The benefits of locally researched detailed line item unit price books are such that they should be a requirement for all commercial repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects. Their use is already mandatory for LEAN construction delivery methods such as Job Order Contracting.

Benefits of Locally Researched Detailed Line Item Unit Price Books

Locally researched unit price books should be organized by CSI Masterformat and include separate line items for demolition as well as line item modifiers. The later are adds or deducts to the parent line item to account for quantity or other task related variables, such as working height.

Unit price books are used for bidding contracts, contractor proposals, owner independent estimates, and for validating subcontractor quotes.

As market prices can change significantly, best practice is to update labor pricing quarterly and material pricing on an as needed basis. The entire unit price book, labor, material and equipment, should be update annually.

The application of economic indexes or location factors to unit prices should be avoided. This approach does not provide a sound reflection of actual costs.

Any real property owner, but especially those in the public sector, should require the use of locally researched unit price books in order to meet their fiduciary responsibilities.