Locally researched line item cost data is the foundation to best value construction outcomes. It exclusively assures financial visibility and transparency and a well defined and well communicated scope of work (SOW).

The CDE (Common Data Environment) provided by locally researched detailed cost data is organized using CSI Masterformat to provide ease of use and information reuse.
When linked with integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery such as the OpenJOC FrameworkTM (OpenJOCTM) or integrated project delivery (IPD), participating teams can consistently deliver over 90% of repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build task on-time, on-budget, and to everyone’s satisfaction.
All the requisite tools and support services are readily available to begin today.
via Four BT, LLC – 4bt.us
Sebbene il CDE sia al centro delle attenzioni continua a leggere…