Construction: Integrating People and Robust Process with Standardized LOCAL MARKET Construction Task Data

Any organization can measurable improve repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build outcomes by integrating People and Robust Process with Standardized LOCAL MARKET Construction Task Data.


FACTS with knowing….

#1    Objective studies have shown that using national average cost data, location factors, historical data, area cost factor, or economic factors do NOT provide adequate visibility in local market costs.

#2    Granular line item estimating with full visibility into labor, material, equipment, and productivity details is the ONLY way to obtain reliable, objective,  and verifiable costs and proceed to procurement with a sufficient level of cost control.

#3    4BT is the exclusive source of local market line item construction cost data that is updated quarterly and organized using expanded CSI MasterFormat, while also providing local market preventive maintenance cost data and checklists for all frequencies organized using TriServices expanded UNIFORMAT.

#4    A poorly defined and poorly communicate Scope of Work is the #1 cause of “construction” project failure.


onstruction: Integrating People and Robust Process with Standardized LOCAL MARKET Construction Task Data