Roofing Job Order Contract
Expedite roofing projects with experienced local contractors and without traditional procurement delays!
Contract No. 21-7388
Roofing, Thermal & Moisture Protection Job Order Contracting & Associated Facilities Construction Services – State of Texas –
ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative
Awarded Contractors:
Division 7 LLC Contact – Alexander Gonzalez, alexander@dvsn7.com, (915) 860-2700
Legacy Construction (Emiliano & Associates, LLC) Contact – Matthew Emiliano, matt.emiliano@gmail.com, (915) 860-2700
Nine Degrees Architecture + Design (Nine Degrees Construction LLC) Contact – Cesar Molina, cesarm@nine-degrees.com, (915) 526-8739
The Roof & Metal Co. (C. Ortiz Corp) Contact – Carmen Ortiz, roofing@theroofandmetal.com, (915) 566-2236
United Roofing & Construction Co. (E. Ortiz Corp) Contact – Eric Ortiz – unitedroofing1@aol.com, (915) 500-4733(915) 500-4733

Neither 4BT or ASC offers legal advice or take legal responsibility for vendor or member education on laws, restrictions or codes, etc. Texas Government Code 2269.401-414 New Mexico Public Access Law 13-1-154 California Procurement Statutes Each State has their own rules and restrictions. It is your responsibility to know what you can and cannot do with your contract!
Awarded contract information is located on the ASC website http://www.alliedstatescooperative.com/contracts.php?letter=ALL Remember each vendor has awarded coefficients and areas. You cannot change your coefficient or area.’
Special Conditions
- This contract is authorized by State of Texas Procurement Code and Administrative Code. Each ASC member reserves the right to add additional terms and conditions, as necessary.
- Each contract will be limited to no more than $5,000,000 per contract. Award amount is an estimate and is not guaranteed.
- All purchase orders and invoicing will be directly with each member.
- Legislative changes may constitute additional requirements. Vendors must agree to follow any new legislative changes that are requested by ASC or ASC member.
- Vendors may be required to certify all training completed by employees including subcontractors. Proof of hours may be requested at any time and must be provided if requested.
- Because ASC members require indefinite delivery and indefinite quality (IDIQ) for maintenance, repair, alteration, renovation, remediation, or minor construction of a facility when the work is of a recurring nature, this CSP is a request for one or more coefficients or multipliers to be applied to the UPB.
- Additional Insurance, permits, A/E services (as per member awarded) and Additional bonds may be listed as a pass-through item.
- Trade and/or specialty respondents must submit products, specifications for products to be used in this contract whether purchased or installation services, warranties, etc. in price list. If catalogs are available electronically, those are acceptable; however, vendors must complete all parts of this proposal for award consideration. Prices listed will be used to establish the extent of a vendor’s product lines, services, warranties, etc. that are available from a particular offeror and the pricing per item. The trade and/or specialty proposer must provide detailed pricing of all goods and/or services required to successfully execute this contract.
- All respondents must submit a “Not to Exceed” coefficient(s) for the Texas Zones where the Vendor proposes to perform roofing, thermal & moisture protection JOC and associated Facility Construction
Services for Regular Working Hours and Non-Regular Working Hours per the 4BT OpenJOC™ UPB Database for pricing a job utilizing the 4BT-CE™, where appropriate. - This contract is based on Davis Bacon wage rates. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the coefficient covers any wage rates that are higher.
JOC Cooperative FAQs
What are Job Order Contract Cooperative Agreements?
A simple, proven method for public agencies to procure Job Order Contracting Services without setting up their own JOC Program to enable
on-demand, quality renovation, repair, and minor new construction projects to
be be consistently delivered on-time, on-budget and satisfactorily.
Are all JOC Cooperatives the same?
No. Only the Allied States Cooperative, ASC, is owned
and managed by a public agencies versus a for profit entity, and provides the
following; locally researched unit price cost data versus “national
average cost data” with or without location factors, EDGAR compliance,
mandatory third-party compliance reviews, mandatory training for all approved
JOC contractors, and adherence to JOC and LEAN best management practices.
Who can use the ASC Contracts for Job Order Contracting Construction
Government and Non-profits Agencies: Public schools,
charter schools, private schools, community colleges, universities, cities,
counties, and other and non-profit entities.
Is there a cost to public agencies?
No. There is no fee to become an ASC Member.
Where are ASC cooperative services available?
ASC is a nationwide cooperative. Current JOC Cooperative Service Agreements are in place in the states of California,Texas, Florida, and NM. Organizations located in other states may also be able to participate via inter-local agreement.
Additional Information:
Best value services and tools are used to support the ASC JOC
Construction Services. The LEAN OpenJOC(TM) Framework was developed and is supported by Four BT, LLC. Integrated with Allied States Cooperative
oversight and management, these high performing products and services enable
public sector owners to procure and deliver a significantly higher percentage
of construction projects on-time and on-budget. Education, training, audits, and support, as well as locally researched construction cost data are central to these improved outcomes.
Additional product and service offering are also available. For example, for public sector agencies that wish to establish and owner-managed JOC Program, there are multiple technology and service contracts to support all related requirements. A partial listing of available JOC products and support services is provided below.

Job Order Contracting Services Listing (partial)
JOC / Job Order Contract Estimating / Independent Government Estimates, IGE –Estimating fees are based on a national hourly rate for professional services provided and available exclusively to real property owners/managers.
InformalCompliance ReviewsTM, ICRsTM – An informal JOC audit assures contractor estimates are in compliance with associated Job Order Contract requirements/specifications. A written report is provided.
Formal Compliance ReviewsTM, FCRsTM – A line item review/audit of a contractor estimate, including quantity take-off and associated technical evaluation of the contractor’s estimate, showing our findings along with the backup review documents.
Web Based Training – One Day, approximately 3-6 hours based
upon course and course content.
On-site Training – One Day, approximately 3-6 hours based upon course and
course content.
Specialized Marketing Support/Projects – Based upon an hourly rate.
JOC Program Management Services – Managed JOC Solutions.
Dear Public Agency,
Four BT, LLC (4BT) and Allied States Cooperative (ASC) are excited to provide enhanced, world class, LEAN JOC Construction ServicesTM to public sector member agencies.
Allied States Cooperative member public agencies can take advantage of 4BT’s knowledgeable staff and wide range of Facilities Management & Job Order Contracting services. Members now have access to a previously unavailable level of expertise that sets the new industry standard for value, objectivity, and professionalism.
As a Facility Solutions vendor, 4BT brings comfort to ASC public sector facility owners and award JOC contractors by providing training and support services, including mandatory program compliance audits for every awarded project.
Four BT is veteran owned small business. The principles are President Mark Powell, Senior Vice President Peter Cholakis, and Gene Spencer, Vice President of Cost Engineering. We also have access to a network of experienced JOC estimators, project managers, and program managers throughout the United States
Both Mr. Powell and Mr. Cholakis have served as board members of the Center for Job Order Contract Excellence, and Mr. Powell has provided training services for the Alliance for Construction Excellence. Mr. Powell has been working with JOC for decadess, teaching modules about JOC procurement rules and current legislation/regulations, and all aspects of JOC set-up and implementation. Mr. Spencer has conducted nationwide cost estimating training classes as a former R.S. Means Company, LLC Senior Engineer. Mr. Spencer is a noted authority in construction cost estimating. Peter Cholakis is a seminal thinker and noted authority on facilities / physical asset total cost of ownership and life-cycle management, which includes working for VFA, Inc. the R.S. Means Company, LLC, and 4 Clicks Solutions, LLC.
Four BT is a perfect fit for Allied States Cooperative and its Member Agencies;
- Our team has already managed over 4.5 billion dollars through preconstruction services, construction management, construction estimating, project management, facilities & JOC program management, JOC estimating, JOC software, JOC Unit Price Books, and JOC auditing services throughout these United States.
- Our main office is located in Houston, TX, with associates located in Boston, California, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, and Texas.
- We understand that educating and being educated by our clients leads to long lasting relationships.
- We pride ourselves on the expertise of every staff member and what they bring to our team with their knowledge base and solid ethics.
- Our goal is to build a long-term partnership and grow mutual trust between Allied States Cooperative, its Members Agencies and Four BT. Our partnering approach drives continuous improvement.
Thank you
Mark Powell, President
Four BT, LLC