Owner Leadership and LEAN Construction Procurement and Project Delivery
Save Time and Money
Much has been documented about how AECOO (architecture, engineering, construction, owner, operator) sector has been technology adverse when compared to manufacturing, healthcare, education, and virtually every other public and private category. Nonetheless, it would be incorrect to assume that technology alone will solve the AECOO’s dismal legacy of low productivity, waste, and legal disputes. While technology use is accelerating, similar improvement is output are not. Neither BIM, nor mobile systems such as Field Data Collection, have delivered on the promise of improving the AECOO sector’s procurement and project delivery woes.
Lack of leadership skills and awareness of core LEAN construction procurement and delivery methods are the real barriers to achieving Best Value Outcomes for real property owners, building users, service providers, and the community at large.
Real property owners are the stewards of the built environment and pay the bills, they are ultimately responsible for providing leadership and assuring overall optimal facilities/infrastructure management outcomes. All the tools and services are readily available to support owners in doing just that.
Owners that implement open, best value, LEAN procurement and construction delivery methods are capable of teaming with their service partners to sustain consistent, quality, on-demand, on-time, and on-budget repair, renovation, and new construction outcomes.
The key is to integrate people, process, technology, and current actionable data throughout the life-cycle of all projects.