A locally researched, detailed line item Unit Price Book is an important consideration for any JOC Program, and any repair, renovation, repair, maintenance, or new construction project. It provides a highly detailed scope of work that is easily communicated to all participants and stakeholders, as well as full financial visibility and transparency.

More specifically, a locally researched UPB, developed by 4BT’s propriety methods and unique capabilities, provides multi-dimensional insight into a multiplicity of cost objects such functions, processes, activities, multi-discipline labor and crews, thousands of material and all required equipment, as well associated productivity an economies of scales. The approach enable owner lead teams to focus more upon cost planning and control, and better support every key decision-making including planning, sourcing, pricing, investment justification, procurement, and execution efficiency and productivity . Resource costs (labor, material, equipment
quantities, productivity) are assigned to specific granular activities. The fundamental objects become assigned cost drivers for the specific task.
Usage of a locally researched 4BT UPB mitigates roots problems and the negative consequences resulting from traditional methods.
White Paper: How-to-Select-a-JOC- Unit Price Book – – A JOC Unit Price Book, UPB is very important to the quality, integrity, productivity, and transparency of any Job Order Contract. A current, actionable UPB is central success of a JOC Program for all participants and stakeholders.