#1 Put People First: Center your JOC Program around integrating your Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery Teams and enabling internal and external professionals to reach their full potential and perform their best sets up your organization for best value achievement.
#2. Apply Systems Thinking: Take the time to understand your internal requirements and those of our JOC contractors.
#3. Do not pay a percentage of JOC construction value for JOC tools or services. While the cost impact seems low at first, hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions are wasted.
#4. Do not rely heavily on a “JOC Consultant”. A core benefit of JOC is improving owner and contractor relationships and jointly building knowledge and capabilities. Encourage rapid learning, reuses of existing knowledge, and capture new knowledge to make it easier to use in the future to accelerate overall efficiency.
#5. Remember JOC is a TEAM Sport: Support a deliberate process to engage internal and external team members across the enterprise from initial ideas to delivery. This will ensure that you maximize value creation.
#6. Define Consistent Workflows: Organizing and managing the work concurrently and consistently maximizes available resources. Properly developed and implements workflows and tools reduce administrative burden as well as overall project delivery times and costs.
#7 Use current, verifiable, granular cost data for the JOC unit price book. Do not use national average cost data, even with location factors.
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