DoD Facilities Sustainment Practices NOT KEEPING PACE with Changing Landscape

Fact:  DoD Facilites Sustainment Practices NOT KEEPING PACE with Changing Landscape


Delivering integrated and transparent Sustainment Capability must be a priority!  Integrated and
outcome-based performance-based planning, procurement, and project delivery teams are needed to drive progress towards required cost effective Sustainment capabilities, capacities, and operational outcomes.  This is only possible with the full support accountable leadship leveraging existing robust governance frameworks, s throughout the DoD Sustainment enterprise.


Unfortunately, the above is true for non-DoD federal agencies/departments also.

As simple example is PPC, also known as Percent Plan Complete.   PPC is a crucial aspect of Lean philosophies and practices like “Last Planner” and has been a part of DoD FM project management for decades.

For PPC to be effective, however, a detailed Scope of Work with construction tasks, labor, materials, equipment details, and local market costs is essential.  Most DoD and non-DoD organizations fail to use objective, verifiable, and current granular local market construction labor, material, and equipment information, organized in a fully standardized and transparent manner.

In short, “you cannot manage what you do not measure”.  The Federal Sector has no verifiable method for repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build cost transparency, visibility, or management.

DoD Facilites Sustainment Practices

Sustainable management of the built environment demands a consistently applied programmatic approach.


Learn more about unit pricing and cost management here: and here:

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