It’s important to validate subcontractor bids and ensure appropriate costing.
The availability of current, local market, detailed construction task data makes evaluating subcontractor bids an easy task.
Simply build the subcontractor estimate using objective, verifiable local market construction cost data and compare costs.
Ensure all construction cost estimates are both VALID and RELIABLE.
Validity is a a determination of whether are not you are measuring what you need.
Reliability is a determination of the ability to consistently gather and present information in the same manner.
Easility validate subcontractor bids with objective, verifiable, and locally researched detailed line-item construction tasks, replete with labor, material, equipment and productivity information, provide the highest level of cost visibility and cost management capability. 4BT exclusively offers this information for any location, with all line-items organized using expanded CSI MasterFormat, enabling clear communication, collaboration, and alignment with relative to all requirements throughout the planning, procurement, and project delivery lifecycle.