Job Order Contracting – JOC – Should be a Contractors Opportunity to shine!

Job Order Contracting – JOC – Should be a Contractors Opportunity to shine!   With 4BT’s OpenJOC(tm) LEAN Job Order Contracting tools and services, contractor shine and owner benefit… each and every time!

JOC Cascading Service Encounter

OpenJOC Job Order Contracting enables contractors an opportunity to shine.   On-demand, open, transparent, and quality service delivery is the “moment of truth”, a moment that will reoccur each and every time JOC contractors interact with real property owners and building users.

Each encounter can potentially be critical in determining customer satisfaction and loyalty.  Therefore, on-going training, superior tools and processes, quality information, and an integrated, collaborative approach  are paramount.

Leverage the LEAN OpenJOC approach as your opportunity to: – build trust – reinforce quality – build brand identity & increase loyalty.

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