JOC Unit Price Book UPB Considerations

JOC Unit Price Book UPB considerations for procurement include financial transparency, local research, current actionable data, and use of common terms and data organization.  These are primary, fundamental, and requisite elements for any Job Order Contract Unit Price Book.  The 4BT OpenJOC Unit Price Boodelivers all of these, and more:

  1. Locally researched labor, material, and equipment line items/tasks
  2. Clear line item descriptions written using industry standard terms, with minimal use of abbreviations, in plain easily understood English.
  3. CSI MasterFormat data architecture
  4. Number and type of line items that are required for ninety percent (90%) of the tasks required for your JOC during each annual term.
  5. Demolition line items
  6. Line item “modifiers”
  7. Ongoing updates, with annual JOC UPB updates recommended
  8. Independence, Objectivity
  9. Davis-Bacon Labor Rates
  10. Fully technical support and training by construction cost estimators and project managers.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

Unit Price Book, UPB, Considerations

via www.4BT.US – Objective, Independent, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions
