Facilities Management and the full AECOO community have a fundamental flaw that is solely responsible for rampant economic and environmental waste; the lack of body of knowledge (BOK or BoK), the complete set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional domain.

Traditional Facilities Maintenance Approaches Are FAILING

Traditional Facilities Maintenance Approaches Are FAILING due to… 1.) reactive nature 2.) lack of cost visibility and cost management capability, 3. Failure of CMMS technology to deliver significant benefit.

Improving Facilities Management Outcomes REQUIRES LEADERSHIP

Improving Facilities Management Outcomes REQUIRES LEADERSHIP. LEADERS must ENABLE people doing the work to leverage their expertise to contribute to problem solving and continuously improve daily activities and processes.

All things JOC – Job Order Contracting

All things JOC – Job Order Contracting. Structuring a best value JOC Program requires far more than getting a certification, buying software, or hiring a ‘JOC consultant”.  

Primary Lesson for FMers and Real Property Owners

Primary Lesson for FMers and Real Property Owners, the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build projects on time and on budget is quite simple

Best Value / LEAN Construction and LEAN Production are NOT the Same

est Value / LEAN Construction and LEAN Production are not the same.  

Best value / Lean construction is an integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery process that uses robust workflows, a common data environment, and collaborative teams to increase productivity, profits, and innovation in the industry.  The terms “Best Value” and “LEAN” can be used interchangeably.

Objective and Defensible Facility Conditions Assessment – Critical, but rarely practiced

An objective and defensible facilities conditions assessment is critical to efficient management of any facilities portfolio.  Unfortunately, the data obtained in most assessments is not presented in a manner to rely upon associated costs for deferred maintenance, or in a manny to enable integration into efficient, robust, and integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery activities

Why Job Order Contracting was developed

Why Job Order Contracting was developed. 

Job Order Contracting (JOC), an alternative to the sealed bid method of procuring facility construction and repair services, was developed by the Federal Government in the 1980s to reduce the processing time and administrative effort required for smaller construction jobs (Source).

A Real Property Owner’s Guide to Improving Construction Productivity

A Real Property Owner’s Guide to Improving Construction Productivity enables measurable improvement in facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build efficiency involves strengthening the focus on implementation.  A critical aspect involves balancing standardization of activities and information with empowering those doing the work on site.

Improving Facilities Sustainment Outcomes

Improving facilities sustainment outcomes is critical to meeting mission, environment, and financial requirements. Sustainment includes all maintenance and repair activities necessary to keep an inventory of facilities in good working order. It includes regularly scheduled adjustments and inspections, preventive maintenance tasks, and emergency response and service calls for repairs.

LEAN Job Order Contracting

LEAN Job Order Contracting is the process of integrating planning, procurement, and project delivery for physical infrastructure repair, renovation, maintenance, or new builds, across disparate internal and external teams, within a common data environment (CDE) to consistently enable quality, on time and on budget outcomes. 

MANAGE Construction, Repair, and Renovation projects by EMPOWERING teams –

MANAGE Construction, Repair, and Renovation projects by EMPOWERING internal and external teams to plan, procure, and execute projects collaboratively on an early and ongoing basis, while also ensuring a detailed, clearly communicated, and verifiable cost and technical scope of work.

Begin to Improve Facilities Management Today

Improve Facilities Management by implementing change.  Change that will result in significant improvement in all repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build activities and outcomes.

Selecting JOC Contractors

Selecting JOC Contractors involves more than simply reviewing their coefficients/bid factors.

When considering JOC Contractors, remember you are investing to assure a long term, mutually beneficial relationship. 

Public Sector Facilities Project Cost Management

Public Sector Facilities Project Cost Management is required to address traditionally elevated levels of economic and environmental waste.   The good news is that robust solutions are readily available to enable the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects on time and on budget.

The bad news is that continuous, competent leadership is required that understands that change from current ‘ad hoc’ as wasteful practices is required.

Current Construction Cost Data CSI Masterformat

Current Construction Cost Data CSI Masterformat is critical to cost visibility and cost management for both owners and design-builders throughout the repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build planning, procurement, and project delivery life-cycle.

Integrity in Public Sector Procurement of Facilities Repair, Renovation, Maintenance, and Construction Services

Facilities Repair, Renovation, Maintenance, and Construction Services requires Obtaining the maximum projected value for each dollar of expenditure and ensuring that all purchasing transactions follow all state, local and federal regulation.

Facilities Maintenance and Repair Goals

Facilities Maintenance and Repair Goals include…

Optimizing asset value
Life-cycle management in concert with organizational mission
Maximization of maintenance and repair cost visibility and cost management
Mitigation of unplanned events
Enhancement of facility user experiences and satisfaction

Construction Productivity Solutions

Construction productivity solutions are readily available that integrate planning, procurement, and project delivery to consistently enable on-time, on-budget, quality outcomes with full […]

LEAN Construction Facts

LEAN Construction Facts are critical to improving productivity, quality, and conserving economic and environmental resources. Integrated project delivery and job order contracting solutions are readily available.

Productive Construction – Traits of Collaboration

Productive construction and collaboration go hand in hand. The traits of collaboration include: co-location commitment multidisciplinary work decision authority productive environment training […]

LEAN Capital Project Delivery

LEAN Capital Project Delivery increases efficiency and reduces facilities management costs via the implementation of a robust programmatic process to all repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build requirements,

Successful Job Order Contract Program Requirements

Job Order Contract Program Requirements include Mandatory initial and ongoing training, Quantitative key performance indicators, a locally researched unit price book, and owner leadership and commitment.

JOC Programs that make sense.

JOC Programs that make sense deliver comprehensive, integrated robust processes, professional services, and enabling software solutions to enable public sector facilities management teams to more efficient mange building and other structure in concert with mission goals. 

The True Origin of LEAN

The True Origin of LEAN begins with Henry Ford, the first person to truly integrate an entire production process was Henry Ford. At Highland Park, MI, in 1913 he married consistently interchangeable parts with standard work and moving conveyance to create what he called flow production.

Construction Cost Estimating Factors

Construction Cost Estimating Factors 2022 – Construction Cost Estimating Factors that determine validity, transparency, and level of cost management capability.   CORE […]

Robust LEAN Job Order Contracting 2022

Optimizing repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction outcomes isn’t difficult. It does, however, require a robust LEAN Job Order Contracting programmatic framework.  […]

Optimizing Construction, Repair, Renovation, and New Build Outcomes

Optimizing Construction, Repair, Renovation, and New Build Outcomes requires a robust programmatic process that is consistently applied and continuously improved. Let’s start […]

Strategic Collaboration Framework for Construction

Top management commitment and support Robust programmatic processes and workflows Effective and open communication across inter and interorganizational teams. Integrated planning, procurement, […]