availability.
Resource Management Decision (RMD)
1.) A budget decision document issued during the joint review of Service budget submissions by analysts of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). RMDs reflect the decisions of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) as to appropriate program and funding to be included in the annual defense budget request which, in turn, is included in the President’s Budget (PB).
2.) A document including the decisions by the SECDEF reflecting broad strategic trades related to the program and resource levels identified in the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM).
Resource Manager
An individual who verifies and validates that the funds cited on a commitment or obligation document are accurate and available. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Responsible Bidder
A prospective contractor who has:
- Adequate financial resources to perform the contract, or the ability to obtain them;
- The ability to comply with the required or proposed delivery or performance schedule, taking into consideration all existing commercial and governmental business commitments;
- A satisfactory performance record;
- A satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics;
- The necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls, and technical skills, or the ability to obtain them;
- The necessary production, construction, and technical equipment and facilities, or the ability to obtain them, and is
- Otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and (FAR, Subpart 9.104)
Responsive Bidder
A bidder whose bid complies in all material respects with the invitation for bid. (FAR, Subpart 14.301) See Two-Step Sealed Bids.
Retrofit (Retroactive Fit)
A modification of a Configuration Item (CI) to incorporate changes made in later production items. See Backfitting.
The discrete process of gathering and evaluating information to make a decision about a program. Examples are milestone reviews and other program decision reviews.
Revolving Fund
A fund established to finance a cycle of operations through amounts received by the fund. Within DoD, such funds include the Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) as well as other working capital funds.
Any corrections of defective work, either before, during, or after inspection.
Rights in Technical Data (TD)
The right for the government to acquire TD. If the government has funded or will fund a part of or the entire development of the item, component or process, then the government is entitled to unlimited rights in the TD. However, if the above is developed by a contractor or subcontractor exclusively at private expense, the government is entitled to limited rights. Such data must be unpublished and identified as limited rights data. See Government Purpose License Rights, Limited Rights, and Unlimited Rights.
Future event or condition that may have a negative effect on achieving program objectives for cost, schedule, and performance. Defined by 1.) the probability (greater than 0, less than 1) of an undesired event or condition, and 2.) the consequences, impact or severity of the undesired event, were it to occur. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Acceptance
A risk handling option where the program acknowledges that the risk event or condition may be realized. Risk acceptance does not mean the risk should be ignored. It should continue to be tracked through continuous monitoring to ensure the accepted consequences do not change for
the worse. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Analysis
Answers the questions, “What are the likelihood and consequence of the risk? And “How big is the risk?” Risk analysis provides an estimate of each risk’s likelihood and consequence, and the resulting risk level to more effectively manage risks and prioritize risk handling efforts. The risk level is noted in the Risk Reporting Matrix. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Reporting Matrix, Likelihood, and Consequence.
Risk Avoidance
A risk handling option where the program reduces or eliminates the risk event or condition by taking an alternate path. Examples are changing operating procedures or using a low-risk mature technology. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Burn-Down
A technique typically using charts to track actual progress against planned reduction of risk levels that is part of risk monitoring. Risk burn-down is portrayed in a chart that is a snapshot of the progress of handling that risk over time and the effectiveness of the previous risk handling activity. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Burn-Down Plan.
Risk Burn-Down Plan
Included as part of the Risk Handling Plan covering all handling options where the program identifies activities to control risks. It documents the risk burn-down approach and typically consists of time-phased activities with specific success criteria that allow the program to track “progress to plan” to reduce designated risks to an acceptable level or to closure. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk-Burn Down.
Risk Categories
In the DoD, risks can be broadly grouped into three categories: technical, programmatic, and business. Top-level categories are defined as follows:
- Technical—Those risks that may prevent the end item from performing as intended or from meeting performance expectations. Technical risks can be internally or externally generated and may have cost, schedule, and/or performance They typically
emanate from areas such as requirements, technology, engineering, integration, test, manufacturing, quality, logistics, system security, and training.
- Programmatic—Those non-technical risks that are generally within the control or influence of the PM or Program Executive Office (PEO). Programmatic risks can be associated with program estimating (including cost estimates, schedule estimates, staffing estimates, facility estimates, etc.), program planning, program execution, communications, and contract structure.
- Business (External)—Those non-technical risks that generally originate outside the program office, or are not within the control or influence of the PM. Business risks can come from areas such as program dependencies, resources (funding, people, facilities, suppliers, tools, etc.), priorities, regulations, stakeholders (user community, acquisition officials, ), market factors, and weather.
(DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Handling
Methodology used by the DoD to handle risk as part of the DoD Risk, Issue and Opportunity Management Process. Four options are recognized by the DoD for handling risks. These include: Risk Acceptance, Risk Avoidance, Risk Transfer, and Risk Mitigation. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Acceptance, Risk Avoidance, Risk Transfer, Risk Mitigation, Risk Handling Strategy, and Risk Handling Plan.
Risk Handling Plan
Documents the risk handling strategy, including the risk handling options or combinations of options, and specific implementation approach for handling each risk. High risks, and typically moderate risks, have resourced Risk Handling Plans. Risk Handling Plans should include a Risk Burn-Down Plan for high, moderate, and selected low risks. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Handling Strategy and Risk Burn-Down Plan.
Risk Handling Strategy
Includes the risk handling options or combination of options and the specific implementation approach for each option. It answers the questions “What is the plan to address the risk? Or “Should the risk be accepted, avoided, transferred, or mitigated?” After analyzing risks, program personnel should develop a strategy to manage each risk by evaluating the risk handling options (Risk Acceptance, Risk Avoidance, Risk Transfer, and Risk Mitigation) and choosing the best option or hybrid of options based on risk analysis, prioritization, and potential for risk reduction. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Handling Plan.
Risk Identification
The second step in the risk management process, which attempts to identify risks by answering the questions, “What can go wrong?” or “What is uniquely hard or difficult?” This involves examining the program to determine risk events and associated causes that may have negative cost, schedule, and/or performance impacts. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Management
A five step iterative process to plan, identify, analyze, handle, and monitor program risks. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Planning, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Handling, and Risk Monitoring.
Risk Management Plan (RMP)
A document that describes a program’s risk management approach and activities. (Note: some programs document their plans in a combined Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management Plan. Others document their plans in separate documents, that is, separate Risk Management, Issue Management and Opportunity Plans.)
A RMP should do the following:
- Explain how the program manages risks to achieve cost, schedule, and performance goals
- Establish the basic approach and risk management working structure
- Document an organized, comprehensive, and integrated approach for managing risks
- Define the goals, objectives, and program office’s risk management processes
- Define an approach to identify, analyze, handle, and monitor risks across the program
- Document the process to request and allocate resources (personnel, schedule and budget) to mitigate risks
- Define the means to monitor and effectiveness of the risk management process
- Document the integrated risk management processes as they apply to contractors, subcontractors, and teammates
(DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Management Planning
The first activity in developing a risk management process, during which a program selects the best overall approach in term of organization, tools, and methods for that program. The Program Manager (PM) should begin planning and establishing a risk management process as soon as practicable after establishment of the Program Office (PO). The risk management process should be closely linked to the program’s cost, schedule and performance metrics. It should be an integral part of the program management process rather than a separate, isolated activity and be implemented throughout the program’s life. Issues and opportunities should also be elements of
the program management process but will be managed differently from risks. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Management, Issue Management and Opportunity Management.
Risk Mitigation
A risk handling option that seeks to actively reduce risk to an acceptable level. It entails taking action to reduce the likelihood or consequence of a risk to as low as possible to minimize potential program impacts. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Acceptance, Risk Avoidance, Risk Transfer and Risk Handling Plan.
Risk Monitoring
Answers the question, “How has the risk changed?” or “How are the risk handling plans working?” It is a continuous process to systematically track and evaluate the performance of risk handling plans against established metrics throughout the acquisition process. It is performed as part of technical reviews, Risk Management Board and Risk Working Group meetings, and program reviews using a risk management tool. The risk management tool should be available through Integrated Data Environment and when practical, it should be employed also by key subcontractors and external programs. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Handling Plan.
Risk Planning
The first step in the risk management process that answers the question, “What is the program’s risk management process?” It consists of the activities to develop, implement, and document the risk management process, and outlines each of the risk management steps (Risk Planning, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Handling, and Risk Monitoring). Risk planning should be summarized in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) and address the program’s risk, management organization, ground rules and assumptions, candidate risk categories, and use of any risk management tools. It is synonymous with the term “risk management planning.” (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Management, Issue Management, and Opportunity Management.
Risk Register
A central repository for all risks identified by the program team that records details as well as actions approved by the Risk Management Board (RMB). It includes information for each risk such as risk category, risk statement, likelihood, consequence, planned handling measures, the risk owner, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)/Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) linkage and, where applicable expected closure dates and documentation of changes. Programs may consider
combining the risk, issue, and opportunity registers into a single register. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Risk Reporting Matrix
A matrix that displays five levels of likelihood versus five levels of consequence with likelihood increasing along the vertical y-axis and consequence increasing along the horizontal x-axis from a common point of origin.
A nominal definition of likelihood by level is:
- Level 1: not likely: >1% to <= 20%
- Level 2: low likelihood: >20% to <=40%
- Level 3: likely: >40% to <=60%
- Level 4: highly likely: >60% to <=80%
- Level 5: near certainty: >80% to <=99%
A nominal definition of technical performance consequence by level is:
- Level 1: minimal or no consequence in meeting technical performance or supportability requirements
- Level 2: minor reduction in technical performance or supportability; can be tolerated with little or no impact on program objectives
- Level 3: moderate reduction in technical performance or supportability; with limited impact on program objectives; unable to meet lower tier performance attributes, planned design or supportability margins reduced
- Level 4: Significant degradation impairs ability to meet a Key System Attribute (KSA); technical design or supportability margin exhausted in all key areas
- Level 5: Severe degradation precludes system from meeting Key Performance Parameter (KPP) or key technical/supportability threshold; will jeopardize program success
A nominal definition of schedule consequence by level is:
- Level 1: minimal or no schedule impact
- Level 2: able to meet key dates, but exceeding schedule tripwire metrics
- Level 3: minor schedule slip, able to meet key milestones
- Level 4: significantly impacts ability to meet planned milestones and/or other key dates
- Level 5: schedule slip that requires a major schedule rebaselining; precludes program from meeting its Acquisition Program Baseline schedule objectives by more than six months
Definitions of cost levels are constructed in a similar manner, that is, the program devises definitions of minimal, minor, moderate, significant, and major impacts for each of the funding appropriations [Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RD&E), Procurement, and Operation and Maintenance (O&M)], depending on the program.
The intersection points of the likelihood and consequence levels for risk events are displayed on the Risk Reporting Matrix. The RRM allows the combination likelihood and consequence to form an overall risk level for each risk: low (green), moderate (yellow), or high (red). For example, a risk nominally assessed as Level 1 likelihood/Level 1 consequence would be rated green (low risk), while one rated Level 3 likelihood/Level 3 consequence would be rated yellow (moderate/medium risk), and one rated Level 5 likelihood/Level 5 consequence would be rated red (high risk). Assignment of a risk color requires judgment in the context of the particular program assessed. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Risk Analysis.
Risk Statement
A key aspect of Risk Identification. It contains two elements: the potential event and the associated consequences. Risk statements should be written to define the potential event that could adversely affect the ability of the program to meet cost, schedule, and performance objectives. The recommended format is “if-then.” “If” characterizes the possible event or condition, and “then” describes the consequence or outcome. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs) See Likelihood and Consequence.
Risk Transfer
A risk handling option that reassigns the responsibility for a risk to another entity. The prerequisite for transferring a risk is an acknowledgement from the receiving entity that it now owns the risk. This risk handling option may reallocate a risk from one program to another, between the government and prime contractor, within government agencies, or even across two sides of an interface managed by the same organization. (DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs)
Robust Design
The design of a system such that its performance is insensitive to variations in manufacturing tolerances, or its operational environment (including maintenance, transportation, and storage), or to component drift as a result of aging.
Rollaway Costs
See Flyaway Costs.
Freedom from conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage/loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.
Sailaway Costs
See Flyaway Costs.
1.) Series of things to be done in a specific sequence within a given period. 2.) A timetable. 3.) A listing of activities and events organized by time.
Schedule Risk
The risk that a program will not meet its Acquisition Strategy (AS) schedule objectives or major milestones established by the acquisition authority.
Schedule Variance (SV)
The difference between the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) and the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS), that is, SV = BCWP – BCWS.
Scheduled Maintenance
Preventive maintenance performed at prescribed points in the item’s life.
1.) The act of formulating a schedule. 2.) Prescribing when and where each operation necessary to the manufacture of a product is to be performed. See Schedule.
Science and Technology (S&T) Executives
Within DoD, senior authorities responsible for the planning and oversight of the DoD S&T program. S&T Executives include: the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) (ASD[R&E]), who is also the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of DoD; the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology (DASA[R&T]), who also is the Army’s Chief Scientist; the Chief of Naval Research, who is also the Assistant Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps for Science and Technology; and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology and Engineering.
Science and Technology (S&T) Program
Consists of projects funded by the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs) of basic research, applied research, and Advanced Technology Development (ATD).
Sealed Bidding
This term replaced formal advertising. See Two-Step Sealed Bids.
Second Source
Execution of established Acquisition Strategy (AS) to qualify two producers for the part or system. Sometimes called dual sourcing.
Secondary Damage Effect
See Damage Effects.
Security Assistance
Materiel and services provided by the United States to eligible allies as specified by the Congress. This broad term includes the Military Assistance Program (MAP) authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended, and the Foreign Military Sales Program (FMSP) authorized by the FAA of 1961.
A grouping of elements that are closely related and often physically interface. These include Configuration Items (CIs) produced by several contractors and integrated by one contractor.
Selected Acquisition Report (SAR)
Standard, comprehensive, summary status report of a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) (Acquisition Category (ACAT) I) required for periodic submission to Congress. It includes key cost, schedule, and technical information.
Senior Leader Review Group (SLRG)
One of three principal integrated civilian-military governance bodies of DoD. The SLRG meets at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to address DoD issues and priorities of the highest level. The SLRG provides advice and assistance to the SECDEF on the strategic direction of the Department. The Chair of the SLRG is the SECDEF and the Vice Chair is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). The Executive Secretary of the SLRG is the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE). (DoDD 5150.79) See Defense Senior Leadership Conference (DSLC) and Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group (DMAG).
Senior Official
The authority responsible for the acquisition of services within or for an organization. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Senior Services Manager (SSM).
Senior Procurement Executive (SPE)
The senior official responsible for management direction of the Service procurement system, including implementation of unique procurement policies, regulations, and standards (See Title 41, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 414, “Executive Agency Responsibilities”). The SPE for all non-Service DoD Components is the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]). (Title 10, U.S.C., Section 133, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics”)
Senior Services Manager (SSM)
With respect to the acquisition of services, the individual at the flag officer or Senior Executive Service (SES) level appointed by the Senior Official to be responsible for governance in planning, execution, strategic sourcing, and management of the acquisition of services. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Senior Official.
In general, sequestration entails the permanent cancellation of budgetary resources by a uniform percentage reduction that is applied to all programs, projects, and activities within a budget account. However, sequestration procedures may provide for exemptions and special rules, that is, certain programs and activities may be exempt from sequestration, and certain other programs may be governed by special rules regarding the application of a sequester.
Service Acquisition Executive (SAE)
See DoD Component Acquisition Executive (CAE).
Service Contract
One that calls directly for a contractor’s time and effort rather than for a concrete end product.
Service Life
Quantifies the average or mean life of the item. There is no general formula for the computation. Often refers to the mean life between overhauls, the mandatory replacement time, or the total usefulness of the item in respect to the weapon it supports; that is, from first inception of the weapon until final phase out.
Service Life Extension Program (SLEP)
Modification(s) to fielded systems undertaken to extend the life of the system beyond what was previously planned.
Service Supplement
Information, instructions, or lists of items of supply applicable only to one military service.
See Advisory and Assistance Services and Information Technology (IT) Services.
Services Acquisition Workshop (SAW)
A facilitated workshop built around a specific acquisition and its Multi-Functional Integrated Process Team (MFIPT). A SAW facilitation team mentors and guides the MFIPT in developing their acquisition planning, market research, performance requirements, Request for Proposal (RFP), source selection, and contractor performance assessment planning and execution documents. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Services Viewpoint (SvcV)
Models within the SvcV describe services and their interconnections providing or supporting DoD functions. DoD functions include both warfighting and business functions. The Service Models associate service resources to the operational and capability requirements. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
A measure of the degree to which servicing of an item will be accomplished within a given time under specified conditions.
Making ready or preparing for the performance of a job operation. It includes the teardown to return the machine or work area to its original or normal condition.
Set-up Time
The time required to arrange locating fixtures and equipment in order to begin productive work, including adjustments and take down of the original set-up.
Shelf Life
The total period of time beginning with the date of manufacture, cure, assembly, or pack (subsistence only), that an item may remain in the combined wholesale (including manufacturer’s) and retail storage systems, and still remain usable for issue and/or consumption by the end user. (DoD Manual 4140.27–M)
Should Cost Estimate
See Should-Cost Target.
Show Stopper
An event or condition serious enough to halt or severely disrupt a program unless confronted and eliminated.
Should-Cost Target
A Program Manager’s (PM’s) cost goal for an acquisition program, or particular activity or product within an acquisition program, developed by analyzing all elements of the program’s Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) (Will-Cost Estimate) and planning reasonable measures to reduce them. These specific, discrete “Should-Cost” initiatives are developed with prudent, cost- benefit based considerations of associated risks, but without unacceptable reductions in the value received. A program’s “Should-Cost” Target represents what the PM believes the program ought to cost if identified cost saving initiatives are achieved. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]) See Will-Cost Estimate.
Sign Up To
Agree to, authorize, or permit to proceed on a proposal, document, or program. See Chop.
Significant Cost Growth Threshold
A 15 percent increase over the Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC) or Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC) in the current Baseline Estimate (BE) for the program, or at least a 30 percent increase over the APUC or PAUC in the original BE for the program. See Unit Cost Report (UCR).
Simplified Acquisition Procedures
Methods prescribed in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 13 for making purchases of supplies or services, including construction, Research and Development (R&D), and Commercial Items (CIs), the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (including purchases at or below the micro-purchase threshold). See Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) and Micro-Purchase.
Simplified Acquisition Threshold
Means $150,000, except for acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack. In that case, the term means $300,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made inside the United States;
and $1 million, for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made outside the United States. (FAR, Subpart 2.101)
A method for implementing a model. It is the process of conducting experiments with a model for understanding the behavior of the system modeled under selected conditions or of evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system within the limits imposed by developmental or operational criteria. Simulation may include the use of analog or digital devices, laboratory models, or “testbed” sites. Simulations usually are programmed for solution on a computer; however, in the broadest sense, military exercises and wargames also are simulations.
A generic term used to describe equipment used to represent weapon systems in Developmental Testing (DT), Operational Testing (OT), and training—e.g., a threat simulator has one or more characteristics that, when detected by human senses or man-made sensors, provide the appearance of an actual threat weapon system with a prescribed degree of fidelity.
Single Point Failure
The failure of an item that will result in failure of the entire system. Single failure points are normally compensated for by redundancy or an alternative operational procedure.
A separate program management operation established to operate outside the normal process, either to expedite development or because of high security classification.
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT) Technologies developed under the congressionally established SBIR and STTR programs. The DoD utilizes the SBIR and STTR programs to competitively award research or research and development (R/R&D) contracts to small technology businesses with the intention of meeting a defense need. The STTR program requires small technology businesses to partner with research institutions, such as universities. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Small Business Program (SBP)
A program that includes the Mentor-Protégé Program, Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Indian Incentive Programs, Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/SBTT) Programs, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program, Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Technical Assistance Program (HBCU/MI), Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan (CSP) Test Program, and Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) Program.
“Smart” Munitions
Munitions that “think for themselves” and have self-contained ability to search, detect, acquire, and engage targets. They will be delivered to target areas by guns, rockets, missiles, or aircraft with the carriers (platforms) delivering from one to a multitude of the munitions.
See Computer Software.
Software Capability Evaluation (SCE)
A formal evaluation of a contractor’s software process maturity, typically by a government team of assessors, as part of a contract award process. The Software Capability Maturity Model (SW- CMM) is the most common reference model used in these evaluations.
Software Configuration Item (SCI)
A Software Item (SI) specifically designated and identified for configuration management purposes. See Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI).
Software Development Plan (SDP)
A management plan usually generated by the developer outlining the software development effort.
Software Domain
A distinct functional area that can be supported by a class of software systems with similar requirements and capabilities. A domain may exist before there are software systems to support it.
Software Engineering
The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development and Operations and Support (O&S) of software; that is, the application of Systems Engineering (SE) to software. Typical software engineering tasks include analyzing the system requirements allocated to the software, developing the software requirements, developing the software architecture, designing the software, implementing the software in the code, integrating the software components, and testing the software to verify that the software satisfies the specified requirements allocated to the software component of a system or subsystem. It also may include management issues such as directing program teams, scheduling, and budgeting.
Software Engineering/Development Approaches
Also referred to as software development paradigms, these are process models for how the various tasks related to software development can be organized. Typical approaches or
paradigms encountered in DoD software development include waterfall, incremental, and spiral as described below. The incremental development approach typically forms the basis for software development within the larger systems-level of Evolutionary Acquisition (EA). See Evolutionary Acquisition (EA).
- Waterfall Approach: Development activities are performed in order, with possibly minor overlap, but with little or no iteration between activities. User needs are determined, requirements are defined, and the full system is designed, built, and tested for ultimate delivery at one point in time. A document-driven approach best suited for highly precedented systems with stable
- Incremental Approach: Determines user needs and defines the overall architecture, but then delivers the system in a series of increments (“software builds”). The first build incorporates a part of the total planned capabilities, the next build adds more capabilities, and so on, until the entire system is complete.
- Spiral Approach: A risk-driven controlled prototyping approach that develops prototypes early in the development process to specifically address risk areas followed by assessment of prototyping results and further determination of risk areas to prototype. Areas that are prototyped frequently include user requirements and algorithm performance. Prototyping continues until high risk areas are resolved and mitigated to an acceptable
Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
A Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) sponsored by the Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L]). The SEI mission is to provide leadership in advancing the practice of software engineering to improve the quality of systems that depend on software.
Software Failure
The inability, resulting from a fault in the software, to perform an intended logical operation in the presence of the specified/data environment.
Software Item (SI)
An aggregation of software, such as a computer program or database, that satisfies an end-use function and is designated for purposes of specification, qualification, testing, interfacing, configuration management, or other purposes. An SI is made up of Computer Software Units (CSUs).
Software Logistics
See Software Support.
Software Maintainability
The ease with which a software system, or component, can be modified to correct faults, or improve performance or other attributes.
Software Product Specification (SPS)
Detailed design and description of Software Items (SIs) comprising the product baseline. Analogous to the Item Detail Specification of a Hardware Configuration Item (HWCI) in the product baseline of a hardware system.
Software Quality
The ability of software to satisfy its specified requirements.
Software Reliability
The probability that software will not cause a failure of a system for a specified time under specified conditions.
Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
A performance specification type that documents the essential requirements (functions, performance, design constraints, and attributes) of a given Software Item (SI). Typically accompanied by the Interface Requirement Specification (IRS) for that SI. Analogous to the item performance specification of a Configuration Item (CI) in the allocated baseline of a hardware system.
Software Reuse
The process of implementing or updating software systems using existing software assets.
Software Specification Review (SSR)
A life cycle review of the requirements specified for one or more Software Configuration Items (SCIs) to determine whether they form an adequate basis for proceeding into preliminary design of the reviewed item. See Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and Interface Requirement Specification (IRS).
Software Support
The sum of all activities that take place to ensure that implemented and fielded software continues to fully support the operational mission of the system. See Post-Deployment Software Support (PDSS).
Software-Intensive System (SIS)
A system in which software represents the largest segment in one or more of the following criteria: system development cost, system development risk, system functionality, or development time.
Soldier-Machine Interface (SMI)
Systematic analysis and examination of psychophysiology of equipment designs and operational concepts to ensure they are compatible with capabilities and limitations of operators and maintainers. See Man-Machine Interface (MMI).
Sole Source Acquisition
A contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source.
In contracting, the term means to go out to prospective bidders and request their response to a proposal.
Solution Architecture
A framework that portrays the relationships among all elements of a structure that addresses a problem. Used as a tool to improve joint operational processes and infrastructure and to promote common vocabulary, reuse, and integration. (JCIDS Manual)
Source Code
Human-readable computer instructions and data definitions expressed in a form suitable for input to an assembler, compiler, or other translator. See Object Code.
Source Selection
The process wherein the requirements, facts, recommendations, and government policy relevant to an award decision in a competitive procurement of a system/project are examined and the decision made.
Source Selection Advisory Council (SSAC)
Senior military or government civilian personnel designated by the Source Selection Authority (SSA) to serve as staff and advisors during the source selection process. The SSA usually delegates the following duties to the SSAC—selecting/approving the Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB) membership, reviewing the evaluation criteria, and weighing these criteria. A SSAC is required for source selections valued at more than $100 million.
Source Selection Authority (SSA)
The official designated to direct the source selection process, approve the selection plan, select the source(s), and announce contract award.
Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB)
A group of military and/or government civilian personnel, representing functional and technical disciplines, that is charged with evaluating proposals and developing summary facts and findings during source selection.
Source Selection Evaluation Team (SSET)
1.) A group of military and/or government civilian personnel, representing functional and technical disciplines, that performs the duties of a Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB) and a Source Selection Advisory Council (SSAC). See Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB). 2.) A subgroup of a SSEB, that is, a group of military and/or government civilian personnel, representing a particular functional or technical discipline that evaluates one area of a contractor’s proposal in support of the Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB), for example, a “cost SSET.”
Source Selection Plan (SSP)
Written by the Program Office (PO) and approved by the Source Selection Authority (SSA). Typically, the SSP consists of two parts. The first part describes the organization and responsibilities of the source selection team. The second part identifies the evaluation criteria and detailed procedures for proposal evaluation.
Spare Parts
Repairable components or assemblies used for maintenance replacement purposes in major end items of equipment.
A term used to denote both spare and repair parts.
Spares Acquisition Integrated with Production (SAIP)
A procedure to combine procurement of selected spares with procurement of identical items produced for installation on the primary system, subsystem, or equipment.
Spares Management Improvement Program (SMIP)
Reforms, breakout, and other initiatives designed to result in savings or cost avoidance in spare parts management.
Special Access Program (SAP)
Any program imposing need-to-know or access controls beyond those normally provided for access to Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret information. Examples of such controls include, but are not limited to, special clearance, adjudication, or investigative requirements; special designation of officials authorized to determine need to know; or special lists of persons determined to have a need-to-know. (DoD 5200.1–M)
Special Interest
Services that, by their nature or the circumstances related to their acquisition, deserve special attention or care during planning, review, approval, and oversight. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L]
Special Priorities (SPA)
When necessary, the Department of Commerce (DoC) may take specific official actions to implement or enforce the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) regulation. This includes issuance of Rating Authorizations, Directives, and Letters of Understanding as noted below:
- Rating Authorization: An official action granting specific priority rating authority that permits a person to place a priority rating on an order for an item not normally ratable under the DPAS regulation, or authorizes a person to modify a priority rating on a specific order or series of contracts or
- Directive: An official action requiring a company to deliver an item or to take other action within a specified time. A company must comply with each Directive issued; however, a company may not use or extend a Directive to obtain any items from a supplier unless expressly authorized to do so in the Directive. Directives take precedence over all DX-rated orders, DO-rated orders, and unrated orders previously or subsequently received, unless a contrary instruction appears in the
- Letter of Understanding: An official action which may be issued in resolving SPA requests to reflect an agreement by all parties (Commerce, agency, the supplier, and the customer). A Letter of Understanding is used to confirm production or shipping schedules which do not require modifications to other rated orders. It is not used to alter scheduling between rated orders, to authorize the use of priority ratings, to impose restrictions under the DPAS regulation, or to take other official actions. See Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) and Defense Production Act (DPA) of
Special Test Equipment (STE)
Single or multipurpose integrated test units engineered, designed, fabricated, or modified to accomplish special purpose testing.
Special Time Allowance
A temporary time value applying to an operation in addition to or in place of a standard allowance, to compensate for a specified, temporary, nonstandard production condition.
Special Tooling (ST)
All jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, gauges, other equipment and manufacturing aids, and replacements thereof, which are of such a specialized nature that, without substantial modification or alteration, their use is limited to the development or production of particular services.
An agreement within an alliance wherein a member or group of members most suited by virtue of technical skills, location, or other qualifications assume(s) greater responsibility for a specific task or significant portion thereof for one or more members.
A document used in development and procurement that describes the technical requirements for items, materials, and services including the procedures by which it will be determined that the requirements have been met. Specifications may be unique to a specific program (program- peculiar) or they may be common to several applications (general in nature).
Spectrum Supportability Risk Assessment
Risk assessment performed by DoD Components for all Spectrum Dependent (S-D) systems to identify risks as early as possible and to affect design and procurement decisions accordingly. These risks are reviewed at acquisition milestones and are managed throughout the system’s life cycle.
Spend Analysis
The collaborative and structured process of critically analyzing an organization’s spend data to support business decisions for best acquiring services (and commodities) more effectively and efficiently. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Spending Committees
Standing committees of the House and Senate with jurisdiction over legislation that permits the obligation of funds. For most programs, the Appropriations Committees are spending committees. For some programs, authorization legislation permits the obligation of funds without an appropriation, and so the authorization committees have the spending power. At times, revenue-raising committees (House Ways and Means, and Senate Finance) may also be considered to be spending committees because they write/modify legislation covering
“entitlements”—that is, legislation that mandates expenditures (spending) of tax revenues on entitlement programs such as Social Security.
Spiral Development (SD)
See Software Engineering/Development Approaches.
See Document Sponsor.
A statement of authorized personnel strength in a Program Office (PO).
Stakeholder Requirements Definition
Elicits inputs from the user community to understand and refine the operational needs, attributes, performance parameters and constraints that flow from Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents and to translate that input into technical program and system requirements addressing performance parameters, and scheduling, affordability, and technical constraints. Stakeholder Requirements Definition complements the Requirements Analysis and Architecture Design technical processes. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Stand Alone
A system that performs its functions requiring little or no assistance from interfacing systems.
In work measurement, any established or accepted rule, model, or criterion against which comparisons are made.
Standard Cost
1.) The normal expected cost of an operation, process, or product including labor, material, and overhead charges, computed on the basis of past performance costs, estimates, or work measurement. 2.) A benchmark cost to be used as a standard against which actual costs will be compared.
Standard Data
Data that have been approved formally in accordance with the organization’s data standardization procedures.
Standard Deviation
The square root of the variance. It is a measure of spread of data points about the mean in the data’s original unit of measure.
Standard Error of Estimate
A measure of divergence in the actual values of the dependent variable from their regression estimates. (Also known as standard deviation from regression line.) The deviations of observations from the regression line are squared, summed, and divided by the number of observations.
Standard Time Data
A compilation of all the elements used for performing a given class of work with standard elemental time values for each element. The data are used as a basis for determining time standards on work similar to that from which the data were determined without making actual time studies.
Standards Viewpoint (StdV)
Models within the StdV are the set of rules governing the arrangement, interaction, and interdependence of parts or elements of the Architectural Description. These sets of rules can be captured at the enterprise level and applied to each solution, while each solution’s architectural description depicts only those rules pertinent to the architecture described. Its purpose is to ensure that a solution satisfies a specified set of operational or capability requirements. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
The process by which DoD achieves the closest practicable cooperation among forces; the most efficient use of research, development, and production resources; and agreement to adopt on the broadest possible basis the use of common or compatible operational, administrative, and logistics procedures and criteria; common or compatible technical procedures and criteria; common or compatible, or interchangeable supplies, components, weapons, or equipment; and common or compatible tactical doctrine with corresponding organizational compatibility.
Standardization (North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO])
The process by which NATO nations achieve the closest practicable cooperation among their forces; facilitate the most efficient use of research, development, and production resources; and agree to adopt on the broadest possible basis the use of common or compatible operational, administrative, and logistical procedures; common, compatible or interchangeable supplies, components, weapons or equipment; common or compatible technical procedures and criteria; and common or compatible tactical doctrine with corresponding organizational compatibility.
Standardization Agreement (STANAG)
The record of an agreement among several or all the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nations to adopt like or similar military equipment, ammunition, supplies and store; and operational, logistical, and administrative procedures. National acceptance of a NATO allied publication issued by the Military Agency for Standardization (MAS) may be recorded as a STANAG.
State of the Art
The level to which Science and Technology (S&T) at any designated cut-off time has been developed in a given industry or group of industries, as in “the missile’s capabilities were determined by the state of the art at the time it went into production.”
Statement of Objectives (SOO)
That portion of a solicitation that establishes a broad description of the government’s required performance objectives. The contractor will submit a Statement of Work (SOW) or Performance Work Statement (PWS), as directed, for inclusion in the contract.
Statement of Work (SOW)
That portion of a contract that establishes and defines all non-specification requirements for contractor’s efforts either directly or with the use of specific cited documents.
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
The use of statistical techniques, such as control charts, to analyze a process or its outputs so as to take appropriate actions to achieve and maintain a state of statistical control and to improve the process capability.
Strategic Market Research
Includes all the activities that acquisition personnel perform continuously to keep themselves abreast of technology and product developments in their areas of expertise.
Strategic Sourcing
The collaborative and structured process of critically analyzing an organization’s spending and using this information to make business decisions about acquiring commodities and services more effectively and efficiently. It is a proven best practice and reflects how DoD acquires goods and services. (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
A working draft copy circulated for comments or suggested changes.
1.) Allows flexibility for application of contractor’s expertise, judgment, and creativity in meeting requirements. Ensures only cost-effective requirements are included in solicitation and contracts. 2.) Broadly used to denote efforts to shorten acquisition process. Also see Tailoring.
Stretch Out (A Program)
1.) Procurement: Buying the originally intended number of end items (or close to it) over a longer period (e.g., buying 10 per year rather than 20, which doubles the time of the program). 2.) Acquisition phase or process: taking longer to complete than originally planned, either for technical or funding reasons.
Involves the ways in which the tasks of the organization are divided (differentiated) and coordinated (integrated).
Two or more parts joined together to form a unit that is capable of being disassembled and that is only a part of a complete machine, structure, or other article.
A contract or contractual action entered into by a prime contractor or subcontractor for obtaining supplies, materials, equipment, or services under a prime contract.
A contractor after entering into a contract with a prime contractor.
A functional grouping of components that combine to perform a major function within an element such as electrical power, attitude control, and propulsion.
Sunk Costs
Costs already incurred. Because they are in the past, they are not germane to decisions about the future use of resources.
Supplemental Agreement
Bilateral written modification to a contract by which the government and the contractor settle price and/or performance adjustments to the basic contract.
Supplemental Appropriation
An act appropriating funds in addition to those in an annual appropriation act. Supplemental appropriations provide additional Budget Authority (BA) beyond original estimates for programs or activities (including new programs authorized after the date of the original appropriation act) for which the funding need is too urgent to be postponed until enactment of the next regular appropriation act.
The publication of directives, instructions, regulations, and related documents that add to, restrict, or otherwise modify the policies or procedures of a higher authority.
All property except land or interest in land. Includes, but is not limited to, public works, facilities, ships, aircraft, machine tools, and their parts and accessories.
The procurement, distribution, maintenance while in storage, and salvage of supplies, including the determination of kind and quantity of supplies. The Producer Phase extends from determination of procurement schedules to acceptance of finished supplies by the military Services. The Consumer Phase extends from receipt of finished supplies by the military Services through issue for use or consumption. See Supply Support.
Supply Chain
The linked activities associated with providing materiel to an end user starting from a raw material stage to a finished product. (DoDI 4140.01)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
A cross-functional approach to procuring, producing, and delivering products and services to customers. The broad management scope includes sub-suppliers, suppliers, internal information, and funds flow. (Joint Publication 1–02) SCM provides an intellectual and organizational approach to managing, integrating, and assuring all the elements that affect the flow of materiel to the joint force. Military SCM is the discipline that integrates acquisition, supply, maintenance, and transportation functions with the physical, financial, information, and communications networks in a results-oriented approach to satisfy joint force materiel requirements. (Joint Publication 4–09)
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
A systematic process for managing supply chain risk by identifying susceptibilities, vulnerabilities and threats throughout DoD’s “supply chain” and developing mitigation strategies
to combat those threats whether presented by the supplier, the supplied product and its subcomponents, or the supply chain (e.g., initial production, packaging, handling, storage, transport, mission operation, and disposal). (DoDI 5200.44)
Supply Support
The management actions, procedures and techniques necessary to determine requirements to acquire, catalog, receive, store, transfer, issue and dispose of spares, repair parts, and supplies. Supply support includes provisioning for initial support, as well as acquiring, distributing, and replenishing inventories. Proper supply support management results in having the right spares, repair parts, and all classes of supplies available, in the right quantities, at the right place, at the right time, at the right price. (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Program Support (IPS) Elements and Supply.
Supply System
The organizations, offices, facilities, methods, and techniques utilized to provide supplies and equipment to authorized users including requirements computation, procurement, distribution, maintenance-in-storage, issue, and salvage of materiel. See Supply and Supply Support.
Support Equipment (SE)
All equipment (mobile or fixed) required to support the operation and maintenance of a system. It includes, but is not limited to, ground handling and maintenance equipment, trucks, air conditioners, generators, tools, metrology and calibration equipment, and manual and automatic test equipment. It also includes the acquisition of Logistics Support (LS) for the support equipment itself. During the acquisition of systems, Program Managers (PMs) are expected to decrease the proliferation of support equipment into the inventory by minimizing the development of new support equipment and giving more attention to the use of existing government or commercial equipment. (Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Program Support (IPS) Elements.
Support for Strategic Analysis (SSA)
A collaborative and iterative process co-led, on behalf of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), by the Offices of Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (D, CAPE); the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy [USD(P]); and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). SSA products support deliberations by DoD senior leadership on strategy and Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) System matters, including force sizing, shaping, and capability development. SSA products include current baselines that reflect selected Combatant Commander (CCDR) plans and approved force management decisions and near-to- long term scenarios, Concepts of Operation (CONOPS), forces and baselines based upon plausible challenges requiring DoD resources and capabilities. (DoDD 8260.05)
Support Item
An item that is used to support an end item (e.g., a tool, a piece of test equipment, or a training device).
A key component of availability. It includes design, technical support data, and maintenance procedures to facilitate detection, isolation, and timely repair and/or replacement of system anomalies. This includes factors such as diagnostics, prognostics, real time maintenance data collection, and Human System Integration (HSI) considerations. (JCIDS Manual)
Supportability Analysis (SA)
An analytical tool, conducted as part of the Systems Engineering Process (SEP), to determine how to most cost-effectively support the system over its entire life cycle. It provides the basis for related design requirements that may be included in specifications.
Supporting Joint Concepts
Add depth and detail to one or more Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs) by describing how the future Joint Force is expected to conduct a subset of a JOC mission or apply joint functions across two or more JOC mission areas. Supporting joint concepts are written at a level of detail suitable for a Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA). As such, supporting joint concepts allow for a more in-depth exploration of capabilities identified in JOCs by enabling follow-on testing, assessment, observations, and lessons learned. Approved supporting joint concepts drive the conduct of CBAs and other analyses designed to examine capability gaps and support the refinement and implementation of nonmateriel and materiel changes needed to achieve the required capabilities and desired end state specified in the concept. (CJCSI 3010.02D) See Family of Joint Concepts.
Supporting Service
A military Service designated by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), or as the result of military service initiatives, to assist the designated lead military Service in managing Multi-Service Operational Test and Evaluation (MOT&E) or a Joint Test and Evaluation (JT&E) program.
An increase in the production or repair of defense goods for a limited time.
Surge Production
An increased rate of production necessary to meet demands for defense items because of a wartime or mobilization situation. This increase can be obtained by having excess production capacity available or by utilizing multiple shifts of normal capacity machines.
Surveillance Monitor
The individual in the Contract Administration Office (CAO) who is responsible for coordinating Earned Value Management System (EVMS) criteria surveillance functions with other members of the CAO organization and with the auditor, to assure that the surveillance objectives are accomplished.
Surveillance (Plant)
Monitoring of contractor efforts to perform under a contract. Done by government personnel, and includes on-site inspections, checks, and reports.
The capability of a system or its crew to avoid or withstand a manmade hostile environment without suffering an abortive impairment of its ability to accomplish its designated mission.
Survivability and Live Fire Testing Status Report
For programs under Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) oversight that proceed to operational use or make procurement funds available prior to Milestone C approval, DOT&E will submit a Survivability and Live Fire Testing Status Report to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and the congressional defense committees in accordance with Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2366. The report addresses the adequacy of the LFT&E performed to date and evaluates the current operational survivability or lethality of the covered platform or weapon system. The report is due as soon as practicable after testing is concluded. (DoDI 5000.02)
Sustaining Engineering
Technical tasks (engineering and logistics investigations and analyses) to ensure continued Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of a system with managed (i.e., known) risk. This involves the identification, review, assessment, and resolution of deficiencies throughout a system’s life cycle. It also implementation of selected corrective actions, to include configuration or maintenance processes, and the monitoring of key sustainment health metrics such as the following:
- Collection and triage of all service use and maintenance data;
- Analysis of safety hazards, failure causes and effects, Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) trends, and operational usage profiles changes;
- Root cause analysis of in-service problems (including operational hazards, deficiency reports, parts obsolescence, corrosion effects, and reliability degradation);
- The development of required design changes to resolve operational issues;
- Other activities necessary to ensure cost-effective support to achieve peacetime and wartime readiness and performance requirements over a system’s life
(Product Support Manager Guidebook) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Sustaining Production Rate
The lowest feasible level of production for a production line to stay open.
See Life Cycle Sustainment and Integrated Product Support (IPS).
Sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is supported by several elements that provide an integrated structure that balances sustainment with capability and affordability across a capability solution’s life cycle, and informs decision makers in tradeoff analysis. The Sustainment KPP consists of two primary components, Materiel Availability (AM) and Operational Availability (AO), and two Key System Attributes (KSAs), Reliability and Operating and Support (O&S) Cost:
1.) Materiel and Operational Availability
- Materiel Availability. AM is the measure of the percentage of the total inventory of a system operationally capable, based on materiel condition, of performing an assigned mission. This can be expressed mathematically as the number of operationally available end items/total population.
- Operational Availability. AO is the measure of the percentage of time within a year in which system or group of systems within a unit is operationally capable of performing an assigned mission and can be expressed as (uptime/[uptime + downtime]). (JCIDS Manual). Alternatively, AO can be considered as the degree (expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1, or the percentage equivalent) to which a piece of equipment or weapon system can be expected to work properly when required, that is, the percentage of time during which the equipment or weapon system is available for use. It can be calculated using logistics parameters that consider the effect of reliability, maintainability, and Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) by dividing Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) by the sum of the MTBM, Mean Maintenance Time (MMT), and MLDT, that is, AO = MTBM/(MTBM + MMT + MLDT). It is the quantitative link between readiness objectives and supportability.
Additional components supporting the Sustainment KPP include Key System Attributes (KSAs): 2.) Reliability KSA. Reliability is a measure of the probability that the system will
perform without failure over a specific interval, under specified conditions. Reliability shall be sufficient to support the warfighting capability requirements, within expected operating environments. Considerations of reliability must support materiel availability and operational
availability. More than one reliability metric may be specified as KSAs and/or Additional Performance Attributes (APAs), as appropriate. For continuous use systems, such as aircraft, reliability should be measured in terms of its primary usage metric (e.g., operating hours, miles or flight hours). For discrete systems, such as a single use munition, reliability should be measured as a probability. (JCIDS Manual) See “Reliability” for a more general definition.
3.) Operating and Support (O&S) Cost KSA. Total O&S costs across the projected life cycle associated with availability and reliability. All O&S costs must be included regardless of funding source or management control.
(JCIDS Manual) See also: Mandatory Key System Attributes (KSAs), Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Reliability.
Sustainment Maturity Levels (SML)
Metric established to assist the Product Support Manager (PSM) identify the appropriate maturity level that the product support plan should achieve at each milestone and the extent to which a program’s product support implementation efforts are “likely to result in the timely delivery of capability to the Warfighter.” There are 12 SMLs ranging from Level 1 (Pre- Milestone A): “Supportability and sustainment options identified,” to Level 12 (Post Milestone C): “Product Support Package fully in place including depot repair capability.” SMLs address the full range of support options, from traditional organic based to full commercial based, without prescribing a specific solution. They can be applied across major sub-systems to provide a common, useful means to convey progress across the various communities. Additionally, SMLs provide a standard way of documenting the status of product support implementation that can be traced back to life cycle product support policy, as well as providing the basis for root cause analysis when risks are identified. (Product Support Manager’s Guidebook)
Responsibility of the Capability Development Document (CDD) sponsor in System of Systems (SoS) capability solutions to ensure that related capability solutions identified in other CDDs or Capability Production Documents (CPDs) remain compatible and that the development results in the delivery of those capabilities at the specified time. (JCIDS Manual)
1.) The organization of hardware, software, material, facilities, personnel, data, and services needed to perform a designated function with specified results, such as the gathering of specified data, its processing, and delivery to users. 2.) A combination of two or more interrelated pieces of equipment (or sets) arranged in a functional package to perform an operational function or to satisfy a requirement.
System Acquisition Management (SAM)
See Acquisition Management and Program Management.
System Acquisition Process
The sequence of acquisition activities starting from the agency’s reconciliation of its mission needs, with its capabilities, priorities, and resources, and extending through the introduction of a system into operational use, or otherwise successful achievement of program objectives.
System Analysis (SA)
A management planning technique that applies scientific methods of many disciplines to major problems or decisions. The list of disciplines includes, but is not limited to, traditional military planning, economics, political science and social sciences, applied mathematics, and the physical sciences.
System Deployment
Delivery of the completed production system to the using activity.
System Design Review (SDR)
A mandatory technical review for space systems during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) phase. An SDR ensures that the system’s functional baseline is established and that the system has a reasonable expectation of satisfying the requirement of the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) within the currently allocated budget and schedule. It completes the process of defining the items or elements below system level. This review accesses the decomposition of the system specification to system functional specifications. The SDR determines whether the system’s functional definition is fully decomposed and that the program is prepared to begin preliminary design. The Program Manager (PM) provides a post-SDR report to the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). See Post-System Design Review Assessment (P- SDRA).
System Development and Demonstration (SDD)
Budget Activity (BA) 5 within a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation account. Involves mature system development, integration, and demonstration to support Milestone C decisions and the conduct of Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) of production representative articles. (DoD 7000.14–R) See Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Budget Activities (BAs).
System Functional Review (SFR)
A multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that the system’s functional baseline is established and has a reasonable expectation of satisfying the requirements of the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) or draft Capability Development Document (CDD) within the currently allocated budget and schedule. It completes the process of defining the items or elements below system level. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
System of Systems (SoS)
A set or arrangement that results when independent and useful systems are integrated into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities.
System Program/Project Office (SPO)
The office of the Program Manager (PM) and the single point of contact with industry, government agencies, and other activities participating in the system acquisition process. (Air Force)
System Readiness Objective (SRO)
A criterion for assessing the ability of a system to undertake and sustain a specified set of missions at planned peacetime and wartime utilization. System readiness measures take explicit account of the effects of Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) system design, the characteristics and performance of the support system, and the quantity and location of support resources. Examples of system readiness measures are combat sortie rate over time, peacetime mission capable rate, Operational Availability (AO), and asset ready rate.
System Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Parameter
A measure of reliability or maintainability in which the units of measurement are related directly to operational readiness, mission success, and maintenance manpower cost, or Logistics Support (LS) cost.
System Requirements Review (SRR)
The SRR is a multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that the system under review can proceed into initial systems development, and that all system requirements and performance requirements derived from the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) or draft Capability Development Document (CDD) are defined and testable, and are consistent with cost, schedule, risk, technology readiness, and other system constraints. Generally this review assesses the system requirements as captured in the system specification, and ensures that the system requirements are consistent with the approved materiel solution (including its support concept) as well as available technologies resulting from the prototyping effort. It normally is held during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
System Safety
The application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and techniques to optimize safety within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost throughout all phases of the system life cycle.
System Survivability (SS) Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is intended to ensure the system maintains its critical capabilities under applicable threat environments. The SS KPP may include reducing a system’s likelihood of being engaged by hostile fire, through attributes such as speed, maneuverability, detectability, and countermeasures; reducing the system’s vulnerability if hit by hostile fire, through attributes such as armor and redundancy of critical components; enabling operation in degraded electromagnetic (EM), space, or cyber environments; and allowing the system to survive and continue to operate in, or after exposure to, a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environment, if required. (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs).
System Specification
A description of the system-level requirements, constraints, and interfaces (functional, performance, and design) and the qualification conditions and procedures for their testing and acceptance. The System Specification, initially reviewed at the System Requirements Review (SRR), ultimately becomes part of the functional baseline that is confirmed at the completion of the System Functional Review (SFR).
System Threat Assessment (STA)
See System Threat Assessment Report (STAR).
System Threat Assessment Report (STAR)
An authoritative, system-specific threat assessment report (threat to be countered/projected threat environment) developed by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). May be referred to as a System Threat Assessment (STA). Must be validated by Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for Acquisition Category (ACAT) ID and IAM programs or validated by DoD Components for ACAT IC, IAC and below programs. Programs on the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Oversight List require a STAR regardless of ACAT designation. (DoDI 5000.02)
System Verification Review (SVR)
A multi-disciplined product and process assessment to ensure that the system under review can proceed into Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) and Full-Rate Production (FRP) within cost (program budget), schedule (program schedule), risk, and other system constraints. Generally
this review is an audit trail from the System Functional Review (SFR). It assesses the system functionality, and determines if it meets the functional requirements (derived from the Capability Development Document [CDD] and draft Capability Production Document [CPD]) documented in the functional baseline. The SVR establishes and verifies final product performance. It provides inputs to the CPD. The SVR is often conducted concurrently with the Production Readiness Review (PRR). A Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) may also be conducted concurrently with the SVR, if desired. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
System/Subsystem Specification (SSS)
States the system-level functional and performance requirements, interfaces, adaptation requirements, security and privacy requirements, computer resource requirements, design constraints (including software architecture, data standards, programming language), software support and precedence requirements, and developmental test requirements for a given system.
Systems Commands
1.) Navy materiel/developing activities: Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR); Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA); Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC); Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP); Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR); and Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM), a reporting activity under the Marine Corps Materiel Command (MARCORMATCOM). 2.) Term is sometimes used as a generic reference for all Service acquisition commands/centers.
Systems Effectiveness
The measure of the extent to which a system may be expected to achieve a set of specific mission requirements. It is a function of availability, reliability, dependability, and capability.
Systems Engineering (SE)
An interdisciplinary approach and process encompassing the entire technical effort to evolve, verify and sustain an integrated and total life cycle balanced set of system, people, and process solutions that satisfy customer needs. SE is the integrating mechanism for the technical and technical management efforts related to the concept analysis, Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA), Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), Production and Deployment (P&D), Operations and Support (O&S), disposal of, and user training for systems and their life cycle processes. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Technical Processes and Technical Management Processes.
Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP)
A key tool to assess multiple aspects of any supplier’s applied systems engineering approach (may also be called the “contractor’s System Engineering Plan,” or an Offeror’s Plan in response
to a solicitation). This document, if written in response to a government Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), provides unique insight as to application of the contractor’s standards, capability models, and toolsets to the acquisition program at hand. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Systems Engineering Plan (SEP).
Systems Engineering Plan (SEP)
An acquisition program’s primary technical planning document. It serves as the blueprint for the integration and management of technical processes and design development in order to define and balance system performance, cost, schedule, risk, and security within the program and throughout its life cycle. The SEP is a living document in which Systems Engineering (SE) planning should be kept current and fidelity should evolve as the program progresses through each acquisition phase.
Systems Viewpoint (SV)
The Systems Models associate systems resources to the operational and capability requirements. These systems resources support the operational activities and facilitate the exchange of information. (DoDAF Version 2.02) See Architecture Viewpoints and Models.
Tactical Market Research
A phase of market research conducted in response to a specific materiel need or need for services. See Market Research and Strategic Market Research.
The manner in which certain core issues (program definition, program structure, program design, program assessments, and periodic reporting) are addressed in a particular program. The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) seeks to minimize the time it takes to satisfy an identified need consistent with common sense, sound business management practice, applicable laws and regulations, and the time-sensitive nature of the requirement itself. Tailoring may be applied to various aspects of the acquisition process, including program documentation, acquisition phases, the time and scope of decision reviews, supportability analysis, and decision levels consistent with all applicable statutory requirements. See Streamlining.
1.) In the context of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), an action or activity (derived from an analysis of the mission and concept of operations) assigned to an individual or organization to provide a capability. (JCIDS Manual) 2.) In the context of
scheduling, an element of work performed during the course of a project. An activity has an expected duration, expected cost, and expected resource requirements. Some systems may define tasks/activity at a level below the work package while other systems do not differentiate between the two. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
An agreement of two or more firms to form a partnership or joint venture to act as a potential prime contractor; or an agreement by a potential prime contractor to act as a subcontractor under a specified acquisition program; or an agreement for a joint proposal resulting from a normal prime contractor-subcontractor, licensee-licenser, or leader company relationship.
Technical Data (TD)
Recorded information of scientific or technical nature, regardless of form or character (such as equipment technical manuals and engineering drawings), engineering data, specifications, standards and Data Item Descriptions (DID). Data rights, data delivery, as well as use of any source controlled data as part of this element are included in technical data as are “as maintained” bills of material and system configuration identified by individual configuration item. TD does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration. (Product Support Manager Guidebook and Title 10, U.S.C., Section 2302 (4)) See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Technical Data Package (TDP)
A technical description of an item adequate for supporting an Acquisition Strategy (AS), production, engineering, and Logistics Support (LS). The description defines the required design configuration and procedures to ensure adequacy of item performance. It consists of all applicable TD such as drawings, associated lists, specifications, standards, performance requirements, Quality Assurance (QA) provisions, and packaging details.
Technical Data Rights (TDR)
See Rights in Technical Data (TD).
Technical Evaluation
The study, investigations, or Test and Evaluation (T&E) by a developing agency to determine the technical suitability of materiel, equipment, or a system, for use in the military Services. See Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E).
Technical Information
Information including scientific, which relates to research, development, engineering, test, evaluation, production, operation, use and maintenance of munitions, and other military supplies and equipment.
Technical Management (TM)
TM is a broad term including the management of a totally integrated effort of Systems Engineering (SE) (including hardware and software), Test and Evaluation (T&E), and production and Logistics Support (LS) over the system life cycle. Its goal is timely deployment of an effective system, sustaining it, and satisfying the need at an affordable cost. TM includes, but is not limited to system/product definition process (establishing baseline); design engineering; SE (putting pieces together); computer resources; software management; Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E); Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E); Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM); Product Improvements (PIs); transition from development to production; Total Quality Management (TQM); standardization and specifications; Configuration Management (CM); producibility; manufacturing process and controls; system or product disposal; and Preplanned Product Improvements (P3Is). TM involves balancing a system’s cost, schedule, effectiveness, and supportability.
Technical Management Plan (TMP)
A contractor’s plan for the conduct and management of the effort required to satisfy the requirements in the Request for Proposal (RFP), contract schedule, Statement of Work/Objectives (SOW/SOO), and/or specification.
Technical Management Processes
Used by the Program Manager (PM) to manage the technical development of the system increments, including the supporting or enabling systems. Technical management processes include (Defense Acquisition Guidebook):
- Decision Analysis
- Technical Planning
- Technical Assessment
- Requirements Management
- Risk Management
- Configuration Management
- Data Management
- Interface Management
Technical Manual (TM)
A publication that contains instructions for the installation, operation, maintenance, training, and support of weapon systems, weapon system components, and support equipment. TM information may be presented in any form or characteristic, including but not limited to hard copy, audio and visual displays, magnetic tape, discs, and other electronic devices. A TM normally includes operational and maintenance instructions, parts lists or parts breakdown, and related technical information or procedures exclusive of administrative procedures. Technical Orders (TOs) that meet the criteria of this definition also may be classified as TM.
Technical Performance Measurement (TPM)
A graphical depiction of a product design assessment. It displays values derived from tests and future estimates of essential performance parameters of the current design. It forecasts the values to be achieved through the planned technical program effort, measures differences between achieved values and those allocated to the product element by Systems Engineering Processes (SEPs), and determines the impact of those differences on system effectiveness. Technical parameters measured by TPM typically are related to Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs).
Technical Processes
Used by the Program Manager (PM) to design the system, subsystems, and components, including the supporting or enabling systems required to produce, support, operate, or dispose of a system. Technical processes include (Defense Acquisition Guidebook):
- Stakeholder Requirements Definition
- Requirements Analysis
- Architecture Design
- Implementation
- Integration
- Verification
- Validation
- Transition
Technical Risk
The risk that arises from activities related to technology, design and engineering, manufacturing, and the critical technical processes of test, production, and logistics.
Technology Base
The development efforts in basic and applied research.
Technology Development (TD) Phase
Obsolete. See Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase.
Technology Development Strategy (TDS)
Obsolete. See Acquisition Strategy (AS).
Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase
The second phase of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) as defined and established by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. It is initiated by a successful Milestone A decision. The purpose of this phase is to reduce technology, engineering, integration, and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) risk to the point that a decision to contract for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) can be made with confidence in successful program execution for development, production, and sustainment. This phase should include a mix of activities intended to reduce the specific risks associated with the product to be developed. These activities include additional design trades and requirements trades necessary to ensure an affordable product and executable development and production programs. Capability requirements are matured and validated and affordability caps are finalized during this phase. This phase normally includes competitive sources conducting TMRR activities and preliminary design activities up to and including a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) prior to source selection for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase. (DoDI 5000.02) See Program Initiation.
Technology Modernization
The coupling of modernization with the implementation of advanced manufacturing technology by providing incentives for contractor (and subcontractor) capitalization.
Technology Project
A directed, incrementally funded effort designed to provide new capability in response to technological opportunities or an operational or business need (e.g., accounting or inventory cataloging). Technology projects are “presystems acquisition,” do not have an Acquisition Category (ACAT), and precede program initiation. Technology is the output of the Science and Technology (S&T) program used in systems acquisition. The decision authority and information necessary for decision-making on each project is specified by the appropriate S&T executive.
Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA)
A statutory requirement for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and a regulatory information requirement for all other acquisition programs. It is a systematic, metrics-based process that establishes the maturity of critical technologies. The TRA may be conducted concurrently with other technical reviews such as the Alternative Systems Review (ASR), System Requirements Review (SRR), or the Production Readiness Review (PRR). If a platform
or system depends on specific technologies to meet system operational threshold requirements in development, production, or operation, and if the technology or its application is either new or novel, then that technology is considered “critical.” The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) (ASD[R&E]) is required to conduct an independent assessment of the Program Manager’s (PM’s) TRA for MDAPs as part of the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point Review. This assessment will inform the Certification Memorandum required at Milestone B in accordance with Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) 2366b. The TRA at Milestone C is a regulatory requirement when Milestone C is Program Initiation. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook and DoD Technology Readiness Guidance)
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
One level on a scale of 1 to 9, e.g., “TRL 3,” signifying active research and development has been initiated. Pioneered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), adapted by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and adopted by the DoD as a method of estimating technology maturity during the acquisition process. The lower the level of the technology at the time it is included in a product development program, the higher the risk that it will cause problems in subsequent product development. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook and DoD Technology Readiness Assessment Guidance)
Technology Targeting Risk Assessment (TTRA)
A country-by-country assessment by the DoD entities within the Intelligence Community, as defined in Executive Order (EO) 12333, that quantifies risks to Critical Program Information (CPI) and related enabling technologies for weapons systems; advanced technologies or programs; facilities such as laboratories, factories, research and development sites (e.g., test ranges); and military installations. The TTRA evaluates five independent risk factors, each of which contributes to an overall risk factor. The five areas evaluated are: technology competence, national level of interest, risk of technology diversion, ability to assimilate, and technology protection risk. (DoDI 5200.39)
Technology Transition
Process of inserting critical technology into military systems to provide an effective weapons and support system in the quantity and quality needed by the warfighter to carry out assigned missions.
Termination Liability Estimate
The non-recoverable costs a contractor has reasonably incurred in providing facilities and equipment for which the contractor has no foreseeable reuse if the government terminates all or a part of a contract. Program managers (PMs) planning a contract for the development or production of a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) for which potential termination
liability could reasonably be expected to exceed $100 million must include an estimate of potential termination liability in the Acquisition Strategy (AS).
Any program or procedure designed to obtain, verify, or provide data for the evaluation of any of the following: progress in accomplishing developmental objectives; the performance, operational capability, and suitability of systems, subsystems, components, and equipment items; and the vulnerability and lethality of systems, subsystems, components, and equipment items.
Test and Evaluation (T&E)
Process exercising a system or components and analyzing results to provide performance-related information. The information has many uses including risk identification and risk mitigation and empirical data to validate models and simulations. T&E enables an assessment of the attainment of technical performance, specifications, and system maturity to determine whether systems are operationally effective, suitable and survivable for intended use, and/or lethal. There are various types of T&E defined in statute or regulation: Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E), Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E), Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E), and Interoperability Certification. See Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E), Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E), Interoperability Certification, Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E), and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E).
Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)
Documents the overall structure and objectives of the Test and Evaluation (T&E) program and articulates the necessary resources to accomplish each phase of test. It provides a framework within which to generate detailed T&E plans and to document schedule and resource implications associated with the T&E program. The TEMP also identifies the necessary Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E), Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), and Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) activities, and provides a clear roadmap connecting evaluation objectives, test measures, requirements, test methodologies, decision points, test events, and resources. For multi-Service or joint programs, a single integrated TEMP is required. See Capstone Test and Evaluation Master Plan (CTEMP).
Test and Evaluation Strategy (TES)
Obsolete. See Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP).
Test Criteria
Standards by which test results and outcome are judged.
Test Integration Working Group (TIWG) (Army)/Test Planning Working Group (TPWG) (Air Force)
A cross-functional Integrated Product Team (IPT) that facilitates the integration of test requirements through close coordination between materiel developer, combat developer/requirements manager, logistician, and developmental and operational testers to minimize development time and cost and preclude duplication between Developmental Testing (DT) and Operational Testing (OT). This team produces the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) for the Program Manager (PM).
Test Readiness Review (TRR)
A multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that a subsystem or system is ready to proceed into formal test. The TRR assesses test objectives, test methods and procedures, scope of tests, and safety, and confirms that required test resources have been properly identified and coordinated to support planned tests. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook).
Test Report
Formally documents the results, conclusions, and recommendations as a result of each phase of Developmental Testing (DT)/Operational Testing (OT).
A system representation consisting of actual hardware and/or software and computer models or prototype hardware and/or software.
The agency responsible for the Developmental Testing (DT) or Operational Testing (OT) of systems or components.
An element of inspection. Generally determining by technical means the properties or elements of supplies, or components thereof, including functional operation, and involves applying established scientific principles and procedures.
Then-Year Dollars
See Current-Year (CY) Dollars.
Theory of Constraints
A factory scheduling and inventory control philosophy that aims to improve factory flow and reduce inventory levels by recognizing the probabilistic nature of interdependent work stations.
Third Generation Language (3GL)
See Higher-Order Language (HOL).
The sum of the potential strengths, capabilities, and strategic objectives of any adversary that can limit mission accomplishment or reduce force, system, or equipment effectiveness. It does not include (a) natural or environmental factors affecting the ability or the system to function or support mission accomplishment, (b) mechanical or component failure affecting mission accomplishment unless caused by adversary action, or (c) program issues related to budgeting, restructuring, or cancellation of a program.
Three-Star Programmers
A DoD Functional Oversight Committee. Leads the review of the Program Objectives Memoranda (POMs) submitted by the DoD Components, and screens and develops issues for presentation to the Deputy Secretary’s Management Action Group (DMAG). The Chair of the Three-Star Programmers is the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE).
Threshold/Threshold Value
Reflects the minimum performance required to achieve the required operational effect, while being achievable through the current state of technology at an affordable Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Performance below the threshold value is not operationally effective or suitable or may not provide an improvement over current capabilities. (JCIDS Manual)
Formerly, specifications and standards referenced in a contract that, within themselves, reference other documents that reference still more documents, etc. This practice was halted by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) in a 1994 memorandum.
Time Line
A schedule line showing key dates and planned events.
Time Study
The procedure by which the actual elapsed time for performing an operation, or subdivisions or elements thereof, is determined by using a suitable timing device to record it.
A measure of the accuracy of the dimensions of a part, or the electrical characteristics of an assembly or function.
Tooling Costs
Costs incurred by the contractor in establishing certain functions of the manufacturing process to produce an end item.
Top Line
Fiscal guidance promulgated for programming purposes—the maximum dollar amount DoD, the Services, or other activities can expect to receive. Represents core plus marginal programs.
Total Allocated Budget (TAB)
The sum of all budgets allocated to the contract. TAB consists of the performance measurement baseline and all management reserve. See Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS).
Total Asset Visibility (TAV)
The ability to gather information at any time about the quantity, location, and condition of assets anywhere in the DoD logistics system.
Total Obligation Authority (TOA)
The sum of 1.) all Budget Authority (BA) granted (or requested) from the Congress in a given year, 2.) amounts authorized to be credited to a specific fund, 3.) BA transferred from another appropriation, and 4.) unobligated balances of BA from previous years which remain available for obligation. In practice, this term is used primarily in discussing the DoD budget, and most often refers to TOA as the “direct program,” which equates to only 1.) and 2.) above. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Total Ownership Cost (TOC)
TOC includes the elements of a program’s Life Cycle Cost (LCC), as well as other related infrastructure or business processes costs not necessarily attributed to the program in the context of the Defense Acquisition System (DAS). Infrastructure is used here in the broadest possible sense and consists of all military department and defense agency activities that sustain the military forces assigned to the combatant and component commanders. Major categories of infrastructure are support to equipment (acquisition and central logistics activities), support to military personnel (non-unit central “school-house” training, personnel administration and benefits, and medical care), and support to military bases (installations and communications/ information infrastructure). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook) See Life Cycle Cost (LCC).
Total Quality Management (TQM)
A management philosophy committed to a focus on continuous improvements of product and services with the involvement of the entire workforce.
Total Risk Assessing Cost Estimate (TRACE)
A management system based on scientific methods, set procedures, and effective controls used in the development of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) program and budget requirements to arrive at cost estimates that more closely approach the eventual actual system costs.
Touch Labor
Defined as production labor that can be reasonably and consistently related directly to a unit of work being manufactured, processed, or tested. Hands-on labor effort.
Selection among alternatives with the intent of obtaining the optimal, achievable system configuration. Often a decision is made to opt for less of one parameter in order to achieve a more favorable overall system result.
Tradeoff Process (Source Selection)
Source selection technique that is appropriate when it may be in the best interest of the government to consider award to other than the lowest priced offeror or other than the highest technically rated offeror. This process permits tradeoffs among cost or price and non-cost factors and allows the U.S. Government to accept other than the lowest-priced proposal. The perceived benefits of the higher priced proposal shall merit the additional cost, and the rationale for tradeoffs must be documented in the contract file. The following factors apply when using a tradeoff process: 1.) all evaluation factors and subfactors that will affect contract award and their relative importance shall be stated in the solicitation, and 2.) the solicitation shall state whether all evaluation factors other than cost or price, when combined, are significantly more important than, approximately equal to, or significantly less important than cost or price. (FAR Subpart 15.101–1) See Best Value, Best Value Continuum, and Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA).
The level of learning required to adequately perform the responsibilities designated to the function and accomplish the mission assigned to the system.
Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Capability Manager (TCM)
TRADOC managers of selected capability areas and Acquisition Category (ACAT) I, ACAT II, or other high-priority materiel systems which provide added intensive management when a need exists for management outside the normal capacity available to proponents for capability development integration, synchronization, and accomplishing user requirements in the materiel acquisition process. (Army)
Training and Training Support
Consists of the policy, processes, procedures, techniques, Training Aids Devices Simulators and Simulations (TADSS), planning and provisioning for the training base including equipment used to train civilian and military personnel to acquire, operate, maintain, and support a system. This includes New Equipment Training (NET), institutional, sustainment training and Displaced Equipment Training (DET) for the individual, crew, unit, collective, and maintenance through initial, formal, informal, On-the-Job Training (OJT), and sustainment proficiency training.
Significant efforts are focused on NET, which, in conjunction with the overall training strategy shall be validated during system evaluation and test at the individual, crew, and unit level.
Product Support Manager Guidebook. See Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements.
Training Key Performance Parameter (KPP)
A Mandatory KPP that is intended to ensure that materiel aspects of training capabilities, when applicable, are addressed as part of the development of the capability solution outlined in the Capability Development Document (CDD) or Capability Production Document (CPD).
Nonmateriel aspects of training are to be captured as part of the Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities–Policy (DOTmLPF–P) section of the CDD or CPD. Situations requiring a Training KPP may include long mission durations of submarine operations, which may necessitate that certain training and simulation capabilities be integrated into the weapon system, or during the training of the system’s mission. For example, a flight simulator to substitute for some aspects of training when training events would be too dangerous to perform or it would be more cost effective to use in a simulator. (JCIDS Manual) See Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPPs).
Transition to Production
The period when the program shifts (passes) from development to production. It is not an exact point but a process consisting of disciplined engineering and logistics management to ensure that the system is ready for manufacture.
The capability of materiel to be moved by towing, self-propulsion, or carrier through any means, such as railways, highways, waterways, pipelines, oceans, and airways. To achieve this capability, full consideration is required of available and projected transportation assets, mobility plans and schedules, and the impact of system equipment and support items on the strategic mobility of operating military forces.
Tripwire (Services Acquisition)
Pre- and post-award metrics that provide visibility into areas of vulnerability and risk that require greater visibility and decisions by higher levels of management (e.g., bridge contracts (pre-
award), labor rates (pre- and post-award) (excluding competitive fixed-price awards), subcontractor additions (post-award), one-bids (pre-award), best value source selection premiums (pre-award), other direct costs (pre- and post-award), economy act awards (pre- award)). (Definition furnished by OUSD[AT&L])
Turn-Around Time (TAT)
Time required to return an item to use between missions or after removal from use.
Two-Step Sealed Bids
A method of procurement that combines competitive procedures in order to obtain the benefits of sealed bidding when adequate specifications are unavailable. In Step One, firms are allowed to submit technical (not price) proposals to satisfy a requirement. In Step Two, each firm with a satisfactory technical approach is allowed to submit a sealed bid (price), which uses that firm’s approach as the contract specification. Award goes to the low responsive and responsible bidder. Formerly called Two-Step Formal Advertising. See Responsible Bidder and Responsive Bidder.
Two-Way Street
Philosophy encouraging the United States to buy arms from, in addition to selling arms to, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries and other friendly nations.
Type Classification (TC)
Process that identifies the life-cycle status of a materiel system after a production decision by the assignment of a type classification designation. The process records the status of a materiel system as a guide to procurement, authorization, logistical support, asset, and readiness reporting. Satisfies DoD requirement to designate when a system is approved for Service use. (Army)
A condition, event, outcome, or circumstance of which the extent, value, or consequence is unpredictable. State of knowledge about outcomes of a decision where it is not possible to assign probabilities in advance. Some techniques for coping with this problem are a fortiori analysis (making use of conclusions inferred from another reasoned conclusion or recognized fact), contingency analysis, and sensitivity analysis.
Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA)
Any contract action for which the terms, specifications, or price are not agreed upon before performance is begun under the action. Examples are letter contracts, orders under Basic Ordering Agreements (BOAs), and provisioned item orders for which the price has not been agreed upon before performance has begun. Letter contracts await negotiation to definitize prices. (DFARS, Subpart 217.7401(d))
Undelivered Orders
The value of goods and services ordered and obligated that have not been received. This amount includes any orders for which advance payment has been made but for which delivery or performance has not yet occurred.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) The USD(AT&L) has policy and procedural authority for the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), is the principal acquisition official of the Department, and is the acquisition advisor to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). In this capacity, the USD(AT&L) serves as the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE), the Defense Senior Procurement Executive (SPE), and the National Armaments Director (NAD) in the last case, regarding North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) matters. For acquisition matters, the USD(AT&L) takes precedence over the secretaries of the military departments after the SECDEF and Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). The USD(AT&L) authority ranges from directing the Services and defense agencies on acquisition matters, to overseeing the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and making milestone decisions for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAISs). See Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L]).
Undistributed Budget
Budget applicable to contract effort that has not yet been distributed to one or more control accounts.
Unexpended Balance
The sum of the unobligated balance and the unliquidated obligation balance of an appropriation.
Unfilled Order
Any document issued for goods or services that meets the criteria of an obligation, and has not yet been received.
Unique Identification
A system of establishing globally unique and unambiguous identifiers within DoD, which serve to distinguish a discrete entity or relationship from other like and unlike entities or relationships. (MIL-STD-130N, change 1) See Item-Unique Identification (IUID) and Unique Item Identifier (UII).
Unique Item Identification (UID)
A system of establishing globally unique and unambiguous identifiers with DoD, which serve to distinguish a discrete entity or relationship from other like and unlike entities or
relationships. (MIL-STD-130N, change 1) See Unique Item Identifier (UID) and Item-Unique Identification (IUID).
Unique Item Identifier (UII)
A globally unique and unambiguous set of data elements marked on items. The UII is derived from a UII data set of one or more data elements. The term includes a concatenated unique item identifier or a DoD recognized unique identification equivalent. (DFARS, Subpart 252.211–7003 and MIL-STD-130N, change 1) See Item-Unique Identification (IUID) and Unique Item Identification (UID).
Unit Cost Curve
A plot of the cost of each unit in a production lot, a series of lots, or the system’s entire production schedule. The total cost for the lot/series of lots/entire production schedule quantity is the sum of the cost of each individual unit on the curve.
Unit Cost Report (UCR)
A quarterly written report is submitted by the Program Manager (PM) to the Service Acquisition Executive (SAE) on the unit costs of a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP), i.e., the Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC) and Average Procurement Unit Cost (APUC). UCR information is submitted in the Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) report.
Breaches of UCR baselines are also reported in the DAES, and depending on the extent of the breach, require reports and/or certifications to Congress. UCR breaches are commonly referred to as Nunn-McCurdy breaches. See Significant Cost Growth Threshold and Critical Cost Growth Threshold.
United States Code (U.S.C.)
A consolidation and codification of the general and permanent laws of the United States arranged according to subject matter under 50 title headings, largely in alphabetical order. Sets out the current status of the laws, as amended. Title 10 governs the Armed Forces.
Unknown-Unknowns (UNK/UNKS)
Future situation impossible to plan, predict, or even know what to look for.
Unlimited Rights
Rights to use, modify, reproduce, display, release, or disclose Technical Data (TD) in whole or in part, in any manner, and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or authorize others to do so.
Unobligated Balance
The amount of Budget Authority (BA) previously granted to an agency, but not yet committed, that continues to be available for commitment in the future.
Unplanned Stimuli
Thermal, impact, or shock inputs that munitions are designed to withstand.
Unscheduled Maintenance
Corrective maintenance required by item conditions.
Unsolicited Proposal
A written proposal submitted to an agency on the submitter’s initiative to obtain a government contract but not in response to a formal or informal request.
Up Front
Planning or resource commitment at the beginning of the development process to anticipate later requirements and reduce future problems. See Early On.
Urgent/Emergent Staffing and Validation Processes
Urgent staffing processes that allow validation of operational capability requirements related to ongoing contingency operations, which if not satisfied in an expedited manner, would result in unacceptable loss of life or critical mission failure. Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs) are expected to be staffed and validated in no more than 15 calendar days. The Emergent staffing process allows validation of capability requirements related to anticipatory contingency operations, which if not satisfied in an expedited manner, would result in unacceptable loss of life or critical mission failure once operations commence. Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEONs) are expected to be staffed and validated in no more than 31 calendar days. Both JUONs and JEONs require an initial review by the Gatekeeper (the Deputy Director for Requirements (DDR), Joint Staff [JS]/J8) and review by the lead Functional Capabilities Board (FCB). The validation authority for JUONs is the J-8 Gatekeeper and the validation authority for JEONs is the Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) or Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) as designated by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS). (JCIDS Manual)
Urgent Operational Need (UON)
Capability requirements identified by a DoD Component as impacting an ongoing or anticipated contingency operation. If left unfulfilled, UONs result in capability gaps potentially resulting in loss of life or critical mission failure. DoD Component UONs are applicable to only one DoD Component. DoD Components, in their own terminology, may use a different name for a UON. UONs affecting two or more DoD Components are Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs). (JCIDS Manual) See Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) and Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON).
An operational command or agency that receives or will receive benefit from an acquired system. Combatant Commands (CCMDs) and their Component commands are users. There may be more than one user for a system. Because the military Services are required to organize, equip, and train forces for the CCMDs, they also are seen as users for systems.
User Friendly
Primarily a term used in Automated Data Processing (ADP), it connotes a machine (hardware) or program (software) that is compatible with a person’s ability to operate it successfully and easily.
User Representative
A command or agency that represents single or multiple users in the requirements s and acquisition processes.
The state or quality of being useful militarily or operationally. Designed for or possessing a number of useful or practical purposes rather than a single, specialized purpose.
1.) The review and approval of capability requirement documents by a designated validation authority. (JCIDS Manual) 2.) The process by which the contractor (or as otherwise directed by the DoD Component procuring activity) tests a publication/technical manual for technical accuracy and adequacy. 3.) The process of evaluating a system or software component during, or at the end of, the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. See Validation Authority.
Validation Authority
The designated authority for validation of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) capability requirement documents. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) is the ultimate validation authority unless otherwise delegated to a subordinate board or to a designated validation authority in a Service, Combatant Command (CCMD, or other DoD Component. The validation authority is dependent on the Joint Staffing Designator (JSD) of the document. (JCIDS Manual) See Validation and Joint Staffing Designator (JSD).
Value Engineering (VE)
VE is a functional analysis methodology that identifies and selects the best value alternative for designs, materials, processes, systems, and program documentation. VE applies to hardware and software; development, production, and manufacturing; specifications, standards, contract requirements, and other acquisition program documentation; facilities design and construction; and management or organizational systems and processes to improve the resulting product.
Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP)
Submitted by the contractor for review as to its Value Engineering (VE) applicability. If accepted by the government, normally the contractor is compensated for saving the government money.
Variable Cost (VC)
A cost that changes proportionally with the production quantity or the performance of services. This contrasts with fixed costs that do not change with production quantity or services performed.
Variance (Earned Value)
See Cost Variance (CV) and Schedule Variance (SV).
Variance (Statistical)
A measure of the degree of spread (dispersion) among a set of data values; a measure of the tendency of individual data values to vary from the mean value. It is computed by subtracting the mean value from each data value, squaring each of these differences, summing the results, and dividing this sum by the number of values to obtain the arithmetic mean of these square deviations. The variance has no meaningful interpretation in itself as it is expressed in the square of the data’s original unit of measure; one must then compute the standard deviation (the square root of the variance) to get back to a meaningful statistic measuring dispersion in the data’s original unit of measure.
An individual, partnership, corporation, or other activity that sells property, goods, or services. A vendor may supply a government contractor. Vendors may or may not be manufacturers, that is, they may or may not actually produce the product or service they sell. For example, a company that buys personal computers from a computer manufacturer under a contract name and then sells them to the government is a vendor (to the government) but not a manufacturer.
Confirms that a system element meets design-to or build-to specifications. Throughout the system’s life cycle, design solutions at all levels of the physical architecture are verified through a cost-effective combination of analysis, examination, demonstration, and testing, all of which can be aided by Modeling and Simulation (M&S). (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VVA)
The process of determining that a model or simulation implementation and its associated data accurately represent the developer’s conceptual description and specifications (verification); the process of determining the degree to which a model or simulation and its associated data accurately represent the real world from the perspective of the model’s intended uses (validation); and the official certification that a model or simulation and its associated data are acceptable for a specific purpose or use (accreditation).
Vertical Integration
In the context of Earned Value Management (EVM), demonstrates the consistency of data between various levels of schedules and the consistency of data between various Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements and Integrated Master Plan/Integrated Master Schedule (IMP/IMS) Elements within the schedules, if applicable. Since upper-tiered schedules set the parameters for lower-level schedules, it is imperative that lower-level schedules are traceable to upper-tiered milestones to ensure program schedule integrity. This ensures that all Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) are working to the same schedule information and all levels of schedules are supportive of the program schedule requirements. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
1.) Specifications. A written authorization to accept a Configuration Item (CI) or other designated item, which, during production or after having been submitted for inspection, is found to depart from specified requirements, but nevertheless is considered suitable “as is” or after
rework by an approved method. 2.) An official document issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to law, that establishes the amount of appropriations approved by Congress that can be obligated and disbursed. 3.) Decision not to require that certain criteria be met for certain reasons, such as national security.
1.) An official document issued by the Secretary of the Treasury and countersigned by the Comptroller General of the United States by which monies are authorized to be withdrawn from the Treasury. Warrants are issued after appropriations and similar congressional authority have been enacted. 2.) An official document (Standard Form 1402) designating an individual as a Contracting Officer (CO). The warrant will state as reference the limits of the CO’s authority.
A promise or affirmation given by a contractor to the government regarding the nature, usefulness, or condition of the supplies or performance of services furnished under a contract.
Waterfall Development
See Software Engineering/Development Approaches.
Weapon Safety Endorsement (WSE)
Provided by Joint Staff (JS), J-8 for weapons-related Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documents to ensure the documents adequately address the weapon safety capabilities and attributes necessary for the safe handling, storage, transportation, or use in joint operating environments. (JCIDS Manual)
Weapon System
Items that can be used directly by the Armed Forces to carry out combat missions.
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA)
Public Law 111-23, known as WSARA, was enacted in 2009 with the purpose of putting Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) on a sound footing from the outset by requiring additional focus on Systems Engineering (SE); management of technology risk; earlier, realistic estimates of program cost; funding to Independent Cost Estimates (ICEs); and renewed emphasis on competition, including competitive prototyping at the system or key subsystem level prior to program initiation.
Weapon System Cost
Equal to the sum of the procurement cost for prime mission equipment and the procurement cost for support items.
Weighted Guidelines
A DoD structured approach for developing fee or profit negotiation objectives, within ranges for various criteria, as established by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
A composite index of wholesale prices of a representative group of commodities.
Will-Cost Estimate
Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCEs) of what an acquisition program will cost based upon reasonable extrapolations from historical experience and other recognized cost estimating techniques to support budgeting and programming. See Should-Cost Target.
A philosophy whereby all parties in a defense acquisition scenario gain some or most of what they want (i.e., everyone “wins” something, even though it may not be 100 percent of the goal); the ideal outcome.
1.) The action taken by a participant in a joint or international acquisition program to remove its resources (personnel and funds) before the program is completed. 2.) The transfer of the unobligated balance from an expired annual or multiple-year appropriation to the surplus account of the U.S. Treasury’s general fund, or, if appropriate, to the special fund or trust fund from which derived. (DoD 7000.14–R)
Wooden Round
A munitions item designed specifically to require little or no maintenance, inspection, or testing throughout the life cycle. A wooden round has a predictable and acceptable level of reliability over its shelf life. Periodic assessment of a statistical sample is normally required to confirm shelf life, reliability, and capability predictions. At the end of its shelf life, a wooden round is de- militarized unless it is modified or its shelf life is extended based upon the results of stockpile reliability assessments.
Work Aid
A device such as a pattern, template, or sketch used to enhance a worker’s ability to learn and perform a task efficiently.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
A product-oriented family tree composed of hardware, software, services, data, and facilities. The family tree results from systems engineering efforts during the acquisition of a defense materiel item. (MIL-STD-881C) See Military Standard (MIL-STD)-881C for WBS examples.
Work Cycle
A pattern of motions and/or processes repeated with negligible variation each time an operation is performed.
Work Measurement (Labor Standards)
A method to determine how long it should take an employee to perform the work and to identify opportunities for improvement.
Work Package
Natural subdivision of a control account. A work package is simply a task/activity or grouping of work and is the point at which work is planned, progress is measured, and earned value is computed. It can be translated into different terms in different companies and functions. It can be a design job, a tool design package, a build-to-package, a shop order, a part number, a purchase order, or any other definable task/activity at whatever level of control is normal for program management within the company. (Government-Industry Earned Value Management Working Group)
Work Package Budgets
Resources that are formally assigned by the contractor to accomplish a work package expressed in dollars, hours, standards, or other definitive units.
Work Performed
Includes completed work packages and the completed portion of work packages begun and not yet completed.
Work Sampling Study
A statistical sampling technique employed to determine the proportion of delays or other classifications of activity present in the total work cycle.
A procedure developed for taking into account shortcomings or other problems in a program and devising workable solutions to get around the problems.
Working Capital Fund (WCF)
Revolving funds within DoD that finance organizations that are intended to operate like commercial businesses. WCF business units finance their operations with cash from the revolving fund; the revolving fund is then replenished by payments from the business units’ customers.
Working-Level Integrated Product Team (WIPT)
Team of representatives from all appropriate functional disciplines working together to build successful and balanced programs, identify and resolve issues, and make sound and timely decisions. WIPTs are usually chaired by the Program Manager (PM), or the PMs representative, and are advisory bodies to the PM. Direct coordination between the Program Office (PO) and all levels in the acquisition oversight and review process is expected as a means of exchanging information and building trust. Acquisition Category (ACAT) I programs normally establish, at a minimum, a Cost Performance Integrated Product Team (CPIPT) and a Test and Evaluation (T&E) WIPT. Industry representation on WIPTs, consistent with statute and at the appropriate time, may also be considered. (Defense Acquisition Guidebook)
1.) The amount of work in terms of predetermined work units that organizations or individuals perform or are responsible for performing. 2.) A quantitative expression of human tasks, usually identified as standard hours of work or a corresponding number of units.
Worst-Case Scenario
In planning, to examine the worst possible environment or outcome and evaluate results around which to formulate next step.
The measure of value received for the resources expended. It is directly proportional to the cost to a foe (damage, neutralization, deception, and/or counteraction) and indirectly proportional to the system cost.
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