LEAN Job Order Contracting – Getting the most out of available funds

Getting the most out of available funds requires LEAN Job Order Contracting.

LEAN Job Order Contracting is an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity program in which the costs of the project are
based on a fixed price per item (per a locally researched detailed unit price book, without “assemblies” or “systems”) and the coefficient / adjustment factor submitted by the contractor for the
contract term.        Unlike traditional JOC or traditional design-bid-build, LEAN JOC is a collaborative process that focuses upon mutually beneficial outcomes for ALL participants and stakeholders.

Owners provide leadership and support within a LEAN JOC Program, without the problematic “filter” of a third party “JOC Consultant”.   Furthermore, LEAN JOC Programs can be implemented for 1/3 to 1/10 the cost of traditional JOC programs that require a percentage of construction value for JOC tools and support.

LEAN JOC Programs mitigate change order and/or “supplemental job order” (a fancy term for change orders), as Owners and Design-builders work directly together on an early and ongoing basis to create and agree upon a detailed Scope of Work and associated detailed line-item proposal and approved workorder.

This process virtually assures the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects on time and on budget.

Furthermore, locally researched unit price books are available for preventive maintenance also, complete with labor and material costs and a complete check list for each task!


LEAN Job Order Contracting

preventive maintenance cost database


Four BT, LLC (4BT) – 4BT has experienced staff to assist any public sector organization in creating, improving, and managing any size or type of JOC Program.  Our robust processes and technology deliver a best value solution and a solid foundation for continuous improvement.   Training and support are central to our philosophy of improving the capabilities of our clients and partners and help to assure knowledge growth and retention.  4BT tools and services enable full JOC Program Management –  full program, contract, project, bid/proposal, and workorder tracking, cost estimate and bid/proposal development/review, independent government estimate (IGE) creation and automated comparison to contractor proposals, full document management (not simple file storage), workflow management complete with phases and forms, full reporting, scheduling and budget management, disadvantage business participation management, team management, location management, issues/task management, BIM integration, and more!
We know we have done our job when you no longer need costly on-site JOC consultants!