BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE)

BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE)

BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE) are all core elements to improving collaboration, productivity, quality, and overall satisfaction.

Definition of the roles and responsibilities of team members, with respect to CDE, throughout the life-cycle of a built structure… from Planning, to Design, Project Delivery, Operations & Maintenance, to Decommissioning/Recycling, and its integral relationship with LEAN Construction Delivery methodology are key requirements.  This is done within the project delivery Operations Manual or Execution Manual, a component of the overall project contract.   Learn more…2017 BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE).

One of the most important elements of a CDE is the detailed line item construction cost data architecture and associated construction cost research methodology.  These a compiled within a Unit Price Book, UPB, an used for establishing and maintaining construction, renovation, repair, and maintenance costs.  The format and content of the UPB is very important to assuring financial transparency for the real property owner / facilities management, building uses, and service providers.

BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE)






Beneficial Outcomes with Job Order Contracting

There are multiple significant and beneficial outcomes with job order contacting if programs are implements properly.  Job order contacting is a LEAN and AGILE Construction Delivery Method that is based upon process, common shared data, and collaboration.

It is best to leverage the knowledge and tools from independent, objective, and best value job order contracting solutions providers as well as engage in regular ongoing training.

Beneficial Outcomes with Job Order Contracting

  1. 90%+ projects delivered on-time and on-budget
  2. Greater financial visibility
  3. Higher quality
  4. On-demand service
  5. Long term owner/contractor relationship
  6. Satisfaction among all participants and stakeholders

Beneficial Outcomes with Job Order Contracting

via www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions

JOC Unit Price Book UPB Considerations

JOC Unit Price Book UPB considerations for procurement include financial transparency, local research, current actionable data, and use of common terms and data organization.  These are primary, fundamental, and requisite elements for any Job Order Contract Unit Price Book.  The 4BT OpenJOC Unit Price Boodelivers all of these, and more:

  1. Locally researched labor, material, and equipment line items/tasks
  2. Clear line item descriptions written using industry standard terms, with minimal use of abbreviations, in plain easily understood English.
  3. CSI MasterFormat data architecture
  4. Number and type of line items that are required for ninety percent (90%) of the tasks required for your JOC during each annual term.
  5. Demolition line items
  6. Line item “modifiers”
  7. Ongoing updates, with annual JOC UPB updates recommended
  8. Independence, Objectivity
  9. Davis-Bacon Labor Rates
  10. Fully technical support and training by construction cost estimators and project managers.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

Unit Price Book, UPB, Considerations

via www.4BT.US – Objective, Independent, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions


Job Order Contract Unit Price Book



Financial transparency, local research, current actionable data, the use of common terms in plain English and MasterFormat data organization are requisite elements of any Job Order Contact Unit Price Book, UPB.  The 4BT JOC Unit Price Book delivers all of these, and more:

  1. Locally researched labor, material, and equipment line items/tasks
  2. Clear line item descriptions written using industry standard terms, with minimal use of abbreviations, in plain easily understood English.
  3. CSI MasterFormat data architecture
  4. Number and type of line items that are required for ninety percent (90%) of the tasks required for your JOC during each annual term.
  5. Demolition line items
  6. Line item “modifiers”
  7. Ongoing updates, with annual JOC UPB updates recommended
  8. Independence, Objectivity
  9. Fully researched local Davis-Bacon Labor Rates
  10. Technical support and training by JOC construction cost estimators and project managers.
  11. Best value…. no fees based upon % of your JOC construction volume

The 4BT JOC UPB will enables Owners and Contractors contractors, to create detailed unit price line item cost estimates that reflect the project requirements in terms of scope of work and quality, and to equally benefit in JOC participation!

List of Common Construction Abbreviations

List of Common Construction Abbreviations
cloud-based job order contracting solution

The consistent use of Common Construction Abbreviations are important to any LEAN construction delivery method or construction phase.  Common construction abbreviations as as part of cost estimating software, Job  Order Contracting software, and construction documents is a standard practice.

Proper use of abbreviations is enhance by following a few simple rules:

  1. Use upper case lettering, without periods
  2. Do not use spaces within an abbreviation
  3. Use same abbreviations for singular or plural

He is a sample listing of abbreviation derived across a wide venue of sources.  (Architectural Graphic Standards, Time Saver Standards, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Drafting Standards, Holabird & Root Drafting Standards,  Nagle Hartray & Associates Standards, Murphy/Jahn Office Reference Manual, Braun/Skiba Standards Manual, Recommended Standards on Production Procedures,  Northern California Chapter AIA, Graphic Communication in Architecture, William J. O’Connell, Interior Graphic and Design Standards, S.C. Reznikoff. While there are many differences between abbreviation standards between firms and/or individual authors, ongoing standardization should be giving a high degree of consideration.

2-PSS: Two-Part Polysulfide Sealant
2-PUMS: Two-Part Polyurethane Modified Sealant
@  At (the rate of)
&   And
”    Inch; Ditto
#   Number or Pound
[circle with diagonal slash through it]   Diameter, Round, Phase

A:  Area, Ampere; Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air Line
AB:  Anchor Bolt; Asbestos Board
ABV: Above
AC:  Air Conditioning, Alternating Current, Acoustical
ACC: Access
ACF: Architectural Concrete Finish
ACFL: Access Floor
ACI: American Concrete Institute
ACL: Across the Line
ACOUST: Acoustical
ACPL: Acoustical Plaster
ACR: Acrylic
ACST: Acoustic
ACT: Acoustical Tile; Actual
AD: Access Door, Area Drain
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ADAAG: Americans with Disabilities Act Architectural Guidelines
ADD: Addendum; Addition
ADDL: Additional
ADH: Adhesive
ADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent
AF: Above the Floor
AFF: Above Finished Floor
AGA: American Gas Association
AGG: Aggregate
AGGR: Aggregate
AIA: American Institute of Architects, American Insurance Association
AIC: Amperes Interrupting Circuit
AIEE: American Institute of Electrical Engineers
AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction
AL: Aluminum
ALM: Alarm
ALT: Alternate, Alteration; Altitude
ALUM: Aluminum
ALS: Acrylic Latex Sealant
AMB: Ambient
AMP: Ampere, Ampacity
AMPY: Ampere
AMT: Amount
AN: Anode
ANCH: Anchor, Anchorage
ANN: Annunciator
ANOD: Anodized
ANT: Antenna
AP:  Access Panel
APPD: Approved
APPROX: Approximate
APRVD: Approved
APT: Apartment
APX: Approximate
AR: Acid Resisting
ARCH: Architect, Architectural
ARS: Asbestos Roof Shingles
AS:  Acoustic Sealant
ASB: Asbestos
ASC: Above Suspended Ceiling
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPH: Asphalt
ASSEM: Assemble
ASSOC: Association; Associate
ASSY: Assembly
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
AT: Acoustical Tile; Asphalt Tile
ATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling
ATTEN: Attenuation
ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; Atmospheric
AUTH: Authorized
AUTO: Automatic
AVG: Average
AW: Acid Waste
AWG: American Wire Gauge
AWM: Automatic Washing Machine
AWS: American Welding Society
AWWA: American Water Works Association
AX: Axis

B:  Boiler, Bathroom, Bidet
B TO B: Back to Back
B & B: Balled and  Burlapped, Bell and Bell
B & F: Bell and Flange
B & S: Bell and Spigot, Brown & Sharp
B/:  Bottom (of)
BBD: Bulletin Board
BA: Bulb Angle
BAL: Balance, Ballast
BAF: Baffle
BB:  Buffalo Box, Ball Bearing,, Bulletin Board
BBL: Barrel
BC: Broom Closet
BD:  Board, Blow Down (pipe)
BDL: Bundle
BDY: Boundary
BDRM: Bedroom
BEL: Below
BET: Between
BETW: Between
BEV: Bevel
BF:  Board Foot, Back Face, Bottom Face, Both Faces, Boiler Feed
BG: Bag (e.g., of cement)
BHP: Brake Horsepower
BHD: Bulkhead
BIT: Bituminous
BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler
BKR: Breaker
BL:  Base Line, Building Line, Block
BLDG: Building
BLK: Block
BLKG: Blocking
BLO: Blower
BLR: Boiler
BLT: Borrowed Lite, Bullet Tips (Hinges)
BLT-IN: Built-In
BM:  Beam, Bench Mark
BMT: Butyl Mastic Tape Sealant
BN:  Bullnose
BNDG: Bending (re-bars)
BNT: Bent
BO: Blow Off
BOT: Bottom
BP:  Base Plate, Blueprint, Bypass
BPL: Bearing Plate
BR:  Bedroom, Brick, Brass, Boiler Room Branch
BRDG: Bridge, Bridging
BRG: Bearing
BRK: Brick
BRKR: Breaker
BRKT: Bracket
BRS: Butyl Rubber Sealant, Brass
BRZ: Bronze
BRZG: Brazing
BS:  Both Sides, Backset, Bluestone
BSMT: Basement
BT: Bathtub, Bolt
BTR: Better
BTU: British Thermal Units
BTUH: British Thermal Units per Hour
BUR: Built-up Roof
BUZ: Buzzer
BV:  Butterfly Valve
BVL: Bevelled
BW: Both Ways
BWV: Back Water Valve
BYP: By Pass

C:  Courses, Curb, Channel, Degrees Celsius, Clock Outlet, Calcimine
C/C: Center to Center
C TO C: Center to Center
CA:  Compressed Air
CAB: Cabinet
CAD: Cadmium, Computer-Aided Drafting
CAIS: Caisson
CAP: Capacity
CAR: Carpet
CARP: Carpenter
CAT: Catalog
CAV: Cavity
CB:  Catch Basin, Concrete Block,
Cast Brass, Coal Bin
CBL: Concrete Block
CBX: Cast Box Strike
CC:  Cubic Centimeter
CCT: Circuit
CCW: Counter Clockwise
CCTV: Closed Circuit TV
CD:  Cold Drawn, Cadmium
CDS: Cold Drawn Steel
CEL: Cellar
CEM: Cement
CEM AB: Cement Asbestos Board
Cem P: Cement Water Paint
CER: Ceramic
CF:  Cubic Feet
CFL: Counterflashing
CFM: Cubic Feet per Minute
CFS: Cubic Feet per Second
CFT: Cubic Foot
CG:  Corner Guard
CH: Coat Hook
CHB: Chalk Board
CHR: Chilled Water Return
CHAM: Chamfer
CHAN: Channel
CHBD: Chalkboard
CHS: Chilled Water Supply
C.I.: Cast Iron
CI:  Cast Iron
CIN BL: Cinder Block
CIP: Cast Iron Pipe, Cast-in-Place
CIR: Circle, Circular, Circuit
CIRC: Circumference
CISP: Cast Iron Soil/sewer Pipe
CITG: Clear Insulating Tempered Glass
CJ:  Control Joint
CJF: Cork Joint Filler
CK: Caulking
CKT: Circuit
CL:  Centerline, Clearance, Closing, Closure, Class, Closet
CLG: Ceiling
CLKG: Caulking
CLH: Clothes Line Hook
CLL: Contract Limit Line
CLO: Closet
CLP: Clamp
CLR: Clear
CLR OPG: Clear Opening
CLS: Closure
CM: Circular Mil (1/1000 inch),
Center Matched
CMP: Corrugated Metal Pipe
CMT: Ceramic Mosaic Tile
CMU: Concrete Masonry Unit
CMUP: Concrete Masonry Unit Painted
CND: Condition, Conduit
CNDS: Condensate
CNTR: Center, Counter
CNVR: Conveyor
COAX: Coaxial
C.O.: Cased Opening
CO:  Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out
COD: Cleanout Door
CO & DP: Cleanout & Deck Plate
COEF: Coefficient
COL: Column
COM: Common
COMB: Combination, Combustion
COML: Commercial
COMM ED: Commonwealth Edison
COMP: Composition, Compressed
COMPO: Composition
COMPT: Compartment
CON: Construction
CONC: Concrete
CONCP: Concrete Painted
COND: Condenser, Conduit
CONN: Connection
CONST: Construction
CONSTR: Construction
CONT: Continuous, Continue, Control
CONTR: Contractor
CONV: Convector, Convenience
COP: Copper
COR: Corner, Corridor
CORR: Corridor, Corrugate
COV: Cover
CP:  Cathodic Protection, Clothes Pole,  Cesspool
CPE: Chlorinated Polyethylene
CPL: Cement Plaster
CPP: Cement Plaster Painted
CPR: Copper
CPT: Carpet
CR: Chromium (plated), Curtain Rod
CRPT: Carpet
CRS: Course, Cold Rolled Steel
CS:  Countersink, Cast Steel, Cast Stone, Commercial Standard
CSG: Casing
CSK: Countersink
CSMT: Casement
CSN: Caisson
CSS: Countersunk Screw
CSTG: Casting
CT:  Ceramic Tile, Cork Tile,
Cone Tip (hinges)
CTD: Coated
CTR: Center, Counter
CTSC: Communications Systems Terminal Cabinet
CTSK: Countersunk
CTWT: Counterweight
CU:  Copper, Cubic, Coefficient of Utilization
CU. FT.: Cubic Feet
CU. YD.: Cubic Yard
CUR: Current
CV:  Check Valve
CW: Clockwise, Cold Water
CWP: Circulating Water Pump
CWR: Condensate Waste Return
CWS: Condensate Waste Supply
CY:  Cubic Yard, Cycle
CYL: Cylinder
CYL L: Cylinder Lock

D:  Deep, Depth, Drop, Drain
D & M: Dressed & Matched
DA: Double Acting
DB:  Decibel
DBL: Double
DBT: Drybulb Temperature
DC:  Direct Current
DCV: Detector Check Valve
DD: Driveway Drain, Deck Drain
DEG: Degree
DEGC: Degree Celcius
DEGF: Degree Farenheit
DEM: Demolish
DEMO: Demolition
DEP: Dpressed
DEPT: Department
DET: Detail
DF:  Drinking Fountain
DH: Double Hung
DIAG: Diagonal
DIA: Diameter
DIAM: Diameter
DIFF: Diffuser
DIM: Dimension
DISL: Disposal
DISP: Dispenser
DIV: Division
DL:  Dead Load
DMH: Drop Manhole
DMT: Demountable
DN:  Down
DO:  Ditto, or Door Opening
DP:  Dampproofing, Dew Point, Distribution Panel
DPDT: Double Pole Double Throw
DPST: Double Pole Single Throw
DPR: Damper
DR:  Door, Drain, Dining Room
DRBD: Drainboard
DS:  Downspout, Disconnect Switch, Door Switch
DSP: Dry Standpipe
DT:  Drain Tile
DTL: Detail
DVTL: Dovetail
DW: Dumbwaiter, Distilled Water
DWG: Drawing
DWGS: Drawings
DWL: Dowel
DWP: Drywall, Painted
DWR: Drawer
DS:  Downspout
DSP: Dry Standpipe
DX:  Direct Expansion, Duplex

E:  East, Enamel, Exhaust
E TO E: End to End
EA:  Each
EB:  Expansion Bolt
EC:  Exposed Construction
ECC: Eccentric
ECP: Exposed Construction Painted
EDR: Equivalent Direct Radiation
EE:  Each End
EF:  Each Face
EFTS: Expanding Foam Tape Sealant
EG: Edge Grain
EIFS: Exterior Insulation and Finish System
EJ:  Expansion Joint
EJECT: Ejector
EL:  Elevation, Elevator
ELB: Elbow
ELEC: Electrical
ELECT: Electrical
ELEV: Elevator, Elevation
ELP: Emergency Lighting Panel
EM:  Emergency
EMER: Emergency
ENAM: Enamel
ENCL: Enclosure
ENG: Engineer
ENGR: Engineer
ENJF: Expanded Neoprene Joint Filler
ENT: Entrance
ENTR: Entrance
EP: Electrical Panelboard, Explosion Proof
EPDM: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPJF: Expanded Polyethelene Joint Filler
EQ:  Equal
EQP: Equipment
EQPT: Equipment
EQUIP: Equipment
ERP: Emergency Receptacle Panel
ESC: Escalator
EST: Estimate
EVAP: Evaporator
EW: Each Way
EWC: Electric Water Cooler
EW & C: Electric Wiring and Communication
EWH: Electric Water Heater
EX:  Exposed Construction, Exit
EXC: Excavate
EXCAV: Excavate
EXEC: Executive
EXG: Existing
EXH: Exhaust
EXH AIR: Exhaust Air
EXIST: Existing
EXP: Expansion, Exposed
EXPN: Expansion
EXPP: Existing Patched and Painted
EXS: Extra Strong
EXT: Exterior, Extinguish
EXTR: Extrude

F:  Degrees Fahrenheit, Fuse
F TO F: Face to Face
FA:  Fire Alarm, Fresh Air
FAB: Fabricate
FABR: Fabricate
FACP: Fire Alarm Control Panel
FAG: Fire Alarm Gong
FAO: Finish All Over
FAR: Floor Area Ratio
FAST: Fastener, Fasten
FB:  Flat Bar, Face Brick, Floor Box
FBD: Fiberboard
FBM: Foot Board Measure
FBP: Fabric Panel
FBRK: Fire Brick
FC:  File Cabinet, Foot Candle, Fault Current
FD:  Floor drain
FDC: Fire Department Connection
FDN: Foundation
FDTN: Foundation
FE:  Fire Extinguisher
FEC: Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
FF:  Far Face, Finished Floor, Factory Finish
FFE: Finished Floor Elevation
FF&E: Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment
FFL: Finished Floor Line
FGL: Fiberglass
FGR: Fiberglass reinforced
FH:  Flat Head, Fire Hose
FHC: Fire Hose Cabinet
FHMS: Flat head machine screw
FHR: Fire Hose Rack
FHS: Fire Hose Station
FHWS: Flat Head Wood Screw
FHY: Fire Hydrant
FIL: Fillet
FIN: Finish, finished
FITG: Fitting
FIX: Fixture
FIXT: Fixture
FL:  Floor, Fire Line
FLASH: Flashing
FLG: Flooring
FLEX: Flexible
FLG: Flange, Flashing, Flooring
FLR: Floor
FLUOR: Fluorescent
FLX: Flexible
FM:  Fire Main, Factory Mutual Company
FND: Feminine Napkin Dispenser, Foundation
FO:  Finished Opening
FOB: Free On Board
FOC: Face of Concrete
FOF: Face of Finish
FOS: Face of Studs
FP:  Fireproof
FPL: Fireplace
FPM: Feet per minute
FPRF: Fireproof
FPS: Feet per Second
FR:  Frame, Front, Fire Riser
FRG: Forged
FRM: Frame
FRPF: Fireproof
FRT: Fire Retardant
FS:  Full Size, Far Side, Federal Standards, Fused Switch, Floor Sink
FSCW: Flush Solid Core Wood
FT:  Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered
FTG: Footing, Fitting
FUR: Furred
FURN: Furnish, Furniture
FURR: Furring
FUT: Future
FVC: Fire Valve Cabinet

G:  Gas, Girder, Gutter, Gram
GA:  Gauge, Gage
GAGE: Gauge
GAL: Gallon
GALV: Galvanized
GB:  Grab Bar, Glass Block, Gypsum Board
GC:  General Contractor
GCMU: Glazed Concrete Masonry Unit
GD:  Guard, Grade, Gutter Drain
GEN: General, Generator
GENL: General
GF: Ground Face
GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted
GFI: Ground Fault Interrupted
GFRC: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
GI:  Galvanized Iron
GKT: Gasket
GL:  Glass
GL BLK: Glass Block
GLB: Glass Block
GLVA: Globe Valve
GLZ: Glaze
GMU: Glazed Masonry Unit
GND: Ground
GOVT: Government
GP:  Galvanized Pipe
GPDW: Gypsum Drywall
GPH: Gallons Per Hour
GPL: Gypsum Lath
GPM: Gallons Per Minute
GPP: Gypsum Plaster Painted
GPPL: Gypsum Plaster
GPS: Gallons Per Second
GR:  Grade, Grille, Granite
GRAN: Granular, Granite
GRND: Ground
GRTG: Grating
GSS: Galvanized Sheet Steel
GSU: Glazed Structural Unit
GT: Grout
GV: Galvanized
GVA: Gate Valve
GVL: Gravel
GYP: Gypsum
GYP BD: Gypsum Board

H:  High
HA:  Hectare
HB:  Hose Bib
HBD: Hardboard
HC:  Hollow Core, Handicapped (better called Accessible”)
HCT: Hollow Clay Tile
HD:  Head, Heavy Duty
HDCP: Handicapped (better called “Accessible”)
HDN: Harden
HDR: Header
HDW: Hardware
HDWD: Hardwood
HDWE: Hardware
HEX: Hexagonal
HGR: Hanger
HGT: Height
HH:  Handhole
HHMB: Hex Head Machine Bolt
HID: High Intensity Discharge
HK:  Hook or Hooks
HKD: Hooked (re-bars)
HL: Hydrant Line
HM: Hollow Metal
HMP: Hollow Metal, Painted
HNCG: Hollow Neoprene Compression Gasket
HOR: Horizontal
HORIZ: Horizontal
HOSP: Hospital
HP:  High Point, High Pressure, Horse Power
HPS: High Pressure Sodium, High Pressure Steam
HR:  Hour
HRS: Hot Rolled Steel, Hours
HS:  Heat Strengthened
HSG: Housing
HT:  Height, Heat, High Tension Duct
HTG: Heating
HTR: Heater
HTW: High Temperature Water
HV:  High Voltage
HVAC: Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
HVY: Heavy
HW: Hot Water, Heavy Wall
HWC: Hot Water Circulating, Heavy Wall Conduit
HWD: Hardwood
HWH: Hot Water Heater
HWR: Hot Water Recirculating Return
HWS: Hot Water Supply
HWY: Highway
HYD: Hydraulic
HYDRO: Hydrostatic
HZ:  Hertz (Cycles Per Second)

I:   Iron, Current (electrical)
IBV: Indicating Butterfly Valve
IC: Interrupting Capacity
ID:  Inside Diameter
IE:  Invert Elevation
ILK: Interlock
IMH: Inlet Manhole
IN:  Inch
INC: Incandescent
INCAND: Incandescent
INCIN: Incinerator
INCL: Incline, Include
INCR: Increase
INFO: Information
INS: Insulate, Insulation
INSP: Inspect
INSTL: Install
INSUL: Insulation
INT: Interior, Internal
INTERM: Intermediate
INTM: Intermediate
INV: Invert
IP:  Iron Pipe
IPS:  Iron Pipe Size
IW:  Indirect Waste

J:   Joist
J-BOX: Junction Box
JAN: Janitor
JB:  Junction Box
JC:  Janitor’s Closet
JCT: Junction
JF:  Joint Filler
JST: Joist
JT:  Joint

K:  Kilopound (1000 pounds), Kelvin (temperature)
KAL: Kalamein
KCP: Keene’s Cement Plaster
KG:  Kilogram
KIP: Kilopound (1000 pounds)
KIT: Kitchen
KM:  Kilometer
KO:  Knockout
KP:  Kickplate
KPL: Kickplate
KS:  Kitchen Sink
KVA: Kilovolt-Ampere
KW: Kilowatt
KWH: Kilowatt Hour
KWHR: Kilowatt Hour

L:   Angle, Left, Length, Lighting Panel, Long, Line
LA:  Landscape Architect, Lightning Arrester
LAB: Laboratory, Labor
LAD: Ladder
LAM: Laminate, Laminated
LAT: Lateral
LAV: Lavatory
LB:  Pound (weight), Lag Bolt
LBL: Label
LBR: Lumber
LC:  Light Control, Lead Covered
LCD: Liquid Crystal Diode
LCL: Linen Closet
LCM: Lead Coated Metal
LD: Leader Drain
LH:  Left Hand
LIB:  Library
LIBR: Library
LIN: Linear
LINO: Linoleum
LIQ: Liquid
LKR: Locker
LL:  Live Load
LMS: Limestone
LN: Length
LNDG: Landing
LNTL: Lintel
LOC: Locate
LOCS: Locations
LP:  Low Point, Low Pressure, Lighting Panel, Light Proof
LPS: Low Pressure Sodium, Low Pressure Steam
LR:  Living Room
LS:  Limestone, Loud Speaker
LT:  Light, Low Tension Duct, Laundry Tray
LTG: Lighting
LTL: Lintel
LT WT: Lightweight
LV:  Low Voltage
LVR: Louver
LW: Light Weight
LWC: Light Weight Concrete
LWDP: Louvered Wood Door, Painted

M:  Meter, Motor, Thousand (brick), Bending Moment
MACH: Machine
MAINT: Maintenance
MAN; Manual
MAR: Marble
MARB: Marble
MAS: Masonry
MAT: Material
MATL: Material
MAX: Maximum
MB:  Mail Box, Machine Bolt, Mop Basin
MC: Medicine Cabinet, Mineral Core
MCC: Motor Control Center
MCM: Thousand Circular Mils (electrical wire size)
ME:  Mechanical Engineer
MECH: Mechanical
MED: Medium
MED CAB: Medicine Cabinet
MEMB: Membrane
MERC: Mercury Vapor
MET: Metal
MEZZ: Mezzanine
MFD: Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck
MFG: Manufacturer, Manufacturing
MFR: Manufacture, Manufacturer
MH: Manhole
MI:  Malleable Iron, Miles
MIKE: Microphone
MIN: Minimum
MIR: Mirror
MISC: Miscellaneous
MK:  Mark
ML&P: Metal Lath & Plaster
MLD: Molding
MLDG: Molding
MM: Millimeter
MMB: Membrane
MO: Masonry Opening
MOD: Module
MONO: Monolithic
MOV: Movable
MP: Metal Acoustal Panel
MPS: Medium Pressure Steam
MR: Mop Receptor
MRD: Metal Roof Deck
MT: Mount, Mounted
MTD: Mounted
MTL: Material, Metal
MTR: Motor
MUL: Mullion
MULL: Mullion
MV:  Mercury Vapor
MWP: Maximum Working Pressure
MWK: Millwork

N:  North, Nitrogen
NAP: Napkin
NAT: Natural
NATL: Natural
NB:  “Nota Bene”  Latin phrase for “Take Special Note”
NC:  Normally Closed, Noise Criteria
NEC: National Electrical Code
NEUT: Neutral
NF:  Near Face
NFWH: Non-freeze Wall Hydrant
NI:  Nickel
NIC: Not In Contract
NK:  Neck
NMT: Non-Metallic
NO:  Number, Normally Open
NOM: Nominal
NR:  Noise Reduction
NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient
NRP: Non-Removable Pin
NRS: Non Rising Steam Valve
NS:  Near Side
NTS: Not To Scale

O:  Oxygen
O TO O: Out to Out
OA:  Outside Air, Overall
OB: Obscure
OBS: Obscure
OC:  On Center
OD:  Outside Diameter
OF:  Outside Face
OFF: Office
OH:  Overhead
OHD: Overhead Door
OHMS: Oval Head Machine Screw
OHWS: Oval Head Wood Screw
OI:  Ornamental Iron
OP:  Opaque
OPG: Opening
OPNG: Opening
OPP: Opposite
OPP H: Opposite Hand
OR:  Outside Radius
ORN: Ornamental
OSD Open Sight Drain
OS&Y: Outside Screw & Yoke (valve)
OUT: Outlet
OVFL: Overflow
OW: Open Waste
OZ:  Ounce

P:  Pitch, Power Panel, Paint
P. LAM: Plastic Laminate
P SL: Pipe Sleeve
PA:  Public Address
PAF: Powder Actuated Fasteners
PAR: Parallel
PARTN: Partition
PASS: Passage, Passenger
PB:  Pull Box, Push Button, Panic Bar
PBD: Particle Board
PBMT: Preshimmed Butyl Mastic Sealant Tape
PB STA: Push Button Station
PC:  Pull Chain, Piece, Precast Concrete
PCF: Pounds per cubic foot
PCPL: Portland Cement Plaster
PD:  Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain
PDP: Paneled Door, Painted
PE:  Porcelain Enamel, Professional Engineer
PED: Pedestal, Pedestrian
PERF: Perforate, Performance
PERIM: Perimeter
PERP: Perpendicular
PFN: Prefinished
PG:  Pressure Gauge
PH:  Phase, Preheat, Phone
PIV: Pivoted, Post Indicator Valve
PJF: Preformed Joint Filler
PKG: Parking
PKWY: Parkway
PL:  Plate, Plan, Property Line, Plastic Laminate, Plastic
PLAS: Plaster, Plastic
PLAS LAM: Plastic Laminate
PLBG: Plumbing
PLF: Pounds Per Lineal Foot
PLG: Plumbing
PLMBG: Plumbing
PLTF: Platform
PLWD: Plywood
PLYWD: Plywood
PLUMB: Plumbing
PNEU: Pneumatic
PNL: Panel
PNT: Paint
POL: Polish, Polished
PORC: Porcelain
PORT: Portable
POT W: Potable Water
PP:  Plaster, Painted, Power Panel, Precast Panel
PR:  Pair
PRC: Precast
PRCST: Precast
PRE: Prefinished
PREFAB: Prefabricated
PRES: Pressure
PRESS: Pressure
PRF: Preformed
PRFMD: Preformed
PRI: Primary
PRMLD: Premolded
PROT: Protection, Protective
PRSTR: Prestressed
PRTN: Partition
PRV: Pressure Reducing Valve
PS:  Plumbing Stack
PSC: Prestressed Concrete
PSF: Pounds per square foot
PSI: Pounds per square inch
PSIG: Pounds per square inch gage
PT:  Paint, Point, Part, Potential Transformer
PTC: Post-Tensioned Concrete
PTD: Painted, Paper Towel Dispenser
PTD/R: Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle
PTN: Partition
PTR: Paper Towel Receptacle
PV: Paving
PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride
PVF: Polyvinylidene Finish
PVG: Paving
PVMT: Pavement
PVT: Private
PW: Pass Window
PWR: Power

QUAL: Quality
QUANT: Quantity
QT:  Quarry Tile, Quart
QTR: Quarter
QTY: Quantity

R:  Riser, Radius, Resistance, Relay Panel
R & S: Rod and Shelf
RA:  Return Air, Registered Architect
RAD: Radius, Radiator
RADN: Radian
RB:  Rubber, Rubber Base, Resilient Base
RBC: Rubber Base (Coved),
Rubberized Bituminous Compound
RBS: Rubber Base (Straight)
RBT: Rabbet
RCF: Raised Computer Floor
RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan, Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RD:  Roof Drain, Round, Receptacle Distribution Panel
REBAR: Reinforcing Bar
REC: Receiver
RECEP: Receptacle
RECP: Receptacle
RED: Reducer
REF: Refer, Reference, Refrigerator
REFL: Reflected, Reflector
REFR: Refrigerate, Refrigerator
REG: Register, Regular
REINF: Reinforcement, or Reinforce
REM: Remove, Removable
REQ: Require, Required
REQD: Required
RES: Resilient
RESIL: Resilient
REST: Resistance
RET: Return, Retaining
RETG: Retaining
REV: Reverse, Revise, Revision
REV DR: Revolving Door
RF: Roof
RFG: Roofing
RGTR: Register
RGH: Rough
RGH OPNG:Rough Opening
RH:  Right Hand, Reheat, Relative Humidity
RHC: Reheat Coil
RHMS: Round Head Machine Screw
RHR: Right Hand Reverse, Reheater
RHWS: Round Head Wood Screw
RM: Room
RMS: Root Mean Squared
RMV: Remove
RN:  Riser Nipple
RO:  Rough Opening
ROB: Rod Out Basin
ROW: Right of Way
RPM: Revolutions Per Minute
RPT: Repeat (like “Ditto”)
RR:  Railroad
RT:  Rubber Tile, Right
RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser
RVS: Reverse Side
RVT: Rivet
RW: Redwood
RWC: Rain Water Conductor
RWD: Redwood
RWL: Rain Water Leader

S:  South, Sealant, Supply, Sink
S4S: Surfaced 4 Sides
S&M: Surfaced & Matched
S&S: Stained & Sealed
S&V: Stain & Varnish
SACT: Suspended Acoustical Tile
SALV: Salvage
SAN: Sanitary
SB: Setting Basin, Splash Block
SC:  Solid Core, Short Circuit, Self Closing, Sill Cock
SCD: Seat Cover Dispenser
SCFT: Structural Clay Facing Tile
SCH: Schedule
SCHED: Schedule
SCR: Screen
SCUP: Scupper
SCWD: Solid Core Wood
SD: Soap Dispenser
SE:  Structural Engineer
SEAL: Sealant
SEC: Second, Section, Secondary, Security System
SECT: Section
SECY: Secretary
SED: Sewage Ejector Discharge
SEL: Select
SERV: Service
SEV: Sewage Ejector Vent
SF:  Square Foot
SFGL: Safety Glass
SGG: Structural Glazing Gasket
SGS: Silicone Glazing Sealant
SH:  Shelf, Sheet, Shower
SHR: Shower
SHT: Sheet
SHTH: Sheathing
SHTHG: Sheathing
SHWR: Shower
SIG: Signal
SIM: Similar
SJS: Silicone Joint Sealant
SK:  Sink
SKL: Skylight
SL: Siamese Line
SLOT: Slotted
SLV: Sleeve
SND: Sanitary Napkin Dispenser
SNGG: Sponge Neoprene Glazing Gasket
SNR: Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
SNT: Sealant
SP:  Soil Pipe, Standpipe, Soundproof, Single Pole
SPC: Spacer
SPD: Sump Pump Discharge
SPDT: Single Pole Double Throw
SPEC: Specification, Specifications
SPECS: Specifications
SPK: Speaker
SPL: Special
SPLR: Sprinkler
SPM: Sprinkler Main
SPP: Skim Coat Plaster Painted
SPST: Single Pole Single Throw
SQ:  Square
SS:  Stainless Steel, Set Screw, Soil Stack, Service Sink, Slop Sink
SSD: Sub-soil Drain
SSGS: Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant
SSK: Service Sink
SSS: Silicone Sanitary Sealant
SST: Stainless Steel
ST:  Straight, Storm Water
STA: Station
STC: Sound Transmission Class
STD: Standard
STG: Storage, Seating
STGG: Structural Glazing Gasket
STGR: Stagger
STIFF: Stiffener
STK: Stack
STL: Steel
STM: Steam
STO: Storage
STOR: Storage
STP: Standard Temperature & Pressure, Standpipe
STR: Straight (re-bars), Strainer, Structural, Starter
STRL: Structural
STRT: Straight
STRUC: Structural
STRUCT:  Structural
ST W: Storm Water
STWY: Stairway
SUCT: Suction
SUPP: Supplementary, Supplement
SUPT: Superintendent
SUR: Surface
SUSP: Suspended, Suspend
SV:  Safety Relief Valve
SW: Switch
SWBD: Switchboard
SWGR: Switchgear
SY:  Square Yard
SYM: Symmetrical
SYN: Synthetic
SYS: System

T:  Tread, Thermostat, Tee
T/:  Top
T&B: Top and Bottom
T&G: Tongue & Groove
T&P: Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve
TAN: Tangent
TB:  Towel Bar
TC:  Top of Curb, Terracotta
TCLO: Telephone Closet
TCS: Terne Coated Stainless Steel
TD:  Trench Drain
TEL: Telephone
TEL CL: Telephone Closet
TEMP: Temporary, Tempered, Temperature
TEN: Tenant
TER: Terrazzo
TERR: Terrazzo
TERM: Terminal
TGL: Toggle
TH:  Thermostat
THK: Thick, Thickness
THKNS: Thickness
THR: Threshold
THRESH:  Threshold
THRM: Thermal
THRMST:  Thermostat
THRU: Through
TKBD: Tackboard
TL:  Twist Lock (receptacle)
TLT: Toilet
TOL: Tolerance
TP:  Top of Pavement
TPD: Toilet paper Dispenser
TPH: Toilet Paper Holder
TPTN: Toilet Partition
TR:  Tread, Transom
TRANS: Transformer, Translucent
TRAV: Travertine
TRD: Tread
TS:  Time Switch
TSL: Top of Slab
TST: Top of Steel
TSTAT: Thermostat
TT:  Terrazzo Tile, Traffic Topping
TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet
TV:  Television
TW: Top of Wall, Thin Wall (conduit), Tempered Water
TYP: Typical
TZ:  Terrazzo

UC:  Undercut
UH:  Unit Heater
UL:  Underwriters’ Laboratories
UNEX: Unexcavated
UNEXC: Unexcavated
UNF: Unfinished
UNFIN: Unfinished
UNO: Unless Noted Otherwise
UON: Unless Otherwise Noted
UP:  Unpainted
UR:  Urinal
USG: United States Gauge, United States Gypsum Company
USS: United States Standard
UT:  Utility

V:  Volt, Valve, Vinyl, Vent, Ventilator
VA:  Volt Ampere
VAC: Vacuum
VACBR: Vacuum Breaker
VAR: Varnish, Varies
VAT: Vinyl Asbestos Tile
VB:  Vapor Barrier, Valve Box, Vinyl Base, Vacuum Breaker
VBC: Vinyl Base (Coved)
VBS: Vinyl Base (Straight)
VC: Varnished Cambric
VCP: Vitrified Clay Pipe
VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile
VENT: Ventilate, Ventilator
VERT: Vertical
VEST: Vestibule
VF:  Vinyl Fabric
VFGT: Vinyl Foam Glazing Tape
VIF: Verify In the Field
VIN: Vinyl
VIT: Vitreous
VLT: Vault
VNR: Veneer
VOL: Volume
VP:  Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe
VR:  Vapor Retarder, Vacuum Return, Vertical Riser
VRM: Vermiculite
VS:  Vent Stack
VT:  Vinyl Tile
VTR: Vent Through Roof
VWC: Vinyl Wall Covering

W:  West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water Main
W/:  With
W/O: Without
W&M: Washburn & Moen Gauge
WAINS: Wainscot
WB: Wood Base
WC: Watercloset
WD: Wood
WDP: Wood, Painted
WDSS: Wood, Stained & Sealed
WDW: Window
WF: Wide Flange (structural steel)
WFS: Water Flow Switch
WG: Wired Glass
WGL: Wire-Glass
WH: Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant
WI:  Wrought Iron
WIN: Window
WM: Wire Mesh, Water Meter
WP: Waterproof, Working Point, Working Pressure, Weatherproof
WPR: Waterproofing
WPT: Working Point
WR: Water Resistant, Water Repellant, Waste Receptacle
WRSTP: Weatherstripping
WS: Weatherstripping, Water Stop
WSCT: Wainscot
WT: Weight, Water Table, Watertight
WVNR: Wood Veneer
WW: Window Wall
WWF: Welded Wire Fabric

XH:  Extra Heavy
X HVY: Extra Heavy
X STR: Extra Strong

YD:  Yard
YR:  Year

via www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective, and Best Value Construction Cost Estimating, Job Order Contracting, and LEAN Construction Delivery Solutions

Contractors – What you need to know about Job Order Contracting

What Construction Contractors Need to Know About JOB ORDER CONTRACTING, Cooperatives, and Best Management Practices

As a construction contractor considering a Job Order Contract (JOC), it is critical to be aware that all JOCs are not the same.

Carefully review all of the Job Order Contract and all associated documents. Make certain that the roles, responsibilities, tools, requirements and liabilities associated with the JOC are specified.

Determine the answers to the following questions BEFORE you bid or accept a Job Order Contract:

Will you be able to perform?
Will you work directly with the real property owner or a consultant?
Will you be able to develop a positive, long term relationship with the owner?
Will you earn a reasonable profit?

Get the full report…

Job Order Contracts - A Review of Independent Audits.

Things Contractors Should Know About Job Order Contracts

Things Contractors Should Know About Job Order Contracts

As a construction contractor considering a Job Order Contract (JOC), it is critical to be aware that all JOCs are not the same.  Here are a just a few things contractors should know about  job order contracts.

Carefully review the Job Order Contract and all associated documents.  Make certain that the roles, responsibilities, tools, requirements and liabilities associated with the JOC are specified in appropriate detail.

Determine the answers to the following questions BEFORE you bid or accept a Job Order Contract:

Will you be able to perform?

Will you work directly with the real property owner or a consultant?

Will you be able to develop a positive, long term relationship with the owner?

Will you earn a reasonable profit?


The following is a listing of Job Order Contract Do’s and Don’ts. This format is used to review the primary elements of a Job Order Contract from a “best practice” perspective with a focus upon the construction contractor.   It is important to review all Job Order Contract provisions to assure avoidance of any unnecessary financial risk or potential legal issues.[1]

Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a competitively bid, firm-fixed price, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) LEAN construction delivery method.  It is also implemented by the United States Air Force under the term SABER.  Although some basic attributes of a JOC were originally developed in the early 1980’s in Europe, JOC was greatly refined in the United States by the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force in the late 1980’s and continues to be improved and expanded.

JOC FUNDAMENTALS – Job order contracting, like any LEAN best management process, has basic requirements that focus upon collaboration, transparency, quality, and continuous improvement:

  • Early and ongoing involvement of ALL participants.
  • Value and qualification based selection and procurement.
  • Cost and accounting transparency via standardized cost data architectures, terms, and definitions.
  • Shared risk/reward.
  • Appropriate use of supporting technology.
  • Centralized reporting and oversight with local empowerment, application, management – monitoring, metrics, and continuous improvement.
  • Mutual respect.

IMPORTANT:  If the Job Order Contract you are considering in not in alignment with these core best practices, it is recommended that you discuss the document in more detail with appropriate parties, including, but not limited to, the real property owner / facilities manager, an experience JOC consultant or peer organization, and legal resources familiar with Job Order Contracts.

Unit Price Book: Do’s

The JOC Unit Price Book (UPB) should provide a sufficient number of unit price line items to assure the ability to create detailed construction costs estimates for each task of which the value derived from the UPB is at least ninety (90%) of the total construction value of the project.

Each line item should include a description using common terms, written in plain English, and without abbreviations.[2]   Material, equipment and labor costs for appropriate renovation, repair, and minor new construction tasks should also be incorporated.

The JOC UPB should be locally researched specifically for the area(s) of coverage designated by the Contract (not use or be dependent upon localization factors or indices).

The JOC UPB should be developed and maintained by an independent and objective resource.

Separate demolition line items should be included.

Line items modifiers (items that add to, or deduct from, the parent line item cost) should be included as appropriate to account for quantity, site/location factors, material qualities, etc.

Labor rates should reflect the local prevailing and other wage requirements of applicable local laws (Davis-Bacon Wage Rates).

Unit Price Books should be updated annually.

Premiums for restricted area (e.g. prison, airport, court house) work and after-hours work will need to be included in the books, or otherwise provided for.

Review the methodology used to create the Unit Price Book being used for the Job Order Contract.

What is the background of the individuals that created the UPB?

What is the total number of material, labor, equipment, modifier, and demolition line items?

Are new items added to the UPB throughout the period of the JOC?  Frequency?

Unit Price Book: Don’ts

The UPB should not have an excessive number of line items.   Hundreds of thousands of line items are not required for the majority of multi-trade JOCs.   In fact fewer than 40,000 line items should be adequate.

While unit price books may contain several hundred thousand line items, approximately 10,000 line items are typically used on a regular basis for estimating most of the common facility related renovations and repair tasks encountered.

Single trade JOCs require even fewer line items.  An excessive number of line items actually can be a major contributing factor to higher costs.   Researching, maintaining, locating, and reviewing data can all be excessively cumbersome, time consuming, and costly if the UPB is unnecessarily large.

The JOC UPB should NOT be associated with any consultant for resource that will benefit directly from construction dollars spent on projects, especially if that resource also has a decision-making role with respect to JOC task order/construction project awards. Example: receiving payment for services based on a percentage of total JOC construction volume.

The UPB should not use or be dependent upon localization factors or indices.

Non-prepriced work, tasks that are not within the unit price book, should not exceed 10% of the total value of the job order.  The cost of non-prepriced work should be based upon the best value alternative derived from three (3) written quotes, copies of which should be reviewed by the owner technical team and procurement authority.

Note:  Most JOC Consultants and JOC Unit Price Book providers place the responsibility upon JOC Contractors to verify the unit prices and to modify their coefficient(s)/adjustment factors accordingly. 

JOC Coefficient: Do’s

In general, JOC coefficients should range between 0.80 and 1.20.   The use of a standard hour, non-standard hour, and non-prepriced coefficient are also a common practice.  There may also be coefficients applicable to specific locations or regions.

JOC Coefficient: Don’ts

Don’t bid or consider working on JOC with coefficients of less than 0.80 unless you have thoroughly reviewed all factors involved and have determined that there are extenuating circumstances and that a reasonable profit is likely attainable.

C0operative (COOP) JOCs: Do’s

An Owner-managed Job Order Contract is the most efficient, beneficial, and least costly mode of JOC Program implementation for Cooperatives with numerous regional, state-wide, and/or national members (various educational and/or non-federal government agencies) with ongoing facilities renovation and repair needs exceeding approximately $2,000,000 per year.

In some cases, however, a member may use a Cooperative’s JOC Managed Service[4] , due to a volume of JOC work lower than a cost effective threshold, or to learn more about the JOC process.  Participants should carefully review the COOP program to assure there is proper support, that JOC best practices are followed, and that any fees required are not excessive.

Cooperative (COOP) JOCs: Don’ts

If a JOC Cooperative is involved, it is generally because the real property owner does not have the competence, capability, and/or resources to deploy a fully independent managed Job Order Contracting Program.  Do not get involved in a JOC Cooperative that charges excessive fees based upon total construction dollars.  Fees are generally considered excessive at the four percent (4%) or greater level, however, any JOC fee greater than two (2%) is deserving of additional scrutiny.   Make certain that your company can both perform adequately AND make a reasonable profit.

JOC Consultants: Do’s

An Owner-managed[3] JOC is the most efficient, beneficial, and least costly mode of JOC Program implementation for Owners with numerous and ongoing renovation and repair needs exceeding approximately $2,000,000 per year.

In some cases, however, a JOC Consultant is hired to assist in core Job Order Contracting processes.  If a JOC consultant is involved, it is generally because the real property owner does not have the competence, capability, and/or resources to deploy a fully independent owner-managed Job Order Contracting Program.

If a JOC Consultant is involved in supporting the real property owner, or managing aspects of a JOC Program, clarify the role of the consultant:

  • Assure the JOC consultant is an independent, objective, and a fully transparent resource.
  • Clarify the primary roles and objectives of the JOC consultant.
  • Determine if the JOC consultant is working to support all JOC participants or acting strictly to the Owner’s benefit as owner’s representative.
  • Establish the details of how the JOC consultant is being compensated.

Things Contractors Should Know About Job Order Contracts

The primary role of a Job Order Contracting Consultant may include the design, implementation and management, including Who, What, How, Why, and Timing, in specific areas such as…

  • Job Order Contract strategic planning and development
  • Local Unit Price Book development
  • Job Order Contracting Software
  • JOC Education, Training, and Certification
  • Ongoing Support
  • Creation of a JOC Operations Manual, Policies and Procedures
  • Monitoring Objectives and Goals, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • JOC Program Marketing
  • Information Handover
  • JOC Program Performance Audits

The overall goal of any best practice Job Order Contract is provide significant measurable long term benefits for ALL JOC Program participants… Owners, Cooperatives, Contractors, Subcontractors, Building Users, and Oversight Groups.

JOC Consultants: Don’ts

If a JOC consultant is managing the JOC Program and has a decision-making role in approving JOC task orders or projects, the situation requires significant additional scrutiny.  There may be instances where it is best for a JOC construction contractor to not get involved.  Improper design and/or management of a Job Order Contract may result in significant conflict of interest and carries a higher risk of fraud and/or misuse.

Language in a Job Order Contracting RFP should be carefully reviewed as it may create a situation that fails to consider the best interests of all JOC participants.  The following are examples of situations that may require additional investigation.

“The JOC Contract Implementation Services agreement will be a performance-based contract with no fees paid up-front to the JOC consultant, but a percentage fee is paid for successful issuance of construction task orders resulting from the consultant’s preparation of unit price books and contract bid documents.”

“Consultant’s Annual Fee: For the satisfactory performance of all required services hereunder, the Consultant shall be paid an Annual Fee, the amount of which shall be calculated as a percentage of the dollar amount of task orders which are (a) issued to construction contractors utilizing the JOC System, and (b) registered by the Comptroller during the specified year.”

Remember that if a JOC Consultant is managing the JOC Program, or supporting the JOC in areas[5] beyond training, tools, or auditing, it can be due to the associated lack of JOC knowledge and/or resources on the part of the real property owner.    This factor, when combined with the introduction of a third party (the JOC consultant) into the JOC work processes, can create confusion, delays, and other issues than can negatively impact the JOC program and the awarded JOC construction contractors.

JOC Software Technology: Do’s

Job order contracting software should primarily focus upon enabling contractors and owners to create detailed line item construction cost estimates, using the appropriate JOC unit price books that adequately reflect the scope of work required by the owner.

The software should be easy to install and use.  It should lock the JOC unit price book as well as clearly differentiate between priced (unit prices from the current JOC unit price book) and non-prepriced line items (NPP).

Cloud-based software provides the above as well as enables higher levels of collaboration.

The system should support the JOC process.

JOC software should also be reasonably priced and available on a price per concurrent user.

JOC Software Technology: Don’ts

Do not rely upon spreadsheets or “cost calculators”, or online generic cost estimating systems for a JOC.  These approaches are cumbersome and prone to error.  In addition, not using JOC-specific software may create serious issues regarding contract compliance and lead to economic loss and/or legal issues.

JOC software should not hinder the JOC process or negatively impact productivity.

JOC software fees should not be paid as a percentage of the overall construction volume, as this can easily result in excessive costs.

JOC software technology should not only be used exclusively by the JOC consultant, but used by the real property owner (both technical and procurement/purchasing authorities), and awarded JOC contractors.

Subcontracting: Do

Follow all requirements noted in the JOC solicitation such as… “The Proposer shall clearly indicate what portions of the scope of work will be subcontracted. Provide an organizational chart of prime and subcontractors to illustrate contractual relationships, and clearly indicate in the proposal response which entity is responsible for which portions of work.”   Monitor the quality and amount of work performed by subcontractors to assure compliance with contract requirements.

Subcontracting: Don’ts

Do not engage a subcontractor that is not familiar with and/or not willing to use a JOC Unit Price Book and detailed line item cost estimating; Or if there are restrictions relative to the proposed use of subcontractors similar to the following example:  “The Consultant is not permitted to enter into any subcontract(s) for construction services for the JOC Program.”

Technical Specifications: Do’s

Technical Specifications are generally referenced in the Job Order Contract.  In most cases the technical specifications have already been developed by the owner/facility manager and reflect current commercial construction standards.  In most cases the technical specifications are developed and maintained using either Masterspec, BSD SpecLink, or Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS).  There may be some modifications to these “standard” specifications and/or a limited number (generally less than two hundred – 200) of customer specification required do to specialized infrastructure requirements.

The purpose of LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods, including Job Order Contracting, is to standardize and clarify terms, definitions, and requirements.  Thus excessive customization should be avoided.

Technical Specifications: Don’ts

As noted the purposed of a Job Order Contract is to simplify processes, enhance communication, and drive higher productivity.  A new set of technical specifications specifically for the JOC Program should be avoided as it can drive excessive costs and/or fees, create unnecessary confusion, and negatively impact productivity.  If a Job Order Contract program requires a dedicated set of Technical Specifications that are not standard and simply references versus something that requires additional maintenance and costs, further justification should be sought.

JOC Task Order Process: Do’s

The JOC LEAN construction delivery process encourages and actually requires contractors/subcontractors and owners to be involved early, and throughout the process, from concept onward.

Prior to approval and execution of each job order issued under a JOC, the contractor’s estimates of unit quantities and any other items contributing to the price must be independently verified by the owner/project manager.  Following such verification, each job order should be submitted by the project manager to the owner procurement/purchasing individual with authority to approve JOC task orders for approval and execution.

Things Contractors Should Know About Job Order Contracts

A typical JOC process has the following stages.  Assure that the JOC Program has a similar process.

  • Owner request for a JOC task order / project proposal.
  • Joint Owner/Contractor site visit.
  • Contractor prepared estimate/proposal.
  • Owner review of contractor proposal. (Owner may generate an independent owner estimate for comparison to the contractor estimate, or review the contractor’s estimate in detail.)
  • Owner/Contractor negotiations and/or changes as needed.
  • Owner provides contractor with a notice to proceed (NTP).
  • Project start and execution.
  • Owner project sign off.

JOC Task Order Process: Don’ts

As noted the JOC task order process should encourage early and ongoing communication DIRECTLY with the owner, facility manager, and building user(s).   If this is not the situation and if the only true source of information is an intermediary, such as a JOC consultant, additional clarification should be sought from the owner to assure proper information exchange.  The inability to obtain and validate construction requirements directly from or with the owner is contrary to JOC best management practices and may significantly impact the construction contractor’s ability to reduce costs, shorten project delivery times, and mitigate disputes.

JOC Consultants sometimes will review and clarify the JOC task order requests and subsequently schedule a scoping meeting with the appropriate contractor(s).  It is critical that the contractor(s) and owner conduct a joint site visit and define the scope of work.

The contractor(s) submits a job order package and the owner reviews to ensure it reflects the scope of work.   A JOC consultant should never be paid a percentage of the total construction cost to accomplish all of these tasks in lieu of the owner.  If this happens the owner has no true visibility into requirements and costs.

If the owner simply does a cursory review of the JOC task order package and then approves the task order, the fundamental benefits of JOC, as well as implicit checks and balances, are not fully present.

It could be argued that in this type of “false JOC” scenario, that JOC is simply being used to bypass traditional procurement techniques.  The Owner in these cases is not providing leadership or enhancing their skills and capabilities, thus also not improving productivity.

JOC Education, Training, and Support: Do’s

Successful JOC Programs require current and ongoing education, training, and support.   Building the best possible team with the highest level of capability and competency possible is what Job Order Contracting is all about.  A full suite of education, training, and certification offerings can help bring confidence, comfort, and elevated performance to all Job Order Contract participants. Look for providers that provide direct access to training services as well as a network of business partners, professional associations, and universities.

Trainers should be subject-matter experts with national training experience in Job Order Contracting, Construction Cost Estimating, and Program/Project Management.

Look for the availability of multiple training formats to assure maximum participation and benefit for all levels of participants.

  • Regional
  • On-site
  • Virtual (instructor lead and self-paced)

Training should include hands-on sessions, complete with JOC software and exercises.  Developing skills and confidence enhances leadership and achievement of better overall outcomes.

Look for trainer involvement with organizations such as the Center for Job Order Contract Excellence and Alliance for Construction Excellence, ACE.

Training should include modules about procurement rules and current legislation regarding JOC, and all other aspects of JOC set-up, implementation, and management.

JOC Education, Training, and Support: Don’ts

Despite decades of proven application of JOC, many real property owners and facility managers remain unaware of the fundamental best management practices associated with Job Order Contracting.

Standardized, open, and efficient deployment requires introductory, advanced, and ongoing education, training, and support provided by an independent, objective, and experienced provider.  If these services are not provided by an independent and objective party, these issues should be raised with the real property owner and JOC consultant as appropriate.

[1] This document is not providing, nor attempts to provide any form of legal advice. Please seek appropriate legal counsel.

[2] Units of measure are commonly abbreviated using standard nomenclature.

[3] An owner-managed Job Order Contract is a situation where the Owner has primarily developed, implemented, and manages the daily processes involved.  A JOC consultant, if used, may have assisted in developing the program, or provides tools, training, and/or audits.

[4] A Cooperative’s Job Order Contract Managed Service is a situation where the Cooperative has primarily developed, implemented, and manages the daily processes involved.  A JOC consultant, if used, may have assisted in developing the program, or provides tools, training, and/or audits.

[5] The various services provided by a Job Order Contracting Consultant may include, but are not limited to:

·         Strategic planning for the JOC Program

·         Development of the JOC Program inclusive of a JOC Operations Manual

·         Locally Researched Line Item JOC Unit Price Book

·         JOC Program Marketing

·         JOC Program Contractor Selection Support

·         JOC Education, Training, and Support

·         JOC Audits

·         Review, clarify, document JOC Proposal Requests

·         Participate in JOC Project on-site meetings

·         Review JOC Proposals

·         Review JOC Contractor Job Order Packages

·         Verify JOC Contractor Proposals

·         Monitor JOC Workflow

·         Assure JOC Program Compliance

Learn more…

Additional DPW Job Order Contracting Courses

Additional DPW Job Order Contracting Courses

Additional DPW Job Order Contracting Courses

The below additional DPW Job Order Contracting Courses have limited availability.  Please contact the appropriate authority as soon as possible to assure you ability to attend.



Tuition: $1246  CEU’s: 2.0
This course teaches students strategies and procedures for technical discussion and negotiation with contractors in the JOC task order process. Students shall learn how to apply the IDIQ Delivery Order Limits, which is locked in by the FAR and codified in public law. JOC is most applicable to the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) organization on an Army installation or community and USACE MSCs/District Offices.
Class Type: Classroom

After completing the course, the student should be able to serve as a knowledgeable ordering officer for the JOC Branch within the DPW as well as scope SRM projects using the JOC unit price book, manage construction contracts and schedules, and manage projects in accordance with RPMA program requirements, i.e., determine appropriate funding programs, work
classification, etc. as well as understand the IQC delivery process, competitive bid process, and firm-fixed price requirements. The students will understand the overall process of contract changes, modifications, and claims processes in accordance with the FAR and AFARS.
The course covers the elements of JOC; task order scoping; task order proposal requesting, receiving, reviewing, evaluation, negotiation, and documentation; task order placement by ordering officers; key JOC management issues; and contract administration procedures under JOC. The underlying themes through all the modules of the course emphasize a cooperative working agreement between contractor and government; efficient and timely processing and completion of
projects; and adherence to proper contract administration procedures.
It is recommended that nominees be Army installation DPW or supporting contracting office personnel, which includes USACE District support offices, that are, or expect to be, performing as JOC project managers, ordering officers, or contract administration personnel.
Contractor personnel are not eligible to attend. It is advisable to have completed the Job Order Contracting Basic Course and have at least one year working experience with JOC prior to taking the Job Order Contracting Advanced Course.


CEUs: 2.0

Tuition: $1246
This course teaches students the basic policies, and procedures for properly executing sustainment,
restoration, and modernization (SRM) projects using a Job Order Contracting (JOC) contract applicable to the Directorate of Public Works or a USACE District Office.
Class Type: Classroom

After completing the course, the student should be able to serve as a knowledgeable ordering officer for the JOC Branch within the DPW as well as scope SRM projects using the JOC unit price book, manage construction contracts and schedules, and manage projects in accordance with RPMA program requirements, i.e., determine appropriate funding programs, work classification, etc. as well as understand the IQC delivery process, competitive bid process, and firm-fixed price
requirements. Additionally, the students shall be able to apply the IDIQ Delivery Order Limits, which is locked in by the FAR and codified in public law. The course covers the elements of JOC; task order scoping; task order proposal requesting, receiving,  reviewing, evaluation, negotiation, and documentation; task order placement by ordering officers; key JOC management issues; and contract administration procedures under JOC. The underlying themes through all the modules of the course emphasize a cooperative working agreement between contractor and government;
efficient and timely processing and completion of projects; and adherence to proper contract administration procedures.
The nominees for this course may include any DPW and contracting office personnel. However, the course is specifically oriented for personnel assigned or about to be assigned duties in the JOC activity within the DPW, and  personnel of the supporting contracting office that will be involved in JOC contract administration. This includes USACE District support offices.

via – Objective, independent, and best value job order contracting solutions.

Additional DPW Job Order Contracting Courses


DPW Job Order Contracting Basic Course – US Army Corps of Engineers

Job Order Contracts - A Review of Independent Audits.


Control Number: 990 Course Number: 41DJB01A
Length: 16
CEUs: 2.0     PDHs: 0.0     LUs: 0.0     PDUs: 0.0     CMs: 0.0     ACE: 0.0     CEHs: 0.0


DPW Job Order Contracting Basic course teaches students the basic policies, and procedures for properly executing sustainment, restoration, and modernization (SRM) projects using a Job Order Contracting (JOC) contract applicable to the Directorate of Public Works or a USACE District Office.
After completing the Job Order Contracting Basic course, the student should be able to serve as a knowledgeable ordering officer for the JOC Branch within the DPW as well as scope SRM projects using the JOC unit price book, manage construction contracts and schedules, and manage projects in accordance with RPMA program requirements, i.e., determine appropriate funding programs, work classification, etc. as well as understand the IQC delivery process, competitive bid process, and firm-fixed price requirements. Additionally, the students shall be able to apply the IDIQ Delivery Order Limits, which is locked in by the FAR and codified in public law. The course covers the elements of JOC; task order scoping; task order proposal requesting, receiving, reviewing, evaluation, negotiation, and documentation; task order placement by ordering officers; key JOC management issues; and contract administration procedures under JOC. The underlying themes through all the modules of the ob Order Contracting Basic course emphasize a cooperative working agreement between contractor and government; efficient and timely processing and completion of projects; and adherence to proper contract administration procedures.
The nominees for the ob Order Contracting Basic course may include any DPW and contracting office personnel. However, the Job Order Contracting Basic course is specifically oriented for personnel assigned or about to be assigned duties in the JOC activity within the DPW, and personnel of the supporting contracting office that will be involved in JOC contract administration. This includes USACE District support offices.  Learn more.
Notes: Additional Job Order Contracting Educational Resources
 Job Order Contract White Papers
Sessions: This information is updated nightly and may be up to 24 hours old.  See current version a
Session Location Start Date End Date Seats Open
1 Huntsville, AL 4/3/2017 4/4/2017 4

Job Order Contracts – A Review of Independent Audits

Job Order Contracts – A Review of Independent Audits 

If you currently have a Job Order Contract, or are planning on implementing a Job Order Contract, I highly recommend you get a copy of Job Order Contracts – A Review of Independent Audits.

Job Order Contracts, when created, deployed, and managed using LEAN best management practices, can provide significantly better outcomes that traditional construction delivery methods.

Unfortunately, if an Owner or Facilities Manager is not educated on the topic and relies exclusively upon a JOC consultant, major problems are common.


We found a significant systemic lack of controls over all key areas of the process, creating an environment that is highly vulnerable to fraud.    The lack of formality over processes and procedures, the extensive use of outside consultants for project management, and relatively no internal program reporting, all contribute to creating the high risk environment.  

Contractor’s percentage has declined 31% since program inception, significantly decreasing the likelihood contractors are able to make a profit.  The current JOC contractor percentages range from .50 to .71, meaning the contractor is contractually obligated to perform work at 50-71% of catalog pricing. ‘

The City’s lack of structure and oversight in the JOC program creates multiple opportunities for program manipulation to occur. 

Vague Project Requirements – Beginning with the project proposals, we found scopes of work (SOW) that were vague and lacked sufficient detail to determine if contractor pricing was appropriate. When the detailed work to be performed is not clear, it is difficult for the City to identify when costsh have been inflated or are unrealistic.

In other JOC programs, proposals are reviewed and priced by an independent source aside from the project manager and contractor, creating a mechanism to gauge whether the contractors’ proposals are reasonable. The City has not established such a control.

The poorly designed SOWs have resulted in numerous change orders and cost overruns, occurring in 91% of the projects we reviewed during our 17-month audit period.  Approximately $1.9 million ins avings possible if limits had been placed on use of non-catalog items.  

Excessive use of non-catalog items – Most JOC programs cap the amount of non-catalog items that can be used in a project. This is because non-catalog items are priced at 110% versus catalog items priced using the JOC contractors’ lower bid percentages (50% – 71%). Long Beach does not have ac ap on how much non-catalog items can be used as a percentage of project cost. As a result, 42% of total project costs identified during our audit period were non-catalog items priced at 110%.    

Limited City involvement – Project managers are responsible for all aspects of a project, including approval of work performed and payments to all parties. Due to staffing shortages caused by budget cuts, the Department relies heavily on consultants to fill the role of project manager. Of the projects reviewed during the audit, 64% of the project managers were consultants, which is higher than other JOC programs we surveyed.

In addition, some of the contracts for which the consultants are working under allow for the firm to provide a variety of services, creating potential conflicts of interest.  Overall, oversight by City employees is limited.

There are no formal policies, procedures or guidelines over the program, creating inconsistencies in project management and documentation.

During our audit, we found no required or comprehensive reporting of key project information to the JOC program supervisor or other Department management.

As a result, the City has very little oversight or control over JOC project costs or the quality of work.  One major benefit of using a JOC program is that it decreases the time to initiate a project. This is because the traditional procurement method is replaced with bids based on a pre-priced catalog. However, we found the time required to move City JOC projects through the design and proposal phase is significantly longer than the industry standard.

The vendor overseeing the pre-priced catalog for JOC programs reports the average industry time to complete project initiation and start a JOC project is 25 days without design and 55 days with design. While it is unclear how many projects during our audit period included design, to be conservative we measured all projects against the 55 day benchmark. Projects costing $4.4 million (34% of total project costs) did not fall within the 55 day timeframe. ….seven projects consisting of $3.3 million in costs took more than 90 days to initiate. Due to inadequate project file documentation, it was impossible to determine why the City’s projects took longer. However, project manager workload and negotiating pricing outside the catalog are two potential reasons for some of the delays. 

Job Order Contracts - A Review of Independent Audits.


Request a copy of the report –  Job Order Contracts – A Review of Independent Audits 

Again Job Order Contracts – A Review of Independent Audits is a “must read” for anyone planing or currently work with a Job Order Contract.

www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions

JOC Software Technology

JOC Software Technology: Do’s

  • JOC software technology should primarily focus upon enabling contractors and owners to create detailed line item construction costs estimates, using the appropriate JOC unit price books,that adequately reflect the scope of work required by the owner.
  • The software should be easy to install and use.  The JOC software technology should lock the JOC unit price book as well as clearly differentiate between priced (unit prices from the current JOC unit price book) and non-prepriced line items (NPP).
  • Cloud-based software enables the highest levels of collaboration and easiest implementation.
  • The system should support the JOC process.
  • JOC software should  be reasonably priced and available at on a subscription by concurrent user basis.
  • Regularly engage in JOC software technology hands-on training.

JOC Software Technology: Don’ts

  • Do not rely upon spreadsheets or “cost calculators”, or online generic cost estimating systems for a JOC software technology.  These approaches are cumbersome and prone to error.  In addition, not using JOC-specific software may create serious issues regarding contract compliance, lead to economic loss, and/or legal disputes.
  • JOC software should not hinder the JOC process or negatively impact productivity.
  • JOC software fees should not be paid as a percentage of the overall construction volume, as this can easily result in excessive costs.
  • JOC software technology should not only be used by a JOC consultant, but regulary used by the real property owner by both technical and procurement/purchasing authorities.

www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions

  • joc software technology

Job Order Contract Task Order Process

Job Order Contract Task Order Process

Here are a few “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for your job order contract task order process.

JOC Task Order Process: Do’s

The Job Order Contact Task Order Process  encourages and actually requires contractors/subcontractors, owners, and building users to be involved early, and throughout a process, from concept onward.  A typical JOC process has the following stages.  Assure that the JOC Program has a similar process.

  • Owner request for a JOC task order / project proposal.
  • Joint Owner/Contractor site visit.
  • Contractor prepared estimate/proposal.
  • Owner review of contractor proposal. (Owner may generate and independent owner estimate for comparison to the contractor estimate, or review the contractor’s estimate in detail.)
  • Owner/Contractor negotiations and/or changes as needed.
  • Owner provide contractor with a notice to proceed (NTP).
  • Project start and execution.
  • Owner project sign off.
  • Job Order Contract Task Order Process

JOC Task Order Process: Don’ts

As noted the JOC task order process should encourage early and ongoing communication DIRECTLY with the owner, facility manager, and building user(s).   If this is not the situation and if the only true source of information is an intermediary, such as a JOC consultant, additional clarification should be sought.  The inability to obtain and validate construction requirements directly from or with the owner is contrary to JOC best management practices and may significantly impact the a construction contractors ability to reduce costs, shorten project delivery times, and mitigate disputes.

www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective, Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions

Selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant

Selecting a job order contracting consultant is important to the success of a Job Order Contract for Owners that are new to the concept, or who may wish to improve their existing program.

  1. First and foremost the Job Order Contracting Consultant must be Independent and Objective.  They should not be paid a percentage of the JOC construction volume, especially is they are involved in approving individual JOC task orders and/or projects.
  2. The JOC consultant should be able to address all aspects of Job Order Contract implementation and management including Who, What, How, Why, and Timing.   This includes, but is not limited to Job Order Contract strategic planning and development, Unit Price Book development, Job Order Contracting Software, Education, Training, and Certification, Ongoing Support, creation of a JOC Operations Manual, Policies and Procedures, Objectives and Goals, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), JOC Program Marketing, and Information Handover.
  3. Selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant should always be done with goal of long term benefit to ALL JOC Program participants… Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, Building Users, and Oversight Groups.
  4. Experience is also central to selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant.   This experience, however, should NOT be limited to simply managing JOC programs from an owner perspective. The JOC Consultant should have team members who have been DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION from both an Owner and Contractor perspective, EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING LOCALLY RESEARCHED LINE ITEM COST DATA and JOC UNIT BOOKS , world-class TRAINING capabilities, and Cloud-based SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT and IMPLEMENTATION.
  5. The overall GOAL when selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant should be to eventually establish and manage the JOC Program internally, an “owner-managed” JOC.  An Owner-management JOC is the most efficient and least costly mode of JOC Program implementation for Owners with numerous and ongoing renovation and repair needs exceeding approximately $2,000,000 per year.

Selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant

Selecting a Job Order Contracting Consultant

The various services provided by a Job Order Contracting Consultant include, but are not limited to:

  • Strategic planning for the JOC Program
  • Development of the JOC Program inclusive of a JOC Operations Manual
  • Locally Researched Line Item JOC Unit Price Book
  • JOC Program Marketing
  • JOC Program Contractor Selection Support
  • JOC Education, Training, and Support
  • JOC Audits – Project and Program Level
  • Review, clarify, document JOC Proposal Requests
  • Participate in JOC Project on-site meetings
  • Review JOC Proposals
  • Review JOC Contractor Job Order Packages
  • Verify JOC Contractor Proposals
  • Monitor JOC Workflow
  • Assure JOC Program Compliance

www.4BT.US – Independent, Objective Job Order Contracting Solutions

Job Order Contract Training and Certification

Job Order Contract Training and Certification

Job Order Contract Training and Certification are key to a successful Job Order Contracting  Program.

  • Virtual, Regional, On-site
  • Introductory, Advanced, Refresher
  • Instructor, Hands-one, Self-paced


Learn more…

Job Order Contract Training and Certification



Great session…  provided very supportive information, in detail!  Everything I need to support JOC implementation at my organization!

– State Government Agency

Presenters were very knowledgeable and showed patience by answering questions during the class and during the breaks.

–  Facilities Management, State Government Agency 

I got everything out of the session that I was looking for, and more!

–  Procurement, State Government Agency 

The session was well organized and very easy to follow along – I would have personally benefited from more Marketing Training and less 4BT estimating training.   This is a credit to your building in cloud software platform as it is very easy to navigate and anyone with UPB experience can easily jump and start building proposals quickly, nicely done.  I look forward to many successful task orders under this contract.

Chief Operations Officer, Mevacon LLC

We offer an array of training opportunities that help customers improve their knowledge and utilization of LEAN construction delivery, maximizing their user adoption and return on limited resources.

Training services are available directly and through our extensive network of business partners and associates.

Job Order Contract – Who, What, How, Why, & Timing

Job Order Contract – Who, What, How, Why, & Timing

The Who, What, How, Why, & Timing of a Job Order Contract requires thought, multi-discipline integration, and proven LEAN business processes.

Job Order Contract (JOC) program development and implementation is best accomplished working with a consultant or peer group that can  provide objectivity, transparency, and direct access to senior, experienced staff.

The JOC development partner should have a suite of capabilities and tools at their disposal including 1.) a JOC unit price book (UPB) that reflects accurate material, equipment, and labor cost for all users, 2.) supporting technology, 3.), initial and ongoing training, certification, support for all participants, and 4.) compliance with all regulations, mandates, and requirements.

Objectivity, transparency, collaboration, performance, and compliance are required for all public sector JOC programs.  In fact, multiple audits have clearly demonstrated issues with improperly developed and implemented JOC Programs which have resulted in poorly implemented procedures, inability to attain expected benefits, and even created an environment for potential fraud.   Regardless of the JOC implementation process, best practices dictates regular audits.

The benefits that JOC can provide, such as greater than 90% of project delivered on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all involved parties, however, are virtually unachievable by tradition construction processes.
Four BT, LLC (4BT) can provide a level of expertise that is the basis for a heightened industry standard for Job Order Contracting. As a Facility Solutions consultant and JOC solutions vendor we bring comfort to public sector users, awarded JOC contractors, and oversight groups by sharing best management practice knowledge and providing work flows and tools for Job Order Contract development
and implementation.

4BT services and products provide both depth and breadth, and include the following:

JOC contract development,

JOC operating/execution manuals,

appropriate JOC documentation/forms,

JOC software,

JOC unit price books(UPB),

technical specification selection/support,

cost estimating training,

JOC education services, and certification,

facility management solutions,

third party independent JOC estimating auditing services,

budget collaboration reviews,

benchmarking and key performance indicators(KPIs),

JOC program marketing, and

independent government estimating (IGE).

All services and products are conceptualized, developed, and deployed within a framework of compliance & transparency that allows for open mutually beneficial partnerships for ALL JOC participants.Job Order Contract - Who, What, How, Why, & Timing of Job Order Contracting


Job Order Contracting Services – Best Value

Job Order Contracting Services and Tools should be based upon open standards, locally researched cost data, and best value for all participants.

  1. They should NOT favor the Owner versus the Contractor.
  2. They should NOT require excessive fees.
  3. They should NOT pay a fee to a JOC Consultant based upon total JOC construction costs if he/she plays a role in approving the Job Order/Task Order/Project.

Focus of any Job Order Contracting Service should be upon training Owners and Contractors to be self-sufficient.   An owner-managed Job Order Contract provides the highest value to all parties involved.

An owner-managed JOC requires a skilled owner with appropriate collaborative leadership skills, however, and some owners may need to proceed towards this level by phases.  For example, an owner my wish to use a Cooperative to become familiar with JOC and/or simply because annual construction volume doesn’t support an internal program.  Or, an Owner may wish to leverage a JOC Consultant for appropriate aspects of the program while buildings internal capabilities and resources.

Any Job Order Contracting Solution should incorporate an “Open Framework” that can be used “out-of-the-box”, yet also be tailored to specific organizations and requirements.  It should incorporate standardized core cost data using common and clear terms and definitions and standard CSI MasterFormat data architecture.

Training should be required, continuous, multi-format (on-site, hands-on, virtual instructor-based, virtual self-paced) and multi-level (introductory, advanced, refresher) for all Job Order Contract participants.


Job Order Contracting Services and Tools should deliver accurate, standards-based, timely, transparent and actionable cost information to all stakeholders throughout the life-cycle of all common renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and minor new construction projects.

Best value Job Order Contracting Services and Tool enable the integration of…

  1. Proven collaborative LEAN construction delivery best management practices,
  2. Standardized terms, definition, and data architectures.
  3. Open cost data, researched and maintained for all LOCAL markets, including verifiable detailed line item construction tasks, with material, equipment, and labor granularity.
  4. Cloud-based technology to assure rapid, shared access of relevant information to JOC Program participants, benefactors, and oversight groups.
  5. Initial and ongoing training and certification.
  6. A focus upon OUTCOMES, as measured by key performance indicators (KPIs).

openjoc job order contracting

www.4BT.US – Best Value JOC Solutions

Job Order Contracting Services and Solutions

The primary focus of any “best practice” Job Order Contract is to develop, support, and manage long term win-win relationships between Owners and Contractors, resulting in quality construction projects delivered on-time and on-budget to the satisfaction of all participants.  This is specifically what the 4BT OpenJOC approach is designed to do.

  1. Job Order Contracting services and solutions should be independent, objective, and cost effective.
  2. If you are a real property owners, cooperative, or contractor and are looking for a better alternative to your existing job order contracting service and solutions provider, consider giving us a call.
  3. We would love to discuss your needs.  We are low key, no pressure folks with decades of experience with unit price books, job order contracting, and JOC software.  Our team has worked serving hundreds of JOC owners and thousands of JOC contractors.


Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

  • Our unit price book is second to none.

A JOC unit price book (UPB) should reflects accurate material, equipment, and labor cost that are locally researched, use properly implemented Davis-Bacon labor rates, and be represented using industry standard common terms.

While the pedigree of the 4BT JOC UPB dates back to being used with the very first Army/DOD Job Order Contracts deployed in the United States, our team has applied their significant JOC/cost engineering expertise to provide a solution likely to become the new industry standard. Our unit price cost data is maintained and regularly updated by experience cost engineers/researchers dedicated to the construction & Job Order Contracting industry. In addition to being the most cost-effective solution, it likely represents the only viable industry alternative to solutions provided by The RSMeans Company, LLC and/or The Gordian Group.

The 4BT JOC UPB is comprised of approximately 60,000 unit price line items/construction tasks and includes labor, material, equipment detail, demolition line items, and line item modifiers.  While some vendors market hundreds of thousands of line items, our experience has shown that most JOCs use far less than 60,000 line items on a regular basis.  In fact, an excessive number of line items contribute to delays in learning, errors, and confusion.  In situations where additional and/or unique/custom construction task line items are required, the associated number rarely exceed a few hundred.

Most Job Order Contracts require that individual task orders/construction projects not exceed a ten percent maximum of total project cost associated with line items not found within the current UPB (non-prepriced line items).  Our experience is that the 4BT OpenJOC Unit Price Book meets this threshold.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

  • Our technology is second to none.

4BT-CE is a fully compliant cloud-based Job Order Contract Management Information System.  It was designed and developed from the ground up, specifically for JOC, to enable users of all capabilities to easily and rapidly access and use current, accurate, and detailed information, as well as support collaboration and transparent access to all participants. The required workflows and management practices for a fully compliant JOC Program are embedded within and supported by the 4BT-CE system.

Contract, product, estimate, and document creation, access, and management can easily be supported with our technology framework.


  • Our education, training and support is second to none.

Training is available in multiple formats:
• Virtual/Online Instructor-based,
• Virtual/Online Self-paced,
• Regional and,
• On-site

Owners will learn how to build a better independent government/owner estimate, and contractors will learn how to create more detailed proposal in detailed line item format, as well as how to bid, procure, and execute more projects on-time and on-budget.

We focus upon enabling better collaboration and continuous improvement by integrating the best possible training based upon experience and leveraging technology for training and process deployment.

All training classes feature highly qualified instructors.  Instructors with previous experience training for organizations such as the R.S. Means Company, LLC,  and the Alliance for Construction Excellence. CEU credits can be made available. For all hands-on training classes it is assumes that attendees have required computer equipment and software, and a suitable classroom environment is provided for on-site/regional training.

job order contracting

  • Our JOC solutions  carry the lowest fees in the industry.

Learn more…


job order contracting services




Higher Education and Managing Repair and Renovations Efficiently

Keeping up with the growing backlog of facility renovation, repair, sustainability, and maintenance is a never ending challenge for colleges and universities.

The application of best management practices for monitoring current and projecting future physical and functional conditions, as well as leveraging LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods such as Job Order Contracting can greatly improve the chances of obtaining a higher percentage of required funding and spending that funding more efficiently.

First and foremost, current, objective, and actionable information is needed.  Information must be obtained from independent resources as well as internal knowledge in order to assure credibility. Further, information must be presented with the appropriate level of detail and in the proper manner for the intended audience.

The tidal wave of deferred maintenance heading for many colleges and universities has been mounting for decades.  Some institutions have already fallen under the enormity of the force.    While the problem is not new, what must change rapidly is the level of competence of higher education facility management professionals so that impending disaster is avoided.

Secondly collaboration is required among all internal and external stakeholders.  This includes facility management, finance, building users, AE firms, construction contractors, consultants, oversight groups, etc.   Information must be shared through the facility life-cycle process among ALL stakeholder from initial conceptualization thru funding, design, procurement, construction, project management, close-out, warranty, and decommissioning/recycling.   Focus of ALL stakeholders must be first upon OUTCOMES, as well as collaboration, shared risk-reward, standardized processes and workflows, common terms/definitions @ data architectures, ongoing education/training, monitoring/key performance indicators (KPIs), and continuous improvement.

job order contracting fundamentals

The links between physical buildings and infrastructure and educational goals, financial stability, and the reputation of the institution are well known.    Knowledge of efficient life-cycle management of the built environment, supported by LEAN construction delivery, and enabling technology is not.

It’s time to change this.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

via – Best Value Solutions for Job Order Contracting and Efficient Construction Delivery

Job Order Contracting Consulting Services

Job Order Contracting (JOC) is both a LEAN construction delivery method and a method of procuring construction services through an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity term contract, using task orders as needed for individual projects, where the task order price is based on a book of preestablished unit prices (Unit Price Book – UPB).

job order contract strategy

Job Order Contracting is different from traditional construction delivery methods in several key areas.   First, for public agencies, there is no longer the delay and waste associated with issuing  invitations for bids or requests for proposals, awarding a contract requiring delivery or completion by a definite date for each and every construction project.
JOC allows a public entity to procure a wide variety of construction services for multiple projects to be delivered on an as-needed basis during the term of the contract (typcially one year terms with options years extending to three to five years).

JOC also requires full cost transparency.  Construction project costs are set through the book of pre-established unit prices and the use of a JOC construction co-efficient(s) associated with the awarded JOC contractor.

Once the Job Order Contract is signed, the public entity has a single (or multiple contractor it can use for a number of future renovation, repair, or minor new construction projects without the cost and error prone process of repeatedly advertising and bidding each individual project.

Federal projects, especially those of the United States Air Force (arguably the most proficient a JOC delivery and management) provide a framework can be viewed as best management practice.

The basics of job order contracting include…

  • multi-task contract that contains indefinite delivery and indefinite quantities ]
  • on demand construction services
  • defined timelines and workflows – owner is required to prepare and independent government estimate (IGE) – contractor is required to provide a detailed line item estimate within a certain timeline – joint site visits
  • unit price book (UPB) book of pre-established unit pricing – organized via CSI MasterFormat, locally research, common and detail task descriptions, and material, labor, and equipment breakdowns… that covers 90% or more of construction tasks anticipated to be conducted using the JOC.
  • A coefficient (typically between 0.80 and 1.20) that the contractor applies to the total of an estimate for a particular task/project.
  • Defined min/max limits for the JOC contract per year, per project, and per contract.

Training for Job Order Contracting

While a JOC consultant can be used to support initial development of a Job Order Contract and ongoing support services… under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a JOC consultant be paid a percentage of the JOC construction volume if said JOC consultant in involved in approving or denying JOC projects.

Job Order Contracts should always include a JOC Operations / Execution Manual and require initial and ongoing training, including appropriate certifications.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and regular audits should also be considered mandatory.

Core characteristics of Job Order Contracting should always be adhered to… and include:

  1. Skilled Owner with LEADERSHIP capabilities
  2. Mutual Trust and Respect
  3. Full Financial Transparency
  4. Shared Risk/Reward
  5. Focus Upon Outcomes
  6. Value-based Procurement and Processes
  7. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
  8. Ongoing Training

Why JOC Work?
Job order contracting provides an alternative to the time and expense of completing the normal contract procurement cycle for each project. It also removes the antagonistic and archaic processes associated with traditional low-bid, design-bid-built, or similar methods.
JOC focuses upon maximizes productivity and outcomes for the multiple repair, maintenance, and construction projects typically encountered by public sector faclity managers.

JOC  leverages the knowledge of a local, skilled contractor that has is familiar with endemic requirements.

Communications and scope of works accuracy are improved, lessen the change of errors and omissions through the used if a detailed line item unit price book and joint sites visits, and subsequent negotiations.

Overall construction costs and project delivery timelines are reduced as contractors can better manage overall business volume and associated resource requirements.

Owners receive on-demand quality services, while also having better financial visibility and fewer surprises.  Projects can be priced, awarded, and delivery in weeks or months versus years.

Both Owner and Contractor are participate in driving positive outcomes.

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Job Order Contract Operations Guide

job order contracting

Every Job Order Contract should have an Operations Manual / Execution Guide.   What’s in yours?

Job Order Contract Operations Guide

Contact Information

I. Summary of the Job Order Contract (JOC) Process

II. Job Order Contractor Selection Process
A. Request for Proposal
1. Contracting Process
2. Scope of Job Order Contract Services
3. Limitation
B. Advertisement for Job Order Contracting Firm
1. Proposal Requirements
2. Selection Scoring Process
3. Composite Coefficient Weighting Formula
4. Example of Scoring Calculation
C. Process for Evaluating JOC Phase I Proposals and Selecting Firms for Phase II
D. Procedure for Publicly Announcing Interview Scores and Open Bids
E. Selection Process Forms
1. Letter of Invitation to Submit Bid and Interview-Phase II
2. Phase I Proposal Score Sheet
3. Interview Score Sheet
4. Selection Analysis and Ranking
5. Sample Scorecard Inclusion Plan

III. Contract Documents
A. Instructions to Bidders
1. Explanation to Prospective Bidders
2. Preparation of Bids
3. Bid Guarantee
4. Acknowledgement of Addenda to Invitations to Bids
5. JOC Coefficients, Standard and Non-Standard Hours
6. Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work
7. Taxes
8. Voluntary Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (MWBE) Utilization
9. Submission of Bids
10. Bid Results
11. Contract Award
12. Partnering
B. Job Order Contractor Bid Proposal
1. Description
2. Unit Price Book
3. Schedule
4. Bid Proposal
C. General Conditions
D. Supplemental Conditions
1.01 Definitions of Job Order Contracting Terms
1.02 Order of Precedence
1.03 Execution and Intent
2.02 Coverage Limits, Insurance Certificates
2.04 Payment and Performance Bonds
2.06 Builders Risk
3.02 Construction Schedule
3.03 Owners Right to Suspend Work
3.07 Damages for Failure to Achieve Timely Completion
4.00 Specifications Drawings and Other Documents
4.005 Design Requirements and Design Documentation
4.01 Discrepancies and Contract Document Review
4.02 Project Record
4.03 Shop Drawings
4.04 Organization of Specifications
4.05 Ownership and Use of Drawings, Specifications and Other Documents
5.04 Prevailing Wages
6.02 Schedule of Values
6.03 Application for Payment
7.00 Changes
7.01 Changes in the Job Order Contract Work or Time
7.02 Equitable Adjustment Due to Fault or Negligence of Owner
7.03 Changes in the Contract Time
10.11.01 New Section Preparation and Authorization of a Work Order
10.11.02 Work Order Request
10.11.03 Work Order Proposal
10.11.04 Work Order
10.11.05 Work Order Checklist
10.11.06 Use of Unit Price Book
10.11.07 Coefficient
E. Special Conditions
1. Definition of the Work Order Project Costs
2. Definition of the JOC Fee
3. Contractor Staffing
4. JOC Quality Control
5. State Sales Tax
6. Submittal of Requested Information
F. Basic Contract (Sample)’

IV. Diverse Business Inclusion Plan

V. Sample Forms

VI. Location(s) Map

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Manage your Job Order Contract in the Cloud

Manage your Job Order Contract in the Cloud

Buildingin Cloud is a subscription based service (SaaS –Software as a Service) designed for customers who create, share and collaborate throughout a Job Order Contract and entire life-cycle management facilities, roads, and more.

All Contracts, Projects, Estimates, Documents, and Activities are always updated and available wherever you are so you can make the right decisions when needed. – Best Value Job Order Contracting Solutions




Explaining Job Order Contracting and LEAN Efficient Construction Delivery


Explaining Job Order Contracting and LEAN Efficient Construction Delivery…  Ok, so Job Order Contracting and LEAN construction delivery have little to do with an elephant sand castle….

In construction.,. especially when it involves the numerous renovation, repair, maintenance, and sustainability projects required to support a building portfolio… things can and do go wrong:

  1. Wrong scope of work
  2. Inaccurate cost estimate
  3. Delays in sourcing professional contractors
  4. Poor quality assurance or quality control
  5. ….. (long list)

Most of us… owners, AEs, contractors, subs, and oversight groups, know why things go wrong.   We can easily limit the number of times it happens, as well as, optimize required solutions.    So the question is why don’t we?

We know that “best value procurement”, “working collaboratively”, “using common terms, definitions, and data environments”, “longer term relationships”, “ongoing training”, “key performance indicators”, “continuous improvement” would greatly improve outcomes in terms of quality on-time and on-budget delivery of exactly what was needed.

Real property owners and facility managers/operates must communicate:

  • What they want in terms of outcomes and deliverables  (including information),
  • How they want it,
  • When they want it,
  • How much they will pay for it, and
  • What happens if they don’t get it.

These things can’t be done ‘ad hoc’, or ‘on the back of a napkin’, in spreadsheets, with disparate formats of the same information, or without written contracts inclusive of operations or execution manuals.

Put another way, all of the above… and the associated “life-cycle” of the renovation, repair, sustainability, or new construction projects, must be conceptualized, procured, executed, and warranted within a PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD.

It is the PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD that sets the tone of the overall “construction” activity, assigns roles, responsibilities, risk, rules, processes, benefits, timelines, and overall determines positive or negative outcomes more than any other single element.

LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods greatly increase the likelihood of positive construction outcomes from the typically 2% to well over 90%.   They assure that information is provided earlier in the overall process, shared in common, easily understood formats, and is not overlooked.

Technically they are really construction project conceptualization, procurement, and execution methods, but that is a much longer name.  Examples of robust LEAN construction delivery methods include Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and Job Order Contracting, JOC, for renovation, repair, and minor new construction projects.  Both assure that the right information is available at the right time to enable enhanced decision-support and associated project execution.

Job Order Contracting, for example, can delivery 96%+ overall satisfaction levels, and well over 90% of projects on-time and on-budget.

Explaining Job Order Contracting and LEAN Efficient Construction Delivery

Understanding, promoting, and implementing LEAN construction delivery helps to assure that the team can make repair, renovate, or build what the owner wants and supply all required information for ongoing life-cycle management of the asset.   In short, when complete, money, time, or quality problems will not lead to dissatisfaction, lawsuits, and unhappy campers!

BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE)

Download the White Paper – BIM, LEAN Construction, and a Common Data Environment (CDE) bim-lean-construction-and-a-common-data-environment-cde

This paper focuses upon the roles and responsibilities of team members, with respect to CDE, throughout the life-cycle of a built structure… from Planning, to Design, Project Delivery, Operations & Maintenance, to Decommissioning/Recycling, and its integral relationship with LEAN Construction Delivery methodology.

Job Order Contract – Strategy, Operations, Tactics

job order contract strategy

OpenJOC required owner consideration of the Strategic, Operational, and Tactical components of a Job Order Contract.

While JOC Programs are capable of providing major benefits versus traditional construction delivery methods,  they do so only if implemented properly and managed properly.  LEAN best management practices are important, and some of these specific to JOC are listed below for your consideration.

  • Regular independent reviews of the JOC Program
  • Confirmation of availability of funds
  • Confirmation of utilization of approved vendors
  • Confirmation of legal compliance with bid, proposal, quotation, award, and execution requirements
  • Mandatory joint site visits
  • Mandatory progress inspections
  • Contractor performance control activities, including compliance with contractual terms for cost proposals and analysis of timeliness and quality of services delivery
  • Responsiveness to issues
  • Ongoing review of procedures, processes, functions and support mechanisms for potential improvement
  • JOC Operations/Execution Manual

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

Here’s a quick tutorial about Unit Price Books, UPBs, for Job Order Contracting, and what you need to know.

A Job Order Contract Unit Price Book, provides thousands of tasks for commonly encountered renovation, repair, maintenance, and new construction activities, with associated definitions of each, as well as detailed labor, material equipment costs.  Activities, also known as unit price line items,  should be described in industry standard terms that are easily understood.  They also should be organized  using CSI Masterformat.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

Look for a UPB that covers at least 90% of the tasks to be encountered using the associated Job Order Contract.  It also should be  objective, independent, and easy-to-use.  It should also be locally researched and not a national average database dependent upon location factors.

Transparently sharing detailed information, about renovation, repair, and construction requirements and associated costs, among collaborative team members is key to the success of any Job Order Contract and improving outcomes.

A Common Data Environment in the form of a locally researched detailed Unit Price Book, UPB, significantly improves renovation, repair, maintenance, and new construction project value for all participants and stakeholders.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

JOC Lean business practices, combined with timely, actionable information, enable better decision-making and a significantly higher percentage of construction projects to be delivered on-time and on-budget.

The use of CSI Masterformat data aggregation assures efficient distribution, modification/updating, and proper use of the UPB in concert with JOC procedures and goals. The cost database and associated projects and estimates can only be cost effectively created, stored,  maintained, and used within a common data environment and JOC-specific technology.

Making the necessary changes within an organization to adopt collaborative JOC processes and the shared common information is easier within some organizations than others. Initial implementation costs and a learning curve will be encountered. These create an acceptance barrier for some owners, facility managers, and contractors that are mired in traditional construction delivery methods.

While not all organizations will shift to collaborative LEAN construction methods and independent and objective Common Data Environments, those that have made the journey consistently produce over 90% of projects on-time and on-budget, and to everyone’s satisfaction.  When compared to the industry norm of 2% of construction projects delivered on-time and on-budget, it’s clear that the AEC sector will eventually need to change. Organizations that don’t make the step forward, will be left behind.

JOC Players
JOC impacts all participants within the construction value chain:

“The Owner”

Owners are becoming increasingly aware of the waste and productivity associated with traditional methods, and are demanding change.

In order to increase productivity, early and ongoing sharing of standardized information within common data environments is now recognized as a requirement.

The Common Data Environment provided by a JOC Unit Price Book, drives higher renovation, repair, maintenance or new construction project productivity and satisfaction through improved availability of detailed current requirements, costs, and timelines.

Associated JOC software technology embedding LEAN collaborative best management practices, is important in managing information and processes.  JOC contract, project, estimate, coefficient, and document management are provided within JOC-specific software.

Unit Price Books for Job Order Contracting

JOC software is available for desktop or cloud deployment. Cloud-based systems are faster to implement, less costly to maintain, and relatively simple to use. When combined with other software tools (Building Information Modeling software-solutions, including CAFM (computer-aided facility management for space planning), CMMS (computerized maintenance management software for routine maintenance under $10,000), CPMS (capital planning and management software for physical and functional condition assessment and reinvestment planning/decision-support, and 3D visualization environments) JOC LEAN Project Delivery Software can deliver benefits to stakeholders throughout every part of the life-cycle of a built structure.

“The Contractor”

In JOC, as with any LEAN construction delivery method, Contractors are an active part of the proceedings from the earliest planning stages in order to take advantage of their field experience and knowledge.

Each project participant must offer their contributions and experience as early as possible in order to more efficiently meet objectives for quality, time, and cost.

job order contracting

The importance of using LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods can’t be overstated. LEAN methods such as IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) and JOC (Job Order Contracting) require early and ongoing collaboration among project participants and help to assure continuous improvement.

The traditional and problematic “transition between the design phase and the construction phase” is eliminated. The builder obtains all the information needed to complete the work per standards and specifications required by the Owner concurrently with other project participants.

“The Facility Manager”

The Facility Manager and related colleagues, depend upon a CDE to assure available access to historical, current, and planned operations and maintenance management activities, costs, and impacts.

Within the CDE, a wide range of standardized information is stored and immediately accessed. This information is always available, at any time, in the office or in the field.

A Common Data Environment is central to improving productivity and quality across the AECOO industry (Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Owners, and Operators) and associated supply chain participants. Common terms, definitions, and data architectures allow access of current, standardized, easily understood, detailed, timely, and actionable information across all stages of the life-cycle of a built structure.

Why Some Job Order Contracts Fail

Even a JOC Plan Can Go Wrong

Facility managers and real property owners struggle with their numerous and ongoing renovation, repair, sustainability maintenance, and minor new construction projects. As a result backlogs seem to always grow and resources always inadequate to satisfy facility user needs.

Job Order Contracting, JOC, is a proven solution to providing quality on-demand construction services on-time and on budget, and to reduce  repair, renovation, and capital renewal backlogs.

job order contracting fundamentals

When implemented and deployed improperly, however, even JOC programs can take longer than planned, cost more than budgeted, and be subject to scrutiny.

Common errors made in implementing a Job Order Contract  can lead to major problems.

#1.     Project Management Failure

JOC is a LEAN construction delivery methods and involves both change management and competent owners to lead the implementation and continuous improvement.    Upper management  must be fully committed to communicating and supporting new collaborative management practices internal and external to the organization.

Failing to communicate the value of  JOC to  every stake holder and participant is the most common problem found in JOC failures.   All participants must want the benefits that JOC can provide.

JOC project managers also must make certain that all participants are clear on what roles each person has to play, and how each person’s contributions to the project  will evaluated and/or compensated.

Failure is assured from the beginning if collaboration support is being shown by all participants.  Also, proper procedures must be in place to address issues, problems, and concerns.  Focus must be upon negotiation and mutually satisfactory resolutions.

Over, communication and collaboration are is central to success. All communications must be consistent, regular, and reinforcing.

#2.      Cutting Corners on Initial and Ongoing Training

A common mistake is assigning design, implementation, and/or management of the JOC program to someone who is not sufficiently  skilled, trained, and experienced.   For example it requires specialized skills to collaboratively provide leaderships from an owner perspective.  Consultants can assist in this progress, however, consultants should not be solely responsible for a JOC program.  (Note: Under no circumstances should a consultant be responsible for approving JOC projects and be paid a fee based upon construction volume.)

Training should include multiple levels and occur on an annual basis at a minimum.   Examples include, Introduction to JOC,  Introductory Line Item Estimating, Advanced Line Item Estimating, and Negotiating Task Orders.   Training should also be available in multiple format to assure participation, including Regional, On-site, and Virtual.

Specific hands-on training should be provided for any JOC software, reporting, and/or documentation.

Proof of training in the form of a certificate, should be required.

#3 JOC Misused as a Way to Bypass Procurement

Unfortunately some owners employ JOC simply as a way to bypass controls and delays imposed by traditional procurement procedures.  In this instance, projects get approved that others would not withstand the rigor of traditional improvement, and the benefits of JOC are not recognized.   This is common in case were owners are not experience with JOC and/or there is little project oversight.   JOC misuse is generally more common when an owner is not directly involved in the day-to-day administration of a JOC, for example JOC management is outsourced to a third party.

 #4 Improper JOC Technology, or Technology Misuse

JOC programs should not, in general, be managed in spreadsheets, or within systems that do not provide full transparency.  JOC programs should provide easy seaching and use of the JOC Unit Price Book and at a minimum provide Contract, Project, Estimate, Contractor, Coefficient, and Document Management.   JOC unit price books should be locally researched and updated annually. Localization factors should not be used as do not provide sufficient cost granularity are a subject to wide cost variations.  Annual economic updates should also not be used due to errors induced by such a global approach.

#5.      Inadequate Implementation Time & Resources

While a JOC program can be be up and running “from scratch” within a six month time frame, it generally takes a year to eighteen months for the program for participants to gain significant benefit.   Further more improvement will be continuous as participants discover new ways to address work.  Furthermore, the change from reactive, traditional work relationships to proactive, collaborative teaming takes time.  Internal and external participants will need to dedicate long time to changing day to day work habits.

Outside consultants can help to setup the JOC program, provide certain support, training, audit services, and to accelerate progress.  Again, however, Owners must demonstrate leadership and actively manage the JOC program in order to obtain the major benefits associated with JOC.

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Job Order Contracting Operations Manual



Owner customers, tenant activities, preventive maintenance programs, and other in-house
facilities inspection programs generate requirements for sustainment, restoration, modernization work and minor new construction.

Completed Individual Job Orders (IJO), Task Order (TO), or Job Orders (JO) are submitted to the a designated office/person in accordance with regulations and standard procedures.


The appropriate work management office is responsible for assessing the validity of the work request,
checking for duplication with other requests, classifying the category of work, checking the
customer’s statement of work for sufficient detail, identifying and confirming a funding source,
and assigning a priority and project number.

The work management office also completes a desk estimate of the project cost to help determine the best method for executing the work request (in-house shops, competitively bid individual contracts or JOC).
Ordering Responsibilities
The distribution of functions associated with contract operations, including issuance of task
orders and actions required by the Procurement Authority, are planned and discussed to
ensure smooth and orderly accomplishment of functions.
Contract Administration Functions
The Facility Management / Technical Engineering Management Team (FM) is responsible for contract
administration functions;  payment disputes, appeals, total or partial contract termination (including task order termination) and contract closeout. A contract administration plan is written by the
Procurement Authority with input from the FM team., and include as part of the JOC operations manual / execution standard operating procedure (SOP).
Contract Inspection Functions
FM is responsible for the contract inspection functions. Responsibilities include for the inspection, acceptance and delivery of assigned task orders to the Facilities customer in accordance with the statement of work, specifications, drawings and safety, environmental and fire department
In-House or Contract Performance Review
FM considers the availability of in-house personnel, self-help capabilities or other means to determine whether the project should be performed inhouse or by contract. At any time during the process, the job order can be returned to the work management office for additional information. The job order request is analyzed to determine the most suitable method of accomplishing the work. In addition to these responsibilities, the Owner logs in the job order request, validates the requirement, sets priorities, and obtain appropriate approvals.

Requirements Review
If an existing eligible requirements contract totally covers the job order’s work requirement, the work may be awarded to the Contractor holding that contract. If only part of the job order requirement is covered by a requirements contract, FM must decide whether to obtain the appropriate portion from the requirements Contractor and the rest from the JOC Contractor, or to have all the work done by the JOC Contractor.
Job Order Contracting
JOC contract can be used to accomplish renovation, repair, and maintenance of buildings, structures, or other real property. JOC cannot be used to purchase supplies, services, or architect and engineer (A-E) services. FM must ensure that requests for work other than construction are not done. For example, the following items are not generally authorized for acquisition under a JOC contract task order:
• Fuels
• Utilities
• Construction equipment
• Administrative equipment
• Furnishings
• Construction materials only (lumber, concrete, etc.), for other than valid JOC projects
• Architect-Engineer Services (Brooks Act)
• Administrative services such as typing, transportation, reproduction, graphics, and
interior design services
• Housekeeping services

Job Order Routing
Upon receipt, the office responsible for JOC will review the task order request to make sure that the JOC contract is the appropriate contracting tool, and develop a preliminary statement of work, and ascertain that the job order request is a valid requirement. If found to be inappropriate for JOC, it is returned to FM for reassignment to the proper office.

Assignment of a Project Manager
Once the job order has been approved for accomplishment by the JOC contract, a project manager will
be assigned. This assignment will be based upon the scope of the project, its complexity, and the
predominant construction discipline required. The project manager will be responsible for
ensuring successful and timely completion of the job order under the JOC contract. The project
manager must become familiar with the job by visiting the construction site with the customer to
determine the relevant aspects of the project. The project manager must review the applicable
standards and regulations governing the required type of work. If the project manager determines
that JOC is not the appropriate method for completing the task, the request should be returned to the FM office so that the job order can be accomplished by some other method.

Scope Validation Meeting
When the project manager is satisfied that the task can be accomplished under the JOC contract,
they should set up a scope validation meeting with the customer and the JOC Contractor to
review the job order and to refine the scope of the project. The procurement authority and
quality assurance personnel (inspectors) may also attend this meeting. This meeting should take
place at the construction site. The project manager is responsible for developing the statement of
work. The following topics should be discussed, as appropriate:
• Existing site conditions
• Methods and alternatives for accomplishing the work
• Definitions and requirements
• Detailed statement of work
• The Contractor’s requirement for plans, sketches, shop drawings, as-builts, etc. or the
Government provided plans, sketches, drawings etc.
• Tentative construction schedule
In addition, the parties should tentatively agree upon a target performance period during the
meeting. This target may be modified after the Contractor has prepared a detailed proposal.
After the meeting, the project manager should prepare a memorandum for record  describing the details of the meeting. This memorandum is used later as a guide to prepare the task order package, the independent Owner estimate, as required, and refine the scope of work. The document  is included in the task order support file.

Request for Contractor’s Proposal
The procurement authority are typcially the only people who have the responsibility and authority to place JOC task orders. The procurement authority may issue requests for Contractor’s proposal.
JOC personnel must adhere to the authorities delegated to them by the procurement authority.
Before issuing the request for proposal, the following conditions should be met. Once satisfied
that these conditions are met, check to see that the requirement is within the delegation of the
procurement authority.
• The requirement is within the scope of the JOC contract.
• The request for proposal and support file are complete.
• The requirement is not subject to the provisions of another existing contract.
• Once satisfied that these conditions are met, check to see that all of the following items
are included in the task order proposal package:
o Name of project
o Project number
o Statement of work
o Date of request
o Date proposal is due
o Special instructions, such as identifying work that must be performed during
other-than-normal working hours and the need for drawings, samples, etc.
o Preliminary construction schedule
o Liquidated damages assessment, if appropriate
o Number of copies of the proposal required
o Copy of the site visit memorandum.
After reviewing the material, the request for proposal can be issued to the Contractor. This
request to the Contractor shall instruct the Contractor to return the task order proposal to the
procurement authority by a specified date.

Proposal Preparation
Upon receipt of the request for task order proposal, the Contractor will prepare a detailed
proposal identifying the required construction tasks from the UPB, refine the quantities, propose
prices for NPP tasks, prepare working drawings, develop performance schedules, and prepare
the proposal document in the specified format. The Contractor’s task order proposal must be
based on the UPB, using the predetermined prices and technical specifications to the maximum
extent possible. The Contractor will separately identify work requested by the Government that must be performed during other-than-normal working hours.
Non-pre-priced (NPP) work may arise from tasks that were not included in the UPB at
contract initiation, but are within the scope of the contract. The Contractor shall develop a
detailed proposal supporting any portions of the work requirement that are NPP so that these
items can be compared with the same items in the Owner estimate. The Contractor shall
provide adequate information (e.g., at least two vendor quotes) for the procurement authority to determine the reasonableness of the cost for the NPP work requirements. The Contractor shall submit the completed task order proposal and supporting documentation to the procurement authority officer on the date stipulated.

Independent Owner Estimate Preparation / Independent Government Estimate (IGE)
While the Contractor is developing a detailed proposal, the owner project manager prepares an
independent owner  estimate (IGE) for projects $150,000 or more (or as stimpulated in the contract). This owner’s estimate is in addition to the earlier gross estimate, which helped determine whether the proposed work was appropriate for JOC. A detailed analysis of all task orders is required for orders less than $150,000 in order to aid in the determination of a fair and reasonable price. The owner estimate or detailed analysis must be completed before receipt of the Contractor’s proposal and before negotiations take place. The owner estimate will be used to evaluate the reasonableness of the Contractor’s proposal and will serve as the owner’s pricing and quantity objective during negotiations. The owner should normally be prepared using the UPB so that a common basis exists to compare with the Contractor’s proposal.  A lump-sum owner estimate for a total job is not acceptable. Major
significant components of work and all NPP items must be identified separately, their quantities
enumerated, and their costs estimated independently. The owner estimate must identify the source from which it was generated and the name of the preparer.

Evaluate Contractor’s Proposal
When the Contractor’s task order proposal is received, the procurement authority
records the date and forward the proposal to the project manager for review. The project
manager must perform a detailed review of the Contractor’s proposal. Simply comparing the
total cost of the task order to the total cost shown on the Government estimate is not sufficient.
The proposal will be checked for scope completeness, method of construction, proper
identification of tasks and quantities and NPP pricing data as applicable. The project manager
should also review the Contractor’s specifications and drawings for acceptability. The
Contracting Officer/ordering officer and the technical personnel will evaluate and determine the
reasonableness of the Contractor’s proposal by comparing it with the IGE or detailed analysis,
the scope validation visit and the detailed statement of work. Each proposed construction task
must be reviewed in detail by the project manager. The review of items found in the UPB will
determine whether they are required and whether the proposed quantities are accurate,
reasonable, and consistent with the statement of work. The project manager will review any
additions to the statement of work beyond that which was requested and approved. The review
of all NPP items will verify the need for the items and the accuracy of the proposed quantities
and will determine if the proposed direct cost for the items is fair and reasonable. The project
manager will ensure that the Contractor’s performance schedule is realistic and meets the
requirements of the job order.
If the Contractor’s proposal is completely unacceptable, it can either be returned to the
Contractor with supporting documentation for revision or be determined inappropriate for a
JOC contract. A transmittal letter will explain why the proposal is being returned and what
changes are needed to make the proposal acceptable, or why the proposal is no longer
required. If the project manager and Contracting Officer/ordering officer agree that the
proposal is not only unacceptable but also inappropriate for job order contracting, the JOC
project file will be closed and the require returned to FM for accomplishment by some other means.

Negotiation of Task Order
Following the detailed review of a proposed task order, the procurement authority
conducts a negotiations meeting with the Contractor to reconcile differences in the performance schedule, construction tasks quantities, and/or method of performance for prepriced
tasks. If necessary, the Owner and Contractor must also negotiate the NPP tasks to
include quantities, methods of performance, and costs. A memorandum of negotiations shall be
prepared by the procurement authority at the conclusion of the negotiations and be
included in the project file to support the Owner’s position. Differences between the
statement of work, the independent owner estimate and the Contractor’s proposal shall be reconciled and documented.
If changes are required, the Contractor must modify his proposal to incorporate them and
resubmit it to signify concurrence with those changes. The statement of work will also be
revised to incorporate any changes as a result of negotiations. Normally, if the value of the
non-pre-priced work exceeds 10 percent, then the non-pre-priced work should be reduced,
eliminated or performed in-house or the job must be acquired using other contracting
methods. However, the procurement authority may exceed 10 percent if the non-pre-priced portion
of the order involves urgent or emergency situations or if the procurement authority determines
it is a good business decision. The procurement authority shall negotiate the task order and make
a determination that the price is fair and reasonable.

Task Order Award Package Preparation
Following successful completion of negotiations with the Contractor, the project
manager/contract administrator prepares an appropriate Order for Supplies or Services, and includes it in the job order/task order package for review and approval by the procurement authority. The task order support package generally includes the following:
• Approved Work Request
• Scope validation site visit memorandum for record
• Preliminary and final statement of work
• Request for task order proposal
• Contractor’s signed proposal
• Memorandum of Negotiations
• Determination and findings, if applicable
• Independent Owner estimate, if applicable
•Purchase Request and Commitment
• Other documentation appropriate to the order (e.g., documentation regarding owner -furnished property)
• The procurement authority places the order
If funding is not available at this time, the task order and support file can be held until funding
becomes available or the project is canceled. Projects held for available funding may be good
candidates for year-end funding  and should be prioritized so that the year-end funds can be
applied most effectively. If projects are put on hold for an extended period, it may be
necessary to go back to the Contractor for application of a new option year coefficient,  All valid task orders and support files shall be sent to the procurement authority for final review, award, and distribution in accordance with the JOC procedures. A task order file checklist is useful to ensure
all components of the task order package are included and properly executed.

Placing the Order
After negotiation and prior to the procurement authority signing the task order, appropriate forms are distributed electronically to the Contractor who formally accepts the task order, as mutually agreed during negotiations.
The task order is then signed by the procurement authority and issued to the Contractor. The signed, issued task order constitutes the Contractor’s notice to proceed unless a separate Notice to Proceed (NTP) is specified in the task order.

Preconstruction Meeting
The project manager conducts a preconstruction meeting with the customer and the
Contractor for final project coordination. This meeting follows receipt of the signed task
order and/or the Contractor’s Notice to Proceed. Construction should begin as specified in the
task order.

The contract administrator responsibilities will be accomplished in accordance with all associated regulations/statues.  Designated personnel oversee contract administration functions and quality assurance inspection and acceptance as delegated by the procurement authority.

Non-Pre-priced Items
Non-pre-priced (NPP) work may arise from tasks that were not included in the UPB at
contract initiation, but are within the scope of the contract. To streamline the negotiation
of non-pre-priced items during task order negotiations with the Contractor, an “indirect
costs and profit rate” may be used, if the contract allows. This rate is solicited
during the solicitation phase of the basic JOC contract. Indirect costs and profit is
defined as all costs associated with performing the tasks, other than direct labor,
equipment and material costs. NPP proposals shall be supported with verifiable
documentation supporting competitive quotes (minimum of two), catalog price, etc., for
all NPP work. NPP items shall be proposed in bare costs only (material, equipment and
labor) multiplied by the quantity and the NPP indirect costs and profit rate (if applicable)
to arrive at the total price for the NPP work.
When prices for NPP items are negotiated and incorporated in a task order, this does not
incorporate the item in the UPB for subsequent use as a priced item. To permit
subsequent use under the UPB as a pre-priced item, repetitive NPP items will be
incorporated by supplemental agreement to the JOC contract. Also, a contract provision
will be developed to permit regular (such as quarterly or annually) incorporation of
negotiated NPP items into the UPB. NPP items may be added as a modifier to an existing
line item or as a new line item.

Contractor Performance
Owner JOC personnel create and maintain a Contractor performance file that is used
to support the owner decisions as to whether or not to exercise  options for the
following year. Evaluation of the Contractor’s performance issupported in writing
based on observations made by the owner FM team and procurement/contracting personnel, and/or
customers. FM meets with the procurement authority no later than six months before the option exercise date to review Contractor performance and recommend whether or not to exercise the option. Procurement also should evaluate Contractor performance and prepare a performance report for each construction contract over a specified value, for example $100,000.00.
Performance Evaluation
Specified detailed forms are used for reporting performance evaluations, and should be maintained in an automated database. Before awarding a JOC contract, Owners should retrieve all performance evaluations as applicable.

Significant Events
JOC personnel document all significant events. A significant event is defined as anything that occurs pertaining to a contract that has a material impact on cost, quality or delivery. Significant events can be caused by the Owner or by Contractors. Some examples include:
• Completion schedule changes
• Changes in method or sequence of work
• Late or defective owner-furnished property or information
• Delays in owner actions such as processing engineering change proposals and review of technical data
When a significant event occurs, it is analyzed and documented immediately.
Information to be generated for each significant event should include, as a minimum:
• The nature and pertinent circumstance of the event;
• The date of the event and the identification of Owner and Contractor personnel involved, including name and function of the respective individuals;
• Identification of any relevant documents involved;
• The substance of any oral communications;
• A statement concerning the possible consequences or effects of the event described upon the contract cost, schedule, or technical performance, including manner or sequence of performance.

Task Order Close Out
Task orders will be closed out within a reasonable amount of time. A task order will be
closed out upon receipt of warranty information, O&M manuals, release of claims,
training documentation, approved payrolls, as-built drawings and after final payment is
made. FM will close out task orders as part of contract administration if
the responsibility for close out was delegated procurement authority. If not, the
task order will be closed out by the procurement authority.

Payroll Review
The procurement authority is responsible for ensuring that the Contractor complies with the
Davis-Bacon Act (for most public sector work) as part of contract administration responsibilities. The Contractor is  required to submit weekly payroll records to the procurement authortiy, who may require support from FM personnel to review these reports. The procurement authority
will be given a report of deficiencies, if any, for transmittal to the Contractor and will
decide whether corrective actions are needed. When withholdings must be made from
payments to the Contractor, the cognizant labor relation’s personnel must be contacted.
The procurement authority is responsible for conducting labor interviews, or he can
delegate the duties to Facilities  Managgement JOC TEAM.

Timely Accomplishment of Requirements
The project manager will ensure that the schedule requirements are met and that the
procurement authority is notified if it appears that the Contractor will not complete the
requirement on time. If the task order package includes a liquidated damages clause, the
Owner, in coordination with legal counsel, begins the required actions as appropriate.

Contract Status Report
A contract status report is be used to track fund obligations under the JOC contract and
to make sure orders do not exceed performance and payment bonding or the annual
maximum amount. The JOC ordering authority will maintain the contract status report, if
delegated, to show the original funds obligated and the task orders issued against the
funds. As orders are received, the report balance will be checked to make sure funds are
still available.

The solicitation clearly notifies offerors of initial and continuing bonding
requirements. Initial bonding must be sufficient to cover the stated estimated annual
maximum contract value. No JOC contract cites the total estimated maximum value
of the contract (including option periods) as the estimated annual maximum value.
Contractors shall be clearly notified of their responsibility for ensuring sufficient bond
coverage necessary to protect the Owner’s interests during the course of the
contract. All costs associated with bonding (specifically including bond premiums) are
be included in the coefficient.

Contractor Payments based on Schedule of values
Progress payment are based Contractor’s approved scheduled of values.
Progress payments are paid on the basis of costs incurred or the state of completion
during performance of the contract before final delivery. The Owner neither takes
title nor beneficial occupancy (unless otherwise specified in the contract) and the
Contractor remains Liable, not only for the completion of the work, but also for any risk
of loss.
Progress payments are authorized under a JOC contract in accordance with existing regulations/requirments. The procurement authority reviews and approves requests for
progress payments in accordance. When the work is certified complete
and a proper invoice has been received, the procurement authority processes the invoice for payment through the appropriate finance and accounting office.
Each task order is considered a mini-construction contract; therefore, a release of
claims statement should be obtained prior to making final payment, in accordance
with regulations/requirements.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The quality assurance reviews and inspection and acceptance are made by Owner
personnel and are the same as those for any other construction contract. Quality
Assurance (QA) is the responsibility of the Owner. Contract quality assurance
means the various functions including inspection, performed by the Owner to
determine whether a Contractor has fulfilled the contract obligations pertaining to quality
and quantity.

Policies and procedures to assure that supplies and services procured by the Owner conform to the quality and quantity set forth in the contract.
The Owner determines the type and extent of Owner quality assurance based upon the particular acquisition.
Quality Control (QC)
The Contractor is responsible for quality control, carrying out the obligations as set forth in the
contract terms and conditions, product quality, and for offering to the Owner only those supplies and services conforming to contract requirements.
The Contractor establishes and maintain a Quality Control Plan (QCP) that has
been reviewed and accepted by the Owner for compliance with contract
requirements. The Contractor’s QCP shall explain the manner in which the Contractor
will assure all contract requirements are being accomplished in an acceptable manner.
A JOC Contractor’s coefficient includes the costs associated with quality control.
If at any time during the execution of a T.O., a modification to the order is required, an appropriate documentation and signatures/approvals msut be executed. Typical circumstances that may require a T.O. modification are differing site conditions and changes to proposed requirements in the statement of work, including time extensions, termination of work, or changes in methods of work performance. The procurement authority executes modifications to existing task orders,  Pricing for the modification is accomplished using the unit price book. The amount of the modification will not exceed the owner manager’s authority to include the total value of non-pre-priced items. Modifications affecting termination actions or work suspensions shall be executed by the procurement authority because of legal consideration and the potential fiscal issues involved.

Every attempt should be made to identify the site conditions properly during the initial site visit
and scope validation meeting before the T.O. is placed so that the accurate site conditions
will be priced before the work begins.
An administrative change is a unilateral contract change, in writing, that does not affect the
substantive rights of the parties, e.g., correction of typographical errors, and change in
paying office, and accounting and appropriations data. An administrative change does not
include time extensions for work completion, additions/deletions of quantities, or suspension
of work in progress.

Changes to Task Order Requirements
Task Order changes require specific procedures, documentation, and approvals, which
provide for an equitable adjustment in price as the result of any change. Authorized
changes are limited to those within the scope of the contract. They generally include:
• Changes to the specifications, drawings, and designs
• Changes to the method or manner of performance of the work directed by theOwner.
• Changes in the Owner-furnished facilities, equipment, materials, services, or site
• Directed acceleration in the performance of work
• Time extensions due to delays caused by weather, Owner requirements, or delivery of equipment, and terminations of work..
Modifications to requirements following issuance of a Task Order are made in accordance with requirements per appropriate contract clauses. A formal request for
proposal modification is forwarded to the Contractor whenever the complexity of
the changes or the dollar amount requires it.

Task Order Status Report
Fort Hood JOC personnel  submit to the procurement authority a monthly report on the status of all
Task Orders. This report is submitted no later per a date specified in the JOC, and includes the following information:
• A list of the subject and dollar amount of all T.O.s issued during the month
• A list of the subject and dollar amount of all T.O.s completed during the month
• The status of all incomplete T.O.s

Job Order Contract Terms and Defintions

Job Order Contracting Glossary

Terms and Definitions associated with  a Job Order Contract

Unit Price Book (UPB): The list and price information for all pre-priced items covered
in in a job order contract. The UPB includes at least 90% of the line items anticipated during the duration of the JOC.   Each line item has a description in common terms and “plain English” without excessive use of abbrievations, and details breakdowns of material, equipment, and labor costs. Demolition line items and modifiers to parent line items are also included.  Costs should not include contractor overhead and profit, or other items as noted in the JOC.   Each line item has a unique line item number that is based upon MasterFormat2004+
Line item: An item or system denoted in the UPB by a unique line item number.
Bare costs: The cost of a line item without any multiplier.
Multipliers: All factors added to the bare cost pricing of the UPB. This generally includes the contractors’ coefficients.  Sometime localization or other factor are allowed, though this practice is not recommended.  Instead, UPBs should be localized to the work area and be updated annually.
Pre-priced line item: A line item from the UPB with approved changes.
Non-pre-priced line item (NPI/NPP): A line item that is not a pre-priced line item.
Selective demolition line item: The removal of material with no concern for its
replacement. If a line item can be found in the UPB for selective demolition, that line
item will be used. If there is no line item for selective demolition, the Contractor will
locate the line item in the UPB. Then the Contractor generally creates an alternate pre-priced
line item removing the cost for the material and equipment, and the remaining labor
amount will be multiplied by a percentage, i.e. 50%. This is then be used as the means to demolish that item. This line item may be considered  pre-priced. If the line item cannot be found in the UPB, the demolition will be NPP.
Removal and replacement line item: An item that is to be removed and then replaced
without damaging the item. If a line item can be found in the UPB for removal and
replacement, that line item will be used. If there is no line item for removal and
replacement, the Contractor will locate the line item in the UPB. Then the Contractor
will create an alternate pre-priced line item removing the cost for the material and
equipment, and the remaining labor amount will be multiplied by 150%. This will be
used as the means to demolish that item. This line item will be pre-priced. If the line
item cannot be found in the UPB, the demolition will be an NPP.

Learn more…

job order contracting terms and defintions

Training Service – All Aspects of Job Order Contracting

Training for Job Order Contracting

Introductory, Advanced, Regional, Virtual, On-site, & Certification

Whether are an Owner with a current JOC Program in place, a JOC Contractor working on a JOC,  and wish to continuously improve outcomes, or either an Owner, Contractor, or Subcontractor wanting to learn more about JOC, we likely have a training program for you.

Our term is experience in all aspects of Job Order Contracting, from do initial needs analysis and set up JOC programs, to line item cost estimating and reviewing estimates for Owners.

Our training sessions range from one hour to four days, based upon your requirements and level of detail.

Contact us for more information: or Learn more…

Training for Job Order Contracting

JOC education, training, and certification help build strong teams!


Job Order Contracting – Cloud-based Solution

Cloud-based Job Order Contracting

Job Order Contracting – Cloud-based Solution

Project, Estimate, & Document Management.

Work on your Job Order Contract from anywhere, at anytime with 4BT-CE Building in the Cloud.

Job Order Contracting - Cloud-based Solution

Once logged-in, you just resume working exactly where you left off last time.

Everything you need is at your fingertips, just click, drag & drop, set quantities, and build a detailed unit price JOC estimate!

Simplify Job Order Contract Project Creation and Management!

JOC Project Managers, estimators, technical and non-technical teams can access and review activities real-time.

4BT-CE makes sharing of projects, estimates, and documents between owners, clients, contractors and subcontractors a snap…. and cost effective!

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Job Order Contracting - Cloud-based Solution   Instant access to drawings – DWG / PDF viewer

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Schedule an on-line introduction to 4BT-CE today.



4BT, 4BT-CE, and Building in Cloud are respective trademarks of Four BT, LLC and  Lemsys S.r.l respectively.


Collaborative Construction Contracts Drive BIM, not Technology

Collaborative Construction Contracts Drive BIM, not Technology


BIM, the life-cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technologies, holds promise, yet remains elusive to many.  Inefficient construction delivery methods and poorly designed contracts are the primary cause for inefficiencies across the architectural, engineering, construction, operations, and owner (AECOO) sector.   Failure to improve this situation generally stems from cultural, awareness, and competency related issues.

Construction delivery methods and their associated processes, contract documents, including operations manuals/execution plans are directly linked to the success or failure of a BIM.

The business strategy leading to the integration of previously disparate knowledge areas/competencies (design, construction operations, planning, finance), business processes, technologies, and teams is the primary goal of a BIM.  Attaining the requisite level of convergence requires use of common terms and definitions, standardized data architectures (Masterformat, Uniformat, Omniclass, etc.), and a shared set of goals, as well as risk/reward among project participants.

Understanding BIM

BIM is not 3D visualization, nor a single vendor’s software product.  As defined by the United States National BIM Standards (NBIMS3.0) BIM is consists of three inter-related components – modeling, model, and management. 

“Building Information Modeling: A BUSINESS PROCESS for generating and leveraging building data to design, construct and operate the building during its lifecycle. BIM allows all stakeholders to have access to the same information at the same time through interoperability between technology platforms.

Building Information Model: The DIGITAL REPRESENTATION of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onwards.

Building Information Management: The ORGANIZATION & CONTROL of the business process by utilizing the information in the digital prototype to effect the sharing of information over the entire lifecycle of an asset. The benefits include centralized and visual communication, early exploration of options, sustainability, efficient design, integration of disciplines, site control, as built documentation, etc. effectively developing an asset lifecycle process and model from conception to facility management.”

Accomplishing BIM requires integrating knowledge across multiple “business domains” – SPACE MANAGEMENT, PROJECT DELIVERY MANAGEMENT, OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, and CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – and their associates “competencies” as shown in the figures below.

LEAN Construction Delivery - Asset Life-cycle Management

Figure 1 LEAN[1] Asset Life-cycle Management

bim life-cycle management

Figure 2 BIG DATA – Facility Life-cycle Management


The Role of the Construction Delivery Method

Studies show that only 2.5% of all global construction projects are delivered on-time and on-budget.  The use of the appropriate construction delivery methods can improve this staggeringly poor statistic to 90%+.

Construction delivery methods play a significant role in ultimate success or failure of BIM and any renovation, repair, maintenance, or new construction project.

The construction delivery methods that defines roles, responsibilities, risk, deliverables, outcomes, and determines ultimate project success or failure, equally or more so than any other primary consideration.

Within the above graphics, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), Job Order Contracting (JOC), construction delivery methods can be seen in the top right quadrants.   Both are collaborative efficient, robust and transparent implementations of LEAN construction delivery.

Collaborative LEAN construction delivery methods shared the following characteristics:

  • Collaboration
  • Mutual Respect & Trust
  • Financial Transparency
  • Owner Leadership without excessive management & control
  • Shared Risk/Reward
  • Best Value Procurement
  • Common Standard Terms, Definitions, & Data Architectures (UNIFORMAT, MASTERFORMAT, OMNICLASS)
  • Continuous Education, Training, & Improvement
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) / Audits
  • Written Execution and/or Operations Manuals (Roles, Responsibilities, Deliverables, Workflows / Standardized Work Processes, Reporting Requirements…) as a Contractual Component

By definition, BIM requires a collaborative construction delivery method due to the need for early and ongoing information sharing across multiple knowledge domains.

The Future

The systemic productivity problems associated to the AECOO sector are traceable to archaic, ad hoc, and antagonistic construction delivery methods.  These have unfortunately become part of our culture.

A primary focus upon education and change management is the only viable solution to reducing waste and improving productivity.

Focus must shift from the prevalent “first cost mentality” to “life-cycle cost” planning. On average, only 20% of a built structures cost resides in initial construction.  Procurement must shift from “lowest bidder” to “best value”.

Real property owners and facility managers must take on leadership roles in terms of stewardship of the built environment.

Collaboration should be mandated.


LEAN construction is the adaptation and application of processes from LEAN manufacturing.  The latter is believed to have been was first implemented at Toyota Motor Company in Japan.  The implementation, known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) was specific to Toyota and has since evolved in multiple forms of “LEAN philosophy”.   LEAN is a collaborative business process with a focus upon team collaboration, early and ongoing information sharing, and continuous improvement. Minimizing waste, increasing value, and accepting input from all persons within an organization are the hallmarks of LEAN. LEAN, as a business process philosophy, has been successfully implemented via progressive construction delivery methods for over two decades (Integrated Project Delivery – IPD, and Job Order Contracting – JOC).

JOC, for example, is specifically designed for repair, renovation, sustainability and minor new construction projects.  JOC has also been referred to as “IPD-lite”, as IPD is typically associated with major new construction projects. Within JOC, focus is upon long term relationships among all participants and early collaboration among team members. JOC is implemented through an inter-locking set of business processes, a standardized cost database, and is performance-based.   As a component of BIM, JOC can be used to deal with the numerous renovation, repair, and sustainability projects encountered by Owners, Contractors, Architects, Engineers and Suppliers, without the waste and burdens commonly associated with design-bid built, DBB. JOC is easily supported by technology to assure rapid and consistent deployment as well as ongoing monitoring and improvement.

The key “take away” is the importance of the inter-relationships and integrated competencies aligned by common goals.   In fact, one could easily argue that BIM, collaborative construction delivery are inseparable in practice.

LEAN is focused on the reduction of waste through the efficient assignment and release of work.  BIM, IPD and JOC are inherently LEAN. They focus on reducing the total cost of ownership, reducing non-value added processes and providing for more streamlined and predictable release of projects.  Predictable work flow and shared goals increased efficiency and decrease costs for Owners, Architects, Engineers and Contractors.


OpenJOC – LEAN Construction Delivery / Job Order Contracting

What is OpenJOC?

OpenJOC Job Order Contracting

OpenJOC, a term coined by Four BT, LLC, is the deployment of Job Order Contracting based upon LEAN construction delivery best management practices.
OpenJOC enables facility owners and facility managers to efficiently obtain construction services using a process tailored to the type, size and complexity of  the numerous renovation and repair projects commonly encountered.
OpenJOC leverages processes, standardized cost data, and technology to drive win-win relationships among all project participants and on-time, on-budget, quality construction outcomes.

openjoc job order contracting


Key characteristics of OpenJOC

  • Outcome-driven
  • Process-based
  • Best value procurement
  • Early and ongoing collaboration
  • Standardized, locally-researched cost data
  • Technology-supported
  • Ongoing monitoring & training
  • Long-term relationships

job order contracting

The Importance of Relationships

Relationships are critical to LEAN construction and successful Job Order Contracts. When considering a JOC, it is critical that appropriate relationships be developed, nurtured, and maintained among the owner and all participants.

Positive relationships, including an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect are inherent to OpenJOC.   They drive lower overall costs and virtually eliminate legal disputes. That said proper and well-defined relationships must be established, documented, and maintained from the day one, and a competent Owner with good leadership skills plays a vital role.

In some cases, consultants are hired to assist in managing a Job Order Contract. This practice, common in certain areas,  provides a temporary option for owners new to JOC, or during interim periods increased work volume.    Regardless of the reason, however, it critical that owners assure that JOC consultants maintain an appropriate contractual relationship.  For example, if a JOC consultant if paid a fee based upon construction dollar volume (specifically a percentage of total JOC construction volume), they should have not be responsible for approving JOC projects and/or JOC task orders.   This would present a conflict of interest and potential for mismanagement.

Thus, properly deveolped Job Order Contracts  have documented processes that support early and ongoing sharing of project work scope, detailed costs, and other required information, and  remove the ‘ad hoc’ methods, misinformation, distrust,  delays, and change orders associated with traditional construction delivery methods.

JOC & IPD White Papers

ASSET LIFE-CYCLE MODEL – Total Cost of Ownership Management


JOB ORDER CONTRACTING – Overview & Best Management Practices – Job Order Contracting White Paper 2016801

COLLABORATION IN CONSTRUCTION – IPD, JOC – Collaboration In Construction-White Paper

INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY – for Public and Private Owners – Integrated_Project_Delivery_for_Owners_


Job Order Contracting – A Procurement Success Story, 1998

Why BIM Will Not SucceedHigher Level of Owner Competency Required

The What, Why and How of Job Order Contracting (JOC) – CEFPI Educational Brief


OpenJOC Job Order Contractingopenjoc - job order contracting

Published Job Order Contact Unit Price Data – Objective, Independent, and Cost Effective – UPB

Objective, Independent, and Cost Effective Line Item Cost Data for Job Order Contracting – Unit Price Book – UPB

job order contract unit price book upb

Objective, Independent, and Cost Effective line item cost data is critical to the success of any JOC Program.

Here is a Job Order Contract Unit Price Book Checklist.

  • Number and type of line items that will cover 90% of the tasks anticipated for the duration of the Job Order Contract (typically 30,000-60,000 unit price line items, although most JOCs use far fewer in actual practice)
  • Systematic arrangement of titles and descriptions  that describe construction work tasks in common terms that are easily understandable.  Abbreviations 
    should be limited, and follow a standard convention when used.
  • MasterFormat (registered trademark of the Construction Specification Institute) should be the basis of data architecture.
  • The level of cost detail should incorporate Material, Equipment, and Labor details as appropriate to the task, and a total not incorporation overhead & profit.
  • All costs should be researched locally and not dependent upon factors.
  • Demolition line items should be incorporated and organized per section (MasterFormat).
  • Line item “modifiers” based upon quantity, type of material, and/or site/work location, etc., should be included and listed under the “parent” line item.  This parent/child organization simplifies locating like items when preparing a construction cost estimate.
  • The unit price book should be updated annually in terms of costs.
  • Additional line items should also be incorporated annually if certain non-prepriced are found to be used repeatedly, and if allowed by the Job Order Contract and agreed upon between the owner/contractor.  (A non-prepriced line item is a unit price line item that is not included within the JOC UPB, however, required to accomplish a particular project.
  • Labor based upon Davis-Bacon wage rates (for Federal Government projects and many other public sector Job Order Contracts).

job order contract unit price book, upb

Equally important are competent internal and external participants, ongoing training, and high levels of collaboration and transparency.

Many JOC Programs have strayed away from core values and benefits associated with Job Order Contracts, and have virtually removed owners from direct daily participation.  Consultants run JOC programs in some instances may actually receive a fee to approve/disapprove JOC projects.  This type of fee-based”JOC outsourcing” is based upon construction volume, and respects a clear conflict of interest and an opportunity for fraud.

Obtaining truly beneficial outcomes from Job Order Contracting on a consistent and long-term basis requires direct owner/contractor interface, collaboration, and transparency.   While it’s a performance-based reward approach, shared risk/reward should be among the owner and the contractor, versus an intermediary such as a consultant.


via www.4BT.US – Helping Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, Architectural&Engineering and Contract Management firms develop, deploy, and execute best management practice Job Order Contracts.


LEAN Asset Life-cycle Management – Achieve Optimal Construction Outcomes

Optimal construction outcomes such as 90%+ of project on-time and on-budget and 96% satisfaction levels are achieved daily, however, by less than 5% of all real property owners, contractors, architects and engineers.   The net result is 2.5% of all construction projects are actually delivered on-time and on budget.

The path to improvement has been available for nearly 30 years….  collaborative LEAN construction delivery methods such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD (for major new construction) and Job Order Contracting, JOC (for renovation, repair, sustainability, and minor new construction).

Efficient life-cycle management of physical infrastructure (facilities, roads, dams, bridges, airports, mass transit, ….) has proved equally elusive.   Life-safety, environmental, economic mismanagement are the norm versus the exception.

Again, solutions have been available for decades, yet are practiced by a select few.

Until there is focus upon improving our formal and professional educational practices and associated levels of competency across the AECOO sector… environmental and economic waste will continue unabated (AECOO – Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, Owner).

As we all know, real property owners remain ultimately responsible for mismanagement of the built environment.  Owners pay the bills and allow poor outcomes to be acceptable.

LEAN Construction Delivery - Asset Life-cycle Management

Job Order Contracting by the Numbers

Best Management Practice (BMP) JOC by the Numbers

job order contracting

  1. Early engagement of contractors in a collaborative process.
  2. Transparent pricing.  The costs of each project (task order) is determined using a published Unit Price Book – UPB.  The UPB is a set of line item unit costs including detailed a description of the task(s) and associated material, labor, and equipment breakdowns.
  3. Best Value procurement process.
  4. Contractor applies a coefficient to project / task order costs calculated using the UPB – Coefficient incorporates overhead, profit, and other potential variables.
  5. Minimum and maximum contact value per year and per project / task order.
  6. Contractors continuously receive task orders from owner/facility manager.
  7. Design work is generally minimal and provided by the contractor.
  8. Job Order Contracts can have a term of 1 year, or 1 year plus up to four option years.
  9. Owners have the sole authority to extend requests for work and/or extend the contract.
  10. JOC consultants can facilitate the process.  Consultants, however, should not be paid to approve projects if they are being paid a percentage of the total JOC construction volume.  Learn more…

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Performance-based Construction Contracting

Performance-based Construction Contracting


Performance Based Contract Management principles for Construction have existed for decades, and include Integrated Project Delivery and Job Order Contacting.

Task Orders are focused upon and emphasize outcomes, repeatable processes, standardized information, and expected quality results rather than excessive management and control versus ‘ad-hoc’ traditional methods.

Contractor innovation in achieving stated outcomes is rewards.

Implementation includes:


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Understanding the Contractor’s Job Order Contract Coefficient



A Job Order Contract Coefficient is a numerical factor that represents costs (generally indirect costs) not included in the unit price line items within the Unit Price Book, UPB, associated with the Job Order Contract.   Example include, general and administrative and other overhead costs, insurance costs, bonding and alternative payment protection costs, protective clothing, equipment rental, and contractor’s profit.

Contingent costs, such as labor rate changes and inflation in option years, may also be covered in the coefficient when an Economic Price Adjustment or annually updated UPB are not used.

A Job Order Contract, JOC request for proposal, RFP, should explain the unit price book, and specify what types of costs, as a minimum, must be covered by the coefficient(s). Offerors should be asked to specify in their proposal what additional types of costs are included in their coefficient(s). The coefficient(s) proposed by the offeror and accepted by the owner are incorporated in the JOC contract. Pricing of option periods, to include consideration of any wage adjustments when Economic Price Adjustment is not used, are covered by the contractor’s coefficient(s) proposed for those periods.

The contractor’s price coefficient may include, but is not limited to the following, as specified within the Job Order Contract:

  • Contractor’s overhead and profit
  • Subcontractors’ overhead and profit
  • Insurance
  • All costs associated with bonding (specifically including bond premiums)
  • Employee payroll taxes, insurance and fringe benefits
  • Business taxes, contributions, memberships, corporate headquarters support (legal, financial, etc.)
  • All waste and excess material
  • Sales tax on material and equipment costs
  • Clean up
  • Mobilization and close out for the total contract and each task order
  • Compliance with environmental laws (overhead {indirect} costs associated with performing work in compliance with EPA/OSHA regulations, including obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, reporting requirements, etc.)
  • Compliance with protection and safety laws (i.e., safety rails, face and clothing protection, etc.)
  • Traffic and work site signs and barriers
  • Project management and supervision
  • Protection of and/or moving of owner property
  • Quality control
  • Office management and equipment
  • Depreciation of mobile office(s)
  • Interest associated with funding of equipment and payroll
  • Submittal preparation
  • As built drawings
  • Permits, licenses and fees
  • Other risks of doing business (i.e., risk of a lower than expected contract dollar value; risk of a high inflation cost if factors are bid for option years; risk of poor subcontractor performance and re-performance)


JOC ‘Job Order’ process – Optimized execution of facility renovation, repair construction projects.



JOC Work Order Process / Job Order Process

  1. Work request
  2. Technical/engineering team reviews request for JOC suitability
  3.  JOC Administrator (contracting/purchasing authority) works collaboratively with technical/engineering team to prepare a preliminary scope of work for the ‘Job Order’ and sends it to the awarded JOC Contractor.  This is also accompanied by a request for a joint site visit.
  4. Contractor prepares detailed line item cost estimate for the job order.
  5. Owner (contracting/purchasing and technical teams) reviews contractor proposal
  6. Owner/contractor negotiations (as needed)
  7. Final Job Order estimate approved (or request cancelled) and ‘Notice to Proceed’ and ‘Job Order Package’ provided to contractor.
  8. Job Order ‘kick-off’ meeting held (owner and contractor)
  9. Regular (every two weeks minimum) site visits by owner.
  10. Progress payments (if authorized/applicable)
  11. Contractor provides notice of completion.
  12. Owner final inspection
  13. Close-out (or punchlist is created).  Final or partial payment.


via www.4BT.US –  Our Team helps Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, as well as Architectural&Engineering and Contract Management firms, to develop, deploy, and execute best practice Job Order Contracts.

  • Education, Training, and Support for LEAN construction delivery method.
  • Structured, Reliable, Best Value, Construction Cost Data & Unit Price Books.
  • Technology supporting low cost, consistent deployment and monitoring.






Collaboration in Construction – From “ad-hoc” to “best process”.

Traditional construction procurement and construction delivery methods, as well as ‘ad hoc’ daily facility management operations are unreliable and costly.

Over the past few years real property owners are being pressured more than ever to transition sustainable economic and environmental facilities management policies and programs.

Many commercial real property owners and facilities managers will require building competencies in all aspects of built environment life-cycle management.

Core areas of focus, from a “60,000” foot view include;

  • Strategic alignment of buildings and infrastructure with mission of the organization
  • Change management implement, specifically shifting from ‘ad hoc’ methods to program and process-based workflows.
  • Leverage of current actionable information and tools to support decision-making
  • Best value, collaborative LEAN construction delivery methods
  • Outcome-based strategies targeting lower costs (fewer change orders, higher productivity, total cost of ownership versus first cost, fewer emergency repairs), reduced risk (higher financial transparency, preventive/predictive maintenance,  life/safety prioritization), and improved overall satisfaction (on-demand service delivery, long term relationship with service providers with local knowledge of assets and conditions, stakeholder engagement)


BIM Life-cycle Management Competency, Common Terms, and Change Management

via www.4BT.US  – We help Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, as well as Architectural&Engineering and Contract Management firms to develop, deploy, and execute best practice Job Order Contracts.

  • Education, Training, and Support for LEAN construction delivery methods.
  • Construction Cost Data & Unit Price Books – Structured, Reliable, Best Value.
  • Technology to support low cost, consistent deployment and monitoring.

The History of Job Order Contracting – BEST VALUE CONSTRUCTION

The History of Job Order Contracting


Early 1980’s – U.S. Military Academy, West Point, facility engineers realized the disadvantages of the design-bid-build construction delivery system, and implemented an a new indefinite delivery- indefinite quantity (IDIQ) facility maintenance contract which was first used by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Belgium.

West Point managed to accomplish the following:

  1. Minimized the response time for facility construction.
  2. Reduced the workload on in-house design staff.
  3. Enhanced quality control.
  4. Lowered the contract administration costs.
  5. Reduced construction costs.
  6. Reduced the backlog of maintenance and repair.

[1999, Journal of Construction Education, Development of the Job Order Contracting (JOC) Process for the 21st Century, Dean T. Kashiwagi and Ziad Al Sharmani, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona]

Timeline (please comment and suggest additions and/or modifications)

1981  -“ Existing in federal procurement since 1981, and only recently making its way down to state and municipal levels, Indefinite Delivery (ID) contracting is a procurement mechanism designed to streamline the competitive bidding process for governmental owners. Invented by the Department of Defense for use by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ID contracts have been used routinely and effectively by the DOD for installation maintenance, minor repair, and construction projects since its inception in 1981.” “Whether classified as an ID, JOC, or TOC contract, each shares certain similarities.” (2006, IDIQ Contracts, Denise Farris | March 30, 2006 | Construction)

1985 – West Point Academy

1986 – Air Force bases – SABER

1987 – Navy JOC

1988 – JOC  Implemented Army-wide (1997 – Improving the Army’s Job Order Contracting ProgramCE704R1, September 1997, Jordan W. Cassell, Linda T. Gilday)

1988 – When job order contracting was first developed in 1988, MCACES was the only estimating system available to JOC users. Since that time, the JOC concept has changed somewhat; contracting officers now have a choice of estimating systems. Current Army policy requires that all Army installations use the MCACES UPB as the estimating system under JOC. The Air Force uses the R.S. Means estimating system. The Navy uses both the R.S. Means and the MCACES UPB estimating systems.  (Improving the Army’s Job Order Contracting Program CE704R1 September 1997)

1990 – U.S. Navy publishes Job Order Contracting P068B, September 1990

1992 – Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition establish a Job Order Contracting Steering Committee to develop recommendations for policies, guidance, procedures, and training for the U.S . Army JOC Program

1995 – Army’s JOC policy manual, Job Order Contracting Guide, is published.

1996 – U.S. Army’s Center for Public Works (USACPW) Humphreys Engineer Center published the Job Order Contracting Directory (October 1996), and  supports a telephone hotline for JOC installations through a private contractor, U.S. Cost, Inc., and publishes a newsletter called “JOCkey”.

Four BT Awarded JOC Consulting/Training Contract by ESC19 / Allied States Cooperative

ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative Awards Four BT Job Order Contract Consulting

Nationwide innovative cooperative selects Four BT, LLC to provide Job Order Contracting Services to its membership.
Job Order Contracting, The LEAN Contruction Delivery Process
Job Order Contracting, The LEAN Contruction Delivery Process
DALLASSept. 23, 2016PRLogFour BT, LLC awarded nationwide contract for Job Order Contracting Consulting by ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative

The ESC19/Allied States award, one of several anticipated, validates that there is an industry need for lower cost, best value, solutions for developing/managing high performance Job Order Contracts.
— Mark Powell, President, Four BT, LLC

Four BT, LLC today (4BT) announces winning an  nationwide contract award for Job Order Contract Consulting Services.  from Education Service Center Region 19 – Allied States Cooperative (ESC19/Allied States).

Total estimated award value to awarded vendors is approximately $3,000,000.  The date of the award was July 14, 2016 it extends through July 31, 2017, with the option to extend in one year increments annually for an additional four (4) years if agreed to by ESC19/ASC and Four BT, LLC.Services to be provided by Four BT, LLC include
• Staff Development
•  Job Order Contracting Program Set Up & Support
•  JOC ( Program Audits
•  JOC Estimating Services• Independent Government Estimating (IGE)
•  3rd Party Independent Estimating Auditing Services• Budget Collaboration Reviews
•  Training for JOC
•  JOC Estimating Software ( for contract compliance and transparency
Four BT, LLC a veteran-owned small business – recently formed by industry thought leaders in the production of cost data, LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods, and cloud-based software – announced today the first of several pending awards.
Four BT, LCC combines its exclusive and uniquely powerful localized construction cost data, knowledge of Job Order Contracting and Building in Cloud technology platform to enable Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, and Cooperatives to more efficiently deploy, execute, and manage the numerous renovation, repair, and maintenance projects that make up the bulk of global construction spending.

We are pleased to partner with an innovative leader such as the ESC19/Allied States Cooperative, and to have the opportunity jointly drive enhanced productivity and cost reduction for its real property owners and contractors” – Mark Powell, President of Four BT, LLC.

About Four BT, LLC
Four BT, LLC (www.4BT.US) is a veteran-owned small business exclusively focused upon Job Order Contracting and current, independent, and verifiable construction data, software and services.
From initial concept, through procurement to construction and ongoing maintenance and operations, Four BT’s dynamic and open approach to providing efficient and effective best management practices, training, products and services drive efficiency, cost savings and increased quality.
The principles formerly demonstrated their knowledge, capabilities, and innovation at companies such as The RSMeans Company, LLC, 4Clicks Solutions, LLC, VFA, Inc., and The JOC Group, and consider professional service and long lasting collaboration a priority.
The abilities of the Four BT team helps Owners and Contractors to better manage information and costs for renovation, repair construction projects.
About ESC-Region 19 Purchasing (Allied States Cooperative)The ESC-Region 19 Purchasing (Allied States Cooperative) is a national governmental purchasing cooperative which competitively bids and awards contracts to local, regional, and national vendors in compliance with local, state, and federal procurement laws and regulations.
The ESC-Region 19 Purchasing (Allied States Cooperative) contracts are available to public schools, charter schools, private schools, community colleges, universities, cities, counties, other governmental agencies, and non-profits.Members deal directly with awarded vendors who can provide goods and/or services. The savings for members are realized through dealing with vendors who have been evaluated and verified to provide a quality product or service at a competitively bid price in compliance with bidding requirements.
Peter Cholakis

A Fresh Approach to Efficient Construction Delivery

A Fresh Approach to Efficient Construction Delivery

The capture of integrated knowledge in an organized way should drive planning. 

-Alvin Toffler, Author



  1. Focus upon Outcomes
  2. Revamp talent recruitment and development with a focus upon building collaboration, leadership, and overall life-cycle management competencies.
  3. Engage in ongoing education and training
  4. Mandate collaborative LEAN construction management processes and methods.
  5. Use hard and soft key performance indicators (KPIs) and alternative metrics.  Management is only possible with measurement.
  6. Adopt technology that supports efficient and dynamic collaborative processes.
  7. Leverage common terms, definitions, and data architectures.
  8. Require full financial transparency.
  9. Develop long term relationships.
  10. As an Owner, engage in LEADERSHIP, however, not in excessive management and control, and encourage critical thinking.

ASSET LIFE-CYCLE MODEL – Total Cost of Ownership Management

JOB ORDER CONTRACTING – Overview & Best Management Practices – Job Order Contracting White Paper 2016801

COLLABORATION IN CONSTRUCTION – IPD, JOC – Collaboration In Construction-White Paper

INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY – for Public and Private Owners – Integrated_Project_Delivery_for_Owners_


Job Order Contracting – A Procurement Success Story, 1998

Why BIM Will Not SucceedLack of Competency in LEAN Integrated Construction Project Delivery

Job Order Contracting – Lean Construction History

The History of Job Order Contracting

The  LEAN Integrated Construction Project Delivery Method

 Job Order contracting

The United States Department of the Army is attributed with initially developing and deploying Job Order Contracting during the early 1980s.  It did so in response to a growing need for increasing and unsupportable demands for construction throughout Europe.  Traditional design-bid-build (DBB) construction delivery was too inefficient for the large numbers of renovation, repair, and sustainment/maintenance projects.  Associated delays were negatively impacting the Army’s mission.

An initial process framework was put in place that would subsequently be improved to become what we now know as Job Order Contracting, JOC.  It was designed to shorten procurement and overall project delivery times while also maintaining quality.

Since the initial European implementations, JOC was further developed and validated by the U.S. Department of Defense: West Point Academy  in 1985, and United States Air Force bases in 1986.  The United States Air Force (USAF) has since gone to become one of the largest, and perhaps most refined, user of Job Order Contracting to this day.  Job Order Contracting goes under the name of  SABER in the USAF.

JOC use significantly expanded during the 1990’s, and companies like 4Clicks Solutions, LLC filled the need for dedicated JOC software solutions and JOC training programs to support lower cost and more consistent deployment of Job Order Contracting.  Cost data from the RSMeans Company, LLC was used primarily in support of Federal Government JOC / SABER programs.

Non-DOD Federal Government entities also began to adopt Job Order Contracting, and continue to do so to this day.  Examples include the Department of Interior, General Services Administration / Public Building Services, Federal Aviation Administration, National Institute of Health, National Parks Service, United States Post Office, and the Veterans Administration.

Subsequently State, County, and Local Governments, Transportation, Education, and Healthcare entities began to use Job Order Contracting.   The later are relatively new to JOC and are learning to improve their implementation and deployment of this LEAN construction delivery method.

job order contractingjob order contracting airforce-150x150 army-150x150

Research, surveys, and case studies validate the benefits of Job Order Contracts and/or Job Order Contracts versus traditional construction delivery methods.   Though they highlight that JOC Programs must be implemented properly: in an objective, transparent manner, and based upon LEAN best management practices and managed by competent Owners.

Annual performance research studies have been performed by various groups, including Arizona State University and the Center for Job Order Contracting Excellence – CJE, between 1994 and 1998, and most recently in 2015.    The 2015 survey noted that 95% of Real Property Owners were satisfied with Job Order Contracting and 85% clearly indicated its benefits versus other methods.

In addition, multiple independent Audits of Job Order Contracts have been performed by Federal and State Governments.

Lessons Learned

  • As an Owner
  • JOC Requires Culture Change and Culture Change Takes WORK
  • Collaboration Can Be Learned
  • Owners MUST demonstrate LEADERSHIP and COMPETENCY
  • Have a Clear Chain of Command, however LEAD without Excessive Management and Control
  • Be Clear on Your Objective(s)
  • Have A Joint Owner / Consultant /Contractor Advisory Team
  • Get Stakeholders to Your Partnering Workshops
  • Make Partnering a Top Performance Objective for Senior,Middle Management, and Staff
  • Make Leadership and Change Management a PRIORITY
  • Integrate Partnering Into a Dispute Resolution System
  • Making Partnering Mandatory
  • Develop a Clear Framework for Your Partnering Program
  • Incorporate the Partnering Program into the Contract, Operation/Execution Manuals, Marketing, etc.
  • Offer Initial and Ongoing Training in How to Implement the JOC Program and Partnering Skills
  • Continuous Work to Align Internal and External Organizational Units
  • Develop and Understand that JOC is LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP
  • Identify Policies and Practices that Don’t Support Collaboration and Eliminate Accordingly
    Use Your Facilitators to Help Implement Your JOC Program
  • Capture Lessons Learned and Use Them to Take Your Next JOC Program to the Next Level
  • Understand That You Can’t Just Hold a Partnering Workshop
  • Develop and Monitor Key Performance Metrics, KPIs, What Gets Measured Improves

job order contracting history

  • Share Rewards and Risk
  • Base Reward Upon Performance
  • Drive Decision Making Down to the Project Level and Encourage Comments/Suggestions
  • Don’t Let Project Issues Sit Remain Idle, Use The Dispute Resolution Processes
  • Weekly Meetings and Site Visits  Are an Important Part of Your Partnering Effort
  • Hold a Lessons Learned Workshop at Close Out
  • JOC Programs and JOC Projects Succeed When The TEAM Commits to Success

More About Job Order Contracting / JOC

Job Order Contracting (JOC), a competitively bid, firm-fixed price, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) delivery system, is a LEAN construction method and a form of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).

A real property owner (building or other forms of physical infrastructure) establishes a contractor to multi-year contract and relationship with a contractor partnership.  (Note: In recent history JOC has also been provided as a service by a third party administrator.  In this relationship, the service party should NOT be involved in approving JOC construction projects if they are receiving a fee based upon total JOC construction volume.  This practice has been viewed as a conflict of interest and one which can lead to fraud.)

The specific Job Order Contract determines a unit price book (UPB) that has a number of unit price line items complete with descriptions and labor, material and equipment costs.  The number of unit price line item varies, however, generally includes approximately 40,000 line items.   Most JOCs actually use significantly fewer line items in actual practice.  The important factor is that the UPB contain at least 90% of the items common used for the associated JOC.

The cost of a JOC project, also referred to as a Job Order (JO) or Task Order (TO) be determined by creating a detailed line item unit price estimate for the associated Statement of Work (SOW) provided by the Owner.   The total of the estimate is then multiplied by a coefficient.  The coefficient is a factor that generally ranges from 0.80 to 1.20 is intended to include contractor overhead, profit and any items that reflect the contractor and/or site and/or requirements.   A UPB is typically updated annually, and may also be updated quarterly via an economic index/factor.

An example of a work flow involved in a Job Order or Task Order is shown below.

history of Job Order Contracting

Job Order Contracts should include a minimum and total estimated maximum volume for each year and for the term.  The duration is for one year, plus up to four option years.  Contractors are generally awarded a JOC bases upon their coefficient and historical track record of performance.  In it’s truest form, JOC procurement should be best upon BEST VALUE.  Design work for most JOC projects is minimal, however, if required it is the responsibility of the awarded JOC contractor.

Competency and leadership a REQUIREMENTS on the part of the Owner in order to have a successful JOC.   Thus education and ongoing training are key components to JOC program success. Contractors also must participate in initial and ongoing training.

BIM Life-cycle Management Competency, Common Terms, and Change Management

When properly designed and executed, Job Order Contracting delivers a significantly higher percentage of construction project on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders and participants versus “traditional” project delivery methods including design-bid-build, design-build, CM@R, etc.  Overall procurement and project delivery times are also significantly expedited using JOC.



White Papers:

JOB ORDER CONTRACTING – Overview & Best Management Practices – Job Order Contracting White Paper 2016801

COLLABORATION IN CONSTRUCTION – IPD, JOC – Collaboration In Construction-White Paper

INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY – for Public and Private Owners – Integrated_Project_Delivery_for_Owners_

via Four BT, LLC – WWW.4BT.US


BIM Life-cycle Management Competency, Common Terms, and Change Management

BIM Life-cycle Management Competency, Common Terms, and Change Management

Forget 3D visualization, Life-cycle Management Competency and Common Terms are the most critical aspects to achieving efficient renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction of the built environment.


Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment  & LEAN Construction Delivery

Total Cost of Ownership Asset Management

LEAN Collaborative Construction Delivery


Common Glossary – Terms – Data Architecture

IFC Learn more…

OMNICLASS  Learn More…

Classification Criticality – Architecture, Engineering, Construction, & Life-cycle Facility Management – A Draft White Paper


BIM Life-cycle Management Competency, Common Terms, and Change Management

Reducing the Major Risks Associated with Public Sector Construction

Reducing the Major Risks Associated with Public Sector Construction


Public sector construction faces inherently more major concerns and sources of potential litigation than in the private sector.  Even within the public sector, the more “political” the building use, the higher the likelihood for issues.   K-12 seems to be the most problematic “battleground”, though the following concerns are likely shared by all public institutions:

  • Lack of public support
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of transparency
  • Lack of trust.
  • Non-compliance with regulations, statues, policies and/or procedures.
  • Lack of the ability to obtain timely and cost effective, BEST VALUE construction services

These concerns plague construction all all stages, but are particularly pronounced during budgeting, procurement, and construction.

Public outcry, litigation, and poor reviews from independent audits, while far from uncommon can be mitigated through higher levels of demonstrated competency, communication, and collaboration on the part of public sector real property owners, administrators, and real property owners.

Job Order Contracting, if designed, implemented, and managed properly by competent public sector real property owners and facility managers provides the highest chances for providing BEST VALUE, TRANSPARENCY, and COMPLIANCE.

public sector construction risk reduction

LEADERSHIP with respect to CHANGE MANAGEMENT, and overall physical asset total-cost-of-ownership management competency are the most important requirements to achieving efficient life-cycle management of the built environment.

More specifically LEAN Collaborative Construction Delivery …
•Shared Risk/Reward
•Mutual Trust/Respect
•Long Term Perspective (Costs and Relationships)
•Global Oversight while Leveraging Local Expertise
•Leadership with Excessive Management and Control
•Auditable Processes
•Continuous Improvement
•Reliable Localized Cost Information
•Ongoing Training, Education, & Certification

Learn more…

Enabling Job Order Contracting Through Training and LEAN Methods

Enabling Job Order Contracting Through Training and LEAN Methods

While Job Order Contracting has been used for decades and can drive significantly improved construction delivery productivity and higher quality, it must be deployed by skilled Owners and Contractors to achieved maximum benefit.

In order  reduce costs and add long-term value Job Order Contracts must be developed and implemented objectively and transparently.

Job Order Contracting was designed to provide collaboration and benefit to both Owners and Contractors, unfortunately many implementations of JOC have changed the rules of engagement to specifically benefit Owners or Third Party JOC Administrators / JOC Consultants.   The net results is that Contractors face excessive fees and Owners achievements are questionable.

Job Order Contracts should focus upon process, ongoing training, and assuring that collaboration, transparency, and objectivity are maintained.

Furthermore, construction cost data used for the JOC Unit Price Book should accurately reflects local conditions and practices.  While cost data from the RSMeans Company, LLC traditionally has been used for the majority of Job Order Contracts and has been seen as an independent, objective resource for construction cost data, the later has changed due its recent acquisition.

If you are an Owner considering a new Job Order Contract it is critical to understand the current state of the market and the dynamics of change with respect to culture, fairness, competition, a and shifts in the industry.

  • Assure your JOC uses your current/required construction specifications, not those from an alternative source.  Technical specifications for your JOC should NOT be different from your current requirements.
  • Research how your JOC affects legal liability and assure it is, and remains in compliance
  • JOC contractual provisions must support the JOC process.  A JOC Operations Manual or JOC execution Manual should be a part of the final contract.
  • The JOC must clearly state all obligations, expectations, timelines, deliverables, and workflows from project concept through execution and warranty period.
  • Software and construction cost data should support the JOC process.  Accurate, current, and easily accessible information is fundamental to the ability of JOC project team members to meet their contractual obligations in a collaborative manner.  Contract, project, estimate, and document management represent basic areas of functionality.
  • The role of the JOC Program Manager must be independent and authority must exclusively project approval authority must exclusively reside with the Owner.
  • Direct Owner involvement in scope of work development, initial site visits, and progress inspections is required.
  • Owners must review ALL JOC estimates, and furthermore create their own internal estimates for projects of a certain size or higher.  In general, the responsibility for JOC program oversight, review, and compliance resides exclusively with the Owner.

Any JOC should maintain an mutually beneficial relationship between Owners and Contractors. Construction cost data must reflect local conditions and practices.   JOC management must be via competent Owners.  Under no circumstances should a consultant or third party approve JOC construction projects an associated fee based upon construction volume.

Ongoing training, monitoring, and professional development must be mandatory for all JOC participants, including engineering, procurement/purchasing on owner side, as well as all contractors and subs. Technology should used to support robust, proven LEAN JOC practices, enable quantitative metrics, and lower the cost of program deployment.

It’s time to get Job Order Contracts and Job Order Contracting back to its original goals…. delivering more projects on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of ALL participants and stakeholders.



joc program management services


Davis Bacon versus Prevailing Wage Rates & Construction

Davis Bacon and Prevailing Wages & Construction

Federal Davis Bacon law mandates payment of locally prevailing wages on projects funded by the federal government.  While some argue that Davis-Bacon wage rates cause higher total costs, this is false. Properly administered renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects that pays reasonable prevailing wage rates produce a higher percentage (greater then 90%) of project on-time and on-budget, and with higher overall satisfaction levels for project participants and benefactors (building users).

“Properly administered” construction projects are those that practice LEAN Collaborative Construction Delivery Methods such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD (for major new construction), and Job Order Contracting, JOC (for renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and minor new construction).

Many states also have prevailing wage mandates.



Repealing such laws hurts taxpayers and workers. After Kansas’ prevailing wage law was repealed, wages fell 11 percent, training programs declined 38 percent, job site injuries rose 19 percent and employer contributions to pensions fell 17 percent. – Study prepared for the State of Kansas.

Highway construction costs are actually higher when workers are paid less.  The cost to build a mile of highway in high-wage states compared with low wage states was, less per mile less due to higher productivity. – Federal Highway Administration data by the Construction Labor Research Council

Potential savings from wage cuts are outweighed by the loss of income to communities. The annual cost of repealing a prevailing wage law resulted in an estimated at $123 million in lost income and a net tax revenue loss of $6.8 million and a state of low of income of $318 million to $384 million. – Wisconsin & Missouri Studies

Cost overruns are more likely without prevailing wage laws. A repeal of a state prevailing wage law was followed by a tripling of cost overruns, which was attributed to lower productivity and a less skilled workforce – State of Utah

Davis Bacon Prevailing Wage Surveys

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) conducts wage surveys and determines the local prevailing wages.  DOL collects project wage data and then determines the prevailing rates for each construction classification in each county and publishes the rates at

U.S. Congress and Davis Bacon

Despite the above  “anti-worker” groups and/or lobbyists continue to remove Congress to remove federal Davis Bacon protections and block the use of project labor agreements (PLAs) on federal construction projects.

via www.4BT.US – Efficient construction project delivery, unit prices books, training, services, and technology.

LOD – Level of Development – buildingSmart – BimFORUM

LOD – Level of Development buildingSmart International

The Level of Development (LOD) Specification is supposed to provide clarity and reliability with respect t0 Building Information Models (BIM/BIMs).

“Level of Development” (LOD) refers to the degree of detail and accuracy of a BIM model at a specific project stage, while “Uniformat” is a standardized classification system used to organize building elements and systems, often utilized to specify the information included at different LODs throughout a project lifecycle; essentially, LOD defines how much information is included in a BIM model at a given point, while Uniformat provides a framework for organizing that information across different building components.

Key points about LOD and Uniformat:

LOD Levels:

Typically ranging from LOD 100 (conceptual design) to LOD 500 (as-built model), each level indicates the increasing level of detail and accuracy in the BIM model.
Uniformat Organization:
This system categorizes building elements into groups like “Substructure,” “Shell,” “Interiors,” and “Services,” allowing for consistent organization of information within a BIM model.
When using BIM, project teams specify the required LOD for each element based on the project phase, and the information is typically organized within the Uniformat framework to ensure clarity and consistency in data exchange.
Example:  A design team might specify that a preliminary site plan needs to be developed at LOD 200, meaning it should show approximate building placement and major site features, while detailed structural elements might require a LOD 400 for fabrication purposes.

UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building

Level 1. Major Group Elements.

Level 2. Group Elements.

Level 3. Individual Elements. A10 Foundations. A1010 Standard Foundations.

On the good side, CSI UNIFORMAT II is used as a means of organization.  LOD is intended to define characteristics for building systems relative to BIM elements. In theory, the goal of the LOD specification is to clarify what BIM “models”  can be used for and their associated limitations, for both current and future users.

The issue, once again, is the lack of focus upon business processes and efficient collaborative construction delivery and required asset life-cycle modeling competencies.  There is little use for “standards” if they sit in isolation.  Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery processes and teams must be integrated with a common framework.

Any discussion, use, or development of LOD must be within the context of a BIM execution plan and/or BIM Operating Manual.

Most importantly, the initial and excessive focus upon 3D visualization (QTO, 3D coordination, and 3D control and planning, is  “off the mark”.  LOD should have a sound foundation in asset life-cycle modeling and LEAN construction delivery, as well as all associated competencies.

Perhaps, when Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Owners, and Business Product Manufactures actually collaborate BIM will actually gain measurable traction towards its true purpose.

job order contractingAsset Competency Model






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Job Order Contracting – K12: The Center for Job Order Contracting -SW Chapter & ASBO 2016


Apparently some schools districts were in an “uproar” about a JOC presentation – “Do the Procurement Numbers Help your
Super Powers? By Rebekah Morris, AZBEX at the ASBO Summer Conference 2016.    It would appear that there is some very useful information, your thoughts?

Job Order Contract – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a typical JOC scope of work.

Job Order Contracts are used for a wide variety of multi-trade or single trade (roofing, paving, etc.) facility or infrastructure (road, bridges, airports, mass transit, utility…) renovation, repair, sustainability, maintenance, and minor new construction projects.  They may be regulated by Federal/State/Local statue.

2. Is JOC Software required?

Yes.  Required software, Unit Price Book, other “tools”, and training etc. are stipulated in the Job Order Contract.  While smaller JOCs can be managed in spreadsheets, a JOC-specific software package helps to assure the requisite levels of collaboration, transparency, productivity, and oversight.

3. What is a Unit Price Book?

Job Order Contracts require a unit price book, UPB.  It is a listing of construction tasks, organized using MasterFormat, including a detailed line item description and unit pricing for labor, material, and equipment.

4. What are the characteristics of a “good” unit price book?

A unit price book should include at least 90% of the tasks expected to be commonly encountered during the term of the Job Order Contract.  While some UPBs have hundreds of thousands of line items, this can, and has, caused confusion.   Most JOCs use 10,000 line items or less for the majority of tasks performed.   For many/most JOCs a unit price book incorporating 50,000 line items or less is more than sufficient.  It is critical, however, that the tasks and the prices reflect labor, material, and equipment specific to the area in which the JOC is located.   For example, if the average hourly rate for an electrician in the JOC area is $27.90, the associated UPB labor rate should not be $67.89.   Such variance is extreme, but not uncommon even from traditional sources.  Furthermore, crews associated with a task should reflect current practices.   For example, for drywall installation should not include a crew of one.  Drywall installers work in teams for commercial projects.

5. Do JOCs require specific name-brand materials?

Any name-brand components required should be specified in the JOC and the UPB.  Should the Owner wish to select a specific brand component, he/she should be reasonable when negotiating the task order in that specific situation.

6. As a contractor am I guaranteed work?

While there may be an annual or contract duration minimum, it is generally a very small value. Construction work is “earned” during a JOC through demonstrated performance. JOC is an indefinite quantity/indefinite delivery of construction services.

7. What is a co-efficient and does it vary?

A co-efficient is a factor, typically ranging from 0.80 to 1.20 that a contractor bids and adheres to during the Job Order Contract period.   It is multiplied times the the total of a task order estimate, as built from the UPB.   There may be one or several co-efficients (normal hours, after hours, secure locations, remote locations, etc.).  Additional “adjustment factors” may be allowed, such as a factor to localize costs for particular cities or areas.  A co-efficient should incorporate the contractor’s profit and any other costs/contingencies as stipulated for the particular JOC.

8. If the JOC is through a cooperative, should the administrative fee be calculated into the coefficient.


9. What are “line item modifiers”.

Modifiers are line items associated with one or more “parent” line items.  They may add or deduct to the cost of a parent line item to account for additional or less labor, material, or equipment cost.  For example, when renovating an office, the cost per square yard of carpet is higher than if a full roll is being purchased for a number of offices.  This increase in cost should is accounted for via a modifier.

10. Should a UPB include overhead and profit?

No.  A UPB should reflect costs for a specific task without applying full overhead and profit. An allocation in the UPB for overhead and profit is generally acceptable in certain situations, if it is clearly noted.  As noted previously, profit and contingencies should be included within the co-efficient.

11. Is contractor and owner training required?

Yes.  A JOC following best management practices should requires a higher level of competency versus traditional construction methods.  Initial and ongoing training is key to JOC Program success and continuous improvement.  Fees for training should be noted in the contract solicitation and final agreement paperwork.

12. Are subcontractors allowed on a JOC?

The use of subcontractors is dependent upon the individual JOC program.  In some instances subcontracting in not allowed, in others there may be established limits.  When allowed, there are generally notification, approval, and other associated requirements.

13. Should a JOC consultant involved in approving actual JOC projects/task orders be receiving a percentage of the total JOC construction volume as payment?

No.  This can be viewed as a conflict of interest, and has been noted as a potential factor to increase risk of fraud.

14. During the project/task or pricing phase, what type of information is given to the contractor for pricing?

Owners should provide sufficient information, in terms of a scope of work, to enable the contractor to develop a detailed line item estimate. This should include participation in a joint site visit, sketches, drawings, etc.  The level and type of information given may vary from job to job.

15. How often is the UPB updated?

A JOC UPB  should be updated annually, and may also provide for quarterly economic updates.

 job order contract do's don'ts

Via www.4BT.US

About Us. Our JOC Team helps Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, Architectural&Engineering and Contract Management firms develop, deploy, and execute best practice Job Order Contracts.
  • Education, Training, and Support for LEAN construction delivery method.
  • Structured, Reliable, Best Value, Construction Cost Data & Unit Price Books.
  • Technology supporting low cost, consistent deployment and monitoring.

On Call Renovation, Repair Construction – Job Order Contracting

On Call Renovation, Repair Construction – Job Order Contracting

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly


On-call renovation, repair, sustainability and maintenance contracts, especially JOB ORDER CONTRACTS can significantly improve construction project efficiency and financial transparency… IF they are developed managed, and monitored properly.
Unfortunately, a high percentage of JOB ORDER CONTRACTS, JOC percentage administered at the County, State, and Local Government levels man NOT be following following basic best management practices, and therefore not providing anticipated results.

Defining a Job Order Contract – On-Call Construction Contract 

Job Order Contracts are bid and awarded without a specific public works project or scope of work.  The do specify general types of work, such as general facilities renovation and repair, or even more specifically, fencing, roofing, etc.  Most JOCs have a one year term with additional two to four year options, totaling anywhere between one and five years.   The annual and total (approximate) construction volume and minimum guaranteed dollar levels are specified as well as the maximum project (work order) size.  Pricing is based upon a detailed UNIT PRICE BOOK (UPB), generally organized via MASTERFORMAT with associated descriptions and labor, material, equipment, and labor costs.   The latter a localized for the areas in which the work is to be performed.  A “co-efficient” or multiple coefficients are also bid by the Contractor and accepted by the Owner as part of the Job Order Contract.  A coefficient is a value, typically  in the range of 0.80 to 1.20, that is multiplied times the total of the construction costs estimate as developed using the UPB.
Technical construction specifications are also sometimes associated with the UPB, however, JOC-specific specifications, are generally neither required nor recommended.  Most Owners already have a set of Technical Specifications that have been developed over time.  Theses will generally best reflect Owner needs/requirements.   The can, and should be noted, and associated with the awarded Job Order Contract. The number of line items for a UPB generally averages approximately 60,000, however, most Owners only use 10,000 or fewer in there JOC program.  Lastly a JOB ORDER CONTRACT OPERATIONS MANUAL and/or JOC ORDER CONTRACT EXECUTION PLAN should also be part of the awarded JOB ORDER CONTRACT.  This document should contain all roles, responsibility, deliverables, reporting requriements, training levels,  timelines, etc., associated with the Job Order Contract.

THE GOOD – Procedures Associated with Job Order Contract – On-Call Construction Contracts 

Job Order Contracts can be deployed  and managed directly by an Owner, (Owner-managed JOC) deployed and managed in association with a JOC Consultant (outsourced-JOC), or JOC service may be procured through a Cooperative.   Of these three options, an Owner-developed and Owner-managed JOC ultimately delivers the highest levels of competency, value, performance, and transparency.   If there are not enough construction dollars associated with the JOC (typically a minimum of $2M), to justify and Owner-managed JOC, then using a Cooperative is an alternative.   If the Owner doesn’t have the in-house competency to manage a JOC, a JOC Consultant and/or Outsourced-JOC is also an option. The latter,however, should be viewed as at temporary solution, due to associated lower levels of value in terms of collaboration, etc.,  and higher associated costs.
job order contract on call construction
Once a Job Order Contract is in place, a specific need is identified by the Owner, the Owner generates a scope of work, and the Owner requests a proposal from the awarded JOC Contractor.
job order contracting best management practices
Each individual project/work order is authorized based upon a lump sum cost that is not to be exceeded, using the estimate based upon the UPB.  Note, that projects/task orders over a specified dollar threshold should trigger a Owner internal estimate to assure fiscal stewardship, however, Owners should perform a detailed review of ALL contractor estimates.  This is to assure financial accountability, proper scope of work, and compliance with associated regulations/statues.
Regular progress meeting are held, and a final inspection the results in payment to the contractor, or a punch list of items to be completed/corrected.

THE BAD – Using JOC to Improperly Approve Construction Projects

Over the past several years, many public agencies have begun to use Job Order Contracts as a way to either approve construction projects that otherwise would NOT have been approved if due diligence and traditional procurement practices were followed… or simply as a means to speed project delivery by bypassing procurement and/or purchasing.

While properly implement JOC does speed total project delivery time, this can ONLY be diligently accomplished if established Job Order Contract best management practices, processes, and procedures are followed.

THE UGLY – Implementing JOC without Proper Oversight, Competency, and Ethics

JOC is an excellent tool for productively executing the numerous common and repetitive public works projects encountered across facility and physical infrastructure portfolios.  It provides a means to have a local contractor, one that is experienced with an Owner’s portfolio and associated nuances,  perform work at reasonable prices as work needs develop, without the months or even years of delay and poor quality resulting from traditional design-bid-build and lowest bidder processes.


However, JOB ORDER CONTRACT AUDITS over the past several years have noted what can happen if JOCs are not implemented per best management and best value practices.

Here are examples of the “UGLY” that have recently be noted…

“detailed the systemic pressures and lack of control that led to city job contracts for the Department of Public Works were being overinflated, inappropriately priced and were vulnerable to fraud. The nearly two-year review of the city’s Job Order Contracting program (JOC) showed that the city has paid over $1.9 million more than it was contractually obligated.”

“(The audit report) shows that the JOC program within the Department of Public Works had created an environment “highly vulnerable to fraud,” partially because it placed an emphasis on getting jobs done quickly instead of ensuring that they were competitively priced and properly defined.”

“The “Triangle of Fraud” as defined in Doud’s report, was created by contractor’s pressure to inflate costs because the city was accepting bids that were unrealistically low. The three points of the triangle were listed as the pressure to inflate costs, opportunity without detection and justification for quick completion.”

“…adjustments were able to fly under the radar because of a lack of structure and oversight in the JOC program, the report said. This ranged from the initial scope of work (SOW) that made it difficult to assess whether the submitted price was appropriate. The lack of clarity led to order changes and cost overruns to occur in 91 percent of the projects surveyed in the report that spanned 17 months.”

“Adding non-catalog charges requires three independent quotes that are reviewed by the city prior to approval. The audit found that 67 percent of the the non-catalog items documented had no independent quotes, but also had no documentation of justification explaining why the quotes were forgone.”

“Furthermore, Long Beach’s program, unlike other JOC’s, does not have a cap on how many “non-catalog” items can be added once an bid is awarded. This resulted in over 40 percent of contractor jobs having these items added, resulting in an overall expenditure increase of almost $2 million.”

“Doud’s report noted that despite a former city project manager issuing a letter to a JOC contractor addressing the overinflation of a proposal, one that was circulated to JOC management staff, the city continued to grant over $3.8 million of work to that contractor who had allegedly “padded proposals” to inflate pricing.”

“The report acknowledge the obvious advantages of using the JOC program—speed—but…During the audit period seven projects amounting to $3.3 million took more than 90 days to initiate. The industry standard is 25 days (for JOC) with an existing design and 55 days without.”

-Long Beach Post, 2016

The above highlights the need for assuring that robust LEAN best management practices be applied to JOC and any construction delivery method, as well as the need for  independent, objective, and best value job order contracting industry resources.


job order contract do's don'tsAsset Competency Model

Construction Trades Labor Rates

Construction Trades Labor Rates

National Average

via Four BT, LLC – www.4BT.US  – Job Order Contracting and Facility Management Solutions

Source: United States Department of Labor

47-2000 Construction Trades Workers minor 4,076,800 0.3 22.25 46,290 0.2 12.00 15.06 19.72 27.68 36.91 24,970 31,310 41,020 57,580 76,770
47-2010 Boilermakers broad 16,350 5.0 29.16 60,660 1.2 17.70 22.98 28.90 35.70 41.49 36,810 47,800 60,120 74,250 86,290
47-2011 Boilermakers detailed 16,350 5.0 29.16 60,660 1.2 17.70 22.98 28.90 35.70 41.49 36,810 47,800 60,120 74,250 86,290
47-2020 Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons broad 74,570 2.4 24.13 50,200 1.0 13.39 16.98 22.32 29.39 38.26 27,850 35,320 46,420 61,130 79,580
47-2021 Brickmasons and Blockmasons detailed 61,360 2.5 24.88 51,750 1.0 14.33 17.72 23.05 30.07 38.85 29,800 36,860 47,950 62,540 80,800
47-2022 Stonemasons detailed 13,210 8.1 20.66 42,970 2.6 10.74 13.85 18.57 25.03 33.16 22,350 28,800 38,630 52,060 68,970
47-2030 Carpenters broad 639,190 0.8 22.49 46,780 0.4 12.61 15.78 20.24 27.39 36.90 26,220 32,810 42,090 56,970 76,750
47-2031 Carpenters detailed 639,190 0.8 22.49 46,780 0.4 12.61 15.78 20.24 27.39 36.90 26,220 32,810 42,090 56,970 76,750
47-2040 Carpet, Floor, and Tile Installers and Finishers broad 75,280 2.5 20.76 43,180 1.3 10.73 13.94 18.38 25.42 34.87 22,310 28,990 38,230 52,870 72,530
47-2041 Carpet Installers detailed 25,810 5.1 20.77 43,210 2.5 10.11 12.91 17.89 25.96 37.36 21,020 26,850 37,220 54,010 77,700
47-2042 Floor Layers, Except Carpet, Wood, and Hard Tiles detailed 9,830 7.0 20.44 42,520 2.7 11.15 14.06 17.80 24.45 34.68 23,190 29,240 37,030 50,860 72,130
47-2043 Floor Sanders and Finishers detailed 4,700 9.8 18.35 38,160 3.0 10.30 13.34 17.76 22.85 27.75 21,420 27,750 36,930 47,530 57,730
47-2044 Tile and Marble Setters detailed 34,940 3.6 21.16 44,010 1.8 11.49 14.85 18.94 25.77 34.59 23,890 30,880 39,400 53,600 71,950
47-2050 Cement Masons, Concrete Finishers, and Terrazzo Workers broad 166,610 1.6 20.27 42,150 0.6 12.29 14.75 18.16 23.97 31.48 25,570 30,670 37,780 49,860 65,480
47-2051 Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers detailed 163,360 1.6 20.23 42,080 0.6 12.28 14.74 18.14 23.93 31.33 25,550 30,660 37,740 49,770 65,160
47-2053 Terrazzo Workers and Finishers detailed 3,250 11.7 22.14 46,050 4.2 12.72 14.95 19.57 27.27 35.96 26,460 31,090 40,710 56,730 74,800
47-2060 Construction Laborers broad 887,580 0.8 17.57 36,550 0.3 9.92 12.20 15.34 20.80 29.36 20,640 25,380 31,910 43,260 61,070
47-2061 Construction Laborers detailed 887,580 0.8 17.57 36,550 0.3 9.92 12.20 15.34 20.80 29.36 20,640 25,380 31,910 43,260 61,070
47-2070 Construction Equipment Operators broad 411,920 0.8 23.26 48,380 0.3 13.61 16.52 21.06 28.31 37.04 28,310 34,360 43,810 58,890 77,030
47-2071 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators detailed 53,110 3.0 20.68 43,020 1.2 12.28 14.88 18.40 24.42 33.10 25,540 30,940 38,270 50,790 68,860
47-2072 Pile-Driver Operators detailed 3,670 7.2 26.51 55,150 2.6 13.66 17.33 23.77 36.24 44.58 28,400 36,050 49,430 75,370 92,720
47-2073 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators detailed 355,140 0.8 23.61 49,110 0.3 13.93 16.80 21.44 28.73 37.25 28,980 34,950 44,600 59,760 77,490
47-2080 Drywall Installers, Ceiling Tile Installers, and Tapers broad 106,000 2.3 22.48 46,760 1.1 12.77 15.76 19.46 26.88 38.84 26,560 32,790 40,470 55,900 80,790
47-2081 Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers detailed 88,490 2.5 21.88 45,510 1.2 12.62 15.54 18.85 25.37 37.51 26,250 32,320 39,220 52,770 78,030
47-2082 Tapers detailed 17,500 3.7 25.52 53,080 1.5 14.01 17.56 23.06 33.40 42.66 29,140 36,520 47,970 69,470 88,720
47-2110 Electricians broad 592,230 0.8 26.73 55,590 0.5 15.10 18.74 24.94 32.95 42.37 31,410 38,990 51,880 68,540 88,130
47-2111 Electricians detailed 592,230 0.8 26.73 55,590 0.5 15.10 18.74 24.94 32.95 42.37 31,410 38,990 51,880 68,540 88,130
47-2120 Glaziers broad 44,230 3.6 21.84 45,420 1.2 12.28 15.41 18.96 26.17 38.01 25,550 32,060 39,440 54,440 79,050
47-2121 Glaziers detailed 44,230 3.6 21.84 45,420 1.2 12.28 15.41 18.96 26.17 38.01 25,550 32,060 39,440 54,440 79,050
47-2130 Insulation Workers broad 55,180 3.5 21.51 44,740 1.7 12.17 14.83 18.57 25.42 36.07 25,310 30,840 38,630 52,880 75,020
47-2131 Insulation Workers, Floor, Ceiling, and Wall detailed 25,850 4.6 18.66 38,810 1.6 11.13 13.49 16.85 21.70 29.80 23,140 28,060 35,040 45,140 61,980
47-2132 Insulation Workers, Mechanical detailed 29,330 5.4 24.02 49,970 2.4 13.29 16.33 20.97 29.05 40.24 27,640 33,970 43,610 60,420 83,710
47-2140 Painters and Paperhangers broad 216,340 1.2 19.47 40,490 0.8 11.47 14.07 17.57 23.18 30.33 23,850 29,270 36,550 48,220 63,090
47-2141 Painters, Construction and Maintenance detailed 213,330 1.3 19.49 40,540 0.8 11.49 14.10 17.59 23.21 30.37 23,900 29,320 36,580 48,280 63,170
47-2142 Paperhangers detailed 3,020 13.1 17.60 36,610 4.2 10.21 12.86 16.15 20.79 27.99 21,230 26,740 33,590 43,240 58,220
47-2150 Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters broad 432,380 1.1 25.89 53,860 0.5 13.86 17.66 23.72 32.01 42.12 28,820 36,720 49,340 66,570 87,610
47-2151 Pipelayers detailed 40,710 2.6 20.15 41,910 0.9 12.33 14.48 18.16 24.60 32.01 25,640 30,120 37,780 51,180 66,580
47-2152 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters detailed 391,680 1.2 26.49 55,100 0.5 14.27 18.20 24.34 32.82 43.13 29,680 37,860 50,620 68,270 89,720
47-2160 Plasterers and Stucco Masons broad 22,420 4.8 20.22 42,070 1.7 12.33 15.06 17.94 23.64 31.60 25,640 31,310 37,320 49,170 65,730
47-2161 Plasterers and Stucco Masons detailed 22,420 4.8 20.22 42,070 1.7 12.33 15.06 17.94 23.64 31.60 25,640 31,310 37,320 49,170 65,730
47-2170 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers broad 20,060 5.3 25.98 54,030 2.3 13.35 16.50 23.08 34.15 43.87 27,760 34,320 48,010 71,030 91,240
47-2171 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers detailed 20,060 5.3 25.98 54,030 2.3 13.35 16.50 23.08 34.15 43.87 27,760 34,320 48,010 71,030 91,240
47-2180 Roofers broad 109,720 1.7 19.54 40,630 1.3 11.81 14.12 17.65 23.51 29.90 24,560 29,380 36,720 48,900 62,180
47-2181 Roofers detailed 109,720 1.7 19.54 40,630 1.3 11.81 14.12 17.65 23.51 29.90 24,560 29,380 36,720 48,900 62,180
47-2210 Sheet Metal Workers broad 135,570 2.2 23.95 49,810 0.9 12.39 16.02 21.99 29.55 40.01 25,760 33,310 45,750 61,460 83,230
47-2211 Sheet Metal Workers detailed 135,570 2.2 23.95 49,810 0.9 12.39 16.02 21.99 29.55 40.01 25,760 33,310 45,750 61,460 83,230
47-2220 Structural Iron and Steel Workers broad 64,280 2.7 26.32 54,750 1.1 14.31 17.55 24.28 33.43 43.50 29,770 36,500 50,490 69,530 90,490
47-2221 Structural Iron and Steel Workers detailed 64,280 2.7 26.32 54,750 1.1 14.31 17.55 24.28 33.43 43.50 29,770 36,500 50,490 69,530 90,490
47-2230 Solar Photovoltaic Installers broad 6,870 12.0 19.26 40,070 1.9 13.24 15.49 18.19 22.46 27.24 27,540 32,210 37,830 46,720 56,670
47-2231 Solar Photovoltaic Installers detailed 6,870 12.0 19.26 40,070 1.9 13.24 15.49 18.19 22.46 27.24 27,540 32,210 37,830 46,720 56,670
47-3000 Helpers, Construction Trades minor 228,710 1.4 14.37 29,890 0.4 9.49 11.17 13.64 16.80 20.21 19,740 23,230 28,380 34,940 42,030
47-3010 Helpers, Construction Trades broad 228,710 1.4 14.37 29,890 0.4 9.49 11.17 13.64 16.80 20.21 19,740 23,230 28,380 34,940 42,030
47-3011 Helpers–Brickmasons, Blockmasons, Stonemasons, and Tile and Marble Setters detailed 22,970 3.6 15.43 32,090 1.2 9.99 11.73 14.09 17.69 23.19 20,770 24,390 29,320 36,790 48,240
47-3012 Helpers–Carpenters detailed 37,820 3.2 14.04 29,200 0.8 9.27 10.85 13.41 16.50 19.64 19,280 22,560 27,890 34,310 40,840
47-3013 Helpers–Electricians detailed 71,610 2.5 14.42 30,000 0.8 9.46 11.29 13.81 16.97 20.16 19,680 23,480 28,730 35,300 41,940
47-3014 Helpers–Painters, Paperhangers, Plasterers, and Stucco Masons detailed 11,030 7.4 13.31 27,690 1.5 9.24 10.49 12.73 14.84 18.19 19,220 21,830 26,480 30,870 37,830
47-3015 Helpers–Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters detailed 55,530 3.1 14.40 29,950 0.9 9.64 11.28 13.70 16.82 20.02 20,050 23,470 28,500 34,980 41,640
47-3016 Helpers–Roofers detailed 10,810 5.6 13.38 27,820 1.1 9.46 10.82 13.04 15.58 18.17 19,680 22,500 27,110 32,400 37,800
47-3019 Helpers, Construction Trades, All Other detailed 18,930 4.2 14.66 30,500 1.1 9.47 11.12 13.71 17.19 21.54 19,690 23,120 28,510 35,750 44,800
47-4000 Other Construction and Related Workers minor 393,710 0.9 22.29 46,370 0.4 12.14 15.31 20.16 27.34 36.50 25,240 31,850 41,930 56,870 75,910
47-4010 Construction and Building Inspectors broad 91,480 1.2 28.86 60,030 0.5 16.73 21.39 27.57 35.36 44.04 34,800 44,490 57,340 73,560 91,600
47-4011 Construction and Building Inspectors detailed 91,480 1.2 28.86 60,030 0.5 16.73 21.39 27.57 35.36 44.04 34,800 44,490 57,340 73,560 91,600
47-4020 Elevator Installers and Repairers broad 21,000 4.5 37.19 77,350 1.1 19.30 28.72 38.88 45.66 53.55 40,140 59,750 80,870 94,980 111,370
47-4021 Elevator Installers and Repairers detailed 21,000 4.5 37.19 77,350 1.1 19.30 28.72 38.88 45.66 53.55 40,140 59,750 80,870 94,980 111,370
47-4030 Fence Erectors broad 21,160 5.9 16.75 34,840 1.5 10.21 12.56 15.60 19.11 24.91 21,230 26,120 32,450 39,740 51,800
47-4031 Fence Erectors detailed 21,160 5.9 16.75 34,840 1.5 10.21 12.56 15.60 19.11 24.91 21,230 26,120 32,450 39,740 51,800
47-4040 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers broad 42,560 3.6 21.22 44,150 1.2 12.58 15.06 19.08 26.45 33.77 26,170 31,330 39,690 55,020 70,230
47-4041 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers detailed 42,560 3.6 21.22 44,150 1.2 12.58 15.06 19.08 26.45 33.77 26,170 31,330 39,690 55,020 70,230
47-4050 Highway Maintenance Workers broad 142,300 1.2 18.36 38,200 0.3 11.35 14.15 17.75 22.21 26.38 23,600 29,430 36,930 46,200 54,870
47-4051 Highway Maintenance Workers detailed 142,300 1.2 18.36 38,200 0.3 11.35 14.15 17.75 22.21 26.38 23,600 29,430 36,930 46,200 54,870
47-4060 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators broad 14,470 4.6 24.68 51,340 2.3 14.95 19.68 25.40 28.93 33.54 31,100 40,940 52,830 60,170 69,770
47-4061 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators detailed 14,470 4.6 24.68 51,340 2.3 14.95 19.68 25.40 28.93 33.54 31,100 40,940 52,830 60,170 69,770
47-4070 Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners broad 27,080 3.6 18.21 37,880 1.0 10.59 13.26 17.00 22.15 28.20 22,020 27,570 35,370 46,080 58,660
47-4071 Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners detailed 27,080 3.6 18.21 37,880 1.0 10.59 13.26 17.00 22.15 28.20 22,020 27,570 35,370 46,080 58,660
47-4090 Miscellaneous Construction and Related Workers broad 33,660 3.7 18.86 39,220 1.3 11.08 13.61 17.31 22.40 28.64 23,050 28,300 36,000 46,590 59,560
47-4091 Segmental Pavers detailed 1,240 22.7 15.30 31,820 3.4 10.22 12.15 14.77 17.41 20.55 21,260 25,270 30,730 36,220 42,740
47-4099 Construction and Related Workers, All Other detailed 32,420 3.7 18.99 39,500 1.3 11.16 13.68 17.45 22.55 28.80 23,200 28,460 36,300 46,900 59,900
47-5000 Extraction Workers minor 261,040 1.5 22.58 46,970 0.7 13.05 16.09 20.52 26.79 34.16 27,150 33,470 42,680 55,720 71,060
47-5010 Derrick, Rotary Drill, and Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining broad 105,120 2.4 25.33 52,680 1.0 14.83 17.71 22.71 29.25 38.14 30,840 36,850 47,240 60,830 79,340
47-5011 Derrick Operators, Oil and Gas detailed 19,330 6.4 24.38 50,710 1.1 16.00 18.62 23.03 28.27 35.28 33,280 38,730 47,910 58,800 73,390
47-5012 Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas detailed 24,960 4.7 29.03 60,380 2.2 14.59 18.91 26.11 34.51 44.65 30,360 39,340 54,310 71,790 92,870
47-5013 Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining detailed 60,830 3.4 24.11 50,150 1.3 14.32 17.15 21.63 28.03 36.33 29,790 35,670 45,000 58,310 75,560
47-5020 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas broad 19,490 3.6 24.92 51,840 3.3 13.64 16.68 21.27 27.93 36.62 28,370 34,700 44,240 58,100 76,160
47-5021 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas detailed 19,490 3.6 24.92 51,840 3.3 13.64 16.68 21.27 27.93 36.62 28,370 34,700 44,240 58,100 76,160
47-5030 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters broad 7,540 6.8 25.28 52,580 2.3 15.89 19.16 24.14 31.36 36.60 33,050 39,840 50,210 65,220 76,120
47-5031 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters detailed 7,540 6.8 25.28 52,580 2.3 15.89 19.16 24.14 31.36 36.60 33,050 39,840 50,210 65,220 76,120
47-5040 Mining Machine Operators broad 19,880 4.0 24.29 50,530 1.6 15.29 18.93 23.83 29.41 35.03 31,810 39,370 49,560 61,170 72,850
47-5041 Continuous Mining Machine Operators detailed 11,130 5.0 24.35 50,660 2.1 15.62 18.94 23.37 29.31 35.52 32,480 39,400 48,620 60,960 73,880
47-5042 Mine Cutting and Channeling Machine Operators detailed 6,630 9.1 24.39 50,720 2.3 14.62 18.97 24.91 29.77 34.63 30,400 39,460 51,810 61,920 72,020
47-5049 Mining Machine Operators, All Other detailed 2,120 11.0 23.69 49,270 2.2 14.85 18.79 23.34 28.61 33.83 30,880 39,080 48,550 59,510 70,360
47-5050 Rock Splitters, Quarry broad 3,790 7.3 16.77 34,870 2.0 10.42 13.00 16.26 20.09 23.71 21,670 27,050 33,820 41,790 49,320
47-5051 Rock Splitters, Quarry detailed 3,790 7.3 16.77 34,870 2.0 10.42 13.00 16.26 20.09 23.71 21,670 27,050 33,820 41,790 49,320
47-5060 Roof Bolters, Mining broad 5,220 14.5 26.68 55,500 1.1 20.63 23.43 26.42 29.25 33.49 42,920 48,720 54,950 60,840 69,670
47-5061 Roof Bolters, Mining detailed 5,220 14.5 26.68 55,500 1.1 20.63 23.43 26.42 29.25 33.49 42,920 48,720 54,950 60,840 69,670
47-5070 Roustabouts, Oil and Gas broad 71,790 3.3 18.61 38,700 0.9 12.09 14.30 17.56 22.08 27.52 25,160 29,750 36,510 45,930 57,240
47-5071 Roustabouts, Oil and Gas detailed 71,790 3.3 18.61 38,700 0.9 12.09 14.30 17.56 22.08 27.52 25,160 29,750 36,510 45,930 57,240
47-5080 Helpers–Extraction Workers broad 22,820 4.6 17.83 37,080 1.1 11.88 13.82 17.19 21.36 24.63 24,700 28,740 35,760 44,430 51,230
47-5081 Helpers–Extraction Workers detailed 22,820 4.6 17.83 37,080 1.1 11.88 13.82 17.19 21.36 24.63 24,700 28,740 35,760 44,430 51,230
47-5090 Miscellaneous Extraction Workers broad 5,400 9.7 23.62 49,140 3.7 12.50 15.36 21.33 27.48 36.44 26,000 31,940 44,370 57,170 75,790
47-5099 Extraction Workers, All Other detailed 5,400 9.7 23.62 49,140 3.7 12.50 15.36 21.33 27.48 36.44 26,000 31,940 44,370 57,170 75,790

Global Construction Forecast / Outlook

Global Construction Forecast / Outlook

global construction forecast

China, the Unite States, and India , are projected to lead construction growth, accounting for approximately 60% of increases.  Within this group, the United States is expected to shortly outpace China and growth in India will outpace China due to explosive population growth.

Average global construction growth is pegged at 4.0% over the next decade.

The UK is anticipated to rival Germany on the European front


Source:GCP Global Construction 2030 report

Job Order Contract Standard Operating Procedures – SOP

Documented procedures, workflows, internal and external control procedures and other requirements associated with a JOB ORDER CONTRACT (JOC) are critical to assuring compliance and a successful program.

job order contracting services

Multiple JOC audits performance by public agencies are available on the Internet.  In virtually all cases, any reported issues could have been averted with well-developed internal controls procedures in place.

A written JOC Operations Manual, Execution Plan, or Standard Operations Procedure should ALWAYS be a component of any Job Order Contract.

This practice helps to clarify all roles, responsibilities, procedures, and reporting requirements.

While the potential for fraud, waste or abuse exists, it can be significantly mitigated if reasonable measures are taken and JOC best management practices are implemented:

  1. Personnel to be assigned to work with JOC will be carefully screened to ensure only competent individuals with a high degree of integrity are assigned.
  2. Managers at all appropriate levels will:
    1. Ensure JOC personnel are properly trained to do their jobs.
    2. Ensure JOC personnel are familiar with and understand the terms of the contract they are executing.
    3. Ensure that the procedures established are followed for processing JOC actions from start of job to finish of contract administration.
    4. Ensure all JOC personnel read and adhere to established standards of ethical conduct for Owner employees (public and/or private sector guidelines)
    5. Ensure JOC personnel seek assistance and guidance before proceeding on unclear or borderline issues.
  3. Meaningful quarterly reviews of JOC operations will be made jointly by Technical/Engineering/DPW management staff and contracting/purchasing staff.
  4. All personnel concerned will ensure work scopes, owner estimates, contractor’s proposals, awarded task orders, and contractor invoices are logically progressive, consistent and clear.
  5. Project scoping and project quality control/acceptance activities will be kept separate. Individuals involved with project scoping and development as well as proposal negotiations with the contractor will not be the same individual responsible for monitoring quality assurance. Although project engineers may be required during the construction phase to clarify scope of work or recommend modifications for changes or unforeseen conditions, the responsibility for recommending acceptance of completed work will remain with separate quality assurance personnel. This principle of separation should also allow for effective coordination between project engineers and quality assurance persons so that problems occurring during the construction phase do not cause contractor delays and potential claims to the owner.
  6. The senior authority for the location with responsibility for JOC will:
    1. Ensure contract administration documentation activities are kept current, complete and correct.
    2. Ensure periodic sessions are held regularly among JOC personnel to discuss their work activities, procedures and problems.
    3. Complete at least annually, the JOC internal control checklist (sample below)
    4. The appropriate authority will complete any of the items on the internal control checklist that pertain to his area of responsibility.



The following is example is for generic educational purposes.  A job order contracting SOP should be tailored for each individual situation.


  • Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Glossary of Terms
      • Job Order Contracting Task Order
      • Location Factor
      • Priced / Nonprepriced Items
      • Unit Price Book
      • Coefficient
        • Normal Hours
        • Other Hours
  • Contract Award & Execution Authority
    • Appointment of JOC Purchasing Authority
      • How
      • When
      • Limits
      • Training
    • Task Order Authority
      • Prepriced limits
      • NPP limits
  • Execution Procedures
    • Work Coordination
      • In House
      • Contract
    • Request for Task Order
      • Task Order Modification
        • Differing Site Conditions
        • Change Clause
  • Reporting Requirements
    • Contractors
    • Purchasing
    • Technical
  • Payments
  •  Attachments
    • Sample Appointment Letters
    • Task Order Checklist
    • Request for Proposal
    • Internal Control Procedures
    • Contractor Proposal-Sample
    • QA Plan
    • Workflow Diagrams
    • Required Forms



Improving Renovation, Repair, and Maintenance Project Delivery

The way to deliver 96%+ of renovation, repair, and maintenance projects on-time, on-budget, and at the appropriate level of quality is to enable collaboration with contractors and other expert service providers

Robust collaborative construction delivery methods provide a proven path for Owners to significantly improve construction productivity and levels of satisfaction among a participants and building users.

The major challenge to delivering construction services on-time and on-budget , however, is the required level of Owner capability and competence.

As a result of 1800+ tests, researchers have concluded that a primary cause in low project performance (time, cost and customer satisfaction) is the traditional owner-vendor relationship in which the owner uses a design, bid and build (DBB) approach. – 2016, Arizona State University – Job Order Contracting Performance Survey-2015

This obstacle can only be overcome by changing current formal education and professional training programs.   Educational and training programs must focus upon asset life-cycle management and modeling.   An improved understanding is required among real property owners, facility managers, architects, engineers, and construction contractors relative to the various COMPETENCIES, PROCESSES, COMMON TERMS, and TECHNOLOGIES associated with efficient life-cycle management of the built environment.

job order contracting

Overall focus must shift from first-cost mentality to life-cycle/total-cost-of-ownership.   Business aspects must shift from lowest-bidder and adversarial, inefficient design-bid-build delivery models to BEST VALUE, INTEGRATED COLLABORATIVE CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY.

job order contract do's don'ts

The most widely used and known collaborative construction delivery methods are INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY, IPD (for major new construction), and JOB ORDER CONTRACTING, JOC (for renovation, repair, sustainability, maintenance, and minor new construction).

Properly designed and implemented Job Order Contracts can deliver 96% of  projects with satisfactory results, a level unmatched or even approached by traditional construction delivery methods.  Faster project delivery, financial transparency, and less required project management are additional benefits provided by JOC.

JOC Do’s and Don’ts

From a generic perspective, an effective measurement system for a job order contract will incorporate the following:

  1. Clearly defined, actionable, and measurable goals.
  2. Goals that include consideration of global oversight and local actions of all JOC program participants.
  3. Key performance indicators that monitor the overall administration of the JOC program, as well as individual projects / task orders, and all associated workflows, deliverables, and outcomes.
  4. Established baselines that enable measurement of historical and current progress.
  5. Timely, accurate, repeatable, and verifiable information based upon standardized terms, definitions, and data architectures
  6. Applicable reporting and feedback systems to support continuous improvement of processes, practices, and outcomes.

The importance of Job Order Contract performance measurement cannot be understated.   As JOC is a LEAN best-management practice, it is dependent upon foundational elements that enable collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement.   Furthermore since many Job Order Contracts are use across building portfolios and locations, the diversity of participants, requirements, and activities demands specified levels of capabilities, performance, and responsibility.


A JOC performance measurement system should be capable of answering questions such as the following:

  1. How many requests for quotations have been issued?
  2. How many contractor estimates have been issued?
  3. What is the average time from RFQ to contractor estimate?
  4. How many owner estimates were created?
  5. What is average time to create an owner estimate?
  6. What is average variance between owner estimates and contractor estimate?
  7. How many cycles were required for owner/contractor negotiations per task order?
  8. How many task orders were completed on-time, on-budget?
  9. What percentage of task orders required change orders?
  10. What is the total value of change orders?
  11. What is the average project delivery time?
  12. What is the level of quality of work performed?
  13. What is the level of responsiveness of the contractor? The owner?
  14. What is the average dollar value of the task order
  15.  What problems or issues need to be addressed?
  16.  How do associated JOC metrics compare to alternative construction delivery methods?
  17.  Overall trend of KPIs versus time?
  18.  Is the JOC slowing the overall deterioration rate of the buildings or infrastructure?
  19.  Is the JOC improving the service levels supported by the built infrastructure?
  20.  Is the JOC contractor technically capable of all JOC tasks?
  21.  Are Job Order Contract funding levels sufficient?
  22.  How are Job Order Contract activities dispersed throughout the year?

Associated key performance indicators should enable management to determine if the Job Order Contract is meeting established organization goals.  The key characteristic of KPIs are as follows (Aveson, P. 1998):

  • Leading Indicators: forecast future trends inside and outside the organization
  • Objective and Unbiased: fact based, not subject to manipulation and can be repeated
  • Normalized: can be benchmarked against other organizations
  • Statistically Reliable: small margin of error
  • Unobtrusive: not disruptive of work or trust
  • Inexpensive to Collect: small sample sizes adequate
  • Balanced: qualitative/quantitative, multiple perspectives
  • Appropriate: measures the right things
  • Quantifiable: for ease of aggregation, calculation, and comparison
  • Efficient: can draw multiple conclusions out of dataset
  • Comprehensive: show all significant features of an organization’s status
  • Discriminating: small changes are meaningful
  • Action Oriented: suggest next analysis or action step; motivate and direct action
  • Understandable to Decision Makers: understanding of performance indicators not dependent upon specialized facilities management knowledge; highly intuitive
  • Verifiable: auditable.

Job Order Contracts may be implemented for a variety of reasons, however, anticipated benefits or outcomes generally includes all, or a subset of the following:

  1. More responsive / on-demand services
  2. Higher quality work product
  3. Shorter procurement times
  4. Shorter overall project delivery time
  5. Lower total cost
  6. Higher overall levels of satisfaction from all program participants
  7. Greater financial visibility
  8. Higher overall transparency
  9. Shared and acceptable levels of risk/reward
  10. A collaborative working relationship between program participants
  11. Long / longer term relationships
  12.  Improved resource utilization / reduced waste
  13.  …



Construction Productivity Solution

Construction Productivity Solution



For Immediate Release – August 16, 2016

Construction Productivity Solution


August 16, 2016 – Four BT, LLC today announces a new industry resource to enable measurable gains in construction productivity.

Historically, the renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and construction of physical infrastructure (buildings, roadways, dams, bridges, mass transit, utilities…) have faced major problems such as low productivity, waste, and negative environmental impacts.   Real property owners and their service providers (architects, engineers, contractors, and construction management firms) have not been able to reverse a 30 years+ cycle of declining productivity.

There is a solution, the implementation of LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods and asset life-cycle management strategies.   A combination of education, change management, robust business processes, and detailed construction cost information, and supporting technology can drive significant improvement.

Four BT, LLC announces a new industry resource that enables Facility Management Professionals and Real Property/Building Owners and their service providers to deliver over 90% of renovation, repair, and maintenance project on-time, on-budget, at the anticipated level of quality, and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders

Four BT, LLC provides services, technology, and construction cost data to enable consistent, open, transparent, and objective deployment of LEAN JOB ORDER CONTRACTING, a proven LEAN collaborative construction delivery method.



Peter Cholakis





Collaboration in Construction White Paper

4BT Team

16August2016 – 4BT Press Release – Construction Productivity Solution

Job Order Contract / Job Order Contracting – JOC: Do’s – Don’ts


Job Order Contracting is a proven LEAN collaborative construction delivery method that is capable of delivering over 90% of construction projects on-time, on-budget, at the required quality level, and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Design-bid-build, design-build, CM@R can’t match this level of productivity or success. The only other method that is comparable, Integrated Project Delivery. IPD, targets major new construction.  Job Order Contracting is designed specifically for renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and minor new construction.
That said, Job Order Contracting must be implemented and managed appropriately. Here’s a short list of Do’s and Don’ts:


Focus upon OUTCOMES.

As an Owner / Owner’s representative… UNDERSTAND and become COMPETENT in JOC, continue to LEARN, and have direct involvement in JOC PROJECTS & JOC PROCESSES.

Allow adequate time for the JOC process to become a key part of the organization, it’s a culture change.

Remember that JOC is NOT FOR EVERYONE.

As an Owner, know that Contractors invest a lot of front end effort. Respect them.

Adhere to the JOC Contract and its dollar limits.

As an Owner, assure there is a written JOC Execution plan or JOC Operations Manual as a part of the signed contract.

Know all aspects of the JOC Execution Plan / JOC Operations Manual.

Build your knowledge of line item estimating with the JOC Unit Price Book.

Use the same specifications for your projects as your organization would otherwise, a JOC-specific set of specifications in NOT required. You aren’t changing your construction requirements, just improving efficiency/productivity.

Check the accuracy of each Job Order / Task Order proposal and throughout the project.

Verify line items, quantities, and coefficient(s) of internal Owner estimates and Contractor estimates.

Maintain a limit of nonpre-priced line items. NPP (line items not in the UPB) to less than or equal to 10% total project value.

Apply the appropriate coefficient to the total of the unit line item prices.

Update the UPB annually and apply a quarterly economic adjustment factor.

Localize the UPB via a location factor, localized pricing as needed, and local labor costs.

Follow Job Order Contract requirements with respect to bonding and overhead related costs.

As an Owner, compare internal Owner estimates to Contractor Estimates for all estimates, or estimates over an established dollar threshold (i.e. $150,000). At a minimum, review all Contractor estimates in detail.

As an Owner, negotiate openly and fairly with the Contractor on individual JOC projects / task orders.

Expect excellent and timely execution of JOC work.

Enable Contractor to earn a reasonable profit.

Remember JOC is a long term relationships between Owners and Contractors.

Participate in regular training (at least annually, including introductory and advance levels).

Establish and monitor Key Performance Indicators, KPI’s.



As an Owner, JOC as a method to “bypass procurement”, or approve projects that others wise would not be approved.

As an Owner, pay a fee to a third party administrator or JOC management firm to manage your JOC program that is tied to construction value. This represents a clear conflict of interest and presents a potential for fraud.

As an Owner, Bid approved JOC Contractors against each other (i.e. don’t engage in “bid shopping”.)

Use”open book”, or “street pricing”. (If non-prepriced line items are required, limit them to values per the JOC contract, and obtain a minimum of three quotes for the items/work.)

Allow misuse of the JOC process, Unit Price Guide, or established JOC process.

Allow non-normal co-efficients for can be completed during normal working hours.

Use JOC unit price books that are not transparent, and/or developed by a consultant or third party that has management responsibility for the JOC program.

Assume a JOC is for everyone. JOC requires competency, leadership, collaboration, mutual trust/respect, and shared risk/reward.

There are no “secrets” to Job Order Contracts or Job Order Contracting… just competency, transparency, common definitions/terms/data, mutual trust & respect, and shared risk/reward.


The above is based the experiences of  hundreds of owners and thousands of contractors who have worked with JOC, existing JOC research, and information shared by JOC professionals with decades of experience.


job order contract do's don'ts


Job Order Contracting – Education & Training Note #201 – What is a unit price

Job Order Contracting – Education & Training Note #201 – What is a unit price?

Question?What is a unit price?

Answer: A unit price is a detailed description and associated material, labor, and equipment line item within a Job Order Contract Unit Price Book, UPB. It represents a single unit of an item of work, a task, describing typical/common work in terms that are universally understood and applicable to a variety of individual renovation, repair, maintenance, and/or sustainability construction projects.
When used in Job Order Contracts, a unit price historically does not include contractor profit and overhead as this is account within the JOC co-efficient.

Construction Classification Criticality – A Draft White Paper

Construction Classification Criticality

– Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Facilities Management, & Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment

Construction Classification

Building classification systems are critical if any measurable productivity gains are to be achieved across the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Owner (AECOO) domains and associated life-cycle management of the built environment.

It is virtually impossible to engage in collaborative and productive processes among AECOO participants and stakeholders from initial conceptualization through deconstruction/structure reuse, without a common understanding of terms, definitions, and relationships.

The myriad of requirements, specifications, documents, data types, inter-relationships, and dependencies encountered throughout the life-cycle of built structures demands would be better understood and managed if based upon common terms, definitions, and data structures.  The combination of information related to all aspects of physical assets life-cycle is best called a physical asset model.

Physical asset models should NOT be confused with 3-dimensional (3D) visualization, which is merely one of several methods of representing and working with information

Physical asset models include and require multiple competencies, industries, business processes, data formats, classification structures and layers, and technologies.

Standardized classification, is needed in order to organize and share physical asset information, processes and requirements (physical, functional, economic, environment…) across multiple competencies, team members, asset users, and oversight groups.

Classification enables information to be used for multiple purposes, individually and generically, such as determining initial and final scopes of work (SOW), cost estimating, capital planning and deferred maintenance management, space utilization, life-safety/security, levels of compliance, and mission dependencies.

Examples AECOO classificationsystemsand data architectures include Omniclass, Uniformat, Masterformat, COBie, and Uniclass.

With properly designed flexible, yet comprehensive architectures, classification systems should enable the location, representation, manipulation, and use of the same object/process for differing criteria/purposes.

Key Words: Classification systems, Taxonomy, asset model, asset modeling, collaboration, lean construction, integrated project delivery, IPD, job order contracting, JOC, BIM, OmniClass, MasterFormat, UniFormat, Uniclass, building information management, building information models, building information modeling.

Classification Criticality – Architecture, Engineering, Construction, & Life-cycle Facility Management

Construction Processes, Innovation, Productivity Improvement

  • Job Order contracting

    Traditional construction procurement methods and daily operations are unreliable.

    Best Value Procurement and LEAN collaborative construction delivery methods are proven to delivery significant improvements.
    Construction delivery processes must be structured to assure teamwork and continuous monitoring and improvement.

    Participants must not only be competent, but share common goals as well as share risk and reward.

    Focus must be upon outcomes, mission, and clients/customers.

    Examples of proven LEAN collaborative construction delivery include Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and Job Order Contracting, JOC, for renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and minor new construction.

    Owner must demonstrate LEADERSHIP and require COLLABORATION and engage in innovation, agility, and performance improvement.

    Owners must EMPOWER teams without excessive management and control.

    Owners must assure essential capabilities and competencies are present throughout the TEAM.


    Lean collaborative construction delivery Job Order Contracting


UK BIM has same issue as US BIM

The UK BIM Level 2 requirement went into effect 4th April 2016 and little has changed.

While the UK has come up with nice name like the  “BIM/Soft Landings” initiative, the design/construction/operational process has not improved.   Like the US, the UK remains mired in ‘ad hoc’ silo-based construction and facilities management processes.

Until Owners provide the leadership, insight, and motivation required to build collaborative teams engaging in LEAN construction delivery methods such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD and Job Order Contracting, JOC …  inefficient construction and life-cycle management of the built environment will remain the norm.



Best Value Construction Procurement

Life-cycle reduction of environmental and economic costs associated with the built environment is not “rocket science”.   Proven methodologies and tools have existed for decades.
Best value procurement, when combined with collaborative construction delivery methods, easily yields significantly improved construction productivity, higher levels of quality, and lower total costs of ownership.
The problem, however,  is that best value acquisition of construction services and implementation of collaborative construction delivery methods (such as Integrated Project Delivery and Job Order Contracting) require major changes from a cultural perspective as well as business process reform.   This presents a significant barrier for many, if not most, Real Property Owners, Contractors, Architects, and Engineers.
It is the responsibility of real property owners and facility management professionals to collectively stimulate innovative thinking and demonstrate leadership by building and maintaining teams that share mutual respect as well as high levels of competency.   Teams that share information, risks and rewards. Teams that are interested in building term relationships and long term value.




Job Order Contracting Software Technology

Job Order Contracting Software Technology

Job order contracting cost estimating software and training is an important aspect in assuring JOC Program performance and compliance.

Owners and their awarded JOC construction Contractors throughout the Country, use software technology to achieve higher levels of transparency, collaboration, consistency, and productivity, while at the same time reducing JOC Program deployment costs.

Real Property Owners and awarded/bidding Contractors  can tracks multiple multiple JOC Programs, coefficients, projects, estimates, subs, unit price books (UPBs) and documents within JOC software technology.   Automatic comparison of estimates and updating estimates is also a common feature found in JOC software.

job order contracting software technology

Spreadsheets, or basic online representations of line item cost  data, and generic, general purpose cost estimating software make the above very difficult, if not impossible.   Thus, if you are having trouble working in spreadsheets, or online cost calculators provided by some JOC vendors, and/or wish to set up or improve a JOC contract, it may be time to look at JOC software technology.

When your are researching JOC software technology , use the following checklist…

  • Integrated Contract, Contractor, Subcontractor, Project, Estimate Coefficient, and Document Management
  • Ability to share estimates and projects with internal and external team members.
  • Cloud-based deployment
  • Fast access to Unit Price Book information
  • Integrated granular Davis-Bacon Labor rates
  • Full support as well as regional, on-site, and virtual training


Construction Labor Cost Data by State

Construction Labor Data by State

Construction Managers
Architectural and Engineering Managers
Compliance Officers
Cost Estimators
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Architects, Except Landscape and Naval
Landscape Architects
Cartographers and Photogrammetrists
Civil Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Environmental Engineers
Industrial Engineers
Architectural and Civil Drafters
Drafters, All Other
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians
Environmental Engineering Technicians
Industrial Engineering Technicians
Instructional Coordinators
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists
Security Guards
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners
Pest Control Workers
Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
Pesticide Handlers, Sprayers, and Applicators, Vegetation
Grounds Maintenance Workers, All Other
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks
Construction and Extraction Occupations
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers
Brickmasons and Blockmasons
Carpet Installers
Floor Sanders and Finishers
Tile and Marble Setters
Construction Laborers
Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers
Insulation Workers, Floor, Ceiling, and Wall
Insulation Workers, Mechanical
Painters, Construction and Maintenance
Plasterers and Stucco Masons
Helpers–Brickmasons, Blockmasons, Stonemasons, and Tile and Marble Setters
Helpers–Painters, Paperhangers, Plasterers, and Stucco Masons
Helpers–Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
Helpers, Construction Trades, All Other
Construction and Building Inspectors
Fence Erectors
Highway Maintenance Workers
Construction and Related Workers, All Other
Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas
Helpers–Extraction Workers
Extraction Workers, All Other
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment
Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment
Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay
Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers
Mechanical Door Repairers
Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
Maintenance Workers, Machinery
Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
Helpers–Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other
Sewers, Hand
Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters
Cutters and Trimmers, Hand
Painters, Transportation Equipment
Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers
Etchers and Engravers
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers
Conveyor Operators and Tenders
Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators
Hoist and Winch Operators
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators

Q2 Construction Labor Costs $28.13/Hour

Construction Labor Costs

Construction compensation increased 0.8% in Q2 (vs. 0.5% in Q1) and 2.5% over the past 12 months.  These represents the largest increases since 2008. (Bureau of Labor and Statistics)

The construction sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects (e.g., highways and utility systems). Establishments primarily engaged in the preparation of sites for new construction and establishments primarily engaged in subdividing land for sale as building sites also are included in this sector.

Construction work done may include new work, additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs. Activities of these establishments generally are managed at a fixed place of business, but they usually perform construction activities at multiple project sites. Production responsibilities for establishments in this sector are usually specified in (1) contracts with the owners of construction projects (prime contracts) or (2) contracts with other construction establishments (subcontracts).

Workforce Statistics

This section provides information relating to employment and unemployment in construction. While most data are obtained from employer or establishment surveys, information on industry unemployment comes from a national survey of households. The following tables present an overview of the industry including the number of jobs, the unemployment rate of those previously employed in the industry, job openings and labor turnover, union membership and representation, gross job gains and losses, data for occupations common to the industry, and projections of occupational employment change.

Employment, Unemployment, and Openings, Hires, and Separations

Data series Back

Employment (in thousands)

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)

Jump to page with historical data
6,665 6,659 (P) 6,643 (P) 6,643

Employment, production and nonsupervisory employees (seasonally adjusted)

Jump to page with historical data
5,019 5,025 (P) 5,015 (P) 5,004


Unemployment rate

Jump to page with historical data
8.7% 6.0% 5.2% 4.6%

Job openings, hires, and separations (in thousands)

Job openings

Jump to page with historical data
215 193 (P) 188


Jump to page with historical data
350 460 (P) 380


Jump to page with historical data
280 317 (P) 289

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics, Current Population Survey, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey)

Union Membership and Representation

Data series Back
2012 2013 2014 2015

Union membership and representation

Members of unions (percent of wage and salary workers)

Jump to page with historical data
13.2% 14.1% 13.9% 13.2%

Represented by unions (percent of wage and salary workers)

Jump to page with historical data
13.7% 14.9% 14.7% 14.0%

(Source: Current Population Survey)

Dynamic Changes in Employment

Data series Back
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter

Dynamic changes in employment (in thousands)

Gross job gains

Jump to page with historical data
652 693 643 696

Gross job losses

Jump to page with historical data
616 599 603 587

(Source: Business Employment Dynamics)

Employment by Occupation

Data series Employment,



Construction laborers


Construction managers




Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators


(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)


For projected (future) employment estimates, see the National Employment Matrix, which includes employment estimates by industry and occupation for construction.

(Source: Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections)

Earnings and Hours

This section presents data on employee earnings and weekly hours. The latest industry averages of hourly earnings and weekly hours, as well as weekly earnings by union membership status, are shown. In addition, recent hourly and annual earnings are shown for occupations commonly found in construction. This section also contains information on the average cost of benefits paid by employers, as well as recent rates of change in wages and total compensation.

Earnings and Hours of All Employees

Data series Back

Average hourly earnings

Jump to page with historical data
$27.85 $27.95 (P) $28.05 (P) $28.13

Average weekly hours

Jump to page with historical data
38.7 39.1 (P) 39.1 (P) 39.2

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)

Earnings and Hours of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees

Data series Back

Average hourly earnings

Jump to page with historical data
$25.68 $25.71 (P) $25.83 (P) $25.97

Average weekly hours

Jump to page with historical data
39.2 39.7 (P) 39.6 (P) 39.7

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)

Union Membership and Representation

Data series Back
Median weekly earnings
2012 2013 2014 2015

Union membership and representation

Full-time workers

Jump to page with historical data
$768 $762 $775 $784

Members of unions

Jump to page with historical data
$1,086 $1,096 $1,123 $1,099

Represented by unions

Jump to page with historical data
$1,069 $1,081 $1,108 $1,093


Jump to page with historical data
$722 $713 $724 $743

(Source: Current Population Survey)

Earnings by Occupation

Data series Wages, 2015
Hourly Annual
Median Mean Median Mean


$20.25 $22.55 $42,120 $46,910

Construction laborers

$15.57 $17.84 $32,380 $37,100

Construction managers

$41.13 $46.29 $85,550 $96,290


$24.12 $26.35 $50,160 $54,800

Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators

$22.26 $24.70 $46,310 $51,380

(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)

Employer Compensation Costs

Data series Back
3rd quarter
4th quarter
1st quarter
2nd quarter

12-month percent change

Total compensation

Jump to page with historical data
2.1% 2.2% 2.3% 2.5%

Wages and salaries

Jump to page with historical data
2.4% 2.6% 2.6% 2.7%

(Source: Compensation Cost Trends)


Data series Back
1st quarter 2016
Compensation component
($ per hour worked)
Percent of total compensation

Compensation costs

Total compensation

Jump to page with historical data
36.98 100.0

Wages and salaries

Jump to page with historical data
25.83 69.8

Total benefits

Jump to page with historical data
11.15 30.2


Jump to page with historical data
2.84 7.7


Jump to page with historical data
1.90 5.1

(Source: Compensation Cost Trends)

Labor Costs

11-9020 Construction Managers broad 239,640 1.0 46.88 97,510 0.5 25.17 32.06 42.02 56.45 74.61 52,350 66,680 87,400 117,420 155,200
11-9021 Construction Managers detailed 239,640 1.0 46.88 97,510 0.5 25.17 32.06 42.02 56.45 74.61 52,350 66,680 87,400 117,420 155,200
11-9040 Architectural and Engineering Managers broad 179,770 0.9 68.10 141,650 0.5 40.73 51.11 63.85 79.39 # 84,710 106,320 132,800 165,130 #
11-9041 Architectural and Engineering Managers detailed 179,770 0.9 68.10 141,650 0.5 40.73 51.11 63.85 79.39 # 84,710 106,320 132,800 165,130 #
17-0000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations major 2,475,390 0.5 39.89 82,980 0.3 20.18 27.26 36.96 49.38 63.16 41,970 56,700 76,870 102,710 131,360
17-1000 Architects, Surveyors, and Cartographers minor 168,660 1.1 35.85 74,580 0.6 19.42 25.17 33.23 43.66 55.30 40,390 52,350 69,130 90,810 115,030
17-1010 Architects, Except Naval broad 113,550 1.4 38.64 80,370 0.7 21.36 27.35 35.60 46.07 58.84 44,440 56,900 74,040 95,830 122,380
17-1011 Architects, Except Landscape and Naval detailed 93,720 1.6 39.83 82,850 0.8 22.15 28.30 36.59 47.00 60.34 46,080 58,870 76,100 97,760 125,520
17-1012 Landscape Architects detailed 19,820 4.9 32.98 68,600 1.4 19.34 23.93 30.68 39.83 50.34 40,230 49,780 63,810 82,850 104,710
17-1020 Surveyors, Cartographers, and Photogrammetrists broad 55,110 1.5 30.12 62,650 0.6 16.32 21.44 28.33 37.33 46.32 33,940 44,580 58,920 77,660 96,340
17-1022 Surveyors detailed 43,140 1.8 29.75 61,880 0.7 15.79 20.86 27.89 37.13 46.06 32,850 43,380 58,020 77,230 95,800
17-2080 Environmental Engineers broad 52,600 1.9 42.33 88,040 0.6 24.15 31.06 40.65 51.26 61.75 50,230 64,610 84,560 106,610 128,440
17-2081 Environmental Engineers detailed 52,600 1.9 42.33 88,040 0.6 24.15 31.06 40.65 51.26 61.75 50,230 64,610 84,560 106,610 128,440
17-3010 Drafters broad 205,190 1.2 26.84 55,820 0.4 16.15 20.05 25.35 31.85 40.07 33,590 41,700 52,720 66,240 83,350
17-3011 Architectural and Civil Drafters detailed 95,280 1.7 25.71 53,470 0.5 15.99 19.62 24.38 29.95 37.24 33,260 40,810 50,710 62,290 77,450
17-3025 Environmental Engineering Technicians detailed 17,360 3.0 24.60 51,170 1.0 14.07 17.71 23.39 29.71 37.30 29,270 36,830 48,650 61,790 77,590
17-3030 Surveying and Mapping Technicians broad 53,620 2.9 21.54 44,800 0.6 12.53 15.66 20.20 26.20 32.77 26,060 32,580 42,010 54,500 68,160
17-3031 Surveying and Mapping Technicians detailed 53,620 2.9 21.54 44,800 0.6 12.53 15.66 20.20 26.20 32.77 26,060 32,580 42,010 54,500 68,160
33-9032 Security Guards detailed 1,097,660 0.9 13.68 28,460 0.5 8.82 9.80 11.84 15.87 21.64 18,350 20,370 24,630 33,000 45,010
37-1010 First-Line Supervisors of Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Workers broad 270,360 0.9 20.52 42,680 0.4 11.63 14.53 18.96 24.96 31.88 24,180 30,220 39,440 51,930 66,300
37-2011 Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners detailed 2,146,880 0.5 12.59 26,180 0.3 8.44 9.26 11.27 14.72 18.91 17,550 19,270 23,440 30,610 39,320
37-3000 Grounds Maintenance Workers minor 976,840 0.5 13.50 28,090 0.3 8.93 10.11 12.31 15.64 19.96 18,570 21,040 25,610 32,540 41,510
37-3010 Grounds Maintenance Workers broad 976,840 0.5 13.50 28,090 0.3 8.93 10.11 12.31 15.64 19.96 18,570 21,040 25,610 32,540 41,510
37-3011 Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers detailed 895,600 0.6 13.20 27,460 0.3 8.87 10.01 12.03 15.08 19.00 18,460 20,820 25,030 31,370 39,520
37-3019 Grounds Maintenance Workers, All Other detailed 16,890 5.9 16.03 33,340 2.1 9.11 10.46 14.05 20.20 27.16 18,950 21,750 29,220 42,010 56,480
47-0000 Construction and Extraction Occupations major 5,477,820 0.3 22.88 47,580 0.2 12.05 15.22 20.33 28.48 37.87 25,050 31,650 42,280 59,240 78,770
47-1010 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers broad 517,560 0.6 32.13 66,820 0.2 18.75 23.52 29.84 38.50 48.58 39,000 48,920 62,070 80,080 101,040
47-1011 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers detailed 517,560 0.6 32.13 66,820 0.2 18.75 23.52 29.84 38.50 48.58 39,000 48,920 62,070 80,080 101,040
47-2000 Construction Trades Workers minor 4,076,800 0.3 22.25 46,290 0.2 12.00 15.06 19.72 27.68 36.91 24,970 31,310 41,020 57,580 76,770
47-2020 Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons broad 74,570 2.4 24.13 50,200 1.0 13.39 16.98 22.32 29.39 38.26 27,850 35,320 46,420 61,130 79,580
47-2021 Brickmasons and Blockmasons detailed 61,360 2.5 24.88 51,750 1.0 14.33 17.72 23.05 30.07 38.85 29,800 36,860 47,950 62,540 80,800
47-2022 Stonemasons detailed 13,210 8.1 20.66 42,970 2.6 10.74 13.85 18.57 25.03 33.16 22,350 28,800 38,630 52,060 68,970
47-2030 Carpenters broad 639,190 0.8 22.49 46,780 0.4 12.61 15.78 20.24 27.39 36.90 26,220 32,810 42,090 56,970 76,750
47-2031 Carpenters detailed 639,190 0.8 22.49 46,780 0.4 12.61 15.78 20.24 27.39 36.90 26,220 32,810 42,090 56,970 76,750
47-2040 Carpet, Floor, and Tile Installers and Finishers broad 75,280 2.5 20.76 43,180 1.3 10.73 13.94 18.38 25.42 34.87 22,310 28,990 38,230 52,870 72,530
47-2041 Carpet Installers detailed 25,810 5.1 20.77 43,210 2.5 10.11 12.91 17.89 25.96 37.36 21,020 26,850 37,220 54,010 77,700
47-2042 Floor Layers, Except Carpet, Wood, and Hard Tiles detailed 9,830 7.0 20.44 42,520 2.7 11.15 14.06 17.80 24.45 34.68 23,190 29,240 37,030 50,860 72,130
47-2043 Floor Sanders and Finishers detailed 4,700 9.8 18.35 38,160 3.0 10.30 13.34 17.76 22.85 27.75 21,420 27,750 36,930 47,530 57,730
47-2050 Cement Masons, Concrete Finishers, and Terrazzo Workers broad 166,610 1.6 20.27 42,150 0.6 12.29 14.75 18.16 23.97 31.48 25,570 30,670 37,780 49,860 65,480
47-2051 Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers detailed 163,360 1.6 20.23 42,080 0.6 12.28 14.74 18.14 23.93 31.33 25,550 30,660 37,740 49,770 65,160
47-2060 Construction Laborers broad 887,580 0.8 17.57 36,550 0.3 9.92 12.20 15.34 20.80 29.36 20,640 25,380 31,910 43,260 61,070
47-2061 Construction Laborers detailed 887,580 0.8 17.57 36,550 0.3 9.92 12.20 15.34 20.80 29.36 20,640 25,380 31,910 43,260 61,070
47-2070 Construction Equipment Operators broad 411,920 0.8 23.26 48,380 0.3 13.61 16.52 21.06 28.31 37.04 28,310 34,360 43,810 58,890 77,030
47-2080 Drywall Installers, Ceiling Tile Installers, and Tapers broad 106,000 2.3 22.48 46,760 1.1 12.77 15.76 19.46 26.88 38.84 26,560 32,790 40,470 55,900 80,790
47-2081 Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers detailed 88,490 2.5 21.88 45,510 1.2 12.62 15.54 18.85 25.37 37.51 26,250 32,320 39,220 52,770 78,030
47-2110 Electricians broad 592,230 0.8 26.73 55,590 0.5 15.10 18.74 24.94 32.95 42.37 31,410 38,990 51,880 68,540 88,130
47-2111 Electricians detailed 592,230 0.8 26.73 55,590 0.5 15.10 18.74 24.94 32.95 42.37 31,410 38,990 51,880 68,540 88,130
47-2120 Glaziers broad 44,230 3.6 21.84 45,420 1.2 12.28 15.41 18.96 26.17 38.01 25,550 32,060 39,440 54,440 79,050
47-2121 Glaziers detailed 44,230 3.6 21.84 45,420 1.2 12.28 15.41 18.96 26.17 38.01 25,550 32,060 39,440 54,440 79,050
47-2140 Painters and Paperhangers broad 216,340 1.2 19.47 40,490 0.8 11.47 14.07 17.57 23.18 30.33 23,850 29,270 36,550 48,220 63,090
47-2141 Painters, Construction and Maintenance detailed 213,330 1.3 19.49 40,540 0.8 11.49 14.10 17.59 23.21 30.37 23,900 29,320 36,580 48,280 63,170
47-2142 Paperhangers detailed 3,020 13.1 17.60 36,610 4.2 10.21 12.86 16.15 20.79 27.99 21,230 26,740 33,590 43,240 58,220
47-2150 Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters broad 432,380 1.1 25.89 53,860 0.5 13.86 17.66 23.72 32.01 42.12 28,820 36,720 49,340 66,570 87,610
47-2151 Pipelayers detailed 40,710 2.6 20.15 41,910 0.9 12.33 14.48 18.16 24.60 32.01 25,640 30,120 37,780 51,180 66,580
47-2152 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters detailed 391,680 1.2 26.49 55,100 0.5 14.27 18.20 24.34 32.82 43.13 29,680 37,860 50,620 68,270 89,720
47-2160 Plasterers and Stucco Masons broad 22,420 4.8 20.22 42,070 1.7 12.33 15.06 17.94 23.64 31.60 25,640 31,310 37,320 49,170 65,730
47-2161 Plasterers and Stucco Masons detailed 22,420 4.8 20.22 42,070 1.7 12.33 15.06 17.94 23.64 31.60 25,640 31,310 37,320 49,170 65,730
47-2180 Roofers broad 109,720 1.7 19.54 40,630 1.3 11.81 14.12 17.65 23.51 29.90 24,560 29,380 36,720 48,900 62,180
47-2181 Roofers detailed 109,720 1.7 19.54 40,630 1.3 11.81 14.12 17.65 23.51 29.90 24,560 29,380 36,720 48,900 62,180
47-2210 Sheet Metal Workers broad 135,570 2.2 23.95 49,810 0.9 12.39 16.02 21.99 29.55 40.01 25,760 33,310 45,750 61,460 83,230
47-2211 Sheet Metal Workers detailed 135,570 2.2 23.95 49,810 0.9 12.39 16.02 21.99 29.55 40.01 25,760 33,310 45,750 61,460 83,230
47-2220 Structural Iron and Steel Workers broad 64,280 2.7 26.32 54,750 1.1 14.31 17.55 24.28 33.43 43.50 29,770 36,500 50,490 69,530 90,490
47-2221 Structural Iron and Steel Workers detailed 64,280 2.7 26.32 54,750 1.1 14.31 17.55 24.28 33.43 43.50 29,770 36,500 50,490 69,530 90,490
47-3000 Helpers, Construction Trades minor 228,710 1.4 14.37 29,890 0.4 9.49 11.17 13.64 16.80 20.21 19,740 23,230 28,380 34,940 42,030
47-3010 Helpers, Construction Trades broad 228,710 1.4 14.37 29,890 0.4 9.49 11.17 13.64 16.80 20.21 19,740 23,230 28,380 34,940 42,030
47-3011 Helpers–Brickmasons, Blockmasons, Stonemasons, and Tile and Marble Setters detailed 22,970 3.6 15.43 32,090 1.2 9.99 11.73 14.09 17.69 23.19 20,770 24,390 29,320 36,790 48,240
47-3012 Helpers–Carpenters detailed 37,820 3.2 14.04 29,200 0.8 9.27 10.85 13.41 16.50 19.64 19,280 22,560 27,890 34,310 40,840
47-3013 Helpers–Electricians detailed 71,610 2.5 14.42 30,000 0.8 9.46 11.29 13.81 16.97 20.16 19,680 23,480 28,730 35,300 41,940
47-3014 Helpers–Painters, Paperhangers, Plasterers, and Stucco Masons detailed 11,030 7.4 13.31 27,690 1.5 9.24 10.49 12.73 14.84 18.19 19,220 21,830 26,480 30,870 37,830
47-3015 Helpers–Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters detailed 55,530 3.1 14.40 29,950 0.9 9.64 11.28 13.70 16.82 20.02 20,050 23,470 28,500 34,980 41,640
47-3016 Helpers–Roofers detailed 10,810 5.6 13.38 27,820 1.1 9.46 10.82 13.04 15.58 18.17 19,680 22,500 27,110 32,400 37,800
47-3019 Helpers, Construction Trades, All Other detailed 18,930 4.2 14.66 30,500 1.1 9.47 11.12 13.71 17.19 21.54 19,690 23,120 28,510 35,750 44,800
47-4010 Construction and Building Inspectors broad 91,480 1.2 28.86 60,030 0.5 16.73 21.39 27.57 35.36 44.04 34,800 44,490 57,340 73,560 91,600
47-4011 Construction and Building Inspectors detailed 91,480 1.2 28.86 60,030 0.5 16.73 21.39 27.57 35.36 44.04 34,800 44,490 57,340 73,560 91,600
47-4050 Highway Maintenance Workers broad 142,300 1.2 18.36 38,200 0.3 11.35 14.15 17.75 22.21 26.38 23,600 29,430 36,930 46,200 54,870
47-4051 Highway Maintenance Workers detailed 142,300 1.2 18.36 38,200 0.3 11.35 14.15 17.75 22.21 26.38 23,600 29,430 36,930 46,200 54,870
47-4099 Construction and Related Workers, All Other detailed 32,420 3.7 18.99 39,500 1.3 11.16 13.68 17.45 22.55 28.80 23,200 28,460 36,300 46,900 59,900
47-5020 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas broad 19,490 3.6 24.92 51,840 3.3 13.64 16.68 21.27 27.93 36.62 28,370 34,700 44,240 58,100 76,160
47-5021 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas detailed 19,490 3.6 24.92 51,840 3.3 13.64 16.68 21.27 27.93 36.62 28,370 34,700 44,240 58,100 76,160
47-5080 Helpers–Extraction Workers broad 22,820 4.6 17.83 37,080 1.1 11.88 13.82 17.19 21.36 24.63 24,700 28,740 35,760 44,430 51,230
47-5081 Helpers–Extraction Workers detailed 22,820 4.6 17.83 37,080 1.1 11.88 13.82 17.19 21.36 24.63 24,700 28,740 35,760 44,430 51,230
49-2093 Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment detailed 14,210 4.8 28.41 59,080 1.2 17.72 23.57 28.36 33.92 38.92 36,860 49,020 58,990 70,560 80,950
49-2094 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment detailed 69,290 1.7 27.25 56,670 0.7 16.62 21.35 26.77 32.20 38.00 34,570 44,400 55,690 66,970 79,030
49-2095 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay detailed 23,070 3.0 34.83 72,450 0.7 23.94 30.62 35.49 40.59 46.10 49,800 63,680 73,810 84,420 95,890
49-3040 Heavy Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Service Technicians and Mechanics broad 180,400 1.1 23.17 48,180 0.4 14.11 17.60 22.65 28.02 33.58 29,360 36,600 47,120 58,290 69,840
49-9010 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers broad 60,440 2.4 24.55 51,060 0.9 13.54 17.12 22.79 31.08 38.67 28,150 35,610 47,400 64,640 80,440
49-9012 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door detailed 42,510 2.4 26.81 55,760 0.9 14.77 18.82 26.01 34.23 41.41 30,720 39,150 54,100 71,200 86,140
49-9043 Maintenance Workers, Machinery detailed 92,520 1.5 21.41 44,540 0.4 12.81 16.33 20.80 25.92 30.39 26,650 33,970 43,260 53,920 63,200
49-9051 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers detailed 115,380 1.8 31.57 65,650 0.7 17.31 24.12 31.95 38.63 46.15 36,000 50,160 66,450 80,360 95,990
49-9070 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General broad 1,314,560 0.4 18.73 38,950 0.2 10.44 13.41 17.61 23.05 28.88 21,700 27,890 36,630 47,950 60,060
49-9071 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General detailed 1,314,560 0.4 18.73 38,950 0.2 10.44 13.41 17.61 23.05 28.88 21,700 27,890 36,630 47,950 60,060
49-9096 Riggers detailed 22,790 4.2 22.97 47,770 3.0 12.92 15.72 20.78 27.59 35.52 26,880 32,700 43,220 57,390 73,880
49-9098 Helpers–Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers detailed 124,220 1.5 13.71 28,530 0.5 8.81 10.06 12.69 16.29 20.49 18,320 20,920 26,400 33,890 42,620
51-2040 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters broad 79,620 2.3 18.77 39,040 0.7 11.84 14.38 17.81 22.30 27.56 24,620 29,910 37,050 46,390 57,330
51-2041 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters detailed 79,620 2.3 18.77 39,040 0.7 11.84 14.38 17.81 22.30 27.56 24,620 29,910 37,050 46,390 57,330
51-4193 Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic detailed 35,640 2.8 15.83 32,930 0.8 9.97 11.89 14.69 18.60 23.68 20,730 24,720 30,550 38,680 49,250
51-7010 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters broad 93,650 1.9 16.34 33,980 0.6 9.88 12.20 15.52 19.24 24.01 20,550 25,380 32,270 40,020 49,940
51-7011 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters detailed 93,650 1.9 16.34 33,980 0.6 9.88 12.20 15.52 19.24 24.01 20,550 25,380 32,270 40,020 49,940
51-9120 Painting Workers broad 156,550 1.4 17.84 37,110 0.5 10.52 12.92 16.51 21.29 27.36 21,890 26,880 34,340 44,290 56,910
51-9123 Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers detailed 16,020 4.2 15.01 31,210 1.1 9.32 11.08 14.07 17.65 22.33 19,390 23,050 29,270 36,720 46,440
51-9198 Helpers–Production Workers detailed 439,000 1.6 12.50 26,010 0.4 8.62 9.55 11.52 14.53 18.15 17,930 19,860 23,960 30,230 37,760
53-7020 Crane and Tower Operators broad 46,490 2.9 26.23 54,560 1.2 15.10 18.90 24.83 31.76 39.79 31,410 39,310 51,650 66,050 82,760
53-7021 Crane and Tower Operators detailed 46,490 2.9 26.23 54,560 1.2 15.10 18.90 24.83 31.76 39.79 31,410 39,310 51,650 66,050 82,760
53-7030 Dredge, Excavating, and Loading Machine Operators broad 54,930 2.8 21.54 44,810 1.3 12.86 15.80 19.54 26.01 33.54 26,740 32,860 40,650 54,090 69,770
53-7031 Dredge Operators detailed 1,850 8.8 21.18 44,040 2.6 12.38 15.82 19.26 25.51 32.54 25,760 32,910 40,060 53,070 67,690
53-7040 Hoist and Winch Operators broad 2,880 7.0 24.37 50,680 4.8 12.85 16.00 20.30 30.34 43.84 26,720 33,280 42,220 63,110 91,190
53-7041 Hoist and Winch Operators detailed 2,880 7.0 24.37 50,680 4.8 12.85 16.00 20.30 30.34 43.84 26,720 33,280 42,220 63,110 91,190
53-7120 Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders broad 11,960 9.4 19.72 41,010 2.6 10.76 13.61 17.63 23.62 33.57 22,370 28,320 36,660 49,120 69,820
53-7121 Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders detailed 11,960 9.4 19.72 41,010 2.6 10.76 13.61 17.63 23.62 33.57 22,370 28,320 36,660 49,120 69,820

More Problems with City of Long Beach Job Order Contract

City Auditor shares findings of an audit which found that
” that found LB’s (City of Long Beach) Public Works Department had let some contractors receive roughly $1.9 million more than they should have under the Job Order Contracting program. The actions involved projects costing an average of $100,000 each, meaning LB taxpayers didn’t receive as many as 19 infrastructure projects that they might have. ”  (Source:

“In April (entering the campaign cycle for the sales tax increase portrayed as for infrastructure), Mayor Garcia agendized an item seeking changes in the Public Works Dept. program without disclosing Audit findings of which the Auditor had made him aware. On May 24, the Council approved City Attorney office-drafted changes to the Job Order Contracting program without disclosing the Audit-based underlying reasons for them. On May 25 (after vote by mail ballots had been circulating since roughly May 9), the Auditor’s office released its findings. The Auditor’s office has told that its timeline for releasing its Audit findings was coincidental.” –

Learn more

Proper oversight, education, and training are required for developing and implementing a Job Order Contract.


Job Order Contracting Best Management Practices

Download the Job Order Contracting – JOC to being to understand Job Order Contracting Best Management Practices.

Seven elements of a to Job Order Contracting Best Management Practices.

1. Early and ongoing involvement of ALL program/project participants.
2. Value and qualification based selection and procurement.
3. Cost and accounting transparency via standardized cost data architectures, terms, and definitions.
4. Shared risk/reward.
5. Appropriate use of supporting technology and enabling technology.
6.Centralized reporting and oversight with local empowerment, application, and management, monitoring, metrics, as well as continuous improvement.
7.Mutual respect.
job order contracting best management practices

Owners Strategies to Promote Construction Productivity

Real property owners must be held accountable in their roles as stewards of the built environment.    For example, to this day, despite decades  of notices, regulations, reports, and mandates to resolve the problem, the nation’s largest property owner, the GSA PBS, does not have a standardized LEAN process to efficiently manage the renovation, repair, and maintenance of its facility portfolio and infrastructure.

All real property Owners need to improve their awareness and implementation of LEAN construction and facility management processes.

Application of the following fundamental principles and best management practice application of collaborative construction delivery methods such as  Integrated Project Delivery – IPD, and Job Order Contracting, would reduce waste and begin to better address critical life-safety and security issues.

1. Early and ongoing involvement of ALL participants.
2. Value and qualification based selection / procurement/
3. Transparency in cost and accounting via standardized cost data architectures, terms, and definitions.
4. Shared risk/reward.
5. Appropriate used of supporting technology
6. Centralized reporting and oversight with local application and management – monitoring, metrics, and continuous improvement.

Job order contracting research

JOC Performance – Industry Study 2016

Job Order Contracting Research


The JOC Performance – Industry Study outlines how Job Order Contracting delivers more projects on-time & on-budget, higher quality, and greater overall satisfaction than design-bid-build, design-build, and other construction delivery methods.

job order contracting research