The History of Job Order Contracting
While early attempts to improve public procurement processes are noted to have begun in 1982 at the NATO Operations in Europe, it wasn’t until the U.S. Air Force refined the process (and called is SABER) that Job Order Contracting began to resemble the LEAN construction services procurement and delivery method it has become today.
Job Order Contracting has evolved even further with the availability of LEAN Job Order Contracting Solutions such as the OpenJOC(TM), Job Order Contracting Toolkit.
Public sector real property owners, with sufficient leadership and capability, can now easily deploy financially transparent, efficient, long-term facilities repair, renovation, and minor new construction programs in concert with their fiduciary responsibility.
The follow list of core practices, tools, workflows, and data environments are all components of a LEAN Job Order Contracting approach, capable of enabling consistent delivery of numerous ongoing repair, renovation, and minor new construction projects, on-demand, on-time, and on-budget.
- Required Collaboration
- Shared Risk/Reward
- Long-term, Mutually Beneficial Relationships between Owners and Construction Services Providers
- Locally researched, detailed unit price cost data inclusive of line item modifiers
- A written JOC Operations Manual / Execution Guide
- Require Initial and Ongoing Training for ALL Participants and Stakeholders
- Independent Compliance Audits of ALL JOC Projects
- Monitoring of Key Performance Indicators
- Continuous Improvement
- Global Oversight, with reliance upon Local Expertise and Local Management
- Full Financial and Technical Transparency
- Supporting Collaborative Technology (Program, Project, Estimate, Document, Issue/Task Management, inclusive of Version Control, Dashboards, and appropriate Security Access)