The Internal Audit Department released its Purchasing Department – Job Order Contracting, Audit 24-12
The City of Tampa (City) established a Job Order Contracting program to facilitate the repair and rehabilitation of City facilities and infrastructure. The report in its entirety can viewed on .
“The following steps were performed to determine the accuracy and relevance of the metrics
1. Identified the Gordian System as the source for the JOC metrics being reported.
2. Traced reported metrics to supporting documentation. “*
Based upon the test work performed and the audit findings noted below, we conclude that:
1. The system of internal controls related to the JOC program needs to be improved.
2. The administration of the JOC program needs to be improved.
3. The JOC program complied with the protocols for managing scope changes.
4. Performance metrics are relevant but not accurate.”*
* Source: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT JOB ORDER CONTRACTING AUDIT 24-12, City of Tampa, Internal Audit Department
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Prime Contractors with JOC activities during the audit period to verify whether performance evaluations are being conducted. The results showed no performance evaluations are being
conducted for Prime Contractors.”*