Target Value Deliery – How to Apply TVD with 5 Steps.

Target Value Delivery (TVD) is “a management practice that drives the (design and construction) to deliver customer values within project constraints” (Ballard, 2009).

How to apply TVD:

1. Early involvement and ongoing participation of owners, engineers, and design/builders.
2. A robust collaborative project delivery methods and associated written “execution guide” or “operations manual” as part of contractual documents that aligns mutually biennial goals and outcomes for all participants.
3. An objective, verifiable, and current, granular, locally researched database of labor, material, and equipment costs and tasks, shared by all participants and organized in a standardized, easily understood and manageable manner.  Learn more.
4. A centralized data repository and associated quantitative metrics
5. Initial and ongoing training for ALL participants and stakeholders.

Target Value Delivery

Target Value Delivery

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