Sustainable construction prerequisites

Sustianable construction prerequisites for improving  cost, schedule,  quality, and satisfaction outcomes deserve greater focus.

First, let’s define sustainable construction.  In this context Sustainable Construction is the practice of planning, designing, building, and operating buildings and physical infrastructure in an environmentally and financially responsible way, involving, but not limited to:

  • Using robust, integrated Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery Frameworks
  • Minimizing waste
  • Leveraging standardized, current, objective, verifiable, and local market granular (line-time construction task level) labor, material, and equipment data
  • Use of renewable and non-toxic materials, including S sustainable recycled building materials
  • Increasing energy efficiency
  • Improving indoor air quality
  • Conserving water

Despite the advances in innovation seen in the manufacturing and service industries, the majority of AECOO (architecture, engineering, construction, owner, operations/operator) practices are based upon traditional, antagonistic, and inefficient techniques which have remained in place due to poor formal and professional education and cultural barriers.  Sustainable construction prerequisites are not defined, nor applied.  The attendant sector fragmentation, supply chain deficiencies, and high levels of financial and environmental waste are staggering.

Fortunately,  robust, proven solutions are readily available, should real property owners display the requisite levels of leadership, capacity, and accountability

Adherence to sustainable construction prerequisites can reduce costs and other forms of waste by 30%-40%+.   This is accomplished by the consistent application of systems-thinking based processes to all repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build activities.  These frameworks mitigate common inefficiencies, mistakes, delays, and poor communications.


Sustainable Construction Prerequisites
Sustainable Construction Prerequisites

Sustainable Construction Prerequisites & Systems-Thinking Application

Numerous studies readily demonstrate that waste predominantly occurs due to a poorly communicated and poorly defined detailed project Scope of Work.  The interaction between planners, procurement professionals, construction managers, and trades actually doing the work is not early and ongoing and does not followed a robust process and associated workflow with defined information and workflow requirements.   AECCO focus has been upon the application of technology as a solution, with, as would be expected, virtually no measurable improvement in outcomes.  Adherence to sustianable construction prerequisites would benefit all participants and stakeholders.
Sustainable Construction Prerequisites
Construction Work Packages
commerical cost

The pervasive lack of a unified strategy has been readily apparent for decades.