Understanding Job Order Contracting Evolution can be beneficial. Both Job Order Contracting, JOC, and Integrated Project Delivery, IPD are LEAN Construction Procurement and Delivery Methods.
JOC is specifically designed to support efficient renovation, repair, and minor new construction, whereas IPD is used primarily for major new construction.
Both IPD and JOC have a proven record of accomplishment, spanning decades, and are capable of consistently delivering over 90% of projects on time, on budget, and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders. IPD and JOC, when professionally designed and implemented, are LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery environments. LEAN Implementation ROADMAP for CONSTRUCTION
LEAN is a philosophy dating back as far as Henry Ford. At its core, LEAN is quite simple. LEAN is a way of thinking that bases decisions on long-term objectives rather than short-term wins, builds leaders and teams that thoroughly understand the work and share information and learnings to everyone involved, and “walk the talk”.
JOC Programs Setup Steps/Considerations Outline (Example)
Invitation to Submit Proposals
Instruction to Proposers
Job Order Contract (JOC) Execution Guide
Proposal Form JOC Proposal Development
Agreement Form (with Grant Disclosure & Certifications)
General Conditions
Supplementary Conditions
Architect/Engineer Guidelines (if necessary)
Prevailing Wage Rates (if necessary)
Job Order Form (Estimate Summary Sheet)
Payment and Performance Bond
Certificate of Liability Insurance (s
Don’t know JOC? Job Order Contracting for Novices – Just the Basics – A White Paper
JOC National Research Study JOC Research Study
Job Order Contacting measurably improves productivity, quality, and overall satisfaction for renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, or minor new construction projects.
Job Order Contracting and IPD share several characteristics…
Shared risk/reward
Written Operations / Execution Manuals and required work flows, common data formats, and technologies.
Ongoing training to maintain minimum standards of proficiency and performance
Required levels of cooperation among internal and external project participants with a focus upon outcomes
Shared opportunity for participants to collectively discuss and comment on subjects of common interests
“It is the responsibility of real property owners to provide leadership, knowledge, support, and to assure the type and levels of planning, capability, tools, information, and processes exist to improve construction outcomes.”
Job Order Contracting creates “win-win” relationships among owners, building users, contractors, and other stakeholders.
90-Day Job Order Contract Implementation Guide – Contact us to receive the 6-page Introductory Guide.
The 4BT OpenJOCTM Collaborative Approach
Four BT, LLC (4BT) brings greater efficiency and transparency to the numerous renovation, repair, and minor new construction projects encountered by public sector real property portfolio owners.
Our integrated approach incorporates LEAN processes, locally researched actionable construction cost data, technology, and training, to better support owners, contractors, subcontractors, and oversight groups and drive measurably improved outcomes.
Learn more…

Additional Information Resources for Job Order Contracting Best Management Practices:
ASU Alliance for Construction Excellence