Improving Construction Procurement and Project Delivery – It’s all about the Gaps!

Construction procurement and project delivery remains problematic for most organizations. Whether it’s repair, renovation, maintenance, or a new build, every construction project involves a relatively large and diverse number of people, from architects to engineers and builders, to facilities management professionals, building users, and other participants and stakeholders.

Furthermore, for each team member involved in each stage of the process, whether planning, procurement, project delivery, or post-completion, there is a required level of shared information, mutual reliance, and minimum performance level. Any gaps in communication or collaboration therefore directly impact project outcomes.

And there you have it. The problem and solution to the AECOO sectors rampant economic and environmental waste, simply defined (AECOO = Architecture, Engineering, Construction Operations, Owners).

World-wide 63% of projects don’t have a “very high” of collaboration, and less than 5% even make an attempt to regularly employ robust LEAN and integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery processes, with even fewer doing so consistently and/or properly.

Efficient Construction Procurement and Project Delivery

If owners displays requisite levels of leadership and competency, virtually all (90%+) of all repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects would be planned, procured, and executed in a quality manner, per user requirements on-time, and on-budget. All the tools and services are readily available.

Construction Procurement and Project Delivery

Job Order Contract Management Resources, Tools and Technology.

Efficient construction contract management is actually quite simple.

All that is required is effective leadership capable of deploying proven program-based approaches that focus upon mutually beneficial outcomes.

Integrated LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery can consistently assure quality repair, renovation, repair, maintenance and new construction outcomes on-time and on-budget. All the support tools and services are readily available(see example). Nonetheless, less than 5% of real property owners implement these proven solutions, and even fewer do so fully and/or properly. The primary barrier is lack of owner leadership with respect to stewardship of the built environment. It’s the elephant in the room that few people have the courage to note. The rampant waste associated with managing the built environment in the public sector is even more pronounced due the the virtual lack of accountability. For example, to this day, there is not a single federal department or agency that deploys a effective facilities repair, renovation, or new build program on an organization-wide basis that provide verifiable financial visibility and transparency. This truth exists despite decades of independent audits and research bring the issue to light.

The path to efficient life-cycle management of the built environment and the associated planning, procurement, and project delivery of the associate numerous ongoing needs involves…

  1. Owner leadership and competency in both asset life-cycle total costs of ownership management and integrated LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery.
  2. Written multi-party collaborative contracts and operations manuals/execution guides that establish common, mutually beneficial best value outcomes, and clear communications, inclusive of a common data environment (i.e. locally researched detailed unit price construction cost data in lieu of lump sum quotations, national average cost data, construction cost indexes, historical information, or area cost factors).
  3. A culture of empowerment involving global oversight with empowerment of local decision-making by those experienced professionals doing the work.
  4. Enabling and supporting technology. Technologies sole purpose is to enable consistent and lower cost deployment processes as well as improve efficiency and provide a means of monitoring.

While each repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build project has its own requirements and characteristics, as does each associated organization, building these characteristics into normal operations allows teams to better deal with the myriad of ever present issues and variances.

Unit Price Book Selection

A locally researched, detailed line item Unit Price Book is an important consideration for any JOC Program, and any repair, renovation, repair, maintenance, or new construction project.  It provides a highly detailed scope of work that is easily communicated to all participants and stakeholders, as well as full financial visibility and transparency.

More specifically, a locally researched UPB, developed by 4BT’s propriety methods and unique capabilities, provides multi-dimensional insight into a multiplicity of cost objects such functions, processes, activities, multi-discipline labor and crews, thousands of material and all required equipment, as well associated productivity an economies of scales.   The approach enable owner lead teams to focus more upon  cost planning and control, and better support every key decision-making including planning, sourcing, pricing, investment justification, procurement,  and execution efficiency and productivity .    Resource costs (labor, material, equipment
quantities, productivity) are assigned to specific granular activities. The fundamental objects become assigned cost drivers for the specific task.

Usage of a locally researched 4BT UPB mitigates roots problems and the negative consequences resulting from traditional methods.

White Paper: How-to-Select-a-JOC- Unit Price Book – – A JOC  Unit Price Book, UPB is very important to the  quality, integrity, productivity,  and transparency of any Job Order Contract. A current, actionable UPB is central success of a JOC Program for all participants and stakeholders.

Dynamic Construction Cost Control

Cost and quality management systems in facilities management with respect to the numerous repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects faced by real property owners must be dynamic, proactive and able to support on-demand decision-making processes.

Driving best value outcomes requires full financial and technical visibility and transparency among all participants and stakeholders, and the associated mitigation of the effects of uncertainty.

Dynamic Construction Cost Control

Unfortunately traditional construction planning, procurement, and project delivery methods from design-bid-build, to design-build are not structured to deliver best value outcomes as they are not full collaborative, nor do they use a common data environment and a clear workflows and other tools and processes to enable the achievement of mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties…. owners, designers, engineers, builders, building users, and oversight groups.

With applied leadership and readily available integrated LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery tools and support services are readily available best value on-time and on-budget outcomes can be the norm.

Dynamic Construction Cost Control

LEAN Construction Cost Control

LEAN Construction Cost Control

Traditional cost estimating methods do not offer any reliable guidance for assessing impacts upon over project costs. Cost management systems should involve a set of robust processes required to ensure that a construction project is completed within the approved budget, on-time, and per specification, including cost estimating, cost control and cost projection. Due consideration of the interaction between cost and time in construction projects depends on the integration of planning, procurement, and project delivery and the used of dynamic cost data.

National average construction cost data and the use of locations factors, area cost factors, or construction cost indexes are static by nature and do not reflect local costs.

Tools and services are readily available to support Lean construction cost control.

Learn more…

References: (Kaka and Price 1991; Turner 1993; Navon 1995). (Kim 2002)

#leanconstruction #constructionestimating #ipd #integratedprojectdelivery #costestimating #facilitesmanagement #capex #constructionmanagement #operationsandmaintenance #jobordercontracting #lean #scrum #scrummaster #projectmanagement

LEAN Job Order Contracting

LEAN Job Order Contracting (JOC) differs from traditional JOC solutions provided to simply speed the procurement of construction services.

LEAN JOC is an integration of planning, procurement, and project delivery that drives best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders. It is formalized robust process that enables the consistent delivery of quality renovation, repair, maintenance, and new construction project on-time and on-budget. LEAN JOC isn’t JOC Consultants, staff, or contractors, it’s everyone! Everyone has a role to play. LEAN JOC is a journey. It’s an ongoing process that leads sustainable services delivered in a predictable, cost-effective manner. It takes time and effort. It doesn’t instantly allow for recognition of all benefits, but it’s a starting point, a process, a way of doing work.

LEAN JOC is program-based for all projects and work orders. Robust processes drive a focus upon outcomes for all team members. These process are supported by locally researched, fully transparent detailed unit price cost data and enabling collaborative technology.

The robust and formalized integration of planning, procurement, and project delivery based upon LEAN, supports best value outcomes.

Our building needs and costs have change dramatically, yet how we support these needs has not. If you are looking for a way to raise awareness about the need for formalized robust processes to optimized the management of physical assets with respect to repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction, please contact us.

LEAN Job Order Contracting is a proven process used to mitigate risk and utilize resource more efficiently, while considering the service needs of all participants and stakeholders

Budget smartly

Maintain efficient delivery of services

Plan for the future

Manage risk

Value is determined by Performance + Risk + Cost, all of which are managed through the best possible integration of People(Teams), Process(LEAN), Information(Shared, Common, Actionable), and Technology(Collaborative with embedded process).

Improving Construction Procurement Methods

Improving Construction Procurement

Improving construction procurement requires the ability to consistently generate value for stakeholders involved in facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and new builds. It can not be accomplished by a sole focus upon short-term capital cost reduction and traditional win-lose procurement methods.

Negative conflict-ridden and relatively inefficient construction procurement and delivery methods such as design-bid-build, design-build, construction manager at risk, etc., rarely generate the most efficient outcomes.

Improving construction procurement involves the integration of people, process, information, and technology and the associated early and ongoing integration of construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.

Fortunately, all the tools and services are available to support best value integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. These frameworks consistently drive quality, on-time, and on-budget best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders. They are program-based and all projects and work orders, and associated teams and workflows are follow fundamental rules which include mandatory collaboration, global oversight with empowerment of local decision-making, full financial visibility and transparency, all of which are based upon mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

Improving Construction Procurement

LEAN Construction SWOT Analysis

LEAN Construction SWOT Analysis

A lot of organizations claim to deploy LEAN construction, however, few actually do. LEAN construction requires integrations of construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, and associated people, process, information, and technology.

If you want to take the LEAN construction quiz…. request it.

via Four BT, LLC –

– Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.


Here’s an introduction to the 4 phases of LEAN construction and the consistent attainment of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build projects on-time and on-budget.

It’s not “rocket science” but is does require new learnings as well as real property owner commitment, leadership, and competency.

Continuous Improvement is a core element of LEAN construction planning, procurement, project delivery, and beyond!

Phases of Integration




4.Data Validation & Analysis


All the tools and support services are readily available if you are ready.

Learn more…


Construction Project Metrics

Here’s the beginning of a list of Construction Project Metrics. Please submit yours….

  • # of Projects Completed, Value of Projects Completed
  • % of # of Projects Completed (number) versus # of Projects Planned (same for Value)
  • % of # of Projects Completed (number) versus # of Projects Budgeted (same for Value)
  • % of # of Projects Completed (number) Completed On-Budget (same for Value)
  • % of # of Projects Completed (number) Completed On-Time (same for Value)
  • Average number of Change Orders Per Project
  • Average Value of a Change Order
  • % of Dollars Spent on Procurement vs. Actual Construction
  • Average Project Dollar Value
  • ……
Construction Project Metrics

A Robust Framework for Improving Construction Productivity

Any organization can consistently assure best value outcomes for facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and new builds. All the tools and support services are readily available. Robust processes have been proven and available for decades and have now evolved into full solution frameworks for improving construction productivity

Framework for Improving Construction Productivity

Integrating People, Process, Information, and Technology with a framework that combines and standardizes Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery maximizes early and ongoing communication and enables consistent best value outcomes for ALL participants and stakeholders.

Robust Framework for Improving Construction Productivity

The core components of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), for major construction, and LEAN Job Order Contracting (JOC), for repair, renovation, maintenance, and minor new builds, are now available within frameworks that include support services, information environments, and enabling collaborative technologies.

Collaboration is critical in achieving best value construction outcomes. The success of any repair, renovation, maintenance, or new build project is dependent upon early and ongoing collaboration among key parties. Developing and maintaining a collaborative environment is relatively simple with appropriate levels of owner leadership and competency.

Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Collaborative Construction Environment

Integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery frameworks enable multidisciplinary individuals to work together efficiently in support of multifunctional tasks. Coordinating collaboration among individuals and teams with diverse background is accomplished by not only assuring early and ongoing communication, but REQUIRING initial and ongoing training and a common data environment (CDE). Training includes processes and workflows for how teams work together. A requisite component of the common data environment is a locally researched unit price book (UPB). A UPB is detailed listing of construction tasks that specific labor, material, and equipment requirements at a granular level. As information is presented in plain English, using industry standard terms, and in a standardized format (CSI MasterFormat), all key participants have full financial and technical visibility into the full scope of work at any point in time.

LEAN process and workflows provide the primary solution, however, enabling technology plays a role in lowering deployment costs, assuring consistency, providing current information for all participants (a single source of truth), and continuously monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs).

Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity
Framework for Improving Construction Productivity

via Four BT, LLC –

Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.


AIA. (2008). AIA Document C195 – 2008, Standard Form Single Purpose Entity Agreement for Integrated Project Delivery, Exhibit D (Work Plan). US: AIA.
AIA California Council. (2007). Integrated Project Delivery: A Working Definition (2nd ed.). US.
AIA National, & AIA California Council. (2007). Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide (1st ed.). U.S.: AIA.
Ashcraft, H. W. (2011). IPD Teams: Creation, Organization and Management. San Francisco: Hanson Bridgett LLP.
Association for Project Management. (2000). APM Body of Knowledge. In M. Dixon (Ed.). UK: APM.
Baiden, B. K., & Price, A. D. F. (2011). The effect of integration on project delivery team effectiveness. International Journal of Project Management, 29(2), 129-136. doi:
Barlish, K. (2011). How To Measure the Benefits of BIM: A Case Study Approach. (Master of Science), Arizona State University, Arizona, US.
Barrett, R. (2013). Liberating the Corporate Soul: Taylor & Francis.
Brennan, M. D. (2011). Integrated Project Delivery: A Normative Model For Value Creation In Complex Military Medical Projects. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, US.
Brewer, W., & Mendelson, M. I. (2003). Methodology and Metrics for Assessing Team Effectiveness. The International Journal of Engineering Education, 19, 777-787.
Chelson, D. E. (2010). The Effects of Building Information Modeling on Construction Site Productivity. University of Maryland, College Park, US
Cleves, J. A., & Dal Gallo, L. (2012). Integrated Project Delivery: The Game Changer. Paper presented at the American Bar Association Meeting: Advanced Project Delivery: Improving the Odds of Success.
Coates, P., Arayici, Y., Koskela, L., Kagioglou, M., Usher, C., & O’Reilly, K. (2010). The key performance indicators of the BIM implementation process. Paper presented at the The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nothingham, UK.
ConsensusDOCS. (2007). ConsensusDOCS 300: Standard Tri-Party Agreement for Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). US.
Constructing Excellence. (2006). UK Construction Industry: Key Performance Indicators. UK.
Cooper, D., Jones, M., & Spencer, L. (2009). Delivery of Sydney Water’s Energy Partnering Relationship Agreement: Transfield Worley Services.
Cox, R., Issa, R., & Ahrens, D. (2003). Management’s Perception of Key Performance Indicators for Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129(2), 142-151. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2003)129:2(142)
Department of Treasury and Finance. (2006). Project Alliancing: Practitioner’s Guide. Australia: Department of Treasury and Finance.
El Asmar, M. (2012). Modeling and Benchmarking Performance for the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) System. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Wisconsin – Madison, US.
El Asmar, M., Hanna, A., & Loh, W. (2013). Quantifying Performance for the Integrated Project Delivery System as Compared to Established Delivery Systems. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 04013012. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000744
Ertel, D., Weiss, J., & Visioni, L. J. (2001). Managing Alliance Relationships: A Cross Industry Study of How to Build and Manage Successful Alliances. Massachusetts, US: Vantage Partners.
Franz, B., & Leicht, R. (2012). Initiating IPD Concepts on Campus Facilities with a “Collaboration Addendum” Construction Research Congress 2012 (pp. 61-70): American Society of Civil Engineers.
Freeman, J., Weil, S. A., & Hess, K. P. (2006). Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Knowledge in Command and Control Organizations, NY.
Galloway, P. D. (2013). Managing

2020 – Improving Facilities Operations & Maintenance Outcomes

Improving facilities and maintenance outcomes begins with a strategic review of objectives and alignment with integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery processes.

Build preeminent performance improvement capabilities driven by information and shared knowledge

Clear, well-communicated goals and objectives are critical. They, when combined with integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery processes are the proven pathway to best value outcomes.

Unfortunately facilities/physical infrastructure goals and objectives are rarely well defined and documented in quantitative form. It is therefore virtually impossible to measure and achieve success. Quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs) must be formulated that are in concert with facilities related organizational current and planned needs. Once they KPIs are developed, based upon currant and planned organizational resources, and integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery framework is needed to assure the efficient delivery of best value outcomes.

With appropriate leadership and competencies, any organization can initiate and maintenance facilities related performance improvement.

Reliably Deliver Innovation and Improvement

Step 1 – Review current goals and objectives in concert with resources and processes.

Step 2 – Realign processes to embed proven LEAN best value methods and solution sets.

Step 3 – Execute best value approach with continuous monitoring and phased improvement.

Significant Performance Improvements

  • COST
  • TIME
  • Robust Analytics
  • Full Cost Visibility and Transparency
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Facilitated Collaboration
  • Program versus Project Approach
  • Demonstrated model for driving continuous improvement through a organization-wide change management

Via Four BT, LLC – Learn more?

Construction Cost Estimating 2020 and Beyond – Must Reading for Owners

Construction cost estimating is critical to the success of any repair, renovation, maintenance, or new build, and the consistent achievement of best value outcomes.

Levels of Construction Cost Estimates

The are many levels of construction cost estimates based upon a “project” life-cycle. A project could involve repair, renovation, maintenance, or a new build. The “level of estimate” refers primarily to the granularity and therefore also its associated transparency and cost visibility. Which level of estimate is appropriate for use depend largely upon organizational processes and levels of competency, as well as “stage” of the project. Stage in this case refers to whether a project is being defined simply for long-term budgetary purposes, or being planned for execution.

Conceptual or preliminary estimates are developed prior to any design or engineering analysis other than basic requirements definition and or physical and/or functional condition assessment. Cost data obtained at this level is generally used to identify and rank deferred maintenance needs and/or aid in decision support relative to new construction. The types of estimating used at these stages provide gross levels of funding need only, and include the following “parametric estimating” types: building type/building level estimates, square foot level estimating, and systems-level estimating. All of these depend upon historical information for cost sourcing and/or national average cost databases. The value of these types of estimates continues to be debatable.

Construction Cost Estimating 2020
Integrated Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Detailed estimates on the other hand, provide high levels of cost visibility, transparency, and can be validated. This level of estimating requires a specific set of requirements information provided by the owner/owner’s representative. An experience senior construction cost estimator and/or estimating teams then develops a detailed unit priced cost estimate. A key tool in this regard is a locally researched detailed unit price cost database organized using CSI Masterformat. This tool validates the estimate for the local area, shorten estimate creation time, provide a common method for communicating construction project requirements among disparate project participants and stakeholders, and allows estimates to easily be updated and/or reused.


Only detailed line item construction cost estimates should be accepted for review and approval by owners from contractors or other service providers for a planned project to be executed. Additionally, an integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery process is equally important to assuring consistent best value outcomes.

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes.  Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.

Construction Procurement – Accelerate Change, or Fail

Construction procurement planning is critical to the success of facilities management and all related repair, renovation, maintenance, and new build activities.

Focus upon best value based processes, long-term service provider partnerships, LEAN construction delivery methods, and enabling collaborative technologies can lead to measurable and significantly improved outcomes.

Proactively making these changes requires leadership and competency in order to link previously disparate domains. Leaders must reimagine procurement and fundamentally change how internal and external teams are built and work together.

Implement Best Value Construction Procurement

Fortunately all the support tools and services are readily available to enable procurement teams to play are leadership role in efficient construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.

Construction Procurement
Construction Procurement
Construction Procurement
Construction Procurement

Planning Major and Minor Facilities / Asset Repair, Refurbishment, Maintenance, Renovation, and Construction

How real property owners and facilities management professionals traditionally plan, procure, and deliver projects is the most significant barrier to improving capital reinvestment performance outcomes.

Without effective management processes it is impossible to consistently achieve best value outcomes, such as the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, or new construction projects on-time and on-time. In fact, less than 20% of all projects are delivered on-time and on-budget, or per stakeholder requirements.

In the public sector, whether Federal, State, County, or Local Government there are few if any departments or agencies that deploy an organization-wide best value planning, procurement, and project delivery process. From the GSA PBS to your local school system, millions of dollars of waste are the norm and both true financial visibility and transparency is lacking. The results are….

Excessive maintenance costs

  • Unplanned downtime
  • Poor Quality
  • Inefficient communication and collaboration among internal and external teams
  • Inability to accurately measure performance or track improvement
  • Wasteful / Inappropriate capital spending

Robust processes, tools, and services are readily available for any organization to significantly improve physical asset governance and maximize the use of available resources.

Planning Major and Minor Facilities  Asset Repair

Integrated LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery solutions…

  • Improve performance
  • Mitigate risk
  • Reduce cost
  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce reactive maintenance
  • Lowered deferred maintenance
  • Achieve continuous improvement

Learn more about…

Lean Construction

Available Tools and Services


Additional Reading…

Best value construction metrics involve continuous assessment of team performance and improvement. Key areas monitored include the level of collaboration, timeline, costs and cost comparisons, specifications, satisfaction, and quality.

Best value construction requires the integration of planning, procurement, and project delivery people, processes, information, and technology. As such its important to monitor and continuous improve across all of these previously disparate domains. Integrated project delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and LEAN job order contracting, OpenJOC(TM), for repair, renovation, maintenance, and minor new construction are robust environments that support best value construction. Both of these enable organizations to transition from lack of productivity and positive outcomes due to issues with multidisciplinary teams and multi-functional task requirements to highly collaborative and coordinated outcome-focused systems. IPD and JOC promote the ability for people with diverse capabilities and backgrounds to collaborate and enhance overall performance and maximize goals attainment.

Best Value Construction delivery is dependent on collaboration and teamwork among all project participants. Poor collaboration is the most primary cause of construction project failure.

While all the requisite tools and services are readily available to support IPD, LEAN JOC, and best value construction delivery, the participants’ ability to collaborate, and a real property owner’s ability to lead and implement collaborative environments varies significantly. Currently less than five percent (5%) of owner’s implement these proven tools, and fewer maximize their capabilities.

A collaborative team requires performance assessment and continuous improvement to remain effective. This includes regular independent third-party audits and well as initial and ongoing training, as well as real-time monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs). A common data environment (CDE), inclusive of a locally researched detailed unit price book and supporting technology to assure full document management, inclusive of version control and change monitoring are also key components.

Tracking communication activities as well as workflows and associated phases is a central focus of best value construction performance monitoring. Collaborative construction planning, procurement, and project delivery environments include a multi-party contract and an Operations Manual/Execution Guide. All of the roles, responsibilities, documents, workflows, information architectures, and deliverables are clearly written. Performance metrics, therefore, are derived from these documents.

Learn more…


 El Asmar, Hanna, and Loh, 2013

Baiden and Price, 2011

Thomsen, 2009

AIA California Council, 2007

 Gerschman and Schauder, 2006

What is Job Order Contracting?

What is Job Order Contracting…. A Job Order Contacting (JOC) Program optimizes small to medium, repetitive, and easily defined maintenance, repair, renovation, and minor new construction projects of which the scope aligns transparently with a pre-priced locally researched detailed unit price book (UPB). JOC is a form of indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IQIQ) LEAN construction integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery method.
JOC master contracts to prequalified contractors through a competitive bid process whereby contractors bid a factor (JOC coefficient) per the pre-priced JOC UPB. The pre-priced catalog is generally adjusted annually, or more frequently. The contractor’s adjustment factor remains fixed for identified terms of the contract.
Values for the minimum and maximum dollars value for the annual contract and for each project are stipulated, as well as the type of projects.
An independent review of each project, by a knowledgeable person that is not the JOC Program Manager, is best practice.

Redefining Construction Relationships – The Proven Path to Higher Productivity

Redefining construction relationships is the only proven path the higher productivity.

Redefining Construction Relationships
Redefining Construction Relationships

All the tools and support services are readily available to enable real property owners and their selected services partners to consistently complete quality repair, renovation, sustainment, maintenance, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget.

Building awareness mutually beneficial LEAN integrated project delivery processes and subsequent deployment and refinement would resolve the issue of rampant economic and environmental waste endemic to the AECCO sector (AECOO-Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, Owner).

Learn more….

JOC Contractors
Statutes, Regulations
White Papers

Issues with Construction Cost Indexes, Location Factors, and Cost Estimating for IDIQ and JOC

Issues with Construction Cost Indexes, Location Factors, and Cost Estimating for IDIQ and JOC impact cost visibility and transparency. Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) and Job Order Contracts (JOC), as well as other multi-year construction contracts require a way for contractors do account for cost impacts associated with various contingencies. In this case the discussion is centered upon addressing costs for the local market as well as annual (or quarterly) economic impacts to costs.

Independent research and professional experience has clearly demonstrated that the use of location factors/indices and economic indexes are do not enable reliable cost information capable of being used for construction planning, procurement, and associated project delivery.

Locally researched detailed unit price cost data is best suited for providing verifiable cost visibility and transparency at a site, or other appropriate geolocation basis. Similarly, updating the locally researched cost data annually or quarterly provided far more useful information than the simple multiplication of a cost factor. In this manner, labor, material, and equipment can all be updated at a granular level to best reflect actual costs of construction tasks.

History of Cost Factors

Initially, index numbers were used to factor in the cost of money.the value of the money using simple non-weighted values. The were used primarily in the financial sector. Indexes were not used in the construction industry until the 1920’s. Today there are multiple indexes available targeting time-based economic costs at both a high level on an annual, quarterly, monthly basis, etc., as well as factors addressing specific classes such as materials, equipment, or labor. Location factors are also now readily available.

Issues with Construction Cost Factors

Although using construction cost factors to localize cost data is faulty concept it remains common practice. The common practice of using construction cost indexes to localize cost information or account for changes over time should be reconsidered by all real property owners.


  • 2016 – Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity project
    selection framework using stochastic techniques
  • 2011 – Price Indexing in Transportation Construction Contracts
  • 1975 – Index numbers in theory and practice

Announcing an Innovative LEAN Construction Planning Procurement Project Delivery Solution

Announcing the industry’s only LEAN Construction Planning Procurement Project Delivery Solution with Program Management, Project Management, Proposal Management, Estimate Management, Work Order Management, Document Management, Issues/Task Management, Contractor and Subcontractor Management, WBE/MBE Management, Budget/Actual Management, BIM Information Access and Integration… and more.

The 4BT OpenBuild (TM) 4BT-PE enables a whole new way for real property portfolio owners and their service providers to interact on a full transparent and collaborative basis to achieve mutually beneficial best value outcomes.

Remove the traditional silos and no longer depend upon inefficient and antagonistic construction delivery methods.

Learn more?

LEAN Construction Planning Procurement Project Delivery Solution Solution
Collaborative LEAN Construction Planning Procurement Project Delivery Solution

Effectively plan, procure, and manage repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects on a consistent basis.

  1. Avoid costly project delays and shorten project delivery timelines
  2. Put an end to inaccurate scopes of work
  3. Assure cost visibility and full cost transparency
  4. Drive BEST VALUE outcomes
  5. Assure all documents are current and available
  6. Improve quality
  7. Reduce costs

Process comes first and technology is just an enablers. That said, paper-based communications cause excessive errors and omissions, which lead to needless costs and delays.

Construction Material Prices Rise

2020 Construction Materials Prices are up 1.1% versus 2019, basically in concert with with a 1.0% year over year increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Price changes for individual commodity categories over the past twelve months have varied widely. For example…

+12% Plywood products

+26% Lumber/softwood

-2% Copper wire

+2% Plumbing fixtures

-8% Hot rolled steel

via Four BT, LLC –

Construction Material Prices

UK Construction Employment Decline Worst Since 2010

83,000 lost jobs in 2nd quarter 2020 (Office of National Statistics)

via Four BT, LLC –

Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.

Job Order Contract Best Management Practices

Job Order Contract Best Management Practices involve a focus upon LEAN collaborative construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes and the associated integration of people, process, information, and people.

Not all Job Order Contracts (JOC) and JOC Programs are the same. In fact, many JOC Programs have failed to employ LEAN principles. Instead, JOC is used simply to speed procurement, and in some cases, even bypass traditional procurement safe guards (see JOC Program Audits).

When properly developed and managed, JOC Programs can measurably improve quality, cost visibility and transparency, shorten overall project delivery timelines, and elevate levels of satisfaction for all participants and stakeholders.

Job Order Contract Best Management

While each Job Order Contract and JOC Program is tailored to the real property owner’s specific requirements, the following characteristics are common to ALL JOCs observing best management practices.

  1. Early and ongoing collaboration among all participants and stakeholders
  2. Focus upon mutually beneficial outcomes
  3. Mutual trust and respect
  4. Shared risk/reward, with reward based upon performance
  5. Long-term relationships
  6. Owner leadership and competency
  7. Continuous improvement
  8. Common data environment, including transparent and verifiable locally researched detailed unit price cost data (National average cost data with/without location factors is not recommended.)
  9. Enabling technology – Program Management, Project Management, Proposal Management, Estimate Management, Work Order Management, Workflow Management, Cost Data Management, Document Management, Issues/Task Management, Contractor/Subcontractor Management, WBE/MBE Management, BIM information integration
  10. Global oversight with local decision-making
Job Order Contract Best Management Practices
JOC Program Best Management Practices

via Four BT, LLC –

Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.

The Issues Associated with Using Location Factors and “national average” cost databases

Their are multiple issues with using national average cost data bases, with or without associated location factors. These are described below. Properly developed locally researched detailed unit price cost data provides unparalleled cost visibility and transparency.

Here are a series quotations from independently published research papers or professional articles noting the issues associated with the use of location factors.

“Location factors are used during preliminary project evaluations. They are not intended to be used when preparing appropriation-quality estimates. They often are applied to conceptual estimates for identifying “go/no-go” projects at an early stage.” (Peitlock, B.A., ccc, Developing Location Factors Using a Factoring Method, International Cost Engineering Council, ICEC International Cost   Management Journal (ICMJ), 1998.)

Location factors are primarily used in class 4 and 5 estimates and are not intended to be used for higher quality estimates, such as class 3, 2, or 1. The RSMeans city cost index (CCI) and the Department of Defense area cost factor (ACF) index are two primary examples of location factor publications. (Martinez, A., Validation of methods for adjusting construction cost estimates by project location , University of New Mexico UNM   Digital Repository, 2010)

“Despite its potential weaknesses, estimation by adjustment factors is a very common approach for all types of construction. A very common approach for performing quick-order-of-magnitude estimates is based on using Location Cost Adjustment Factors (LCAFs). The accuracy of cost estimates in the early phases varies within an expected range that spans from -100% to +200% ” “Using the results of this study, various commercial entities (e.g., RS Means) could enhance their online tools by uploading publicly available socio-economic variables and allowing users to perform geostatistical analysis. As a result, a cost engineer could input the location of a project and obtain the most accurate location adjustment factor through a mix of interpolation and geostatistical prediction techniques.” (Migliaccio, G., Empirical Assessment of Spatial Prediction Methods for Location Cost Adjustment Factors, J Constr Eng Manag. 2013)

“Problems within the methodology, unfortunately, will continue to arise as standardized estimation tools (CCI) simply cannot account for the unique characteristics of individual states.  Unfortunately, the accuracy of program-wide CCIs occasionally led to swings of ±20 percent after projects had gone through the bidding process. Additionally, no direct application of market or economic conditions existed in this conventional CCI process, which was theorized by FHWA to potentially be a significant influence on resulting project estimate accuracy. ”    (University of Colorado Denver College of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering, Validation of Project-level   Construction Cost Index Estimation Methodology, 2017

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.

national average cost data

Construction Cost Model


Oddly, few real property owners create a detailed construction cost model for their renovation, repair, maintenance, or new build projects. This is a primary factor causing the high level of waste and dissatisfaction associated with life-cycle management of the built environment.


Let’s start with the basics… what is a model? ” A model a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.” or “a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate.” While a model can be defined in multiple ways, for the most part it is a way of sharing information and/or a level of understanding, or “a means for conceptualization and communication of ideas in a precise and unambiguous form” (Matipa, 2008). A construction cost model is a verifiable means for conceptualization and communication of detailed repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction project’s physical and financial requirements is a precise, unambiguous, and standardized format.


A common data environment (CDE) is a requisite component of an efficient construction planning, procurement, and project delivery environment. A locally researched detailed unit price book, written in plain English, with complete titles and definitions, and breakdowns for associate labor, material, and equipment, organized using a standard data architecture (i.e. CSI Masterformat)…. is perhaps the single most important common data source.

Construction Cost Model

Learn more? Please contact us.


Proven Job Order Contracting Practices that Drive Improved Construction Outcomes


Proven Job Order Contracting Practices have evolved to enable the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction project on-time and on-budget. Solutions such as the OpenJOC(TM) Framework, optimize the integration off people, process, information, and enabling technology to drive best value outcomes for both real property owners and construction services providers. Tools and services are readily available to support collaborative construction planning, procurement, and project delivery .


While the issues of low productivity and associated economic and environmental waste associated with constructing and sustaining built structures has been well documented, education and training relative to existing solutions has been insufficient.

While BIM has highlighte the need for integrating people, processes, and information, it does little to address the need to clearly establish workflows, information data sets, and requirements that drive outcomes that are truly beneficial for all participants and stakeholders.

Undue focus has been placed upon technology, in the form of BIM for example, as a potential solutions. Despite the fact that history has proven that technology is a enabler and not a solution unto itself, most organizations have focused there, rather than addressing the issue of sorely needed change and change management throughout the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Owner domains. While BIM
has highlighted the need for integrating people, processes, and information, it does little to address the need to clearly establish workflows, information data sets, and requirements that drive outcomes that are truly beneficial for all participants and stakeholders. The proven path to the the former is an integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery environment.


Integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery is readily available, and ranges from LEAN job order contracting, to integrated project delivery and other forms of “alternative project delivery”. While each of these have their unique qualities and can be further tailored to specific organizational needs, they all have the following requirements

  • locally researched detailed unit price cost data, organized using a standard date architecture.
  • mandatory collaboration.
  • early and ongoing communication among all participants and stakeholders.
  • multi-party agreement, complete with an Operations Manuals / Execution Guide.
  • shared risk/reward, based upon performance
  • global oversight, inclusive of KPIs, with localized decision-making (those actually doing the work)
  • long-term relationships built upon trust and respect
  • regular independent third-party reviews/audits
  • supporting technology (program management, proposal/bid management, estimate management, project management, work order management, document management, building management, team management, issues/task management, forms management, contract management, constractor/subconstractor management, BIM information integration, internal system communication (no reliance upon emails and/or spreadsheets), and,
  • required and ongoing training for all participants and stakeholders.

Collaboration between project parties, starting from the early planning phases throughout project close-out and beyond is difficult, if not impossible to achieve on a regular basis by using traditional
procurement methods, such as the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) method, or even design-build (DB).

If participants an stakeholder act as as autonomous units
focusing on their own interests and incentives, it should come as no surprise that poor performance, low levels of satisfaction, conflict and disputes, are the norm.

4BT Efficient Construction Project Delivery and Job Order Contracting 
Proven Job Order Contracting Practices drive improved construction outcomes

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC provides innovative integrated project delivery solutions inclusive of detailed locally researched construction cost data, and enabling SAAS technology. We  help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes, via client-specific programs centered upon achieving best value outcomes. 

Proven LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery  processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology and ongoing training, are the proven path to significant gains in efficiency and satisfaction.

Adaptive Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Adaptive Lean Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery tools and services are readily available to assure the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget.

The fundamental issues associated with design-bid-build and even design-bid, are well known to experienced AECOO professionals (architecture, engineering, construction, operations, owner). Rampant waste and high levels of dissatisfaction of all participants and stakeholders are the norm.

With a bit of leadership and commitment on the part of real property owners, and a program of initial and ongoing training, over 90% of all repair, renovation, and construction projects can be delivered on-time and on-budget, as well as to the mutual satisfaction of everyone involved.

Adaptive Construction Delivery

Adaptive LEAN Construction Basics – Collaborative management and governance with early and ongoing communication of all participants rests at the core of adaptive LEAN construction. Integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery, with a focus upon transparency and mutually beneficial outcomes is equally important. A common data environment, including a detailed unit price line item cost data resource are mandatory componets to assure full communication of scope of work and associate work requirements, costs, and schedules.

Technology, while secondary to outcome-focused processes, supports lower cost deployment, access to current actionable information, consistency of developed workflows, and enables real-time monitoring.

Roles and responsibilities, deliverables, tools, workflows, etc., are all specified with a collaborative contract and an operations manual/execution guide. Global oversight is integrated with localized decision-making. Recognition and leverage of the expertise of those actually doing the work is the norm.

Adaptive LEAN construction serves to integrate People, Process, Information, and Technology throughout all phases of Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery.

Financial visibility and predictability is available for all projects through a PROGRAM focus. This Program focus is shared among all participants and stakeholders and maintained and continuously improved via long-term mutually beneficial relationships. Reward is performance based.

Summary – In order to achieve the benefits of adaptive LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, real property and owners and their service partners need to adapt and abide by its collaborative principles and characteristics.

Hopefully there will come a time when more owners will explore and adapt efficient and integrated construction planning, procurement, an project delivery methods.

Adaptive Lean Construction

Via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, detailed locally researched construction cost data, and SAAS technology solutions provider integrating powerful, proven adaptive LEAN project planning, procurement, and execution methods.

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture and client-specific programs centered upon delivering customer value, driven by, proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

  • Program Management
  • Contract Management
  • Project Management
  • Work Order Management
  • Full Document Management (version control, inclusive of document “check-in/check-out”)
  • Building Management
  • Geolocation
  • Space Management
  • Component Management
  • Issues/Task Management
  • Team Management
  • Contractor/Subcontractor Management
  • MBE/WBE/HUBZONE… Management
  • BIM Viewing and Information Access/Integration
  • Internal System Messaging
  • ISO Security Compliance
  • Workflow Management
  •  Forms Management
  • Work Phase Tracking
  • SQL/Excel/PDF Export
  • Reporting
  • Co-efficient Tracking / Multiple
  •  Financial Tracking – Budget vs. Final
  •  Change Order Tracking 
  • Non-prepriced line item Tracking
  • Copy/paste Projects
  • Copy/paste Estimates
  • Automatic Estimate Comparison
  • Five (5) Security Levels
  • Support for multiple UPBs
  • Locks UPB to Contract
  • Search Capabilities (Tree, Masterformat, Full Text)
  • Tag and Input Multiple Line Items
  • Multi-Format Viewer (DWG, Revit, PDF…)
  • Associate and Manage Multiple Coefficients
  • User Dashboard
  • Summary and Detailed Estimate/Bid/Proposals Reports

2020 Guide to Construction Cost Estimating

2020 Guide to Construction Cost Estimating provides a road map for applying best management practices necessary to drive financial visibility and transparency.


Locally researched detailed line item unit price construction data provided the highest level of verifiable and transparent information.  Since other levels or types of cost estimating can’t meet this level, care should be given as to what form of cost data is being use.   Other, less stringent forms of cost estimating include the following: national average line item cost data (with or without adjustment or localization factors), system or assembly level cost data, or building level and/or other forms of parametric cost data. liability insurance and allowance for small tools and consumables. Material costs are either


Based upon contract requirements, local labor costs may be sourced from published Davis Bacon Wage Rates, or published or researched local prevailing wage rates with appropriate inclusion markups for worker compensation, unemployment, liability insurance and allowance for small tools and consumables.  In the public sector contracts may require Davis Bacon Wage Rates or prevailing wage rates, or both, with the usage of the higher of the two.   Markups include worker compensation and unemployment per state in which work is performed. Liability insurance based upon local contractor rates is also added as a percentage. Finally, a percentage of labor is added for small tools and consumables based upon the labor category. The base rate does not include overhead and profit, however, can be added if needed. 

In addition, highly specialized subcontract items may require travel and per-diem expenses for mechanics.

The labor-hours expressed in this database are average Installation time, using an efficiency level that is consistent with the particular trade.

Material Costs

Material costs are local for commodities such as concrete, asphalt and aggregate. Other material costs are based upon either local costs, national or regional costs. Many items that are researched do not vary nationally due to the national pricing by many vendors and manufacturers. Some costs are regional and are priced for large areas of the country such as western, central and eastern states. Depending upon each contract, the best pricing is provided for the needs of the customer. If regional or national prices are used, these are checked against local pricing to assure that the local costs do not significantly vary. Material costs are either local, regional or national depending upon the location. Sales tax is generally not added unless requested.   Material prices must consider local areas as remote areas or congested inner-city regions can cause significant variance.   

Equipment Costs 

Equipment costs are either local rates or a national rate for each piece of equipment used in crews performing the task based upon daily usage. Overhead and profit markups are not included in the pricing, but can be added electronically to the database as needed.

General Conditions

General overhead and profit can be added by percentage if desired. The rate added is up to the client. This can be done electronically. In addition, some general provision items are included in Division 1 that can be added to the estimate such as construction trailers, cleanup and temporary power.

Costs can vary depending upon a number of variables. Here’s how we have handled the main factors affecting costs.

Quality / Quantity

The prices for materials and the workmanship are based upon normal construction standards. Many material prices can also be adjusted for quantity as an adjustment factor in the database.   The are provided in the form of line item modifiers.  Modifiers are add or deduct cost from the parent line item.

via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, detailed locally researched construction cost data, and SAAS technology solutions provider. Integrating powerful, proven project planning, procurement, and execution methods to help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes. We focus upon supporting a collaborative culture and client-specific programs centered upon delivering customer value, driven by, proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, ongoing training, and continuous improvement.

Construction Common Data Environment Tool (CDE)

4BT BiC is a Construction Common Data Environment Tool (CDE) for the efficient management of public sector facilities planning, procurement, and project delivery.
The Common Data Environment (CDE) is a structured environment of data and information governed by shared rules in which information flows into coordinated workflows, in which each operator involved in various capacities acquires the information useful to the performance of the activities and at the same time feeds it. The data, in order to be properly interpreted and offer significant benefits, must necessarily be immediately accessible, understandable and organized into common formats.  

An example of a critical CDE is a locally researched detailed unit price book (UPB) organized using the CSI Masterformat data architecture. A locally researched UPB is the core of any repair, renovation, sustainment, maintenance, or new construction activity. It provides full financial transparency and a means to clarity work scopes, It also can be used to validate contractor and subcontractor quotes.

A CDE, in combination with LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes, is the future, and available toay

Request free eBook:

via Four BT, LLC , the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, detailed locally researched construction cost data, and SAAS technology solutions provider integrating powerful, proven project planning, procurement, and execution methods.
We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific programs centered upon delivering customer value, driven by, proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Just Do It! Collaborative, Create Value, and Deliver Projects On-Time and On-Budget = LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery drives BEST VALUE first time, every time.

Robust tools and services are readily available to measurably improve repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction outcomes.

  • Securely Collaborate in real-time
  • Assure Team members are working on the current version of information
  • Develop plans, process procurement, and manage project execution with locally researched detailed line item unit price cost data
  • Execute on-line workflows, approvals, forms, and work packages
  • Focus upon client value and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Best Value Construction Procurement Planning and Project Delivery

Best Value Construction Procurement Planning drives optimal economic and environmental outcomes and improve satisfaction for all participants & stakeholders. Best value construction procurement planning and project delivery is based upon solid leadership, and supported by collaborative teams and integrated robust processes, tools, and support services.

Best Value Construction Procurement Planning

Real property owner leadership and competency is a prerequisite for efficient life-cycle management of the built environment. This includes the process of integrating teams of people, LEAN processes, information, and enabling technology.

Key characteristics and requirements of a real property leaders capable of consistently improving repair, renovation, maintenance, and construction outcomes include:

  1. The ability to make decisions contrary to traditional inefficient and antagonistic processes and day to day activities.
  2. The ability to identify and communicate priorities and assure alignment of organizational resources.
  3. The ability to make appropriate trade-offs to achieve desired outcomes
  4. Clear written definition of roles, responsibilities, workflows, information requirements, outcomes, and a written operations manual/execution guide.
  5. Create an environment that rewards new ideas and action, and empowers those actually doing the work. Assure teams learn from mistakes and missteps in lieu of punishment.
  6. Require collaboration, transparency, and initial and ongoing training.
  7. Leverage the knowledge of internal and external sources and seek input and information. Focus upon continuous improvement and not the status quo.
  8. Reliably deliver and take ownership of performance issues. Create a culture of accountability.
  9. Trust but measure. Leverage key performance indicators and technology to continuously monitor performance. Incorporate regular audits by independent third-parties.
  10. Assure that focus is upon mutually beneficial outcomes for ALL participants and stakeholders.

Request a free eBook.

Facilities Procurement 101

Facilities procurement 101 involves an understanding of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery and life-cycle total cost of ownership asset management.

Procurement professionals must provide LEADERSHIP with respect to the planning, procurement, and project delivery of facilities repair, renovation, and construction services.

The role of procurement is not simply to get facilities related procurements off their desk as quickly as possible, but rather to collaborate with facilities management, building users, and external service provides to assure optimal, best value outcomes.

If you’d like to learn more, request a copy of the LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery eBook.

Start to improve facilities procurement activities today! (

Facilities Procurement

Construction Cost Data – A Valuable Read?

What type of construction cost data do you use?

construction cost data
LEAN Process Combined with Detailed, Locally Researched Construction Cost Data

Current, actionable construction cost data is a core component of efficient life-cycle management of the built environment and LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. With less than 5% of the real property owners, architects, engineers, and builders using detailed, line item, locally researched cost data, is the endemic level of economic and environmental waste really surprising?

Detailed Cost Data – Repair, renovation, maintenance, and new unit costs are based on discrete work activity tasks (along with their labor, crew, productivity, material, equipment and location requirements) that represent applicable construction standards/specifications. Rates for labor, materials, and equipment based on surveys and/or cost data from actual vendors, suppliers, builders, contractors, and follow industry standards. Each work activity granular, and an based upon core assumptions. Separate line items are included for removal, demolition, and installation. Cost derived in this manner, from a robust, locally researched unit price book should track actual project costs by +/- 5%.

Parametric Cost Data- Replacement unit costs are based on less detailed, somewhat representative models that demonstrate what a finished task/project may approximately cost. While rates for labor, materials, and equipment are based on surveys and/or cost data from actual vendors, suppliers, builders, contractors, and construction projects and follow industry and statistical standards, so derived costs are likely to represent actual projects within a range of +/- 30%-40%.

Partial/Incomplete Cost Data – While an attempt is made to gather information for Rates for applicable labor, materials, and equipment based on surveys or cost data from actual vendors, suppliers, builders, contractors, and construction projects, unit costs are not based upon detailed work activity breakouts and do not demonstrate the incorporation of all activities that result in a finished component replacement. Cost data may also be derived from national average cost resources that do not accurately account for significant variations in labor, material, equipment, crew composition, or productivity.

Ad hoc Cost Data – Details on the methodology and assumptions that go into a repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction task are not clearly defined. Rates for labor, materials, and equipment not based on statistically significant and/or valid surveys or cost data from actual vendors, suppliers, builders, contractors, and construction projects. Industry and statistical standards are not used. All necessary work activity tasks (along with their labor, material and equipment requirements) that result in a finished activity/task are not represented.

via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, detailed locally researched construction cost data, and SAAS technology solutions provider integrating powerful, proven project planning, procurement, and execution methods. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture and client-specific programs centered upon delivering customer value, driven by, proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Guide to Construction Services Procurement and Management

A Guide to Construction Services Procurement would be incomplete without a discussion of collaborative LEAN construction planning and management methodology. The latter is a robust, proven method of integrating the planning, procurement, and project delivery of repair, renovation, maintenance, and new new construction in and early and ongoing manner to consistent drive optimal outcomes.

The primary mistake that organizations make in procuring construction services in support of their facilities management needs is that they do not manage their providers.

Many, if not most, public sector procurement professionals view their role as simply shuffling paperwork to enable the bidding and contracting of construction firms as quickly as possible. The faster the process is complete the better. The net result has been the continues legacy of economic and environmental waste, legal disputes, and dissatisfaction of both building uses and oversight groups.

LEAN Construction Planning and Management Methodology – The proven, robust framework integrates people, process, information, and technology to consistently assure delivery of quality, on-time, and on-budget repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects to the mutual satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders. While it does require change from the ‘status quo’ of traditional archaic and antagonistic practices (low bid, design-bid-build….), core fundamentals are far from complex and implementation can be phased. All that is required is owner leadership, commitment, and competency.. Proven methods currently include integrated project delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and LEAN job order contracting, JOC, for repair, renovation, maintenance and new construction. Tools and support services are readily available for both.

The Role of Procurement – It’s important to understand that procurement is not an isolated silo or entity with respect to facilities support services. Procurement must play an early and ongoing role with respect to planning, procuring, and project delivery of facilities construction and operations/maintenance support services. In fact, procurement must play a leadership roles, or at a minimum a shared leadership role with facilities management professionals. Procurement must work directly; with builders and other construction, architectural, engineering and other service providers on an early and ongoing basis.

Building and supporting teams and treating AEC (architects, engineers, and contractors) a long term partners is a core requisite function of procurement. All are part of the organizations value chain. Unfortunately, many public sector procurement entities do not operate within or abide by this core principle.

Within LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery frameworks, service providers contribute experience and solutions on an early and ongoing basis with the goal of achieving well defined mutually beneficial outcomes. Associated multi-party agreements, operations manuals/execution guides, data environments, and enabling technology all are embedded with and support consistent deployment and continuous improvement.

The end goals of procurement relative to facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, operations, and maintenance remains the same, serving the client. The difference is that beneficially and seamlessly serving the client is now possible.

Procurement’s Role

  • Achieve best value outcomes (evaluate needs and costs, not simply price)
  • Clarify, validate, and set organizational objectives
  • Communicate objectives to relevant internal and external teams.
  • Select appropriate planning, procurement, and project delivery methods
  • Conduct market research. Develop and monitor requests for information and requests for proposals. Clearly define goals, roles and areas of responsibility, and quantitative metrics.
  • Evaluate proposals and award service providers
  • Award project(s) and associated work order(s)
  • Monitor progress
  • Close out project(s) and work order(s) and evaluate performance
Guide to Construction Services Procurement and Management
Guide to Construction Services Procurement and Management
Guide to Construction Services Procurement and Management

via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data and SAAS technology solutions provider integrating powerful, proven project planning, procurement, and execution methods.

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific programs centered upon delivering customer value, driven by, proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Facilities Knowledge Management

Facilities knowledge management. in combination with LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery is the only proven pathway to improved financial, environmental, and functional performance outcomes.
Building an integrated facilities knowledge management / LEAN environment is far from complex. The process does, however, requires owner leadership, commitment, and competency. As the planning and day to day operational aspects are sharply different from traditional methods, the ability to effect organizational change is also a key requirement.
Life-cycle total-cost-of-ownership asset management and LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery methods integrate People, Process, Information, and Technology.
Significant benefits to all participants and stakeholders are provided throughout all facilities management phases. These include;
1.) the consistent deliver of quality projects, on-time, on-budget and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders,
2.) full regulatory compliance, and
3.) financial visibility and transparency at granular and macro levels.

The consistent achievement of these benefits is virtually impossible with traditional approaches and methods.
Planning, Design, Procurement, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance are all addressed within a collaborative environment with all team members involved in an early and ongoing basis.
Process is embedded within technology to enable lower cost and consistent deployment, real-time access to current and actionable information, as well as continuous monitoring.
Technology, however, is secondary to process, and not the driver.

A common data environment, inclusive of locally researched detailed unit cost cost is a requisite element.

(Note: Locally researching labor, material, and equipment costs, as well as productivity rates is different than researching planning or completed construction costs. The latter are incapable of enabling owner of service provides from jointly and efficiently planning and costing upcoming requirement in a efficient manner.)
LEAN Construction Guide

Facilities Knowledge Management, integrated with LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, optimizes value.

Via Four BT, LLC – the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for efficient project planning, procurement, and execution.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Best Value FM – Public sector real property owners and FMers must transform their operations relative to planning, procurement, project delivery, and oversight.

Best value FM will remain an elusive goal for public sector real property owners until a transformation of basic management practices takes place.

Best Value FM

The path to best value facilities requires competency in both life-cycle total-cost-of-ownership asset management and LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. Both require higher levels of leadership, commitment, and competency that previously available. Until transformation to best value FM occurs, however, rampant economic and environmental waster will remain the norm.

Core tenants of best value facilities management

  • Owner leadership, commitment, and competency
  • Best value procurement
  • LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery
  • Long-term, mutually beneficial team relationships among owners and service providers
  • Team focus upon outcomes
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Locally researched detailed unit price line items descriptions and associated granular cost data
  • Enabling collaborative technologies

via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for efficient project planning, procurement, and execution.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

JOC Program Development

JOC Program development involves a strategic analysis of current and planned capabilities and a clear definition of desired outcomes.

For most public sector real property managers, and facilities management teams, JOC Program goals include the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget, in full compliance with applicable regulations.

Achievement of these goals in a timely, consistent, and cost effective value manner involves becoming aware of LEAN best value construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes and available tools.

JOC Program Development
JOC Program Development

The unit price book, UPB, is one of the most important tools beyond introductory and ongoing training. A properly developed UPB is central to improving and adequately communicating scope of work for projects, reducing the number of change orders, and assuring satisfactory outcomes for all participants and stakeholders.

Whether your JOC Program is about to expire, our you are implementing JOC for the first time, it is critical that procurement and facilities management teams thoroughly evaluate currently available JOC Program tools and services.

Innovative, lower cost, and higher productivity JOC solutions are now available. These tools enable transparent, compliant, and high performing JOC planning, procurement and project delivery environments.

via – Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for efficient project planning, procurement, and execution. 

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Delivering Improved Construction Repair Renovation and Maintenance Outcomes

Delivering improved construction repair, renovation, and maintenance outcomes isn’t rocket science.

All the tools and services are readily available to facilities management teams, once leadership provide the commitment to support stewardship of the the built environment.

Most organizations are mired in the ‘status quo’ of archaic and inefficient methods and personnel who refused to accept change. Without management leadership and support for efficient life-cycle asset management, rampant economic and environmental waster will remain the norm for most.

Nonetheless, a small, but growing number of real property owners and facilities management teams have embraced changing to integrated LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes. While change is gradual, the benefits of consistent delivery of quality project outcomes on-time and on-budget have been proven.

LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery (LCPPP) methods integrate PEOPLE, PROCESS, INFORMATION, and TECHNOLOGY, and provide a clear and consistent approach the achieving full cost visibility and well-defined, shared project goals.

Traditional methods for planning, cost estimating, procurement, and project delivery are incapable of driving mutually beneficial optimal outcomes. LCPPP provides a clear and consistent approach across program and project life-cycles, with well define roles, responsibilities, information environments, and workflows:

LCPPP – Planning – Procurement – Project Delivery Methodology

Planning – Owner conceptualizes need, budget, and appropriate project delivery method

Mutual Scope of Work Development-Owner and service provider schedule joint site visit and mutually develop a scope of work.

Builder supplies a detailed line item scope of work and proposal developed from an approved, locally researched unit price book

Owner reviews and approves work, or discusses required changes, or rejects proposal.

Project kick-off meeting

Mobilization and project Execution

Regular owner inspections

Builder provide notice of substantial completion

Owner conducts final inspection or creates a punch list.

Project close-out

Target, Communicate, Validate, Detail, Execute, Improve

At each stage we will:

Set Robust Baseline to Optimize Execution and Expenditures – Validate requirements and unit price detailed cost early in the process

Continuously Improve – Empower those doing the work to optimize design and daily work.

Trust But Measure – Select appropriate services resource(s) for the project and put appropriate and robust controls in place.

Communicate clearly, concisely, and continuously – Require collaboration among all participants and stakeholders, define a common data environment(CDE) and tool set, Track work stages are appropriate levels.

via Four BT, LLC – The AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for optimize project planning, procurement, and execution.

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

EO – Expediting Infrastructure Investments

EO – Expediting Infrastructure Investments

Integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery can not only expedite infrastructure repair, renovation, and construction, but do so cost effectively!

#construction #construction #facilitiesmanagement #leanconstruction #ipd #constructionprojects


Teams are critical to best value construction delivery.

  1. Real property owners are dependent upon internal and external teams to better optimize facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction
  2. Someone has to LEAD and continuously IMPROVE how these teams interact.
  3. Technology plays a role, however, robust integrated LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery processes drive day-to-day activities and outcomes.

Integrating People, Process, Information, and Technology optimally is not complex. It does, however, require a change from traditional practices. Those involved work toward mutually beneficial outcomes within a fully transparent environment.


Robust tools and services are readily available to support the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget.

Is your organization ready to change?

LEAN IDIQ = Public Sector Construction Productivity Gains

Traditionally, the primary if not sole benefit of IDIQ contracting and project delivery has been reducing the time from planning to construction. With the availability of LEAN integrated IDIQ procurement and project delivery solutions, benefits including the consistent completion of quality projects on-time and on-budget and in full compliance.

Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) is a form of procurement. A type type of contract that enables the procurement of an indefinite quantity of supplies and/or services whose performance and delivery scheduling is determined by placing Work Orders. When associated with construction, one or more awarded construction contractors may be involved. Job Order Contracting (JOC) is one of several types of IDIQ contracting frameworks. Furthermore, JOC can be tailored to meet organizational and performance requirements, with LEAN JOC providing the most advantageous outcomes for all participants and stakeholders. Similarly there are alternative forms of LEAN IDIQ and LEAN integrated project delivery (IPD).

LEAN IDIQ and LEAN JOC can be used for repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction. Used properly, both eliminate the need to complete a full traditional procurement cycle for each new project. That said, there are multiple phases and check and balances to assure best value, financially transparent and compliant outcomes.

The following characteristics and components are shared by LEAN IDIQ, LEAN JOC, and Integrated Project Delivery.

  • Focus upon best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders
  • Mandatory early and ongoing collaboration
  • Best value procurement
  • Integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery environment
  • Common data environment, including a locally researched detailed unit price book (UPB)
  • Written operations manual or execution guide as part of the multi-party agreement defining roles, responsibilities, outcomes, work flows, etc.
  • Mutual trust/respect
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Performance-based reward system
  • Longer-term relationships
  • Life-cycle cost goal versus first cost consideration only
  • Enabling technology

Via Four BT, LLC ( the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for efficient project planning, procurement, and execution. 

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Contact us to learn…

· What types of construction and maintenance projects are best suited for each of the different IDIQ award procedures?

· What are the time, cost, and risk implications associated with each of the IDIQ procedures?

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the different IDIQ procedures?

Building in Cloud – Collaborative Construction and FM Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Collaborative Construction and FM Technology
Designers, Planner, Facilities Management, Engineers, and Builders;

Building in Cloud is an innovative and powerful digital platform for AECOO collaboration, available as a free service, and via paid subscription (for advanced features and capabilities).

The platform many free features and can be used by teams of all sizes. Paid versions allow integration with professional tools. such as BIM, and offer advanced features such as the Common Data Environment and Facility Management, and Integrated Project Delivery (including LEAN Job Order Contracting).

Structured collaboration of the work group allows the administrator to give each team member access to information and functions related to the their roles and activities.

Document Management within Building in Cloud allows you to manage all the information connected to it (metadata), not just the document content, including version, status, upload date, etc.,

BIM Model Integration, also in a federated form, allows you to keep information connected to models, driving significant time savings and the reduction of the risk associated with the inability to access current actionable information.

Managing tasks and issues through a dashboard saves a lot of time and gains complete control over  requirements and schedules. 

Building in Cloud Free Version
-Building, Team and Document Management
-BIM & DWG viewer
-Manage and assign issues and activities
-Reporting tools
-Space & Asset Management
Encrypted with SSL protocol
-2 GB storage space
-2 Building / Projects
-5 Users

Project Management
Measurably improve your organization’s construction project management activities with Building in Cloud’s powerful tools.

Manage project teams
Internal and external team members gain instant authorized access to current information to share and manage tasks and solve problems.
Administrators can easily add new team members and define information access rights at the project or building level.
Building in Cloud allows authorized team members to access and share documents, manage tasks, or troubleshoot.
Administrators can easily add new members to the team, define access privileges by differentiating them for each project or building.

Activity & Issue management

 Create and assign tasks to any member of a team. Request an specific action such as uploading a file or photo, for the task be closed. Tasks can be connected to any entity within Building in Cloud, from a document to a component in the ventilation system.
You can create and assign tasks to any member of a team. Require action to be taken such as uploading a file or photo so that it can be closed. Activities can be linked to any entity within Building in Cloud, from a document to a ventilation plant component.

Notifications & Messages
 Send messages directly within Building in Cloud and avoid the inefficient and error prone Email. Building in Cloud can easily send automated notifications to team members or subgroups to carry out certain actions, such as closing an issue or uploading a new version of a document.

Document Management
The Document Management module lets you manage and share files, while keeping a record of all reviews and uploaded documentation throughout the entire life-cycle of the building.
Upload and share documents and make them available to your whole team – including PDF, Word and Excel files, images and videos.
View and analyse data from BIM models (RVT and IFC formats) directly from your browser without the need to purchase expensive software.
Instant access to drawings using Building in Cloud built-in DWG viewer.

Asset Information Model

Building in Cloud lets you keep track of multiple asset classes: office equipment, furniture, laboratory equipment, facilities, etc..
Assets and components are easily imported into your building from BIM models, from excel files or manually.
This makes it easy to manage assets and components throughout their full life-cycle.
Add notes, technical specifications, pictures, documents or assign a task, or issue notifications.

Building in Cloud enables you to create a wide range of reports, allowing you to have greater visibility into the status of your projects, properties and their components.
Reports are available as downloadable PDFs or as spreadsheets.

Building in Cloud has built-in personalized dashboards that allows you to monitor the status of your activities/issues and of those assigned to internal and external team members.

Learn more…

Federal Public Sector Lacks efficient Facilities Planning, Design, Procurement, and Project Delivery capability

Early planning, design, and procurement stages influence cost, timing, quality, and overall repair, renovation, maintenance and new builds, and are critical to achieving optimal outcomes.

Federal public sector continues its legacy of economic and environmental waste ,

Nonetheless the vast majority of public (and private) facilities management professionals continue to rely upon archaic and inefficient methods.

As a result, the public sector continues its legacy of economic and environmental waste.

For example, not a single Federal sector department or agency, from the GSA to the USACE has, let alone requires, an optimal, organization-wide policy of using proven LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery methods or even current verifiable, locally researched cost data bases. The latter are fundamental to verifying contractor quotes and creating internal government estimates (IGEs).

Thus, not a single Federal department or agency has a fully transparent view of financial needs, The ability to optimize associated repair, renovation, and new construction programs and projects, critical to efficient facilities life-cycle management, will remain an unmet Government mandate.

Learn about LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.

Best Value Facilities Operations and Maintenance Management Practices

Lean construction planning, procurement, and project delivery is critical in attainment of best value facilities operations and maintenance management.

Innovative, yet proven tools and services are readily available to help any real property owner…

  • Better quantify an satisfy needs with increased speed and accuracy
  • Lower procurement costs while assuring on-time, on-budge, quality service delivery
  • Continuous monitor and improve procurement activities
  • Improved short and long term decision making
  • Apply available funds on earned value projects versus administrative costs and/or change orders
  • Cross-functional collaboration with internal and external teams
Best Value Facilities Operations and Maintenance

Via Four BT, LLC – –

Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. providing powerful, proven solutions for efficient project planning, procurement, and execution. 

We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

LEAN Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment

LEAN Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment is a robust, collaborative approach integrating planning, design, acquisition, operation, maintenance & disposal. Planning, procurement, and project delivery of all related repair, renovation, maintenance, new construction, and disposal requirements can be measurably improved via the implementation of proven, and readily available solutions.

The key to improving life-cycle management of the built environment is improvement in owner leadership and competency and change from current archaic and inefficient processes.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

Henry Ford
LEAN Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment

Best Value Facilities Management – LEAN Renovation, Repair, and Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Whether you are a real property owner, facilities management professional, architect, engineer, or builder, it is important to understand your organization.s progress towards best value facilities management and its location on the journey toward LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.

Best Value Facilities Management

Do you know how to move forward and at what pace? What tools and services can best support your organization?

Whether you are new to LEAN processes such as integrated project delivery and job order contracting, or are a current practitioner looking to reach the next level, a third-party assessment is a valuable tool. It can help you achieve valuable insight into the next phase of your journey.

We can evaluate the current state of your LEAN process adoption initiative to see if your objectives are being met, and help you plan for the future. Let us help you to determine if you are following best management practices that will enable your organization to reach its desired destination.

Best Value Facilities Management


Why LEAN Construction Matters

The answer to why lean construction matter includes…


  • Owner experience, qualifications, and capability
  • Magnitude, form, function and complexity of facilities/built environment repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction
  • Establishing the project timelines
  • Fast-tracking priority requirements
  • True financial visibility and transparency
  • Measurably improving financial, environmental, and quality outcomes as well as overall satisfaction for participants and stakeholders

Robust tools and services are readily available to support LEAN construction planning, procurement and project delivery.

For example, the OpenBUILD Solution (TM) supports LEAN procedures and components associated with conceptualizing, designing, budgeting, and building. An environment in which projects are organized and put together in a way that results in more on-time, on-budget outcomes. It is a collaborative approach with owner leadership organizing not just a project team, but a PROGRAM team. Relationships based upon value, performance, mutual trust/respect, and shared risk/reward.


Best Value Pre-Construction Tools and Services… and more

Using the right pre-construction tools and services is important to early and ongoing information sharing and obtaining mutually beneficial best value outcomes.

Robust LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes provide a proven way to improve pre-construction stages as well as the full life-cycle from concept through completion and beyond.

LEAN pre-construction services define the following stages of a repair, renovation, or new construction project life-cycle:

  • Project Conception
  • Project Delivery
  • Design
  • Construction Documents
  • Bidding/Negotiating/Procurement
LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery
Improve Productivity 20%-50%

via Four BT, LLC – – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Efficient Life-cycle Management of the Built Environment – An Elusive Goal in the Public Sector

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry ford

Efficient life-cycle management of the built environment in the public sector has remained an elusive goal. It is also a regularly mandate that has simply not been met by most Federal, County, State, and Local Governments.

The process is well defined and requires a process focused environment and associated robust information management and decision-support capabilities.

While technology vendors (BIM, CMMS, CAFM, IWMS…) often claim to have solutions, Technology isn’t the solution. The reality is that fundamental process change is the only path to significant improvement with respect to physical asset life-cycle management.. The barrier is a simple one. Organizations are being limited by internal managers and “experts” that are mired in the past. Individuals that seek to perpetuate their own “success” by “kicking the can down the road”. These are no ignorant professionals, They are, however, self-serving, and have no qualms about putting their career goals ahead of those of their organizations, or most importantly, ignoring their responsibilities to taxpayers.

Robust collaborative, LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery methods have existed for decades that can drive productivity gains ranging from 20% to 50%+. They are now available with fulls suites of tools and services. Implementation of these capabilities has been limited to less than five percent (5%) of public sector real property owners, with and even smaller group doing so “properly” and/or on a consistent organization-wide basis.

Failure to adopt these proven processes in support of efficient stewardship of the built environment should surprise anyone. The GAO has issues multiple reports on the topic over the past forty (40) years. The significant negative economic and environmental impacts has been well documented.

The timing as to when public stewardship of the built environment will occur remains an unknown. Until then, collaborative, efficient planning, procurement, and project delivery solutions will remain largely unused. Integration of people, processes, information, and enabling technology will remain a dream as will financial transparency and sound financial management.

via Four BT, LLC – – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.


Best Construction Cost Estimating Solution

Here is a recommended list of considerations if you are seeking the best construction cost estimating solution for your organization.

  • Collaborative environment – Even if there is only one estimator, it is critical to share current, actionable information with multiple internal and external parties.
  • Integral locally researched detailed line item construction cost database – Having a current, open, locally researched detail unit price cost database is critical. National average cost databases (with or without cost factors), and/or historical costs simply are insufficient.
  • Document Management – Version control, inclusive of document check-in/check-out is a must for assuring everyone is working the right information at the right time.
  • Workflow Management – Process is “king”. Having a LEAN workflow associated with estimates throughout a project life-cycle brings consistency and quality to the process.

All of the above and more are exclusively available within the 4BT OpenBUILD (TM) suite of solutions. Change how you do business, starting today!

  • Instant access anywhere, anytime – Programs, Contracts, Bid/Proposals/Estimates, Status, Workflows, Projects, Documents, Issues/Tasks, Buildings, Components, Spaces, Reports, Approvals, Forms, Teams, Internal Messaging (no emails!), and Detailed BIM Information.
  • Logical, easy-to-use, yet powerful
  • Word and tree search
  • Create more competitive bids
  • CSI Masterformat licensed
  • Locally researched cost database – labor, material, equipment crew, productivity information – all editable.
  • Process driven – no reliance upon ad-hoc processes and spreadsheets
  • Automated estimate comparisons
  • Owner and contractor notes/comments
  • Ability to create WBS
  • Paperless estimating
  • Copy/paste projects and estimates
  • Manage multiple cost databases
  • Produce audit-worthy estimates in a fraction of the time
  • Export to PDF, Excel, and SQL data access
  • Create, monitor, manage and leverage actionable, verifiable construction cost estimates more efficiently

via Four BT, LLC – – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture and client-specific program centered upon delivering customer value, and driven by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Public Sector Facilities Stewardship

Since 1986 the GAO has tried to improve public sector facilities stewardship and fundamental management practices. To date, a critical lack of leadership and capability remains a fundamental problem.

Public sector facilities stewardship, optimizing the capital reinvestment and best value outcomes associated with the planning, procurement, and project delivery of repair, renewal, or new construction of physical structures, has proven problematic for public sector real property owners.

For decades, federal and other public sector real property owners had little actionable information as to the inventory and condition of their real property assets. While far from compete, most public departments and agencies now have some idea as to their deferred maintenance levels and some capability to prioritize those needs on a project basis.

Nonetheless, not a single federal department or agency has a formal and consistently deployed integrated LEAN process to enable the on-time, and on-budget, best value delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects, Key missing elements, as partially outlined below, make it impossible for a single federal public sector owner to provide requisite levels of financial visibility and assure available funds are spent efficiently.

GSA routinely…. does not report the projects’ final costs or how much project costs and schedules were revised

GAO Report – 2019


  • Failure to provide leadership to drive requisite change management
  • Failure to use locally researched detailed unit price cost data to provide true cost visibility
  • Failure to consistently require and implement LEAN best value construction services planning, procurement, and project delivery
  • Failure to educate, train, and continuously government facilities management teams and oversight groups …

The GAO has issued multiple reports on this topic over the past thirty (30) years, yet resolution of these issue remains elusive at the economic and environmental expense of us all.

Tools, support services ,and technology are now readily available to resolve many of these issues. ALl that is required is capable leadership. The public sector must stop viewing the built environment as a commodity and simply a cost. We can no no longer afford to have public sector facilities professionals act in reactive rather than proactive ways. .

Collect, share, study, evaluate, and deploy innovative, yet proven, best management practices to maximize the efficiency of facilities renewal, maintenance, or new construction activities.


GAO Report – Automated Operations, Maintenance and Facility Management]
Published: Nov 13, 1986. Publicly Released: Nov 13, 1986

GAO Report – Facilities Management Reorganization Is Progressing, but Funding Remains a Challenge
GAO-05-369: Published: Apr 25, 2005. Publicly Released: May 25, 2005

GAO Report – Actions Needed to Improve Poor Conditions of Facilities and Equipment That Affect Maintenance Timeliness and Efficiency
GAO-19-242: Published: Apr 29, 2019. Publicly Released: Apr 29, 2019

GAO Report – More Consideration of Operations and Maintenance Costs Could Better Inform the Design Excellence Program
GAO-18-420: Published: May 22, 2018. Publicly Released: May 22, 2018

GAO Report – GSA Can Improve Its Communication about and Assessment of Major Construction Projects
GAO-20-144: Published: Dec 12, 2019. Publicly Released: Dec 12, 2019

GAO Report – Substantial Efforts Needed to Achieve Greater Progress on High-Risk Areas
GAO-19-157SP: Published: Mar 6, 2019. Publicly Released: Mar 6, 2019

GAO Report – Billions Are Needed for Repairs and Alterations
GGD-00-98: Published: Mar 30, 2000. Publicly Released: Apr 11, 2000

GAO Report – GSA Should Establish Goals and Performance Measures to Manage the Smart Buildings Program
GAO-18-200: Published: Jan 30, 2018. Publicly Released: Jan 30, 2018

GAO Report -Improved Transparency and Long-term Plan Needed to Clarify Capital Funding Priorities
GAO-12-646: Published: Jul 12, 2012. Publicly Released: Aug 2, 2012.


Lack of Trust has Doomed the Construction Sector

LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

One thing is for certain, no one can solve a problem without asking the right questions.

The rampant economic and environment waste, common within the AECOO sector (architects, engineers, builders, operators, and real property owners and facilities managers…) can not be resolved with technology.

Significant improvement throughout the AECOO sector first requires an understanding of the fundamental causal factors. Only then will organizations be able to develop and deploy solutions.

The Problem

There is a is a lack of leadership, professionalism, and trust across all AECOO participants and stakeholders. The problem, both in the AECOO sector and unfortunately growing in society as a whole, is that people are finding in more and more difficult to rely upon “professional judgement” .

This is due to the fact that society tends to now rely upon testing, prescriptive rules, and other onerous “objective” measures in lieu of experience-based knowledge. and proven concepts This issue is far more pronounced throughout the AECOO sector due to three factors, 1.) the growing shortage of experienced workers, 2.) prejudice towards supporting the ‘status quo’, and 3.) a focus upon “command and control” versus leadership.

… the aspect of productivity that needs serious attention is not the mechanical output of a production facility; it is, rather, the capacity of the organisation to satisfy customer needs most fully with whatever resources it has at its disposal … But mechanical notions of productivity lead often to product that meet ever more refined minimum standards, frequently resulting in a decline in customer satisfaction with them. The former thrust calls out for innovation—indeed, for innovative thinking on every level of the organisation’s affairs—while the latter confines innovation to a marginal and unexciting role.

– Kanter, R.M. (1983) The change masters. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Excessive command and control is a root cause of failure, and contrary to the foundational principals of leadership. Most of us have elected to become “managers”, that is, telling people what to do. The trend has been nothing short of corrosive to the goal of obtaining best value outcomes. Leaders, on the other hand, provides people with tools and resources to those actually doing the work, and empower them to leverage their expertise. Integrating the multi-discipline experience and capabilities of those actually doing the work is the path to best value construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. Anything short of this could be viewed as a fools errand.

LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery philosophy, tools, and services support empowering the judgement skills of professionals actually doing the work. Unlike design-bid-build and all other “traditional methods”, including design-build, LEAN methods such as integrated project delivery and LEAN job order contracting focus is upon achieving mutually beneficial outcomes for all participants and stakeholders.

via Four BT, LLC – – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

The Value of Locally Researched Line Time Construction Cost Data

Despite the value of actionable locally researched line item construction cost data, few real property owners in the public or private sector consider the need for improvement.

Far too many owners and facilities oversight groups rely upon historical costs and/or national average cost data. Historical cost data must be used cautiously for two reasons. First, relative prices for construction can change dramatically over time and have substantial impacts.. Secondly, there is the invalid assumption that historical costs reflect local market conditions and/or best value outcomes. National average cost days similarly doesn’t take into account local variations in labor, material, and equipment. The attempt to remedy this significant issue with location factors or indices is problematic and introduces gross errors.

Actionable cost data is critical for successful …

  • Forecasting cost of future projects
  • Comparison of cost of different projects
  • Establishing unit rates for tasks / work orders
  • Monitoring and controlling of construction cost
  • Design cost planning

Detailed line item unit price cost data is critical to both accurate costing and scope of work definition. Until now, locally researched detailed unit price cost data that provides full and open access to material, labor, equipment, crew, and productivity information has been unavailable.

The advent of locally researched detailed unit price cost data also enables the implementation of LEAN, best value construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes that have proved to consistently enable quality project completion, on-time, and on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders.


via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Improving Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery


Significant improvement across the AECOO sector (architecture, engineering, construction, operation, owner) requires an understanding of the critical parameters. Improving construction planning, procurement, and project delivery involves consideration of core “competencies”, “process”, “efficiency”, and “technology”. Or, put another way, People, Process, Information, and Technology.

Construction Planning


Competencies, skills, education, operational expertise, process awareness, and outcome focus are key focus areas. Training and organization-wide communications in support of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery are mandatory in order to achieve continuous improvement.


Strategic  alignment  (links  between  operational  performance  and strategic factors), and profitability/cost control and/or resource maximization are initial area of focus and should be regularly monitored. Clearly defined, roles, responsibilities and outcomes in written format (operating manuals and/or execution guides) and associated long-term multi-party agreements help to assure initial and ongoing consistent application of processes and associated workflows.


Operational  input/output  measurements  such  as  productivity,  volume, lead-time, flexibility, amount of work-in process, and quality. Key performance indicators (KPIs) and regular independent third-party audit are important tools. That said, the use of “benchmarking”, i.e. comparison to peers, is problematic and at best should relative performance, versus target levels.


Appropriate technologies  and  tools to support support established processes and workflows and are not a “driver”. Far too often, technology is viewed as a solution. The most glaring example is BIM. BIM is not a solution, but a tool. With respect to collaborative lean construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, the following list of capabilities/tools are generally considered important:

  • Program Management
  • Contract Management
  • Project Management
  • Proposal/Bid/Estimate Management
  • Workflow Management
  • Document Management
  • Issues/Task Management
  • Building Management
  • Team Management (Internal and External)
  • Space Management
  • Component Management
  • BIM Information Integration
  • Locally researched detailed unit price cost data

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Line Item Construction Cost Estimating – 2020 and Beyond!

Detailed line item construction cost estimating is a prerequisite to obtaining best value outcomes for facilities / built infrastructure repair, renovation maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects. While there is certainly value in parametric, building level, and/or square foot estimating for budgetary considerations, they are not appropriate for LEAN construction services procurement and project delivery. (see LEAN construction guide)

Best value, LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery requires the ability to create and adequately communicate a detailed scope of work to all participants and stakeholders on an early and ongoing basis, throughout the project life-cycle. A locally researched detailed line item construction cost estimating database plays a key role in this regards. Each task is described in plain English and organized using CSI Masterformat. Each line item is associated with a unit of measure and includes labor, material, equipment, and crew information. With quarterly labor updates and annual general updates, a locally researched detailed line item unit price book is basically a mandatory component in an LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery environment, and the foundation for best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders.

LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery & Detailed, Locally Researched Line Item Construction Cost Data

  • Lean construction planning, procurement, & project delivery is a Philosophy, Program, and a Way of Life…. not a one time project.
  • View each project as an integration of People, Process, Information, and Technology, with a primary focus upon mutually beneficial, client-driven, best value outcomes.
  • Transparently share information on an early and ongoing basis among all participants and stakeholders within a common data environment – goals, detailed requirements and costs, schedules.
  • Leverage technology for document management (assure everyone is working on, and has immediate access to the right information and the current version), as well as managing Programs, Contracts, Bid/Proposal/Estimates, Projects, Work Orders, Reporting, Schedules, Approvals, Tasks/Issues, Buildings, Components, and BIM information.
  • Detailed quantities
  • ……
Line Item Construction Cost Estimating

via Four BT, LLC – and construction outcomes through the development of  a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Building Life-cycle Costs and Physical Asset Total Cost of Ownership Management (TCO)

Creating and monitoring building life-cycle costs is a key component of physical asset total cost of ownership management

  • Initial Costs—Purchase, Acquisition, Construction Costs
  • Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Costs
  • Replacement, Renovation, Adaptation Costs
  • Disposal / Recycling Costs
  • Cost of Capital

Initial design, procurement, and construction costs of a facility account for only 10%-20% of total capital expenditures throughout its useful life. The efficient management of both initial and ongoing repair, renovation, maintenance, replacement, and operational costs requires the integration of people, processes, information, and technology across multiple “business domains”, skills, and activities.

Life-Cycle Cost Calculation

Calculating the life-cycle costs for a facility involves identifying all relevant costs, such as initial/investment costs, operational, maintenance, and repair costs, replacement, renovation, adaptation costs, and disposal costs, in there appropriate years and running an associated net present value (NPV) calculation.

Life-cycle Cost =  I + PV RECURRING COSTS (operations, maintenance, energy, repair, renovation, etc.) + PV DISPOSAL COST – PV Residual Value

In most cases it helpful to separate the building/structure into major systems and run life-cycle costs individually bases upon materials and equipment used. Uniformat category and or major assembly information is likely available if a detailed condition assessment has recently been done for an existing building, otherwise information is created for new structures.

Uniformat II Classification for Building Elements / Systems:

Substructure – Foundations / Basements

Shell – Superstructure / Exterior Enclosure / Roofing

Services – Conveying / Plumbing / HVAC / FIre Protection / Electrical



Life-cycle cost is critical to sound financial planning and associated physical asset decision-making. For example, how can a building a real property portfolio owner make capital reinvestment decisions for a particular facility, such as extending its useful life or replacing it with a new facility, without knowing is current liabilities and estimated life-cycle costs?

Tables of Average Service Life / Years

Air Conditioners

Window Unit 10

Split Package 15

Commercial 10

Water-Cooled Package 20

Computer Room Unit 15

Air Handling Units

Built-Up Heavy Duty 30

Packaged Medium-Duty 25

Severe Duty or 100% Outside Air 20 3

Heat Pumps

Residential Air-to-Air 12 b

Commercial Air-to-Air 15 c

Commercial Water-to-Air 18

Roof-Top Air Conditioners a

Single Zone 18 b

Multizone 18

VAV 20

Boilers, Hot Water

Steel Water-Tube 30

Steel Fire-Tube 30

Cast Iron 30

Electric 25

Condensing 15 6

Boilers, Steam

Steel Water-Tube 28

Steel Fire-Tube 25

Cast Iron 30


Gas Fired 18

Oil Fired 18

Condensing 15

Unit Heaters

Gas 13

Electric 15

Hot Water 20

Steam 20


Electric Radiant or Convector 10

Radiant Hot Water 25

Radiant Gas 18

Steam or Hot Water Convector, Cast Iron 50

Steam or Hot Water Fin Tube 15

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Construction Transformation

The proven path to efficient construction delivery.

Construction Transformation to LEAN Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery offers the promise of significant productivity gains.

The benefits of early and ongoing collaboration and LEAN associated planning, procurement, and project delivery have been proven for decades, and the benefits are widely accepted. That said, true awareness of associated competencies, practices, tools, and services required for implementation remains limited.


LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery is simple in concept, yet differs widely from traditional methods such as design-bid-build or design-build.

The adequate planning, development, refinement, and communication of a scope of work (SOW) is critical to the success of any repair, renovation, or new construction project. Participants and stakeholders must be involved in an early and ongoing process. Yet, many if not most SOWs are inappropriately prepared and inadequately communicated.

SOWs are just one component defined within a LEAN environment.

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LEAN JOC – Job Order Contracting


LEAN JOC (Job Order Contracting) is a robust integrated project delivery process for repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and “minor” new construction. A LEAN JOC implementation integrates People, Process, Information, and collaborative Technology to consistently yield quality projects on-time and on-budget. Planning, procurement, and project delivery are all included with the LEAN JOC framework.

Public and private sector real property owners and facilities management professionals can leverage LEAN JOC to achieve more efficient use of existing capital resources in a fully transparent and compliant planning and operating environment.

Unlike technology offerings such as IWMS and EAM the LEAN JOC framework provides robust processes and workflows as well as a common data environment (CDE) inclusive of objective, actionable, and granular construction cost information. LEAN JOC provides all the tools and support services to support the associated level of change management to move organizations away from traditional inefficient, antagonistic, and basically ‘ad hoc’ methods.


Built environment repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction has traditional been viewed with a “project mentality”, with an undue emphasis upon ‘first costs”. Effective life-cycle total-cost-of-ownership asset management calls for a ‘program strategy’. The difference between the two is both amazingly simple, yet incredibly difficult to grasp for many. A well-programmed project is path to best value, meeting the needs of owner and all participants and stakeholders from both environmental and economic perspectives.

A Program Strategy involves participants and stakeholders earlier in the planning stages. The approach invests more resources earlier in the Project life-cycle. Work scope is developed and communicated is more detail and more effectively, resulting in the avoidance of traditionally prevalent delays, change orders, and associated skyrocketing costs.

A Program Strategy supports developing, managing, and building long-term relationships that exclusively focus upon best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders. This approach requires owner leadership and competency from a global oversight perspective, while at the same time empowering and leveraging the expertise of on-site individuals actually doing the work.

As with any integrated project delivery environment, LEAN JOC supports and drives early and ongoing communication among all parties… owners, facilities management, architects, engineers, builders, and building users.

Asset Life-cycle Total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) Management


All of the tools and services required to implement LEAN JOC are readily available. It is not simply a LEAN “philosophy”, but a robust operating environment. Initial and ongoing training for all participants is a mandatory component of LEAN JOC components.

As the shift to a LEAN operating environment takes time, training incorporates a phased approach designed to support gradual adoption and improvement. This includes basic introductions to LEAN collaborative environments and associated JOC concepts, strategies, tactics, and tools for managing the planning, procurement, and delivery of repair, renovation, and new construction services. All of which support requisite physical and functional requirements as establish by the real property owner.


In addition to training, a suite owner-specific tools and services to support a LEAN JOC Program include:

  • A common data environment (CDE) – A glossary of clearly defined, common defined terms and definitions written in plain English. A detailed and locally researched line item unit price book, organized by CSI Masterformat, inclusive of labor, crew, productivity, material, and equipment specificity as well as demolition line items and line item modifiers.
  • A written Operations Manual / Execution Guide as part of a the associated multi-party contract, providing clear definition roles, responsibilities, data environment, and acceptable deliverables.
  • Regular third-party, objective Program Audits
  • Enabling collaborative technology embedding LEAN JOC process and providing: Program Management, Contract Management, Scope Management, Project Management, Proposal/Bid/Estimate Management, Work Order Management, Document Management, Work Flow Management, Authorization Management, Team Management, Building Management, Space Management, Component Management, Issues/Task Management, Phase Management, and BIM information Integration.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)

via Four BT, LLC – – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

How to efficiently perform ongoing facilities maintenance, repair projects and minor new construction projects!

The ability efficiently perform ongoing facilities maintenance, repair projects and minor new construction projects is available to all facilities management professionals and real property owners.

All of the necessary tools and services are readily available to maximize productivity and overall levels of satisfaction via LEAN integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery.

efficiently perform ongoing facilities maintenance

Both the 4BT OpenBUILD(TM) and 4BT OpenJOC systems incorporate the following within a collaborative, fully transparent, and compliant environment.

  • Program Management – LEAN is a program not a project. LEAN programs are tailored to owner requirements and are continuously monitored and improved.
  • Contract Management – Multi-year, multi-party agreements are established to support one or more Programs. A Operations Manual or Execution Guide and other documentation are components of the individual Contracts.
  • Bid/Proposal Management – Lean is based upon several core elements, including a common data environment and early and ongoing communication between participants and stake holders. A locally researched detailed unit price book is a requisite element for adequately communicating and costing scope of work. Joint site meeting, planning meeting, and kick-off meetings are also elemental.
  • Project Management – A project can consist of one or more work orders.
  • Work Order Management – A work order is generated when a proposal is accepted and scheduled. It’s progress is monitored throughout its life-cycle.
  • Document Management – Storing all information digitally is only part of the solution. Documents must be accesses and modified appropriately. Furthermore, version control is critical to avoid costly delays and/or mistakes. A full document management system that has “check_in” and “check_out” and maintains a record of all changes is critical.
  • Work Flow Management – LEAN processes yield major gains in efficiency and overall satisfaction, however, management and improvement throughout all phases is a must.
  • Building Management – A current record of all buildings/locations is the cornerstone for an efficient asset life-cycle total cost-of-ownership (TCO) program.
  • Asset/component management – Track and manage asset and location data throughout the asset life-cycle.
  • Procurement management – Best value procurement, integrated with planning and project delivery teams and activities is mandatory.
  • BIM Integration – Access to existing BIM information can be highly valuable throughout construction planning, procurement, and operations and maintenance.

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Both integrated project delivery and OpenJOC(TM) job order contracting have proven to be capable of consistently delivering quality repair, renovation, and new construction project on-time and on-budget. Both LEAN processes integrate People, Process, Information, and Technology to yield significantly improved results over traditional methods such as design-bid-build, design-build, CM@R, etc.

via Four BT, LLC (4BT). 4BT is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Facilities Services Procurement Best Management Practices

Facilities services procurement best management practices consider and integrate core fundamentals and qualities.,,,

  • COLLABORATIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RELATIONSHIPS (internal and external to the organization)

Procurement must have an early and ongoing “seat at the table” concerning facilities management strategies and programs. In fact, when it comes to LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery, procurement should lead the way, working collaborative with facilities management , facilities users, and oversight groups.

Introductory and ongoing training specific to LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project deliver must be mandatory for procurement as well as facilities management, internal teams, and external service providers (architects, engineers, builders, business product manufacturers, consultants…).

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Existing tools and services are readily available to assist in the organization-specific design, deployment, and management of facilities services procurement best management practices. In some case, cooperatives may be appropriate as well, should annual services procurement be below $2-3Million in total. Workflows, documentation, roles, responsibilities, etc. must all be documented within an operations manual and/or execution guide, linked to associated contracts.

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Implementing LEAN Construction

INTRODUCTION – Discussions about and implementing LEAN construction require consideration of a holistic approach involving multiple phases… Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery, as well as the integration of People, Process, Information, and Technology. All of the requisite tools for implementing LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery are readily available, and there are major benefits for organizations that are successful in doing so. For example, organizations can consistently achieve quality repair, renovation, maintenance and new construction outcomes, on-time, and on-budget, ninety percent of the time (90%). This is a obviously huge in an industry where less than twenty percent (20%) of projects are completed in this manner. Successful implementation of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery require the following:

  1. Owner commitment, competency, and leadership.
  2. Awareness that LEAN is a gradual and continuous process requiring a focus upon change management
  3. Initial and ongoing training

OWNER COMMITMENT, COMPETENCY, AND LEADERSHIP– The implementation of LEAN construction requires that owners both fully understand and are committed too its fundamentals and also the concept of life-cycle total cost of ownership management (TCO). TCO, like LEAN construction is a holistic process within which multiple knowledge domains, stages, activities, processes, and technologies are integrated to provide actionable information and robust decision-support. (See figure below). A TCO implementation, combined with LEAN, ensures a best-value functional approach within which tasks are well planned, quantitatively documented, well understood and communicated on an early and ongoing basis, and monitored against key performance indicators (KPIs).

Implementing LEAN Construction

AWARENESS THAT LEAN IS A GRADUAL AND CONTINUAL PROCESS– While LEAN construction has a starting point, there is no end point. Change is gradual and improvement is ongoing. The integration of LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery including the follower phases… 1.Adoption 2.Planning 3.Implementation 4.Data Validation & Analysis. Adopting is non-trivial as LEAN fundamental changes how participants and stakeholders view each other and interact on an day-to-day basis. Focus is not upon early and ongoing communication and mutually beneficial outcomes. Global oversight is combined with the enabling of local, on-site decision-making. Process and technology are enabling tools that are continually adapted to changing conditions.

INITIAL AND ONGOING TRAINING – LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery are top down, bottom up, and horizontal practices performed internally and externally to an organization. Initial and ongoing training is required in order to assure initial adoption and ongoing improvement in both capabilities and outcomes. LEAN consultants and service provides can assist in training on ongoing support. It is important to note however that owners must become self-sufficient in their management of LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery programs. Continued reliance upon consultants for “program management” is costly and is counterproductive to best value outcomes. Long term, vendor support is, however, critical with respect to training independent third-party audits, and enabling collaborative technology.

via – “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Implementing LEAN Construction

2020 LEAN Integrated Construction Delivery

LEAN Integrated Construction Delivery has provide to enable the consistent achievement of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget.

With greater focus upon education, awareness building, and improved real property owner leadership, the traditional low levels of productivity can be mitigated.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Integrated Construction Delivery – Activities Listing

  • Obtain commitment from leadership….and provide program leadership!
  • Develop a mutually beneficial strategy.
  • Clearly identify success and failure.
  • Plan for phased improvement within targeted areas.
  • Build diverse, yet collaborative teams – top/down, bottom/up, laterally…internal and external to the organization…. integrate multiple levels, capabilities/functions, geographic locations tenure, and concepts.
  • Share information transparently, as early as possible with all participants and stakeholders.
  • Incorporate robust LEAN, outcome-focused processes that run concurrently.
  • Assure both global oversight and localized decision-making.
  • Remove barriers
  • Reward success
  • Seek to continuously improve by identifying opportunities and adapting accordingly.

Leadership requires the ability and willingness to work with people across all levels and functions…with respect, integrity, and purpose.

All the tools and support services for LEAN integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery are readily available and can be tailored to any organizations specific needs.

Is your organization is ready to begin the journey towards becoming more effective and efficient with respect to stewardship of the built environment?

LEAN Integrated Construction Delivery

via –Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Construction Cost Estimating – LEAN


Construction Cost Estimating – LEAN


This paper ” Construction Cost Estimating-LEAN” discusses the positive impacts of collaboration, a common data environment, and locally researched detailed line item construction cost data.

Actionable construction cost estimates are key to best value repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction outcomes. Preparing and communicating detailed scopes of work that accurately reflect the requirements of all participants and stakeholders, and executing associated work on-time and on-budget, are equally impossible to consistently achieve without the application of an appropriate collaborative workflows and proper tools.


Due to a combination of factors, most real property owners don’t achieve optimum or even “commonly acceptable” levels of repair, renovation, or new new construction cost visibility or transparency. Public and private sector real property owners, from largest to smallest, are wasting hundreds of millions of dollars due to one or several of the following factors:

1. Lack of owner leadership or domain expertise. (Owners need to be capable of assessing internal organizational readiness for collaboration, invest in detailed project definition, select best value partners, and continually invest in and support collaborative behaviors, processes, and systems. )

2. Failure to adapt to readily available, proven and robust cost estimating practices.

3. Loss of cost estimating expertise at a detailed line item level. (Only detailed line item construction cost estimate provide actionable cost information at levels required for efficient project delivery.)

4. Use of “national average cost data with or without third-party or commercially available “localization factors.: (National average construction cost data , with or without localization factors is not representative of local conditions, requirements, or cost variables.)

5. Limited ability (whether due to competency or commercial restrictions) to customize existing or commercial cost data to reflect current conditions.

6. Weak, or nonexistent linkages between detailed unit price line item and systems level, square foot level, or building level cost models .

7. Perceived high costs associated with procuring and maintaining actionable detailed unit price line item cost data.


Significant measurable improvements in cost visibility and cost control are currently available to any real property owner or facilities management staff with appropriate leadership and competency.

construction cost estimating - LEAN
Construction Cost Estimating – LEAN and Collaborative Construction

Specifically organization specific, locally researched cost databases are now readily available. These actionable and verifiable construction cost repositories are unique to each organizations use requirements. As they are locally researched by location (i.e. site, city, region), there is no dependence upon or risk with respect to national cost averaging and/or location factors. Significantly improved financial and work scope visibility is provided. For example, each line item includes (where appropriate), a full description in plain English. Details for associated labor (including trade, crew, and productivity), materials, and equipment. A unit of measure is included with each line time such as “each”, “linear foot”, “square foot”, “cubic yard”, etc. , to simplify estimate and bid/proposal preparation and subsequent owner review. Furthermore, owner specified labor rates and defined line items can easily be created and updated.

As a result of the current availability of locally researched detailed line time construction cost data, associated implementation of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery methods, and enabling collaborative technologies, major cost savings and overall gains in efficiency, financial transparency, and productivity are now possible.

Construction Cost Estimating

Future linkages between detailed, actionable locally researched construction cost data with system level and building level cost models are also now a capability.

via … Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Best Value Construction Delivery Methods – Alliance Contracting, LEAN Construction, Integrated Project Delivery

There are multiple types of construction delivery methods that strive to achieve superior outcomes to traditional design-bid-build, design-build, CM@R, etc. These including alliance contracting/project alliancing, LEAN construction, integrated project delivery, LEAN job order contracting. While all are “relational contracting and/or relational project delivery methods” they can vary in terms of level of development, available tools, and actual work scope. Focus of all, however is upon improving outcomes for involved parties.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

– Henry Ford

What you need to know about LEAN construction, integrated project delivery, LEAN job order contracting, and project alliancing

  1. LEAN construction can refer to a “philosophy” (examples: Last Planner, Kaizen, 5s, six sigma…), or a LEAN project delivery methods or LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery method (integrated project delivery, LEAN job order contracting…). The difference being that the philosophies are “generalized approaches” and/or “ways of thinking”, whereas LEAN project delivery methods are proven, robust processes and workflows than can be deployed per specified requirements.
  2. Per #1, LEAN construction be used to refer to a “philosophy” or to a planning, procurement, and/or project delivery method. That said, Integrated project delivery, and LEAN job order contracting are both forms of project alliancing, as well a LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery methods, however, LEAN construction is not necessarily a planning, procurement, or project delivery methods.
  3. Both Project Alliancing and Integrated Project Delivery are collaborative, relational methods, however IPD and LEAN Job Order Contracting incorporate specific LEAN construction processes and workflows.
  4. Alliancing, like IPD and LEAN Job Order Contracting, developed due to the need for a solution superior to design-bid-build, design-build/design construct). It collaboration between the real property owner and multiple service providers whereby risk and reward are better defined, managed, and shared. One definition, among may of alliancing – “A method of procuring and project delivery of construction services where all parties are required to work together in good faith, acting with integrity and making best-for-project decisions. Working as an integrated, collaborative team, they make unanimous decisions on all key project delivery issues. Alliance agreements involve joint management of risk for project delivery. All parties jointly manage that risk within the terms of an ‘alliance agreement’, and share the outcomes of the project”.
  5. LEAN construction in terms of a philosophy actually has no commonly accepted definition. One example is as follows… “A combination of original research and practical development in design and construction with an adoption of lean manufacturing principles and practices (i.e., Toyota Management System) to the end-to-end design and construction process. Lean construction is concerned with the alignment and holistic pursuit of concurrent and continuous improvements in all dimensions of the built and natural environment: design, construction, activation, maintenance, salvaging and recycling.” Austin 2016 . Many definitions include characteristics such as “customer focus”, “workplace standardization”, “waste elimination”, and “continuous improvement”.
  6. Integrated project delivery and job order contracting have more standardized and “accepted” definitions as well as supporting tools, workflows, information sets, and technologies. Integrated project delivery – “Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a collaborative alliance of people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction.” Job order contracting (JOC) – Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a project delivery method utilized by organizations to get numerous, commonly encountered construction projects done quickly and easily through multi-year contracts for a wide variety of renovation, repair and minor construction projects.

via Four BT, LLC, – Four BT, LLV (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

LEAN Construction Tools and Support Services… 4BT OpenBuild(TM) Toolkit

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

– Henry Ford

What is LEAN Construction? LEAN construction spans Planning, Procurement, Project Delivery, and ongoing Operations and Maintenance. It is a ongoing process with a focus upon maximizing best value outcomes through mutually beneficial collaboration of all program participants and stakeholders. Tools and services are readily available to leverage the integration people, robust workflows, actionable and current information, and enabling technology. Core elements of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery include:

  • Early and ongoing collaboration of all participants and stakeholders
  • Focus upon mutually beneficial outcomes
  • Common data environment (example: locally researched detailed unit price cost data organized by CSI Masterformat)
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Metrics/Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Required initial and ongoing training
  • Continuous improvement
  • Written operations manual/execution guide as part of a multi-party agreement
  • Integrated workflows
  • Enabling technology: Program Management, Project Management, Bid/Estimate/Proposal Management, Document Management, Work Order Management, Contractor/subcontractor Management, Building Management, Asset/Component Management, Space Management, and Issue/Task Management.

via Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

The path to LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Integrated Project Delivery

The path to LEAN construction planning, procurement, and integrated project delivery, IPD….

1. Focus upon outcomes that mutually benefit all participants and stakeholders.

2. Strategy and process before technology.

3. Leverage early and ongoing input and collaboration among all parties, especially those doing the actual work.

4. Leadership is critical, but not getting in the way is equally important. Focus upon guidance versus command and control.

5. Lead by example as your behaviors will set the tone for all involved.

6. Integrate processes into well defined workflows. Collaboration shouldn’t be a chore, but rather a seamless part of daily activities.

7. Reward based upon performance.

8. Measure, learn, and continuously improve. As the saying goes, it’s impossible to manage what you don’t measure. Metrics, including key performance indicators are always part of a successful program.

9. Pace yourself and your program. LEAN implementation is a journey, not a race. Results will be incremental as additional milestones and increased capability are attained. Participants adapt and evolve at differing rates. It’s important to remember that collaboration is perpetual. It’s a never ending evolution as new tools and strategies for the workplace continue to emerge. This means that it’s important for your organisation to be able to adapt and evolve as things change. Keep a pulse on what’s going on in the industry and inside of your organization. This will allow you to innovate and anticipate.

10. Initial and ongoing training for all!

LEAN construction planning, procurement, and integrated project delivery tools and services are readily available.

LEAN construction planning, procurement, and integrated project delivery

The Myths of LEAN Construction and Integrated Project Delivery

Don’t be fooled by the myth that LEAN Construction and Integrated Project Delivery focus exclusively up technique and process and don’t have associated implementation tools and services.

Anyone with the appropriate levels of motivation, expectation, leadership, and competency can begin to implement LEAN, integrated construction planning, procurement, and project delivery today.

The benefits are proven and waiting for those who care to take advantage of them…

  • Better planning – Well defined and well communicated scope of work
  • Enhanced financial visibility and transparency – More accurate cost estimation via locally researched detailed unit price cost data
  • Optimum project delivery outcomes for all participants and stakeholders- quality, on-time, on-budget, satisfaction
  • Reduced waste, Increased productivity
  • Early and ongoing sharing of actionable information
  • Improve, longer-term, collaborative relationships
  • Mitigation of change orders and legal disputes
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Leverage of local, on-site knowledge and decision-making
  • Global oversight and compliance

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Learn more?

via – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

LEAN Integrated Project Delivery Tools and Services

Integrated project delivery tools and support services are now available for the repair, alteration, modernization, rehabilitation, and minor new construction of infrastructure, buildings, structures, or other real property.

Integrated project delivery, IPD, has been available exclusively for major new construction only due to the cost of implementation. IPD can now be applied to the numerous and ongoing repair, renovation, maintenance, and minor new construction projects that consume the bulk of resources for any facilities management team.

All the tools and support services are now available to optimally integrate people, process, information, and technology to consistently plan, procure, and delivery quality repair, renovation, maintenance, and minor new construction projects on-time and on-budget.

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development ofa culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Free trial to qualified real property owners.

IPD – Ensuring Construction COLLABORATION from Planning, through Procurement, through Project Delivery, and Beyond!

Ensuring COLLABORATION from Planning, through Procurement, through Project Delivery, and Beyond for repair, renovation, maintenance, and new construction requires an integrated outcome-focused process. The integration of People, Process, Information, and Technology is the only proven pathway to the consistent delivery of quality projects on-time and on-budget.

Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a robust outcome-focused method for assuring best value outcomes for all participants and stakeholders, including AEs, Builders, Facilities Management and Owners, and Building Users. All of the tools are services are readily available for any real property owner to tailor IPD to their organization.

Programs, Projects, Proposals/Bids/Estimates, Work Orders, Documents, Service Providers, Buildings, Components, Spaces, Forms, Workflows can all be managed and continuously improved within an IPD environment. While implementation does require a certain amount of change management for most organizations, the process is far from complex. The end result of having proactive internal and external teams focused upon mutually beneficial outcomes and continuous improvement is well worth an required implementation efforts or costs.

The 4BT OpenBuild(TM) Solution is an example of a suite of tools and services that integrate people, process, information, and technology by embedding LEAN integrated project planning, procurement, and project delivery within a common data environment from pre-planning through project execution and beyond.

Detailed Scope of Work development and communication is simplified and maximized through the use of a locally researched line item unit price book. With separate and granular breakdowns for labor, materials, equipment and crew information, the development of work schedules and verifiable cost requirements can easily be accomplished. The detailed unit price book (UPB) is based upon the time, materials, and costs actually required at a task level, non “historical information” or “benchmarks”. The latter two techniques are clearly faulty in terms of gauging current and future performance. What an organization has done in the past should not be the determining factor for what is possible.

Learn more?

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

– Henry Ford

Attention Contractors and Owners. Stop paying TOO MUCH for Indefinite Quantity Construction Contract & Job Order Contract Cooperative Construction

If you aren’t using the Allied States Cooperative for Job Order Contracting then the odds are good that you are paying 300% to 400% more in administrative fees than necessary!

The Allied States Cooperative only carries a two percent (2%) fee payable by awarded JOC contractors. Other cooperatives charge threes times (3X) or higher for equivalent, or in some cases less robust JOC Programs. The Allied State Cooperative (ASC) JOC Program provides the following features and benefits to owners and awarded JOC contractors. Do your research and make sure your money is being spent wisely!

  • Locally researched OpenJOC(TM) Unit Price Cost Data (no use of national averages or localization factors)
  • Compliance audits on EVERY JOC Project
  • EDGAR Compliance
  • Mandatory annual training for ALL awarded JOC Contractors
  • Cloud technology with Project, Estimate, Document, Issues/Task Management and more…

via Four BT, LLC – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.  We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Indefinite Quantity Construction Contract

Integrated Project Delivery Software and Support Services

Integrated project delivery software and support services are now available for facilities operations and maintenance as well as new construction

Integrated Project Delivery Software

IPD software and support services provide an environment with a collaborative focus upon requirements definition and successful repair, renovation, and new construction project completion. Clearly defined mutually beneficial outcomes are easily supported within a robust and integrated evironment.

Integrated project delivery software and support services embed robust LEAN planning, procurement and project delivery processes within a common data and cloud technology environment. While fundamental LEAN elements serve as the foundation, solutions can be tailored to an organization’s individual requirements.

Integrated Procurement, Design, and Construction REQUIRES Direct Owner Involvement and Leadership from Predesign Through Closeout and Beyond:

  • Planning and performance management collaboratively and at a systemic level.
  • Early and ongoing involvement of internal and external teams, inclusive of joint scope and schedule development
  • Reliance upon local, on-site service delivery partners (AEs, builders…).
  • Defined common data environment.
  • Key performance indicators.

Sample High-level Workflow

  • Strategic Planning – Predesign
  • Brief Scope of Work
  • Detailed Scope of Work
  • Bidding Documents
  • Request For Proposal
  • Joint Site Visit
  • Detailed Scope of Work and Bid Package
  • Detailed Unit Price Proposal (CSI Mastefromat) and Proposal Package
  • Joint Proposal Review
  • Notice of Proceed
  • Mobilization Meeting
  • Project Execution
  • Weekly Inspections
  • Project Closeout
integrated construction Delivery
collaborative construction delivery

Common Data Environment

  • CSI Masterformat – 50 Divisions 00/01-General Conditions 01-49-Line Item Task Specifications
  • Documents – Proposals, Estimates, Forms, Cost Databases, Models, Drawings, Pictures-Version Control for All ( The Document Management module lets you manage and share files, while keeping a record of all reviews and uploaded documentation throughout the entire life-cycle of the building. Upload and share documents and make them available to your whole team – including PDF, Word and Excel files, images and videos. View and analyse data from BIM models (RVT and IFC formats) directly from your browser without the need to purchase expensive software. Instant access to drawings using Building in Cloud built-in DWG viewer.

Operations Manual / Execution Manual-Defines Roles, responsibilities, deliverables, workflows, and tools relative to procurement, program and contract administration, and day to day activities.

Integrated Construction Project Delivery
Integrated construction delivery

Free Trial to Qualified Organizations

LEAN construction


LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery Solution

Consistent on-time, on-budget delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects is possible only when owners have the requisite levels of leadership and competency.

Robust LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery tools and services are readily available. They enable a proven outcome-focused approach that integrates People, Process, Information, and Technology to drive BEST VALUE for all participants and stakeholders.

Various forms of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery have a track record spanning as long as decades and include integrated project delivery, IPD, LEAN job order contracting, JOC, and alliance contracting.

In each of these, everyone (owners, builders, AEs, building users, procurement, FMers…) are involved in the “Program”. The work “Program” is used specifically here, as LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery is a well-defined, process and workflow based environment, within which Projects and Work Orders can be executed. While Projects begin and end, a Program is continuous in nature and is always adapting.

Within the Program, all participants and stakeholders share a clearly defined common vision. This includes granular articulation of roles, responsibilities, costs, and schedules as well as physical and functional outcomes. Key performance indicators, KPIs, are used to define success for all.

While owners provide leadership, builders and other “on-site” service providers are relied upon to provide localized, domain-specific expertise to drive better outcomes. Global support doesn’t dictate local action from a command and control perspective, but rather helps to assure common knowledge, goals, and anticipated outcomes.

Project definition of the Scope of Work is critical. It therefore should come as no surprise that poorly defined or poorly communicated Scope of Work is the primary cause of project failure. Efficient early and on-going involvement of participants is central to Scope of Work development and requires a common data environment (example: locally researched detailed unit price cost data organized using CSI Masterformat), joint site-visits, and additional defined phases, workflow elements, forms, approvals, etc.

A LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery environment enables service providers to earn a reasonable return on their work over the duration of the program. This is an environment within with risks and rewards are shared. Performance management, while ultimately the owner’s responsibility, is shared and is accomplished at a systemic level.

An Operations Manual, or Execution Guide, is a written document that is part of a multi-party agreement, serves to articulate roles, responsibilities, data environments, workflows, metrics, etc. It integrates internal and external resources within a process-centric environment.

Henry Ford, the true father of LEAN, said it best… “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

LEAN is a process by which participants and stakeholders jointly define their common goals, define each individual’s/organization’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected and use these measures as guides for planning, procurement, and execution, and assessing the contribution of each participant.

Request your free eBook – LEAN Construction

via – Four BT, LLC (4BT) is the AEC industry’s innovative integrated project delivery, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider. We help guide organizations to achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

lean construction solution
LEAN Construction Solution

Best Value Facilities Construction/O&M Planning, Procurement and Project Delivery

Best Value Facilities Construction

Best Value Facilities Construction/O&M Planning, Procurement and Project Delivery can only be achieved with a concerted focus upon change management, education, and leadership.

All of the tools and services are readily available to optimize facilities planning, procurement, and project delivery outcomes, whether they be the numerous, ongoing repair, renovation, and maintenance tasks or new construction.

While the solutions to best value facilities life-cycle asset total cost of ownership management have existed for decades, only recently have they been combined to truly integrated people, processes, information, and technology.

Change management is required, however, the benefits quality, financial visibility, and on-time, on-budget delivery are available to any real property owner and their service providers.

At the very core of the transformation, is a locally researched detailed line item unit price book, complete with full granularity and ability to alter labor, material, equipment, crew, and productivity components…. all organized by CSI Masterformat. National average price books, with or without factors, simply don’t provide requisite financial visibility, nor due “lump sum” estimates, or “historical data”.

When combined with LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery workflows, the path to measurably improved outcomes is clear.

Best Value Facilities Construction

via Four BT, LLC, the AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.

Value Engineering in Construction

Construction value engineering is a process structured to obtain the best possible balance among cost, reliability, and performance of a program, project, and/or work order. It should be an integral component of every repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction activity. All LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery methods implement value engineering.

Learn more about best value construction planning, procurement, and project delivery…


Products and Services

via Four BT, LLC – 4BT is the AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.

Construction Requirements Management

Early and ongoing requirements management is a key focus of any LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery process. It resides as a shared goal and primary component of the 4BT OpenBUILD(TM) Solution. Requirements management is a process that delivers what was expected by ALL participants and stakeholders, within the predefined constraints of time, and capability.

The construction sector has a terrible track record with respect to requirements management.

Fortunately, all the tools and services are readily available to consistently deploy an open environment within which requirements management is the norm, and not the exception.

  • Collaboration
  • Leadership
  • Integration – People/Process/Information/Technology
  • Focus upon Outcomes
Construction Requirements

Learn more…..

OpenBUILD(TM) LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery Solution

The early and ongoing integration of People, Process, Information, and Technology can drive optimal repair, renovation, and new construction outcomes. LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery can consistently drive significant improvement over traditional methods.

LEAN Construction Planning

People – With the appropriate levels of owner leadership and competency, all participants can work within an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect and share both risks and rewards. Long-term relationships can be the norm and experience maintained and grown over time.

Process – Workflows that are consistent with proven LEAN construction methods such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, and LEAN Job Order Contracting, JOC provide an stable environment that supports and drives early and ongoing information sharing and continuous improvement.

Information – Common data environments, inclusive of locally researched detailed unit price cost data, help to assure that plans and works scope are fully understood and communicated, as well as costs, schedules, expectations, and deliverables. Access to current, actionable information is critical to both global oversight and local/on-site decision-making.

Technology – The role of technology is to support the consistent execution of robust processes, lower associated deployment costs, and provide appropriate monitoring capabilities. Document management, for example, inclusive of check-in/check-out capabilities and version control is critical to keeping team members properly informed of requirements, phases, approvals, etc. Access for appropriate individuals is virtually instantaneous. Paper-based systems and spreadsheets impose unacceptable and easily avoidalbe delays, errors, and risk. The combination technology can also support program, project, bid/proposal, estimate, work order, client, contractor, subcontractor, asset, building, asset, and task management.

via Four BT, LLC (4BT) – AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider, 4BT guides organizations to help achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes,

Construction Cost Audit Fundamentals

The following is an outline of basic Construction Cost Audit Fundamentals when reviewing a construction cost estimate.

construction cost audit fundamentals
Construction Cost Audit Fundamentals

Construction cost audit procedures involve a thorough understand of the scope of work and all phases leading up to and ending with the construction cost estimate. This includes pre-construction and planning phase activities… initial owner scope of work as well as all related planning, procurement, and project management processes.

A construction cost audit and associated checklist are important risk management . Equally important are LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery tools. These serve to aid in overall continuous improvement of repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction project outcomes.

Auditors should engage experienced construction professionals capable of applying industry best management financial practices. Any audits should be conducted, however, by an independent third party. Regular audits are mandatory for any LEAN construction planning, procurement, and delivery implementation.

Audit procedures are linked to the construction delivery method used and associated scope of work and time frames. Billings are linked to plans, schedules, and any unanticipated delays/issues.

The process including identifying and analyzing direct costs and variances at a granular level and associated validation using source documents and independent locally researched construction cost information. These include soft costs – general conditions, insurance/bonding, fees/permits, as well as direct costs for material, equipment, and labor in elemental CSI MasterFormat data architecture. Source documents include, but are not limited to contracts, original and current schedule of values, detailed construction cost estimates, pay applications, relevant roles, responsibilities of participants and associated time sheets/payroll documents, job site sign-in records…

via Four BT, LLC (4BT) – 4BT guides organizations to help achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable and robust data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training. AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.

JOC TASK ORDER Process Overview – USACE

The following is a JOC TASK ORDER Process Overview as defined by the USACE.

A Job Order Contract involved Projects and/or Task Orders. Each Project requires at least one Task Order. Entities/people involved in a JOC Program at a Project or Task Order levels include client/building user, project managers, awarded JOC contractor, contracting officer/contracting officer representative, others as required.

USACE JOC Participants

Multiple stages are involved for each JOC task order.

JOC TASK ORDER Process Overview

Each stage in the JOC task order process is designed to assure collaboration on an early and ongoing basis, clearly communicate a detailed scope of work, and manage all aspects of construction planning, procurement, and project delivery.

A detailed line item, and preferably locally researched (no use of cost factors) is used by the JOC contractor to prepare a propsal/bid for review by the USACE.

Sample Task Order Proposal – Overview (not showing detailed unit price line items)

When prices for lines are used that are not derived from the unit price book, they are noted and referred to as non-prepriced line items (NPP). When NPP items are negotiated and incorporated in a task order, this does not incorporate the item in the UPB for subsequent use as a priced item. To permit subsequent use under the UPB as a pre-priced item, repetitive NPP items must be incorporated by supplemental agreement to the JOC contract and typically down on a annual basis, and/or as appropriate.

Non pre-priced (NPP) items: NPP items cannot exceed 10% of the pre-priced total of the task order unless approved by the Contracting Officer. Only the contracting officer can negotiate/approve non-pre-priced item(s) in the task order.

The government is responsible for developing the scope of work. The government will not provide the contractor with detailed Task Order drawings for projects that do not require a design. For Projects that require actual design, the government will provide the contractor with the minimum design documents and drawings considered necessary to estimate, propose and construct these projects.

The Government will review the contractor’s task order proposal for completeness. The Government will negotiate with the contractor on the methods of construction, non-pre-priced items (as applicable), performance times, and quantities. The contractor shall provide an individual present at all negotiations that have full authority to act for the contractor.

Before commencement of work under an individual task order, the Contractor shall confer with the Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officer’s Representative and agree on a sequence of procedures; means of access to premises and building; space for storage of materials and equipment; delivery of materials and use of approaches; use of corridors, stairways, elevators, and similar means of communications, etc.

Delivery of materials and equipment shall be made with a minimum of interference to Government operations and personnel.

Contractor should confirm task order requirements with the Government as needed:

  1. Confirm scope of work and quantities
  2. Review any qualifications and assumptions
  3. Review the scope as necessary
  4. Review the schedule
  5. Confirm start and completion dates
  6. Understand and mitigate impacts on existing operations and facilities
  7. Review safety concerns and requirements

Contractor holds regular progress meetings with the Government on:

  1. Safety
  2. Schedule
  3. Construction issues
  4. Submittals
  5. RFI’s

via Four BT, LLC – 4BT

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.

4BT guides organizations to help achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable and robust data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Terms and Definitions

Programmed Amount (PA): The Programmed Amount represents the total funds, excluding design, which are available for the project. The PA is for cost of construction in place, cost of supervision and administration during construction, contingencies, cost of communications over and above the basic contract, cost of as-built drawings, cost of energy monitoring and control system connections and other costs required to complete the construction scope of work. The PA is set by law for most projects and cannot be changed except by Congress (except for O&M). However, the Office of Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of the Army, Air Force, or DLA have limited authority to fund projects in excess of the PA provided funds are available in their departments.

Current Working Estimate (CWE): In accordance with ER 1110-3-1300, the CWE is the latest construction cost estimate, which includes the estimated contract cost (i.e. NOT ECC as defined below), construction contingency, and S&A costs. The CWE shall not exceed the PA.

Construction Cost Limit (CCL): The maximum cost of construction allowable within appropriated fund amounts for a complete and usable project.

Estimated Construction Cost (ECC): The ECC is defined as the expected cost to construct a project inclusive of all construction labor, materials, and equipment, site development, utility fees, permits, design fees, design or estimating contingency, escalation, contractor markups and other costs directly associated with the construction of the project that a reasonable and prudent contractor would incur during construction. The ECC does not include real estate, other appropriations, S&A (or SIOH) or construction contingency and thus is directly comparable to contractor’s proposal or bid. The ECC shall not exceed the CCL.

Independent Government Estimate (IGE): The construction cost estimate prepared by the government for cost control and bid evaluation. The IGE is comprised of two parts: 1) The government estimate (Title and signature pages, and bid schedule) routed through multiple levels of approval and signature and 2) detailed estimate reports that comprise its basis. An estimate does not comprise the IGE without both components of the document. The term “fair and reasonable cost estimate” is used when referring to the IGE. Access to the IGE shall be limited to government personnel who require knowledge of the subject and the IGE preparer shall mark the IGE “For Official Use Only.”

Construction Contingency: An estimated amount or cost to account for unforeseen problems beyond interpretation at the time of or after contract award. This is typically added as a markup along with S&A (or SIOH) to a project estimate to form the project cost. For MILCON projects, new construction contingency is typically 5% and for renovation is 10%, however the project manager determines the appropriate contingency.

Design Contingency: An amount or cost added to a project estimate that covers costs that will be incurred but are not precisely known or designed at the time of estimation. Typically, this is applied during the initial stages of project and is reduced or eliminated as the project develops. This amount is determined by the estimator based on his prior experience and judgment.

Collaborative Construction Performance, Enablers, & Requirements

This abstract provides initial insight into Collaborative Construction Performance, Enablers, & Requirements.

Maximizing best value construction outcomes involves collaborative LEAN planing, value-based procurement, and project delivery processes. This, in turn, requires owner leadership and competency with respect to the integration of People, Process, Information, and Technology.

McKinsey & Company 2020

While there is ample evidence that LEAN construction planing, procurement, and project delivery can drive the consistent execution of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects on-time and on budget, there have been relatively few early adopters. This low level of adoption is despite readily available tools and services to support proven LEAN construction frameworks such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction and LEAN Job Order Contracting, JOC, for repair, renovation, and “minor”new construction.

LEAN Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery Tools and Services

Both IPD and JOC require participants and stakeholders (owner, engineer or architect, builders, building users, oversight groups…) to work together within a defined workflow from initial concept stage, through work completion and beyond. A defined preplanning period develops the initial project scope, schedule, and budget, then follows a joint planning phase, including a joint site visit and detailed line item proposal from the contractor. Parties engage in a single overall program and contract which outlines roles, responsibilities, workflows, information, deliverables, etc., in a manner that is financially transparent and mutually beneficial.

Reasons for the low rate of adoption of collaborative planning, procurement, and project delivery, despite its ability to measurably improve outcomes, is largely due to the fact that many/most organizations are unfamiliar collaborative behavior and workflows. Collaborative behavior is somewhat foreign within an industry segments known for mistrust, antagonistic relationships and legal disputes. Additionally a certain level of owner leadership and competency is a core requirement. That said, there is little overtly complex about LEAN collaborative methods. The key issue appears to be resistance to change, and lack of leadership and/or support.

Elements of collaborative planning, procurement, and project delivery programs

  • Single long-term, multi-party agreement with associated Operations Manual / Execution Guide
  • Owner leadership
  • Mutual trust/respect
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Full financial transparency – inclusive of locally researched detailed unit price book / cost database
  • Mandatory collaboration
  • Mandatory initial and ongoing training for all participants
  • Continuous improvement
  • Common data environment
  • Defined workflows
  • LEAN processes embedded with collaborative technology
  • Life-cycle cost view versus first-cost mentality
  • Metrics and key performance indicators
  • Regular third-party program audits
  • Program versus project approach

Ready to learn more? Request a LEAN and LEAN Construction Delivery eBook?

McKinsey & Company 2020

About Author – Four BT, LLC, 4BT, guides organizations to help achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable and robust data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

Access BIM Information for Free

Access BIM Information for Free
Access BIM information for free and report on the quality, condition, maintenance and safety of a building. Build your own data files and attach any type of document after consulting and navigating the BIM model in Building in Cloud.
Just follow these simple steps to get started now!
1. Create a Free Account
2.Create a New Building
3. Upload your BIM model
4. Start work

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

AEC industry’s innovative LEAN construction collaboration services, construction cost data, and SAAS technology provider.

4BT guides organizations to help achieve accelerated improvement of their facilities repair, renovation, and construction outcomes through the development of a culture centered upon delivering customer value, supported by proven LEAN processes, actionable and robust data, enabling cloud technology, and ongoing training.

JOC Program Manager’s Duties

A JOC Program Manager’s Duties are critical to assuring quality, on-time, and on-budget construction project delivery. Here’s just a brief list of JOC Program Manager’s duties for a real property owner:

  • Plan, organize, coordinate and administer facilities design and complex construction engineering projects with various entities.
  • Communicate with customers, consultants, regulatory agencies, and presentations at Board meetings and/or Commission hearings.
  • Obtain and evaluate proposals from job order contractors and other vendors on approved construction projects.
  • Ensure vendor/ contractor compliance with all safety and code regulations.
  • Use Job Order Contracting (JOC) procedures, software and documentation.
  • Secure necessary permits which may include Conditional Use Permits, Environmental Impact Statements, and building permits.
  • Arrange for contractor access and on-site coordination to minimize impact of project construction to normal operations at the organization’s facilities.
  • Select and negotiate architect and engineer consultants for design contracts.
  • Provide other customer service, coordination, and related duties as required.

Value-based Construction Process

Value-based Construction Process integrates planning, procurement, and project delivery processes and teams to consistently enable quality projects, on-time and on-budget. Value-based Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

PEOPLE – Team-based and outcome-focused individuals with requisite leadership, communications, and technical competencies. Owner leadership is a core requirement as are positive relationships among all participants and oversight entities.

PROCESS – LEAN planning, procure, and project delivery is a requirement. LEAN, simply defined, is a collaborative effort focus upon positive outcomes and the elimination of waster. Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and LEAN job order contracting, JOC, for repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and minor new construction are proven examples of LEAN planing, procurement, and project delivery processes

INFORMATION – Best value outcomes require the early and ongoing sharing of actionable information from the conceptual stage right through construction, operations and maintenance, and eventual decommissioning. A common data environment, CDE, aid in efficient information sharing and updating. A locally researched detailed line item unit price book, organized using a standard data format, i.e. CSI Masterformat, is a key CDE element.

TECHNOLOGY: A collaborative cloud architecture with program management, project management, estimate/bid/proposal management, work order management, document management, building/location management, asset management, issues/tasks management… serves to provide low cost, consistent deployment and access to actionable information and pre-established workflows.

Construction Project Delivery Factors

Focus upon key construction project delivery factors would greatly aid in improving productivity and other key outcomes.

Here’s a list of fundamental construction delivery factors. Please feel free to suggest more…

  • Uncertainty and Risk
  • Organizational Environment
  • Knowledge and Competency
  • Leadership
  • Shared Actionable Information
  • Integration and Collaboration
  • Mutual Benefit
  • Long-term / Outcome Focus
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Written, Fully-defines Roles, Responsibilities, Work Flows, and Deliverables
  • Supporting / Enabling Technology

Job Order Contracting Tools and Services

Reliable construction cost management is virtually impossible without locally researched detailed line item unit price cost data and LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery processes.

Truly collaborative, mutually beneficial partnering relationships are required and characterized by increasing involvement of all participants and stakeholders.

Strategic “program partnering” must replace traditional “project partnering” with long-term integrated teamwork the goal. Short-term thinking is generally incompatible with best value.

LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery tools and services are readily available.   For example, the OpenJOC(TM) Job Order Contracting framework uniquely integrates people, process, information, and technology to drive best value outcomes.

LEAN construction has changed and evolved to deliver optimal outcomes.  Time for your organization to do the same?

Job Order Contracting Tools and Services

Collaborative LEAN Construction Software


Innovative 4BT OpenJOC Collaborative LEAN Construction Software for your Enterprise, exclusively offers all of the following features:

3D BIM Model File Viewing and Information Access/Sharing
Annotation – Add notes to Projects, Bids/Estimates, Line Items and more…
Asset Management
Component Management
Bid/Proposal Management
Building Management
Change Order Management
Client Management
Common Data Environment (CDE)
Complete Approved/Current and Archived Service Provider/Vendor Directory
Configurable Attributes
Construction Management
Contract Administration
Contractor Management
Cost Data / Unit Price Book Management
Dashboards Cross-Project Reporting
Detailed Locally researched line item unit price cost data, and cost data management
Discussions and System-wide Messaging
Document Management – Full Access and Versioning Control
Estimate Management
Facilities Management
Field Solutions
File Management
Forms Management
Full Data Export – Excel, PDF, SQL
Full Search Capabilities
Information Archiving
Internal System Messaging
LEAN Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery
Maintenance Schedules
Meeting Documentation
Model Federation
Notice to Proceed, Purchase Order, and eRFQ
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals
Portfolio, Building, and Asset/Component Management
Program Management
Program, Project, Estimate, Work Order Work Spaces
Project and Work Order Status and Cost Dashboards
Project Budgeting and Estimating Management
Project Close-Out and Handover
Project Controls
Project Management
Project Portal
Punch Lists
RFP Creation and Management
SaaS Systems Integration and Secure Single Sign On
Scope of Work Management – Brief and Detailed
Security Compliance
Share across all devices – Handhelds, Laptops, Desktops – Multi-browser compatibility
Shared Groups
Site Inspections
Spend Analytics
Standards Compliance – ISO, PAS… PAS 1192-2, BS 1192:2007, ISO 9001, ISO 27001…
Supply Chain Management / eProcurement
Team Communication – Contracting Entity, Clients, Contractors, Subcontractors, AEs, Facilities Managers…
Technical Specifications and Linkage to Contracts, Projects…
Training and Certifications Management
Transmittals and Submittals Management
Unit Price Book Management
Unlimited Advanced Issue and Task Management
Unlimited Audit Trail – Track all changes and source
Unlimited Multi-Format File Attachment Uploads, including BIM models
Vendor Pre-Qualification
Visual Workflows, including Timelines and Approvals
Work Order Management

Facilities Total Cost of Ownership – TCO Key Performance Indicators

• Annualized Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) per building per gross area = Rate per square foot

• Annualized TCO per building/Current replacement value = Percent of Current Replacement Value (CRV)

• Annualized TCO per building/Net assignable square feet = Cost rate per net assignable square feet per building

• Annualized TCO per building/Non-assignable square feet = Cost rate per nonassignable square feet per building

• Annualized TCO per building/Building Interior square feet = Cost rate per interior square foot per building

• Churn Rate

• Utilization Rate

• AI (Adaptation Index) or PI (Programmatic Index) = PR (Program Requirements)/CRV (Current Replacement Value)

• Uptime or Downtime = Defined in percent, as amount of time asset is suitable for the program(s) served.

• Facility Operating Gross Square Foot (GSF) Index (SAM Performance Indicator: APPA 2003) • Custodial Costs per square foot

• Grounds Keeping Costs per square foot

• Energy Usage is expressed as a ratio of British Thermal Units (BTUs) for each Gross Square Foot (GSF) of facility, group of facilities, site or portfolio = British Thermal Units BTUs / Gross Area GSF

• Utility Costs per square foot

• Waste Removal Costs per square foot

• Facility Operating Current Replacement Value (CRV) Index = Facility Operating CRV Index = Annual Facility Maintenance Operating Expenditures ($)/Current Replacement Value ($) (SAM Performance Indicator: APPA 2003)

• Facility Operating GSF Index = Annual Facility Maintenance Operating Expenditures ($)/Gross Area (GSF) • Planned/Preventive Maintenance Costs per square foot

• Emergency Maintenance Costs as a percentage of Annual Operations Expenditures. • Unscheduled/Unplanned Maintenance Costs as a percentage of Annual Operations Expenditures.

• Repair costs (man hours and materials) as a percentage of Annual Operations Expenditures • FCI (Facility Condition Index) = DM (Deferred Maintenance) + CR (Capital Renewal)/CRV (Current Replacement Value)

• Recapitalization Rate, Reinvestment Rate

• Deferred Maintenance Backlog • Facilities Deterioration Rate

• AI (Adaptive Index) or PI (Programmatic Index) = PR (Program Requirements)/CRV (Current Replacement Value)

• FQI (Facility Quality Index) or Quality Index or Index = FCI (Facility Condition Index) + AI (Adaptive Index)

• Capital Renewal Index = Annual Capital Renewal and Renovation/Modernization Expenditure ($)/Current Replacement Value ($)

4BT’s Best Value Job Order Contracting Solution

We founded 4BT in 2016 upon seeing a clear need to Rethink, Reshape, and Rebuild JOC. Our goal is to assure

1. LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery processes were deployed in a manner that is mutually beneficial to all participants and stakeholders

2. Full financial transparency and audit-worthy compliance

3. JOC solutions that do not burden users with excessive fees and costs. and

4. Cost data was truly reflective of local market conditions, by locally researching all construction labor, material, and equipment costs.

4BT’s business location is Houston, TX.  Our team members are located across the United States, including California, Arizona, Texas, Midwest, Southeast, and the Northeast.  Our innovative and exclusively offered  products and services include LEAN construction collaboration frameworks, locally researched construction cost data, and enterprise-level SAAS technology. Our clients largely include the public sector including universities, counties, cities, and their awarded JOC construction contractors.   We also have certain private corporations using our construction cost data for their specialized products and services.  Lastly, our products and services are used by the Allied States Cooperative.

4BT offers free trials of our SAAS technology, inclusive of our locally researched construction cost data to any qualified owner interested in a JOC Program as well as a discount to CJE members that decide to deploy solutions.   Multi-level, and multi-level training is also available including on-site, virtual, and regional… advanced and introductory.

Our 4BT Building-in-Cloud SaaS technology stands alone in providing Program Management, Contract Management, Proposal/Bid Management, Estimate Management, Document Management, Location Management, Building Management, Asset/Component Management, and Contractor/Subcontractor Management, as well as the ability to integrate BIM information and view BIM models.   That said, our construction cost data is organized using CSI MasterFormat and therefore could be easily integrated within appropriate technology applications.

Our SaaS technology supports multiple co-efficients and then associated and locks co-efficient to specified JOC contract and awarded contractors.  Non-prepriced items are automatically tracked and in terms of both identification and usage.

4BT SaaS technology enables the creation and use of non-prepriced line items.  Most importantly the UPB itself is locked and can only be changed per contract specifications.  Additional non-prepriced line items can be easily created from existing UPB line times at a detailed level, include changes to material, labor, crew, and equipment costs.  All changes at noted and maintained perpetually.   All non-prepriced line item are automatically tagged as such, and there used is track and calculated.  For example, a proposal will note the dollar are percentage of non-prepriced line items as well as highlight their individual usage.   

All of the above are included within our standard pricing.

Out construction cost research methodology includes sampling local contractor pricing. Additionally we research all aspects of local market conditions using our robust 4BT cost research methodology. Our 4BT 5% rule(TM) is also used. If we find a variance of 5% or greater in areas in which work is being done, we create a separate UPB. Line items include local labor trades inclusive of fringes, material costs, and equipment costs within targeted areas. 

The 4BT UPB is changed based upon JOC contract requirements.  That said, we recommend that labor be updated quarterly, and the UPB be updated annually for mutually approved (owner and 4BT) line item additions.  Approved annual additions of line items become part of the standard UPB for the associated JOC.

4BT’s UPB’s and cost data are always locally researched.  We do not use national averages or cost factors.  The use of national averages and cost factors can introduce significant error in cost data.

We believe a properly researched UPB should enable a contractor to submit a co-efficient of greater than 1.0.  For example, a UPB should reflect the local cost of construction minus contractor profit and overhead.  Thus a contractor’s bid co-efficient for standard hour construction is generally in the 1.10-1.30 range.  

A partial listing of 4BT’s support services includes:

JOC Program Development

JOC Program Oversight, Including Formal and Informal Compliance Audits

JOC SaaS Technology Customization

Multi-level and Multi-format training

24/7 JOC Technology User Support Services  Online, Phone, email.

Everything you need for LEAN Building and Project Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

Best value repair, renovation, maintenance, or new construction requires early and ongoing sharing of actionable information, starting with planning and design and continuing throughout the buildings life-cycle.

Robust processes are critical to best value attainment. Processes that define roles, responsibilities, workflows, and mutually beneficial outcomes. Selection of the appropriate LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery method is step one. Leveraging appropriate technology then allows processes to be embedded and monitored as well as what information is aggregated, delivered, updated and modified.

Learn more about LEAN?

Learn more about supporting SaaS Technology?

Leveraging Building Information to Achieve Best Value

BEST VALUE & COMPLIANT Construction Planning, Procurement, And Project Delivery
“Some changes are so slow that you don’t notice, others are so fast that they don’t notice you *”   * Ashleigh Brilliant

The digitization of the construction industry is gradually transforming organizational models in our industry.  
– will change the way we produce
– will change the organization of the business and labor
– will change the product/service
– will change the demand
– will change the relationship with customers and suppliers .

Yet, measurable improvement in productivity and best value achievement will occur via process change.

Who seizes the opportunity of change taking place will survive, evolve, thrive.
Watch the video …

The construction sector is lagging behind other but by signs of awareness.  

Building in the Cloud “Free” is a completely free version, please create an account and start working right away.
If you need additional functionality, you can decide whether to move to level Professional or Ultimate.

Free eBOOK – An Introduction To LEAN and LEAN Construction

Free 16 page eBook that clearly defines LEAN, LEAN construction, and proven LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery processes, tools, and services.

LEAN Construction eBOOK

LEAN is a robust, dynamic process framework focused upon desired outcomes.

The history of LEAN manufacturing begins with Ford and his ground-breaking automobile manufacturing company in the early 20th century. Students of LEAN history should begin with the Ford manufacturing plant in Highland Park, Michigan, USA., in 1913. It was there that Ford manufactured the Model T.   He did not focus on making people work harder. He wanted people, and his company as a whole, to work smarter.  

LEAN Construction is an adaptation of LEAN production techniques specifically and appropriately applied to the construction industry. Very broadly it can be characterized as techniques aimed at maximizing value and minimizing waste. Robust, proven implementations; such as Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, for major new construction, and Job Order Contracting, JOC, for repair, renovation, and minor new construction; have subsequently been implemented for decades.

LEAN JOC and IPD have proven to consistently improve productivity and quality as well as reduce waste, lower cost and speed delivery. It’s a real property owner’s responsibility to provide leadership, and drive the process.  This is done within an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual benefit. Tools, training, services, and support are readily available for any real property owner to drive consistent on-time, on-budget, quality construction outcomes.

Despite the proven benefits of LEAN construction, deployment has been limited to a small fraction (5% or less) of the industry. This is largely due to the cultural changes required for initial adoption and ongoing execution. LEAN construction requires fundamental changes in how people interact on a day to day basis.

Request your FREE eBOOK…

Mitigating the Causes of Construction Cost Overruns with LCPPP

Their are multiple causes of Construction Cost Overruns , some of which are noted in the following graphic.

In reality, however, virtually all negative causal factors can be eliminated or at least mitigated through the use of LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery processes (LCPPP).

LCPPP processes have proven capable of a 90% success rate in the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, and new construction projects. This is a significant improvement over the AEC industry-wide average of only 10%-20% of all projects being completed on-time, on-budget, or in a manner satisfactory to project participants/stakeholders.

Examples of LCPPP include integrated project delivery (IPD) for major new construction projects and job order contracting (JOC) for repair, renovation, maintenance, and “minor” new construction. When implemented and managed properly, both methods are capable of consistently delivering BEST VALUE outcomes for all participants.

Tools and services are readily available to enable any organization to start the successful and ongoing deployment of LCPPP.

Facilities Asset Management
LCPPP via OpenJOC Job Order Contracting

LEAN Job Order Contracting

LEAN Job Order Contracting enable real property owners to Consistently Procure and Deliver Quality Repair, Renovation, and New Construction Project On-time and On-Budget

Waste and inefficiencies that cause repair, renovation, or new construction projects to fail to meet owners’ expectations are common. These issues can be minimized with Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in the form of Job Order Contracting, a process that changes the traditional roles and relationships of key project stakeholders.

LEAN job order contracting
Integrated Job Order Contracting

Increased early and ongoing collaboration within a common data environment (CDE) consistently drives highest value project planning, procurement, and delivery outcomes.

LEAN job order contracting outperforms design-bid-build, design-build, and other forms of project delivery
with respect to performance, communication, change management, and business performance areas. Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a competitively bid, firm-fixed price, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) delivery system. Under this system, the contract document defines a specific unit price book (UPB) which establishes unit base prices for a list of service items the contractor will provide during the term of the contract. The UPB should be locally researched and not based upon national averages, or rely upon cost factors for localization. Contract award is based on a coefficient which the contractor will multiply against the UPB prices and a best value selection process. The coefficient represents the contractor’s overhead and profit. Each task order is priced by multiplying the total of the prepriced UPB priced line items times the contractor’s coefficient.

Despite the ready availability of tools and services to deploy Job Order Contracting, transformational change is limited by current levels of real property owner leadership and competency. Integrate project delivery via LEAN Job Order Contracting is thus not prevalent throughout the architecture, engineering, construction, or facility management industries.

Evidence of superior outcomes can be quantified using key performance indicators (KPIs) and continuous improvement achieved. Virtually all construction planning, procurement, and project delivery attributes are enhanced using Job Order Contracting as a result of more engaged and empowered internal and external project teams greater stakeholder involvement.

Learn more…

LEAN job order contracting

Additional Information Resources for Job Order Contracting Best Management Practices:

ASU Alliance for Construction Excellence

Center for Job Order Excellence

JOC Resources

2019 Country, City, & State Clean Energy Ratings

The United States only ranks 10th with respect to energy efficiency actions. From a state perspective the Northeast and California lead the way, with Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle at the front from a cities perspective.

Bioswales and Green Infrastructure and ….

Embracing green infrastructure as an approach and installing specific interventions comes with many challenges. It demands educating clients, communities, contractors, and designers; experimenting with new techniques and learning from failures; and making changes to policy and regulations.

What is Green Infrastructure? Storm water management and plant-based approaches to managing floodwaters.

Learn more…

The Better Job Order Contracting Solution – It’s that simple…

LEAN Job Order Contracting, JOC, is the better solution in terms of cost and best value outcomes. LEAN JOC 4BT OpenJOC(TM) Job Order Contracting successfully integrates People, Process, Information, and Technology with a low cost solution.

Robust LEAN project delivery is provided via alignment of mutually beneficial goals for all participants, front end planning and advanced work packaging, metrics and KPIs, change management, collaborative dispute resolution, required initial and ongoing training, third-party audits of every project, continuous improvement via tracking and leveraging lessons learned, team building, and long term mutually beneficial relationships.

LEAN process and strategy, as well as owner leadership and competency are fundamentals to the consistent attainment of best value repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction outcomes. The 4BT OpenJOC Solution embeds fundamental LEAN processes and a common data environment withing a combined services and cloud deployed technology framework. LEAN process and common data are tailored to individual owner needs. Common data includes a continuously updated and locally researched detailed unit price book complete with labor, material, equipment details, separate demolition line items, and line item modifiers to account for quantities/means/methods…. all organized using CSI Masteformat.

Mitigate the waste commonly associated with construction/FM planning, procurement, project delivery through the implementation and use of of robust LEAN processes, actionable, detailed, and current cost data, and collaboration.

Best Value Job Order Contacting Solution

Best Value Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

All the tools and services to implement Best Value LEAN Job Order Contracting.

Whether you have an existing Job Order Contracting Program, or simply need to improve your outcomes, you can now correct non-performance issues and mitigate risk using robust LEAN planning, procurement, and project delivery methods via the 4BT OpenJOC(TM) Solution.

Integrating People, Process, Information, and Technology within an easy to use, proven LEAN Job Order Contracting framework. With phased adoption and implementation of LEAN job order contracting you can reduce waste and costs by up to 50% or more!

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Learn more… A Simple Guide to LEAN Construction

LEAN Job Order Contracting – Best Value Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

LEAN Job Order Contracting enables Best Value Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery for real property owners and their selected service partners.

Integrating people, process, information, and technology is a core benefit provided by LEAN Job Order Contracting. It is applicable across virtually all organizations and sectors. Embedding LEAN processes and adapting them to specific organizational requirements enables a demand-based best value approach across all facilities repair, renovation, and new construction requirements.

LEAN Job Order Contracting

Owner LEADERSHIP is a core requirement for implementing best value facilities construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. Associated PLANNING, SUPPORT, EXECUTION/OPERATION, PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS/METRICS, and CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT are equally fundamental to optimal outcomes.

Within the 4BT LEAN OpenJOC Framework, tools and services support and drive robust structure, policies, processes, and clarify roles and responsibilities.

Full financial visibility and transparency are provided in the form of a locally researched detailed unit price book (UPB). Objectives are clear due to the use of the UPB and an associated joint site walk, as well as several other requisite phases within a collaborative environment.

Learn more… The Simple Guide to LEAN Construction

The 10 Fundamentals of LEAN Construction

The ten fundamentals of LEAN construction include…

1. Focus upon outcomes

2. Early and ongoing participation of all stakeholders and service providers

3. Mutual trust and respect

4. Engaging and leveraging the expertise of participants actually doing the work

5. Financial and task level transparency via locally researched detailed line item unit price book

6. Required collaboration

7. Shared risk/reward

8. Metrics/key performance indicators

9. Continuous improvement

10. Mandatory initial and ongoing multi-level/multi-format training

If you want to engage in LEAN theory, high level learning…. Google Kaizen, LEAN blackbelt last planner, et all. As to BIM, When considered a process, and when truly integrated with LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project management, BIM can indeed yield measurably improved outcomes.  That said, BIM as a technology, is not required to yield 50%+ improvements in outcomes.   In other words, LEAN is the major contributor, not BIM.    Until Owners realize this, little improvement in the current levels of rampant waste will occur.

On the other hand, if you want to practice LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery, all the tools and services are readily available. Robust LEAN construction procurement, planning, and project delivery methods have exists for  over thirty years…. longer than BIM.   They have proven themselves, unlike BIM.

Learn more about LEAN construction? ….

Alternative Project Delivery for Construction – Benefits, Tools, and Resources

Smarter, faster, better…

Alternative Project Delivery (APD) offers the opportunity to achieve significant added value versus traditional design-bid-build, design-build, Construction Management at Risk (CMAR), Agency‐CM , and other “traditional” methods.

Leverage LEAN Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery to Consistently Achieve Best Value

There are multiple types of alternative project delivery, with the most robust and well known being Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) for major new construction, and LEAN Job Order Contracting (OpenJOC-TM) for repair, renovation, maintenance, and “minor” new construction.

BEST VALUE & COMPLIANT Construction Planning, Procurement, And Project Delivery
LEAN Construction is the integration of people, process, information, and technology to drive mutually beneficial best value outcomes.

From concept to completion and beyond, LEAN alternative delivery, including IPD and LEAN JOC, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of virtually any repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, or new construction task.

While the robust forms of alternative project delivery have been available for decades, new integrated frameworks of tools and services that emphasize upfront collaboration with project owners, the public, designers and contractors have become available to dramatically reduce project delivery times, reduce costs, and improve overall levels of satisfaction. These methods allow for greater team-based solution exploration on an early and ongoing basis and create added efficiencies. improved cost visibility and cost control is provide through the use of locally researched detailed line item unit price book. Additionally, the knowledge of contractors is leveraged in design phase, drawing on their experiences to improve the proposed solution.

We have assisted numerous public sector agencies in exploring options for more effective project delivery, in developing the systems and processes to add these more efficient methods of planning, procurement, and project delivery to their programs.  We have built entirely new solutions and have also helped to refine existing systems.

We are Four BT, LLC, the “new kid on the block”, and we focus exclusively upon LEAN, BEST VALUE construction planning, procurement, and project delivery to drive optimal life-cycle management of the built environment.

Benefits of Alternative Project Delivery

  • Best Value
  • Easier, Lower Cost Procurement and Contracting
  • Consistent Ability to Meet Budget
  • Consistent Ability to Meet Schedule
  • Consistent Ability to Achieve Quality Requirements
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Defined and Streamlined Workflows
  • Faster Mobilization
  • Full Financial Visibility and Transparency
  • Integration and Leverage of Team Experience
  • Reduced Project Risk
  • Significantly Improved Efficiency/Cost Effectiveness


1) Getting Detailed Line Item Proposals from Qualified

(2) Do you have definite LEAN workflows within a collaborative cloud environment?

3) Requiring initial and ongoing training for ALL participants?

4) Measuring acceptance of LEAN processes?

Fundamentals of Efficient Public Sector Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

The Fundamentals of Efficient Public Sector Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery are important to professionals hoping to meet their fiduciary responsibilities by maximizing the use of taxpayer funds.

It is the goal of this document to introduce public sector procurement, facilities management, and administration to the principles, processes, functions, tools, and methods consistent with LEAN construction planning, procurement, and project delivery. The importance of this information is non-trivial. If the information is understood and applied property, the consistent delivery of quality repair, renovation, maintenance, sustainability, and new construction projects on-time and on-budget becomes the norm versus the exception.

Collaborative Transparency – The concept of collaborative transparency simply means the early and ongoing sharing of information throughout a project life-cycle. This is achieved when detailed plans at every level of construction task breakdown, inclusive of labor, material, and equipment descriptions and costs, are shared by all participants and stakeholders. The most common and proven tools for this is a detailed, locally researched unit price book. The tasks should be organized using a common data architecture such as CSI Masterformat in order to maximize efficient use and reuse of information. Collaborative transparency can only occur when all parties have agreed to a multi-party agreement and associated operations manual/ execution guides that drives toward mutually beneficial outcomes. Look ahead planning and continuous improvement are virtually impossible without collaborative transparency and associated systems/frameworks that embedded the process.

Collaborative transparency is just one of several fundamentals serving a building blocks for Efficient Public Sector Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery. As this is simply and introduction to the concept, further insight into Collaborative Transparency will be reserved for other communications. Below is a simple listing the fundamentals, inclusive of Collaborative Transparency

Fundamentals of Efficient Public Sector Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery

  • Collaborative Transparency
  • Best Value Procurement
  • Focus Upon Outcomes
  • Program and Project Based Thinking
  • Full Team Members Trust/Respect
  • Long-term Mutually Beneficial Relationships
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Regular Third-party Compliance Audits
  • Mandatory Initial and Ongoing Training for ALL Participants and Stakeholders
  • Enabling Technology

The rampant failures and waste associated with traditional construction planing, procurement, and project delivery and associated inconsistent and inefficient methods of established detailed methods, time ], and cost, can be minimized through the use of LEAN Public Sector Construction Planning, Procurement, and Project Delivery.

Learn more…

Manage it all… with the 4BT best value procurement and project delivery system…

  • Programs
  • Contracts
  • Projects
  • Phases
  • Processes
  • Tasks / Operations