USACE Funding for Water Resources – GAO

USACE Funding for Water Resources spans projects— such as dams, locks, and waterways—across the U.S. to strengthen national security, protect and manage aquatic ecosystems, reduce risks from disasters, and support commerce. In fiscal years 2018 through 2023, the Corps allocated approximately $28.5 billion in appropriated construction funds to 278 projects across 47 states, Washington, D.C., the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.   FULL GAO REPORT



USACE Funding for Water Resource
USACE Funding for Water Resource
  • Congress directed $8.7 billion (30.5 percent of all construction funding) to specific projects and activities in annual appropriations acts.
  • For the remaining $19.8 billion (69.5 percent of funding), Congress included project eligibility criteria and other considerations in appropriations acts that influenced the distribution of funding. The Corps applied these criteria and considerations, along with others identified in Corps and Army guidance, to identify eligible projects and prioritize projects to receive construction funding. After identifying eligible projects, the Corps ranked discrete segments of work at each project to compile a list of proposed allocations. The Corps considered other factors in this process, such as environmental returns and project completion status.

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