OpenJOC LEAN Job Order Contracting

OpenJOC LEAN Job Order Contracting delivers optimized facility renovation, repair, and minor new construction services via teamwork and the consistent implementation of proven management processes.

OpenJOC LEAN Job Order ContractingOpenJOC LEAN Job Order Contracting

What sets OpenJOC LEAN Job Order Contracting apart?

1. User focus—Focus is upon the user and the organisation with respect to providing the best possible services.  Client/User values define the program and are shared by JOC contractors.
2. Demand driven—Requirements of users and the organisation, derived from strategic and tactics objectives prioritize resource allocation and JOC Program activities.
3. Best Value and Context of Use—Consideration is given to the context of use and achieving best value for resources expended, rather than selection of the lowest bid, or lowest initial cost.
4.  Process oriented—JOC is viewed as a construction delivery process rather than as a means to bypass traditional procurement checks and balances.
5.  Service production— OpenJOC assumes service solutions are co-created by service users and service providers and that both will contribute to continuous improvement and mutual benefit.
8. Relationship management— Long term, mutually beneficial relationships are key to increased productivity.  Knowledge is retained and improvements frequent.
9. Learning process – Training and ongoing learn is a requirement.

What OpenJOC is not!

  1. A service designed to maximize benefits exclusively for the real property owner, without proper reward to and consdieration of contractors.
  2. A mean to bypass traditional procurement checks and balances and/or a means to get projects approve that otherwise would not have been via traditional procurement/construction delivery methods. (see JOC Audits to learn more…)
  3. A service paid for via a % of total construction volume to a JOC consultant who is involved in approving construction projects.
  4. A JOC that is “open book”, i.e. relies upon contractor and subcontractor quotes versus a locally researched and verifiable unit price book. (see JOC Audits to learn more…)
  5. A JOC Program dependent upon spreadsheets and ‘ad hoc’ practices versus application-specific collaborative JOC technology.