LEAN construction, whether new builds, renovation, repair, or maintenance, requires global oversight and local empowerment. Those doing the work must be allowed to make decisions, but within a framework that includes LEAN workflows, processes, standardized information, and full transparency.

While implementation methods can be tailored to organizational requirements, owner leadership and commitment, and empowerment of service providers remains constant.
From a practical perspective proven LEAN construction methods and tools are readily available as well as full support services. Digital technologies play an important role in reducing implementation costs, improving overall productivity and compliance, while also supporting management activities.
Top Down – Overall strategy, framework, and key performance indicators are driven by the real property owner.
Bottom Up – Local work tasks, crew selection and management are all performed on-site.
Both owners are service providers are responsible for scope definition, joint site visits, and overall program and project success.
Key Considerations
- Quality outcome / best value focus
- Integration of multi-discipline teams – People, Process, Information, & Technology
- Global oversight with localized decision-making
- Common, fully transparent information environment, including costs
- Collaborative cloud-based supporting technology (fragmented tools do not support a LEAN environment)
- Key performance indicators to drive continuous improvement (you can’t manage what you don’t measure) – Compare crew performance, output, and associated costs with locally researched detailed line item task information

Four BT, LLC – LEAN Construction Delivery Tools and Services