Significant improvement across the AECOO sector (architecture, engineering, construction, operation, owner) requires an understanding of the critical parameters. Improving construction planning, procurement, and project delivery involves consideration of core “competencies”, “process”, “efficiency”, and “technology”. Or, put another way, People, Process, Information, and Technology.

Competencies, skills, education, operational expertise, process awareness, and outcome focus are key focus areas. Training and organization-wide communications in support of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery are mandatory in order to achieve continuous improvement.
Strategic alignment (links between operational performance and strategic factors), and profitability/cost control and/or resource maximization are initial area of focus and should be regularly monitored. Clearly defined, roles, responsibilities and outcomes in written format (operating manuals and/or execution guides) and associated long-term multi-party agreements help to assure initial and ongoing consistent application of processes and associated workflows.
Operational input/output measurements such as productivity, volume, lead-time, flexibility, amount of work-in process, and quality. Key performance indicators (KPIs) and regular independent third-party audit are important tools. That said, the use of “benchmarking”, i.e. comparison to peers, is problematic and at best should relative performance, versus target levels.
Appropriate technologies and tools to support support established processes and workflows and are not a “driver”. Far too often, technology is viewed as a solution. The most glaring example is BIM. BIM is not a solution, but a tool. With respect to collaborative lean construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, the following list of capabilities/tools are generally considered important:
- Program Management
- Contract Management
- Project Management
- Proposal/Bid/Estimate Management
- Workflow Management
- Document Management
- Issues/Task Management
- Building Management
- Team Management (Internal and External)
- Space Management
- Component Management
- BIM Information Integration
- Locally researched detailed unit price cost data
via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”
Henry Ford