Dependable Cost Estimating Software for Construction

  1. Dependable Cost Estimating Software is needed to develop reliable construction cost estimates.
    Requirements for dependable cost estimating software include.
    1. Objective, current, verifiable, and local granular construction tasks inclusive of labor, material, equipment, and productivity components as well as a unit of measure.
    2. Cost data organized by a well-defined Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and standardized data architecture such as expanded CSI Masterformat.
    3. The ability to create modified/custom unit price line items by adjusting labor, material, equipment, crew, and productivity data.
    4. Cost estimate copy and paste.
    5. Collaborative online cost estimate review and/or creation.
    6. Automatic cost estimate comparison.
    7. Ease-of-use.
    8. Scalability.
    9. Security.
    10. Multi-level and multi-format training and full technical support.
    11.Ability to add mark-ups, fees, etc….


Dependable Cost Estimating Software


Preconstruction Focus is critical

Regardless of the activity, repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction, or project size, Integrated Planning and Procurement teams and processes within a robust standardized framework are essential to project success. While any organization with requisite talent and funding can build and maintain an accurate, up to data, repository of tens of thousands of construction line items, the resources required are nontrivial.
There is now a source of current, objective, verifiable construction cost data available to owners and design-builders.
Four BT, LLC leverages extensive knowledge of the processes, labor, materials and equipment for all types of commercial construction activities, including repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction. Databases are per location and are updated quarterly. There is no use of location or economic factoring, or national average cost data.
Furthermore, our technology was specifically built to support the needs of estimators to easily and quickly build, review, and share information, as well as share insights via line-item notes, and the ability to easily reuse and update proposals.


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