School Districts can Learn from LEAN Construction

What is “LEAN Construction?”

LEAN construction is a collaborative process that drives significantly enhanced productivity.   More specifically, Job Order Contracting, JOC, a LEAN construction delivery method, consistently delivers over 90% of renovation, repair, and construction projects on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders.  When compared to the industry norm of 75% of all construction projects being over budget, delayed, or resulting in legal disputes.  Isn’t is time for your ISD to consider LEAN construction delivery?

Common Data Environment for LEAN Construction Delivery

The OpenJOC(TM) Solution provides the tools, documentation, locally researched cost data, support, and enabling technology to enable  independent schools districts (ISDs) to leverage Job Order Contracting to its fullest extent.

Properly designed and implemented JOC Programs can optimize school operations budgets and construction bonds, resulting in more dollars spent on actual construction versus procurement costs and waste.

LEAN Job Order Contracting deployed via the OpenJOC Solution, requires collaboration, financial transparency, shared risk/reward, and mutual respect/trust among program participants.   Knowledge is shared early on with all team members and throughout the process from concept through completion.  Knowledge is tapped from internal and external teams, including operations, procurement, building users, builders.   Focus is upon desired outcomes and continuous improvement.

Whether your ISD needs to more efficiently leverage a new bond, or better manage its multiple and ongoing renovation and repair projects, JOC is a proven pathway to success.


Core tenants of LEAN construction

  • Collaboration – among all participants throughout the project life-cycle (Owners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors…)
  • Long-term relationships – 3-5 years+
  • Focus upon best value
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Financial Transparency
  • Standardized Data Formats / Common Data Environment (CDE)
  • Early and ongoing information sharing
  • Common terms, definitions, and data formats
  • Monitoring & Continuous Improvement
  • Reliance upon participants’ expertise

Job Order Contract Construction Services Scope of Work