The OpenBUILD(TM) integrated project delivery solution facilitates the ability of project stakeholders to collaborate and share information among diverse disciplinary boundaries involved in a repair, renovation, maintenance of new build project’s life cycle.
The OpenBuild framework is based upon a holistic approach to repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects and includes the use of objective, current, local market granular labor, material, and equipment costs to ensure a detailed, well communicated scope of work, and continues a structured programmatic process throughout all planning, procurement, and project delivery phase to optimize asset management decisions.
Proven construction cost control solution
The OpenBUILD Solution (TM) in an integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery suite of tools and services by which all the procedures and components of conceptualizing, designing, budgeting, and building a project are organized and put together in a way that results in a significantly higher percentage of project being delivery on-time, on-budget, and satisfactorily. A collaborative approach within which owner leadership organizes not just a project team, but a PROGRAM-centric team. Relationships are based upon value, performance, mutual trust/respect, and shared risk/reward.
OpenBUILD Solution tools and support services are now available to any real property owner to support best value outcomes for repair, alteration, modernization, rehabilitation, and minor new construction.
Cost reductions
Improved schedule performance, milestones achieved, time saved
Improved Client Satisfaction
Reduced rework
Improved use of available funds
Better quality of life for participants
The OpenBUILD model is flexible, being capable of being tailored to meet specific program and project needs.
Associated processes honor differences of opinion among internal and external terms, promoting innovation and better decision-making. While no one will ever have all the right answers, it’s only through conversation, debate, and empowerment of those doing the work that continuous improvement is possible.

An Integrated Project Delivery Solution, IPDS, establishes an environment supporting an early and ongoing collaborative focus upon requirements definition and management. Clearly defined mutually beneficial outcomes help to create a proven pathway towards the successful and consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, and new construction projects on time and on budget.
Tools and services are readily available for real property owners and their service providers to exercise LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. The OpenBUILD integrated project delivery system embeds LEAN planning, procurement and project delivery processes within a common data and cloud technology environment. While core fundamental elements are common, owners and service providers can tailor workflows to their individual requirements.

A deployed Integrated Project Delivery Solution (IPDS) is fundamentally different from Design-Bid-Build (DBB), Design-Build (DB), and CM at Risk (CM@R). The benefits provided by IPDS are exclusive, and enable previously unattainable levels of efficiency, consistency, quality, and satisfaction.
Secure Collaboration Across ALL Phases of Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Integrated Procurement, Design, and Construction REQUIRES direct Owner involvement and leadership from predesign through closeout and beyond:
- Planning and performance management collaboratively and at a systemic level.
- Early and ongoing involvement of internal and external teams, inclusive of joint scope and schedule development
- Reliance upon local, on-site service delivery partners (AEs, builders…).
- Defined common data environment.
- Key performance indicators.
Sample High-level Workflow
- Strategic Planning – Predesign
- Brief Scope of Work
- Detailed Scope of Work
- Bidding Documents
- Request For Proposal
- Joint Site Visit
- Detailed Scope of Work and Bid Package
- Detailed Unit Price Proposal (CSI Masterformat) and Proposal Package
- Joint Proposal Review
- Notice of Proceed
- Mobilization Meeting
- Project Execution
- Weekly Inspections
- Project Closeout

Common Data Environment – Locally researched line-time cost data
- CSI Masterformat – 50 Divisions 00/01-General Conditions 01-49-Line-Item Tasks – Labor, Material, Equipment Details
- Specifications
- Documents – Proposals, Estimates, Forms, Cost Databases, Models, Drawings, Pictures-Version Control for All (The Document Management module lets you manage and share files, while keeping a record of all reviews and uploaded documentation throughout the entire life cycle of the building. Upload and share documents and make them available to your whole team – including PDF, Word and Excel files, images, and videos. View and analyze data from BIM models (RVT and IFC formats) directly from your browser without the need to purchase expensive software. Instant access to drawings using a Building in Cloud built-in DWG viewer.
Operations Manual / Execution Manual-Defines Roles, responsibilities, deliverables, workflows, and tools relative to procurement, program and contract administration, and day to day activities.

How to Get Started!
- Assign a Leader to act as an agent of change
- Build Internal LEAN knowledge
- Focus upon a critical need/issue
- Create your outcome-focused workflows and value streams
- Begin a “pilot” as soon as possible and make it highly visible
- Demand and support collaboration, change, and success
- Expand the program

- Systems-thinking and long-term philosophy are the foundation
- Consistent implementation of standardized processes, workflows, and information
- Select and grow teams dedicated to best value outcomes
- Leverage proven technologies that enable process and team members
- Obtain and improve value
- Key Participants Bound Together as Equals
- Integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery teams
- Concurrent and multi-level sharing of expertise and knowledge
- Mutual Trust and Respect
- Shared Financial Risk and Reward Based on Project Outcome
- Liability Waivers between Key Participants
- Financial Transparency between Key Participants
- Early Involvement of Key Participants
- Jointly Developed Granular Project Target Criteria
- Collaborative Decision Making