Continuous JOC Education and Learning are key to Job Order Contract optimization.
An in-depth instructor and self-paced learning experience will set you on a path toward adopting best value Job Order Contracting thinking and practice, an approach to managing work improvement to ensure your organization creates value while reducing waste by maximizing resource, time, energy, and effort utilization.
Multi-level and multi-format learning…
- Provided by senior professionals
- “Train the Trainer” Sessions
- Remote & Onsite Workshops
- Gap Analysis from Future State
- Development & Coaching
- Development of Training Matrices & Training Plan
- Standard Work Auditing for Continuous Improvement & Coaching
Scope and Processes of Project Delivery Excellence
– Planning Management
– Procurement Management
– Execution Management
– Cost Management
– Schedule Management
– Value Management
– Information Management
2021 07 06 Allied States Cooperative Annual Training – Recordings – Password Required
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
– Albert Einstein
Build Strong Teams!
- Establish a common focus upon mutually beneficial outcomes and full buy-in from all participants and stakeholders
- Align owner, designer, builder, and facility user goals
- Integrate and leverage multiple capabilities and disciplines
- Replace antagonistic relationships and blame with creative problem solving and conflict resolution
- Create detailed line-item scope of work with complete task listings, labor, material, and equipment requirements, and costs.
- Create and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to support continuous improvement
- Share risk and rewards
- Embrace financial and technical transparency
- Leverage a common data environment (CDE) and collaborative technology
- Go from LEAN philosophy to LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery practice
- Create a LEAN IPD Operations Manual and/or Execution Guide
- Link positive behaviors to best value outcomes
4BT’s full suite of education, training, and certification offerings build confidence, comfort, and capabilities for Job Order Contract participants and stakeholders – owners, contractors, subcontractors, procurement, engineering, facilities management…
Great session… provided incredibly supportive information, in detail! Everything I need to support JOC implementation at my organization!
– State Government Agency
Presenters were deeply knowledgeable and showed patience by answering questions during the class and during the breaks.
– Facilities Management, State Government Agency
I got everything out of the session that I was looking for, and more!
– Procurement, State Government Agency
The session was well organized and extremely easy to follow along – I would have personally benefited from more Marketing Training and less 4BT estimating training. This is a credit to your building in cloud software platform as it is amazingly easy to navigate and anyone with UPB experience can easily jump and start building proposals quickly, nicely done. I look forward to many successful task orders under this contract.
– Chief Operations Officer, Mevacon LLC
We offer an extensive array of training opportunities that help customers improve their knowledge and utilization of LEAN construction delivery, maximizing their user adoption and return on limited resources.
Training services are available directly and through our extensive network of business partners and associates.
Sample Training Outline – 4BT Job Order Contract Knowledge Management Solution
- Introduction to 4BT OpenJOC UPB
- 4BT-PEP Building in Cloud (BiC) Invitation & User Interface
- Logging into the 4BT-PEP Building in Cloud
- 4BT-PEP BiC Welcome Video\
- 4BT-PEP BiC Main Dashboard
a. Account Menu - 4BT-PEP BiC System Settings
a. Organization
b. Building Settings
c. General Settings
d. Users & Permissions
e. Buildings
f. Objects
g. Lists
h. Document Settings
i. JOC Project Settings - 4BT-PEP BiC Main Menu
a. Building Explorer
b. Documents
c. Tasks & Issues
d. Spaces & Components
e. Buildings
f. Teams
g. JOC Programs - JOC Programs
a. Adjustment Factors
b. Contracts
c. UPB
d. Documents
e. Projects - JOC Projects
a. General Data
b. Project & Approval Types
c. Project ID & Balance
d. Documents, Comments, & History
e. Work Orders - Work Orders
a. Details & General Data
b. Personnel & Scope of Work
c. Dates & Status
d. Documents, Comments, & History
e. Subcontractors
f. Proposals
g. Estimates - Estimates
a. Build an Estimate
b. Print and Estimate
c. Upload an Estimate to Proposal
d. Copy/Paste an Estimate - Proposals
a. Estimate Compare
b. Live Estimates
c. Proposal Status - Questions
4BT On-Site Training Classes
Hands-On Training for Up to 12 Attendees, Onsite or Hosted
One-, Two-, Three-, or Four-Day Sessions – Tailored to Client Requirements
4BT Regional Training Class – Introduction to Job Order Contracting – Six Hour Class
4BT Regional Training Class – Introduction to 4BT JOC Estimating – Six Hour Class
4BT Regional Training Class – Advanced 4BT JOC Estimating – Six Hour Class
4BT On-Line Virtual Training Class – Introduction to Job Order Contracting – Six Hour Class
4BT On-Line Virtual Training Class – Introduction to 4BT JOC Estimating – Six Hour Class
4BT On-Line Virtual Training Class – Advanced 4BT JOC Estimating – Six Hour Class
4BT On-Line Virtual Training Class – Introduction to Cost Estimating – Six Hour Class
Job Order Contracting Best Management Practice Workshops
Workshop 1: Introduction to Job Order Contacting
- Module 1: Key Characteristics of Collaborative Construction Delivery
- Module 2: Owners & Contractor – Requirements & Benefits
- Module 3: Basic JOC Workflow
- Module 4: JOC Deployment, Monitoring, & Management
Workshop 2: Designing a Job Order Contract
- Module 1: Strategy, Goals & Objectives
- Module 2: Owner – Roles and Responsibilities
- Module 3: Contractor – Profile, Roles, and Responsibilities
- Module 4: Technology, Cost Data, Specifications
- Module 5: Workflow
- Module 6: Documentation
Workshop 3: Job Order Contract Execution & Management
- Module 1: Leadership and Supervisory Roles
- Module 2: Procedures & Documentation
- Module 3: Key Performance Indicators
- Module 4: Marketing
Learning Outcomes:
- Benefits, challenges, and capabilities of Job Order Contracting
- Describe the responsibilities of: JOC Program Manager, Procurement, Contractor, Technical Personnel…
- Required competencies of JOC participants: Technical and business/social skills
- Key process steps involve in a typical JOC task order workflow/life cycle with examples
- Potential pitfalls
- How to improve owner/contractor negotiations
- The role and importance of a locally researched unit price book (UPB)
- Types and frequency of mandated training
- Technology: role and requirements
- Compliance issues

Other Training and Support Capabilities
- For Contractors – Understanding the Unit Price Book • Contractor Adjustment Factors • How to Calculate Adjustment Factors • Filling Out the Bid Form • Risk of Low & High Adjustment Factors • Reporting Requirements
- Use of the JOC Information Management Systems
- JOC Procedures
- Job Order Scope document
- Job Order RFP preparation, processing, and execution
- Job Order Proposal preparation and Submittal, including Proposal Negotiations
- Comprehensive JOC Operations Manual/Execution Manual
- Job Order development checklists
- Initial and ongoing introductory and advanced training sessions for new and existing JOC Program Participants
- On-going Technical Support
- Determining whether a project is appropriate for JOC
- Identifying the appropriate contractor for JOC projects
- JOC Scope Development
What is in a JOC Coefficient or Adjustment Factor:
What may be included in a JOC Coefficient for a Job Order Contract varies based upon sector/market and owner requirements. Here’s a list of items that might be included when a contractor is calculating coefficients for a JOC Program.
COEFFICIENT: The Offerors coefficient shall contain all costs other than the pre-priced unit prices and shall include, but not be limited to:
1. All costs associated with bonding (specifically bond premiums)
2. All waste and excess material is defined as “Waste and Excess Quantities in the Completed In-place Construction Quantities”
a. All prices in the UPB are for the complete in-place construction unless explicitly described otherwise. The unit prices include delivery of materials to the job site. Waste or excess material quantities are incidental costs, which are included in the contract coefficient unless explicitly stated otherwise in the UPB. Quantities used on individual job order proposals shall be taken from field measurements or design plans, as appropriate, without allowance for waste and/or incidental extra materials used in performance of work. UPB prices include all waste and incidentals.
b. Incidental nails, screws, weldments, and connectors are included in UPB line items. Unless a connector or fastener is specifically stated as not being included, it is included in the price. For example: Installation of a suspended ceiling grid system includes connectors, fasteners, and wire for the hanging system.
3. Mobilization and close out for the total contract and each task order
4. Cleanup for the total contract and for each task order, including final cleanup
5. Safety and compliance with environmental laws—costs associated with performing work in compliance with EPA/OSHA regulations, including but not limited to obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, reports requirements
6. Traffic and work site signs, barriers, and barricades
7. Contractor’s overhead, profit, labor burden, contingencies
8. Insurance
9. Subcontractor overhead and profit
10. Compliance with tax laws including business taxes, contributions, memberships, corporate headquarters support such as legal, financial
11. Permits, licenses, and fees
12. Project management and supervision
13. Protection of and/or moving of Government property
14. Contractor’s quality control
15. Office management and equipment
16. Interest associated with funding of equipment and payroll
17. Depreciation of mobile office(s)
18. BIM, CADD and as-built drawings, and submittals
19. Allowance for differences between location-specific Davis-Bacon wage rates and the rates used in the UPB line items
20. Work-site security
21. UPB costs confidence (to include issues regarding how the cost data are captured and the size/types of projects they reflect)
22. Number of copies of a commercial cost estimating and project management tool (e.g., Four BT, LLC 4BT-PEP JOC Knowledge-based Information Management System) that they will need to support their contract requirements
23. Risk of lower-than-expected contract dollar amount
24. Risk of poor subcontractor performance and re-performance
25. Other risks of doing business
26. Operation and maintenance manuals
27. Protective clothing
28. Equipment rental (beyond that included in the UPB line item.
29. Electricity, water, and restroom facilities not readily available at the project site
30. Sales tax on material and equipment costs.
Note: As a best management practice, the following costs are typically not found in a JOC unit price book (UPB). Cost associate with CSI MasterFormat General Requirements Section 01, including but not limited to:
01 21 00 Allowances
01 31 00 Project Management and Coordination
01 32 00 Construction Progress Documentation
01 41 00 Regulatory Requirements
01 51 00 Temporary Utilities
01-52 Construction Facilities
Via www.4BT.US – Four BT, LLC is the exclusive provider of LEAN Job Order Contracting inclusive of locally researched detailed unit price construction tasks, full implementation and support services, and the 4BT-PEP JOC Program Information Management System

- Professionals skilled in current, outcome-centric, best value robust processes and technologies.
- Training programs target productivity and quality improvement via collaborative, LEAN methodologies and common data.
- Professionals drive to continuously improve themselves and mutually beneficial outcomes.
- Compliance using appropriate processes, tools, and reporting.
Available Industry JOC Certifications
Job Order Contracting Certificate Program – Certified Job Order Contracting Professional™ (CJP) and Associate CJP