What’s WRONG with Federal Facilities Mangement?

What’s wrong with federal facilities management?  EVERTHING.

FACT #1 – National security is negatively impacted by the lack of effective/efficient facilities lifecycle management.

FACT #2 – Lack of a lifecycle total cost of ownership approach in support of federal agency/department missions.

FACT #3 – No set of quantitive key performance indicators exists or is required with respect for federal facilities lifecycle management.

FACT #4 – Despite the availability of robust standardized facilities/physical asset condition assessment strategies and tools since the late 1990s, the federal government has no complete and current record.  Furthermore, some government agencies have required the use of a platform developed by the government (BUILDER) which is fully incapable of providing a verifiable and actionable record of costs and needs with respect of facilities deficiencies.


The key issue is that federal real property facility and financial managers do not know how to establish compelling strategies for facility renewal and/or sustainability.  Until this fundamental barrier is recognized and removed, significant improvement over the sector’s historical record of environmental and economic waste.

Successful, such strategies that inform federal real property owners and policy makers on how to make appropriate investments in federal facilities that improve an agency’s overall mission performance are readily available yet have remained unused for decades.


Learn more….

Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities https://4bt.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Strategies-to-Renew-Federal-Facilities-2023.pdf (2023)



via 4bt.us

Improve facilities sustainment